Chapter Twenty-two

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Yes I'm posting this early...again :) I'm not sure how it happened but somehow this story made it to 65th on the whats hot list and to say the least I'm supper excited so thank you to everyone who has voted or commented.

I also realised that this story is coming to an end...probably two more chapters and then an epilogue. :( That thought is a mixture of happy and sad.

So I just wanted to say thank you to all of my readers and especially to those of you who have voted and commented...that makes me realllllllly happy.

Vote or maybe even comment if you appreaciate the early post? PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

Thanxs a million

Chapter Twenty-two

 Stella's P.O.V.

 I'm not sure who I was expecting to come in, but whoever it was, I was way off. I turned my head only to find a guy who looked about twenty holding onto a very disgruntled James. James looked like he was about to shit his pants and the other guy looked like someone shoved an angry Moose up his butt.

"James, what the hell are you doing here?" I demanded, not standing up from my chair, for fear of what Grumpy Butt might do.

"Dropping by for a visit?" he said, although it sounded more like a question. I sighed angrily as Grumpy Butt dragged James over to the unoccupied chair and shoved him down roughly, pulling some rope out of his over sized, gangster pant pockets and tying him up; too tight according to the look on James's face.

James looked like he was about to protest but Grumpy Butt snarled like a Bitchy dog and James shut his mouth.

He turned his cold eyes on me and I almost shrunk back but managed to stay cool and just stare at him with out interest. "Why the fuck are you untied?" he exclaimed bitterly. I shrugged, ignoring the pain that laced through me at the movement. "Damn armature's, making my life so fucking difficult all the time. Leaving the hostage untied," Grumpy butt mumbled, coming over and tying me up as well.

He made a point to yank them extra tight around my already sore and tender wrists. I winced slightly but other wise didn't react. "Umm, excuse me," I said politely. Grumpy Butt sent a glare my way before answering.

"What," he spat. It was then that I noticed how incredibly unattractive he was. His greasy brown hair was messy, not in a hot way, and his teeth were chipped and yellow. He wreaked of smoke and his nose was crooked.

"What's your name?" I asked. He looked at me like I was dog crap stuck to his shoe before answering me curtly.

"Zee," Hmm, weird name.

"Cool beans," I declared. Suddenly Zee's face turned enraged and I barley saw his hand flying at my face until I felt the crack of skin on skin. It took a moment for the shock to wear off but when it did I felt the searing pain. I heard James call my name but I ignored him, recovering from the blow quickly.

"Have you ever though about taking anger management classes?" I asked curiously, willing my voice to be steady. Again his hand came up to slap me but this time a voice stopped him.

"What do you think your doing!" came Blades enraged voice from the door way. I almost laughed at the look on Zee's face but managed to stop myself.

"Teaching this little fucker a lesson," Zee snarled, sending me a murderous glare.

"Its true Blade, I was very bad. I mean really, I asked him his name! What was I thinking," I said sarcastically, pretending to be upset by my actions.

Rolling with the punchesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora