First Thought, Best Thought (...

By ixel631

43.8K 3K 1K


Black Smoke (Prologue)
Nice To Meet You
Not Wanting To Loose You
New Roommate
Mr. Dehaan
What You Think
It's Not What It Seems
One and Only
Heat Of The Moment
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Curiosity Killed The Cat 2
New Regrets
Unknown Files
Not Bad, Joe
This Is My Confession
This Is My Confession 2
Lay Us Down
PART 2: My Souls Are In Hell
Old Habits Die Hard
I Don't Care
Souls Never Die
Mighty Fall

I Don't Feel A Thing For You

1.1K 90 20
By ixel631

Patrick's Pov

I was headed to Joe's dorm, before I saw Brendon that same direction talking to some of his friends. I tried turning around the other way before he could see me but...

"Patrick!" I ignored him picking up my pace. I felt him grabbing my arm, pulling me to face him.

"Hey, where are you going?" "Brendon let go of my arm" "Okay, whatever you want Trick, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Why don't you just go bother Dallon or someone else and leave me alone!"

"Ah, I see your still jealous about the whole Dallon-"

"Jealous? I don't feel anything for you anymore. Why don't you just leave!"

He got closer to me putting his arms around my waist. I was struggling to get out of his hold. "So if I kiss you right now you wouldn't kiss me back... Patrick I doubt all the love you had for me is gone."

"Well it is, your the one that wanted it this way."

"Baby, just give me another chance, Dallon doesn't mean anything to me anymore."

"I'd be the stupidest person in the world to take you back. Now let go of me."

"No, not until you realize-"

"You heard him. Let him go!" I looked to see Pete staring at Brendon with anger. I managed to release myself from his grip running to Pete before anything bad happens.

"Wentz... Your the reason why Patrick doesn't want to be with me anymore!"

"Pete let's go" his eyes were piercing red. I couldn't get him to calm down, I could not even touch him, at this point. He was only forced on what Brendon was doing.

"You know Patrick, your a hypocrite. You acted so innocent, when you found about Dallon and I. When in fact your were also messing around with him."

"Don't you dare compare Patrick to yourself! Or all make you choke on your own words."

He laughed, "I'm not scared of you Wentz, if anybody is going to be choked it's you."

I looked around and students around the campus were all staring at us, waiting for a fight.

"Please Pete let's go... Your heating up" I muttered. He looked at me and nodded, I could see he was trying to calm down. We were about to walk away before Brendon pulled me again towards him. "Your not going anywhere, with him."

Pete wanted to pull me back, but he knew what would happen to me if he did. "I'm getting sick of you."

"I could say the exact thing. Lets just ends this now!" Brendon put his fist in the air swinging to Pete's face. Before he could hit him Pete grabbed his hand, slowly Brendon was crying in agony. I could hear his hand sizzling. Pete knocked him to the ground Brendon still in pain, a few of his friends came running to help him one was even on the phone probably calling an ambulance. Pete looked at me one more time, before running off.



"I heard what was going on how did Pete-"

I didn't have time to listen, I needed to go after him. "I have to go." I started running towards the same direction he went hopefully I can still keep up.

Okay more or less this is how I wanted the chapter to be. Anyway the next chapter relates back to the prologue Black Smoke.

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