Rolling with the punches

By panziebear

8.4K 159 128

What happens when boring, everyday, normal Stella meets the mysterious loner Kyler? Both of their lives chang... More

author's note
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twelve

308 5 9
By panziebear

AN: I deticated this chapter to my amazing editor and cousin Clairbear98. I don't think i could have got this far without her :)

Chapter Twelve


"I need you to do this Kyler," he said, looking me in the eye.

"I won't do it, I can't," I refused standing my ground.

"You don't have a choice in the matter, if you want what I can provide you with; you have to do this for

me. You're the only one who can," he ordered. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, but I told you this is the one thing I wouldn't do," I said as I turned to walk out the door, pausing as he spoke.

"Think about it Kyler, the money, the protection, all that goes away the moment you walk out that door. You leave here and I guarantee there will be trouble," he threatened.

"You've done a lot for me, and for that I will always be grateful, but I will not go through with this, you know that," I paused. "oh and just so you know, I know just as much about all of this as you do so if you want to come after me to cause me trouble, be careful," I said before walking out the door, without plans of ever returning.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I was out of the building. In a way that was the smartest thing I had ever done, in another way it could only end badly. But in the mean time, I just had to deal with what came at me, my first task, to find a normal job.


I hopped out of bed, more energised than I had been in weeks. After putting on a white skirt with fringes and a pink tank top I walked over to my bathroom, curled my hair and put on a bit of makeup.

After Kyler and his siblings left the day before, I had fallen in bed exhausted from chasing Terri and Harley around.

I skipped up the stairs to make my lunch, Sydney and Paige were fighting, as usual and Dana was sitting on the couch in the living room on her laptop.

"Hey Dana," I greeted with a smile.

"Hey," she responded.

"You taking me to school or the bus?" I questioned, crossing my fingers and hoping that she would drive me in.

"I'll take you all the way," she informed. Score! I mentally cheered.

"Ok cool, I'll be ready in ten."


My morning classes were incredibly boring but I was so happy I didn't care. I talked to my friends for the first time in what felt like forever and I felt complete.

"So are you going to sit with us at lunch?" Charlotte asked hopefully as her, James and I sat in English class. I bit my lip, unsure.

"Pleeeease!" James begged giving me his puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, I don't know. There's a possibility I may sit with you, but I can't guarantee anything right now ok?" I warned.

"Ok," they agreed at the same time. I laughed.

"If I do come I'll probably be like ten minutes late," I said, they both nodded, looking confused.

"Sure, whatever works," Charlotte told me reassuringly.

"Cool," and with that we resumed working on our worksheets.


"Hey Kyler," I said as I approached him. He turned from the spot he was sitting.

"Oh hey Stell," he answered, smiling at me.

"So, I have an idea," I began. He looked at me confused.

"What kind of idea?" Kyler questioned.

"I was thinking that you should meet my friends," I told him. His whole body froze visibly and his eyes showed terror. "They're really great, you would like them," he still didn't relax.

"Umm...I don't think that's such a good idea," he mumbled.

"Why?" I asked, knowing that his only excuse was fear.

"Well...umm...they won't like me," he concluded and I sighed.

"How do you know? You have never met them," I challenged. He just shook his head. I sighed dramatically and slid down the wall beside him, "Okay, if your to scared I understand." I pulled the guilt card.

"Fine, I guess if it means this much to you I'll do it," Kyler caved

"Yay!" I cheered, happy to have gotten my way, excited to get to hang out with my friends again and even more excited for them to meet Kyler.

We made our way to the Cafeteria silently, Kyler look so afraid I was scared he might pass out. "Kyler, would you calm down? It will be fine I promise," I assured him.

"But I'm so different then you, I wont fit in," he complained. I had to work hard not to burst out laughing.

"Trust me, fitting in won't be a problem. I'm pretty sure I have the most diverse group of friends ever," I said chuckling.

"If you say so," he murmured.

"I know so, you'll see," I told him as we entered the crowded lunch room. As I manoeuvred my way through the crowd a question popped into my head. "Kyler, the day before I met you I was sitting at my lunch table and I saw you standing over there," I said pointing to the place I first laid eyes on him. "Why were you there?" I asked.

I looked over at him to see him staring at the ground. "I umm...was people watching," he answered. "Sometimes when I would get really lonely I would come in here and watch all of you normal people interact and enjoy yourselves and I was able to imagine that I had a normal life and a family that wasn't broken and friends that I could rely on," he explained.

"Well Kyler I can't fix your family problem but you can always rely on me," I said sincerely. Kyler smiled at me.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me."

By this time we were at my table. Charlotte and James were bickering like an old married couple and Tara and Taz were holding hands and talking like usual. Sasha was no where to be seen and Paisley was chatting happily with my other friend, Aaron. Aaron was fairly short, had black hair, brown eyes and was always wearing sweat pants.

"Sup guys," I said as I sat down in one of the two occupied seats. Every set of eyes at the table snapped to me, each holding different expressions. There was shock, excitement, happiness, wariness and many more. "This is Kyler," I gestured to Kyler who was cowering in the seat next to me. "Kyler, this is James,"

"Sup," James said with a wave.

"Charlotte," I continued.

"Nice to meet you," she said shyly.

"Paisley and Aaron," I pointed at them.

"Hey," Aaron said.

"Meow," was paisley response, causing me to chuckle.

"Don't mind her, she is normal sometimes," I assured him. "That's Tara," I gestured to her.

"Yo," she welcomed.

"And that's Taz," I finished pointing at him. He didn't say anything; he just pushed his glasses up his big nose and looked down, causing me to glare at him. Taz and I had never got along. I could never figure out what Tara saw in him, he was socially awkward, cold and his looks left much to be desired.

But she was crazy about him so I had to put on the good friend face and deal with him.

"So what grade are you in Kyler?" Tara asked, breaking a somewhat awkward silence.

"Eleven," he responded.

"Oh ok, that explains why your not in any of our classes," she commented. He nodded his head.

After that conversations returned to normal, I chatted with James and Charlotte, including Kyler in the conversation once in a while, trying to keep him from feeling uncomfortable.

After a few minutes he began to relax, I saw his shoulders drop and his breathing began to even out.

As he got more comfortable his true personality began to come out and I was honestly shocked. He was laughing and smiling more and I had never been so interested in talking to someone. Unlike most people he never ran out of intelligent things to say, yet he never argued with anyone, you couldn't argue with him, everything that came out of his mouth made perfect sense. When the warning bell rang I was disappointed.

I stood up and gathered my things, everyone else did as well. "Well we better get to class, here again tomorrow guys?" I questioned. There was a chorus of yeahs and sures. "Kay cool, see you later then," I said with a smile and a wave. Tara, Taz, Paisley and Aaron followed me, while the rest went their separate ways. I looked back to see Kyler just standing there as we walked away, his old self taking over. He looked afraid as he watched students mill around and pass him, heading to class. I shook my head and stopped.

"Go ahead I'll be there in a minute," I told my friends who nodded and continued to drama class. "You coming Kyler?" I called over the students. His head snapped to me and he smiled, relived, walking quickly to my side. "Where are you headed?" I asked him.

"English, you?" Kyler responded.

"Were going the same way, I have drama," I told him.

"Cool," he said.

"So what did you think of my friends?" I questioned, curious as to what his opinion on them was.

"They were actually pretty cool, I like them," he approved. I laughed.

"Told you they weren't that bad," I teased causing him to chuckle.

"Yeah, they are really welcoming...well except Taz, I don't think he likes me," at this I laughed.

"Ha, Taz doesn't like anyone, sometimes I wonder if he even likes Tara. Don't worry about him," I assured him.

"Okay, I won't."

"Well this is me; I'll talk to you tomorrow?" I asked, standing outside the drama room.

"Yeah sure, do I just come to the Cafeteria?" he said unsurely.

"We can meet in our hallway if that works better for you," I offered.

"That would be good, thanks," he said gratefully.

"Good, I'll see you there," I parted with a smile, going into the drama room.

I was greeted by Tara and Paisley, standing by the door, waiting to pounce. Firing off questions as soon as I stepped in.

"Who was that?"

"Is that what you have been doing?"

"Are you dating?"

"Where did you find him?"

"Why didn't we meet him sooner?"

"He's hot," both Tara and I turned to stare at Paisley after that statement, looking at her questioningly. She raised her hands in defence.

"What it's true!" she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"Guys, none of that is really your business. I just need you to help me make him feel comfortable and welcome okay?" I asked to make sure they understood. They sighed but nodded.

"Fine, we'll be good," Paisley assured me. I laughed at her gloomy expression.

"Thank you," I said before the teacher called us to attention.


The days past quickly, each day Kyler sat with my friends and I, and each day he became more out going and happy. He had found a new job, although I don't know what his old job was, and it seemed to be going well. We hung out often, at his house or mine, mostly his, and my parents were surprisingly fine with it, so all was well.

James and Kyler seemed to be getting along and were becoming really fast friends, which made me happy because it was good for both of them to have a guy friend.

I wasn't positive about what was going on with his mother because he never talked about it, as far as I knew she hadn't been back for a while.

We were currently hanging out at his house, Mira and I were talking while making dinner and Kyler was playing with Harley and Terri in the living room.

"So how's school been?" I asked Mira. She shrugged.

"Fine I guess, same as always," she responded, blowing it off.

"Okay well you know that I'm here if you need anything right?" I emphasized. She nodded with a smile.

"Yes I do, thank you so much Stella, I don't know if you understand how much you have helped us just by being here," she said gratefully.

"Meh, I haven't done anything. I like you guys, being around you makes me happy," I told her honestly.

"Well thanks anyway."

"Your welcome, now this is pretty much done, why don't you go get the others," I told her, stirring the pasta that I had brought from home, since they were still having money issues.

"Sure no problem," she ran off to get the others and I placed the food on the table.


We had finished eating and were cleaning up when I heard a car pull up out front. I looked around curiously only to see Mira and Kyler frozen, Terri looking afraid and Harley looking oblivious.

"What's the-" my words died on my lips as it sunk in. It was their mom. Kyler swore before leaping into action.

"Mira you know the drill, Take them, hide them, Stella go with them now," he ordered, gesturing to Terri and Harley. Mira complied, picking Harley up and looking at me. I followed her lead wordlessly and scooped up Terri, walking out of the room behind Mira. Terri buried her head in my shoulder and my heart broke when I realised that she new exactly what was going on. Mira walked quickly into the bedroom and went over to the closet, setting Harley down and motioning for me to place Terri beside him.

I heard the front door click. This caused Mira to move faster, she ran over to the bed and grabbed some blankets, quickly covering them up.

"You guys have to be really quiet ok, no talking, just like when we play hide and seek," Mira whispered desperately, moving into the closet and sitting on the opposite side, curling up in a ball. "Stell, come on," she urged, I hesitated, I couldn't leave Kyler out there by himself, I would hate myself forever if I did.

"Mira I have to go help him, I can't leave him there. You stay, I'll be back," I said as I ran out of the room, ignoring her protests.

Kyler's P.O.V.

I assumed my position as I waited for them to enter. I couldn't believe that I sucked Stella into this. I felt like such an ass.

The lock clicked, the doors swung open and my mother entered, followed by a tall guy who looked to be in his early twenties. As usual I was disgusted that she brought such a young guy home, considering she was almost thirty-seven.

"Hello Kyler," my mother said, obviously drunk as usual. I didn't answer I simply sent her an icy glare. "You have my moneys?" she continued.

"You would like that wouldn't you mom," I sneered the last word.

"Come on Kyky, don't goes and make this hard," She slurred causing me to wince. I shook my head in disgust. She sighed dramatically her eyes flicking to the guy beside her who had been standing beside her silently, looking board. She nodded her head and he stepped forward, swaying slightly in his drunken state.

"Sean, I swear to god if you lay a single hand on him, I will personally kill you," Stella's voice boomed loudly from the end of the hall.

Stella's P.O.V.

I came to the end of the hall and stopped, taking in the scene. There was a small blonde lady standing next to a tall guy with striking black hair. He appeared to be much younger than her.

"You would like that wouldn't you mom," I heard Kyler say, glaring at his mother.

"Come on Kyky, don't goes and make this hard," Kyler's mother said, sounding really drunk. He shook his head and she looked up at the guys beside her, nodding causing him to take a step forward, although he swayed, telling me he was drunk, angling himself towards me in the process. I gasped quietly when I looked at his face. I couldn't believe he was here. Anger consumed me instantly and I took a step forward.

"Sean, I swear to god if you lay a single hand on him, I will personally kill you," I threatened, letting the anger seep into my voice as I spoke. Sean's parents are family friends and I had known him since I was born. I had always considered him my big brother and loved him almost as much as I loved Dana. He was six years older than me and used to baby-sit me and my little sisters when Dana refused to.

When he was seventeen he took off and no one had heard from him since. I had forgotten about him for the most part but seeing him hear brought back the hurt and the anger about him leaving me.

His head whipped towards me, as did Kyler's and his moms. All signs of him being drunk were gone in an instant, leaving him looking shocked and sober. "Stella," he whispered.

"No shit Sherlock," I replied icily. He froze for a moment before hurt flashed in his eyes.

"You grew up," he said quietly, looking guilty.

"Yeah and you look like hell," I replied, giving him my best, your-a-dick face. It was the truth, his face was unshaven and his hair messy and although it had only been four years since I had last seen him, he looked as though he had aged ten. "What are you doing here Sean," I asked as he just kept staring at me. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable.

"I...Ummm, just here to...umm," he stuttered making me sigh angrily.

"Stop it before I flip shit you stupid cow," I said in exasperation, He looked at me and smiled a small smile.

"Flip shit you stupid cow?" he repeated. "Wow Stell, your still feisty as ever I see," he appraised, amusement still in his voice.

"Yeah and I still hate you, you fucking bastard. You could have at least said goodbye! Do you even know what it did to your mother when you fell off the face of the earth? And what about your baby sister? She needed you and you just got up and left!" I ranted, emotion pouring into my voice, my eyes beginning to water. Sean stepped forward, all traces of amusement gone.

"I'm sorry Stella, it was just so hard. I couldn't stand it. I'm sorry," he apologised sincerely, begging me with his eyes to forgive him. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"You lucky I'm a nice person or I would kick your ass," I mumbled closing the distance and wrapping my arms around his waist. I heard him laugh as he hugged me back. Letting go and taking a step back I looked up at him. "You had better go home and apologise to your family or I will tell your mother that I saw you," I warned "And you know what will happen if she has to come and find you," His mother was easily the single scariest person I had ever met when she was mad.

Sean groaned and I smirked. "Fine, fine I'll go home," he gave in.

"Now," I commanded, looking at him sternly. He sent me a pleading look and I shook my head. "Then tomorrow you get to come apologise to my family," I continued, knowing he couldn't refuse me. I had always been his weak spot so getting what I wanted was never a problem.

"Ugh, okay fine," he agreed.

"Go get me my money Seany," a voice whined from behind Sean. I started and looked around, remembering that Kyler and his mom were still in the room.

"And get her out of here," I ordered, sending Kyler's mother a hateful glare. He nodded and grabbed her, dragging her towards the front door. "One more thing Sean," I said just as he went to leave, he turned and looked at me.

"Yeah Stell?"

"Smoking kills, stop fucking doing it," I said, causing him to laugh.

"Okay, I'll try, just because I love you," he told me as he pulled the drunk woman out into the night.

The door closed behind him and I sighed contently, happy to have my big brother back.. Kyler cleared his throat causing me to snap out of it and look at him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What the hell was that?" he exclaimed


"Oh, that was Sean, family friend. He ran away four years ago and no one has seen or heard from him since, well until now anyway," I explained. Kyler shook his head.

"You really are amazing you know that right?" he asked me. I sent him a confused look.

"What did I do?" I asked, not understanding.

"Well you saved me from a fight, and from losing all of the money I have, plus you got my mom to leave which also means none of my siblings were hurt."

"Oh...well I'm glad I could help," I said awkwardly, not knowing how to handle the praise.

"Okay well let's go tell the others to come out," he suggested. I agreed and we made our way down the hall.


After Kyler had finished telling Mira what happened, making me sound like a freaking hero, I noticed the time and sent my mom a text, asking her to pick me up. Half and hour later she got there.

"Well I have to go guys, my moms here," I told them. Kyler and Mira both nodded and Terri ran up to me, giving me a big hug.

I grabbed my stuff and walked to the door. "See you guys later," I said, walking out of the house.

Unknowns P.O.V.

"It's time, we need him back, you're going to get him back," I ordered, twirling my keys around my finger absentmindedly.

"I will sir," he assured me.

"Good, you need to either find him alone and get him or lead him to us by taking someone he cares about, got it?"

"Yeah boss, I got it. I'll get him, don't you worry."

I smiled. "I'll get you Kyler, nobody walks out on me."

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