Through Ash and Dust (ROTB)

De LuvMiddleEarth

25.3K 1.6K 298

Based upon the Rise of the Beasts A nineteen year old girl who has gone through her life as an unwanted perso... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 44

258 24 4
De LuvMiddleEarth

After they had managed to get off the island by crossing the river to the other side by an old grain facility after realizing they couldn't drive off the island like they could before, Saphira was leaning against some rubble looking at Bee's body while Arcee tended to her wounds. She had tried to do a bit before, but she didn't get much time since they had to cross the river, though Saphira was at least dry. She did have to take her jacket and shirt off though, so she was only sitting in her singlet, even though it was cold. Her shoulder was bandaged now, and Arcee was wrapping her legs after cleaning the blood around the wounds.

But while Saphira was grateful for her help, everyone around her all had the same feeling. Even their new friend was feeling sympathetic. Though not much had been said since they all knew what had happened. Bumblebee was dead, and they were all grieving. Saphira was upset with herself, because the key was now in the possession of Scourge. Though she still did not know what they were yet, considering they had only just been attacked. But clearly, they weren't much of a match for the autobots, and that was not good.

Arcee sighed softly as she finished wrapping the wounds on Saphira's legs and looked at her with a smile. "Feeling better?" Saphira looked at the femme and shook her head. "Yeah, me too." She glanced at Bee's body and looked away with a grimace. "This is not how things should have gone. I am sorry you had to go through that."

"It wasn't just me...everyone did." She sniffled softly and looked up at Optimus. He was still injured, but he had wanted Saphira to be looked after first. He had been watching Arcee closely to ensure that Saphira would be okay. "I'm sorry, Optimus. I didn't mean to lose the key...that bot...whatever it was, she took it from my hands. She almost broke my arm in the process...but I didn't mean to lose it."

Optimus softened his expression as he gazed at her. "Saphira, I am not angry at you." His voice was filled with pain and sorrow as he spoke to her. "I cannot be angry for something that is not you fault. I am angry and those who attacked us...and took someone close from us." He gazed at Bumblebee for a moment and grimaced. "Though it seems...the key unintentionally drew those to it...I wish I could have known, so you would not have been put in such danger."

Saphira smiled at him. "It wouldn't be the first time I've had a bot try to kill me, Optimus." Optimus grumbled and turned away from her. "But I wouldn't have allowed it if we knew this Scourge was coming." Her smile faded quickly and grimaced a little as Arcee hands checks her arms and neck to make sure the injuries she had sustained there were not deep, though they were stinging. "Do you know who he is?"

"I am afraid this is the first time we have encountered him," Arcee responded gently to the girl. The femme was satisfied and stood up with a smile. "You do not have any severe injuries. Aside from the wound on your shoulder and wounds on your legs, which you should keep an eye on as well, you will be fine." Saphira nodded as she was happy about that, but she was still upset. "I wish I could answer more questions for you, Saphira."

"We all do." Mirage walked over and sat on a metal box by Saphira, looking at her kindly. "When the lights went out as you were walking into the museum, I was thinking we were about to see kind of paranormal activity or something. But...I think that would have been better than this."

"Yeah..." Saphira looked at Bee's body again and let out a soft sob. She certainly wished for things to be different. She knew that the bots would risk dying going back to Cybertron, but she wouldn't know unless told. But seeing him being killed really was hard. "Could he not be fixed?"

"We aren't machines like your cars and trucks, Saphira. We might look like robots, but are alive, like you," Arcee explained to the girl gently. "We would need the rawest form of energon to revive him, but we have no possession of that, and even if we fix the damage done to his body, his spark is out." Saphira sighed softly, knowing the question she had asked was incorrect. She had hoped it was possible, but she understood what she was saying. "I know you want to have him back, we all do, but I am afraid fixing him will not bring him back. It will only give him dignity."

At least it would be something, though Saphira knew that the bots may not do that right now. They had more pressing issues unfortunately, and they would have to think about how to grieve and honour Bumblebee later. Especially now that there was a new threat on the planet, and it could be a threat to humans as well. Saphira didn't like it, but there was not much to do but face it. She didn't know if she would be much help to them either.

Saphira jumped when Optimus suddenly grabbed a rusty car suspension with wheels connected to it and threw it. He was clearly frustrated and hurt over the loss of Bumblebee, and he was taking it out on the environment, which Saphira completely understood. She watched as the rusty metal hit a water tower and lands on an old boat. This place they were hiding in seeming be a dumping ground, since the silos likely weren't used anymore.

Optimus was still holding his stomach, and he limped, thinking about the battle. "This is my fault." Saphira widened her eyes when he said it was his fault, because she knew it was not his fault. "It should have been me."

"You can't really mean that," Saphira said in a small voice, making Optimus turn to face her with great sadness in his face. "I understand how you feel...but you can't mean that...this wasn't your fault. You didn't know this would happen." Saphira wanted to stand and walk to him, but knew it was best not to. "We all lost someone today. He was like a brother to me...and I guess he was like a son to you, given he seemed young."

Optimus sighed deeply, knowing that what he said had upset Saphira. "There are many bots who I would gladly swap places to ensure that they would have survived an attack, Saphira. I am a leader...I am responsible for all of my autobots." He gestured to Arcee and Mirage as he spoke, and both of them look away. "And as such, it falls on my shoulders when things go wrong, Saphira."

"Even when it is out of your control?" Optimus nodded and looked away from Saphira. "I know you are a leader, Optimus, but you can't burden yourself with things that are out of your control. It will only drag you down. I've been trying to learn that too."

Optimus did not respond to her. He understood what she was saying, but he couldn't help but burden himself with the guilt and pain for not being able to take the place of other autobots. He wished things could be different. He looked at Bee's body and looked away with a grimace. He really felt that he was at fault because he could not even put a dent in Scourge's body. The bot was very experienced in fighting, but Optimus looked back at how he was fighting, and wished he could have fought differently.

"I am sorry for your loss," The Maximal said sympathetically, bowing her head as a condolence to the autobots and human. She was perched on top of a brick building while watching and listening politely.

"No, offence lady, but who are you again?" Mirage asked the bot with a curious frown. "We were fighting those things for, like, thirty minutes and you just show up breathing fire out of nowhere. Kind of suspicious to me." He placed his hands on his hips as he frowned at her. "We could have used a bit of backup if you are familiar with Scourge."

She smiled slightly as she was slightly amused by Mirage. "My name is Airazor. I am a Maximal. A warrior from both your past and future. And as for your question in regarding my sudden appearance, I was drawn to the city because of the signal from the Transwarp Key." Saphira listened to her quietly, and realized that made sense. "It is something that had not been intended to happen, but it seems that it was inevitable that the key would be uncovered again at some point."

"Oh right..." Mirage began in a sarcastic tone, acting like he was following what she was saying. "That...that tracks, yeah."

"We fled our home planet on the eve of its destruction. We sought refuge and hid here on Earth." Airazor glanced at Optimus as he was looking at her and listening to her story. "We have been hiding on this planet for a very long time. Although, as I am sure you can tell, we cannot hide in the same way as you can." Optimus nodded slowly in agreement. "So I have had to hide in the places of the world where there is less civilization. Though I had befriended some tribes in my time, and they had been very welcoming."

"That explains how the key was inside a sculpture of you," Saphira commented and Airazor looked at her with an affirmative nod. " you are a Maximal, and these are autobots...what were the things that attacked us? Optimus, Mirage and Arcee said they were not decepticons, so I presume you know what those things were."

The Maximal nodded affirmatively. "Terrorcons. Servants of a dark, hungry god, who feeds on entire worlds to sustain himself." Oh joy, that sounds fun to deal with. "They were the reason we had to flee our planet to Earth."

Optimus narrowed his optics as he listened to Airazor. "Unicron."

Saphira looked at him in surprise. "Wait, you know who this planet, eating, god is?"

"He is in the archives of Cybertron. There is a long, deep history, and while I wish I could say I did not know who Unicron was, I do know." Optimus clenched his hand as he thought about it. "And now the battle makes more sense."

"So you're saying, this thing Unicron, eats planets to survive?" Mirage asked curiously, wanting confirmation that was true.

Airazor nodded. "Yes. And he imbues his servants, like Scourge, with dark energy. Which makes him all but invincible. He is entirely beholden to Unicron, just as Nightbird and Battletrap, the other two Terrorcons who were with him, are also beholden to Unicron. Through his power, he possesses Scourge's soul." Saphira grunts as she moved to stand, and Airazor looked down at the girl with concern. "You were very brave, young human." She looked at the Maximal in surprise and smiled as she managed to get onto her feet. "I do not know how long you have known the autobots for. But from what little I can gather, there is a deep bonded you have developed with all of them."

"'s kind of a long story," Mirage said with a smile. "And it all started with me!" He points at himself confidently, and Optimus let out a low growl as he was getting irritated. "What? I can tell the truth about it, Optimus."

"Now is not the time to be immature, Mirage!" Arcee hissed at the young bot with a frown. "We just lost Bumblebee. Don't you think you could be a little more gracious and understanding right now?" Mirage sighed as his smile faded, knowing she was right. Arcee looked down as Saphira began to limp towards Optimus. "Saphira, you should be resting."

Saphira looked at Arcee with a frown. "I know. But..." She looked up at Optimus and dropped down to one knee. "I want to be with Optimus. I am not sure how much help that I can be, but I want to try."

"Just by being here is enough. And I am terribly sorry that you got hurt." Optimus gently picked the girl up and grunts as he forced himself up from one knee back onto his feet. "But you will need to hang on. I am still limping myself."

Saphira smiled as Optimus gently placed her on his shoulder, and she made sure to grab on. "I will do my best. Though..." She glanced down at his stomach and looked back at his optics. "Maybe you should let one of the others fix you, Optimus. I hate seeing you injured like this." She kissed his cheek gently, and stroked it with the back of her hand. "I am still very sorry for losing the key."

Optimus hummed softly as he glanced down. "I do wish I could have gotten the key myself. If the key had not been inside the museum, I would have done that." Saphira doubted that getting the key himself would have changed the outcome, though she understood why he was saying that. "Now that Scourge has the key...he might summon Unicron to this world."

Saphira shuddered as she glanced up at the sky briefly, trying to imagine what it would be like to see something devouring this world. She would not like to see that. " that is one more thing to add to my nightmares."

"He will also consume Cybertron when he gets the key." Optimus groaned, shaking his head, knowing that this was going to be bad. "Hopefully, we can locate Scourge and get the key from him so we can prevent that from happening."

"He doesn't have the key." Everyone looked at Airazor when she spoke up, surprised she had even said that. "At least, not all of it." That information would have been really useful a few minutes ago. "We broke the key into two pieces for safekeeping. Then splintered, and went into hiding. I do not know where the other half is." She looked away and glanced up at the sky with a sigh. "For all I know, I am the last of our kind."

"I have a feeling it is in Peru." Airazor turned her head and looked at Saphira in surprise. Optimus looked at her curiously, and Saphira smiled at him. "You remember the writing underneath the Maximal symbol on that sculpture?" He nodded. "I did do digging at the library, and I was able to find unexplainable markings in Peru, along with the depictions of the various animals that are not native to the region."

Optimus hummed for a moment before opening his chassis to grab her bag with the camera in it. "You still have that information?"

Saphira nodded, watching as Optimus hands her the bag and she grabbed out the camera to check she still had the image. She did, but she grabbed an empty book to write in it. "I remember that the only other place these symbols were written were in Peru. The Inca Temple of the Sun in Cusco..." Optimus was impressed she remembered that. "I wasn't able to get a copy of that information, but I remember that information. It's one of the oldest buildings in the Southern Hemisphere. I'm guessing it can't be a coincidence."

Airazor was impressed by the girl's skill at memorizing details like that, but she was concerned. "Hmm...if you were able to track those symbols to Peru, so can the Terrorcons." Arcee commented in concern. "I know we were already planning on heading down that way tomorrow, but we need to get there before they do."

"And then, kill Scourge and take his piece to complete the key," Optimus said in a blunt, slightly angry tone. "We will not let him get away with it. Hopefully, he cannot track the second key quickly, so we can have a head start tomorrow."

"I hope for that too." Saphira kissed Optimus's cheek gently while finishing the notes she was writing in the book. She had written the symbols she had seen on the sculpture, and the symbols she had also seen in her research from the library. " will have a way to get home." Saphira grimaced as she said that, as it still hurt, but she tried not to make it obvious.

"Saphira..." Saphira flinched and looked at Airazor when the Maximal addressed her. "I am impressed that you are able to remember such intricate details about an old temple the way you do. Not every human on this planet seem to possess that talent." Saphira smiled as she felt flattered by the compliment. "Will you lead us to this temple? Locating that key first is our priority, and the fate of this planet now rests upon your shoulders."

Oh...that's a lot of weight...

"Actually..." Saphira glanced at Arcee as the femme spoke with a smirk. "The fate of two planets rest upon your shoulders." She widened her eyes as Arcee folded her arms and her expression turned to amusement at the girl's reaction. "We don't want a planet eating monster devouring our planet too, Saphira."

Saphira chuckled softly and nodded affirmatively. "Of course I will help. Telling me that the fate of two planets are on my shoulders wouldn't have stopped me, Arcee. We were meant to be heading to that temple tomorrow anyway, so I guess it just happened to end up being more important." Saphira looked at Optimus and placed a hand on her hip. "Now are you going to get that wound seen to, Optimus? I'd rest inside your chassis, but I think you need to get that seen to."

Optimus rolled his optics, though he fully understood. "It would be best to listen to the human, Optimus." He glanced at Airazor as the Maximal spoke to him politely. "Scourge is not an enemy you should take lightly. You need to be in top shape to face him again, or he will kill you, just as he has done with your fallen friend." He sighed deeply and gently lifts the girl from his shoulder to place her on the ground. Airazor watched curiously, observing that Saphira was smiling in a victorious way as Optimus walked over to Arcee and sat down so that Arcee could mend his injuries. "I see there is definitely a deeper bond than I had first realized."

Saphira looked at Airazor, and knew that the Maximal has realized. "Yeah...that doesn't bother you, does it?"

"Not at all." Airazor smiled at the girl, while Optimus looked at the Maximal curiously. "The barrier of different species should not prevent one from finding love and happiness. In fact, this would not be the first time." Saphira raised an eyebrow as she was curious. "Not me, personally, as I have not much interest in having a human as a sparkmate. However, it not unusual tomorrow that you and Optimus Prime have a relationship. And I wish that you both have a happy future."

Saphira felt tears in her eyes as she thought about the future. "Well...he plans to return to Cybertron to end the war that they are still fighting. So...the future is kind of unknown at the moment."

Airazor looked at Optimus with an understanding expression. "Unfortunately, war is an ugly thing. It destroys many things. And I guess that means you do not intend to return to this planet after you have left." Optimus nodded, as that was the plan. " least you have found someone who you can love, even from a distance. It is unfortunate humans live such short lives, but if a war is raging on your planet, it must take priority."

Optimus looked at Saphira and noticed she had tears rolling down her cheeks. He softened his expression as he realized that Saphira was hurt that he was wanting to leave for Cybertron. He knew that going to Cybertron meant leaving her, and not coming back. Though he realized that he hasn't really thought about how it was going to affect Saphira. After all, he knows she has no human family or friends to turn to when they leave. He did not know why she hasn't said anything, but he guessed she was happy they had a way to get home, and she didn't want to show she was upset.

Optimus sighed, knowing it was a side of Saphira that he has loved. Her humbleness was an attraction him, and the fact she is still willing to help them get the piece of the key to go home showed it. It hurt his spark knowing he would be choosing to return to Cybertron to fight a way instead of remaining here for some time to spend with her. As much as he wanted to remain, the decepticons aren't going to stop fighting the autobots on Cybertron, and Optimus knew it. So there was no choice in that aspect, even if it would hurt the one he loved the most.

Airazor did step down from the building she had been perching on, as Saphira was curious to touch her feathers. She was curious to know if they felt like real bird feathers, and the Maximal was more than happy to appease the girl's curiosity. When Saphira gently touched the feathers on Airazor's wings, she was surprised that they were extremely light and soft to the touch. But they didn't feel like feathers found on birds. They were still metal, but a different kind of metal, and Saphira was intrigued by it.

Airazor was gentle with Saphira, and Saphira found herself liking their new friend, and spent time speaking with her as Optimus had his injuries repaired. Mirage was pleased that the Maximal was friendly, as he had been apprehensive before about her. But Airazor has not shown a sign of aggression, and she had answered their questions. Saphira did wonder if there were other Maximals on this world, though Airazor did answer that there used to be. She just did not know if they were still alive.

Saphira yawned and stretched her arms as she was feeling very tired at the moment. It was after midnight at this time, and she was shivering. Snow began to fall, and she looked over at Optimus and Arcee. "Arcee, have you repaired Optimus enough right now?" The femme looked at her with slight irritation, before noticing that Saphira was cold. "I am tired, and I want to get warm. I know we have a long day tomorrow, so I want to get enough rest for it."

"Well...I am not finished yet..."

"But you have done enough that Saphira can enter my chassis to rest, Arcee," Optimus interrupts the femme, and Arcee sighed with a nod, agreeing with Optimus's argument. "It has been a long day today for all of us. You may come over, Saphira." Saphira smiled and walked over quickly. She would run, but she limped a little due to the pain in her legs. "You will need the rest to get those injuries healed as quickly as possible."

" might take a while before that happens." She grunts as she reached his side and Optimus lowered his hand to pick her up gently. " legs does my shoulder..." Saphira rubbed her shoulder and looked at Optimus as he gazed at her sadly. "But not as much as my heart right now." She glanced over to Bumblebee and looked at him. "Is your holoform system damaged at all?" He shook his head and he understood what she was going to ask. "Good...because..."

"I understand, Saphira." He opened his chassis and lowered inside. Saphira saw his holoform form, and she was grateful to see him sitting on the seat. He closed his chassis and Saphira shuffled closer to his holoform. "Your support has been amazing, Saphira." He gently grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to hug her. She hugged him back, and she began to cry softly. "I also a fool." She was surprised and looked at him with a frown. "You were hurt when I was speaking about returning home as soon as we discovered the Transwarp Key's existence, weren't you?"

She widened her eyes for a moment before more tears fell and she nodded. " was going to tell you...but...I didn't w-w-want you to think I was selfish. I had hoped you would want to stay with me...but...I guess..."

"I am sorry for overlooking how you would feel, Saphira. As soon as I had realized what the signal and energy was, I...I focused on returning home. To the point where I forgot how much impact it would have on your life." He watched as she let out another sob, and he gently wiped tears from her cheeks with his thumb. "Now I realize how much of a fool I was. While this ring..." He gently grabbed her hand and lifts it up, making her blush slightly with how he was holding her hand. "Would grants us communication, it is not the same. And I know you know that." She nodded and looked away from him for a moment before Optimus gently placed his hand on her cheek to make her look at him. "You are very important to me, Saphira. I love you. I am sorry things have happened the way they have for you. And...I'll make sure, when we do leave, there will be no regrets."

Saphira clenched her eyes shut for a moment and took a deep breath before opening them again. "You say that like it will be easy." She sniffled loudly and shook her head. "It won't be. I do want you to get home, really do. But understand, you will be taking a piece of me with you. And...I will forever miss you..." She leaned in and kissed him. "I love you, Optimus. I am...I hope that we will spend time before you decide to leave."

"Of course, I intend to do that." He kissed her gently before he grabbed her back and brought it closer. "Do you want to get into new clothes?" She looked at the bag and shrugged before she began trying to remove her jacket. "Here, let me help."

Saphira did not argue as Optimus helped her out of her jacket, shirt, singlet and bra before she put on a pyjama shirt. He pulled her pants off, and she put a pyjama pants on, wanting to be comfortable for the night. She couldn't stop crying at this time as well. She was overwhelmed with the grief of losing Bumblebee, and the hurt that she felt knowing Optimus would leave after getting the key. At least he came to her about it, so it wasn't so hard on her to tell him. But it still hurt. But they both were hurting deeply at this time.

Optimus helped Saphira set up her pillows and blankets before he would lay beside her underneath the blankets, and they both just held each other. Saphira ended up crying herself to sleep, which hurt Optimus's spark to see. However, he knew her tears were a mix of grief and pain, so he didn't blame her at all. He held her close to him, knowing that she was now warm and safe. She would likely want to shower in the morning before they go, since she did have some dust on her face and in her hair, along with ash, from the fight. But that won't be a problem. Though he hoped she would have a good, restful sleep. He knew she needed it. Tomorrow was going to be another long day.

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