Rolling with the punches

By panziebear

8.4K 159 128

What happens when boring, everyday, normal Stella meets the mysterious loner Kyler? Both of their lives chang... More

author's note
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Seven-Part One

267 6 6
By panziebear

Authors note:

Hahaha just roller bladed around my basement with my big sister then we went on the quad!!!

So I'm uploading a day early cause I'm in such a goooood mood

Hope you like it...comments would be nice...tell me what you think??


Thanks a million for reading!!



Chapter Seven


By the time I was done it was 6:00 and although my pocket was heavy it did nothing but lift me up.

As I travelled the dimly lit streets, constantly searching for danger, my spirits were high. I ducked into a corner store to buy some food because we were nearly out at home.

I grabbed some bread, milk, cheese, sandwich meat and canned foods before going up to the till and paying. When I handed the money to the cashier, she sent me what I believed was supposed to be a flirty smile but it looked more like someone hit her over the head with a lamp, and she was trying to hide the pain.

I nodded at her, took my change and exited the store.

I entered the house to find Mira sitting on the single ancient couch in the living room that was empty of everything else besides a few old toys. She was doing homework with a frustrated expression on her face.

I dumped the groceries and coat at the door and wandered into the house.

"Hey Sis, need help?" I asked lightly. She looked up at me with the same relived smile she gets every time I walk through the door, nodding her head furiously.

I wandered over and plopped down beside her on the couch. I was explaining circle geometry to her and showing her how to do it when she began to act weird. She was biting her nails, as she only does when she's nervous and she wore a conflicted expression.

"Hey Mira, are you ok?" I asked, becoming concerned in an instant.

She bit down on her lip before answering, "Well some...stuff, happened today while you were gone...and...well..."

"Mir, spit it out!" I said in exasperation.

"Harleyalmostgothitbyacar." she mumbled in a rush, looking away from me. It took me a moment to decode her words and when I did I panicked slightly.

"What happened? Start from the beginning." I ordered. She looked up at me and told me about how Stella walked by and Terri ran out and How Stella saved Harley from the car. By the end of her story I was speechless.

"Kyler, she's a really good person, you should have seen her jump out in front of that car...she didn't even think twice about was like second nature to her or something," she said quietly not meeting my eyes, "I'm really sorry I let this happen." she whispered, silent tears running down her face. I pulled her into a tight hug, kissing the top of her head

"Mira its ok, accidents happen and everything turned out alright, don't beat your self up, nobodies blaming you," she wiped her eyes and nodded.

"Kyler, Stella said something about knowing you from school, is that true?" she asked giving me a curious glance. I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"Ya, I guess we've met once or twice," I stated nervously.

"Well, don't push her away...I like her," she stated giving me her approval. I laughed and mussed up her hair, she ducked out of the way and laughed as well.

We stopped messing around and got back to work. I took her homework very seriously because I knew that the only way she could have a future was to keep her grades up.

I was helping her work through some of her English homework when I heard a car pull up out front. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath, turning to a very frightened Mira.

"Ok we don't have much time; the kids are in bed right?" I questioned. She nodded. "Get them into the closet and hide them, keep them quiet and try to block the door if you can," I instructed, she took a deep breath and nodded again. I then remembered the money in my pocket and cursed again. "Mira, I don't have time to hide this and they will probably get it...but do whatever you can to keep it ok?" I said handing her the wad of cash, knowing that if I kept it, it would defiantly be lost.

She sniffled, wiped her eyes, took the money and hugged me. "I'll try to get them to leave, now go!" I said giving her a little shove towards the bedroom.

I shook my head to clear it and stood up, turning to face the door and dreading who I knew would walk in, in a matter of seconds.

The lock clicked and I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what would come next, knowing that no matter what happened it wouldn't be pretty.

The door swung open and they staggered in...

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