The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janosk...

Oleh ilovethejanoskians18

397K 7.5K 1.9K

Meet Cassie your average 17 year old not so popular teenager, it's the start of a new school year and nothing... Lebih Banyak

The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janoskian Fanfiction )
What do you want from me ??
What have i done ??
A Date with Beau Brooks
The Disatrous Official Date
Date Gone Wrong
Oh Hell No
Did He Just Play Me ?
He can Cook .. NO WAY !
Well That's Uh Awkward
He Can't Get Out I'm Not Ready
Is it True ?
Matt :'(
I may, or may not be into you!
Silent Farts Are The Most Deadly
But I want to sleep next to you ;)
Why Why Why!!!
I I Did It....
Suprise Date
He won't ever find out
What did I do?
Your who?
Sleeping on the oval
I missed you
Ride home with him
But you said no
How did you get out?
Wait where are we going?
Answer one of my questions then
Meeting Nonna and Gina
Meeting the Brooks fam bam
I don't love her
The tears are real
More drama then a soap opera
Now kiss me
That's our table
What are you doing here?
I feel like shit
Shut up and kiss me
Wanna bet?
What's got you so happy?
Positive or Negative?
You mean you know and love
Lets use a codeword
Sorry darl
I'm joking!
The betrayal
Get me a bucket you doofus!
She was with me

Can I have a...

2.9K 82 106
Oleh ilovethejanoskians18


Hello my lovelies, you guys are seriously so amazing, I can't thank you enough! I logged into wattpad yesterday went onto the profile of the bet and was astonished. 300K READS AHHHH YOU GUYS, the comments that I get on this story are just wonderful. Never did I ever even imagine that I would get any readers and here I am so thankful for each and every single one of you! I could seriously write a full length chapter just about how much I love you guys, how thankful I am with you putting up with my irregular updates, silly grammar mistakes and cliff hangers. I tried to make this chappie extra longer for you guys, thank you again and I will stop blabbing before I can't stop, love you all :')

The beautiful sound of the school bell echoes throughout the classroom, causing cheers from the students in my class. Math at the end of the day how cruel, it may not be the end of a school week since it's a Wednesday afternoon but it is the end of a school day.

I let out an exasperated sigh of content and push back some loose stray curls from my ponytail, before collecting my heavy books and pencil case and making my way down the hallway.

I shove my books in my locker and pack up my bag, what no note this time? I think to myself grinning as I swing my bag over my shoulder. My eyes lay on my blazer and I frown, I furrow my eyebrows as I try to think back to this morning when I lazily shoved it into my locker.

Oh shit... right that note! That reminds me I need to read that pointless note that Fiona handed to me yesterday, I rummage through my bag trying to find it only to realize I left it at home on my bedside table and spent countless minutes trying to look for it.

I grunt and run my fingers through ponytail before being interrupted by a figure lounging towards me, before I can even react my whole body is being squished into a tightening hug. I let out a deep release of breath as the person finally lets me go, and I look up only to find an enlightened Fiona staring back at me.

"Hello to you too." I chuckle, taking a few steps forward before we both walk out of the school hallways with our school bags on our shoulders.

"You forgot I'm picking you up didn't you missy?" Fiona shakes her head laughing.

"I did not!" I scoff, folding my arms persuasively, Fiona stares back at me in disbelief and I let out a sigh "Okay maybe I might have, but it's only because I don't want to go."

"Cassie I'm here for you, we're in this together. Don't you want to find out if.." Fiona stops mid sentence, she starts looking in all directions panicked before letting a sigh of relief and edging closer towards me. "If... if.... if you're pregnant." Fiona finishes off in a half whisper.

"I do." I bite my lip, "But then I don't." I mutter, before Fiona gives me a long hug. She slowly lets go of the embrace and I take a deep breath in.

"Now are we going to stand here like weirdos or get in the car?" I retort smiling, before snatching her keys out of her hands, and clicking the remote.

We place both our school bags in the boot, before I make my way into the passenger seat, whereas Fiona jumps into the driver seat, "If you don't want to go to the pharmacy I completely understand we can go another day." Fiona worriedly says placing both of her hands on the steering wheel as I fiddle with her keys in my hands.

I mean we could go another day but what good would that do? It would only delay the visit and add to my worries. I notice Fiona starts frantically looking beside her.

"Where are they?" Fiona mutters to herself, as she searches the pockets of her sport tracksuit pants.

"What are you looking for?" I laugh at her puzzled state.

"My keys... I was holding them before." Fiona raises her voice alarmed, before hitting the car steering wheel.

BEEEEEEP "SHIT!" Fiona screams as she rapidly takes her hands off the steering wheel before placing her hand on her heart and breathing more quickly than normal.

"Are these what you're looking for?" I cheekily say, dangling her keys in front of her face.

Fiona snatches the keys off me, sending a nasty glare my way. She doesn't look my way as she starts up the car and I bite my lip in anticipation. Any moment now she should turn around gleefully, but maybe I don't know my own best friend as well as I think I d-

"Oh I can't stay mad at you!" Fiona exclaims cheerfully lounging at me.

"Aw love you." I grin, hugging her back tightly.

I am so lucky to have her in my life and I wouldn't want to trade her for the anything in word. She is here with me and that it all that matters.

"Let's do this!" I exclaim confidentially, as I pull away from the embrace.

"Let's do it?" Fiona repeats astonished, she drives out of the school car park and glances my way in which I nod.

"I still don't understand why you don't want to get your license." Fiona smiles as she makes a quick u turn.

"I dunno it just isn't my priority at the moment, I don't need to drive yet I've got mum and you to take me everywhere I need to go." I grin and Fiona quickly turns to face me while driving straight ahead.

"EY keep your eyes on the road!" I shout at Fiona, causing her to rapidly move her head away from me.

"This could just be some silly way of assumption." I mutter moments later, but by her lack of response I doubt she heard me.

A silly way of assumption, I keep telling myself over and over again on the drive to the pharmacy.


"Cassie did you hear anything I just said?" Fiona frowns staring at me seated in the car, while she stands outside.

"Wait when did you get out?" I ask confused.

"When you spaced out looking out the window, I figured since you kept humming to what I was saying that you weren't really listening." Fiona says amused with a silly smile on her face.

I open the door and I am just about to step out when I am taken back by suddenly sneezing.

"Fiona-" I sniffle but I am quickly interrupted.

"It's okay I knew we shouldn't have come here today it's too much and too soon." Fiona bites her lip, grabbing her car keys out of her bag.

"Wait no! Uh... no its not that" I start to chuckle while holding my nose "Can I have a tissue."

Fiona looks back at me squeezing me nose with my right hand, "Oh right, sorry." Fiona smiles before reaching into her pocket and frowning then grabbing her bag and rummaging through it.

"Uh.... I don't have I tissue but I have an unused hanky" Fiona awkwardly smiles, hesitantly handing it over for me to take.

"It will have to do I'm desperate!" I exclaim while thankfully taking it and blowing my snotty nose.

"Blargh." I exclaim while folding the hanky and placing it in my pocket, I take a deep breath in and out and sigh in content before opening the car door and walking out.

"You sure you're ready, I don't want to push you to do anything you don't want to do."

"I've got to face this sooner or later, even though I would rather it be later and even though I don't want to face the consequences and I just want to run back in your car and drive home and lock myself in my room, cry and never come out I-"

"Cassie your rambling, where's the positive part?" Fiona shakes her head looking at me worriedly, which she seems to have been doing a lot lately.

"I want to... wait no I have to do this because I don't want to keep stressing myself over nothing. I mean I'm probably just working myself up, I just have to go in there buy the pregnancy test, you take me home I do the test and BAM simple as that." I quickly ramble on again nervously.

"Yeah see there's nothing to worry about, this could just be one big misunderstanding.." Fiona says as she comfortingly rubs my shoulder.

"Wait what are you doing?" I ask Fiona as she makes her way to the entry of the pharmacy without me following behind her.

"Making my way downtown." Fiona randomly sings, which makes me laugh.

"Walking fast, faces pass and I'm home bound." I continue on just as loud as her, Fiona makes the sound effects of the piano which causes some unwanted disapproving glances our way which only makes us laugh harder.

"But seriously, would you mind waiting here for me? I want to quickly go in and out and knowing you you'll stop buy the makeup section stare at them all day, I'll turn around and see you pick up one piece of mascara and next minute I look over at the checkout and your buying makeup galore."

"Hey I don't do that!" Fiona protests, crossing her arms with a poker face. I give her an unconvinced look and her poker face turns into a sly smile. "The makeup calls out to me." Fiona pouts and I shake my head laughing.

"This is only a quick stop remember, wait here I'll be right back!" I exclaim before confidently walking into the pharmacy.

This was a bad idea, a very bad idea. They're all staring at me, THEY KNOW I'VE DONE THE DIRTY! I keep my eyes focused straight ahead of me as I avoid any eye contact with everyone inside, I can't afford to even make eye contact with someone I know, I just have to quickly grab the stupid test and get out.

In and out, in and out, in and... OH GOD! NO, NO, NO, NO this can't be happening! I speed walk my way to the makeup section, I grab the first thing I can see and casually use it as a shield to hide my face from my mum.

Slowly placing the product back down, I slowly look up only to see my mothers figure walking towards the exit with a bag clutched in her hand. So far so good, I let out a deep breath, before resting my arm on one of the shelf.

"Can I help you miss?" A tall appealing man in his mid-twenties approaches, I jump in fright and accidentally knock over some makeup products from the shelf accidentally.

"Don't worry I've got it." The man chuckles, before bending down and picking them up one by one before I can even attempt to bend over.

I realize I'm staring at him and I quickly shake my head, don't forget the reason you came in here for. "Just out of curiosity do you by any chance know where the pregnancy tests are?" I casually asks as he stands back up and stares straight at me in surprise.

"Umm from here you walk straight ahead, turn right and they should be in the next section up." He replies scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Good to know." I smile and nod, before walking off to the next section.

My eyes nearly bulge out at the sight of all the different variety, I randomly pick one up before panicking and placing it back where I found it as I feel someone's eyes on me. I turn around panicked, only to find no one even in this aisle, it's all in my head.

I quickly grab a box that looks the most appealing to me, before speed walking my way towards the counter. The rest goes pretty fast from there, I awkwardly hand the test over to the checkout, keep the conversation to a minimum and before I know it I'm in Fiona's car.

I place the plastic bag containing the test beside me on the floor and I can feel Fiona staring back at me.

"So... what happened?" Fiona exclaims as she almost jumps out of her seat.

"Nothing really just in and out." I sigh, grabbing a hold of the bag, placing it on my lap and showing her the one object inside.

"Damn you have guts, there's no way I would have built up the courage to go in there and buy a pregnancy test. But then again you did take about half an hour so maybe I could."

"Hey I did not!"

"You sure did you snail!" Fiona squeals of out laughter, within a matter of moments I join in with her contagious laugh. The rest of the drive home consisted of laughter, jokes and complaining of stomachs hurting.


"How was Fiona?" Mum cheerfully smiles, as I enter the house carrying my plastic bag from the pharmacy.

"She's good, she had to go home otherwise she would have come in." I smile, before glancing over at the ingredients laid out on the kitchen bench.

Sauce, cheese, ham, capsicum, olives.... realization hits me. "PIZZA!" I scream running over towards the kitchen table where mum is preparing the toppings for the pizza.

Once I place the plastic bag on the couch, mum helps tie the back of my apron for me and I make my pizza how I want it. I make a Margarita pizza, mum adds everything onto hers and we make a Hawaiian one for dad once he comes home from work.

"So how was school?" mum says in her interested tone of voice, she places her oven mittens on and grabs one of the trays containing the Hawaiian pizza.

"Meh." I respond, opening the oven door for her.

"So what did you buy?"

At first I am confused, but then my eyes follow to where mum is looking at and I feeling like face palming myself.

How could I be so stupid to leave it out in the open where mum could easily just grab the bag? Slowly making my way out of the kitchen I speed walk my way to the couch.

"Oh just the usual makeup." I say, scratching my head and tightly holding onto the plastic bag. "I've got to pee." I blurt out.

"Then what are you doing still standing here?" mum laughs.

Once I'm in my room, I shut the door and throw the plastic bag on my bed. The pregnancy test falls out and as I make my way to my bed I grab the package and examine it more closely.

So you're supposed to pee on this right?

Now more than ever, I wish I paid more attention in child development. I guess you just shake off thinking things like this will never happen to you until you are actually confronted with the situation. You can't run, you can't hide from it you just have to deal with it.

I carefully ever so slowly begin to open the package, I open the top flap and slide my fingers in to grab this thing that could change my life for better or for worse.

"CASSIE!" Mum's voice shouts from within the hallway, I almost drop the test as I shake with fear. Without another moment of hesitation I open the draw to my bedside table and stuff the packaging and test in there.

"WHAT?" I scream back, my heart still racing at the thought of her walking in too early.

"CASSIE DINNERS READY!" Mums voice shouts.

"Okay I'm coming." I say rather loudly, or at least I thought but I am proven wrong by my name being shouted.

"CASSIE DINNERS GETTING COLD!" Mum screams again, her footsteps edging closer.

"I HEARD YOU, I'M COMING!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"No need to shout." I hear her distant voice, making me grunt in annoyance.

I swing my legs from my bed and onto the ground, before lifting my lazy ass up. My eyes wander over towards the unopened note still laying on my bedside table.

Should I? Should I not? Should I read it later? Should I read it now?

I grab the note, my curiosity taking control and getting the best of me. My name is written across the top in big bold letters, I turn the envelope over and run my fingers across the top where it has been sealed.

I gently start to open it, before getting annoyed and carelessly tearing it open. I open it wide and peek inside, the backing of a photograph is facing my side and I pick it up.

Turning the photograph around, I study it in shock. I move it closer to my eyes as if my eyes are deceiving me. This can't be.... it couldn't be.... me?

There right in front of me is a photo take of me, it's me! My hair is tied up in a messy ponytail, I'm wearing my school uniform, my bag slouched on my shoulders, blazer on and I am standing at the lights near the school waiting for them to change so I can cross.

From my memory it doesn't seem like it was taken that long ago, the person doesn't look that close to me either. Close enough to take a photo of me, but not close enough for me to see them. But then again I was clueless, I didn't know anyone was watching me.

I place the photo back in the envelope as my hands start to shake, however once I put it back in I feel something else inside the envelope. Paper brushes against my fingertips and I pull out the folded piece of paper.

Once I've opened it up, I notice in small writing is a typed sentence, at first glance I can't make out what it says but as I bring the paper closer towards my eyes the words begin to unravel.

Guess who's back, back again? x

After reading the note, I quickly shove them back in the envelope. I place the envelope back where I found it, I glance at my curtains that are still open and rush over to them. I close them and take some rushed deep breaths in and out.

I feel a bit better and slowly walk out of my room, down the hallway and into the kitchen where my mum and dad are seated at the table consumed in a long conversation.

At first they don't take notice of me, but when I take a seat my dad looks up and smiles at me. I eat the pizza without speaking much and all that I can think of is the note and what it means.

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