Crazy in Love (An Eminem Love...

By Eminemandme39

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Crazy in Love (An Eminem Love Story)
Until The End Time
4 Page Letter
Lesson Learned
You Lost Me
Cellar Door
So Bad
Wicked Games
Adrian Ethan Mathers/ So Simple
Get It Over With
Back To Basics
Rock Bottom
Never No More
On Our Way
Nobody Business
These Drugs
Ghetto Story
Recuse Me
Rescue Me 2
Distance (5 Years Sober 420)
Final Warning
Final Warning Part 2
Slowly Freaking Out
Love The Way You Lie
Love Lockdown
Love You More
Happy Together
Together 1/2
Hearts A Mess
Happy Togetherrrr
The Life
Love Is Blindness
Young and Beautiful
Final Warning (Author's Interview)
False Alarm
Over The Love

Trapped (R.I.P Deshaun 'Proof' Holton

560 9 0
By Eminemandme39

April 3,2006

I looked at Adrian. "Happy Birthday Baby Boy!" I said kissing his stomach. "Mama!" He said jumping in my arms. Marshall had left Kim and tomorrow he was filing for divorce. The whole day I spent my time with Adrian, no Marshall. "Where dada?" He asked leaning back, a pout on his face. "I don't know." I said hugging him. It was eleven at night by the time Marshall had actually made his way over. "You know what Marshall, this is the last straw." "What?" I looked at him. "YOU MISSED HIS FUCKING BIRTHDAY!" I screamed pushing him. "I know and I'm sorry." I put my hand in my face and wept. When I looked at him I noticed something. "MARSHALL!" I screamed looking him in his face. "You're high." I said pushing him onto the couch. "Can you just stay over here tonight?" I asked placing a blanket on him. "Okay." He said closing his eyes. Adrian toddled over to him. "Dada." He said poking Marshall in the forehead. "Hey." Marshall said moving over a little so Adrian could lay with him.

April 10,2006


Deshaun and Me were going out to a after hours club tonight. I spread my hair out. "Deshaun I'm ready." I said picking up Adrian. I turned on my video camera. "Say Hi Uncle Proof." Adrian looked at me and waved. "Hi Poof." He said walking to Proof. "Wuv you." He said hugging his legs. Deshaun picked him up. "I love you too little man." He said kissing his forehead. "Do you wanna lay him down?" I asked him. He nodded.

Club 4:25am April 11,2006

I looked at Deshaun. "This is stupid I mean over a game of pool?" "I love you,Sharonda,Em, Adrian, my kids. I'm sorry." He said kissing my cheek and hugging me. I looked at the clock. 4:29 in the morning. Proof went to finish the fight when the dude pulled a gun on him and so Deshaun shot him in the face. 4:30am the bouncer looked directly at Proof and took the gun off safety. I stood up and hugged Deshaun and kissed him tears strolled down my cheeks I dropped to the floor. The bouncer pulled the trigger three times. I noticed people flooding out. I looked at Proof with blood on his hat, on his face, and on his shirt. I looked at the bouncer. "WHY!?" I screamed. "I'm sorry." He said. I hugged Deshaun's lifeless body. "Deshaun stop playin'! Oh my god please wake up. DESHAUN PLEASE!" I screamed looking at my solider, we had been friends so long. I heard cops and after answering some questions I went home at 6:59am. I walked in my room where Marshall was sleeping. I shook him awake. "Huh." He said weary. "Deshaun is dead." I said busting out in tears. He looked at me and walked into the bathroom. Within a couple of minutes I got nervous. I walked in the bathroom and he was in the shower. I kicked off my clothes and walked in with him. "Baby." I said holding him up under the freezing water. "God." He said crying. I held him tighter. We got out the shower and I slipped on a robe and he slipped on some sweats.

Marshall's POV

After making it to the hospital I was freaking out. "Goodmorning can I help you?" A pretty blonde woman said. "I'm looking for........ Deshaun Holton." I said choking up. "He's in Room 411D, I'm sorry for your loss Mr.Mathers." She said looking down. I walked up to the room and looked at him, lifeless. I turned around in tears and threw up in a trash can. I walked over to Sharonda and his kids. "I'm so sorry." I said hugging them. She held onto my clothes. She was mumbling his name and I looked at him and I had to leave. "Bye Doody." I said wiping my tears and walking out. I walked out the hospital and walked over to his mother. She was on the ground and crying. "Ms. Holton." I said softly. She looked up and hugged me. "My baby boy." She said hugging me. "I'm so sorry." I said balancing her. "Thank you Marshall." I looked at the ground and walked to my car. I started screaming and crying, and choking on air. I drove back to the house. When I walked in she was screaming and crying into a pillow on the floor. I picked her up even though I was as weak as she was. "I'm sorry Marshall. I should've stopped him." She said tears falling. She curved her back and rolled out my arms on the floor. I grabbed her and walked her to the room. "Where's Adrian?" I asked crying. "He's with Briadne and Lisa." She said choking on tears. I held her close to me and tried to calm down. "I love you." I said listening to her heart. I felt dead inside and she did too I just knew it. She had seen our best friend in the world, killed, pushed off the edge of earth. She was mumbling and mumbling and finally I heard what she was saying. "I'm gonna kill myself." She mumbled. "Please don't." I said kissing her forehead. "Please." I felt tears roll down. She nodded and went under the blankets. The warmth of her skin is all that would remove his body out my head. She must've fell asleep because she popped from the covers straight into the bathroom. She started screaming. "Baby calm down." She screamed louder. "Baby." I said putting my hands on her. She looked at me, screaming stopped, and cheeks soaked in tears. I took her into a hug. "I love you." I said my cheeks soaked. "I..... Love...... You.. Too." She said pausing because she took in too much air. I listened to her slow breathing and l held on to her. We cried on each other knowing the pain would be there when we wake up. I held her hand, which she would occasionally pull away to wipe away forming tears. She was looking at the floor and she would close her eyes and they would pop back open. I held her against my chest. I could tell we were exhausted no matter how many sleeping pills, no matter how many hugs and kisses we gave, the pain stayed with us with no mercy at all. She was asleep in the other room so, I turned on her camera. I looked at my son talking to Proof and hugging his legs. I can't believe he was gone. I was just talking to him last night. I called his phone to hear his voice again.

"Aye Wassup, dis is Deshaun mafuckin' Holton aka Proof. Leave yo number and yo dumb ass name and I will do my worst to get back to ya. Peace." I laughed. I looked up and Ariadne was looking at me. "Hi." I said softly. "Hey." She said walking over to me and she just started crying.

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