Remember the Times

By memories_evanesce

229K 9.3K 792

Tiana Waters and Jason Cooke were childhood friends and at one point a couple, that is until after college. T... More

Cannes, France
Reunion Part 2
I Remember
Forgive Forget
Mama Know
The Next Day
A Day With The Ladies
Make Up
The Spot
The Reason
Realization Pt. 2
Did I?
Let It Burn
The Decision


6.6K 282 15
By memories_evanesce

(Tiana's POV)

The following day I woken to a FaceTime request from a friend in France just as I was about to drift back off to sleep. I eased from under my cover and open up the request.


"Se lever et briller l'amour"

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes

"It's five over here" he said in his French accent.

I look over at my phone that was on the charger on my nightstand and checked the time. It read 8:00 A. M.

"Okay wha- what's going on?" I asked, " Is everything alright over there?"

"Yes everything is fine I'm just checking on you" He smiled

"I appreciate that Alain, but can I go back to sleep?" I asked sliding back under my cover.

"You're going to sleep your life away beautiful"

"I know," I responded, " let me"

He chuckled and said, " Sweet Dreams mon amour"

"Adieu M. Devereaux" I said before powering off my Voodoo Envy Laptop and going back to sleep.


Today the ladies are finally letting me see my God Babies and I absolutely cannot wait; they're the perfect distraction, with everything that's going on between Jason and I.

"No, I can't wait" I said talking to Maya.

"Well get your butt over here miss thang so you can meet them" Maya said into the phone.

"Alright I'll be there soon...Okay see ya"

Two hours later I pulled into Maya's driveway in front of the door. Upon exiting my car, I looked around in awe. You know I really didn't notice how beautiful her home was; from the stamped concrete driveway to the beautiful landscape. My sister has done very well for herself.

Maya walked out of her stain glass double doors and greeted me with a hug.

"Well it's about time" Maya said easing away from me.

"My mother do live in Malibu M' two hours away, sweetie"

"Well come" she said taking my hands, "the ladies are here as well along with our husbands"

"The hubbies are here too?" I joked.

"Yes they are, and they want to meet the famous Tiana Waters that their wives always talk about"

"Awww I would like to meet them too"

"Awesome now let's go"

We walked into a beautiful foyer.
"So exactly how many bedrooms"

"Five bedrooms five baths" she answered as we headed to the living.

"Well alright then Ms. Lambert"

"I know, right?" Maya smiled.

When we get into the living room, Catalina and Layla was sitting on the couch. Catalina was brushing her daughter Isabella's hair while Layla's two year old daughter Daniel was playing with build blocks and little Daen was playing with some Tool Workshop thing. They were absolutely adorable.

"Ti'ti!" Layla exclaimed walking over to me and embracing me in a hug.

"Hey mama" I greeted before releasing her and air kissing Catalina on the side of her face."How are you gorgeous?" I asked as she puts her daughter's hair up in a ponytail.


"Oh my God she is so precious" I gushed as I looked at her in adoration, "can I?" I asked holding my arms out.

"Of course sweetie." Catalina said handing me her child" After all you are their" Godmother" she added.

Just holding baby Isabella had me envious. These sweet bundles of joy and I don't have one of my own. God I so want one.

"Hello Isabella" I greeted.

She gave me the most adorable smile and waved, "Hi"


"What's your name?" She asked me in the most cutest way.

"I'm Tiana"

"Tiana" she repeated.

"That's right" I looked back at Catalina with my puppy dog eyes and my pout. Catalina returned a pout of her own.

"Oh the men are in the kitchen" Maya stated before calling out to them.

When they came Into the living room I handed Isabella back to her mother and went around the table to meet them. Maya started, introducing her husband first.

"Tiana this is my husband Eamon Young"

"It's a pleasure to meet you" I said extending my hands.

"Likewise. It's nice to finally meet you my wife won't stop talking about you"

"Awww that's so sweet. By the way your home is beautiful"

"Thank you I appreciate that"

I nodded. Catalina introduces her husband next. "Ti'ti this is my husband Jevonne Sutton"

"Hello how are you"

"Hello Mr. Sutton. Nice to meet you" I greeted shaking his hands, before turning to the final man. "So you must be Layla's Fiance"

"Cameron Matthews. Nice to meet you" he said, extending his hands

"Nice to meet you Mr. Matthews"

I stepped back and analyzed the men: I have to say, my sisters sure has great taste. Eamon Young who looks to be Puerto Rican with his naturally curly hair or so I think and his brown eyes. Jevonne Sutton; African-American, tall framed light skinned, light brown eyes which is very beautiful. And Cameron Matthews; a handsome caucasian with short cut brown hair and green eyes.

"You all are very handsome by the way" I complimented. They all thanked me. "Ladies you sure know how to pick them"

"Of course" Catalina responded with while Layla flipped her hair and said, "well thank you"

I laughed at my crazy sisters- they're too much

After the men retreated back in the kitchen, the ladies started bombarding me with questions.

"So what's been going on with you and Jason?" Layla asked.

Of course that would be the first thing they bring up. "Girl when is nothing ever going on with Jason" I responded with as I interact with Daen and Daniel.

"You two had another argument?" Catalina pried

"Two actually" I stated.

"Was it about Alison?" Maya asked as she sat alongside Daen watching him play with his tool workshop.

"Her and just our relationship in general"

"Such as"Maya pressed.

"You know just how our relationship will change once he's married. He's so callow, he actually believe our relationship will remain as it's always been. We all know good and got damn well it won't"

"Yeah" the ladies nodded in agreement, "you're right about that"

"So have you ever thought about what you will do once he's married off?" Catalina queried

"Maybe find you a special someone, you know settle down have a few children?" Layla added

"You know anyone back at home?" Maya asked.

I chuckled, "It's funny that you say that"

"What? You have someone back home? Tell us" she smiled.

"Conveniently enough, I have this friend"


"Alain Devereaux "

"Cute?" Layla questioned

"He's gorgeous"

"Oh, det's please" she said excitedly.

"Well he's 5'10. He has gorgeous ocean blue eyes and get this, he has beautiful long brown hair"

"Oh I love men with long hair" Layla responded feigning falling over.

"Alright now, don't let Cameron here you say that" Maya joked. We all laughed. "Sounds like you struck gold honey. So does he know you have a thing for him?" She then asked.

"Oh, not me" I instantly corrected.

"What are you talking about?" Catalina asked.

"I'm not the one with the crush"

"Wait he has the crush on you?" Layla asked.

"Actually it's alot deeper than that"

"Like how?" Maya questioned.

"I mean, he actually professed his love to me."

"What?!" Layla said abruptly, "and you two aren't dating?"

I shook my head, "mm mmn, nope"

"And why is that?" Catalina asked.

I shot the ladies the 'You know why' look referring to Jason.

"Because of Jason?" Catalina asked.

"Yes because of Jason." I answered.


"I don't know. It's just I guess, I always thought he would come back to me. You know Chase me to France and profess his love for me again. Like in the fairytales, but he never did"

"I always hope for that for you two as well. You two were perfect together" Layla added.

"Instead he proposed to another woman"

"Which we never agreed with by the way" Catalina responded.

I gave them a faint smile, "Thank you, you guys"

"Of course sweetie."

"So... do you think maybe it's time you move on from him"

"Hmmm do I have a choice"

"Afraid not love"

"I think you should give Alain a chance. You already know he's in love with you, so why not go for it" Layla stated.

"Maybe I should tell Jason about him first I don't want to spring all this on him at once even though he had no problem springing his engagement on me, well you guy's did, but I pressed, but so what"

"Yeah, no, you should definitely tell him, maybe for like a sense of closure you know " Layla said.

"Agreed" Maya concurred. "Yes most definitely" Catalina coincided.

"Yeah most definitely" I nodded, "but not right now. I want to enjoy my beautiful God Babies" I shrieked, handing Daniel a build block....

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