Intimate || Les Twins

Par CrownMeLiar

35.5K 1.3K 390

Every intimacy carries secreted somewhere below its initial lovely surfaces, the ever-coiled makings of compl... Plus

1. LIV
2. Decisions
3. Closer
4. Arrival
5. I Feel It
6. His Eyes
7. Shots!
8. Her Lies
9. Promises: Part 1
10. Promises: Part 2
11. Catch Me I'm Falling
12. Blackout
13. Toujours
14. Take Your Medicine
15. Resentment
16. Sexual Frustration
18. To Be or Not To Be
19. Wish Granted
20. Tired of Crying: Part 1
21. Tired of Crying: Part 2
22. Emotions
23. Tell Me A Secret
24. Sooner or Later
25. Mon Bébé
26. Small Changes
27. His Happiness
28. Unveiled At Last
29. Too Many Games
30. Enfant De L'amour
31. My Baby
32. Back To Normal
33. Woman Of His Dreams
34. No Mistakes
35. Pick & Choose
36. Through Bad Times
37. Welcome Home
38. Cold Feet
39. Mysteries Unfolded
40. New Additions
41. Inprisonment?
42. Awakening
Thank You

17. On One Knee

823 34 3
Par CrownMeLiar

Chapter is un-edited, will be fixed soon

(check MM for outfits >:} )

30 minutes to 8pm Laurent and Aaliyah were on their way back to the villa after dinner at one of Laurent's favorite restaurants. Laurent tapped on the steering wheel with his thumb as he drove. Aaliyah stared at the surrounding buildings and people walking around. It was something so serene about the sight of Guadeloupe at night. The water; dark, but reflecting the light of the moon, the small lights from shoreline shops and restaurants, the tall palm trees waving slowly in the light breeze. It was beautiful. If there was anywhere she was completely relaxed, it was Guadeloupe. Just as Aaliyah leaned her head against the window, she felt her phone vibrate in her lap. A text from her mom telling her to call her when she gets the chance. She picked up her phone and called her mom. After a few rings she answered.

"Hey, how's everything?" Her mom asked.

"Everything's good. I forgot how beautiful it really is here." Aaliyah responded. Laurent glanced over to Aaliyah wondering who she was talking to.

"I need to take a vacation there soon. You should have your wedding there or maybe Saint Martin."

Aaliyah paused for a minute. "My what?"

"Wedding." Her mom laughed.

"Who am I marrying?" Aaliyah asked completely puzzled. Laurent looked over again now trying to figure out who she was talking to.

Her mom still laughed. "Laurent."

"L-" she cut her own sentence short. "How would you know if I'm going to marry him?"

"Just by how y'all are. He loves you, you love him. I can see it being very possible."

Aaliyah giggled at the thought then the conversation her and Lau had earlier popped into mind. "I can't see Laurent on one knee," she laughed. "I just can't."

As they drove through the security gate to the villa, Laurent raised his eyebrow at the conversation he was hearing. He knew now that she was talking to her mom. The weird thought of marriage crept into his mind. "Hm.." He said to himself parking the car. He got out and went to open Aaliyah's door. He took her hand and helped her out of the car. She smiled at him and continued her conversation with her mom as she walked to the front door. He closed the car door and followed behind her, quickly unlocking and opening the front door. She walked in and went straight to the back, turning on the light so she could sit outside.

Laurent's phone rang and as he expected it was his brother calling him. "What's up?"

"Comment était le dîner ? (How was dinner?)" Larry asked.

"Ce n'était rien de spectaculaire, nous avons juste parlé. (It was nothing spectacular, we just talked.)"

"La famille sera là bientôt, oui ? Lui avez-vous dit ? (the family will be there soon, yes? Did you tell her?)" Larry asked. "Je suis en route. (I'm on my way)"

Laurent was in the kitchen grabbing several wine glasses. "Non.. Pas encore, je vais le faire. (Not yet, I will though.)"

"Dites-moi si vous avez couché avec elle ? (So... Did you have sex with her?)" Larry said nearly whispering.


"Quoi ? (What?)"

With that Laurent hung up the phone and went on grabbing wine glasses from the cabinet. Aaliyah announced her reentry by the sound of her heels tapping on the floor. Laurent looked up at her and gave her a sheepish smile. Immediately she knew there was something he needed to say.

"What?" She asked nearing the kitchen.

"Some of family is coming here... To meet you." He said with a little hesitation in his voice.

Her eyes widened. "Right now? Why?" He nodded. "You couldn't tell me this earlier?"

"I forgot?" He said in question hoping his lie would pass her. "And you said you wouldn't go to Paris, this is the closest I can get you to my family until you agree to go home with me."

"Mhm.. How many of them?"

He started counting on his fingers and once she seen him count past five, she knew the night would be interesting. Even though it was a bit of a shock to her, she was still calm. Believe or not, Aaliyah was very much a people person. Just as she was getting ready to go into the room to change there was a knock on the door. Laurent went to answer the door and Aaliyah became a little anxious. She walked back toward the back door to open it so she could clearly hear the waves from the beach to help clear her mind. Thankfully, she heard the familiar voice of Larry. She turned around and walked toward the twins smiling at Larry.

"Larry can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked.

Larry nodded watching her walk toward them. "Wassup?" He asked. They walked toward the second bedroom in the house. Just that action alone made him think the worst because of what happened between Larry and Aaliyah before. He had every right to be skeptical though. He knew his brother could make a list of reasons why he doesn't like Aaliyah in such a way and make it sound convincing, but be completely lying. He didn't worry too much because he knew Larry wouldn't try something stupid before their family got there but then again his brother has always been predictably unpredictable.

"Can you tell me exactly who will be here tonight?" Aaliyah asked. "Do I have to speak French the whole time, are they gonna judge this outfit?" She started asking a million more questions after the first one.

This was the first time he'd ever seen Aaliyah nervous about anything. He chuckled at her and grabbed her hands. "Calm down, it's okay." He said reassuring her. "You don't have to speak French, they know a lot of English already." She nodded in response taking a deep breath. "Maman, yes. Speak French. She understands English but don't speak it."

"That's fine, just like my mom prefers to speak French to y'all.. Oh yeah my mom said hey by the way."

"Tell her I say hi!" He said happily. "It's not that many family coming here though. Maybe 10...20."

Aaliyah gave him a look of disbelief. "Not many? That's like more than 'not many'! That's a lot!" She said starting to pace back and forth.

Larry laughed again. "Calm down, calm down! You'll do fine. You outfit... I like it. You look sexy." He complimented grabbing her hand looking her up and down, taking in how her dress hugged her curves. The look in his eyes was thirst and she wasn't agreeing with that look. "I would kiss all over your body if I could take that dress off you right now." He said closing the gap between them and putting his hand on her ass.

"So I definitely need to go change." She said pushing him off of her and walking back toward the front room where Laurent was fluffing pillows.

"Why do you need to change?" Laurent asked.

"I just do." She said getting ready to go across the hall. Just as Laurent grabbed her hand to prevent her from going to change there was a knock on the door. Laurent smiled at her and went to answer the door. "Alright I'll just... sit." She said to herself, taking a seat near the arm of the couch. Larry wasn't too far behind Lau when he went to answer the door.

"Anaïs! Ma grande sœur !(my big sister)" Larry said cheerfully.

"Mon petit frère ! (My little brother)" She responded sounding happy to see her younger brother. Larry hugged her then walked passed her outside and walked toward the large fountain that obstructed the view of the security gate.

"Are you ready?" Larry asked approaching her.

"Yeah.. I'm a little nervous though." She said standing up.

"You'll be fine." He smiled. "Did I tell you how good you look?"

Shakel blushed. "Thank you."

• • •

"Léo," Laurent called to one of his older brothers. "this is my girlfriend Aaliyah, Aaliyah this is my brother Léo."

Léo kissed Aaliyah's hand and smiled at her. "Hello."

"Nice to meet you." She answered politely with a smile.

"Putain de merde ! (Holy shit)" Léo said to Lau. "Elle est si belle. (She's so beautiful)"

Aaliyah giggled. "Merci de votre compliment, je suppose. (Thank you for the compliment, I guess.)"

Léo went pokerfaced. He had no clue she understood French or spoke it. "Sorry." He laughed nervously.

Laurent laughed at his brother and shook his head. "Idiot." He said slyly.


"Larry, who is this?" Anaïs asked approaching him and Shakel with a warm smile.

"This is Shakel." He said gesturing to her.

"Hi, I'm Anaïs, Larry's sister." She said giving Shakel a hug. "What are you to Larry?" She asked.

Shakel thought about it for a second. She really had no clue. "Oh, I-"

"Girlfriend. She's my girlfriend." Larry said interrupting her.

All Shakel could do was smile. He finally claimed her again and that made her feel warm and fuzzy inside.

"Did you meet Élodie or mama yet?" She asked taking Shakels hand and stealing her from Larry.

"Okay then.." He said to himself and went to talk to some other family members.

As the twins thought, everything was moving along smoothly. The only thing they worried about was the girls bumping into each other, which ironically hasn't happened for the whole hour and a half that the little family get together had been going on. Laurent and Larry were walking toward the patio with glasses of champagne in their hands when they realized that they were walking in the same direction.

"Where you going?" Larry asked doing a quick double take at his brother.

"To Aaliyah.. Where you going?" Laurent asked confused.

"To Shakel.." Larry said squinting at his brother then they both paused.

"Shit!" They said in unison then they started power walking outside.

When they got outside they seen the girls in two separate areas of the yard and sighed of relief. Shakel turned to look at Larry just as Aaliyah turned to look at Laurent. Both girls getting a quick glimpse of each other then pausing. Aaliyah turned around to face Shakel completely while Shakel was giving Larry and Lau a look of fear 20 feet away. Only a few people paid attention to was going on. Most people just kept to their conversations.

"Is everything alright Aaliyah?" Élodie, another one of the boys sisters asked noticing Aaliyah's apparent change in mood as she turned away from their conversation.

"Excuse me." Aaliyah turned and smiled at Élodie then started walking toward Shakel.

"Wait! Aaliyah!" Laurent yelled putting down his glass of champagne and started to power walk toward the girls. Now all eyes were on the twins as they suddenly started walking through people rudely.

"Watch out." Larry said pushing people to the side gently.

Shakel stared at Aaliyah with a blank expression. Almost like she was bolted to the floor, she couldn't move. She was basically petrified. Not knowing what Aaliyah was about to do scared her the most. She only prayed that she wasn't going to attack her in front of all of the family members around. Aaliyah stopped no more than a foot away from her and placed her hands on her hips giving Shakel and extremely annoyed look. Shakel still looked scared just waiting for something to go wrong. In a split second Aaliyah smirked at Shakel and Shakel let out the biggest sigh of relief and ran to give Aaliyah a hug.

"I thought you were going to fight her again!" Laurent said putting his hand on his chest.

"Why would I do that in front of your family? What do I look like? Ratchet?" Aaliyah asked. "If that was the case I would've disappeared into the room and only came out after everyone left, knowing Larry and Shakel would still be here and then I'd fight her." She admitted.

"That's smart." Larry nodded.

Laurent shook his head. "I know. I almost had a heart attack though."

"I literally did have a heart attack. She looked so mad right now. I was praying you weren't about to kill me." Shakel admitted.

They all laughed then carried on with the night. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Especially the twins because they loved being around their family. Then came the moment of truth. The girls had to meet the twins mother. Shakel was undoubtedly more nervous than Aaliyah was. By this time Aaliyah was very relaxed and cheerful meanwhile Shakel was apprehensive and that was it. The twins were talking to their mom who was sitting at the table inside. She was smiling and nodding at whatever it was her boys were saying to her.

"I'm so nervous." Shakel said holding her hands together.

Aaliyah laughed. "Why? I'm sure she's nice."

"I know but people's moms tend to not like me, you know this!"

Aaliyah thought about all of the instances and nodded. "You right." She said then sipped her champagne. "You would only have to worry if he told her that you cheated on him that one time."

Shakel's mouth dropped. "She's gonna hate me!" She whined.

"Good luck." Aaliyah laughed and sat her empty glass down.

"My mom is ready to meet you Kel." Laurent said sitting down next to Aaliyah.

"Me?! Why am I first?"

"Cause you don't speak French." Larry said grabbing Shakel's hand and tugging her out of her chair.

"I'm so nervous though!" She said refusing to stand up.

Aaliyah giggled uncontrollably at Shakel. "Go Shakel, you're gonna make their family think you're crazy." She said through a fit of laughter.

"She's right.. You look very crazy." Anaïs said sitting next to Aaliyah. "Mommy will like you it's okay. Don't be scared."

"See!" Larry said in agreement with his sister. "Come on." He said using all of his strength to get her out of the chair. "Why you so strong? Let's go." He said wrapping his arm around her and walking inside. Aaliyah was still sitting there laughing. Laurent looked at her a little confused.

"How much champagne did you have?" He asked.

Aaliyah stopped laughing and shrugged. "Like 2 or like 12 glasses." She said then started laughing again and Laurent's eyes widened.

"You did not! Before you meet my mama? Why would you get drunk like that?" Laurent said disappointed and concerned.

Aaliyah stopped laughing. "No really I had like 2 glasses, I'm not drunk."

Anaïs started laughing and Aaliyah joined in. "I told you he would freak out!" She said high-fiving Aaliyah. "You owe me a makeover."

Aaliyah finished laughing and sighed. Laurent looked at his sister and his girlfriend in disbelief. "You bet on me?!"

"Yes, yes we did." Aaliyah said cupping his face and Anaïs nodded behind her.

Laurent shook his head at them. "You suck."

"But you love me. Soo.." Aaliyah said smartly.

Anaïs wiggled her fingers in the air and commented. "Ooh! She got you." She got up from her seat and walked away laughing. Laurent just smiled and shook his head.

Family; you either love them or you hate them. In Laurent's case, he loves them.


I really liked writing this chapter lol I laughed so much while writing. I'm not even sure why it's so funny to me. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Y'all are probably tired of hearing me say this but comment, vote, share... You know the deal lol.

If I get 5 or more votes(or 3+ comments) for this chapter today, I will update again on Sunday. Deal or no deal ?

Happy Saturday loves !

Bisous! 😘

Continuer la Lecture

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