Demolition Lovers [[GERARD WA...

By Fabbyulous1

66.1K 3.8K 3.3K

This. This is the story of- The bulimic bitch. This. This is the story of- The alcoholic asshole. This. This... More

It's Probably Not Important
Getting Out
I Didn't Realize Things Would Only Get Worse From Here
Secrets, Secrets
To Forget
Tattoos, Desperate Eyes, and Bullshit Lies
The Weirdest Thing
Storytime With Eric
Two Months Later: As Told By Nathan Sanders
Two Months Later: As Told by Bethany Sanders and Gerard Way
Two Months Later: As Told By Frank Iero
Special Kinda Hell
Kill All Your Friends
What the Hell is Going On
Words That Were Never Meant To Be Said
Hide N Seek
Maze Runner
Kiss Me You Animal
Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun
Meanwhile, Amidst the Drama, Frank and Brendon are Playing Go Fish
And On This Weeks Episode of CSI...
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
I Saw You Cry but You Pretended it Didnt Happen Just Because it was Easier
Mistakes Were Made
This Wasnt Acting
Vodka Enduced Moodswings
Patrick: Real Estate Agent Extraordinaire
Daddy's Home
Some People Deserve to Die
She's a Butcher with a Smile
Are You there God? Its Me, Gerard Way.
What is your Gold?
Bad Omen
The Happening
One Missed Call
Left Out in the Cold
Thirty Minutes
Its Real This Time

Two Of The Same

1.6K 98 129
By Fabbyulous1

-Beth's POV-

My entire body froze when Gerard put his lips against mine. I quickly turned my head to the side out of panic, separating our lips. I could hear him grunt in frustration as I kept my eyes on the ground.

"You wouldn't have to forget if it never happened." I said hoarsely, my eyes still on the floor as I tried to control all the emotions I was feeling at once.

"But what if I wanted it to?" Gerard tilted his head to meet my eyes again, his glassy eyes staring into mine.

"Then you wouldn't want to forget." I stared at him, trying to calm myself down before slowly trying to maneuver out of his grasp.

As I was about to shuffle away, Gerard grabbed my wrist and I gasped.

"Why-What's wrong with you?" He asked, staring into my eyes.

I felt tears brim my own eyes. "You're drunk." I whispered. "Please let me go."

He let go and leaned against the wall, not taking his eyes away from me. I backed up slowly until I also was leaning against the opposite wall.

I never understood why people felt the need to drown themselves in alcohol, and I'm hoping I never will. I couldn't help but feel so helpless in this situation. I thought Gerard had been intimidating before, but now...

He had kissed me.

I know he was drunk, but...but I'd never been kissed before. And I guess it kind of hurt to know that your first kiss didn't even really mean it.

But then again, there weren't many people in my life who truly cared anyway.

I unknowingly brought my fingers up my lips as I looked down at the ground.

I heard Gerard chuckle and looked up, quickly realizing what I'd done. "You likedddd it." He smirked.


That's enough.

I felt angry and confused; why did all of this happen to me? It was this place. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

Trying to control myself from starting to sob, I walked over to the door and began to grab my bags.

"And just," I looked up to see a confused Gerard glaring at me, "And just what the hell are you doing?" He slurred at me, looking annoyed.

I just looked down and continued to pick up my bags, standing up when I was finished. "Tell-," I breathed shakily, "Tell Nate I'll call him." I finished, not giving him the time to react before I walked out the door and closed it behind me.

I breathed shakily, walking into the night air, before stopping in front of the car Gerard and I had been in earlier. That's when I reached into my sweatpants pocket and pulled out the keys I'd grabbed from the counter without Gerard noticing.

This is stealing.

I was breaking the law.

This is wrong.

But I had no other means of transportation, and I needed to get away from this place. These people. The brother I thought I knew...

I unlocked the car, shoved my bags in the back, and drove off, tears beginning to slowly fall down my cheeks as I looked back at the apartment one last time. Hopefully Gerard wouldn't come outside, thinking I wouldn't make it far. All I know is that I have until Nathan and Brendon return before anyone realizes that I was seriously gone.

But then again, they probably wouldn't care, would they? No one cared what I did...

So I kept driving off into the dark, hoping that my fresh start in Monroe would allow me to forget this place, these people...

But then I quickly remembered Gerard's kiss.

...Did I want to forget?...


He was drunk...

He didn't mean it...

He didn't care...

Why would he?...

People like me don't find love. They just fall in love, but it's too late by the time they realize there's no one there to catch them.

-Gerard's POV-

I brought my hands to my head in frustration. What was with that girl? She obviously like it when I kissed her, I mean who wouldn't, so why stop me? What's with her and her fucking problem with damn beer? Like I get it, daddy was an alcoholic, but shit get over it!

I slid against the wall until I was sitting on the floor, a massive headache beginning to ripple through my brain; Brendon wasn't the only who who had four beers. The room around me looked blurry, but all I could think about was Beth. I'd kissed her. And she wanted more. The way she touched her lips; she wanted more. Maybe when she got back from her little temper tantrum, I could finally get what I wanted...

Her eyes though.

Damn. Every time I thought I knew what I wanted form her, I remembered her eyes. They fucking terrified me because they reminded me so much of my own...And I knew what happened to people who had that look in their eyes...I knew it too damn well.

So much of a person who was so close to giving up...

Why the hell did I care though? She's just Nathan's hot as hell little sister...

She's just-

I heard the door open and looked over, expecting to be Beth.


I looked at a glassy eyes Nathan holding a paper bag in one hand with Brendon next to him holding two six packs.

They stared at me for a couple of seconds before Nathan decided to speak.

"B-Beth?" He stuttered, more drunk than I thought he was.

"Went for a walk or some shit." I rubbed my temples, deciding to leave out the part where I'd kissed her. Nathan nodded, looking confused, but being too drunk to really process anything. Brendon put the beer on the kitchen counter before grabbing one and turning back with a dumbass grin on his face.

He'd always been that annoyingly happy drunk that wanted to go off and find the fucking sword in the stone and slay dragons and shit.

Me however-

All I knew was that I needed a beer. Or two. Or fuck it, an entire six at this point. Anything to try and erase Beth from my mind.

I'd se her again when she came back...

But right now, all I needed to do was forget.

"Toss me two." I nodded at Brendon who decided to throw the goddamn bear like baseballs at my face. I caught them but didn't feel like yelling at him, so I took a seat next to Nathan on the couch.

He glanced at me, an entire bottle of liquor in his hand.

"Bottoms up." I said solemnly before downing the burning liquid.

-Beth's POV-

I'd been driving for almost two hours now, the darkness of the night making me nervous. I was on a long road, and since it was the middle of the night, no one was on it. My mind was racing with thoughts and I kept shaking my head in order to focus on the road.

What was Nathan going to do once he found out that I practically stole one of his cars?

Would Gerard remember what happened?

Why do people keep hurting me?

I tried not to worry about it because Nathan didn't know where I was attending college. For all he knew, I could be halfway across the country. They couldn't get to me. I had to leave them behind...

But then I began thinking about when Gerard's lips had been on mine. It was short, but it was my first time, and the feeling had different than anything if ever experienced. I didn't even know this boy, so why did he have such an affect on me. I couldn't-

Suddenly, the car jerks to the side, causing to to bang my head against the glass window. I panicked and realized that while I was see in thought, I'd managed to run half the car off the road. It was too dark for me to see and the steepness of the rough made it difficult for me to be able to try and get back on the road. My heart continued to beat a million times per second as I attempted to turn back on the road, but just as I was about to regain stabilization, my headlights caught sight of s sudden large road sign, a road sign I was heading directly towards.

And I barely had time to scream before I jerked the wheel, but it was too late. Half the car hit the sign, and my body swung forward, causing me to slam my head and face against the steering wheel, I stand pain coursing throughout my nerves.

I must have blacked out for a few minutes out of shock, for when I woke up, my head felt like someone had bashed it with a hammer. I slowly rose up from the steering wheel and realized that I had a cut just under my hairline that was leaking blood, with a large purple bruise that had already formed around it. I opened the car door weakly and stumbled out, trying not to pass out as the dizziness from the first couple of steps on hard ground began to over bear me.

I sat down and leaned against the back of the car. I couldn't think straight and I felt like I was about to pass out.

I began to reach to for my phone.

But who was I going to call?

Not Nathan.

Maybe I could just wa-

"Holy shit-"

I resisted the urge to scream as I suddenly heard a voice come from the side of the car. My head hurt to much to turn, so I just sat there in paralyzed fear.

"What happened? Are you ok?" I heard a boy's voice say again, and then I was able to see someone standing in front of me through my blurry vision.

That's when I couldn't hold it in anymore. I didn't know what to do, so I just began to sob uncontrollably. Everything. Everything was too much  and I could never seem to catch a break.

I felt someone's hands on my shoulders. "Hey, it's ok!" I heard the voice begin again. "You're ok, and the car doesn't look that bad either! Can you stand up?"

I didn't listen to his words only because I could barely even acknowledge that he as there. Between the pain and my sobbing, I could hardly see or concentrate on his being there.

He didn't say anything for a minute; he must have realized that I wasn't crying because of the car.

"Are you ok?" He began again. "Can you atleast tell me you're name so I can get some help?"

My heart stopped. Help? No. I couldn't go to a hospital. I didn't have any money.

"No!" I yelled out desperately. No one could know this happened.

I was finally able to stop sobbing, and even though my head still felt like a boulder had been dropped on it, I was able to blink a few times and finally open my eyes. And for the first time since the crash, I could see my surroundings clearly.

And to my complete surprise, I saw an extremely attractive guy kneeling in front of me. I widened my eyes, immediately beginning to feel self conscious about the fact that Id just crashed a car and had sobbed about in front of a complete stranger.

"Please tell me your name. I'm not going to hurt you, ok?"

He looked at me with serious eyes and I nodded slowly, sending ripples of pain to where the cut and bruise were.

"I'm Frank by the way-"

AND SO WE MEET OUR FIFTH CHARACTER! Come on you guys, you honestly didn't expect me to write a Gerard way fan fic without including our favorite Frankie, now did you? I hope that chapter was ok, and I know it seemed random, but if you're confused, the next couple of chapters should be able to clear things up. I hope you're enjoying it so far, and please feel free to tell me what you think in the comments! Thanks to everyone who has read and commented so far! You're all amazing! STAY FABULOUS *MUAH*


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