Vampire Cravings: A Vampire's...

By Exy1996

189K 8K 817


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Ending Note

Chapter 20

4.4K 198 26
By Exy1996

Copyright 2013 © Elena Sgro

all rights reserved


It was early morning and I couldn't stop beaming as I laid next to Xavier while he slept. My limbs were sore and ached but I didn't mind because of the passion that was held behind it. The mark on my neck had been renewed and sting sweetly as I curled up to Xavier. His arms tightened around me in his sleep and I kissed his pec pulling the blanket closer around us.

Running my hand over his smooth skin where the bullet wound had been. There was something small cursive and black on Xavier chest that was just in my line of sight but I couldn't quiet make it out and I didn't want to move because I didn't want to disturb his sleep so I just let it go and made a mental note to look at it later. The black mark on his chest spiked my suspicion that it would be a tattoo, but I decided I would know for sure later, right now I just wanted to relax in Xavier's arms.

Closing my eyes I snuggled deeper into the warmth of my mate and tried to get back to sleep. I had woken up and now wished for nothing more then to drift off but I guess the amount of happiness I felt wouldn't let me get any rest.

Xavier sweet scent of lynx and spice enticed me and made my gums ache, the need to let my fangs extend made me pull back from Xavier a bit so I could fight of the urge to feed. He sweet scent burning my throat with need, the hunger slowly taking over like a sickness.

I didn't want to feed off Xavier because I didn't want the blood lose to make him weak. He didn't like the idea but I refused to give in to him even when he threatened to cut his neck so I would drink, thankfully I had stopped him from doing anything drastic like that. The sound of Xavier's steady beating heart made things harder.

Taking a deep breath I needed to move otherwise I would give into my cravings and seeing as I hadn't fed in over a week I wasn't sure how bad my need to feed would be.

Kissing Xavier quickly because I felt bad for leaving him, but I wasn't leaving the house I was just going to go into another room and let my cravings for his blood cool.

I got up trying not to disturb him. I watched him as I pulled on my underwear and pulled on Xavier's shirt that reached my mid-thigh, I inhaled his scent all while making sure that he didn't wake, because it would be harder to explain to him why I was leaving the bed.

If Xavier woke up and discovered that I was leaving the bed because if was pushing back my urges to feed, he would get mad and try to force me to feed because he would think it was the best thing for me, but I couldn't feed off him right now I wanted him to be as strong as possible especially after he was shot.

The images of the gaping bullet wound and his blood everywhere haunted me.

Xavier stirred slightly his hands running over the sheets in search of me and my breath caught in my throat.

He was gonna wake, when he didn't find me lying next to him he would wake up and I would have a lot of explaining to do. I froze holding my breath as he shuffled around, and took this as an opportunity to try and see the mark on his chest but the blanket was being a bitch and covered it up so I couldn't get any indication as to what it was. I gave up on trying to look at it and focused back on Xavier. He had settled down and was back to his deep slumber cuddling a pillow thinking it was me. I held back my giggled and slipped out of the bed room heading straight for the kitchen.

I had the strangest craving for bacon and went with it because it helped me push my cravings for blood down.

Going into the kitchen I went straight to the fridge and pulled out the kilo of bacon Staten had -why he needed that much bacon for himself who barely ate anything because vampires didn't need to was beyond me- and some eggs, placing them on the counter.

Smiling to myself I decided Xavier would love breakfast in bed after a very passionate night. I wasn't as good at making bacon and eggs like Xavier was but mine were still good and I knew Xavier would love it so I got straight into it.

Putting the bacon in the pan my mouth watered as it sizzled, toasting some bread and frying up the eggs I sang to myself and did a little dance like I used to when I cooked and I was by myself, the feeling of happiness and memories of what Xavier and I had done last night driving my happy singing mood.

I was swaying my hips and singing 'She Ain't You' by Chris Brown when I heard a wolf whistle and hands on my waist. I froze at the touch. These hands weren't the comforting one's that sent tingles over my body like my mates did, they felt wrong touching me.

"If I had known you could sing and dance like that as well as get to wake up to this sight in the morning I would have begged for you to live with me a long time ago" his voice purred in my ear his fingers squeezing my hips as he tried to pull me back against his body.

I dropped the spatula on the counter and pulled his hands away from me turning I found Staten staring down at me confusion and lust written all over his face. My heart jumped, I hadn't even realized he had come in and saw me and now that he was looking at me with such lust it made me feel wrong. The only persons lust I wanted directed to me was Xavier's.

"What are you doing Staten?" I said softly moving away from him.

I usually kept such a cool I don't give a shit attitude around Staten, but right now the look in his eyes made me nervous and slightly scared because he was unpredictable.

"What do you mean Lena?" he asked as took a step closer to me his hand reaching out to touch me.

I moved away trying to keep my distance, his eyes racked over my body taking in my bare legs that peeked out from under Xavier's t-shirt. My stomach dropped as I started to feel self-conscious.

"Stop Staten, why are you acting like this?" I growled out getting angry as his eyes oogled my body. Before I was nervous now I was just getting furious that he was looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

"I'm not doing anything Lena, I'm not acting any different" he said as he reached out and caught a strand of my hair twirling it around his finger as his eyes bored onto my face.

I stiffened in my spot and looked down at the ground not being able to move. I didn't understand what was wrong with me. I was supposedly some almighty vampire assassin that wasn't afraid of anything and yet right in this moment I felt defenseless and wasn't able to move.

Like prey.

I felt like the very prey I hunted and I hated it. It angered me more than when I cried, I always felt weak when I cried but this was just ridiculous.

"Selena" said a voice.

My heart stopped and started joy and relief rushed through my body. A smile broke over my lips as I moved away from Staten and went straight into Xavier's arms pressing my face into his t-shirt clad chest, taking in his scent and relaxing instantly.

Xavier's arms wrapped around me immediately, tightening and holding me to him as his nose ran up my neck taking in my scent.

"I woke up to find you gone" he said his voice husky and gruff.

"I wanted to make you breakfast" I said softly which wasn't completely a lie.

"I should have been the one making you breakfast my little mate, I heard your singing. It was beautiful something I haven't heard in so long babe, I hope I was the one who brought on your wonderful voice" he purred against my neck his lips brushing my already sensitive skin.

Tingles ran through my body and I shuddered in pleasure completely forgetting what had happened with Staten just a few seconds ago. My brain went into auto pilot, my mate was here now and he would love me and protect me.

I pulled back my eyes widening in realization. I was acting like a defenseless female. One that depended on her mate to protect her from everything. I was acting like the very thing I had wanted to avoid all these months, but I didn't say anything or react I just stayed in Xavier's arms my finger winding into his shirt and holding him to me, it was primal and on instinct something I couldn't not do.

Staten cleared his throat from behind me.

"Everything okay here?" Xavier asked Staten his voice gruff with sleep and anger, it was an anger that I had never heard from him before and I shivered as it frightened me a bit. Looking up I saw the anger in Xavier's eyes that he held towards Staten.

"Yeah everything is fine Lena was just making breakfast" Staten said cooly as if nothing had happened.

Xavier looked down at me his eyes searching mine for anything that would indicate something different from what Staten had told him.

I didn't know what my eyes told him but his hold on my tightened and he looked up glaring at Staten a low growl escaping his lips.

"You know better than to lie to me Staten, I heard the conversation and from what I remember in the tomb I'd say you have feelings for my mate and it is obvious she doesn't reciprocate those feelings" he growled out.

I looked back at Staten, his whole body had tensed as he clenched his fists and glared at both Xavier and I.

"Now why would I have feelings for my best friends mate, thats insane" Staten growled out lying right through his teeth and it angered me.

If Staten was really Xavier's best friend he wouldn't lie to him and it angered me that Staten thought he could go behind Xavier's back and just flat out lie to him. Xavier was a smart guy would know when Staten was bluffing and I knew he would figure everything out sooner rather than later and it looked like sooner had come around the corner.

"LIES! How dare you have feelings for my mate" Xavier growled. His arms loosened from me slightly as he went to push me behind him. His eyes glowing red his fangs extended like he was ready to pounce on Staten.

I swallowed quickly and grabbed Xavier's arms holding him back. No matter how much Staten had just scared me and how much he had tried to push his feelings on me I knew the two of them fighting wasn't right especially because they were going to fight over me.

Staten stayed where he was his eyes wide with shock, it was obvious that he hadn't expected that reaction from Xavier, or for Xavier to figure out that he was lying.

Xavier kept struggling against me and trying to lunge for Staten. I was string but it was hard to keep my ground against Xavier seeing as he was a male vampire that was raging out in full aggression to try and defend my honor in his own way.

"Lena" came a feminine voice.


I sighed in relief as she came into the kitchen with a happy smile, but that happy smile faded as she stopped dead in her tracks and took in the sight before her.

"Staten leave now" she hissed in warning to him.

Staten looked at her with wide eyes before his eyes turned to me and change to a sad expression one that I didn't return, I couldn't even though he was my friend I couldn't feel any sympathy for him, he had brought this upon himself. I didn't mean it was his fault for having feelings for me he couldn't help that but he brought on this reaction with his lying to Xavier.

Staten opened his mouth to say something but Cira cut him off with a glare. He closed his mouth and hung his head slightly as he left avoiding Xavier on his way out.

Xavier growled at him and stopped struggling as he looked down at me when I cupped his face in my hands. His eyes slowly started to go back to normal and his hands clutched onto my hips pulling me flush against his body as his lips crushed against mine in a hungry possessive kiss that had my insides screaming with the same amount of hunger.

"Mine!" he growled against my lips before he pulled away.

I couldn't help but smile sheepishly at him. "Forever and always" I whispered as I laced my ams around his shoulder running my fingers through the silky hair at the nape of his neck.

"Well now that you two have done the dirty and kissed and made up get dressed we have work to do and now we're one man short, Holland wants you in the backyard in five to start training." Cira informed us.

Xavier stiffened at Cira's words and I looked up at him in confusion but he just shook his head before snuggling his face into my shoulder. He pulled the sleeve down slightly to expose more of my neck and shoulder and placed a kiss there making me shiver with delight.

"Come on" I laughed as he placed more kisses along my neck and shoulder that started to turn hungry with want and lust.

He growled but pulled away, taking my hand he started leading me to the bedroom, Cira laughing behind us.

"You better be outside in five, we have hunters to take down" she called after us.

The revengeful part in me wanted to go out and destroy something and ring some hunters necks, especially after those words left Cira's mouth.

Cira had found out were some of the hunters went for meetings, the moment I had heard that I wanted to go straight away but that was while Xavier was recovering from such a critical condition had it stopped me from storming over there and causing chaos, now I was waiting. My revenge boiling in me waiting for release. The almighty assassin in me was back with a vengeance and she was ready to train.


"Open your mind" Holland said softly.

I breathed in slowly my eyes fluttering threatening to open. "It's opened" I sighed annoyed with this stupid exercise.

"Aha, no" Holland snapped slapping the back of my hand.

A growl erupted from my chest as well as from Xavier who was sitting on the back porch watching everything.

For the past two hours I had been training with Holland while Cira and Xavier sat on the back porch observing everything and helping out when needed. We were working on mind control exercises that would strengthen my compulsion ability for the past half hour because I was able to do all the psychical fighting but needed more work on my brain power. I was able to convince other to do as I wanted but now we were trying to teach me how to control them instead of putting ideas in there head and it was really tricky because it involved so much energy and concentration.

I glanced at Xavier seeing his eyes turn red as he held himself back from attacking Holland. From the very start of the session it was obvious that Xavier didn't like Holland but I kept quiet about it deciding that I would ask him about it later when we were by ourselves.

"You need to focus Selena keep your mind off your mate and try and break into my mind" Holland coaxed his voice bringing me back and making me concentrate.

"I've been doing this for half an hour now, my mind is open" I told him.

He looked down at the ground and shook his head. "No, it's not" he said dismissively.

This Holland that was training me now was very different to the happy go lucky Holland I had first met and right now he was getting on my nerves.

"Yes it is" I growled lowly at him.

He sighed and turned to the front porch. "We'll have to try a different approach" he mumbled to himself. "Cira" he said more loudly. "Come here and no matter what hold Selena back" he instructed.

Cira looked at him with confusion but did as she was asked making her way over to me. She grabbed my arms and held them behind her back. I was so lost in confusion that I missed Holland disappear and reappear next to Xavier a silver knife in hand as he held a struggling Xavier down and threatened to stab him in the heart.

My eyes widened in fury as I saw Xavier struggle but wasn't able to push Holland off, the knife inching closer to his heart.

I jerked against Cira trying to get free so I could kill Holland before he even got the chance to hurt Xavier but it was no use she wouldn't budge.

"Let me go" I roared.

I needed to get to Xavier before Holland killed him. I had to save him.

"Use your mind Selena control me stop me" Holland yelled.

I struggled against Cira some more but it was no use. I let out a gruntled cry as I tried to opened my mind and fell to the ground taking Cira with me, I tried to get free of her but again she didn't budge. I started to feel useless, Holland was going to stab Xavier because I wasn't able to open my mind and stop him.

"Come on" Cira coaxed as she tightened her grip on me. "Feel the wave length of his mind through the air you can do it sis"

Tears slipped from my eyes as I controlled my breathing and listened to her words, opening my mind I searched through the air for Holland's mind wave length.

I felt it just in my reach and cried out with relief as I grabbed it and entered his mind. Watching him I saw his facial expression go into blankness as I started to take control and instructed him through the wave length to drop the knife away from Xavier and let go of him.

Holland did as I instructed slowly and Cira let me go when Holland dropped the knife on the grass and moved away from Xavier.

The second the knife touched the grass I go up and was at Xavier side in an instant holding him to me and kissing all over his face as I ran my hands through his hair.

"Thank God, oh thank God" I murmured over and over again, tears still spilling from my eyes.

"Shhh, I'm okay" Xavier cooed as he pulled back from my hold and tucked me into his side kissing my hair.

I took in a couple of deep breaths inhaling his scent to calm myself and reassure myself that he was okay.

When I was composed again I turned to Holland and hissed at him flashing my fangs in warning, but he just smiled.

"Well done Selena, you are ready" he said happily, making me frown at him in confusion.


hey guys

so that was chapter 20

woo long chapter

please vote if you liked this chapter

comment and let me know what you think

remember guys first person to vote on this chapter gets the next chapter dedicated to them

love you guys


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