By ShBlackEagle

21.5K 897 526

When he lost her , he lost his life. His kindness , his courage , his personality. She was right , he lost ev... More



848 30 28
By ShBlackEagle

"Who is my little princess? Who is my little princess? You little one! You!" Hiccup was talking loudly to his newborn daughter who was lying on his arm and clapping as he was singing.

Hiccup kissed her forehead as little one giggled adorably."Gods! Why are you so beautiful? pfft... what am I saying? When you are Astrid's daughter, you must be that beautiful."

Hiccup put his daughter into her cradle and pecks her nose.

"Come on Hiccup! You are spoiling her!" an angel voice came from behind. He closed his eyes and smirked.

There she was, his beautiful lovely wife, the one and the only: Astrid Hofferson. It's been a year since they got married and just two months after dragons left them.

As his wife took her daughter in her arms, he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"What? Trying to get me in the mood? Sorry chief today is not your day. It's Sapphire's day!" Astrid said. Hiccup grinned as he kissed her cheek.

"What? Can't a husband show how much he loves his wife? Is it forbidden?" Astrid smiled and got off from his embrace. He frowned. She put Sapphire on their bed and began get her suitable dress for tonight.

"When it stops the wife to do her jobs, yes! It is forbidden." Hiccup pouted but she pretended she didn't see it. He sat next to her and looked at his girls. For a while there was an awkward silent between them. When she finished dressing Sapphire, she lifted her up

"My little daughter is ready. Hiccup won't you pleas-" but she got cut when Hiccup pulled her on his lap.

"What the...What are you doing Hiccup?" he grinned playfully and kissed her lips. She got shocked at first but kissed him back. He pulled apart and put his forehead on hers.

"Since I'm the chief, I make rules! So I order that husbands can show their love to their wifes whenever they want! No complaint accepts!" Astrid smiled.

"Who says I complain about it?" they kissed again. When they were kissing, they heard a sneeze. Astrid broke the kiss and looked down; saw Sapphire looking at them with a blank expression. She chuckled.

"Looks like Sapphire is not used to this stuff." Hiccup chuckled and let her get off from his lap.

"Well, we will see when she grows up!"

"Okay Mr. Chief! Let's get ready for tonight. You don't want to be late for Sapphire's party, do you?"


In the great hall, everyone was happy. Music could be heard, dance floor was full of people and you could see happiness in people's eyes.

Then, the gates opened as the chief and his wife with their newborn daughter in her arms walked in the great hall. Everyone clapped their hands and cheered. Someone even whistled.

Hiccup smiled and guided Astrid to sit on her chair. Hiccup stood on the platform and rose his hands, gestured them to be quiet.

When people became quiet, Hiccup cleared his throat.

"Today is the best day in my life! My daughter or should I say my future heir has born! And now I want to share my happiness with all of you. Please offer yourselves drinks in my party." again, everybody cheered and clapped.

Hiccup turned back to Astrid and Sapphire in her arms, playing with her. He smiled warmly and came near her.

"Aren't you the cutie? My little baby! My....oh! Hey Hiccup! Speech finished?" She became nervous when she heard his chuckle. Hiccup loved the times when he catches her while she is acting soft and girly, opposite of other times.

"Aww...Look like someone is on her other side?" He teased her. Astrid looked away and blushed.

"Shut up! Hiccup." once again, he laughed.

"Hey! Don't bother my daughter in law." They turned around and saw Valka is coming to them.

"Hey mom/ hey Valka." Astrid and Hiccup said together. Valka smiled. Hiccup turned back to Astrid.

"Okay, where were we? Aha! Since when did you become that girly?"

Astrid turned red as he laughed again. Hiccup kissed her cheek.

"But that's what I love about you." Astrid smiled. Hiccup looked down at Sapphire.

"WHAT? When it comes to daddy, you fall asleep? It's not fair. Mommy's girl!" he pouted as Astrid laughed. She gave Sapphire to Valka and turned to Hiccup.

"That's just for making you happy!" She said and dragged him to the dance floor.

That night was amazing. No pressure, no sadness, no pain. There was Hiccup and Astrid and love! They had a new member and who makes them a real family. Hiccup wished it could be like this in two hours too.

After dancing and drinking, the couple made their way to their daughter. Then they saw Heather and Eret coming toward them with their two years boy.

"Hi Astrid! Hi chief!" the girls hugged each other.

"Oh, gods! Is he Hroar? The last time I saw him was a week ago but he grew up fast." Astrid said as Heather smiled.

"Well, that's a good point. He will be a great Viking." Heather said as she looked at Eret." just like his father!" Eret smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist. Astrid patted the boy's head playfully."You! Little boy will be a great friend for my daughter! Heather's blood flowing through you veins. I can say that."

They laughed but the boy couldn't understand why. Eret looked at Hiccup."Chief, would you mind to drink a glass?"

"Of course not! Astrid, you stay with Sapphire?"

"I'm her mother. Don't worry and go have some fun." Hiccup smiled at her and joined the other men.

Astrid smiled and took her sleeping Sapphire back from Valka. She sat on her chair and stared at the cheering people. Heather came near her with Hroar.

"Wow...mom! The bady... is preddy!" Hroar said as he looked at Sapphire. Heather and Astrid looked at each other and laughed.

"Looks like, Hroar is in love! But slow down boy! You are just two and she is just born."

"Yeah, Hroar. It's not the right time to have a crush." The mothers laughed again.

"Mom! Look! Tony and Tonya are playyying! Let's go!" Hroar tugged Heather's sleeve and tried to drag her to the twins. Heather chuckled.

"Okay Hroar. We'll go. Bye Astrid bye Sapphire." She said and left. Astrid sighed and looked down at Sapphire. She was very beautiful like an angel. Her rosy lips and baby blue eyes were like sky made her more beautiful.

Then, something caught Astrid's attention from outside. She could swear she saw a dragon through the window. Astrid stood up with Sapphire in her arms. She made her way to the window as she tried to see clearer.

She got near the window and tried to see outside. Nothing was there, just the silent forest.

"Heyyyy....Milady! What took you there?" Hiccup wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheeks repeatedly. But Astrid just focused on outside.

"Hiccup! Can you please hold Sapphire while I'm gone? Just for ten minutes?" Hiccup pouted childlike. He was really drunk.

"You want to go? Noooo! Stay with Hiccy...." He said as he swung his wine glass in air. Astrid sighed.

"Just for a ten minutes! Then Astrid comes and plays with you...Okay?" Hiccup smiled.

"FIIIINNNEE! But after a kiss!" He pulled her waist and kissed her lips passionately. Astrid put her arms around his neck and kissed him back. After ten minutes they pulled apart and gazed at each other.

"So...may I go now?"

"You may. But come back soon!"

"I will." They let go of each other. Astrid waved back to him and left the great hall.

Since everyone was at the party, no one was around the village. Astrid was curious about what she saw. A dragon? It was impossible! They left mouths ago.

She first got her axe from her back and went to the forest. She was sneaking on nothing but she knew something is up. She could hear some snoring smell blood.

After a while she couldn't find anything but the voices were still clear. The exact time she was about to back she heard a crash.

"What was that?" she asked herself. She followed the voice again and found something she expected the last.

"A changewing?"

There it was. A wounded dragon surrounded by its blood. Astrid ran to it and knelt down to look closer. She didn't notice she put her axe on bloods.

"Oh, gods...What happened to you?" the dragon groaned. She looked closer and found the wound. First she tried to touch it but the dragon groaned.

"Don't worry. I don't want to harm you." They gazed at each other eyes. Then Astrid took out her hand, waiting to feel its head. And it did! Astrid tripped her long dress and wrapped it around the dragon's body.

"You will be okay. Don't worry...I'll go and bring help." She said to the dragon and got her axe.

"Oh no! It became bloody." She embedded her axe into a tree and ran to the village. She didn't even make it to see houses when two strong paws caught her from shoulders.

"Oh great Odin's ghost. This is it! AHHHHHHH..."

She looked up and saw that Changewing.

"What? You couldn't move but now you are...FLYING!" the dragon threw her above and she landed on its back.

"What's wrong with you? Bring me to the town." But then she realized they are getting farther.

"Where are you taking me big boy?" again it didn't answer. She let out a sigh.

"As long as you don't eat me, I'm okay with it." she crossed her arms.

They flew about an hour cross the sea. The sky was full of dark clouds and lightening may attack.

"I'm sure you don't have any clues where you are taking me." She said angrily, but a sudden move from her startled her.

"What's wrong?" then she noticed hundreds of dragons are coming to them. She clung into the dragon so they don't see her.

"Where are we going big boy?" she whispered to him. Then she noticed dragons including the Changewing are following something. She looked in front and saw...


He was guiding other dragons to circle around a vortex like they were waiting for something.

While there was a huge maelstrom, lightening attacks the vortex and made it deeper. She saw Toothless groaned and dived to the vortex!

"What?" then after him, other dragons followed him. Then she felt the changewing is ready to dive.

"Don't you dare...." But it was too late. The dragon dived to the vortex!

She thought she will die soon so she closed her eyes, ready to hug the death. But she didn't even feel the water. Astrid opened her eyes and amazed of what she saw.

Another world...

An underwater land...

An underwater land for dragons!


Everyone gasped as she finished her story. Her head was down and she was looking at her feet. Hiccup looked Astrid with widen eyes. So that's why she was gone for ten years.

"So, you mean an underworld? A place under oceans for dragons?" Eret asked.

"Yes, it was the place where they have been hiding. It was like here but underwater..." she was holding back her tears.

"Then why didn't you come back?" Sapphire asked. Astrid looked at her and sighed.

"I couldn't. The vortex only opened by some kind of spells every decade. I couldn't come back."

"But half of the dragons came back five years after...then...?" Astrid looked at Hiccup whose face had the same question. She tried hard not to sob.

"After years of trying to break the spell, I finally did it. With Toothless power and skirl; but when I made them free the spell could not take any longer so I and other dragons waited for more years..." Hiccup looked at her hurt face. She tried to avoid any eye connect with him.

"When you got free, why didn't you come back to us again?" this time it was Hiccup's question.

"I...." she couldn't find the words."I..."

"You what?" Astrid broke in tears.

"I was scared! Scared that you won't believe me and think I left you! Scared that if I came back, Sapphire won't accept me as a mother. Scared that you won't accept me again." She shouted and ran out of the hall.

Hiccup watched her leaving. This time he knew she won't leave him. Hiccup could she hurt so much.

"Dad, does Mom come back?" He looked down and saw Sapphire with sad eyes. He faked a smile and knelt on one knee. He held her hands.

"She will. Don't worry. We will be a family again." He kissed her forehead. He let out her hands and followed Astrid.

When he got out from the great hall, he didn't see her. But he wasn't scared anymore; knowing Astrid would never leave him again gives him hope to find her. After some times he realized he knew where she is. He went to the edge of the harbor saw Astrid holding herself tightly and looking at the sea.

Hiccup smiled and walked by her side but she turned her head away. He sighed, knowing she won't talk to him so he started:

"Once I was here, looking to the sea as my father was going to get killed himself." Hiccup looked at her but she didn't move a muscle."I was scared, scared to lose my father, my friend and my tribe. You know what happened next?" Astrid didn't answer." Someone helped me; a young beautiful girl whom I had my eyes on her since I was born. You know what she told me?" Astrid shook her head in no.

Hiccup smiled."She inspired me with her words, telling me I wasn't a crowd. She told me I was brave because I ride a dragon not a weak boy who wouldn't kill a dragon." He turned to her and held her hands. Astrid looked down and tried to escape from his eye.

"Astrid! Now I'm telling you, you are a brave person who devoted herself to go and made her family happy. You are always my number one. I forgave you before you even came here. I always knew you will come to me again. "

Tears were falling from her eyes as he was telling those words. He wiped them away with his thump. Then she looked at him with glassy eyes.

"You...forgave me?"But he didn't answer just a grin appeared on his face made Astrid chuckled a bit.

"What's with this grin?" She put a finger on his lips.

"THIS!" then he lifts her in bride style."What? Hiccup put me down!"

But he didn't listen and whistled. Toothless and Stormfly appeared in the sky. Toothless landed on ground and Hiccup mounted on him.

"Hiccup! Where are you taking me? The last time someone took me I was gone for ten years!" Hiccup chuckled."Don't worry. You like that, I promise."

"And how is that?"

"Well, some Hiccupy way to show I forgave you!" She smiled. They flew to the sky as Stormfly followed them.



The longest chapter I've ever written!

Are you tired? Because I am. Anyways, this was the story that explains why Astrid was gone...Like you didn't know-.-

Okay, next chapter is just for Hiccstrid shippers! So wait for some love times...and don't think in bad ways!

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