[CH399+ Continued] Dungeon Di...

By KaeNovels

127K 11.4K 1.2K

A story following a young hunter named Jay. He has grown up in a world where dungeons, monsters, and humans w... More

Chapter 399
Chapter 400
Chapter 401
Chapter 402
Chapter 403
Chapter 405
Chapter 406
Chapter 407
Chapter 408
Chapter 409
Chapter 410
Chapter 411
Chapter 412
Chapter 413
Chapter 414
Chapter 415
Chapter 416
Chapter 417
Chapter 418
Chapter 419
Chapter 420
Chapter 421
Chapter 422
Chapter 423
Chapter 424
Chapter 425
Chapter 426
Chapter 427
Chapter 428
Chapter 429
Chapter 430
Chapter 431
Chapter 432
Chapter 433
Chapter 434
Chapter 435
Chapter 436
Chapter 437
Chapter 438
Chapter 439
Chapter 440
Chapter 441
Chapter 442
Chapter 443
Chapter 444
Chapter 445
Chapter 446
Chapter 447
Chapter 448
Chapter 449
Chapter 450
Chapter 451
Chapter 452
Chapter 453
Chapter 454
Chapter 455
Chapter 456
Chapter 457
Chapter 458
Chapter 459
Chapter 460
Chapter 461
Chapter 462
Chapter 463
Chapter 464
Chapter 465
Chapter 466
Chapter 467
Chapter 468
Chapter 469
Chapter 470
Chapter 471
Chapter 472
Chapter 473
Chapter 474
Chapter 475
Chapter 476
Chapter 477
Chapter 478
Chapter 479
Chapter 480
Chapter 481
Chapter 482
Chapter 483
Chapter 484
Chapter 485
Chapter 486
Chapter 487
Chapter 488
Chapter 489
Chapter 490
Chapter 491
Chapter 492
Chapter 493
Chapter 494
Chapter 495
Chapter 496
Chapter 497
Chapter 498
Chapter 499
Chapter 500
Chapter 501
Chapter 502
Chapter 503
Chapter 504
Chapter 505
Chapter 506
Chapter 507
Chapter 508
Chapter 509
Chapter 510
Chapter 511
Chapter 512
Chapter 513
Chapter 514
Chapter 515
Chapter 516
Chapter 517
Chapter 518
Chapter 519
Chapter 520
Chapter 521
Chapter 522
Chapter 523
Chapter 524
Chapter 525
Chapter 526
Chapter 527
Chapter 528
Chapter 529
Chapter 530
Chapter 531
Chapter 532
Chapter 533
Chapter 534
Chapter 535
Chapter 536
Chapter 537
Chapter 538
Chapter 539
Chapter 540
Chapter 541
Chapter 542
Chapter 543
Chapter 544
Chapter 545
Chapter 546
Chapter 547
Chapter 548
Chapter 549
Chapter 550
Chapter 551
Chapter 552
Chapter 553
Chapter 554
Chapter 555
Chapter 556
Chapter 557
Chapter 558
Chapter 559
Chapter 560
Chapter 561
Chapter 562
Chapter 563
Chapter 564
Chapter 565
Chapter 566
Chapter 567
Chapter 568
Chapter 569
Chapter 570
Chapter 571
Chapter 572
Chapter 573
Chapter 574
Chapter 575
Chapter 576
Chapter 577
Chapter 578
Chapter 579
Chapter 580
Chapter 581
Chapter 582
Chapter 583
Chapter 584
Chapter 585
Chapter 586
Chapter 587
Chapter 588
Chapter 589
Chapter 590
Chapter 591
Chapter 592
Chapter 593
Chapter 594
Chapter 595
Chapter 596
Chapter 597
Chapter 598

Chapter 404

787 69 2
By KaeNovels

Even with this powerful attack, in a matter of minutes, the massive tear in the shielded walls heals back to as good as new.

I try using the same attack a few more times, tearing massive cracks in the rectangular prison that open the floor and ceiling up to the black void surrounding me. Each time it soars through the darkness and makes it out, but nothing changes.

The walls continuously heal on their own, and I'm left alone in the blank white room.

Letting out a sigh, I whisper to myself.

"Well, there's still one thing I can try."

Facing the back wall of the room, I charge up my sword with mana and fire magic just like before, but before releasing the attack, I activate my Red Hydra's Buff.

A dense crimson aura forms around my mana blade and once I release my attack from my sword, the impact makes the entire structure of the room I'm in shake multiple times more violently than before.

It slices through, and the red aura that remains begins to eat away at the mana-imbued wall that it comes in contact with very quickly. Burning it away like tissue paper to a hot flame.

A flash of light tells me the brunt of the attack has hit the outside world through the void, but what fascinates me even more is the sight of the entire back wall of the room being completely destroyed.

The red aura exhausts itself eventually, but it does some serious damage. I can't even see the corners of the room; it looks as if it was sliced off completely with a jagged blade.

However, soon enough, the white mana-shielded wall begins to heal itself up.

I let out a sigh, realizing the more I throw attacks at that wall, the more useless things may become. The only thing it will do is increase my fatigue from using the buff over and over, and possibly just destroy the entire room I'm standing in and leave me floating in the dark black void of energy all around me.

I open my item storage and let Ember come out. If anyone has insight on my situation, it'd be him.

As he flaps his wings once, then lands on the ground with a thud, he almost instantly curls into a comfortable-looking ball and looks at me with interested eyes.

"So you took my advice? I can tell you're a lot stronger..."

He looks around, pausing his gaze on the open wall that's slowly closing up still, then back to me holding a flaming sword.

"You need help getting out of here, don't you?"

He starts to chuckle as I nod and reply.

"Well, yes. But I'd rather find a way to get out of here myself. I'd like to train with my teammates here, but don't want to expose you to any prying eyes. I have a feeling that would be problematic."

Ember nods, returning his gaze to the wall as it fully heals up.

"Yes, anyone that has knowledge of the last war knowing of my existence may bring more problems than good for you if they knew of me. Even if you trust your teammates, I advise you to follow your gut and not tell a soul until you're much stronger."

I raise an eyebrow at his mention of a war, but reply with a much more important series of questions.

"So, is there any way for me to break out of this Domain myself? My attacks are much stronger than before, and my Hydra's Buff increases that attack power by a considerable amount too. But, that doesn't account for the void around us. It doesn't seem to have any effect on it, and I'm hesitant to dive into it without knowing the dangers."

Ember smiles.

"Well, to put it bluntly, you're too weak. The Titan's domain is a pocket world formed by magic far greater than your own. It is supposed to be a trap impossible to escape. The only reason we can is because of my skill that retained its Mythic grade status. Time dilated pockets of space can only exist when immensely high density amounts of mana are stored in a small place."

I nod, crossing my arms trying to follow along as Ember continues.

"We're just packets of information stored inside a small domain deep within a titan. Think of this Domain as its own Dungeon. Can you throw energy attacks at a dungeon floor enough times and break out?"


"A Titan's domain acts no different, it's just a much smaller version, with more mana. This leads to very odd space and time-bending properties. The only way to weaken its defenses is to turn off its energy sources entirely. It's similar to collapsing a dungeon and forcing a dungeon break. However,, we're the only monsters inside this pocket world trying to get out."

I respond in a disappointed tone.

"So there's no other ways to get out? What about jumping in the void? My energy attacks can make their way through, why can't I?"

Ember replies.

"Are you sure they leave the void? My theory is energy distorts more and more the closer it gets to the outer edge. The flashes of light and disappearance may just be the attack dispersing into the darkness."

Then he sighs.

"Though I could be wrong, I haven't studied these Domains very much. The Void Creeper's Rifts are rare to come by, even more so than Demonic ones in recent times."

I reply.

"So it's just not worth the risk. What if I increase my mana control high enough to the point where my legendary plunderer skill has enough power. Or.. maybe if I just upgrade-"

The idea comes to mind and I immediately open my status with my all-seeing eye activated to check how many PP it would take to upgrade my skill further. I had planned to save up all of these points to use on Absorption, but if this is an easy fix to my issue it would be worth a shot.

My eyes widen at the sight of glowing blue text before me displaying the details of my plunderer skill. Below it is a greyed-out text box showing how much an upgrade would be.


[Legendary Grade]->[Mythic Grade]



Even at the increased rate I'm gaining PP with the help of my absorption skill, this option is far out of my grasp.

I look back to Ember with a hopeful gaze.

"What about Qi? My Red Hydra's buff did a lot more damage than my base level mana attacks. What if I just continue to raise my Qi Capacity and tear it open with pure power?"

Ember thinks for a moment, then responds again.

"It's possible, but highly unlikely. You'd need to awaken a very specific Soul Energy designed to drain energy. On top of that, you would need to be much stronger as well. My Soul Energy with the unique trait to cleanse may be able to deteriorate this realm if I tried, but it may be detrimental to my growth if I used that much of my inherited power from a past life in this weak of a form. Plundering the mana is our safest bet."

I think to myself for a few seconds too, but Ember interjects again before I think of a response.

"Speaking of Soul Energy, how far have you come along? I can tell you've improved a lot. Are you able to manifest Qi outside your body yet?"

I turn to Ember with wide eyes.

"No. I don't think so. Well- I haven't tried."


Author's Note:

If you're enjoying Dungeon Diver and want to follow Jay on his journey 20+ chapters ahead of schedule, check out the Patreon link in my profile bio.

There's custom chapter art for every new daily upload too!

Thanks for reading:)


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