Cute Guys And Their Lies

By cutecake

205K 2.1K 372

(Used to be called: A Player's Gonna Play) (COMPLETED!) Ava's view on love is.. well, to put it in simple ter... More

1: Cute Guys And Their Lies
2: Two Many Hot Guys In This School
3: Nope, not gonna look.
4: What The Hell Happened?
5:Tag, you're a hoe.
6: Ava The Slut.
7: Dramatic Whores.
8: I thought you were a douche..?
9: Mr. Classy And Cute
10: Wanna Have A Slumber Party In My Basement?
11: Gettin' Slizzard
12: Try Not To Rape Me, Ava.
13: Ava's Breaking Point.
14: Baby Maker
15: Tick. Tick. BOOM.
16: Will, The New Boy
17: Cheater
18: New Friends
19: Awkward
20: Mean Girl
21: Astonishing Ava
22: Prom, Are You Ready For Us?
23: Prom Night
24: Prom After-Party!
24: Senior Trip
25: Recovery
27: Cake Fight!
28: Reflections (THE END)

26: Dead Serious

4.9K 46 25
By cutecake

Cute Guys And Their Lies - Dead Serious

In strolled Nick's mother. You know, his mother who died of cancer. She looked like she had been crying due to the fact that her eyes were rimmed with red, her wig was beyond tangled, and she was sniffling. I guess the tissue she was blowing her brains into gave me reinforcement to my idea. Her body was frail, hunched, and a whole lot sicker than I remembered. The cancer has seriously taken a toll on her structure. She's so thin it's almost unbelievable.

"Um...?" Why was she here? Shouldn't she be with her son bailing him out or something?
Surprisingly enough, her tone was fierce and laced with what I could only describe as pure and complete hatred. "You little deceiving bitch!" She growled.

"What the hell?" She was wagging her finger at me, and it kind of reminded me of a scary movie. There's always a scene where some creepy and excessively wrinkly person with a scratchy voice exclaims at the unknowing bystander who happens to be cursed. Except I'm not cursed. I hope.
"Excuse me?!" Emily shrieked at the same moment.

And in the matching instant my mother cried out something protective and motherly, defending my honor yet cursing the old woman for being such a Debbie Downer. I mean I've already been stabbed by her son, what more could she want?
"You!" She screamed louder, getting even closer to me. Alex and Aiden were on the defensive immediately. "My son loved you!" Her tone was close to tears.

Okay, bi-polar cancer stricken old hag needs to get on her meds already before my brother's crush her bony ass.

"He would never!" She seemed to be talking to herself, as she kind of caught this lost look in her eyes. But she was still stepping one wobbly leg in front of the other, and she still was a threat.

I pressed the call nurse button.

"Emilia! Calm down!" My mother commanded.

"You know he did!" She screamed, coming even closer to me.

This is beyond freaky.. I thought Nick said she was dead? Why is she here, in my hospital room? Why is she so pissed? Her son chose to stab me! I didn't have any part of it. Why the hell isn't this nurse here yet?!

"He said you were dead." I looked up at her. "Why the hell aren't you dead?" That was kind of rude, now that I think about it. But apparently we're past the friendly chit chat and on to the creepy banter.
"Ava!" my mother hissed.

"What?" I asked innocently, already knowing that she picked up on my rudeness as well. Mothers are good at that, always knowing when their child is being rude and whatnot.

"What's going on here?" My dad asked, looking kind of confused as he walked through the door. "What's with all the yelling?"
"Some creepy dead woman is after me." Should I be surprised? No. I've sinned so much, it's not even that big of a deal anymore.
"What?" my father looked disbelieving before turning to my mother and asking her instead of me, seeing as I'm obviously not thinking straight.
My mother opened her mouth to retell the events but a nurse came in, took one look at Nick's mother, Emilia who was struggling in Alex's grip and bolted from the room, screaming for security. She didn't even know the story, so I hope she was calling them on Emilia and not my brother. Seeing as my brother is like super tatted up at the moment, she probably thought he was a criminal or something. Especially since Emilia is so little and fragile looking.
But that bitch is crazy.

Chemo must be taking a toll. Even her wig looked matted and gross.
"...It's complicated." I assured him.
Evan walked back in, looking a lot better than before. Now he looked refreshed and oh so yummy. Maybe it's my medication and its effect on my hormones, but I'd love a piece of that right about now. Kinky, dirty, enjoyable hospital sex.

"I feel high." I stated after a head-rush and a wave of dizziness. Now that I think about it, it's kind of hot in here. Mm, let's take off all our clothes. My mom and dad need to leave and send in a hot doctor. Maybe he's a stripper by night, under the name of "The Love Doctor". That'd be so clever and hot. Except stripping is kind of gross if it's done slow. I like it fast. Oh yeah.

"Ava are you okay?" Evan leaned over me.
"Um.." which one of him should I talk to? All three of them are moving, oddly doing the exact same thing. My stomach lurched and it sent a wave of pain through my abdomen. Fuck being stabbed, this hurts! "..Yeah."

The nurse came back in, about fifty security guards behind her looking tough. They took Emilia away, once my mother had explained what happened. All the while she screamed at me and I kind of ignored it as I looked up at Evan with a huge, totally goofy grin on my face. It's go time babe. "You don't look so-"

"She's dizzy, hot, and her stomach hurts." Aiden clarified for them. They didn't question it, for our special twinny powers were already revealed. The Double A's. Aiden & Ava, out to save the day! I mean Ava & Aiden. Since I'm cooler, I'm listed first. And I'm hotter.

"..Nurse!" My mother called.

I licked my lips and grabbed Evan's collar, pulling him closer to me. "Well don't you look yummy today." I complimented him. It's true, grey fitted polo's don't look good on everyone, but of course Evan works it. If there's one thing I learned about him during the year, it's that he's definite model material. No questions asked.

"Um.. Ava.. I don't think you should-"

"So is that a yes or a yes?"

"Um..." Why was he hesitating?

"You're my sister, quit being gross." Alex commanded, his voice coming out with that big brother tone that was the very bane of my existence.
"You're my brother, quit being annoying."
"I'm not annoying."
"My bad.. Bothersome."

"That's why you're a slut."
"Your music sucks."
"We've been number one for eight weeks!"
"People think that if they buy your songs you'll get so rich you'll quit ruining music for them."
Aiden made a sizzling noise and high fived me. "I've taught you well." I smirked at Alex, who's eyes were narrowed threateningly in my direction.

"I'm going to stab you." He laughed. "Oh wait. Someone already did."
"Alex!" My mom hissed. What's with this woman and hissing today? "Stop being inconsiderate!"
Oh so she's going to pretend to be the good mom while dad is around? Hm, why haven't I seen much of her lately? Why haven't we had a family dinner in like two million years? Where's my boy talk? Who hasn't told me to stay away from boys and their extreme hormones?

"HA." I stuck my tongue out at him. Is it hot in here or is that just the excess from the grilling Alex's getting?

"You!" My mother snapped, turning towards me. Uh oh. "You are supposed to be on bed rest, not cuddling with Mr. Rockstar over there."
Oh come on, Collin's normal. And she loves him. She's been trying to get me to get with him for a really long time. "I am resting." I closed my eyes. "See?"
"You know what Ava?" She sounded kind of mad so I dropped the sarcasm act and opened my eyes. "You are being beyond selfish here."
"Definitely." Why argue?

My agreement through her off track. I could tell because she lost the angry look. Soon Emily whisked her off to meet with my lawyer. Apparently there's going to be a trial.

I wonder if it's going to be like off of Law And Order. Or Judge Judy.

Then my dad began his awkward goodbye. He tried to hug me but I kind of just brushed it off casually and examined my nails. I need a manicure, ASAP. When it came time to hug Alex and Aiden it was really awkward as they patted each other on the back.
Meanwhile my friends just kind of chatted quietly so as not to bask in the embarrassing moments of my family. If we could even be called a family. We're just so.. screwed. I can't remember the last time we were actually perfect and whole. But then again, I can't say I miss it.

"Well, I'll talk to you later Aves."
"Sure." I wouldn't even waste my breath talking to him if I could help it. Not that he's going to call. He just needs to say something so everyone thinks he's a good man even though he left his wife and three children.

Once the door closed behind him, I let out a breath between my lips. "Glad that's over."

"Yeah..." Alex and Aiden agreed at the same time.

"Anyone see Transformers?" I asked, just to break the tension.

There was an murmur of no's.

What to say now?


"You're going to help me break into graduation." The looks on Kyle and Collin's faces were completely contrasting. Kyle looked pained and Collin looked devious.

See, my mom and doctor both agreed that me visiting graduation would not be good for my.. condition. I guess stab wounds and high school seniors don't mix. But I don't really care, because I want to go and nobody can stop me. I can't miss out on something this huge. This is a super important chapter in my life, and apparently it's a big deal to the media. They're planning on covering the entire thing as a part of a special on my stabbing.

It was so weird talking to the MTV and Teen Nick execs on the story. They wanted to know every little thing, even though personally I felt it wasn't that big of a deal. I, like thousands (maybe even millions) of other teenage girls, was stabbed. I didn't find it that juicy, but I guess Hollywood wants my story. And who would I be to deny them that right?
Okay, maybe I want to do a TV thing. It'll be so cool. And a life-changing experience, seeing as I'll be speaking out against domestic and relationship violence and abuse.

Thank you Nick for opening all kinds of doors for me.
"We're going to do what?" Kyle seemed put-off by the idea, his tone suggesting that he believed it was a bad idea to even consider. Well too bad, because I'm doing it.
"I'm down." Collin was quick to assure me, his own smile matching the one forming on my face due to his excited tone. It's not everyday you get to break a girl out of a hospital to take her to a graduation, huh?

"No." Kyle said, totally blunt about it.

"What?" Who the hell does he think he is? My father? Newsflash, I don't have one of those anymore.
"It's not cool." His tone was entirely to serious and un-Kyle-like for my tastes.
After much debating and arguing, it was set. Kyle would do it, but only if we had the right tools and information. And much to my dismay, his plan included me either using a walking stick or a wheelchair.

Oh. My. God. I'll be like an old woman, rolling around on top of everyone's feet, not even noticing the pain caused by my bulky seat on wheels. No. Freaking. Way. Will I ever live that down even if I did roll up in a wheelchair? That's like coming to the red carpet in tennis shoes. It's just not happening. "I'm not using a damn wheelchair!" I cried. Is Kyle insane? Does he want me to die of social suicide?

I know that I'm usually not the one to care about social standings and rules, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

"We can bedazzle it." He tried to pitch the idea but instead of convincing me, he put a horrific image of a blinged out wheelchair in my mind.
Kyle, I need the old Kyle back. "Tacky." I think that image is forever in my brain. I'll never be able to rid myself of it. It'll give me nightmares until I'm seventy two and flirting with the young aids in my nursing home.

Seeing as we three were alone in my hospital room, it's safe to discuss such devious things. Everyone had said goodbye about ten minutes ago, some claiming they'd come back to see me after they've rested and showered and stuff. Alex, Aiden, and the other members of my brother's band left to crash at our house. My guess is they have some serious jet-lag and need to sleep it off before they pass out of sleep deprivation.
"You could make it look cute." He assured me.

"No, she can't." Collin completely disagreed.
I turned to him, eyes narrowed. "So you're calling me ugly now?"
"Well.. yeah."
"That's why your tattoos are lame."
"You mean sexy."
"Whatever floats your boat." I said under my breath before turning back to Kyle. "No wheelchairs."
"Yes wheelchairs."
"Please Kyle! I'll do anything you want!"
I let out a breath in relief. "Good."
"I want you to be safe and use a wheelchair."
"I'm not riding in one."
"You are!"




"Children please!" Collin yelled, stoping our yelling match but never discouraging our glaring match. It's livid, and Kyle is kind of scaring me with his seriousness right now, but I'm not going to lose. I have to win this. Don't blink. Don't blink. Don't blink.

"I brought donuts." Evan cheered from the doorway. My head snapped towards the scent of fresh donuts on its own. Damn my sugar addiction.
"Have I ever told you you're sexy?" I held my arms out for the donuts, and Evan made his way over towards me with a grin.

"Once or twice." He shrugged indifferently before placing one donut wrapped in a donut sheet in my hand. It's still warm. I rolled my eyes playfully before devouring the entire thing in like three seconds flat.
"...Ew." Collin commented on my greedy behavior.
"I'm a sugar addict. Shut up." Was I embarrassed? No. was I worried they'd think I was a fatty? No. Was I concerned that it'd go to my thighs? No. It's not in my nature to be fazed like that. I know I'm skinny, no need to worry.
"That's not attractive."
"Your tattoos aren't attractive."

"Actually, they are."
"You know what Collin-"

"So I ran into Drew today." Evan interrupted. His face hardened a little. On the first day of school I could've sworn that Drew and Evan were BFFL's when I first met them. They were both equally eager to meet me when I first started school.
"And?" I asked for more information.

"I think we fought."
"You think?" Collin asked, sounding kind of sarcastic. Usually he's just sarcastic with me since I know that he's just joking, but my guess is that he's annoyed with Evan because his sarcasm was kind of random and snappy.

"How?" I wasn't surprised. Drew was definitely high when he came to visit me, and kind of jumpy and the way he entered the room suggested he wasn't allowed inside. Then.. he kissed me. It was really awkward and not really all that awesome since he was stoned as hell, so if he doesn't remember it, I'm not going to refresh his memory. Let's hope he forgets all about it. I do not want to talk about it.

"He.. well.. I.." he made a face. "I really don't know."
"Oh.." That wasn't as juicy as I hoped.

"Some nurse broke it up, he cussed her out, and then ran." He got a thought in his mind. "Did he come here?"
To lie or not to lie. That is the question. "Um.. yeah. He did." Chances are, he won't ask me what happened, so I don't have to say we kissed. But if he does.. well, I don't want to lie about it. But what are the odds that he'll ask me if we kissed? Zero to zero. Impossible.

"So what happened?"
I opened my mouth to reply something not dramatic and totally not kiss related, but Collin beat me to the punch. "He was stoned as fuck and then he kissed her."

Evan looked thoroughly shocked for a moment until he nodded in understanding. But then he kind of wrinkled his nose in disgust, which tore at my heart. Was he disgusted with me because Drew kissed me? "It was really awkward and gross." I assured him, kind of feeling bad about the whole thing now.

Damn, I feel like a slut and I didn't even do anything.

"He was really into it, all lovey dovey and stuff-"

"Shut up Collin." I hissed, watching as Evan looked even more grossed out. "He was not." He so was.

"It's true!" He defended himself.
"I, uh.. I need to go use the restroom." Restroom? Can't he say potty like a normal person? Evan got up to leave the room quickly but I stopped him.
No way in hell is he going to run away from this. "It was nothing. He was high, it was nothing."
"What was nothing?" Drew asked, strolling into the room looking considerably better. He wasn't high anymore, and didn't look like the drugs had affected him. He looked like his usual bad boy self, except a little brighter and well-rested.

"I thought you didn't like her." Evan accused.
"I lied." Drew gave a little smirk.

"That's breaking a rule."
"I'm not some douche in a contest over a girl." Drew reminded him, the smirk evermore apparent on his facial features. He was seriously getting under Evan's skin, I could tell easily.
"You couldn't win even if you did join." Evan retorted back slickly.
"Guys. Play nice." I gave them a look, stopping their little stare down. Is that how Kyle and I looked? "We're all a big happy family here." I grabbed onto Collin and Kyle for good measure.
"Incest fest." Collin commented, half way joking.

I pressed the button to talk to the nurse. "Yes Miss Richards?" The sweet lady asked. Is this hospital luxury or what?

"I need something to eat." I wanted to be as nice as possible to her. "Please."

"Dear what would you like? We have sugar free oatmeal, banana crème milkshakes with zero calories, a granola crunch bar, low fat chicken noodle soup with carrots and parsley, mashed potatoes with greenbeans-"

What kind of gross mess are they trying to feed me? "How about Cap'N Crunch?"

"I'm sorry dear.. but you are on a soft diet. Only soft foods."

I mouthed a 'what the fuck' to the boys, who were watching me and surprisingly playing nice like I asked. Evan and Drew were far away from each other though. "Um.. do you have anything not healthy?"
"Miss Richards, here at Memorial Mercy Hospital and Treatment Center, we only offer the most beneficial foods to best serve our patients personal needs."
Blah and more blah. "So that's a no?"

"No dear. We just have a strict dietary policy that needs to stay intact at all times."
"Oh.. well, I'm not hungry anymore. Bye." I disconnected the call. "Which one of you is going to buy me something yummy and soft?"
"I have something yummy and... well, nevermind." I rolled my eyes at Collin's poorly hidden innuendo. I'm hungry, now is not the time for that, I'm starving over here.

"Seriously. I need food."

"You're still hungry?" Kyle asked incredulously.

"That was one freakin' donut!" I defended myself. He can't seriously think that'll fill me up.

"More than enough calories."
"Do I care?" I asked Collin. "No, I don't. Dieting is for losers."
"I knew you looked fatter." He poked my stomach and I yelped then smacked his hand away.
"Stitches, dude. Stitches." I hissed, feeling that annoying burn spread through my stomach. Then I pressed the button to dose me up with more morphine. Earlier I was laying on it, therefore dripping me more than enough of it and causing me to get kind of loopy and high. The nurse strapped it up higher so that wouldn't happen again. "And I'm not fat." I imagined myself fat and grimaced. "Shut up!"

"Aren't we going to talk about what needs to be talked about?" Evan asked out of the blue.
"No." I assured him. "Talking is for dieting losers. And since none of us are on a diet, we're not going to talk."
"Don't make me talk about it!" I begged, immediately sensing that he was serious.
He sighed, looking dejected but willing. "Fine."
"Thank you wonderful." I gave him a smile before turning to Kyle. "Can you pretty please go buy me three apple pies from the shop in the basement?"
"Three?!" Collin shrieked.
I didn't bother, I just pleaded with my eyes that Kyle would do it. He rolled his eyes but his smile was playful and friendly. "...Okay."
"Dude I love you." I grabbed him into a hug before jumping away and grabbing my stomach that was now burning like crazy.

"Are you okay?" Drew asked, looking concerned at my stomach.
"Peachy." Before Kyle could leave out of the room, I reminded him that I like apple and apple only. Blueberry was gross, strawberry was to gooey and tasted like medicine, and the raspberry was just all wrong and tasted fake. Apple was the only one that was perfectly balanced and sugary. Kyle gave me an A-Okay sign before bustling down the hallway.

"Okay.. here's what happened. Drew was stoned. He kissed me. Some nurse came back in and kicked him out." I rushed through my explanation, wanting Evan to stop looking at me like I killed his puppy.

There was a silence for a few minutes in which I just looked back and forth between Evan and Drew. Evan looked.. unreadable and Drew looked kind of smug.

"Yeah..." Weren't they going to talk about it? Well, isn't this awkward.

"So are we.. are we done?" Evan's facial expression was kind of confused yet wondering.

Were we ever even back on? I mean, I thought we were just prom dates.. not like an actual item. "Were we..?" I didn't even need to say it, I'm sure he understood what I was talking about.

"I thought.."
"I don't know..."
"Well, um.. Let's just forget it."
"Deal." Are we a couple? I didn't want to ask.

"Ava, I have someone here who needs to speak with you." My mother came in through the door, an older guy behind her. He looked to be about 25 or 26, kind of cute if you liked the smart type (he definitely looked smart), and nervous. When his eyes landed on me, they widened.

I guess I looked kind of ew right now, chillin' in a room with three guys, my hair a mess, no makeup, and a wrinkled hospital gown. Oh yeah, definitely sexy.

His eyes roamed over Drew, Evan, and finally Collin, whose arms were wrapped around me still. My mom eyed Collin as well, but didn't say anything since she was basically in love with the idea of Collin and me together.
"Um.. hi." I said weakly before asking my mom for the hair tie that was around her arm. She gave it to me with a knowing smile, knowing that I realized how icky I must look. Then I used my phone's front camera to tie it into a ponytail.
He cleared his throat and sent me a weak smile as he reached his hand out to mine. I sat up a little and shook it. "I'm Parker, your uh.. your lawyer." I smiled at him, a real one. This is the guy who's going to help me put Nick behind bars. He pulled his hand from mine, the smile still kind of weak and nervous. Why is he so nervous? "Now your mother has told me a.. uh, a lot about you." He sat his business-y briefcase down on the little table and clicked it open. "Now I understand that Nicolas has done a lot involving you and your psychical and mental state." Was he saying Nick drove me crazy? Well, I'm not crazy. I just have a hard time actually liking people. But I doubt that's Nick's fault. "I want you to know that as your lawyer and.." He looked up at me and blinked. Um... what? "And.. uh," He cleared his throat and looked back down at the papers he was shuffling though inside of the briefcase. "A possible future friend, I will be here to support your legal decisions."

"I think we can be friends." I gave him a smile again, hoping to stop him from looking so nervous.

"Um.. yeah. Sure." He still wouldn't look at me.

"He thinks you're hot." Collin whispered in my ear. I jabbed him in the ribs without looking away from Parker.

Collin groaned, clutching his stomach. He gained everyone's attention and my mother asked him if he was alright. "I'm fine.. Some wild beast just attacked me randomly, that's all."

"..I'm not going to question it." She said, her smile joking and light. Glad to see my real mother is back and not being soul sucked by her tragic ex-husband and his nineteen year old gold-digger.

"Continue, Parker." My mother smiled at him politely.
And he launched into the details of my court story. Apparently the media wants details, details, and more details. However, I can only dish certain things. The only thing that was on my mind was graduation. I can't wait to break out of this freakin' hospital and have some fun.
Let's just hope my stitches hold.

Oh, and I was thinking of Nick's mom. Like.. how was she alive?

Do you guys want a sequel? I don't want to drag this out, so...

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