Teaching The Bad Girl To Be G...

By Golden_RJ

88K 2.3K 153

"Is it a turn off?" She flashes a grin, revealing her perfect white teeth, inching her face closer to mine. O... More

Author's Notes.
Getting to know the characters
Chapterd 1: DOUGHNUTS! And Busy Mornings.
Chapterd 2: Jinx Vinx Cafรฉ
Chapterd 3: We seriously DON'T need to talk
Chapterd 4: What? I am sobbber
Chapterd 5: I'm disgusted
Chapterd 6: Didn't expect you as a lesbian
Chapterd 7: N-no, I'm Not A Murderer
Chapterd 9: Jokey Joke
Chapterd 10: Wheres my bra?
Chapterd 11: No drunkie-slow your role
Chapterd 12: Women Love A man in Uniform.
Chapterd 13: Did You Just Tell Me To Shut Up?
Chapterd 14: You're a Legend
Chapterd 15: Laser Tag Kickass
Chapterd 16: Lesbo Phase?
Chapterd 17: Like Disappear
Chapterd 18: Infamous Ky
Chapterd 19: Why the shitty "Hmp"?
Chapterd 20: Slumber Party?
Chapterd 21: Wait, sex dreams?
Chapterd 22: It's My Cheat Week
Chapterd 23: Fuck Off
Chapterd 24: Aren't We All Curious
Chapterd 25: Does he fucking stalk me
Chapterd 26: Take me home
Chapterd 27: BAD-BOY-STYLE
Chapterd 29: Sad moments
Chapterd 30: Funday Sunday
Chapterd 31: Lactose intolerant
Chapterd 32: Laser Tag Kickass pt. 2
Chapterd 33: Dan the Man
Author's Notes
Chapterd 34: But you're not a girl
10k YOU SAY?
Chapterd 35: Boxing 101
Chapterd 36: Skin tight dress
Chapterd 37: Rocky Balboa
Sharing Love

Chapterd 8: We're Going To California?

2.1K 67 7
By Golden_RJ

"Do you know how worried sick I was...we were?" Now I would expect that to be Mari yelling, but nope that's all Joe, talking at me as if she's the parent.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I had way too much champagne last night and I don't remember much." I don't remember anything. I just remember the thing that went down with my ex.

"Why did you leave without me? Why didn't you come and get me and tell me that you wanted to go home, Jay?" Mari questions sadly, almost disappointed. I'm aware that my actions were irresponsible and selfish of me. I can only imagine how worried and upset I'll be if Mari did such a thing. She already keeps me out of her business enough...and that makes me mad enough.

Speaking of business, I also didn't forget she was crying and wouldn't tell me what was going on.

"I know I know. I wasn't thinking straight and I just...I just..." I shake my head.

"Yeah, you weren't!" She snaps angrily. That stupid vein popping out the side of her neck. I always know when she's angry just by that vein.

"It's fine, as long as you're okay," Joe reassures like she's an adult, again. I buckle my seat belt and prepare for the various questions Mari is about to throw at me. The car goes silent for a while. I almost think we're over this little misunderstanding, but nope.

"You are aware that you slept at a lesbian house right?" Mari asks idiotically with a huge smirk plastered across her face. I squirm in my seat a bit and turn to stare at her.

"Yeah Mari, I learned that this morning," I grit through my teeth annoyedly. My head is pounding and I'm super nauseous, my stomach is in knots right now. My eyes hurt a bit from the various sunlight we are opened to. I go to Mari's dashboard to find the many pairs of sunglasses she keeps in there, and just as I thought, multiple pairs fall out. I slip on a pair and pull down the mirror blocker thingy.

"Yeah, learned that this morning my ass," she chuckles hysterically catching a glance at me.

"I swear you guys curse like sailors," Joe calls from the back seat. I turn to glance at her and she throws me the fakest smile. I stick out my tongue playfully and she tosses a piece of candy at my nose.

"Apologies Joey. So you're into- you're into chicks now?" I turn quickly to face her as she breaks out into laughter. I slap her arm softly-knowing she's driving and I can't punch her.

"No Mari, I am not into chicks," I chuckle out.

"Jay, let's be honest here, Ky's fucking fine. The tattoos, short curly brown hair, her facial features are just put together. Plus she gives that bad girl, "fuck you" attitude. Let's not mention how loaded her family is...her mom is in Belgium right now, living lavishly." She smiles into thin air admiring the well explained luxury life of Ky.

"I obviously don't know anything about her or her family, just that they're rich. Since when did you become attracted to women?" I smirk deviously at her flipping the tables. She shakes her head as she chuckles.

"I don't have a preference, and sorry if I want to admire how attractive Ky Gurey is, I like to be honest with myself, you should try it," she adds nonchalantly as she causally shrugs her shoulders.

"Okay well you date her Mari, since she's all that and a bad of chips, as you would say," I grunt out annoyed. Why? Because I slept in someone else's bed that wasn't mine and basically harassed while in there by Ky and her creepy sister.

"Oh no she doesn't have her eye on me, she's out for you," she teases.

"So who was the girl smiling at you?" Joe questions.

"She's supposedly Ky sister, her names Deck," I state rather harshly.

" Jesus Jay, what have you've been doing all your life, living under a rock? Deck Gurey is Ky Gurey's younger sister. She's a model of Voúrish Incorporation," Mari says coming to a stop at a stop sign as kids race across the road.

"Sorry Mari, I don't read gossip and magazines like you. Unfortunately, I have a life," I state rather offensively.

" I read the magazines for fashion tips, smartass! Do you have a life outside of well your life?" She groans as she reaches over and searches through her dashboard-while trying to keep her eyes on the road. She pulls a magazine from it and tosses it to me carelessly hitting me in the face. I stare down at the thick papered book, and there Deck is. She's wearing a blue polka dot lacey bra and the matching pair of underwear. Her hair is longer and it's a chestnut color. Her grey eyes stare seductively as she poses. It kinda makes her look more mature, seeing how she reacted childishly when we first met.

"You done checking her out?" Mari smirks raising an eyebrow. I shift uncomfortably in my chair. Mari chuckles so I think fast and back to last night.

"Hey, I'm still wondering why you were crying?" I state looking through the magazine while staring curiously out the corner of my eye at her odd shift in her mood.

"Her and Jeremy broke up," Joe state tossing a sour patch into her mouth. I quickly turn to stare at Joe then back at Mari. How come she didn't tell me this yesterday when I asked? It's kinda heartbreaking that she can tell a 10-year-old and not her best friend. Trust me, I love her and Joes relationship and she's rubbing off on her in a positive way, but I really wish she'll keep things between us and come to me for comfort, or advice. Does she feel I can't be trusted with this information? Can't handle it?

"Hey, when we have girl talk that's between us," Mari makes notion toward Joe who mumbles an apology.

"You guys broke up? Why?" I question surprisingly shocked.

"Uh, because I-I told him a-about a business deal," she stammers nervously rubbing her palms over the steering wheel.

"Okay, and that's why? You told me it's cause his toes were ugly" Joe leans between the seats and stares at her. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"They were," she chuckles also. I guess we're laughing how how serious Joe looks, and why the he'll would age tell her that?

"What business deal?" I say trying to stay on topic. I remember a while back she was telling me she had something in the works that could help benefit all of us, could this be?

"I uhh b-brought my o-wn parlor—in California," she mumbles the last part. I stare at her hesitantly.

"California, as in the state?" Joe asks interrupting her.

"Yes Joe, the state and I am leaving in 4 days but—" she begins to explain but it's my turn to interrupt.

"Does your dad know?" I ask curiously.

" Yeah, I told him last night at the banquet. He was kind of angry, b-but he has a lot going on here in Northview. He's chief commissioner and everyone adores him. He loves this town, and me—well I want to start fresh elsewhere."

"I understand Mari, I think doing what's best for you is always the right move. I'm very proud of you and wish you the absolute best babes." She pulls over and puts the car in park. She then leans her head against the steering wheel and quietly sobs. I reach over to grab and side her. I pat her back softly as a tear slowly rolls down my cheek.

"You're leaving? B-but what about us and...You can't leave! You're like a sister I never had." Joe blurts out angrily, her voice on the verge of cracking. I finally understand what she just stated and turn to stare quite offended, wait what?

"Umm, you have a sister," I state confused yet hurt.

"But Mari does a lot with me, she pays attention and now she's leaving. To go to California!" Tears slowly fall from her cheeks and her nose turns bright red.

"Joe you don't understand, you didn't let me finish!" Mari tries...

"Finish what? You're leaving! There's nothing to discuss," I stand there in utter shock. She doesn't think of me as her sister? She opens the door and starts running.

"Joe!" I call.

"JOE!" Mari calls after.

"I want you guys to come with me," She blurts out turning her body to face me. I look up at her like she just asked do I want 5 million bucks.

"What?" I chuckle nervously.

"Yeah, I was searching for three bedroom condos near south beach for us but I wanted to discuss things with you first. I know I'm ready to start fresh and get out this town, but I don't know if you are. I'll never want to rush you or talk you into something you aren't comfortable with. I know your dad is also still here, and I'll feel like a horrible friend to tell you to leave your dad behind," she rants out quickly as she plays with her fingernails. She does that when she's nervous, she actually use to chew them, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to mess up her nail polish.

"I-I don't know what to say. All you have said is completely true but I am too stunned. H-how to answer that, and give you an answer to yes or no? I have so many questions and thoughts. W-where do I work? How do I help you finically? Our plane tickets. Our things...our life? Mari, how do we pack up this life here and move it all the way to California?"

"My dad helped with that. I got it all covered Jay. You're a hard working woman with a Jack of all trades..."

"Thank you, I wish I would've gone to college," I speak sarcastically. I love her speech so far, amping my head up but how do I play into anything. I'm pretty much useless.

"You can help me run the shop! You're good with money and reading the books," She adds.

"That's a lot to ask of me Mari, I wouldn't want to disappoint you if I can't—"

"Jay please, I think you be a little too hard on yourself at times! Give yourself credit because you're killing this role model thing for Joe." Yeah I don't think I am. My sister just back handily told me she doesn't look to as her sister. That's crushing.

"I say we give ourselves a year to see how Cali treats us. Invest in the shop and our lives, and if so after a year it just isn't working, we return home. I know it's risk taking but it's something we can try together as best friends. I don't want to leave you behind, you or Joe." I state hesitantly at her. Yeah everything she is saying is true but I don't know how to feel. She already helps enough here...in another state now.

"I really appreciate everything, but I-I can't just go. I have nothing to contribute. Im in terrible debt here, bills piled to the ceiling. Then what about my family home? I can't just sell it, and if I do, that'll take months. Mari I already owe you my kidneys and heart—I can't give you anything else," I pout sadly. I can't give her anything because I have nothing. I don't have a secret stash of money hidden away. Each check I receive goes directly to Joe and bills. Which I am drowning in everyday.

" And if I ever need a kidney transplant I'll put you at the top of the list," she smirks.

"That's not funny Mari," I groan flatly scared.

"Jay! You're my best friend and I expect nothing from you but our friendship and that adorable little sister of yours that I love dearly and look at as my own."

"M-Mari I-I..."

"Are you coming or not Jay? You can't sit here and look at your past wrapped up in this small town that only caused you horror. Your dad he's ill and he's been in the hospital for 3 years not getting any better," I frown as that statement leaves her mouth. She glances up at me and frown.

"No Jay I didn't mean it like that. What I meant..." I didn't really get offended by it because what she is saying is totally true. I understand everything she is stating and it has gotten me to think for a second. I've never really been to California, heck I've never been out of Northview.

"I know what you meant and I'll have to sit and think on it...but we'll tell Joe we're coming cause if she finds out I said I'm not sure, she's going be disappointed and try everything in her power to make me say yes." She shakes her head disapproving.

"What?" I questions nervously.

"Jay I don't like this plan, if you're going to sit on it I think we should be straight forward with her because what if you can't find it in yourself to go? Now you've gotten her hopes up," Mari justifies.

"I can't tell her I'm indecisive, she already hates me enough okay? Mari please."

"Jay that's the point, she doesn't hate you, she just wants your attention, and also wishes you be straight forward with her sometimes," she intervenes.

"She's 11! I don't have to be straightforward with her until she understands how the world works,"

"You're not teaching her—" she tries but I stop her. I say this often, I love Mari to death, but sometimes I feel she over steps boundaries I have with my little sister. I understand she's an active person within her life, but I feel I shouldn't have to explain to her my form of parenting. I appreciate all she does, including the advice, the sit downs and her role in Joes life, but I know what's best for Joe.

"Mari !" I demand.

"Okay, I got it, I won't tell her," she rolls her eyes and let out a huge exaggerated groan.

"Are there any schools in that area for Joe?" I question curiously side eyeing her. I may have said I don't know, but I know Mari, she's already looked at schools, looked for realtors to sell me house and all. She's on point and like a mini assistant. Okay, not a good way to describe my best friend.

"Yep! Checked twice also the school ratings. Do you know no crazy white kid has tried to shoot up the school yet?" She jokes stupidly. I chuckle a bit but return to being serious.

"That's not funny Mari."

"I'm just kidding. Now let's go to Joe's secret hideout to tell her a fib," she chuckles. I wipe her smeared mascara and tears as she sniffs and smiles goofily.


"Oh, you forgot about our tree house? That kinda hurts," she pouts. She puts the car in drive and head to her dad's house.


Mari climbs the stairs on the tree first and I climb after her. I really seriously haven't been to our tree house in 11 years.

"She comes here?"  I question staring at the huge tree.

"Uh huh!" Mari states nonchalantly.

"Is it safe? You know since it has been up for like 15 years? Hasn't it got eaten by wood beetles or termites?" I question worriedly. This tree house is pretty old. And I can only imagine what's up here.

"My dad replaced the wood a year ago for Joe when she first discovered it out here," she smirks down over her shoulder at me.

"Hmm." We crawl inside and see Joe ripping photos of us all. Oh so dramatic. This place is a lot smaller than I remember. When we were kids it was like a mansion in a tree. So much space. I see the bean bags are now replaced and there's a stylish small rug in the middle. It's squishy inside though. Maybe cause were two grown adults now and we've entered with a 11 year old.

"Josephine?" I call to her. She glances up at me angry. Tears falling down her adorable face and snot running down her nose. I could do nothing but laugh at how she cries and the look she's giving me. Call me evil but this is hilarious.

"I told you never call me that!" She pouts annoyed and turns to face away from me.

"Joe you didn't let me finish!" Mari states scooting over to her. It's a bit tight inside this small area that use to feel like a mansion to Mari and me.

" You're leaving me, it's going to be so bored with Jay working and coming home late and never having time for me. You were the other sister."

"I actually like that movie The Other Sister. " Mari smirks trying to lighten the mood. I sit quiet, ashamed and hurt.

"Look Joe I know you are mad but turn that frown upside down because we're going to California." I stare at her shocked. She isn't even going to lead into it like she just explained to me? Wow Mari, just wow.

"Really, you go right into it?" I finally speak.

"Hey, I just spent five minutes talking to you, I don't need to go down that road again," she huffs out and leans against the bean bag.

"Are you sugaring me?" Joe exclaims loudly screaming. I chuckle because I actually taught her that, instead of saying "shitting", which she got in trouble for saying at her school and I had to meet with her teacher to discuss that situation.

"Do you wanna make the neighborhood think your getting killed?" Mari states as Joe jumps into her arms.

"Are you serious?" She squeals.

"Than a heart attack," Mari smirks, but that smirk fades once she sees my frown. We're lying to her and I don't like it. I feel horrible actually.

"Is Jay coming?" Joe questions oddly. Weird question btw.

"Well, I don't know...are you Jay?" Mari turns to me and raises an eyebrow. I think she's referring to what we discussed in the car. I get sweaty hands. I don't feel good all of a sudden.

"Heck yeah, I am. Can't let you go alone with Mari crazy personality on your hands," I force a smile as I rub my palms against myself.

" I have to call Nadia!" She cheers.

"You go do that! Let my dad know we're up here, okay?" Joe nods and crawls down the latter. I lean against the wood.

"We're going to California," I mumble in disbelief, sadly and happily.

"We are?" She questions wearily. I guess this is me giving her an answer, so soon. I lean my head on her shoulder. I seen how much joy that brought Joe, and that's the most joy I seen in her and a while. And if I choose not to go, that would be devastating. The kids been through enough, I don't need her getting let down yet again by my actions.

"I guess we are," I mumble.

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