Intimate || Les Twins

By CrownMeLiar

35.2K 1.3K 387

Every intimacy carries secreted somewhere below its initial lovely surfaces, the ever-coiled makings of compl... More

1. LIV
2. Decisions
3. Closer
4. Arrival
5. I Feel It
6. His Eyes
7. Shots!
8. Her Lies
9. Promises: Part 1
10. Promises: Part 2
11. Catch Me I'm Falling
12. Blackout
13. Toujours
14. Take Your Medicine
15. Resentment
16. Sexual Frustration
17. On One Knee
18. To Be or Not To Be
19. Wish Granted
20. Tired of Crying: Part 1
21. Tired of Crying: Part 2
22. Emotions
23. Tell Me A Secret
24. Sooner or Later
26. Small Changes
27. His Happiness
28. Unveiled At Last
29. Too Many Games
30. Enfant De L'amour
31. My Baby
32. Back To Normal
33. Woman Of His Dreams
34. No Mistakes
35. Pick & Choose
36. Through Bad Times
37. Welcome Home
38. Cold Feet
39. Mysteries Unfolded
40. New Additions
41. Inprisonment?
42. Awakening
Thank You

25. Mon Bébé

814 28 12
By CrownMeLiar


Aaliyah sat on the counter watching Laurent shuffle around the kitchen with a bowl and a spoon. He went from the dishwasher to the drawers, and found the ice cream scooper. He went into the freezer and grabbed the chocolate ice cream. He looked up at Aaliyah who was just sitting there silently, swinging her feet back and forth.

"You want some?" He asked.

"No, but I do have something to tell you."

He didn't take his eyes off of the ice cream. "What?" He put two scoops into his bowl the washed scooper off and put it and the ice cream away.


He ate a spoonful of his ice cream and glanced up at her. "Um? What is it?" He said looking back at his bowl.

"This morning I went to the um, clinic." She spoke nervously.

"Pour mon bébé ? (For my baby?)" He asked with a little smile on his face as he started to smooth out the ice cream in his bowl.

"To get an abortion," she stated quickly. "But-"

He immediately looked up at her with the spoon in his mouth. Eyes widened and completely in shock he yelled. "You what?!"


"For why?!" He said raising his voice and putting his bowl down. "Aaliyah what the fuck!"

"Please, just listen to me." Aaliyah pled.

"No, why would you do that?" He snarled.

"Laurent listen to what I have to say!" She said watching as he started to fumble with his belt. "Wait what are you doing?"

"I want to put my baby back." He said in complete seriousness.

Aaliyah looked at him like he was crazy. "Huh.. You know that's not possible right?"

"Yes I know but I'm mad!"

She waved her hands. "There's no reason to be. The thing is still there."

He stopped and stared at her still angry. "You sure?"

"I promise." She nodded.

"Okay." He said and put his belt back on. "Why did you try to kill my baby?"

"I didn't.. I couldn't.. I just don't want a baby!" She said putting her head in her hands. "I'm not ready." She cried.

"Don't cry belle, please no." He said pulling her into a hug. "It's okay. You gonna be a good mommy."

She cried more. "I- I.." She couldn't continue. She just cried more and more into his shoulder. He soothed her by gently rubbing her back. He never liked to see her cry, especially not for this reason.

After a few minutes she stopped crying and pulled out of his hug. Her eyes still a bit watery and her long eyelashes appearing wet, he was mesmerized at the color of her eyes again. "You are so beautiful Aaliyah. I'm happy you are the mother of my baby." He said truthfully.
His honest compliments made her smile. She wiped her tears and hopped off the counter. He went back to eating his ice cream but continued to look at her. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of having his own baby soon.

"I'm gonna go lay down, okay?"

Laurent nodded and continued eating his ice cream. He watched as she walked away until she got to the stairs. Nothing but his thoughts started to flood in his mind. He heard his phone vibrate on the counter then he heard his ringtone soon after. He picked it up and seen that it was Larry. He answered taking his spoon out of his mouth. "What's up?"

"Laurent?" A female voice said over the phone.

Lau pulled the phone from his ear and looked at the caller I.D again. It said Larry so was this female on the line. "Who the fuck is this?"

"Jeanée.." She answered.

"Why do have my brothers phone? Why are you calling me? What the fuck do you want?" He asked rudely. The only female he'd ever talk to like that was his ex. The ex that witnessed him proposing to Aaliyah. The one ex he absolutely did not like.

"Why are you mad at me? I did nothing wrong to you."

"Why do you have my twins phone?"

"He's, uhh, talking, with his daughters mother and I ask him if I could use his phone for something, he didn't care anyway."

"He's talking to her forreal? Right?" He asked concerned.

"Quelque chose comme ça. (Something like that.)" She laughed.

Laurent didn't want to believe what she was telling him simply because she was always the one to start something between he and his brother. That was the main reason he stopped being with her. "Hmm.." He hummed in response. "Qu'est-ce que tu veux ? (What do you want)"

"J'ai juste voulu entendre votre voix. (I just wanted to hear your voice.)" Jeanée said in a flirty tone.

"Yeah? You know what I want to hear?" He asked in a flirtatious way.

"What's that?"

"I want to hear you find my brother and give him his phone so I can talk to him while I lay with my fiancée." He said putting his bowl in the sink. Jeanée was silent. Laurent laughed. "Just tell my brother to call me, and next time I don't want to hear you."

Laurent got off the phone and walked upstairs to Aaliyah's room. He couldn't help but think about what Jeanée said about him talking to his daughters mother. His only hope was that his brother wasn't being stupid again. He walked into the room expecting to see Aaliyah laying down but instead she was looking at herself in the closet mirror. She was topless and cupping her breasts in her hands. Lau closed the bedroom door behind him so that she would acknowledge his presence in some way because he didn't speak. She turned her head and made eye contact with him then went back to what she was doing. "What are you doing beautiful?" He asked walking toward her.


He stood behind her. "At what?"

She looked at his reflection along with her own. "My boobs got bigger now I have to buy new bras.. Thanks to this thing in-"

"It's a baby, not thing. Why don't you call it a baby?"

"It's a thing, okay? I will call it a thing until I feel like it's not." She said taking her hands off of her breasts and turning to face him. Laurent couldn't take his eyes off. "Well I see you like them this size."

"No, how you know that?" He said trying his hardest to look away. He couldn't but he managed to glance up at her eyes quickly but went back down to her breasts.

"Your pupils dilated, you don't have to lie. I know you like them like this. They're fuller than before, I know."

"My what..?" He asked still not taking his eyes off her chest. She covered them with a shirt she grabbed off a hanger and as soon as she did that he looked at her face again giving his full attention. "What'd you say?"

"Your pupils dilated."

He had to think about what she was saying. It didn't click right away but after a few seconds he understood. "Why did it do that? Why you watch my eyes so hard?"

"It's something your eyes do when you see something you like." She giggled. "I've noticed it since I met you." She said turning back around toward the mirror. She started unscrewing the little balls on her piercings.

"What are you doing?" He asked watching attentively.

"Taking them out."

"What, why?"

She paused and looked at him. "They're too sore. This thing is changing my body too fast for me."

He squinted at her. "Why don't you just say baby? Will it kill you? You don't even call me your baby."

"Because you're boo. I've always called you that. And yes it will kill me to call the thing that." She said as she finished taking out the piercings and put a shirt on. She looked at herself in the mirror for a second then pulled the shirt up and started putting her piercings back in. "Don't like how it looks without them, never mind."

Laurent shook his head and laughed. He walked to the bathroom. He looked through the medicine cabinet for a painkiller. He'd been having a little back pain for a few days since the last show in Paris. He remembered which bottle Aaliyah told him were the painkillers and grabbed the bottle to open it. He shook two pulls out of the bottle and stared at them. Damn these things look huge... He thought. He put the bottle back and started to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Aaliyah asked meeting him at the bedroom door.

"To get water? So I can take this pills." He answered showing her the pills in his hand.

"Awh, your back still hurts boo?" She cooed at him while rising on to her tippy toes to kiss him.

He nodded. "Mm.. Yeah. I think it will be better tomorrow though. It doesn't hurt that bad but it hurts." He explained looking down at her.

"How about you lay down and relax? I'll go get your water then give you a massage." She smiled.

That wasn't exactly something he'd expect to hear from her. She's never had an impulse to do something for him. Yeah it was a small task but it was all so big to him because she never usually did anything without him asking first. "What? You okay?" He asked feeling her forehead. She laughed and nodded.

"Yes, I'll be right back." She said walking out the door and heading down the stairs. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. Laurent's phone was ringing and she looked at it. The number was unknown so she wasn't going to answer it. While ignoring the ringing phone she went into the cabinet to grab a glass. She poured the water into it and tossed the water bottle in the recycle bin. Just as she was walking out of the kitchen, Laurent's phone rang again but this time it was Larry. The only thing that crossed her mind was if Lau would be mad at her for answering his phone even though she didn't necessarily care. Aaliyah slid over to the counter and answered his phone.


"Puis-je parler à Laurent ? (Can I speak to Laurent?)"

Aaliyah didn't recognize the voice she heard on the line. It definitely wasn't Larry unless he somehow got a pitch altering surgery within 5 days and his voice was now that of a woman's.

"Who is this?" Aaliyah asked.

"Sa petite amie de France. (His girlfriend in France)" Jeanée laughed. "Who are you?"

Aaliyah laughed. She knew exactly who it was now. "What did you say?" She asked rhetorically.

"Oh, you don't speak French? I sai-"

"Girl, I didn't ask you to repeat yourself. And no, you can't speak to Laurent." She rolled her eyes. "I didn't catch your name? What is it again?"

"Jeanée." She said with an attitude.

"Ah, I remember you. Que puis-je pour toi ? (What can I help you with?)"

"I need to talk to him."

"Je ne pense pas. (I think not.) Why do you have Larry's phone?"

Jeanée groaned. "Mettez-le au téléphone, salope ! (Put him on the phone, bitch!)" she said through her teeth.

"Ouais, a été censé que m'effrayer ? (Yeah was that supposed to scare me?)" Aaliyah asked calmly. "Ça n'a pas marche. (It didn't work.)"

"Tu savez que, salope? je- (you know what, bitch? I-)" Jeanée started but was cut off by the phone hanging up. She looked at the phone offended.

Aaliyah walked to the back door and opened it letting her pets into the house. She walked up the stairs with a devilish grin on her face and Lau's phone in her hand. Making people mad was something she absolutely loved doing. The phone started ringing again just as she walked into her room. Laurent turned to look at her who was holding the phone and his water out to him.

"I wouldn't answer that if I was you." She advised. "It's probably an angry ex."

Laurent looked at the caller. It said Larry but he doubted it would actually be him. "How do you know?" He took a few sips of the water, finally taking the pain pills.

"I answered it because it said Larry, and when I answered it was actually Jeanée's mad ass." She said walking into the bathroom and grabbing something from under the sink. She came back to him and sat next to him. "She thought calling me a bitch and growling was gonna scare me or something." He answered the phone hoping that it was his brother this time.

"Hello?" He said slowly.

"Did Jeanée call you from my phone, bro?"

"Larry!" Laurent said happily. It was like he had never been so happy to hear his twins voice. "Larry!" He said through gritted teeth suddenly angry.

"Are you happy to talk to me or no? Did she call you?" Larry asked confused.

"Yes and she disrespect Aaliyah. Why she have your phone, what were you doing?"

Larry chuckled. "Me and Lylah was talking I didn't know she had my phone."

"Talking or fucking?" Aaliyah looked at him weird. She was only hearing one side of the conversation so she wasn't sure what was being talked about.

"Talking. Why would I- Who tell you I did that?" Larry asked slightly offended. "Jeanée said I did that?!"

"She said something like that. I didn't believe so that's why I ask you what you were doing."

"Well no, I did not do nothing with Lylah. I will never do that again I think."

Aaliyah was getting bored waiting for Laurent to get off the phone so she karate chopped him in his side really hard. "Ow!" Laurent yelped and looked at her like she was crazy. "You think? What does that mean Larry?" Lau said to Larry while still having a slight staring contest with Aaliyah. He looked away and she karate chopped him again but in response he slapped her leg this time.

"Hey!" She said and slapped his leg back. He laughed and slapped her leg again. She slapped his arm and he did the same back. It became a never ending cycle because they were now play fighting. Laurent wasn't paying any mind to his twin explaining himself on the phone. Larry realized his brother was laughing at something other than their conversation so he went quiet.

"You weren't listening to what I said." Larry commented.

"Yes I did at first. But Aaliyah was attacking me." He answered trying not to laugh.

"Oh you just so happy with you girlfriend, huh? All the sex and love and fun and I'm 5,763 miles from my girlfriend."

Laurent raised an eyebrow and chuckled at his brother. "Do you always think about that?"


"Sex? Is that what you think about most?"

"No of course not. I love it but I just want to be with her all the time but it's hard because I have stuff here in Paris to do. I need to be around my daughter." Larry said starting to pace where he was. "I love going to the U.S too though. But I don't want to seem like a bad father because I'm never in Paris to see my daughter."


"That's what me and Lylah talk about. I want her to come to the states for a little.. Cause you know we in the states more than Paris. And Lilowe can learn English and see places with me so I can see her more and everything. She said she'll think about it." Even though Larry seemed calm about the whole situation Laurent knew his brother was nervous about it all.

Laurent thought about what to say to comfort his brother. "It will work out Larry. If they don't come to the states I think Shakel will understand if you can't be with her all the time. Well at least not every time I'm around." He said situating himself against the headboard.

"I don't know.. She acts weird when I talk about my daughter. Especially when the girls were in Paris. She got mad at me when I said something about her that night before they left."

"Maybe because she lost her baby. Remember how sad she was? Maybe that's why she doesn't like hearing you talk about Lilowe."

Larry gasped. "I forget that happen to her. And she got mad when.." He paused.

"When what?"

"When I said we had to use condoms.."

Laurent was trying to put the pieces together in his head. Why would Shakel act so weird when Larry brought up his daughter. "Ooh! I know Shakel likes babies so she probably wants one. Her bestfriend is having a baby, you already have a baby, she knows you like babies too. She probably wants to have a baby."

"Her best-.. Aaliyah's pregnant?! By who?!" Larry asked in shock.

"Really funny Larry, it's my baby. Aaliyah gets mad at that question." He said unenthusiastically. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that so don't say anything! But I think Shakel wants to have a baby with you."

Suddenly, Aaliyah came up the stairs with a small dog in her arms and two other dogs behind her. Laurent didn't see them but he heard the sound of chains coming up the stairs. He didn't know what all that noise was, but he figured it was Aaliyah being weird like always. She took the two bigger dogs into the room down the hall and went back to her room with the small one. Laurent looked at her confused. Where the fuck did she get a dog from?

"Whose puppy is that?" He asked looking directly at the yorkie in her hand.

"Mine." She responded sitting on the bed and putting the dog down next to her. He went straight to sniffing Laurent cautiously.

"When did you get it?" He said petting the small dog watching his tail start to wag.

Aaliyah pouted her lips and thought about it. "Sometime last year? I think. But the others I've had for two years."

"Huh? What's this name?" He asked. "Oh! Larry? Why you don't talk? You quiet."

"Uh.. I call you back." Larry said hanging up the phone.

Aaliyah watched how Laurent's interaction with her newest puppy. "Waffle. Remy!" She called and not soon after they could hear the feet of a running dog coming down the hall. Laurent looked at her almost frightened because it sounded like a really big dog. Soon a brindle pit bull came happily into the room and was at Aaliyah's side wagging its tail excitedly. "This is Shakel's dog."

"It reminds me of Larry's dog. He say it's our dog but he is selfish with him." The dog went around to Laurent's side and sniffed him still wagging her tail as he started to pet her. "It's a pit bull?" Aaliyah nodded and smiled.

"Where the hell is Killer?" She said getting up to look outside the door. "Come here Killer." She called down the hall and went back to the bed.

"Killer?!" Laurent asked with wide eyes. A dog with pointy ears peaked around the corner shyly and looked directly at Laurent then at Aaliyah. Laurent scooted very close to Aaliyah slowly while looking at the larger dog hiding by the door frame.

"Lau what are you doing?" Aaliyah asked watching him.

Laurent shook his head. "I'm not comfortable with that dog.. Is too big."

"She won't do anything, she's the one afraid of you." She laughed. "Come here Killer." She cooed. Instead of coming into the room, the dog whined. "Come on mamas." She pat the bed. Slowly the large Doberman Pinscher walked into the room reluctantly. "Come here babys it's okay."

Laurent backed away from Aaliyah quickly. "You call a giant dog your baby but not your actual baby?" He asked ignoring the fact that the dog was getting on the bed to greet him.


Meanwhile Larry was pacing the floor in his room thinking about everything he and Laurent talked about. Everything was adding up but it just wasn't clicking in his mind. Either he couldn't accept it or he didn't want to. It made so much sense to him now. Shakel would get upset when it came to a conversation about his daughter and even though she didn't say it directly, she didn't want to use condoms. It was obvious. Then finding out the news about Aaliyah? Girls did stuff like get pregnant together anyways so their kids would be close in age and best friends just like the mothers. He just didn't know if it was true because there was always a possibility of him being wrong. He looked at the phone in his hand and texted Shakel a simple question. "Do you ever think about having a baby with me?" It didn't take long for her to reply either. Her answer was as simple as his question. Larry sat down and put his head in his hand then massaged his temples.

"Elle veut avoir mon bébé.. (She wants to have my baby..)"


Eh..... 😐 yeah... May or may not quit this story... Not too confident in it anymore. -shrugs- hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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