My Hero: Prime

By PresidentThanos

75.3K 1.9K 372

Izuku Midoriya, quirkless nobody, was walking home from his most recent beat down by his old childhood friend... More

Fateful Encounter
Wild Wild Pussycats
Getting Closer
Battle Training
Secrets Revealed
Sports Festival Pt. 1
Sports Festival Pt. 2
Names and Internships
Gran Torino
Hero Killer
Christmas Special
Dinner Date
Final Exams
Camp and New Allies
Villains Strike
Finding the Hideout
Prehistoric Rescue
Coming Threats
Return of a Friend
Preparations Complete
Going To War
Battle of Unicron Pt. 1
Battle of Unicron Pt. 2
Battle of Unicron Pt. 3
Battle of Unicron Pt. 4
Battle of Unicron Pt. Final
The Big Three
Random Note
Work Study
Not Yours Anymore
Shie Hassaikai Raid


198 7 1
By PresidentThanos

Shino crashed into a concrete wall in her Full Cybertronian Form. Nemesis, in his own, grabbed her and threw her again. When she hit the ground, he jumped over and intended to land on her, but she reacted faster then he could attack. She kicked her legs up and launched herself into the air, meeting Nemesis halfway and kicking him back. She flipped in the air and landed on her feet. She nearly stumbled due to vibrations coming from the surface. Nemesis got to his feet.

Nemesis: "Sounds fun up there. Let's finish up here so I can join the battle up top!"

Nemesis ran towards Shino, but before he reached her, she turned on her comms.

Shino: *Yelling* "Now!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ratchet opened a ground bridge behind her. She jumped up as Prowl came through, throwing shuriken at Nemesis and kicking him away. Shino landed next to the ninja bot. Their opponent began to laugh.

Nemesis: "You think a single piece of backup will be enough to beat me?! Now that's funny!"

Prowl: "He really is Dekiru's opposite."

Shino: "Tell me about it. You have it?"

Prowl nodded.

Prowl: "I just need to get behind him. We need more space for that, this chamber is too small for me to comfortably fight."

Shino: "Got it. Let me handle that."

She ran at Nemesis who recovered, grabbed him, spun around, and threw him up towards the hole.

Nemesis: "You think air's gonna hurt me!? God you two are desperate!"

Prowl and Shino followed after him, landing on the surface. Prowl immediately began attacking again. He threw more shurikens at Nemesis before sliding between his legs and attempting to kick him in the back. Nemesis shrugged off the thrown weapons, immediately turned around, and grabbed Prowl's leg.

Nemesis: "Nice try. You might've had a chance if I was an eon older."

He immediately threw Prowl at Shino, who jumped over the flying Autobot and attacked Nemesis. She punched him in the chest and grabbed the arm he tried to hit back with before falling backwards, putting her feet on his chest, and kicking him into the air. She then jumped after him, but he backhanded her back to the ground and landed next to her. Nemesis raised his foot to stomp on her chest but Prowl, now in vehicle mode, slammed into him, knocking him down. Above the three Cybertronians, were Setsuna and Overhaul, both fighting in the air.

Nemesis was sent down the street by Prowl's attack but quickly recovered, just to find that Shino was on him again. She attempted to kick out his legs, but he jumped over her leg, grabbed her head, and slammed her face into his knee, making her stumble backwards. As soon as he landed, Nemesis rushed at her, extending his blade. He swung at her head, just for Prowl to appear behind her and kick Nemesis' arm upwards, making him miss.

Nemesis: "You're getting on my NERVES!"

He went to grab Prowl with his other arm, just for it to get grabbed by Shino. She pulled him towards her, sent a punch at his head, and let go as it landed, sending him flying back again. As he landed on the road, something landed next to him with tremendous force, cracking the asphalt. Paying no mind to it, Shino and Prowl rushed their opponent. Nemesis on the other hand, already knew what it was, and smiled widely.

Nemesis: *Yelling* "You're already too late!"

He reached opened his chest, revealing the matrix, and reached inside before pulling out a cord, one Shino was very familiar with.

Shino: *Yelling* "Stop him!"

He then flipped over and slammed the cord into the object that fell, the dust now settling enough the reveal what it was.

Overhaul: "W- -cough- -w-what?"

Overhaul looked at Nemesis weakly as the bot began to pump energon directly into his heart. Shino jumped onto Nemsis' back.

Shino: "Stop this!"

Nemesis laughed.

Nemesis: "I can't. If I try, it'll kill me AND your precious Izuku!"

He laughed again, this time turning into a terrifying cackle. Shino looked to Prowl.

Shino: "Patch me in! Maybe we can still stop it!"

Prowl: "Right!"

His back opened up and a purple and black cord fell into his hand. He quickly attached one end to the back of Nemesis' head.

Nemesis: "Wait, what is this!?"

Prowl: "Ready?"

Shino nodded.

Shino: "Do it."

Prowl nodded and attached the other end of the cortical psychic patch into Shino's head. As he did that, she reached out to him with her quirk. As soon as she felt the patch connect, she was dragged into the mind if Nemesis, and Prowl followed.


Izuku and Megatron were sitting in their cells, both meditating. It was then, the room shook, making their cell doors fall from their hinges and nearly knocking them both over. They got to their feet.

Izuku: "What was that?"

Megatron: "I am not sure."

Another shake.

Izuku: "Something's happening to Nemesis. But wha-"

He gasped and fell to his knees.

Megatron: "Prime!"

Izuku: "I... I feel weaker. My strength is fading."

A loud bang came from the door leading to the room. Megatron took on a battle stance.

Megatron: "I shall defend us both then."


Overhaul weakly opened his eyes and looked down, to see the cord was still in his chest. He moved his hands, they felt, different, metallic. He looked to his right and found himself looking into the eyes of Nemesis. Instead of fear, anger flooded his brain.

Overhaul: "W-we had a -cough- deal!"

Nemesis: "Yeah, well, I had other plans."

In anger, Overhaul punched the ground beneath him.

Overhaul: "You r-ruined EVERYTHING. I was supposed- no, DESTINED to cure the -cough- w-world!"

Nemesis laughed.

Nemesis: "Such a small mind you have. With your power, you could have RULED this world instead of cure it! Eh, I suppose it doesn't matter anymore."

Overhaul: *Yelling* "I HATE YOU!"

He raised his arm and placed his hand on Nemesis' face.


The door fell to the ground and Megatron lunged at it, grabbing something and pinning it to a wall.

Megatron: "It will take more than a few geological quakes to kill Megatron!"

Shino: "Wait!"

Megatron looked to his left to see Shino.

Megatron: "You are the Prime's romantic partner."

He looked at the thing he pinned to see Prowl.

Megatron: "And you are not Nemesis."

He dropped Prowl and turned to Shino.

Megatron: "Get the Prime, he is not doing well. Our deal still stands, I need him alive."

Shino looked over at Izuku and rushed over, carefully picking him up. She looked over to Megatron.

Shino: "What happened?"

Megatron: "As I told him, I do not know. It's likely linked to the shakes. Now, we should go."

He motioned for the two to follow him and left the room with them right behind him. As they ran down the hallway, the area around them began to crumble.

Megatron: "What is happening?"

Prowl: "Nemesis started a transfer. The procedure that made Dekiru and her the way they are."

Megatron grunted.

Megatron: "And that would leave us in his dying mind. The matrix should keep him alive for a while longer, but we need to hurry. He must be stopped."

They picked up the pace and made their way to the fusion of the 1-A dorms and Autobot base that was Izuku's mind. The only difference being that there was now a large hole that was sucking in nearby objects.

Prowl: "That must be the spark transfer."

Megatron: "Yes. This is our only chance! We cannot let him leave! Go!"

Megatron jumped into the hole, quickly followed by Prowl and Shino, who was still holding the weakened Izuku. After half a minute of falling, they made it to the bottom, where they found Nemesis standing over Overhaul, who was just a torso and head. Overhaul looked up to look at them.

Overhaul: "H-help m-me."

Nemesis turned around, a surprised look on his face.

Nemesis: *Yelling* "How are you here!?"

Megatron: "Unlike me, you underestimate your opponents. You won't live to make that mistake again."

Megatron charged up his cannon and fired it at Nemesis who barely avoided the blast. Prowl attacked next, throwing his shuriken and going in for a kick, which knocked Nemesis back. Megatron then appeared with his blade extended, and slashed at Nemesis. Nemesis jumped back, but his chest was still damaged. An angered look appeared on his face.

Nemesis: *Yelling* "ENOUGH!"

He stomped, sending a wave if energy out, knocking back his attackers.

Nemesis: "You're all so annoying. Just stay over there, and leave me be!"

He approached Overhaul again, and placed his foot on the humans chest.

Nemesis: "Give in. There's nothing left for you."

Overhaul felt as his torso began to disappear.

Overhaul: "N-no, please."

Nemesis: "It's not yours anymore."

He lifted his foot and went to stomp out Overhaul, but something stopped him. He looked under his foot to see a shuriken. He looked up just in time to see Megatron coming for him with a punch, though he was able to catch it.

Nemesis: "Really? Is this the best you had?"

He threw Megatron away easily and kicked the shuriken to the side. He then looked down at Overhaul.

Megatron: "No more distractions."

He raised his foot again and began his stomp, but something stopped him in his tracks.

Nemesis: "What!?"

He looked over to the group to find Izuku was standing up straight.

Izuku: "That is enough!"

Nemesis: *Yelling* "You have no power here!"

Izuku: "That's where you're wrong! We aren't in my mind anymore. You have no access to the Matrix!

Nemesis smirked.

Nemesis: "Neither do you then and unfortunately for you, I'm stronger by default!"

Using all his strength, Nemesis broke through Izuku's hold and stomped on Overhaul, just for his foot to be caught be the human.

Nemesis: *Yelling* "Again!?"

Overhaul: "You.... you took it all!" *Yelling* "You took it all away from me!"

Overhaul gripped Nemesis' foot.

Overhaul: *Yelling* "I HATE YOU!"

Suddenly, the area around then began to swell around and glow blue. A mighty wind began to blow, a wind so powerful it picked up even Megatron. Before the group could do anything, they were thrust back up the transfer link.


Back in the real world, both Overhaul's and Nemesis' bodies began to ripple and twist. Both began to scream in pain as Overhaul's quirk activated. A blast of energy emerged from them both, blowing Shino and Prowl back, landing next to Stesuna who was sitting next to an unconscious Eri. The two woke up and Setsuna spoke.

Setsuna: "What the hell is going on!?"

Shino: "We don't know!"

Both bodies began to change, Overhaul grew and became more and more metallic, his body shifting as he became Cybertronian. Nemesis' body twitched and the panels spasmed out of control. Each body began to lose pieces of themselves that swirled together and combined. Finally, one last energy blast sent the mass of metal and the bodies flying as well as kicking up dust.

From the cloud of dust and smoke a familiar cackling could be heard. Nemesis stood from his position and turned to face Shino and the injured team of heroes and Autobots. The dust settled and the cracked asphalt gave way even more under his weight as he began to walk forward. The face of Overhaul had been replaced by Nemesis' twisted red version of Izuku's Full Cybertronian face.

Shino: "N-no! It didn't work!"

Nemesis laughed once more.

Nemesis: *Yelling* "You're too late! This body is mine now!"

He shifted both of his arms into one large cannon and pointed them at the group.

Nemesis: *Yelling* "Say goodbye! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

As he finished charging his shot, two figures then jumped in front of him. One grabbed his cannon and made him shoot up while the other put a blade to his neck.

???#1: *Yelling* "No!"

???#2: "We will not let you."

Shino gasped. Izuku and Megatron had appeared. While Izuku looked nearly identical from before, Megatron had a completely new body.

Izuku gripped Nemesis's cannon harder and Megatron wound back to cut off his head. Nemesis turned his cannon back into his arms and ducked under the slash. He elbowed Izuku in the face to make him let go and jumped back. Nemesis still had a large grin on his face.

Nemesis: "It doesn't matter. With the power I have, you two are no match for me."

Izuku formed a Path Blaster on his arm and aimed it at Nemesis.

Izuku: "What power?"

Nemesis: "Oh nothing much. Just a little something I picked up. Oh how I love DNA."

He touched the ground with his hand, and created spike columns that he sent towards Izuku and Megatron.

Nemesis: *Yelling* "Behold! Overhaul!"

Izuku and Megatron jumped out if the way and braced themselves for more, just to hear thrusters. They looked up to see Nemesis was flying in the air.

Nemesis: "As much as I'd love to stay and end you both, I have more important things to do. See ya!"

He then shifted into his jet form and flew off, leaving the group alive, but very shaken. He had Overhaul? How? And how could they fight something like that?

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