Doll Shop | taekook

By jgkktae97

335K 14.8K 3.9K

"i prefer this doll, please have him prepared for me" Tᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ ғᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ: topkook.bottomtae • COMPLETED / RE... More

author's note
01: doll shop


1.5K 102 38
By jgkktae97


"careful, taetae" minsoo exclaims as the said male was helping her out in the kitchen along with the other maids and was currently cutting up some vegetables.

they had told the other to relax as it's their job to do such tasks but the brunette offered to help saying he had nothing else to do and wanted to help with the preparations as jungkook had informed him that he invited his hyungs to come over this afternoon and jimin as well. he had also left for the office saying he just has a few meetings to attend to and will be back as soon as he finishes.

"how about you go and help mina with the cookies?" minsoo urges the brunette as she can't afford to have him get injured or bruise up his delicate skin. they all won't be able to face the young jeon if that happens.

the brunette nods, liking the sound of cookies as he handed the knife to the older, washed his hands and went over to mina who was working on the opposite counter top.

"help me form these cookie dough, taetae" mina says pointing to a bowl of dough which the younger was a bit tempted to taste, flicking his eyes from the maid to the dough.

the maid let out a chuckle seeing his innocent wide doe eyes and lips in a small pout as he starts to roll some dough into small balls.

"i know it looks really tasty right now but we have to bake them first." mina says. "i'll make you have a bite of the first batch of cookies." she says in a hush tone and winking at the brunette who eagerly nods and smiles as the cookies and the other dishes were obviously reserved for later as per the young jeon's instruction but all of them were making an exception for the brunette.

the maids were all basically deeply fallen with the brunette's charms as they had him taste a bit of everything. the younger innocent and happily munching with whatever that was presented to him.

the maids would say that he was their 'taste tester' wherein fact they just adore the brunette so much and loved seeing him gobble up the food and sweets.

the familiar honk of the car made the brunette immediately stand up from his seat and rushing off to the main entryway of the jeon residence.

"jungkookie!" he exclaims as soon as he sees the said man getting out of the car and engulfing him in a hug, the dark haired male quick to catch him and wrap his arms around his waist.

"hey" jungkook greets placing a kiss on the other's temple. "didn't know you missed me this much." he teasingly says as the brunette pulls away, a light pink blush now evident in his cheeks.

"i-it's because your back early, i thought you won't be back til late afternoon." the brunette doll shyly mumbled making jungkook's heart melt at his shyness.

"my meetings went well so i was able to leave early." jungkook says placing a kiss on the blushing brunette's forehead.

"oh come, they prepared a lot of dishes in the kitchen." the brunette excitedly exclaims as he basically pulls the dark haired male inside and into the kitchen.

the maids all bowed respectfully seeing the young jeon who was being dragged by the young brunette over the island counter where he was previously eating.

jungkook glanced at the maids who all looked away, guilty of spoiling the brunette with food that was supposed to be served later.

"try the japchae" the younger says as he grabbed the chopsticks and scooping up some of the noodles which the other gladly eats up.

the dark haired male ended up eating with the brunette. the maids gushing silently among themselves and cooing at the sight with minsoo occasionally scolding them.

"we should get ready, my love. jimin and namjoon hyung just texted me saying they're on their way." jungkook informs as he set his phone down.

the brunette looked down on the t-shirt and shorts that he was wearing which he finds very much comfortable but nonetheless nods and followed the dark haired male up to their room.

he patiently seats in one of the closet chairs as he lets jungkook choose his outfit.

the truth is the dark haired male just wanted the brunette to change into a pair of pants as he didn't like the idea of the younger exposing his alluring legs when their guests arrives.

jungkook had turned around as the brunette shyly changed into the pair of pants. he was then startled when the younger taps on his shoulder and pressed a kiss on his cheek when he turned around which made the dark haired male flustered at the gesture.

the brunette giggles as the dark haired male stood stunned infront of him, ears red. he stood on his tip toes and pressed a kiss on the tip of jungkook's nose.

a soft gasp escaped the brunette's lips when he was suddenly pushed up against one of the cabinets, the dark haired male's face snuggling up in the crook of his neck.


"let me calm down for a bit." the dark haired male replies, voice muffled against his skin. the brunette was confused but soon realized what he meant feeling something subtly hard poking him down there.

oh, he was getting aroused.

the brunette instantly heated up at the realisation, his mind in question at how and why did the other's member suddenly came to life.

"oh, o-okay." the flustered doll replies but a smile soon appears in his lips liking their close proximity and feeling the other's warmth. he wrapped his arms around the other careful not to do anything that might result to something else as he giggled snuggling closer to jungkook.

it wasn't long until minsoo came knocking to their bedroom door, informing them that the namjin couple arrived with jimin.

"jiminie!" the brunette basically ran down the stairs as soon as he sees the blonde haired male by the main living room and throwing himself towards the other who had his arms wide open to catch him, steadying them both. a jeonlous jungkook trailing behind which didn't go unnoticed by the namjin couple who chuckles.

"i'm surprised you even invited him." seokjin teases as the two were now in their own little bubble, the brunette giggling at something the blonde male had said.

"i think i'm regretting it. maybe i should file a restraining order." jungkook murmurs making the namjin couple let out a laugh. "my love, i'd like you to meet namjoon hyung." he called out for the brunette as he had never met the older or he just wanted to detach the younger away from jimin.

"doctor seokjin" the brunette greets with a shy bow to the doctor as he stood beside jungkook who was quick to wrap his arms around the younger's waist.

"don't be so formal, call me jin." seokjin says with the brunette nodding shyly before turning to the other tall man beside the doctor.

he tilted his head a bit as he gazed at the other recognising the man seeing him a few days ago outside of the doll shop which namjoon quickly noticed the knowing look.

"i bumped into you a few days ago outside of the shop..." namjoon says awkwardly scratching his neck, jimin and jungkook stifling their laughs while jin was glaring at his husband.

"ah, yes i remember." the brunette confirms before his face turned into a realisation. "oh, were you with jungkookie that day?" he innocently asks.

the dark haired male gave a knowing look at namjoon silently telling him that he hadn't said anything to the brunette yet.

namjoon let out an internal sigh of relief as their attention was suddenly turned to minsoo entering the room and walking over to the young jeon.

"mister jeon, mister jung hoseok has arrived." minsoo appears by the entry way.

"let him in." jungkook says, the maid made a quick bow before excusing herself.

"i haven't seen him for a long time, it's hard to personally see our global superstar these days." seokjin says as they also hadn't seen the said celebrity in a long time.

it wasn't long until a man clad in baggy pants, a yellow polo shirt and a bright smile plastered on his face entered the room.

"jhoooooope!" namjoon basically screamed, welcoming the said man in a tight hug.

everyone else greeted the celebrity, the brunette stunned and awkwardly standing in his spot. his eyes not believing that one of the most famous idols in the country was standing in the same room as him and breathing the same air. he was screaming inside. he was a big fan!

"hoseok-hyung, i'd like you to meet my taehyung." jungkook wraps his arms back at the brunette's waist as he introduced the two.

"glad to finally meet the beauty that stole our jungkook's heart." hoseok teased, winking at the brunette who blushed but his eyes briefly going wide realising he was the jung hoseok jungkook was talking to over the phone back at the office when he was bent over the desk, the dark haired male thrusting deep inside of him.

the brunette's face turned red at the realisation, the other's cooing thinking that the younger has just gotten so shy and speechless infront of the famous celebrity.

"are you okay, my love?" jungkook whispers, planting a kiss on the doll's temple as the others had now immersed themselves into conversations.

the brunette nods, snuggling closer to the dark haired male hiding his face in his chest as he hugged him. the others pretending they were not internally squealing at the adorable sight as they acted cool and continued with their conversation letting the two be in their own little world.

jungkook however noticed how jimin was looking at him, their eyes locking. a frown etched on the blonde male's lips realising that the brunette had no clue of the whole situation. the dark haired male ignored the look the other was giving him and focused his attention back at the brunette in his arms.

"mister jeon, a man named min yoongi is by the gate. should we let him in?" minsoo informs, smiling at the brunette who was cuddled up against the young jeon.

"yes, please let him in." jungkook replies with the older maid excusing herself after.

"do you have more guests coming?" the brunette curiously asks, peering up at the dark haired male.

"no, it's just the hyungs and jimin. i wanted to introduce them all to you." jungkook says. "they're the people i trust the most and will take care of you if i'm not around." he murmurs, voice muffled as his face was nuzzled against the brunette's hair.

the younger giggled as he pulled away, cupping the dark haired male's cheeks who lovingly gazed at him. "silly jungkookie, you're not going anywhere. you can take care of me." he says, bopping the tip of his nose with the other's own. "and i'll take care of you too." the brunette adds.

a knock catches their attention as they turned by the entry way seeing a mint haired man.



"you two know each other?" namjoon asks, face surprised along with jungkook.

"y-yeah..." jimin replied in an awkward tone.

"really?" jungkook narrowed his eyes towards jimin.

"we're dating. actually, we just became official yesterday." the man now spoke, a smug smile on his lips. eyes fixed on the now blushing blonde haired male. "right, babe?"

a small squeal escapes from the brunette's lips as he runs over to the blonde and engulfing him in a hug.

"oh my gosh! i'm so happy for you jiminie and you're so cute when you blush!" he exclaims making the others let out a laugh as the said man was now furiously blushing.


everyone was soon gathered at the garden enjoying the dishes served along with a fine selection of wine but of course, the maids had prepared a selection of fresh fruit juice for the brunette.

"careful, my love." jungkook says, as he eyed the brunette who was slicing a piece of steak. jimin rolling his eyes with the familiar scene and seokjin cooing at how adorable he finds the two.

laughter surrounded the table as seokjin and jimin started to share some of jungkook's embarrassing stories growing up who both ignored the glares the dark haired male was giving them.

the brunette had learned that seokjin, jungkook and jimin's families are very close and go way back. the three were childhood friends growing up together in london and had studied together in australia where seokjin soon went to korea to pursue medicine.

the three were soon reunited when jungkook was appointed as ceo at the jeon corporation by his father and was asked to temporarily be in office in korea and jimin being also put under his supervision.

the now worldwide superstar, hoseok was introduced to their group by jimin as they met at a dance school in los angeles who was still a trainee at that time.

most of them met yoongi through namjoon who both worked at the same law firm who was a detective and well, jimin met yoongi at a club.

jungkook somehow diverted the conversation to hoseok not wanting to talk more about anything that regards to namjoon and yoongi's job as he was getting paranoid that the brunette might ask further questions which everyone noticed except the brunette male.

the brunette doll was very much excited when the idol, jung hoseok had started sharing his concert experiences abroad and even had shared to them some sweet delicacies he had brought overseas.

jungkook couldn't help but stare at the brunette watching his face, admire how he softly giggles to himself and how his cheeks turn pink when hoseok would hand him another piece of chocolate to try. everyone else was conversing and commenting on the sweets while the dark haired male was busy in his own world starring at the most precious thing in his life.

"jungkook, stop starring at him. he might melt." jimin teased, everyone's attention turning to the two which made the brunette turn into an instant red tomato.

jungkook chuckles planting a kiss on the brunette's temple with everyone else letting out a laugh. "shut it, jimin. i can stare at him all i want."

"oh, i got a text from jiyeon. she wanted to quickly talk to you." jimin says holding up his phone. "it might be urgent."

jungkook was about to protest but the look jimin was giving him made his mouth shut.

a small frown however appeared on the doll's lips not liking how jimin and jungkook couldn't enjoy the time they were having because of work but the older was handling a worldwide company so it's not like he can seat at peace for a few minutes without people looking for him.

everyone else seemed to understand the subtle tension between jimin and jungkook except for the clueless brunette.

"it might be important, we'll make sure taehyungie here won't miss you too much." seokjin exclaims waiving his hand off to let the other deal with their important business.

"we'll be quick." jungkook murmurs, pressing a kiss on top of the brunette's hair before walking away with jimin.

"try this, taehyungie. i bought it in switzerland." hoseok was quick to bring back the mood as soon the two had left.


"i'm sure i've already dealt with everything back at the office." jungkook frustratingly says as soon as they were back inside the house. the maids who were on sight bowing and immediately leaving the room.

the blonde male let out a scoff, crossing his arms over his chest as he faced the dark haired male.

"oh, we both know everything's settled back at the office. you're fucking leaving tomorrow jungkook!" jimin says, voice going a bit harsher than he had intended.

silence engulfed the two as the dark haired male looked away, eyes tainted with guilt as he had kept this from the brunette before the blonde haired male spoke again.

"don't break his heart like this jungkook."

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