By daughterofaknownKing

293 5 2

Dream leading to love without longing for More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Story continues
Chapter Forty one
Chapter Three
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Checking on you
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty Two

Chapter Eighty One

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By daughterofaknownKing

It's been 5 years since Richard and I got married and since then things have been really amazing except that the universe isn't showing me anything any longer as the future was here except if there  will be any danger that will inflict pain on me, my family and those around me. But today was different I heard the dream into my world of reality of a great reunion with my great family! I was so lost to the celebration of the moment that it seems real until a beautiful voice echoes into my ear bringing me back to reality.

Mummy mummy mummy!
I opened my eyes to the tap of a hand

Oh my Prince!
Why did you wake mummy from such beautiful and amazing dream?

Am sorry mummy, he said looking handsomely innocent.

Okay my Prince what did you want Mummy to do for you? I asked him making him realize I will always be there for him.

Mummy dad asked me to wake you up to join us for breakfast!

Breakfast? Isn't it too early?
Okay so that is the reason for such a room filled with aroma.

No mummy, it's already 9am!

Have I slept that long?

Yes mom!

Okay don't worry go mummy will join you guys in a bit.
I look at the clock beside my bed to confirm the time only to realize I have been sleeping for long unlike me, my alarm didn't wake me either. That must have been My King (Richard) doing he might have turned off the alarm for me to sleep on.

Okay mom, please make it fast I can't wait the aroma is breath taking.

Yes my Prince, i will join you soon okay.
He nodded and left the room.

It has been five years now and I must say God has blessed me with so much that I can't explain. That was my second child Philip, yes I did name him after my friend since Philips made me promise to name any of my sons that look like Richard by his name and my little prince looks much handsome like his father and that made me love him more which even made Richard to be jealous of how I shower him love more than himself. Well I can't help it he looks like his dad and must be adored like him.

Finally the future I Dreamt has come true, I got up from the bed and to the bathroom to brush my teeth before heading to the living room where the impatient gentle guys are waiting for me. As I stepped down the last stairs there they were with a brilliant smile on their faces as they saw me approaching.
I went close to kiss Raymond on his cheek
Raymond was my first child which took after me in hardwork but had both our looks.

Good morning my Pride like I used to call him.

Good morning mom! He said kissing me back

Prince! sorry mom keeps you waiting, I said to Philip as I kiss him on the forehead.

Okay mummy, you here now. He said with a smile.

Then I walked to my big charming and adoring King Richard who has been impatiently waiting for his own greeting.
Good morning my crown King.

Morning my sunshine Queen! Richard said getting up to kiss me as he helped me sit close to him with Philip sitting beside me and Raymond opposite me.
Okay I know you are wondering quite lot well let me hints you a bit.
After I and Richard got married we decided to call ourselves a unique name to keep our love firing on and that how we got those amazing names. There seated on the dining was those that means everything to me in the world, Richard and my two lovely sons Raymond 4years old and Philip 2years old and right now am 6months gone (am pregnant). Richard have always make sure I don't stress myself much despite we don't have housemaid.

Let pray! Philip say as he prayed on the breakfast before we eat
Dear God, thank you for such beautiful family we have,your love and for how you have seen us this far. Bless this meal, replenish the Pocket that brings out and provide for those that don't have!

Amen! Everyone said.
There on the table was egg sauce and bread with tea prepared by Richard. Believe you me it was really tasty and yummy!

My King did you really prepare this yourself or Prince helped you out? I asked Richard who looks at me like the prince can even cook talk more of helping out.

I know that look, don't think I will believe that, Prince did you help dad in the kitchen?

Yes mummy, dad doesn't even know how to cut onions!he was using his hand instead of a chopper


Really......oh dad is that true? I said to Richard trying to get him to say yes.

Philip that was our little secret why did you have to tell mummy! Richard say feeling sad as he addresses him.


Oh am sorry dad I forgot, but I haven't told mummy that I also told you how many cubes of maggie to put in the sauce.


Oh really but you just did Philip, Raymond said looking at him with a big laugh.

You see I told you this boy doesn't look like me at all, ordinary small thing he taught me in the kitchen to put 10 cubes of maggie in 8egg sauce he is now feeling himself.

Okay.....that enough you both but 10 cubes is hell much Prince that means you and your dad are such a bad cook please don't use my kitchen anymore I said.

Please mummy we are sorry they both say apologetically.

Okay fine, since the meal still tastes great you both are pardon.
Philip always drives pleasure in watching me cook in the kitchen at a tender age and that makes him know quite little about cooking but not everything accurately. He has watched me sometimes cook with 10 cubes so he assumed that normal. About using 10 cubes  for the sauce was just a joke beside Richard knows how to cook perfectly well even better than I cox he was used to joining his mom in the kitchen whenever she cooked and that part of his attributes his son took after.

King, I think it is time for our reunion.

That was actually what's on my mind, I and Rapheal spoke yesterday and we talked about something like that.


Yes sunshine and we want it soon enough so am going to get in touch with him and the guys while you get the ladies on board!

Sure I will, the universe reviews it already and I bet you, it's gonna be splendid.

Yes I bet it will.

After the meals we watched some movies and went out for dinner to one of my favorite eateries.
in the room the next day I picked my phone up and was about to dail sugar pie number as it has been some weeks now we talked as I dail my call bounce back with an incoming calls and there she was calling me she always have this sense of humor of knowing when I want to call her. We talked for almost an hour and it was on how to get in touch with others on how to plan the reunion. It all went great as the call ended.
I began to get in touch with my friends who haven't relented in checking up on ourselves and this makes it easier for me.

Life has taught everyone a lot that no matter what we face we always come through for each and this has helped us come this far.
Here we are in a very pleasant mood and celebration of our togetherness with great enthusiasm.
Everyone was really present in the reunion without exception but this time with our beloved family in different numbers. We arrived at the venue of the reunion earlier than anyone as we have been planning it for quite 2months.

There i was in the big hall we rented to check out how all the arrangements had been going on. Everyone has his own table with a number of chairs and there was where my beloved family table was reserved with four chairs. It was almost time everyone began to drive their way into the venue as we exchanged pleasantries.

Rapheal and his family walked in with their two beautiful and handsome kids Racheal and Precious. Rapheal managed one of his father companies and Precious didn't use her certificate to work as Rapheal never wanted his wife to work under anyone so she went into event planning deeply that she now owns her own company which was what she always wanted and she was the one that planned the reunion event. Racheal was 4years plus and Precious a boy was 3years old.

Philips and his beautiful wife Natasha walk in with their child Princess who was younger than my prince with 6month. Philips has been the CEO of all his father's company and is managing it well with the help of his beautiful wife.
Aren't you thinking something? Natasha was my chief-bridesmaid and that was how they met. Philips have always wish he had meet me earlier before Richard but meeting someone as beautiful as I am made him realize she must be his own Princess and that was how he made me promise to name any of child that look like Richard his name and he also promise to name his first girl child Princess and that how he named her after me.

Mercy walks in with her fiancee Micheal.
Mercy became part of the family ever since the wedding. She already lost her pregnancy to the cold beating of the father which made her hate him and part ways and now she meets some great who has helped her forget her pain and now they are about getting married. She happens to be the only yet married among us

Mr. Gabriel and his beautiful wife walk in with their lovely children two boys and two girls. Mr Gabriel was in his late 30's with his beautiful wife as a business administrator. The first child was 16 and the others had a 2 year gap each. Gabriel was our wedding M.C that requested to join the great family and that is how he became part of us loving the way we do things.

Lastly was the Bose family......the elegant lady, my Boss lady. She walks in with Kayode and her two beautiful twins Michelle and Michaella. Bose works as a relationship counselor and Kayode owns his own gym center. Michelle and Michaella were 3 years old.

We were now completed and the whole family was seated in their groups and the ceremony began.
There were lots of games for each family to participate and picked out one representative as everyone participated without exception.
Everything went as the universe reveals then all of a sudden something changes and I scream out loud that the results makes me realize it was reality.

When you have great people that surround you, great things happen to you

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