Chapter Twenty-five

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~Important note at the end :) Be sure to read~

Chapter Twenty-five

Kyler's P.O.V.

 I woke up to an aching head and an even more aching side. I rolled my head to the side to see Mira sleeping peacefully on the opposite end of the bed with Terri and Harley sprawled out between us. A smile lit up my face at the thought of my family being safe from harm.

It fell right off when I remembered that we would be going home today. Sean insisted that we stay until I was better but I couldn't find it in me to impose on his generosity anymore.

Although I didn't even really know him, Sean would always be one of the most respected people in my life.

I painfully pulled myself out of bed, ready to put on the charade that the bullet wound didn't hurt me. That would be the only way Stella, Mira or Sean would let me leave.

I crept out of the room, so as to not wake the others, and into the kitchen to get some water. I found Stella there as well, slumped against the counter with a glass of milk in her hands, looking exhausted and broken. When she heard me enter she straightened up and glanced at me. The bruises on her face were beginning to fade but still looked painful; I couldn't help the flood of guilt that washed over me.

If it wasn't for me none of this would have happened. She would be at school with her friends, goofing off and having fun. Not here, bruised and broken.

"Hey Kyler," she greeted, I almost took at step back at how completely happy she if I hadn't put her through any of that stuff.

"Hey Stella," I mumbled, the shock wearing off. I got some water and leaned on the counter next to her. I knew that I had to say something when I had the chance so I did. "Hey Stell, I never did get to thank you for everything you did for me," I told her.

She sent me a ‘are-you-crazy’ look so I explained. "Well, first off for being my friend, even when I didn't think I wanted a friend. And second off, for coming with me to clean up the mess I created. And then getting me out of that building even when your own life was endangered. And then getting caught when it should have been me in that chair," she grimaced at the word chair. "And for talking that guy out of shooting us so I didn't have to shoot him," this time her grimace was slightly pain filled but I kept going. "And for finding out what was on the chip so I didn't make a stupid mistake and give it to the wrong person," I said in a rush, uncomfortable with talking about stuff like this.

She just stared at me for a full five minutes before she said anything. "Kyler, I'm not sure if you understand. You don't have to thank me for any of those things, not one of them because doing all of those things brought me back to life. I feel this is where I'm supposed to be, what I'm supposed to do. To help people who really need it," she explained.

Happiness bubbled up inside of me when she told me this, I somehow had myself convinced that she would hate me for having done this to her but that's stupid because she’s Stella, and she's good to the core. It's like every fibre of her being strives to be better and to do good.

I couldn't help the smile that broke loose on my face as I scooped her up in my arms. She laughed though I'm sure she was in pain by the way her body was tense, even though she didn't complain.

I set her down and ruffled her hair.

"Well, everyone is here and safe and that's all I can ask for," I told her. She nodded and smiled.


I walked into the door of my house, Stella and Sean following behind me along with the rest of my siblings. "Stay back," I ordered, feeling uneasy as I checked the house before they came in...just to be sure. Of course Stella didn't listen to me, but when does she?

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