Anthophile (PJO x HP) 🌸WTM/R...

By ChidoriStream_86

589K 19.8K 8.8K

Child of the Eldest Gods from the East, Heiress of Earth and Legacy of Stars and Magic, Has the Affinity to B... More

PJO Characters
HP characters #1
HP characters #2
Ancient Noble House of Black
Book 1
Author's note
Author's Note
Book 2
Author's Note
Author's Note
Book 3
Author's Note
Author's Note
🏠|πŸΆβ˜˜οΈβ˜€οΈβ˜ οΈ
Book 4


5K 214 159
By ChidoriStream_86


Many looked stunned at the title.

The looked towards the demigods and satyr who tensed a bit, but ignored the looks given to them.

"A traitor!!?" Sirius gaped.

"Or traitors, Pads," James said it too.

Remus, Regulus and many others frowned at the title. They had figured it could've been Luke since (Name) had been talking about him two chapters ago. But who else there are involved with the blonde guy.

When Una, (Name) and Percy arrived back at camp, the first person they saw was Annabeth. She disregarded Percy and ran past him to give (Name) a hug, Una was hanging around her shoulder as usual.

"Brainy!" (Name) squealed with her arms wide open, while Annabeth squealed back with the same enthusiasm, "Greenie! Una!"

"I really love their friendship," Marlene said. Many others smiled and agreed too.

(Name) and Annabeth gave each other a wink and smiled before continue watching.

The blonde tackled her best friends in a tight hug, "Oh gods! Thank Zeus both of you are alive! I was so worried that he would've barbequed you two."

"Well, I'm not, darling," (Name) smiled.

"I'm glad," Annabeth sighed, still hugging her. "You better not replace me with that seaweed brain. You're my best friend, you hear me?"

"Possessive much?" Harry snickered at Annabeth who rolled her eyes.

Percy shook his head at what Annabeth on the screen said with a snicker too.

(Name) laughed, "Of course not, Ann. No one will ever replace you."

"Not even me?" Asked a voice. Luke walked up from behind with a light smirk on his face.

The demiwitch and Annabeth sighed as they looked at him.

Una noticed it immediately, as she swiftly crawled into Annabeth's shoulder for comfort, seeking refuge in the familiar warmth of her friend.

(Name) directing a mischievous smirk towards Luke despite it being all for show. The demiwitch, feeling a rush of conflicting emotions, impulsively lunged into Luke's outstretched arms, enveloping him in a hesitant hug that masked her internal unease. "Miss you, Luke," she whispered softly, her voice tinged with a mixture of longing and apprehension. She didn't want to believe he did something wrong, but she'll observe from now.

Many thought that she was a good actress just by the way she acted in front of a traitor himself.

"Miss you too, Missy," Luke chuckled softly as he affectionately ruffled her hair, playfully messing it up with his gentle touch. Despite feeling too drained to scold him, (Name) responded with a mixture of fatigue and fond exasperation, offering a subtle pout and a fleeting eye-roll in response to his antics.

Clarisse greeted her with a fist-bump and a hard pat on the back, a gesture that was gladly reciprocated before the playful banter began, with each of them insulting one another playfully.

When her siblings noticed her, they altogether join in the fun and playfully ambushed her, creating an uproarious dog pile that left her laughing uncontrollably. Their weight pressed against her, and more of her friends quickly joined the pile, causing her to feel slightly out of breath as the laughter reached a crescendo.

At the sight unfolding before them, a wave of joy rippled through the crowd, eliciting smiles and laughter from all present. The Marauders, known for their camaraderie, found the scene particularly amusing, as it reminded them of their own lively interactions and shared history.

After their joyous reunion with her siblings and friends, (Name) caught sight of Chiron in his wheelchair. He greeted her with a nod, a proud smile gracing his face, as she returned safely from her epic quest to save the world alongside her friends.

The quartet were the first heroes to return alive to Half-Blood Hill since Luke, so of course everybody treated them as if they'd won some reality TV contest. According to camp tradition, they wore laurel wreaths to a big feast prepared in their honor, then led a procession down to the bonfire, where they got to burn the burial shrouds their cabins had made for them in their absence.

Annabeth smiled proudly as she held her beautiful, gray silk shroud with embroidered owls.

"That's pretty," Dorcas smiled.

(Name)'s shroud, a delicate piece of sage green silk, was adorned with intricate embroidery featuring golden wheats and vibrant flowers, while a subtle lizard motif reminiscent of Una enhanced its beauty.

"Very fitting," Arcturus nodded his head in approval.

Percy jokingly suggested she should be buried in it. This prompting her to playfully push him, but to everyone's surprise, a violet wisp swiftly emanated from her hand, causing him to stumble and fall backward without any physical contact. The strange occurrence left those nearby bewildered, including herself (slightly), as they tried to make sense of what had just transpired.

"What the fuck?"


Many looked at the demiwitch who shrunk into her husband's chest, not wanting them to ask her questions.

"Is that wandless magic!!" Sirius exclaimed with shock.

"Uhh.... somewhat it is? Just continue watching please," (Name) gave them an awkward smile.

The Death Eaters and Dumbledore were wondering how strong this girl was, how did she even suddenly had this type of powers. They wanted her for each side, but they were scared for their lives since they were threatened earlier.

Then, the others who didn't noticed started laughing at him and told him he deserved it for teasing her.

Since Percy didn't have cabin mates, Ares' cabin volunteered to make one for him. They'd taken an old bedsheet and painted a smiley face with two X-ed eyes around the border and the word LOSER painted in the middle.

Some shook their heads at what the Ares' cabinmates did, but some laughed along with the demiwitch.

(Name) couldn't help but burst out laughing as she congratulated the Ares cabin on their impressive work. This resulted in Percy shooting her a disapproving glare, prompting her to teasingly form an 'L' on her forehead with her fingers and silently mouth the word "Loser" in good humor.

"Whatever, flower girl," he mouthed back.

"So cute," Marlene cooed.

However, it was fun to burn it.

As Apollo's cabin led the sing-along and passed out toasted marshmallows, Percy was surrounded by his old Hermes cabinmates, Annabeth's friends from Athena, (Name)'s siblings from Demeter and Grover's satyr buddies, who were admiring the brand new searcher's license he'd received from the Council of Cloven Elders. The council had called Grover's performance on the quest 'Brave to the point of indigestion. Horns and- whiskers above anything we have seen in the past.'

The only ones not in a party mood were Clarisse and her cabinmates, whose poisonous looks told Percy, they'd never forgive him for disgracing their dad.

Even Dionysus's welcome-home speech wasn't enough to dampen Percy's spirits. "Yes, yes, so the little brat didn't get himself killed and now hell have an even bigger head. Well, huzzah for that. In other announcements, there will be no canoe races this Saturday..."

Some laughed or chuckled at Dionysus' humor, sometimes it was fun to have someone sarcastic and laidback.

(Name) found contentment with the routine at camp, where her days were filled with training sessions with Percy and spending time with her friends and siblings. Despite the fact that she rarely crossed paths with Luke, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss with him. Una's words had prompted her to keep a watchful eye on him.

Noticing Ethan's usual behavior, she observed a slight change as he appeared less touchy and intimate towards her, a change that brought a sense of relief. However, their companionship stayed steadfast, marked by their usual hangouts and shared laughter. In the midst of his intimidating glares towards others, (Name) still saw glimpses of the gentleness that dwelled deep within Ethan's heart, a contrast that only strengthened the bond they shared.

(Name) sighed a bit at the narration, Percy hugged her to comfort her since she was a great friend of Ethan even if there was a one-sided romance present that time.

Sirius' glare towards Ethan haven't subsided, but he was a teeny-tiny bit relief that the boy was less touchy and intimate.

Meanwhile, (Name) discreetly delved into certain matters to safeguard against arousing suspicion, and her efforts were rewarded with success. She diligently shared her discoveries with Una, who could often be found in the company of her siblings or her owl, Zuzu. Overall, (Name) felt a sense of fulfillment from maintaining a careful balance between her personal investigations and her interactions with her fellow campers.

The aurors, especially Amelia and Moody were approving of the demiwitch's act. She could be a really good spy in the future if it had changed.

During their usual nighttime hangouts in the kitchens, (Name) would spend time with Percy, showing him how to whip up a variety of sweet treats, such as cookies and other desserts. Occasionally, their friendly cooking sessions would escalate into playful food fights, creating unforgettable memories filled with laughter and joy.

(Name) and Percy shared an amused smile, remembering that they would mess up the kitchen, but they would instantly clean them up since the harpies would've killed them if they didn't.

She would also hangout with him by the docks, talking until it was late. Despite the fun, (Name) would often find herself being scolded by Miranda and Katie for returning home late. Nevertheless, her thoughtful gesture of sharing freshly baked French desserts and a comforting cup of milk would always bring a smile to theirs and her other sibling's faces, eventually turning their initial annoyance into appreciation and contentment.

Many smiled at the nice sibling relationship. Even if they weren't related by blood, they were very close.

Percy showed (Name) the letter his mom sent him. That Gabe had 'mysteriously' disappeared off the face of the planet. She'd reported him missing to the police, but she had a funny feeling they would never find him. (Name) told him that his walrus-of-a-stepfather deserves it, no matter how evil it sounds.

Everyone burst out into laughter at the nickname.

Some were shaking their heads at how cruel they are to kill a person, since they think that killing is not the answer even to abusers.

On a completely unrelated subject, Sally said she sold her first life-size concrete sculpture, entitled The Poker Player, to a collector, through an art gallery in Soho. She'd got so much money for it, she'd put a deposit down on a new apartment and made a payment on her first term's tuition at NYU. The Soho gallery was clamoring for more of her work, which they called 'a huge step forward in super-ugly neorealism'.

"Sally is so awesome," (Name) said with a smile.

The future generations who had met Sally before nodded their heads in agreement.

Feeling a sense of generosity, (Name) handed him one of her spare LotusCash cards, urging him to either gift it to his mother or indulge himself, as she found herself with an overflow of them. Persuaded by (Name)'s charm and the fact that it came at no cost, Percy graciously accepted the card without hesitation, finding no reason to refuse such a thoughtful gesture.

"She's literally became a billionaire or more," a muggle student gaped.

"Yeah... Those cards have unlimited amount of money, she could've been richer than Hades himself," another one said.

Lucius, who was considered the richest man in England felt jealous that his niece had more money than him.

On the Fourth of July, the whole camp gathered at the beach for a fireworks display by cabin nine. Being Hephaestus's kids, they weren't going to settle for a few lame red-white-and-blue explosions. They'd anchored a barge offshore and loaded it with rockets the size of Patriot missiles.

According to Annabeth and (Name), who'd seen the show before, the blasts would be sequenced so tightly they'd look like frames of animation across the sky. The finale was supposed to be a couple of thirty-meter-tall Spartan warriors who would crackle to life above the ocean, fight a battle, then explode into a million colors.

Many gaped at the sight, it was cool to look at and different from their usual magic or the muggle fireworks they've seen.

As Annabeth, Percy and (Name) were spreading a picnic blanket, Grover showed up to tell them goodbye. He was dressed in his usual jeans, T-shirt and sneakers, but in the last few weeks he'd started to look older, almost high-school age. His goatee had gotten thicker. He'd put on some weight. And because his horns had grown at least an inch, he now had to wear his rasta cap all the time to pass as a human.

"I'm off," Grover said. "I just came to say--- well, you know."

(Name) and Una were extremely happy for him, after all it wasn't every day a satyr got permission to look for the great god Pan. But it was hard saying goodbye to him since he was one of her best friend.

Annabeth gave him a hug, she told him to keep his fake feet on.

Percy asked him where he was going to search first.

"Kind of a secret," the satyr said, looking embarrassed. "I wish you could come with me. guys, but humans and Pan..."

"We understand," Annabeth said. "You got enough tin cans for the trip?"


"And you remember your reed pipes?" (Name) asked.

"Jeez, you two," he grumbled. "You guys sound like old mama goats." But he didn't really sound annoyed.

Many smiled at the conversation. They were so sweet to each other and they love their friendship.

(Name) hugged him tightly, and said, "I'm gonna miss you, G."

"Me too," the satyr hugged her tightly as well. Una cuddled into his neck before crawling back onto (Name) shoulder. Then, in a low whisper into her ear, Grover said: "Remember, I'm the biggest Jackson-Black shipper."

Grover smirked at (Name) who rolled her eyes a smile still on her face.

Percy and Annabeth looked at Grover with a brow raised in amusement.

"Oh my god, same!" Many other girls cooed at the statement.

As (Name) blushed deeply, she couldn't help but roll her eyes in response to his remark. Feeling a mix of irritation and amusement, she delivered a firm slap on his back to show she wasn't one to be easily teased, prompting him to burst into laughter. This leads to Percy and Annabeth to be confused on why was he laughing for.

Everyone laughed at that, finding it amusing of the teasing.

(Name) shook her head and lightly glared at her satyr friend that was laughing at her too.

After they separated, Grover gripped his walking stick and slung a backpack over his shoulder.

"Well," he said. "Wish me luck."

He gave Annabeth another hug. He clapped Percy on the shoulder, then headed back through the dunes.

Fireworks exploded to life overhead: Hercules killing the Nemean lion, Artemis chasing the boar, George Washington (who, by the way, was a son of Athena) crossing the Delaware.

"Hey, Grover!" Percy called.

He turned at the edge of the woods.

"Wherever you're going – I hope they make good enchiladas."

Grover grinned, and then he was gone, the trees closing around him.

"Merlin, that's so sad," Marlene sniffed a bit.

Many others also looked at the screen with sadness, some were tearing up at the scene.

"We'll see him again," Annabeth said.

"Yes, we will. Despite the challenges ahead, I have full confidence in his courage and unwavering determination. He is one of the bravest satyrs we've ever known. No doubt, he will survive this and return back to us safe and sound," (Name) reassured confidently as Una nodded her head in agreement.

The three demigods nodded their heads agreeing with what the young (Name) said.

"And you did," Percy said with a smile.

Grover beamed back at them.

July passed.

(Name) spent her days devising new strategies for capture-the-flag and making alliances with the other cabins to keep the banner out of Ares' hands. She watched Percy managed to get to the top of the climbing wall for the first time without getting scorched by lava.

Every now and then, she would quietly observe the campers in the shadows, while honing her skills with dedication and determination. This became even more crucial once she discovered her ability to wield magic without fully needing to use a wand, a talent that manifested unexpectedly.

"So is it wandless magic?" Sirius asked again, still confused. But (Name) nudged her head to the screen, telling everyone to just watch.

Both she and Una had a strong intuition that she might possess the ability of telekinesis, leading her to speculate that perhaps Hecate had bestowed this gift upon her. This thought filled her with gratitude yet also a slight worry, as she was uncertain of the full extent of her powers. Upon confiding in Chiron and Mr. D about this newfound potential, they acknowledged the importance of her training. Chiron advised that she initiate her solo training sessions with Una, agreeing that the best time for her to practice would be late at night in the gym room as well as keeping her ability hidden until she is truly ready to reveal it.

Many gaped at the new ability she had unlocked.

"Telekinesis," Arcturus gaped at his great-granddaughter. "You have it?"

"Yup," (Name) nodded her head. "My magic and telekinesis are both bound together, that's why the purple wisp can be seen. Because usually, telekinesis is unable to be seen by naked eye, unless you know who was controlling it with their minds."

Many gaped at her, they were shocked about it. They should've noticed it during the last chapter she levitated herself and Percy back to their seats.

"That's so cool!" Sirius looked at his daughter with stars in his eyes.

"I know right!" James agreed. "No wonder they always said that she was one of the strongest demigods out there."

[A/N: telekinesis is one of the ability Hecate has along with some others like Necromancy, flight, telepathy, reality warping, animal manipulation, possession, shapeshifting, boundary manipulation, Mist control, Mystiokinesis (full control of magic), Umbrakinesis, masking and Titanic Energy. I'm following what I've found in websites, so don't get confused, lol. Also, remember what happened in the wand shop in the first book]



(A/N: outfit)

It was well past curfew; (Name) had dedicated herself to a strenuous late-night solo training session in the gym room. Seeking solace, she made her way to the kitchen to whip up two comforting cups of hot cocoa and a selection of snacks. Carefully balancing the treats on a tray, she tapped into her telekinetic powers; a mesmerizing violet glow enveloped the tray, allowing her to effortlessly float it through the air as she made her way back to the cabins.

Many awed at the power she yield. No one had the ability to use that type of powers even if they are blessings of Hecate. It goes to show how unique she is as a person.

Remus was drooling at the sight of hot cocoa she had made. He was craving for one at that second.

Suddenly, a cup of hot cocoa was in front of him. The purple wisp from (Name)'s magic was holding it for him. He turned towards her with a bright smile and she winked at him.

As she approached the pier adjacent to cabin 3, her eyes fell upon Percy, clad in comfy pajama pants and a serene blue T-shirt, his gaze fixed thoughtfully upon the vast expanse of the sea ahead.

"Heyo~," (Name) called silently as she reached him, a warm smile lighting up her face. Percy turned behind him and saw her standing there, her presence filling the space with a sense of calm.

"Hey, why are you awake so late?" he inquired, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "I thought you would be back at your cabin asleep," he added, genuinely surprised at sudden arrival.

"I was training my powers earlier," she explained, her eyes gleaming with determination and pride. "I decided to make some hot cocoa for us to enjoy," she continued, gesturing towards the slightly wobbly tray floating next to her. "Besides," she added with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "I have unlocked my telekinesis, so surprise~!"

Percy's expression lit up with admiration and amazement as he processed her words. "That's awesome!" he exclaimed, genuine admiration evident in his voice as he realized the extent of her new abilities aside from being able to control plants and wave a wand. "So that means, that time you pushed me was telekinesis?"

"Yup," (Name) nodded as she took off her shoes and socks. "And with magic. So, it's contemporaneous. I'm not really good at it yet, since Chiron told me that my powers is very vast. I'll have to find out about it the stronger I get."

She sat down next to him, her feet skimming the water below. Turning to the floating tray, she took one cup of hot cocoa, passing it to him as she took the other and sipped hers.

As they sat silently for a few seconds, before Percy said, "Can I ask your opinion on something?"

"About what? Needing a haircut?" (Name) teased.

Everyone was laughing at her teasing in amusement.

Percy rolled his eyes at her since she was chuckling at him.

"What? No! I want your opinion about something else."

"Ok," the girl pulled up one of her legs with a graceful movement and softly bent it, leaning comfortably against it. She then raised her mug of hot cocoa to her lips, taking a slow and appreciative sip before encouraging him to proceed by saying, "Shoot."

"It's about what the Oracle said."

Many perked up at the question.

"You're thinking about that?" (Name) said, tilting her head slightly. "Which part are you confused about."

"So, uhh. It started by 'You shall go west and face the god who has turned--," Percy explained.

"Been there, done that," (Name) nodded. "We've figured Ares was the culprit..."

"Right," Percy said. "And then, 'You shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned.'"

"Check," (Name) swished her other feet in the water lightly. "We've returned the master bolt back to Zeus and an express shipping of the helm back to Hades."

"Mhm. And then, 'You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend.'"

(Name)'s eyes darkened at that line as she placed her cup of hot cocoa on the side silently, the steam curling up like tendrils of thought.

Many others felt chills run down their spine at the look on her face.

"A friend..." (Name) said with a grim expression as she thought of the possibility of anyone close to Percy in camp, her mind racing through familiar faces and wondered to Luke.

Many looked at the demigods and satyr who didn't show any change of emotions. This led to some more of the others to figure out that Luke was going to be the one who betrayed them.

"Yeah," Percy sighed, the weight of his words heavy with unspoken emotions. "I know that it's not you, Grover since both of you heard about it... Annabeth wouldn't since wherever you are, she is always with you," his voice trailed off.

"True," the demiwitch nodded her head. "The prophecy is yet to be complete."

"Really? I mean the quest is done," Percy asked her.

"The successful completion of the quest does not necessarily guarantee the fulfillment of the prophecy in its entirety. Therefore, while there is not much cause for concern regarding the former, one should remain vigilant about the looming threat of Kronos..." (Name) hummed thoughtfully. "However, the presence of the traitor poses a separate and significant challenge that cannot be overlooked..."

Many nodded their heads in understanding. Even Harry understood, since the prophecy wasn't supposed to be his, but he was chosen by Voldemort instead of Neville since both of them were born at the end of July. And his prophecy was about his whole life which was slightly different from this.

"Yeah... I have a feeling the traitor could've meant Ares," Percy said. "He did tricked us."

"What you say is true, but do you consider him a friend?"

"No..." he said instantly. "But Chiron said the lines can be misleading."

(Name) clenched her jaw and tapped her fingers against the wooden dock. "This one doesn't sound misleading at all...," she shook her head. "There might've a few possible candidates aside from Ares. So, you need to be aware of who you are friends with, Percy."

Many nodded, especially the marauders, since Pettigrew had been the traitor that cause most of their demise.

Many felt their stomach churned at the words said by the girl. Even if they have friends, they always have be aware of what they share with them, since not everyone are genuine like (Name) aside from the hidden motive to spy on Luke and a few others.

There was a pause when Percy felt as if she knew something and decided to ask.

"Who are they then? Since it seems like you have figured out some of them," Percy scrutinized her expression intently.

The demiwitch released a profound sigh, indicating her developing suspicion. "I have a working theory that suggests the culprit may be among us, although their identity remains obscure." Internally, she couldn't shake the nagging thought of 'Luke,' because of the flying shoes hinting that he might act sooner rather than later; yet, she refrained from pointing fingers to avoid unjust accusations. "Consider those you've built some connections with, excluding Grover, me and Annabeth, as potential suspects."

"Do you think we should tell Chiron about it?" Percy asked with worry since he is not sure whether he wanted to tell or not.

"You should," Molly said.

"Nope," (Name) disagreed. "No one would ever believe what children would say, especially adults. So, don't ever go to that direction of mindset, Mrs. Weasley."

"I don't think so. Not yet," (Name) shook her head and looked at him, emphasizing the importance of caution in handling the situation. "Just try to be wary of your surroundings, okay? I'm not sure when is it going to happen, and I also don't want to simply blame others without solid evidence. That would be very hypocritical of me, considering I have my own imperfections and uncertainties."

"Yeah," Percy agreed with her, understanding her worries because of the prominent dark eye bags beneath her tired eyes which he can see under the moonlight, indicative of her lack of restful sleep lately.

Percy hugged her close, he knew that sometimes she couldn't sleep, she would always go out and train; or she would've taken short naps here and there.

Many casted worried glances at the girl, especially her father. They always have hard time to fall asleep when they have stress or nightmares; and it reminded Sirius of himself more and more aside from how the way she acted that had been shown.

"So, anything else?" (Name) asked him as she took another sip from her cup.

"Yeah," Percy nodded. "The last line was, 'You shall fail to save what matters most in the end.'"

"That would be your mum," the demiwitch nodded her head.

"Mhm... The only thing--"

"Katie is going to have your head when he sees you're out past curfew again," a voice said from behind them.



Many jumped at the sudden voice.

Percy turned around to see the Stoll brothers walking the length of docks towards them, holding various candies and snacks from the vending machine. (Name) felt a sense of relief that Percy and her seemed to have kept their discussion discreet, as the brothers, who were known for their poor poker faces, showed no signs of suspicion. It was a notable contrast to (Name)'s own adeptness at concealing information.

"They're worse than the twins," (Name) commented with a sad smile.

The future generations of the Weasleys shared a sad small smile, knowing the Stolls, even were different in age, they acted just as similar to Fred and George.

Percy rolled his eyes and turned back around.

"Well, what about you guys?" (Name) said, using her chin and pointed towards them. "You're out past curfew too."

"Ah, but we don't get caught, do we?" Travis said to his brother who shook his head.

"Besides, Katie will get annoyed and yapped our ears off that she caught you every time you're out late," Connor said with an eye roll.

Many snickered at what he said, since they saw how Katie acted in some short scenes in the earlier chapters.

"I'm not going to get caught again since she was asleep before I was out and I'm having hot cocoa. I'll be asleep sooner than later," (Name) shrugged. Then, she eyed the candy bars in their hands. "You know that now you've invaded our dock, you're required to share 'em, right?"

"Wrong," Travis said. But at the same time, Connor sighed and handed (Name) a KitKat bar, knowing that if he didn't give her she won't trade with anything she would've bought back from England with them. But, Travis swat at his younger brother without thinking twice.

Again, some snickered at the brothers.

"What are you doing here?" Percy asked.

"Weekly raid," Connor gestured to the treats he and his brother were holding. "So, why are you doing out here so late? You've been out like this more often than usual."

"I've been having my solo training a while ago and I also couldn't sleep," (Name) shrugged.

"Hmm..." Travis squint his eyes at her before smirking. "Fine. I'm not going to ask why are you training so often now. But if you lose tomorrow during canoe races, you have to do our chores for a week and buy us lots of candies when you go back to England."

"That's a fair deal... And I'm up to that challenge," (Name) smirked back. "If you two lose to Zach and I tomorrow, you'll do my part of the chores and buy me as many Reese's cups and those cry babies candies."

"Deal," Travis and (Name) did a firm handshake to seal the deal. She also did one with Connor who agreed with them.

Some smiled at the scene. The friendship between the Stolls' and her were so heartwarming.

(Name) opened the KitKat bar and broke it in half, handing the other half to Percy.

"Anyways," Travis smirked as he looked at both girl and boy. "I want to have a word with fish boy first."

"Hey!--" Percy clicked his tongue but was cut off when he was yanked a few feet to the left away from a confused (Name). The two brothers started whispering in his ears.

"You know, mister. You better not keep her out too late," Travis teased.

"Yeah, send her back to her cabin like a gentleman by 11pm sharp," Connor added, faking a strict tone, wagging his finger at him.

"Merlin. They're acting like your dad or overprotective big brothers," Ginny laughed.

Everyone snickered at Percy who deadpanned at them.

"It's already past midnight," Percy said with a flat tone.

"Oh, well then. Just send her back before her sisters come and disturb us. And remember no funny busine--"

Percy kept a deadpanned expression as he extended one of his arm out, making a big wave rising up from the water.

Everyone burst out laughing at what was happening, even at the reactions of the Stoll brothers.

The brothers exchanged a smile, sweat beading on their foreheads, before swift footsteps marked their departure from the dock. As they made their way, (Name) skillfully utilized her telekinetic powers to fetch a Butterfingers bar nestled in Travis' pocket, drawing it into her waiting hands without them noticing before they vanished from sight.

"Sneaky," Grover teased his friend, making her roll her eyes back at him.

Opening the second candy bar, (Name) turned towards Percy and said, "Well? What was that about?"

"Nothing," Percy said, sitting back next to her as he ate the other half of the KitKat from earlier.

"Yeah, I smell bullshit. It wasn't nothing," Sirius snickered teasingly.

Percy rolled his eyes, shaking his head. But he was smiling a bit at what he said.

Many others snickered too before they continued to watch the projection.

"Anyways, the only thing we still don't know is who is the traitor in the prophecy."

"Yeah," (Name) agreeing. "I just hope that it wouldn't be true."

Percy nodded in agreement, a sense of unease settling within him as he contemplated the information she had shared with him earlier. Despite his reluctance to accept it, he made a mental note to remember and consider her words.

"So, what was that about, you know when Hades told us that line when we encountered him in the Underworld that day?" Percy asked and (Name) froze slightly, not expecting the sudden question.

"This is so going to be awkward," (Name) mumbled as she hid her face with her hands.

Percy nodded in agreement, his ears were pink in embarrassment, but at that time he wanted to know what was it about even if she didn't answer it clearly, at least he knew a little of it.

The Jackson-Black couple flushed at the scene, knowing that it was going to be awkward for everyone to see.

Many others raised their brows at the question and were wondering how the girl was going to answer.

As (Name) pondered Percy's inquiry, a sense of curiosity mingled with the memories of that encounter, replaying Hades's cryptic words in her mind. "Uhm... Well," (Name) stuttered as she took a bite into the candy bar and chew it, trying to think of a way to explain it to him without feeling awkward. "Do you remember what he said?"

Unsure of how to broach the subject delicately, she awaited Percy's response, her thoughts drifting back to the enigmatic message that had resonated with them both that fateful day. "Yeah... I think it was something like 'fate aligned the stars for two souls to find each other,'" Percy said, then he took a sip from his hot cocoa, the warmth of the drink a comforting reminder amidst the contemplative conversation.

"Do you know what that means?" (Name) tried to not blurt out the truth fully or make it more awkward for herself and him.

"Two souls finding each other it means like soulmates, right?" Percy asked her expectantly as she nodded. "And aligned the stars... I'm not sure what that means. Do you?"

Many looked at him with brow raised and were going to say that he was being an idiot or something.

"What?" Percy snapped a bit. "I was never interested in astrology when I was younger. So, I didn't really know, okay? Just continue watching, thank you very much for the attention."

Everyone quickly turned back to the screen, not knowing what to say.

Percy sighed softly, gently wrapping his arms around (Name) in a comforting embrace, seeking to soothe his rising anger while she intertwined her fingers with his.

"I... can't really tell you to be honest," (Name) shook her head, internally sighing a relief. She pondered the cryptic nature of her prophecy, wondering why Chiron and the others withheld such vital information from her. "Chiron won't allow me to have an audience with the Oracle to know my full prophecy even if one line may have slipped out by accident. My mum, Una, Seph and Hecate too said the same thing. They only want me to see them when they allowed it," (Name) reasoned with a shrug as she deflected the question.

Feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity, she revealed to Percy some of the challenges she faced in unlocking the mysteries surrounding her fate.

Percy nodded in acceptance, he didn't really like it when Chiron said about his unknown prophecy when he just arrived at camp. He continued to ponder about the line which Hades said and decided to ask.

"Oh... So, does that mean we're soulmates or something?" Percy stuttered and started to blush along with her, whose hair turned a shade of pink at the mention of their fate.

"Awkward..." Evan and Barty said.

Many winced at how painful it is to watch the two children dancing in circles about this topic.

"Oh, boy... It's so painful to watch this," Marlene moaned into her girlfriend's shoulder.

They found themselves in a tender yet uncertain moment, the air thick with unspoken questions and possibilities that weighed heavily on their hearts. Each word exchanged between them seemed to hold a universe of unexplored emotions, both hesitant to fully acknowledge the bond that was forming.

They exchanged hesitant looks, a wordless language of seek and anxiety swirling between them. (Name) broke the tension with a soft clearing of her throat, her voice cautious with hesitant hopeful as she ventured, "I... uh don't know... We could be platonic soulmates or something?"

Many groaned again. It was indeed hard and so awkward to watch.

"Oblivious fucking idiots," Blaise grumbled under his breath.

"Shut up. It's too early for us to date at that age, dumbass. Besides, we only knew each other for three months," (Name) huffed, hiding her red face into Percy's chest.

The couple rolled their eyes at the audience's reaction, hating this scene more and more, but at least it didn't in a few more minutes or so.

The word 'platonic' hung in the air like a delicate thread, causing a flicker of disappointment in Percy's eyes, a momentary shadow crossing his features before he masked it with a hesitant smile, a mix of uncertainty and curiosity playing out in his expression as he pondered the complexities of their evolving connection.

"Platonic my ass," Theodore remarked, making many snickered.

"Yeah, or something..." Percy trailed off, since neither him nor her know what to say.

"Mhm. Definitely or something," Percy nodded head, agreeing with his past self.

There was a slight pause that filled the air with a touch of awkwardness, not overly uncomfortable, just enough to slightly hinder the flow of conversation yet not to the point of complete silence that would deter them from continuing their talk.

"One more question," Percy broke the awkward silence. He copied the girl who was swishing her feet in the water. "...Do you think I need a haircut?"

"You're still on that?" Grover snickered at his friend.

"Of course not," Percy said with sarcasm.

(Name) playfully raised an amused brow at Percy, a mischievous glint in her eyes, as she let out a small snort of laughter. In a playful gesture, she started humming thoughtfully, her gaze fixed on his messy jet black hair, examining it with interest. "You know what, I was just teasing you earlier. I actually prefer your hair like this," she remarked with a grin. As she reached out to tug gently on the ends of his hair, an idea seemed to dawn on her. "Or maybe I could even add some tiny braids to spice it up a bit," she suggested, a playful twinkle in her eye.

Percy's cheeks flushed, and he emitted a sound of protest, quickly crossing his arms over his head in a feeble attempt to protect his hair from her teasing antics.

Everyone in the room let out a collective sigh tinged with amusement as they chuckled at the dissipated awkward tension that had just been broken by the innocence and obliviousness of the two children displayed on the screen.

As they chatted for another half an hour, the awkward conversation that had previously made them uncomfortable had now dissipated, bringing a sense of relief to both of them. This newfound ease in conversation allowed them to thoroughly enjoy each other's company before they eventually made their way back to their respective cabins.




The last night of the summer session came all too quickly.
The campers had one last meal together. Everyone burned part of their dinner for the gods. At the bonfire, the senior counsellors awarded the end-of-summer beads.

Percy kept on flaunting his 'only' bead to (Name) proudly.

"What was that? Yes, I did get my own leather necklace thank you," Percy said, shoving his sea-green trident that shimmered in the center.

(Name) rolled her eyes with amusement and she remarked back, "Yours is cool, but guess who has more?" She shoved her necklace that has six beads in his face to which he said it was unfair.

Many were snickering at their conversation.

"The choice was unanimous," Luke announced. "This bead commemorates the first son of the Sea God at this camp and the quest he undertook into the darkest part of the Underworld to stop a war!"

The entire camp got to their feet and cheered. Athena and Demeter's cabin pushed Annabeth and (Name) to the front so they could share in applause. It was the last day of summer before people went back home, including Annabeth and (Name).

The next morning, (Name) found a form letter on her bedside table. She knew Dionysus must've filled it out, because he stubbornly insisted on getting her [or any of her friend's] name wrong:

Dear Witchy Blake, [Many snickered at the nickname]
If you intend to stay at Camp Half-Blood year round,
you must inform the Big House by noon today.
If you do not announce your intentions,
we will assume you have vacated your cabin or died a horrible death.
Cleaning harpies will begin work at sundown.
They will be authorized to eat any unregistered campers.
All personal articles left behind will be incinerated in the lava pit.
Have a nice day!

Mr. D (Dionysus)Camp Director, Olympian Council no.12

Everyone laughed at the message.

"Man. I wished Hogwarts letters were fun like that," Sirius said as he chuckled.

Some nodded their heads, but some shook their heads in disagreement.

Percy made the decision to dedicate the day to training, while (Name) and Annabeth were occupied with packing their bags in preparation for their departure that evening. At the same time, (Name) was also taking the time to bid farewell to Miranda and Zach with her other sisters as their eldest sister and brother were getting ready to head back to their respective homes.

Annabeth, (Name) and Percy sighed, remembering what was about to happen next.

Percy got to the sword-fighters' arena and found that Luke had had the same idea. His gym bag was plopped at the edge of the stage. He was working solo, whacking away at battle dummies with a sword I'd never seen before. It must've been a regular steel blade, because he was slashing the dummies' heads right off, stabbing through their straw-stuffed guts. His orange counsellor's shirt was dripping with sweat. His expression was so intense, his life might've really been in danger. Percy watched, fascinated, as he disemboweled the whole row of dummies, hacking off limbs and basically reducing them to a pile of straw and armor.

They were only dummies, but he still couldn't help being awed by Luke's skill.
The guy was an incredible fighter, same with (Name). It made Percy wonder, again, how Luke possibly could've failed at his quest. Finally, he saw him, and stopped mid-swing. "Percy."

"Um, sorry," Percy said, embarrassed. "I just –"
"It's okay," he said, lowering his sword. "Just doing some last-minute practice."

"Those dummies won't be bothering anybody any more." Luke shrugged. "We build new ones every summer."

Now that his sword wasn't swirling around, Percy could see something odd about it. The blade was two different types of metal – one edge bronze, the other steel. Luke noticed him looking at it. "Oh, this? New toy. This is Backbiter."


"That's quite a common name for a sword," Mr. Flitwick commented.

Those near him looked at him slightly confused, but didn't say anything.

Luke turned the blade in the light so it glinted wickedly. "One side is celestial bronze. The other is tempered steel. Works on mortals and immortals both."

"Wait what?"

"I thought no metal could harm mortals?"

"Yeah, what kind of monsters walks around with a sword that can harm mortals?"

The demigods and satyr shared a knowing look, they knew some of their friends have swords like that such as Nico.

Percy thought about what Chiron had told him when he started his quest – that a hero should never harm mortals unless absolutely necessary.

(Name) scrunched her nose at that statement.

"I didn't know they could make weapons like that."

"They probably can't," Luke agreed. "It's one of a kind."

He gave Percy a tiny smile, then slid the sword into its scabbard. "Listen, I was going to come looking for you. What do you say we go down to the woods one last time, look for something to fight?"

Percy don't know why he hesitated. He should've felt relieved that Luke was being so friendly.

Many turned to Percy with anticipation, but he hid his face into (Name)'s neck as she combed her fingers through his hair, knowing that it would calm him.

Ever since he'd got back from the quest, he'd been acting a little distant.
Percy was afraid he might resent him for all the attention he'd had.
Remembering the advice from (Name) that night was to be cautious with his friends, and now he found himself growing increasingly uneasy in Luke's presence. Despite this feeling, he chose to brush it off for the time being.

Many started to get worried for Percy, because it seems like something bad would happen.

"You think it's a good idea?" Percy asked. "I mean –"

"Aw, come on." He rummaged in his gym bag and pulled out a six-pack of Cokes. "Drinks are on me."

Percy stared at the Cokes, wondering where the heck he'd got them. There were no regular mortal sodas at the camp store. No way to smuggle them in, unless you talked to a satyr maybe.
Of course, the magic dinner goblets would fill with anything you want, but it just didn't taste the same as a real Coke, straight out of the can.

Sugar and caffeine. Percy's willpower crumbled.

"Sure," Percy decided. "Why not?"

Both of them walked down to the woods and kicked around for some kind of monster to fight, but it was too hot. All the monsters with any sense must've been taking siestas in their nice cool caves. They found a shady spot by the creek where Percy had broken Clarisse's spear during his first capture the flag game. They sat on a big rock, drank their Cokes and watched the sunlight in the woods.

After a while Luke said, "You miss being on a quest?"

"That's a stupid question!"

"What's fun in being on a quest when they are being attacked every five minutes."

Many protested. The demigods and satyr shook their heads and continued to watch.

"With monsters attacking me every meter? Are you kidding?"

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. I miss it," Percy admitted. "You?"

A shadow passed over his face. Percy was used to hearing from the girls how good-looking Luke was, but at the moment, he looked weary, and angry, and not at all handsome. His blond hair was grey in the sunlight. The scar on his face looked deeper than usual. Percy could imagine him as an old man.

"Okay... That's getting a bit suspicious," Remus muttered. His friends nodded their heads agreeing with him.

"I've lived at Half-Blood Hill year-round since I was fourteen," Luke told Percy.

"Ever since Thalia... well, you know. I trained, and trained, and trained. I never got to be a normal teenager, out there in the real world. Then they threw me one quest, and when I came back, it was like, 'Okay, ride's over. Have a nice life.'" He crumpled his Coke can and threw it into the creek, which really shocked Percy.

Some furrowed their brows at what Luke did which was very unexpected.

One of the first things to learn at Camp Half-Blood is: don't litter. They'd hear from the nymphs and the naiads. They'll get even. You'll crawl into bed one night and find their sheets filled with centipedes and mud.

"The heck with laurel wreaths," Luke said. "I'm not going to end up like those dusty trophies in the Big House attic."
"You make it sound like you're leaving."

"Yes he is," Percy murmured quietly.

Luke gave Percy a twisted smile. "Oh, I'm leaving, all right, Percy. I brought you down here to say goodbye."

He snapped his fingers. A small fire burned a hole in the ground at Percy's feet. Out crawled something glistening black, about the size of his hand. A scorpion.

"Holy shit!"

Many stared at the screen in horror, most of them were afraid of arachnids like the scorpions or spiders.

Percy started to go for his pen.
"I wouldn't," Luke cautioned. "Pit scorpions can jump up to five meters. Its stinger can pierce right through your clothes. You'll be dead in sixty seconds."



Many now realized what (Name) had been doing after all. She knew that Luke was doing something, but she didn't know how soon it would happen.

"Luke, what –"Then it hit Percy.
You will be betrayed by one who calls you a friend. (Name)'s warnings was true, he thought.
"You," Percy said.

Luke stood calmly and brushed off his jeans.

The scorpion paid the blonde no attention. It kept its beady black eyes on Percy, clamping its pincers as it crawled onto his shoe.

"I saw a lot out there in the world, Percy," Luke said. "Didn't you feel it – the darkness gathering, the monsters growing stronger? Didn't you realize how useless it all is? All the heroics – being pawns of the gods. They should've been overthrown thousands of years ago, but they've hung on, thanks to us half-bloods."

Many shivered at what Luke was saying. They didn't know how to react at that.

The demigods turned their heads away, clenching their jaw tightly.

Percy couldn't believe this was happening.

"Luke... you're talking about our parents," Percy said.

Luke laughed. "That's supposed to make me love them? Their precious 'Western civilization' is a disease, Percy. It's killing the world. The only way to stop it is to burn it to the ground, start over with something more honest."

"This is crazy talk," Moody shook his head at how the blonde boy was thinking.

"You're as crazy as Ares."

The blonde's eyes flared. "Ares is a fool. He never realized the true master he was serving. If I had time, Percy, I could explain. But I'm afraid you won't live that long."

The scorpion crawled onto Percy's trouser leg.

Everyone's eyes widened at the scene. They were panicking for Percy, especially Sirius.

There had to be a way out of this. He needed time to think.

"Kronos," Percy said. "That's who you serve."

The air got colder.

"You should be careful with names," Luke warned.

"Kronos got you to steal the master bolt and the helmet. He spoke to you in your dreams."

Everyone gaped at what he had said. It was extremely shocking to know the truth.

Wind outside of Hogwarts blew harshly, stormy clouds started to grow closer a bit.

Luke's eye twitched. "He spoke to you, too, Percy. You should've listened."

"He's brainwashing you, Luke."

"You're wrong. He showed me that my talents are being wasted. You know what my quest was two years ago, Percy? My father, Hermes, wanted me to steal a golden apple from the Garden of the Hesperides and return it to Olympus. After all the training I'd done, that was the best he could think up."

"That's not an easy quest," Percy said. "Hercules did it."

"Exactly," Luke said. "Where's the glory in repeating what others have done? All the gods know how to do is replay their past. My heart wasn't in it. The dragon in the garden gave me this –" he pointed angrily at his scar – "and when I came back, all I got was pity. I wanted to pull Olympus down stone by stone right then, but I bided my time. I began to dream of Kronos. He convinced me to steal something worthwhile, something no hero had ever had the courage to take. When we went on that winter-solstice field trip, while the other campers were asleep, I sneaked into the throne room and took Zeus's master bolt right from his chair."

Zaps of blinding lightning streaked across the darkened sky, followed by deafening claps of thunder that boomed so loudly that they seemed to shake the whole school, causing a wave of fear to sweep through everyone in the crowded hall.

"Hades's helmet of darkness, too."

The school grew cold as well, and a chill swept through the air, causing numerous students to shiver involuntarily at the abrupt drop in temperature. They sensed an eerie presence, a whisper of the Gods, instilling fear within them.

"You wouldn't believe how easy it was. The Olympians are so arrogant; they never dreamed someone would dare steal from them. Their security is horrible. I was halfway across New Jersey before I heard the storms rumbling, and I knew they'd discovered my theft."

The scorpion was sitting on Percy's knee now, staring at him with its glittering eyes. Percy tried to keep his voice level. "So why didn't you bring the items to Kronos?"

Luke's smile wavered. "I... I got overconfident. Zeus sent out his sons and daughters to find the stolen bolt – Artemis, Apollo, my father, Hermes. But it was Ares who caught me. I could have beaten him, but I wasn't careful enough. He disarmed me took the items of power, threatened to return them to Olympus and burn me alive. Then Kronos's voice came to me and told me what to say. I put the idea in Ares's head about a great war between the gods. I said all he had to do was hide the items away for a while and watch the others fight. Ares got a wicked gleam in his eyes. I knew he was hooked. He let me go, and I returned to Olympus before anyone noticed my absence."

Luke drew his new sword. He ran his thumb down the flat of the blade, as if he were hypnotized by its beauty.

Chills ran down everyone's spine at what was being narrated by Luke. They were beyond shocked at what they were about to see next.

"Afterwards, the Lord of the Titans... h-he punished me with nightmares. I swore not to fail again. Back at Camp Half-Blood, in my dreams, I was told that a second hero would arrive, one who could be tricked into taking the bolt and the helmet the rest of the way – from Ares down to Tartarus."

"You summoned the hellhound, that night in the forest."

"We had to make Chiron think the camp wasn't safe for you, so he would start you on your quest. We had to confirm his fears that Hades was after you. And it worked."

(Name) glared at the screen, after hearing Percy's story and hearing it again, she knew that it all came truthfully from Luke's mouth. And she despised it.

Annabeth too struggled the same too, she never knew how cruel Luke could be until now.

"The flying shoes were cursed," Percy said. "They were supposed to drag me and the backpack into Tartarus."

"And they would have, if you'd been wearing them. But you gave them to the satyr, which wasn't part of the plan. Grover messes up everything he touches. He even confused the curse."

Grover felt insecure a bit when Luke said that statement. But he didn't take it to heart since at least he managed to prevent Percy to have been dragged down to Tartarus.

Luke looked down at the scorpion, which was now sitting on Percy's thigh. "You should have died in Tartarus, Percy. But don't worry, I'll leave you with my little friend to set things right."

"Thalia gave her life to save you," Percy said, gritting his teeth. "And this is how you repay her?"
"Don't speak of Thalia!" Luke shouted. "The gods let her die! That's one of the many things they will pay for."

"You're being used, Luke. You and Ares both. Don't listen to Kronos."

"I've been used?" Luke's voice turned shrill. "Look at yourself. What has your dad ever done for you? Kronos will rise. You've only delayed his plans. He will cast the Olympians into Tartarus and drive humanity back to their caves. All except the strongest – the ones who serve him."

"The boy's concept is very twisted," Moody said, he understood it well in the Wizarding world and it was somewhat similar to the Greek World, but more terrifying.

"Call off the bug," Percy said. "If you're so strong, fight me yourself."

Luke smiled. "Nice try, Percy. But I'm not Ares. You can't bait me. My lord is waiting, and he's got plenty of quests for me to undertake."

"Luke –"

"Goodbye, Percy. There is a new Golden Age coming. You won't be part of it."

He slashed his sword in an arc and disappeared in a ripple of darkness.

The scorpion lunged.

"Holy shit! Kill that bloody thing!"

"Dodge it!"

Everyone's eyes widened in shock. They started to shout at the screen.

Percy swatted it away with his hand and uncapped his sword. The thing jumped at him and he cut it in half in midair.

Many sighed a relief, but they gasped at the scene after that in shock.

He was about to congratulate himself until he looked down at his hand. His palm had a huge red welt, oozing and smoking with yellow guck. The thing had got Percy after all.

"Oh my god..." Sirius muttered in shock.

Many gagged and looked away from the scene.

Madam Pomfrey looked at the screen in horror and muttered, "Never in my life I've encountered that infection or whatever that is."

His ears pounded. Vision went foggy. The water, he thought. It had healed him before. Percy stumbled to the creek and submerged his hand, but nothing seemed to happen. The poison was too strong. His vision was getting dark. He could barely stand up.

Sixty seconds, Luke had told Percy.

There were rapid footsteps a distant away running towards him. "Percy!" A female's voice called with panic.

Everyone turned to the demiwitch who was hugging Percy with her eyes closed. She was the one to save him that day and it was a bit of a relief when they heard her.

Minutes before...

(Name) hugged her sister and brother, waving to them after they got into their parent's car and left to their homes. Una was around her neck giving them a small unnoticeable wave to them.

She patted the pinecone tree before she walked down Half-Blood Hill, before teleporting herself to the outside of her cabin.

It was suddenly (Name) felt a chill run down her spine and Una noticed it.

Some raised a brow at the sudden reaction.

'Anything wrong, child?' Una asked her human.

"Yeah. I'm fine," the girl nodded her head, but her hair suddenly have white highlights showing her worry. "But I don't know what am I feeling now. It's giving me the chills."

"It's like you have soulmate senses. Warning you of something," Hermione said to her friend.

"I guess. But mostly I've always have a strong intuition since young," (Name) shrugged.

'Okay? That's weird,' Una stared at (Name) with confusion.

"Mhm. Anyways, where did Luke said he was earlier?" (Name) asked.

'Don't know. Maybe you should start from cabin 11?'

The demiwitch shrugged and walked towards the said cabin. Knocking on the door and opening it, she called out, "Hey! Do you know where Luke is?"

Madison, Luke's half-sister sat on her bed reading a book. Some of her other friends and half-siblings were either outside or napping near her. Ethan saw her and waved as she waved back.

"Luke? I saw him taking Percy Jackson for a walk in the woods. I saw them passing by there earlier," she said flipping through the pages.

"Okay, thanks!" (Name) said appreciatively, sensing a shift in the atmosphere that hinted at an unsettling presence emanating from Luke that morning. Trusting in her intuition and the eerie chills creeping down her spine, she swiftly shut the door behind her and whisked herself away to the nearby woods. Una, recognizing the urgency in her actions, beseeched her to locate them with haste. In response, she conveyed her unease, suspecting that something might have befallen Percy.

"Come on..." Some were begging the demiwitch to hurry and find the boys, even if the scene showed earlier.

As she dashed through the dense forest, (Name) showed no signs of slowing down. Continuously navigating through twists and turns, she fearlessly leaped from tree to tree, scanning the surroundings in hopes of catching a glimpse of her friends. Finally, her efforts paid off as she spotted a cluster of jet-black hair resting by the babbling creek, yet Luke's figure remained elusive.

"Percy!" (Name) yelled, stunned and worried but she didn't stop and continued running towards him.

Sliding into a stop, she saw him looking at her weakly.

"(Name)..." Percy croaked. "Help..."

Many started tearing up at this.

(Name) took a hard swallow, remembering finding him like this. She would've succumbed into madness if she didn't save him that day.

As (Name) kneeled down beside Percy, her heart raced as the realization of his chilling touch set in. Placing her gentle hands on his cheeks, she could feel the coldness spreading through him, stirring a sense of urgency inside her. His veins protruding his skin and he was breathing heavily. Nymphs woke up from their trees and noticed it too.

"Fifty-five..." Percy muttered. "Fifty-four..."

(Name) knew he was counting down and something had entered his system since she noticed his hand was stung by something and she had to hurry.

"I got you. Just stay with me, Blue. Please," she pleaded, the panic evident in her trembling voice. Her once dark hair had turned a ghostly white, a stark reminder of the dire situation.

Percy and (Name) were cuddling and tried to drown the resurfacing thoughts as they watched the scene.

Sirius felt a strong surge of empathy as he wrapped the couple in a comforting hug, their vulnerability palpable even in this moment, making it impossible for him to resist offering his support.

Desperation spurred her to remember her latent telekinetic abilities. Channeling her powers, she extended two hands towards Percy, summoning a surge of energy. With a surge of determination, she effortlessly lifted his weightless form, causing him to hover above the ground in a surreal display. Propelled by a newfound strength, she raced forward, her pace unfaltering, with Percy levitating gracefully behind her, as if in a surreal dance of life and hope. The nymphs couldn't keep up with her, but they still followed from behind with worry.

She quickly stumbled towards the clearing, her heart pounding loudly in her chest, yelling, "Chiron! Help! Annabeth! Anyone!"

Annabeth and a few others emerged from the shadows, their faces etched with concern, as she frantically called out for Chiron. The wise centaur responded swiftly, his powerful form blowing a resounding blast from a conch horn. As they made their way back towards camp, Percy, still suspended in midair, lost consciousness, his body limp with exhaustion.

Whispers about Percy's astonishing condition broke into the hall, leaving many in scared and some were looking at him in awe. People wondered in hushed tones how he managed to survive such a dire situation and what miraculous healing had taken place for him to recover.

(Name)'s eyes remained fixed, betraying a silent strength amidst the chaos, refusing to let a single tear fall. With determination in her gaze, Annabeth surged forward, her steps echoing with urgency, joining forces with Chiron to lead the way towards the safety of the infirmary, their mission clear and their resolve unwavering.




After feeling a surge of anger upon Percy's arrival at the infirmary, (Name) impulsively unleashed her frustration by fiercely and successfully punching a huge hole in the wall, leading to her knuckles getting deeply wounded. In an attempt to stop the bleeding, Michael Yew, one of Apollo's son promptly wrapped her injured hand with bandages to provide necessary care and prevent infection.

(A/N: imagine the hole is bigger. I'll update her powers later in the last part)

Internally filled with anger, her hair started to change colors from white to red, blue, green, orange, grey, and then back to red in a mesmerizing display of shifting hues. Witnessing this transformation, her friends cast worried glances towards her, acknowledging that the turbulent storm of emotions within her was escalating rapidly with each passing moment. No one knew how to help her at all.

Many were looking at her with concern and tears filled their eyes.

Contemplating a vengeful pursuit against Luke for the turmoil he had caused, she restrained herself, recognizing the futility of such an act and the desire to prevent a tragic repeat of her father's fate.

Sensing her distress and the resurfacing of her anger and many other emotions, the vibration of the ground that would cause serious damage at camp and in the room, and her magic going haywire, Chiron quickly intervened by knocking her out, leading to her eventual collapse on the floor before she was moved to another bed next to him.

[A/N: madness is almost similar to the black madness (you know?), vibration on the ground is when the roots are on the ground are moving intensely in the forest, but they can feel it nearby and lastly her magic going haywire is similar to how Wanda feel when she lost Pietro in the Avengers: Ultron]

"Was that the Black madness?" Andromeda asked her niece in worry. Many were looking at her with concern and tears filled their eyes.

"Not really. But it's like when you lose your soulmate. Some would go down the path of darkness," (Name) answered, avoiding eye contact. "That's the kind of feeling." She also didn't want to mention her new ability and her prophecy since they had mentioned about something.

Many knew that (Name) was a strong girl, known for her resilience and unwavering spirit, but the devastating thought of losing her soulmate that day would've gradually consumed her, setting her on an inevitable path towards madness.

It was thanks to Chiron's quick thinking and skillful action in knocking her out that she was prevented from losing control and going all rabid on everyone.

The centaur picked her up and laid her in another bed while her sisters tend to her. They had questioned Chiron about her new ability and swore to keep quiet about it since she would be in the wrong hands if others found out. The demiwitch woke up hours later, and chatted with Annabeth, Chiron and her sisters, telling them what happened and her new ability. If was later when her sisters brought her bags, bid her goodbye and left back to their cabin.

Soon enough, she had passed out again while clutching Percy's injured hand firmly with her own identically injured one, refusing to release it. Una, the loyal familiar, had nestled close to Percy's head, watching over him with a gaze reflecting her unease. Zuzu was by the window, keep watching her human with worry. Small hoots would be heard from him once in a while.

The girls wanted to coo loudly at the scene, but it was unnecessary.

Annabeth, holding a glass filled with the healing nectar, delicately pressed a cool, damp washcloth against Percy's fevered brow.

It took a while when Percy opened his eyes and looked around.

Many sighed a relief at the sight of the boy. Even if he was there with them, they couldn't help but worry for him.

"Here we are again," Percy said. Then, he felt a hand in his, looking down he noticed (Name) dozed off with one of her hand injured too. Her hair was red made him realize that she was angry--- furious.

"You idiot," Annabeth said, which is how Percy knew she was overjoyed to see him conscious. "You were green and turning grey when (Name) found you. If it weren't for Chiron's healing..."

"Now, now," Chiron's voice said. "Percy's constitution deserves some of the credit. How are you feeling?"

"Like my insides have been frozen, then microwaved."

Many shivered at the description.

"Apt, considering that was pit scorpion venom. Now you must tell me, if you can, exactly what happened. But first, wake (Name) up."

Annabeth shook (Name) by the shoulder making the girl shoot up in surprise and turned towards Percy who was staring at her with a worried smile.

"You bloody fool..." (Name) glared at him with dull eyes which held no sparkle like usual as she continued, expressing a mix of concern and frustration. "Be glad I saved your arse right before you could've gone to the Underworld."

(Name)'s friends shivered at the look in her eyes. It was very similar when she lost someone dear in the past.

'Luckily, I'm not dead yet,' Percy thought internally, he remembered the threat she always made towards him and reminded himself not to make her angry or sad.

"Language, (Name)," Chiron scolded with a stern tone. "Now, precisely recount the sequence of events that led up to this moment."

Between sips of nectar, Percy told them the story.

The room was quiet for a long time.

"I can't believe that Luke..." Annabeth's voice faltered. Her expression turned angry and sad.

"I can Ann. I'm not even surprised. Una and I figured this out by the looks of the shoes dragging Grover down to the pit. There had always been something wrong with him after his quest and I've been keeping an eye on him ever since we came back," (Name) growled, her eyes were shining gold, hair was scarlet red. "May the Gods curse him to his afterlife."

"Wait... If there is only Luke, why did the title had a bracket in the (s)?" Remus realized.

"The next following books, you are not really going to like it much," Annabeth replied as she winced at the memory.

"So there are more?" The werewolf asked again as the satyr and demigods nodded without uttering a word.

Their reply made many in the hall worried and shocked about who are the others that are included in Luke's schemes.

Sirius felt sympathy for his daughter. It really seems like he and his daughter had bad luck that people would end up betraying them.

Percy gently rubbed his thumb in soothing circles across her fingers to help calm her anger, a simple gesture that indeed worked like a charm.

"This must be reported to Olympus," Chiron murmured. "I will go at once."

"Luke is out there right now," Percy said. "I have to go after him."

Chiron shook his head. "No, Percy. The gods –"

"Won't even talk about Kronos," he snapped. "Zeus declared the matter closed!"

"Percy, I know this is hard. But you must not rush out for vengeance. You aren't ready," Chiron said to him. Then, he turned to (Name) and continued. "(Name), while you may feel prepared to confront him now, remember that your powers have only just begun to emerge. Through dedicated training, they will gradually evolve to their fullest capabilities. It's essential to exercise patience and caution to avoid hasty choices."

(Name) nodded her head with a glum look, she understood that she wasn't ready yet.

"What does he meant by that?" Sirius asked. Many were confused too about what other abilities she would have in the future.

"Be patient," (Name) responded calmly. "I possess a range of abilities that extend beyond what meets the eye of the adaptation where my control over both plants and magic intertwines to create a web of diverse counterparts. Each facet of my power is intricately linked to the core essence of nature and magic. This interconnected bond between my abilities opens up potential, where every action and reaction is a testament to the harmonious balance I maintain between the forces of the natural world and the magical realms. So, what you see right now is just the tip of the iceberg, a glimpse into the vast reservoir of power that resides within me."

Many nodded their heads in understanding. For now she had shown not much of it and it would be scary if they really see her fight in the war.

"Chiron... your prophecy from the Oracle... it was about Kronos, wasn't it? Wasn't I in it? And (Name)? And Annabeth?"

Chiron glanced nervously at the ceiling. "Percy, it isn't my place-"

"You've been ordered not to talk to me about it, haven't you?" Percy asked.

The centaur's eyes held sympathy, but sadness. "You will be a great hero, child. I will do my best to prepare you. But if I'm right about the path ahead of you..."

Thunder boomed overhead, rattling the windows. Zuzu jumped and flew into (Name)'s arms in shock at the sudden sound.

Many jumped in shock at the same time as Zuzu.

"Alright!" Chiron shouted. "Fine!"

He sighed in frustration. "The gods have their reasons, Percy. Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing. Even (Name). Yours too."

"Still. They always hide things until suddenly one day it becomes worse and then blame it on other people or they would've killed those who did nothing wrong," (Name) muttered.

Her friends and husband near her who heard nodded their heads in agreement.

"We can't just sit back and do nothing," Percy protested.

"We will not sit back," Chiron promised. "But you must be careful. Kronos wants you to come unraveled. He wants your life disrupted, your thoughts clouded with fear and anger. Do not give him what he wants. Train patiently. Your time will come."

"Assuming I live that long," Percy muttered. (Name) squeezed his hand with worry.

"You did, we all did," (Name) muttered to Percy who was still hugging her and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The son of Poseidon nodded his head, glad that he lived till his early twenties and with a child for now.

Barty snickered, but received many weird looks. "What? He's being realistic, no?"

Many shook their heads at the Slytherin boy and continued to watch the scene unfold.

Chiron put his hand on Percy's ankle. "You'll have to trust me, Percy. You will live. But first you must decide your path for the coming year. I cannot tell you the right choice... But you must decide whether to stay at Camp Half-Blood year-round, or return to the mortal world for seventh grade and be a summer camper. Think on that. When I get back from Olympus, you must tell me your decision."

(Name) knew Percy wanted to ask more questions. But the centaur's expression told them there could be no more, he had said as much as he could've.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," Chiron promised. "Argus will watch over you."

He glanced at Annabeth. "Oh, and, my dear... whenever you're ready, they're here."

Many turned to Annabeth with confusion before they continued to watch.

"Who's here?" Percy asked.

Nobody answered, (Name) smiled at Annabeth and patted the blonde on the shoulder.

Chiron rolled himself out of the room. The wheels of his chair clunked carefully down the front steps, two at a time.

Annabeth studied the ice in Percy's drink with Una on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked.

"Nothing," she set the glass on the table. "I... just took your advice about something. You... um... need anything?"

"Did it go well?" Blaise asked, but Annabeth's friends glared at him, shutting him up. "Jeez... was just asking..." he murmured.

"Yeah. Help me up. I want to go outside."

"Percy, that's not a good idea," (Name) interjected, but Percy was as stubborn as a mule.

He slid his legs out of the bed. The demiwitch caught him before he could crumple to the floor.

She said, "I told you..." with an eye roll.

"I'm fine," Percy insisted.

"Like I said... Stubborn," (Name) remarked.

Percy huffed and rolled his eyes at her, but with no heat or annoyance. She knew him too well just as he knew her well sometimes.

Percy managed a step forward. Then, another, still leaning heavily on (Name). Zuzu, Annabeth and Una was right behind them, Argus following them outside, but kept his distance.

It was dusk. The camp looked completely deserted. The cabins were dark and volleyball pit silent. No canoes cut the surface of the lake. Beyond the woods and strawberry fields, the Long Island Sound glittered in the last light of the sun.

"What are you going to do?" Annabeth asked Percy.

"I don't know."

"Just so you know, we'll be right behind you with whatever decision you make," (Name) said.

Percy smiled, grateful for the support. Then, he told them he got the feeling Chiron wanted him to stay year-round, to put more individual training time, but he wasn't sure that's what he wanted. He admitted he'd feel bad about leaving Annabeth alone, though, with only Clarisse for company.

Some cringed when young Percy said he would have Clarisse's company since she was a big bully to the boy and they don't really like how she acted sometimes, but didn't voice it out.

Annabeth pursed her lips, then said silently, "I'm going home for the year, Percy."

He stared at her. "You mean, to your dad's?"

She pointed towards the crest of Half-Blood Hill. Next to Thalia's pine tree, at the very edge of the camp's magical boundaries, a family stood silhouetted – two little children, a woman and a tall man with blond hair. They seemed to be waiting. The man was holding a backpack that looked like the one Annabeth had got from Waterland in Denver.

"I wrote him a letter when we got back," Annabeth said. "Just like you suggested. I told him... I was sorry. I'd come home for the school year if he still wanted me. He wrote back immediately. We decided... we'd give it another try."

"That took guts," Percy smiled, (Name) and Una nodded their heads.

"Let's hear it for Annabeth!" Many cheered for Annabeth, making her flush in embarrassment, she knew it was the encouragement of her friends that made her brave enough to take the next step.

Harry pulled her into a side hug, knowing that it would comfort her.

"I'm proud of you, Ann. I know that it doesn't meant much, but really.. good job," (Name) said, Una cuddled into the blonde's neck and shared a smile.

Annabeth pursed her lips. "You two won't try anything stupid during the school year, will you? At least... not without sending me an Iris-message?"

Percy managed a smile, "I won't go looking for trouble. I usually don't have to."

"Same here," (Name) gave a shrug. Her usual red hair turned slightly yellow, her anger slightly deflated, but still slightly present.

"When we get back next summer," Annabeth said. "We'll hunt down Luke. We'll ask for a quest, but if we don't get approval, we'll sneak off and do it anyway. Agreed?"

"Sounds like a plan worthy of Athena," Percy said.

The blonde held out her hand. Percy shook it.

(Name) pulled Annabeth into a tight hug, Una in the middle of them. They held on tight for a few seconds, their eyes misted with tears in them. They whispered to each other silently and (Name) gave her a kiss on the cheek for luck and safety, before Una crawled onto (Name)'s shoulder as they step back.

Many smiled at the two friends that were departing on the screen. They have been with each other for the first five years and now they started their next journey.

"Take care, Seaweed Brain, Greenie," Annabeth told them. "Keep your eyes open."

"You too, Wise Girl."

"As always, Brainy," (Name) smirked and winked. Annabeth smiled as she shook her head and said, "Una, take care of her, alright?"

The familiar gave her a smile and a small salute.

"See you next summer," Annabeth scratched the familiar and Zuzu on the head before she left the four on the porch, walking up the hill and joining her family. She gave her father an awkward hug and looked back at the valley one last time. She touched Thalia's pine tree, then allowed herself to be led over the crest into the mortal world.

"You leaving yet?" Percy looked at (Name), her back resting against the railing. Una and Zuzu next to her, watching the sight in front of them.

"I'm leaving in a while. Travelling back with a portkey," (Name) pulled out a keychain from her pocket showing it to him. "But I can stay if you want. Until Chiron comes back."

"Go to your family. I'm sure they miss you."

Andromeda and her family perked up a bit, they were excited to see themselves next in the scene to meet with the girl.

(Name) nodded and smiled at him then sighed.

"What happened to your hand?" Percy pointed to her bandaged knuckle.

"Oh. I kind of punched a wall cause I was angry," (Name) said nonchalantly and pointed to the corner where a hole can be seen through the inside. "My knuckles were bleeding and Michael patched me up before he left."

Many shivered at the sight of the hole. The do not want to ever mess with her in the future, even if she looked cheery.

Percy shivered at how strong her punch was that can cause that damage like that. (Name) took out her wand and fixed the hole without saying any verbal spell.

The professors and the Blacks were impressed with her use of non-verbal spells.

"You're really scarily strong," Percy commented, a mix of admiration and jest in his tone as he took in (Name)'s impressive power.

She chuckled softly, the sound warm and genuine, before offering a humble shrug. "Thanks, I guess," she replied with a tinge of self-deprecation, acknowledging his compliment in her own modest way.

As she took a step closer, the familiarity between them evident, (Name) embraced him tightly, their bond palpable in the lingering warmth of the hug that surpassed even the one she shared with Annabeth. "Don't you dare die on me again, Blue," she murmured tenderly into his shoulder, her words laced with a mix of playfulness and concern.

Percy's response was equally poignant, his soft whisper in her ear carrying a promise of safety and resilience. "Wouldn't dream of it, star girl," he assured her, the sincerity of his vow echoing through the air like a solemn oath. With a final embrace, they stepped back, their shared moment of vulnerability solidifying their bond even further.

"Awww!" Marlene cooed.

Many others had tears in their eyes at the two. It was indeed cute and sad at the same time.

Feeling a surge of emotion, (Name) planted a tender kiss on Percy's cheek, making him blush as he placed his hand on his cheek. She quickly turned, didn't look back and walked over to her suitcases, bags and owl cage next to the door.

Zuzu entered the cage and fluttered his wings as he hoots. Una transformed into her bracelet form after waving to Percy.

"I'll be back next summer, Blue. Rest assured. I'll send you letters if I can't IM you," (Name) said with a small smile, giving him a two-fingered salute and a wink. Then, she held took out the portkey and disappeared in a few seconds, not before saying a last "Goodbye." Percy waved back at her too before he turned to stare at the sea.


Dorset, England

"Mummy! Daddy! That's our house!" Young Nymphadora commented with a smile.

"Yes, Dora. Indeed it is," Ted commented, sharing a smile with his wife.

"Lovely house you have," Narcissa commented.

Andromeda perked up a bit and didn't know how to react to her sister, but a small unnoticeable smile made way onto her face.

(Name), with her bags and Zuzu's cage gripped firmly in her hand, arrived in front of a picturesque big cottage house. Standing before the sturdy wooden door, she raised her hand and knocked three times in anticipation.

After a brief pause, a melodious woman's voice responded, "Coming!"

Upon the door creaking open, the familiar face of Andromeda Tonks, her beloved aunt, emerged into view.

(A/N: Andromeda Tonks; Face claim: Kiera Knightley)

"(Name), darling! You're back!" The woman pulled the girl into a bear hug with overflowing joy and affection, an embrace filled with warmth and love.

Many smiled at the interaction. (Name) and her aunt shared a smile at the heartfelt moment.

"Looking good there, Andy," Sirius complimented his cousin. Many were wolf-whistling at the woman when Ted pulled her into a kiss, earning some disgusted looks from children.

Andromeda's parents and sisters (excluding Narcissa) frowned at the woman, but was ignored.

Narcissa also complimented her sister, earning a small smile in return. They were willing to have another chance to reconciliate their sisterhood. If only Bellatrix and her parents are not prideful, then they will be reunited as a family.

Another voice, this time from a man, called out in surprise, "Wait. Is it (Name)? She's here already?" Ted Tonks, appearing from behind his wife, caught sight of (Name) and his eyes widened with delight, a wide grin spreading across his face, "Hey, mischief. Welcome home." The trio enveloped each other in a tight, heartfelt hug, their bond palpable and unbreakable.

(A/N: Ted Tonks; face claim: Joe Alwyn)

Her aunt showered her with kisses and embraces, swarming her with unwavering love and care. While exclaiming in excitement, "Where's my baby cousin!!" Nymphadora, hearing the spirited commotion from her room, dashed down eagerly.

(A/N: Nymphadora Tonks, Face claim: Florence Pugh)

"That's me, mummy," the young Nymphadora pointed to her older self.

Her parents shared a smile at how grown up she looked.

"Hey, Nymphie," (Name) greeted her with a fond wave from amidst her aunt's warm hug.

"Merlin! You've grown taller than before, you're already reached my ear," Nymphadora smirked and hugged her cousin after Andromeda released her from the hug. "I miss you, kiddo."

"I miss you guys too," (Name) looked at them with misty eyes, but a bright smile made way onto her face that she finally felt like she had a real family and a home.

Many teared up at the narration, it really touched them.

Sirius felt a sense of relief and gratitude knowing that his daughter was not lonely while awaiting his release from Azkaban; instead, she found a loving home with his beloved cousin, which brought him great comfort.

Then, the screen zoomed into the peach bracelet on (Name)'s wrist and blacked out.

Author's note

Hello! EVerYonE!

Final chapter is upppppp!

Now if you are confused right now~~~ There is an update of her abilities here. As a Legacy of Hecate and Daughter of Demeter, I have included one more extra ability temporarily.

If you remember... in HP: TPS chapter 10 I have 3//4 abilities for her and now we have added new ones

1. Spell Creation: Children of Hecate have the power to invent their own spells, just by visualizing what they want the spell to do, and by making their own incantation. Whether they were trained, self-taught or devised the spell on the fly. The spells can be minor, such as locating, summoning animals, divination or controlling emotions. Or they can be more advanced and powerful such as controlling the elements, pure magical energy, necromancy, curses and summoning monsters or magical guardians. Spells cannot be overly powerful or controlling. The more complex and powerful the spell, the more energy it drains from the user. (This one is normal as you know she is a witch)

2. Telekinesis: Children of Hecate also have the power of telekinesis, or the power to move objects by thought alone.

3.Familiar: Children of Hecate are able to ask an animal become their familiar (pet/spirit animal), which they can summon and communicate with, to act as their guide, pet, friend, and even conscience, if needed. The familiar will appear during a battle, even if they weren't summoned. (This is Una-- lol)

4.Levitation: Children of Hecate can cast a levitation spell on themselves for a short time which will allow them to fly, the longer they levitate the more power it drains. The spell can also be used for items and enemies. (I put this in telekinesis, but I'll separate it for now)

5.Chlorokinesis: Children of Demeter have powerful chlorokinesis, also known as Agrokinesis, Botanokinesis, or Phytokinesis, the ability to mentally and/or physically summon, control and manipulate plants and vegetation. The person with the ability can control and manipulate wood, rock soil, roots, fruits, and flowers, even moss found in natural field or habitat. They can use this ability to have their enemies ensnared in plants, or even telepathically communicate with plant life and vegetation; an ability known as "green-speaking."

6.Biokinesis & Vitakinesis (Limited to Plants): As an extension of their Chlorokinesis, skilled children of Demeter can somewhat mimic the effects of biokinesis, control of living matter, and powerful, control of the healing process, able to apply the effects of those powers specifically to plants, such as changing the form and shape of a plant, or healing a plant of wounds.

7.Toxikinesis (Limited): As an extension of their Chlorokinesis, children of Demeter have a limited but powerful form of toxikinesis, the ability to create and control poisons and toxins, they are able to create and control the poison's that can be produced by plants or funguses. This as well makes them immune to the poisonous plants, spores and funguses. (remember being poisoned by Professor two face? Mr. Squirrel? lol)

8.Taphokinesis: Powerful children of Demeter may have the ability of Taphokinesis, also known as decay manipulation or rot manipulation, the ability to mentally and/or physically make things decompose. Though this ability only works on plants, and can be unreliable as it can come out whenever they are angry, or scared.

9.Powerful children of Demeter can sometimes have the ability to sense the location and presence (or lack thereof) of objects and places related to the domains their mother rules over (agriculture, fertility, harvest, grain, sacred law, earth, seasons, climate, weather, nourishment and bread), {including and up to foresight/precognition and hindsight/postcognition of what has happened or will happen to such objects, with the range of time able to be seen depending on how strong said child of Demeter is. (Not yet happen)}

10.Enhanced Physical Prowess: Children of Demeter, as children of one of the Big Three female Olympians (Demeter, Hestia and Hera), their 'universal' demigod traits are greatly enhanced. This includes, superhuman speed, agility, strength, endurance, durability and senses, but also enhances greatly the drawback of the scent that attracts monsters as well, making life more dangerous for them

So how was this chapter? I'd love to see what your comments are.

Besides, how was the description of this book?

If you enjoy it, comment '💖'.

If you like the description, comment '🧩'.

Don't be a silent reader y'all!  I love interactions in my comments, so don't be shy~~

Anyways I'm outta here. I'll be editing the front chapters before the offscreen part begins, which may take some time. see you next month for the new book to start. Byeeeeee

Chidoristream out

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