Chapter three

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This is more of a filler chapter so its not to long 

And also i would reallllly appreciate some sort of feed back....any sort of feed back, even if its bad if its not to much trouble 

Thanx a million! :) 


Chapter Three

As I strolled towards my fifth period class I was lost in my thoughts. There was something off about Kyler, something wrong; I just wished I knew what it was. I didn't believe that someone could be that shy without a reason. There were so many questions running through my mind. As I entered science I vowed that I would try to help him any way I could.

I quickly sat down in my assigned seat, rite at the front of the room. I'm a good student with good grade and a good attitude, yet I'm still placed front and center. 

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Tara, "Feeling any better?" she asked, I shrugged. "Where did you go?"

I didn't really feel the need to tell her about Kyler, it didn't seem like the sort of thing I should go gossiping to all my friends about, so I just said, "Meh, just around" not giving any specifics.

She could tell that I wasn't going to say anything else so she just went back to doodling on her page.

Sighing I slouched in my seat and stared straight ahead. The bell rang and my teacher Mr. Prince ambled into the room and shut the door behind him. He went to his desk at the front then wandered around, collecting papers and getting organised.

He continued this for a few minutes while the class chattered away and I just stared into space.

"Okay," was all that Mr. Prince had to say to bring dead silence into the room. Mr Prince was shorter than me and balding; he always wore a button up shirt that he tucked into his pants. Out of all my teachers he had the best sense of humour but when he mean business there's no joking around. "get our you notes" he continued as he set up his old school overhead projector rite in front of his brand new smart board. A loud groan was heard coming from the class, but I just got out my notebook and a pen. I liked notes, they made the impossible task of studying so much easier, and teachers couldn't assign them for homework.

After taking twenty minutes of notes he gave us a worksheet that me and Tara finished within minutes, then I read for the remainder of the period. 


In gym the teacher made us play dodge ball, and there's not much to say about that except that I spent a large amount of time sitting on the ground counting the floor tiles.

My dad picked me up from school so I got home early. I immediately went downstairs to my bedroom, closed the door, turned on the radio and laid down with my book.

My bed room is purple...and I mean very purple. Three of the walls are a solid lavender type color while the other is striped in three shades of purple and one shade of brown. I have an abstract painting on one of the solid walls that includes all of the colors from the striped wall and my bed spread and pillows are all purple as well.

I had lost track of the time when there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I called, Sydney's head popped in. "Dad says its super time, oh and after super can I watch a movie in here?" she asked giving me puppy dog eyes

"Fine," I gave in "but you have to ask Paige if she wants to join us" I finished. If I was going to have bonding time I might as well do it all at once. She nodded, happy to have gotten her way, and headed upstairs for super.

I sighed and hoisted myself off my bed following after her. I entered the kitchen and sat down at my spot, quickly filling my plate with the Steak, potatoes and corn that were placed in front of me. My dad blessed the food and I dug in.

"How was your day Stell?" my mom asked me as I stuffed my face with potatoes.

"Meh ok I guess, pretty boring...but its school so I guess I can't expect much more than that." I said once I had swallowed my food.

"That's good, what about you girls?" she said to Paige and Sydney.

Sydney answered first, "My day sucked because at recess Ben threw snow at me and Tommy pushed me over." she crossed her arms and huffed like it was the end of the world, although to a nine year old it just might seem like it is...oh how I long for the carefree days of childhood. Paige just said "good" like she always does and the rest of super was spent listening to mom and dad talk about business.

After everyone finished I cleared the plates and put them in the dishwasher without a word of complaint or argument, knowing that it would change nothing.

I finished, wiped my hands and went downstairs to find Sydney in my room looking through my movies.

"What do you want to watch?" she asked over her shoulder as I plopped down on the couch and picked up my book.

"Whatever you feel like, I don't really care" I said not taking my eyes off the print.

"Is Paige coming?" I questioned absentmindedly.

"Yeah but she has to feed her horses first" she said picking up a movie. "Twilight it is then!" she declared excitedly. She took my favourite movie out of its case and turned on the DVD player, popping it in and settling into my bean bag chair to watch.

A while later Paige walked in with red cheeks and numb fingers, rubbing them together to bring back the circulation. "Sheesh! It's freezing out there!" she exclaimed animatedly.

"Haha, -20 degrees Celsius baby" I remarked with a smile "Got to love Canada" I continued. 

She sighed and sat down on my couch to watch the rest of the movie.

While I was sitting there reading and quoting lines off the movie that I had seen half a million times I got a text from James. 


ME: Why helllooo there, what's up with you? 

JAMES: nothing much, board out of my mind, wbu? 

ME: Watching a movie with the little sibs  

JAMES: haha let me guess, Twilight? 

ME: Guilty as charged :P 

JAMES: wow you know your cool when...;) 

ME: hey hey, stop the bus, Syd picked it out not me...this time lol 

JAMES: AHH I see, so you've rubbed off on them :P 

ME: youuu know it J 

JAMES: Something wrong Stell? you've been really out of it lately

At this I really didn't know how to respond, I wasn't ok but there wasn't a specific reason. Something just wasn't rite, or maybe I was just board with my life, but either way I was pretty sure he wouldn't understand, nor would he be able to do any thing to help so decided lying would be easier than trying to explain my messed up version of a mind.  

ME: ya I'm ok, just really tired I guess, I haven't been sleeping 2 well 

JAMES: Ok then, just know that I'm always here if you need to talk

I smiled at this, happy that I was lucky enough to have such great friends, but the smile quickly fell off my face as I cursed my self for feeling like they weren't enough.

ME: Thanx Jae, I'm gonna go to bed so ill ttyl J 

JAMES: kk, night 

ME: night

I sighed deeply as the end credits came on, completely forgetting that my little sisters were still in the room.

"You ok Stell?" Paige asked, standing up and stretching.

I put on a fake smile and answered her "Ya, I'm good, now you two go to bed, I'll see you in the morning." I said shooing them out the door and closing it behind them.

I turned off the light and laid down in bed, staring into the calming blackness, doing my best to empty my mind of everything.

Thirty minutes later, I was asleep.

Rolling with the punchesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora