Dauntless life (sequel to Tri...

By TMIdivergent3

17.1K 714 191

SEQUEL TO TRIS PEDRAD Claire Eaton is finally a teenager. Being the eldest of five kids she wasn't exactly ex... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 5

531 26 8
By TMIdivergent3

I wake up and notice I'm not in my bed and remember that I fell asleep on the beanbag.

"Hey sweetie," mom says

"Hi mom what time is it?" I ask.

"Around 1:30," mom says grabbing some socks the boys left off the ground.

"Why did you let me sleep so late?" I ask.

"Well I thought you'd want as much sleep as you want for you party tonight," mom says.

"Well thanks," I say and head to the kitchen

"We got you some cake," mom says.

"Ooh yay!" I squeal and run to the kitchen. I hear my mom chuckle at my actions.

"Claire can I have some?" I hear Jackson ask.

"Sure buddy," I say and set him on the counter and give him a bite.

"Nummy," he says.

"It is," I say.

"You leave tonight?" He asks me.

"Just for a couple hours. How about when I get home I go in you room and sleep there. Like a little sleep over," I say.

"Ya ya," he says with excitement.

"You've got to make sure your room is ready," I say setting him down.

"Otay," he says and runs off to his room.

"Someone is excited," dad says coming into the kitchen.

"I said I'll have a sleep over with him once I get home from the party," I say eating some cake.

"That's nice of you," he says eyeballing the cake.

"Dad you are 28 not a child anymore stop eyeballing the cake," I say

"That doesn't mean i can't love it," he says

"But your old we can't love the same thing," I say.

"I'm not that old," he says.

"You have 5 children and one on the way," I say.

"That doesn't mean I'm old," dad says.

"Well you are," I say and eat the last bite of cake 

"Your lucky your my daughter and didn't give me a bite of cake," he says and kisses my head and I leave the living room and play games on my phone for awhile. It's soon 3:15 so I text Blake before I head over to their house.

C~ hey Blakey boo

B~ hey Claire bear

C~what's up?

B~getting forced to pick out clothes for the party tonight by Kimberly

C~when it comes to clothes she goes a little haywire

B~it's soooo annoying

C~ like you

B~hey that's not very nice

C~yes it is

B~you're annoying too

C~I'll take that as a compliment

B~should I take it as a compliment?

C~yes it's part of you

B~you actually made sense for once


B~ well I gtg my sis is forcing me to the mall to get new clothes.

C~ sorry that sucks!!! Bye!!

I put my phone down we texted for a while and wait in my room. I got on the computer that used to be in the control room and listen to music.

"Claire it's almost time for you to go to the party!" Mom shouts over the music. I turn the music down and head downstairs and head out to Ks house.

"Bye!" I shout as I shut the door behind me and walk to Ks house.

"Hey C!" K says and hugs me.

"Hey K," I say and give her a hug.

"Quick we have to get ready!" She squeals and drags me up to her room. She gives me my clothes and I quickly change and so did K. She puts red lipstick on me with mascara and eyeliner.

"That all you can put on my face,". I say and put on my combat boots.

"Ok I'll finish my makeup and you do your hair quick," K say sitting infront of her mirror. I grab a brush and put my hair in a high ponytail and go downstairs.

"Hey Claire," I hear Blake say.

"Hey Blakey boo," I say and give him a hug. He just gives me the really look.

"Blakey boo?" K asks.

"His nickname," I say.

"You have a nick name for him?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"Yes," I say.

"That's sooooo cute!" She squeals.

"Here that Claire-bear," Blake says nudging my Arm.

"You two are the cutest couple!" She squeals

"We aren't a couple," Blake and I say.

"Wow I sound like Colin and Henry," I say.

"Well let's go to the party," K says waking towards the door and I follow and get pulled back. Blake intertwines our hands together and we leave. We arrive at the party and there is people everywhere. Where I'm assuming the living room should be a whole bunch of people were dancing to the loud music.

"Wanna dance!" Blake shouts over the music. I nod and we go to the crowd of people.

"I'll be with Oliver!" K shouts but it sounds like a whisper.

"What song is this?" I ask.

"They are switching it," he says.

"I'm an idiot," I say and blush.

"You're cute when you blush," he says and the a slow song comes on.

"This is a request by Oliver! Only slow song for tonight so find a partner and get dancing!" The DJ shouts into the mic.

"Come on," I say dragging him towards the center of the floor.

"Let's dance," he says grabbing my waist and pulling me close. I blush and wrap my arms around his neck and we sway to the song.

"You ok?" I ask once I see him staring at someone in the distance.

"Oliver needs to move his hands above the equator,"he says with an angry look on his face.

"Hey she's fine," I say and rest my head on his chest which seems to ease him.

"Thanks Claire-bear," he says kissing the top of my head.

"Anytime Blakey boo," I say. We away to the music until the song is over and then we sit on the couch.


"Wait so your mom and dad are only 26 and 28," Blake says.

"Yep they adopted me when they were 16 and 18," I say.

"My parents had me at 23," he says putting his arm around me.

"Wait they are 38?" I ask.

"Yep they are a lot older than your parents," he says.

"My grandparents are 44," I say.

"Your family is jacked up," Blake says chuckling.

"It sure is," I say and yawn. I curl my legs up and snuggle into his side and slowly fall asleep.

Blake's POV:
I feel Claire snuggle into me and I rest my head back. I smile down at Claire and soon fall asleep.


"Wooohooo!" I jolt up when I hear a person scream. I look down at my watch and realize it's 10:30 and wake up Claire.

"Hey Claire wake up," I say nudging her.

"I don't wanna," she whines so I pick her up bridal style and go find Kimberly.

"Kimberly!?" I shout over all the noise. I don't hear a response except for Claire stirring in her sleep. I make my way through the crowd and see Kimberly dancing with Oliver. I grab her hand and tap her shoulder to get her attention.

"Hey Blake!" She shouts and continues dancing.

"Hey we've gotta go!" I shout.

"I'll get home by myself go take C home," she says. I walk towards the door and head to Claire's house. Once I was about to knock on the door I realized I'd have to face Four. Ok I really need to be good now so I knock and wait for them to open the door. Who opens the door is Jackson Claire's youngest brother.

"Hi buddy I've got to get Claire to her room so she can go to sleep," I say.

"She and I have sleepover in my room," he says.

"Well how about I take her up there," I say.

"Otay come on!" He says with excitement. I chuckle and follow him to his room but once I pass through the living room I realize Four is in there.

"Hi sir," I say.

"Hi who are you?" He says very stern.

"I'm Blake. I'm her b- friend I'm her friend. Kimberley's brother," I say.

"Why are you here?" He asks.

"Stop it you're scaring the poor kid," I hear Six say.

"What he comes in carrying out daughter I have a right to know," he says.

"Well I'm six you must be Blake," she says.

"Ya I just came to drop Claire off she fell asleep towards the end of the party," I say.

"Well I'll take her," Four says reaching towards her.

"Blake can take her. I'll show you her room," six says.

"Jackson said they were having a sleep over once she got back," I say adjusting Claire in my arms.

"I'll show you his room then," she says and leads me up the stairs. I enter Jackson's room and six left to go find him so I laid Claire on the bed.

"Goodnight," I whisper and kiss her forehead and then exit the room.

"Thank you for bringing her home Blake," Six says following behind me.

"Anytime," I say.

"Goodnight," six says and gives me a hug.

"Uhh goodnight?" I say more of a question because of the hug.

"Goodnight Blake," I hear Four from their living room.

"Goodnight sir," I say and head home.

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