Harry Potter Imagines [Closed]

By FanmailHP

153K 2.3K 656

{CLOSED} Won't accept requests Harry Potter imagines and preferences that include everybody. From professors... More

Requests [Closed]
Young Remus Lupin ~ Love Potion
Cedric Diggory ~ Champion
Ron weasley ~ Snow
Fred Weasley ~ Battle
Dean Thomas ~ Jealous
Young James Potter ~ Date ruined
Harry Potter ~ It started with a kiss
George Weasley ~ Playful Fights
Young Sirius Black ~ Fall out of the sky
Harry Potter - it all started with a kiss (part 2)
Young James Potter - Date ruined (Part 2)
Ron Weasley - A day off
George Weasley - Halloween Ball
James Sirius Potter - Midnight stroll
Harry Potter - Jealousy
Ron Weasley - Snowball
Fred Weasley - Yule Ball
Ron Weasley - Sick
Ron Weasley - Revenge
Charlie Weasley - Dragons
George Weasley - Prank
Fred Weasley - I love you
George Weasley - Prank (Part 2)
James Sirius Potter - Study
Harry Potter - Yule ball
Viktor Krum ~ Protecting
Hermione Granger ~ One last dance
Oliver Wood ~ A day in the Park (part 1)
Oliver Wood ~ A day in the park (part 2)
Draco Malfoy - Secret Admirer

Draco Malfoy - Meeting his parents

6.2K 119 17
By FanmailHP


I hope it's not too long. If it is i'm sorry if you wanted shorter.

Emma's POV

I was walking out of DADA, which is one of my two top favorite classes, my hair swishing by my ear making me crack a grin. Someone grabs my hand and kisses the knuckles. I turn my head around to see Draco. He smiles and pecks my lips. Since I was only 2 inches shorter than him, he didn't have to bend down to kiss me. 

I blush from the PDA and turn around to see if anybody saw that. He chuckles and wraps an arm around my waist. "Relax, nobody saw that" He says and turns my head back to face him. Suddenly he starts to be ridged.

He coughs and leads me to an empty classroom. Once inside he closes the door and locks it. "What's wrong Draco?" "Um.........Uh.........myurhgupareargndhtswashaergnttomsrgaerheetyordhu. Got that? Yes? Ok, now lets go." He says quickly and takes my hand and leads me outside. "Now wait a minute?" I say and pull my hand out of his tight grip. "What are you talking about?" 

He looks around the room, not meeting my waiting eye. Finally he look into my eyes "My parents want to meet you on Saturday. Two weeks from now." He says and cringes waiting for my answer. Now it was my turn to look anywhere but his eyes. "Are you sure I should go?" "I'm positive." I sigh and nod my head. "I'll give it a go." 

He smiles and pulls me close. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Thank you" Draco says and put his head on my shoulder facing my neck. He peppers my neck with light kisses and pulls me more close to him so my body is practically touching his.

The bell dings and I lightly push Draco off of me. "Come on we have class." And I lead him outside of the classroom.


Today was Saturday but not the Saturday where I was supposed to meet Draco's parents. It was Hogsmeade Saturday. I wake up and look around to see if my dorm mates were sleeping or not but they weren't here. Well, besides Pansy, everybody else had left. 

I get up and walk over to my cupboard and get out my clothes for today. I just wore a simple black sweater that had white lines on it paired with black skinny jeans. I wore black converse and brushed through my hair once seeing as it only reached my mouth and I didn't have to take that much time on it. 

I walk up to the Great Hall and sit down at the Slytherin table. I pile toast and some eggs on my plate. While waiting for my eggs to cool down, someone sits in front of me. I look up and see Pansy with a sickly simile. "What?" I ask with my mouth full of toast, some spitting out on the table. "Don't do that." Pansy says with disgust write on her face. I grin, showing her my chewed up toast again. She starts to choke. "Stop. I'm gonna throw up." I laugh inwardly and finish my toast and eggs.

"So now what?" I ask Pansy. "Now" She pause for dramatic effect "We're going to Hosmeade!"She yells a little too loud making some people look our way. 


We reached Hosmeade and went to The Three Broomsticks. But seeing as it was full, we went to find dresses. I had already told my mum that if I didn't find any dresses over here, that she can send any kind of classy dress she likes. 

We went to any clothing shop that sold dresses but all they had were dress robes and Quidditch uniforms. So we decided to give up and go back to Hogwarts. I look around the common room to see if Draco was around but I couldn't find him so i went up to my dorm. "Now what?" I ask Pansy and she closes the dorm door shut.

She shrugs her shoulders but on the look on her face I can tell she is hiding something. "What?" I ask, looking around to see if she was looking at me or something else. "Nothing!" She says quickly making me turn back towards her. Okay then. She defiantly knew something.


So far this whole week had been boring. The classes have been longer, or so it seems. The classes were actually cut more shorter than before because of the upcoming Valentine's party held in the Great Hall. It seems longer to me because i keep anticipating the day I would meet drake's parents.

Speaking of Draco, I never see him around that much. I try to find where his is but I can't find him. I tried searching for him in all his hiding spots but he wasn't there. I know he stills go there because you can smell his cologne a little bit.

So I just go on with my day, to see if I might accidentally bump into Draco. But with no such luck, I just give up and wait at his spots to see if he would show up. 


I wake up and look at the calendar next to my cupboard, Saturday, February 14. I squeal and do a small dance before I get hit in the face from Pansy. "Shut up" she groans and flips to her other side.

I look over at my bedside table and see the clock had just hit 5:10. I look back at Pansy. "Sorry" I whisper. She just wave her hand as an apology. I got bet back on my bed and stare at the ceiling, wondering what would happen at the Malfoy Manor.


I feel someone shake me awake. "What" I say and crack my eyes open a little. " You skipped breakfast!" Someone yells in my ear. I smile and turn over to my side. "So?" "SO?" They question back. "Yeah, so what?" "SO, Draco had been looking for you!" I get up and look at the clock on my table 8:14. 

I sigh and get up. "Ok now what?" "Now, We get you ready for the Ball." "Wait," I look at the floor in embarrassment. "I'm not going to the Ball" I managed squeak out. I look up to see Pansy glaring at me. "Yes, You are." And starts to push me to the bathroom. "No really, I'm not going"I say and dig my feet in the ground to prevent her from making go anywhere. 

"And why not?" Pansy says, taking one hand of me and puts it on her hip. "Well you see.......um......I'm going to meet-" But before I can finish, Pansy squeals. "I knew it!!!" She yells. "I knew he would ask you that sooner or later!" 

I glare at her. "How did you know that?" now it was her turn to look at the floor in embarrassment. "Um....Well......he sorta......kinda......maybe told me about it" I look at her. "Really?" She nods her head. "Anyway! We have to get you ready for tonight." "But that's 11 hours from now." I whine.

"Fine"Sh huffs and walks out. I smile in glee and rush back to my warm bed.


It was just a few minutes before lunch when I had woken up. Again someone was shaking me, but in a more nicer way. "Come on Emma. Wake up, You can't stay asleep forever. You still have to meet my parents." After that last sentence was spoken, I tried to keep the smile of my face. "Ok then, I guess I have no other choice.

I open one of my eye to see what was happening when Draco's lips meet mine. I try to resist but I couldn't take it anymore. I kiss back almost instantly, wanting to savor the feeling of his lips on mine. His lips tasted like fresh apples and a little bit of honey and cinnamon.

After a while Draco starts to pull away. I whine to feel his lips on mine again. He chuckles "Come on. It's almost time to meet my parents. You know how they hate waiting for people." I sigh and get up. I walk over to my cupboard and grab the dress I planned to wear. I look back to see Draco staring at my bum.

I give it a little shake and push him outside. "Ok you can leave now." "Aw. Why can't i stay? I can help you get changed" He says, adding a little wink. I shake my head and shove him out. "Bye." I say and start closing the door. "No wait please." He say. 

I laugh and shut the door completely. I walk over to the bathroom and make sure to grab my necessary items from under my bed before going in. I close the door behind me and lock it. I strip out of my clothes and take a shower. 

After i'm done with the shower, I get my dress and slide into it easily. I walk over to the sink and get started on my make up. With at least and hour left, I get started on my nails. Just cause I was bored.


I come out of the bathroom to see all the girls fussing over everything. But as soon as I walk out, all the girls look at me in jealousy. And some even in pure hatred. But out of all of them, Pansy looks at me like I'm a goddess. "Oh. My. GOD" Pansy says. "You look beautiful" "Thank you" I smile at her and head down the stairs.

I had to meet Draco in the common room by 7 so we could be there a little bit earlier. I walk down the stairs and look around to see where Draco is. Finally reaching the last stair I realize Draco wasn't even finished getting ready yet. I laugh to myself, realizing why Draco wanted me to meet him earlier then 7:30.

A few more minutes before 7:30 and Draco finally walks down the stairs. He looks over at me in shock. "Oh. I thought you would be ready a little bit later." He say while scratching the back of his neck. I laugh and take is hand. I peck his lips and we both walk out of the common room.


We finally made it to the Manor and I have to say, it looked huge. We both walk up the porch stairs, hand in hand. Draco is about to knock with the knocker when the door flew open. Standing right before me was Mrs. Malfoy with Mr. Malfoy staring at me with a blank look on his face.

I hold out my hand for Mrs. Malfoy to take. "Hi, my name is Emma Martin. Pleasure to meet you both." I say with my hand still outstretched. Mrs. Malfoy takes my hand and pulls me into a hug. I stare at Draco in surprise. He cracks a smile but then his face turns serious again.

When she finally lets go, she rushes us to the dinning table. Mr. Malfoy sat at the head chair, Draco and his mum on either side of him and i sat next to Draco on the long dining table. Mrs. Malfoy snaps her fingers and a few house-elfs come out of nowhere placing meals down. 

"So," Mr. Malfoy starts "What year are you in?" He looks at me with his death-like eyes. "6th" I say with confidence. He slightly glares at me which makes me loses some of my bravery. "What house?" "Slytherin." I fire back. "Blood?" And looks at me with victory. 

"Pureblood." I say and cut a piece of steak and plop it into my mouth, making sure I chewed enough times then swallow. After that, the conversation dies down and we all finish eating in silence.


I wait at the door way for Draco, talking to Draco's mum. She seemed a little nice but it might have been the cold atmosphere in the Manor making me want to dislike her. A few more minutes and Draco finally comes back with a smile on his face.

He takes my hand in his. "Goodbye mum" hey says and hugs her. "Goodbye" I say and put my hand out for her to shake it but again, she grabs it and pulls me into a hug. After a few seconds I pull away. "Thank you for the dinner Mrs. Malfoy." She smile and lead us out the door. "It was my pleasure." I smile and Draco and I walk down the stairs. 

Before we walk all the way down, Draco takes my hand and leads us to the back. "Draco." I whisper "Where are we going?" But Draco doesn't answer and he continues where he's heading. 

We stop at a forest. It had beautiful pink, purple and blue flowers with pink blossom trees. "What are we doing here?" I ask and look over to Draco. But he wasn't standing next to me anymore. He was sitting down at a table facing the scenery. I sat down next to him.

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a bracelet box in red velvet. I stare at the box I confusion. He hands me the box. I open it to see a note on top of the bracelet. I open the note and see

Happy Anniversary

written in cursive. I look at the bracelet and it has a small star in a gold chain. "Oh my gosh" I say and look at Draco. "I'm sorry. I forgot." He smiles as an 'apology accepted'. "I love it." I say. And then I added "I love you" He look up in shock. He clears his throat "I love you too." 

I lean over the table and peck his lips. "I love you more" I murmur over his lips. He smiles "That's not possible."


I know you didn't want the anniversary part but that was the only idea i had for the 'I love you ' part. I think this one is amazing. I hope you like this.

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