тнє ρℓαуєя'ѕ вєѕт fяιєи∂

By QM8772

896 51 10

ρℓєαѕє fσℓℓσω "I want you to be my fake girlfriend" Mason said. "No" I said and rolled my eyes. "I'm not gett... More

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29 0 0
By QM8772

Chapter 12

A/N: Cover made by Danielle Thank you for entering!!!!👆🏼

I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as I got to my locker. I quickly opened my locker and pulled my bag off the hook. I stuffed my homework folder into my bag and then my text book for Chemistry. Tonight was surprisingly the only night in a while that I don't have a lot of homework. I ran a hand through my hair as I zippered my bag closed and draped it over my shoulder. I slid my other arm through the other hole and closed my locker. I saw Mason walking towards me, confidence was basically radiating off him as he walked. I don't understand how one boy could have so much confidence. "Hey Mace" I said. He licked his lips and stood in front of me and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "We're going on a date tonight" He said. I raised my eyebrows. "I don't remember agreeing to this" I said. "So you're saying you don't want to go?" He said. "No, I'll go"

"I knew you would" He said and took my hand. "Where are we going" I asked. "The walking dick and Brooke are going to Cali's tonight" I guess the walking dick means Andrew. "Cali's?" I repeated. He nodded. Cali's always scared me. Not that it was dangerous or anything, it's just, very fancy and high end. Only people who have the most money in town go there. My family and I have only been there twice the entire time we've been here. And Mason's? They've gone their fair amount of times. "I'll be at your house by 6, we have a reservation for 6:30" He said. He called already? I nodded and I pushed open the doors and we walked outside. "What should I wear?" I asked. "Whatever you want" Mason said. "Isn't it fancy" I said. He shrugged. "Its up to you what you wear" He said. "I don't want to over dress" I said. "You can't over dress, Liv, it's Cali's" He said and chuckled.

"I'll see you in a little while" Mason said and then walked away. I took out my car keys from my bag and walked over towards my car. I threw my bag in the back and got in the drivers seat. I started my car and backed out of the spot. I pulled out of the parking lot and zoomed in the direction towards my house. I pulled to a stop light and waited for the light to turn green. I heard my phone go off and I looked down at it. It was from Maddie.
'you doing anything today?'
'going out to dinner with Mason at 6, come over I need your help with something'
I pressed send and looked up at the light. It turned green and I pressed the gas. I heard my phone go off and I glanced at it. Maddie responded with an ok and I pulled into my neighborhood.

I got of my car and got my bag out of the back seat. I locked my car and walked to the front door. I used the key on my laniard to unlock the door and pushed it open. I dropped my bag on the ground and saw a note on the table. I walked over to it and picked it up.

I have a meeting tonight so I'll be home late. Expect me around 9.
Make sure you feed Cole and Nikki.
Katrina will bring home Nikki around 3.
Love you,

I crumbled the note and tossed it in the garbage can. The front door opened, "Hey Mad," I said. "Where are you?" She asked. "Kitchen" I said and grabbed a vitamin water out of the fridge. She walked in and grabbed my drink from me. She opened it, took a sip, and handed it back. "Where are you guys going tonight" She asked. "Cali's" I said. "Cali's...On fourth street?" She said. I nodded. "That's the one" I said. "Yeah you definitely need my help" She said. "I don't even know what I'm going to wear" I said and ran a hand through my hair. "I asked Mason, and he's like 'wear whatever you want' like thanks, that helped a lot" I said. Maddie chuckled. "You know guys aren't good at that kind of stuff" She said. I shrugged.

"So maybe a dress?" She asked. "Its too cold for a dress" I whined. "Too bad. This is going to take a while, so lets get moving" She said and we turned around. The front door opened and Nikki ran through. "Hey shortcake" Maddie said. "Maddie, what are you doing here" Nikki asked. "I'm helping your sister find something to wear for tonight" She said. "What's tonight?" Katrina asked and set her bag down. Katrina was my cousin, that just so happened to go to college here in North Carolina. Duke, to be exact. How did she get in? I don't exactly know, but I do know that her family has money. So, they probably slipped that admission person a few extra hundreds and presto, she magically got in. Their family says it's a political thing, but I highly doubt it is.

"Liv's going on a date" Maddie said. "With Mason" Nikki sung and I pushed some blonde hair out her face. "You look cute today" I said. "Did you pick out your own clothes" I asked. "Duh" Maddie said and ran to the couch. "She has your attitude" Maddie said. "Funny" I said sarcastically. "Mason? Mason Battaglia?" Katrina asked. "Yep" I said. "Isn't he a player?" She asked. "I guess not since we're dating" I said. Katrina didn't say anything else so Maddie and I turned around and walked out of the living room. We walked upstairs and walked into my room. "I don't like her" Maddie said. "Neither do I, but she's family so I'm forced too" I said. Maddie walked into my closet and turned on the light. I sat down on my bed and huffed. It's been a long and tiring day. I don't know if I'll make it past 9 to be honest.

"What about this?" Maddie asked walking out with a maroon colored dress. It was lace and tight at the hips. "I guess that's fancy enough" I said. "The tags are still on them, you've never worn this before?" She asked. I shook my head. "I don't like the way it looked on me" I said. "When did you get it?" She asked. "Last year" I said. "That was last year, try again this year" She said. I sighed and stood up from my bed. I quickly stripped from my clothes and slipped on the dress. I walked over to the full body mirror and looked at myself. It definitely looked different the last year. "You look great" Maddie said. "Is it fancy enough?" I asked. "It will be when you wear heels" She said. She placed black heels in front of me and I slipped them on. I looked at myself in the mirror and bit my lip. "Come on, I'll touch up your makeup" She said. I nodded and sat down in front of my vanity.

"Okay you're done" Maddie said. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked good. Maddie lightly curled the ends of my brown hair and handed me a black wristlet. I grabbed money from a jar and then stuck it in the little pocket inside the bag. I turned around and Maddie bombed me with perfume. "Maddie!" I said and started to cough. "You got it in my mouth!" I said. "You shouldn't have talked then" She said. "Stop, that's too much!" I said. "There" She said completely ignoring me. "You look good, and I plan to leave now, just so that-" I heard the doorbell ring downstairs. I opened the door. "Cole" I said. He popped his head out of the door. "Go get to the door before Katrina does" I said. He ran downstairs and I heard him open the door just as Katrina walked past the stairs. Is it really 6? I looked at the clock and it read 6:01 p.m. Wow. I didn't even realized that.

"I guess I take that back" Maddie said. "I'll see you tomorrow, tell me how it goes" She said and walked out of the room. "Thanks Maddie" I said. She nodded and walked downstairs. I looked at myself one last time before walking out of my room. I slowly walked down the stairs, careful not to trip. My heels clicked against the floor and I saw Mason standing at the door, listening to something Cole was saying. Mason had one of his hands in his pockets and he leaned against the door frame. His hair was gelled up in the front, he made the gel look as if the swoop was natural. He was wearing dress pants, dress shoes and a polo shirt. We made eye contact and I saw his eyes lower themselves. He studied by outfit and looked back up at me. He licked his lips and pushed himself off the frame. He looked good, really good.

"What time are you gonna be home?" Cole asked. "Not too late" I said. He nodded. I turned to look to see if Katrina was anywhere near by, or if she was still here and she was. Standing close by with Nikki standing at her side. Nikki ran to Mason and he smiled and bent down to her. "Hey beautiful" He said and she wrapped her little arms around his neck. "Hi Mason" She said and smiled. "Doesn't Livy look pretty?" She asked. "She looks very pretty" Mason said and looked up at me. "Nikki why don't you come help me finish making dinner" Katrina said. Nikki nodded and ran back over to Katrina. Mason stood up and looked at Katrina. She smiled at him, and walked over to us. "I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Katrina" She said. "No, I don't sorry" He said. Katrina was eyeing Mason up, but Mason didn't seem to notice.

"I'm the cousin" She said. "Right, the one that's in college" Mason said. Of course he'd remember that about her. Katrina is very pretty, I just hope that he doesn't go for her. I hope he doesn't go for anyone. "Right" She said. "Well, it was nice seeing you again, hopefully I'll see you again" She said. "You as well" He said. I looked at Cole, and he gave me a nervous look. We both know what Katrina is capable of. Katrina stole her sisters boyfriend from her, and they're still not speaking. Amy won't even come to family gatherings because of Katrina. "Ready, babe?" Mason asked. "Yeah" I said and looked back at Katrina. She gave me a smile, but I could see it was fake. "Have fun" Cole said. "Make sure she doesn't poison your food" I whispered to him before walking out.

"I forgot how nice Katrina was" Mason said. Nice? "She's not nice Mason" I said. "She was nice to me" He said. "Of course she was, she's into you" I said. "She was?" He asked and looked back at the house. My blood boiled. He looked like he was interested in her too. I yanked open Mason's car door and sat down. I pulled my seatbelt over me and buckled it. I pulled the door closed and sighed. "What's wrong" Mason asked. "Nothing" I said. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Was it something I said?" He said. "No" He started the car. He backed out of my driveway and pulled in the direction towards Cali's. "Don't date her, okay" I said. He glanced at me. "Who, Katrina?" He asked. I nodded. "I don't even see her that way, and besides she's your cousin Liv" He said. "You just looked like you were interested when I told you she was interested" I said. "Well I'm not"

Mason stopped at a stop light and looked at me. "If I had to choose between a Harrison it definitely wouldn't be her, Liv" He said. He paused and I looked at him. "It'd be Cole" He said. I laughed and Mason pulled forward. About fifteen minutes later we pulled into the parking lot of Cali's. I took a shaky breath as I got out of Mason's car. Mason held the door open for me and I walked into the building. "Hi" The girl said at the desk, eyeing Mason. "Reservation for Battaglia" Mason said and ran a hand through his hair. My eyes scanned the place, and landed on Brooke sitting at a table with Andrew. We made eye contact and she said something to Andrew. He turned around and I could see a bruise on his jaw. He continued to stare at me, and I grabbed Mason's arm.

Mason seemed to stiffen once he saw Andrew staring at me. "Ignore him, okay?" He said. I blinked a couple of times before nodding. I looked away from Andrew and Mason grabbed my hand. "Right this way" The girl said. She led us to a booth somewhat near their table. "Thank you" Mason said and we sat down. I grabbed the napkin and set it across my lap. I crossed my legs and picked up the menu. "Guess what" Mason said. I looked up at him. "I overheard Kyle talking" He said. Kyle, right the guy I'm supposed to be crushing on. "And" I said. "He said he thought you were pretty, and if we weren't dating then he'd ask you out" He said. "I don't blame him, if I were him I'd ask you out too" He said and looked down at the menu. Did he really say that? What's that supposed to mean? I took a sip of the water that was in front of me, trying to hide my blush.

"But that must feel good, right" Mason said. I nodded. Mason nodded back and looked back down at the menu. My eyes wandered over towards their table, and Brooke was glaring at me. I looked away from her and looked back down at the menu. The spaghetti looked good, and it wasn't terribly expensive. So I guess I'll get that. I closed my menu and placed my hands under my thighs. I took the time to look around the place and take it all in. It was fancy, and most of the people here were either old, or in their mid 40's. I looked back at Mason and saw him staring at me. "What are you staring at" I asked. "You just look pretty tonight" He said. "Thanks Mace," I said and pressed my lips together. "Can we talk, about the fight the other day" Mason asked. I looked back at him and then nodded slowly.

"I just feel like you're still mad at me, even though you said you aren't" He said. "I'm not-" "I know, so just let me talk, okay?" He said. I nodded. " I didn't mean for any of that to happen, really" He said. "I just lost it I guess" He said and leaned back in his seat. "Why did you get angry like that" I asked. "I guess I just didn't like him staring at you like that" he said. "I don't like when guys talk about you like your some, toy" He said. "You deserve better" He said. "So do all the girls you dated" I said. "Ouch, Liv" He said and chuckled. "Only joking" I said and gave him a smile. "But, I just don't want you to get hurt" He said. "Cause I don't like seeing you in pain" He said. "When your parents got a divorce, you looked relieved, but also in a lot of pain" He said. "Not just physical" He added.

Yeah, my dad used to abuse my mom and I. One day my dad went after Cole, and I stopped him. He hit me, and my mom came home. She confronted him about it, and told him she would call the police. He hit her, and made her swear she wouldn't tell. But my mom finally got away, saying that she was going to work, but she went to the police. And they came after him, and my mom made him get a divorce. So, he's in jail, but, since it wasn't too bad, he's only in there for a little while. Maybe about 5 years or so, my mom never told me. But I do know that he's locked away and probably doesn't even know where we are. Then, one day I told Mason about it. And he got furious. Now that I think about it he's always been protective over me. Ever since we were little.

"Liv," Mason said and touched my hand. I blinked a couple of times and looked at him. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and the waiter came back and I told him my food. He left, and I looked at the bread basket in front of me. "You want some?" Mason asked. I shook my head. If I eat too much, I won't be able to eat my dinner. I licked my lips and sighed. "I'm sorry, I should've have brought your dad up" He said. "Its fine Mace" I said. "I want you to know something" He said. "If he ever comes back, I want you to know that I'll protect you" He said. "That's sweet, Mace, but I'm okay. He doesn't even know where we are" I said. He nodded. "I just wanted to let you know" He said. I nodded. "Thank you," I said. He nodded. "Maybe after this we could get some ice cream or something" He said. I nodded.

After we both finished eating, I noticed that Brooke and Andrew had left. I didn't even notice them walk out. The waiter came back with a check and Mason and I both reached for it. Mason looked up at me and tried to grab it from me. "Let go" Mason said. "No, you let go" I said. "I'm paying Liv" He said. "You always pay for me, you're not paying this time" I said. The waiter came back and I reached for the money, but Mason already sent the waiter off with his credit card. "Mason," I said. "Sorry, you were too slow" He said. "That was a lot of money" I said. "A guy always pays for the date Livy" He said. "I'm paying for ice cream then" I said. Mason shook his head. "You already know that when you're with me, you don't have to pay for anything" He said. "Mace," I said. "Its fine Livy, I promise" He said. "Well, thank you" I said. He nodded and the waiter came back. "Have a good day" He said and we both got up. Mason carried my box for me, and grabbed my hand, even though Andrew or Brooke wasn't here.

I checked my phone and saw that it was 8:30. "What, got a hot date or something?" Mason asked. "No" I said and giggled. "You better not" He said and smiled. He opened the door for me, and I got in while thanking him. I've never seen Mason like this with girls before, I thought he treated them badly. Mason put the things in the back and started his car. "Let's do ice cream another night" I said. Mason looked at me. "You're not having fun?" He asked. "I am, but, I'm really tired Mace" I said. He nodded. "You can stay at my house if you want" I said. "I'll stay for a little while, but I should get home before 9" He said. I nodded and he zoomed off.

I took my heels off as I got out of the car. I walked barefoot to the front door and pushed the front door open. I walked through the front room and saw Cole sitting on the couch watching TV. He looked up once he saw us. "Hey" He said. Mason shut the door behind us. "Did you eat?" I asked. "Nah, I wasn't hungry" Cole said. "I have spaghetti, do you want that?" I asked. "Are you gonna eat it?" He asked. "Probably not, I'll warm it up for you" I said and took the box from Mason. He plopped down on the couch next to Cole and they started talking quietly. I put the spaghetti into a bowl and put it into the microwave. I grabbed a fork and a water bottle from the fridge. I grabbed the bowl from the microwave and walked out to the living room. "Don't spill, mom will kill you" I said. Cole nodded and Mason stood up. We walked upstairs, and into my room.

I put my shoes in my closet and grabbed a pair of shorts. I could not wait to get out of this dress. Mason was unbuttoning some of his buttons and I threw him a pair of shorts that he left here one day. He caught them and chuckled "Good throw" He said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a shirt from my dresser. I turned around and Mason licked his lips once he saw my clothes in my hand. "Feel free to change in front of me, I don't mind" He said. "Of course you don't" I said and rolled my eyes. "You're such a perv" I said. "It's not my fault that you're so-" He stopped, and I stared at him. "What" I said and dropped my clothes on my bed. "I'm so what" I repeated. "I was going to say god damn gorgeous, but then I felt it would have been awkward" He said. "A bit," I said and he chuckled.

"I'll, let you change" He said and walked out of my room. I quickly changed from my dress and hung it on my closet door. I pulled my shirt over my body and slipped my shorts on. I opened the door and sat down on my bed. I pulled a hair tie off my wrist and put my hair up into a messy bun. Mason walked back in and turned off the lights and sat down next to me. I turned on my TV and laid back. Mason pulled out his phone and starting typing away. I saw that The Notebook was on and clicked on that. Mason didn't mind watching these types of movies, he was usually just on his phone anyway. He shut his phone off, and got under the covers with me. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I brushed him off. "Hey, I was getting comfy" He said. "That hurt my shoulder" I said and continued to look at the TV.

"Which one is this" He asked. "The Notebook" I said. "Isn't that girl in Mean Girls?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Regina George" I said. He nodded. "She's hot," He said. I shook my head at him and he chucked. "It's true," He said. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9. My mom should be home soon. "Are you staying?" I asked. "I guess, if that's okay" He said. I nodded and rested my head on my pillow. "Your room smells like you" He said. "Well I'd hope so" I said. "It is my room" I said. He chuckled. "What do I even smell like?" I asked. "Perfume, and something sweet, I think its like vanilla or something" He said. I use a vanilla shampoo. "Oh," I said. "It smells good," He said. "Good to know," I said. He chuckled. "I'm going to sleep, night Livy" He said.

"Night Mace,"

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