The Girl From Down The Road (...

By Aialia05

12.7K 129 46

You know the story. Girl loves 1D. Girl meets 1D. Girl falls in love with the guy of her dreams. But what if... More

Brothers and Plane Fares
Airports and Buckets
Dates and One Direction
Hospitals and concerts
Bowling and Kissing
Phones and Niall
Jess and Parks
Surprises and swimming
Drugs and Sleepovers
Jobs and Results
Slaps and Pasts
Talks and Singstar
Harry and Weirdness
Hiding and Finding
Sam and Truth
Presents and Things
Tears and Heartaches
Work and Other things
Louis and Betrayal
Realizations and Singing
Break-ups and Get-backs
Gifts and French Girls
Torture and Plans
Rohypnol and Guns
Death and Sadness
Grief and All His Friends
Wheel-chairs and Liam
Memories and Feelings
Evan and Knives
Orbs and Phone Calls
Flying and Crying
Meeting and Landing
French Concerts and Hills So Steep That You Need People To Carry You
Something different...DON'T KILL ME!
Jewellery Shops and Shoulder Stuff
Calls and Pain
Shots and A whole lot more tears
Envelopes and Ropes (final chapter)

Packing and Falling Over

142 4 0
By Aialia05

Sam P.O.V









Louis and I were cleaning my room so I could pack properly. Well, from Louis's point of view, it's being able to pack properly, but to me, it's cleaning out every sick and tormented memory of Evan. I was scrubbing out blood off the walls while Louis was taking out all my clothes and soaking them. There was so much to do though. The bed was broken, my dressing table had a leg broken off, my mirror has no actual mirror, and Evan wants me to find a fricken orb?!

I was scrubbing off a big pool of dried up blood when I couldn't get to the top of the circle. Louis was in the bathroom, soaking my clothes, so I couldn't call out to him. I tried to stretch to reach, heck, I tried to stand up, I ended up falling backwards into the bed, which sent me flying out off my wheelchair. I yelped as my head hit the edge of the bed. Louis came in and said while he was helping me up,

"Sam, how did you do this?"

"I was trying to clean the rest of the wall, and it was too high, so I tried to stand I am" I replied when I was back in my wheelchair. He stood back so I had room to move. After I managed to get myself onto my bed, he just stared at me.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" he asked with an exasperated tone.

"Well it's not like I wanted this to happen Lou" I replied with a calm voice.

"But it did Sam. For Nandos sake, you almost died, and you expect me to pretend everything didn't happen?" he shot back with his voice raising with every word he said.

"YES LOUIS!! I don't want to remember what happened and I know it's hard to forget about it, but we have to try, I really want you to try and forget too" I came over and looked him in the eye with all seriousness, also trying seriously hard not to laugh at the fact he used 'Nandos' at a serious time like this. He sighed and smiled.

"I'm sorry, but I've been a lately, in all honesty, I want to forget too, but it's hard to forget something like this" he sat down next to me and placed a hand on my back.

"We'll get through this, together" I smiled back as he placed his lips on mine. My phone rang just as...things started to happen. Jess.

"I gotta take this" I slid off the bed into my wheelchair and headed for the kitchen.

"I got the tickets, and Andie and Katherine are coming, you better explain all of this when you get to my place"

"OK, thanks Jess, you sound shaky, you have a secret!!! Tell me when I get to your place tomorrow"

"I really don't know how you know this shit, but OK, see you tomorrow"

OK, everything's set. Louis entered the kitchen.

"Everything OK?"

"Yes, everything's perfect" I smiled and pecked his lips. We headed over to the lounge and sat down, well, he picked me up out off my wheelchair and carried me to the couch *cue the blush* where we sat down.

"OK, what should we do?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, the last time you asked that, bad things happened"

"Yeah, well, we have to accept the past and move on"

"Louis, you're so cliche"

"Yes, yes I am"

"That is one of the reasons why I love you"

"There are more?"

"Yes" I hesitated and cocked my head the side.

"Is there?" he asked with a worried yet mocking tone.


"OK, name one"

"You're good looking and funny, loud, you can sing and you're amazing" I finished with a smile. He chuckled.

"I said one not twenty"

"I didn't, I said five, now you have to say five reasons why you love me"

"Really?" he mocked an annoyed face at me. I hit him in the arm playfully.

"Yes, I did it"

"OK, I love you because you're pretty, you can sing, you're loud, you're funny, you're smart, you're amazing and the only person in the world I want to be with" he grinned like an idiot and grabbed my hand. I returned the grin and we both burst out laughing.

"I also forgot to say something before" I said after I had calmed down.

"Oh really? And what was that?"

"You don't know how much I love you"

"Really? Prove it" he teased. I placed my lips on his. He replied, his tongue asking for entry. I opened and let him in while his tongue danced around in my mouth. His hands found my waist while mine ran through his hair. He quietly moaned against my lips. I knew this was going to get out of hand fast, so I pulled back just to tease.

"Does that explain?" I asked in a mocking tone. He chuckled.

"Yes, but now, you see" *pause for effect, and also the fact that he stood up fro the couch* "you don't know how much I love you either." I let a small laugh escape my lips. Next thing I know I'm over his shoulder and being carried over to the spare room.

"LOUIS!! PUT ME DOWN!! NOW!!" I hit his back while we travelled down the hall. He flung me down onto the clean, white, king-sized spare bed. I rolled over and pouted at him. He laughed lightly.

"Louis isn't available at the moment, please leave a message" I laughed while he leaned down and kissed me. He climbed on top of the bed, not on me, just thought I would make that clear. His hands found my waist while mine ran through his hair (de ja vu). He tugged at my top. I pulled back just long enough to take it off, same with him and his shirt. He planted kisses along my neck. He pulled back to look into my eyes.

"You sure you want to carry on?" He asked. In other words, was I willing to give myself to him tonight? I quickly thought of everything at the moment. I have a trip tomorrow, my bedroom is still a mess and I have roughly 60 hours to get an orb.

"I'm sorry Lou, I can't" he pouted.

"Why not?" He whined like a 5 year old who couldn't get their candy.

"I have a trip tomorrow and my clothes are soaked, my bedroom is still a mess, and I still have to keep my eyes open because..." I trailed off with tears in my eyes. Louis gathered me in a hug with a reassuring tone in his voice.

"Look, we all will look after you, me, the lads, Jess, you'll be OK, we can and will get through this" he pulled back and smiled. I looked at the time. 10:30pm.

"Louis, can you stay with me here?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Sure love, I'll stay" he replied, still smiling.

"Thanks, just let me change out of" I said, looking down at myself with Louis chuckling in the background. I went to my room and stripped out of my hospital pants and bra and into my aqua singlet and blue-green shorts. I headed back to the spare room where Louis was waiting for me. Just as I got to the door, I got a text.

Frm - Blocked number - Enjoy your freedom, you're gonna need it

I put my phone on the window sill and laid next to Louis.

"Who was that?" Referring to the person who just text me.

"It was Jess reminding me that our flight is at 12:30pm tomorrow and we have to be there 30 mins before if we want food" I said with a blank expression on my face. I'm not sure if he knows I'm lying to him or not, but if he didn't, then I'm doing a good job so far, I still hate lying to him though.

"OK, now go to sleep, you'll need it for tomorrow, you're safe with me" he replied with a wry smile. I pecked him on the lips before my world flickered into darkness.







Jess P.O.V







Just as I got off the phone with Sam, I got a text.

Frm - Blocked number - tut tut, you shouldn't be keeping secrets like these, but don't worry all will be revealed in China

What the actual fuck?? THAT MAKES NO SENSE!!

"Who did you get a text from?" Zayn asked. We had just finished our...'date'...and we're now just sitting on the couch at Zayn's room at the hotel they're staying at (they leave France in 3 days) eating popcorn. We were watching the end of 'The Lovely Bones'. Zayn was watching the movie before he heard my phone go off. I don't know if I should lie to him or not. I don't want to worry him and all that shizz.

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