Abit of carnage and a helluva...

Por Theswankyseal

185K 2.5K 3.9K

During your life you went through stressful day after stressful day with your job and your bastard of a boss... Más

Welcome to hell
The murder family
Loo loo land
new harem additions
Spring broken
Old Freinds new lovers
The sleepover
The harvest moon festival
Truth seekers
Queen bee
A lesson in love
Strike! PT 1
Strike PT2
The circus
Seeing stars
Exes and oohs
A scream of agony
Western energy
Unhappy campers


2.4K 42 21
Por Theswankyseal

Eddie was sitting Infront of his desk sticking a photo of the life foundation logo on his wall drawing a line that connected it with a picture of Carlton Drake and many other photos. Eddie being the thorough investigator he is believed that thier was more to the life foundation. The shuttle the secrecy around it and the fact that he found venom in thier laboratory made him believe that it was all connected he believes that Carlton is planning something something big and something really bad.

Eddie: What are you planning Drake? What are you really planning to do with that shuttle?

Eddie was taken out of his thoughts by the sound of knocking coming from his front door. Curious he opened the door to find Y/N making a peace sign.

Y/N: Hey Eddie.

Eddie: Oh uhhh hey Y/N. I wasn't expecting you to visit me.

Y/N: Yeah sorry for showing up without any warning but could I come in so I can we talk?

Eddie: Y-yeah sure what do you want to talk about?

Y/N: Well uhhh Eddie it's not you I wanna talk to.....it's venom.

Eddie: What!?

Venom: Me?

Y/N is seen sitting on a sofa taking a sip out of his beelze-juice max energy drink while venom slithers from Eddie's back and towards Y/N.

Venom: Sooooo what do you wanna talk about?

Y/N: Okay I'm.....not gonna beat round the bush and get straight to the point. Who the hell is the king in black?

Venom: (Eyes widen) How do you know about that?

Y/N: I overheard you talking to scream about him. Your voice isn't the quietist you know. Even when it's all hushed.

Venom: Tch shit dammit scream you just had to mention him.....has Carnage told you anything?

Y/N: Nope. The moment I asked him he got all stubborn and when I kept asking he just refused to speak and went silent.

Eddie: Like a form of symbiote silent treatment?

Y/N: I've seen that and it's not that. It's something worse it's like he's scared of this guy and when even carnage is scared you know it's bad.

Venom: Doesn't surprise me giving the fact after what the king did to him.

Y/N: Why do you mean by that?

Venom: (Sighs) Best I'll just tell you now if I say no you'll just go to scream and agony and ask them. Alright Y/N Eddie I need you to listen to me. What I'm about to tell cannot be told to anyone else because if you do it WILL and I mean WILL cause a panic.

Y/N: You can trust me venom I won't tell a soul.

Eddie: Same here my lips will stay shut. (I've never seen venom so serious before!)

Venom: Good now to answer your question. Who is the king in black. To know that we must into my past and into Carnage's and it all begins on our home planet.....of klyntar.

The screen flashes and switches to outer space and the camera zooms into a world clouded by darkness.

Venom: It is where all symbiotes are created there were millions of us walking on its surface thier still. Our species REAL name also shares the same name as our planet.

Y/N: So your kinds real name is klyntars?

Venom: Yes but all of us just prefer to be called symbiotes. It's a personal choice.

The camera zooms down to the planets surface where hundreds of thousands of symbiote prowled the land feasting and slaughtering any prey they find. A castle is seen in the distance and zooms into it focusing on a figure sitting on a throne covered by the shadows.

Eddie: So how were you guys born?

Venom: Not born Eddie.....created. created by one being and one being alone. The lord of abyss the destroyer of worlds and our races rightful ruler-


A group of symbiotes kneel infront of knull in a gesture of undying loyalty.

Venom: He is our ruler and our creator. All symbiotes kneel and pray to him as a klyntar god. His power exceeded all no of us dare to challenge him.

Y/N: He's that strong?

Venom: Y/N he can bring worlds to extinction hell he can wipe them off the map completely!

The scene changes to another planet and the king in black is facing down against an army of alien warriors.

Venom: I've seen with my own eyes what he can do and I'll tell you this. The things he can do and the power that he has-

The warriors charge at the king and his symbiote followers behind him. He raises his sword and a red beam of energy charges at the tip and then unleashes a large red beam of energy which engulfs the entire attacking army disintegrating them. The symbiote all cheer while within the crowd venom looks on with a mix of shock and horror.

Venom: it would give Lucifer wet dreams and make overlords weep.

The scene cuts to outside a Colosseum where Carnage venom scream and agony were walking towards the building.

Venom: But to even fight alongside our ruler let alone join his ranks you had to prove yourself. And in klyntar law there was noooo better way of proving your mettle then a one on one fight to the death.

Venom scream and agony grinned and carnage licked his lips as they walked into the coliseum. The cages inside the building were filled with some of the most dangerous creatures captured by knull during his many crusades.

Eddie: So to show you weren't weak you fought in a arena gladiator style?

Venom: Yep that arena was our proving ground.

The king in black sat on his throne and watched below as venom fought toe to toe against a large snake. The roars of the spectating symbiotes was ear piercing and it only continued to grow louder.

Venom: Weakness was not tolerated by our king. If you could not protect yourself in one simple fight then you were of no use to him. Only the strongest preserved it was title that we fought for with our lives.

Venom gets swallowed by the large snake but tears through its throat and then rips its head clean off earning a roar from the crowd.

Venom: I had no trouble with my opponent neither did scream or agony.

Two scenes are shown one of agony mutilating a giant centipede and one of scream tearing off the legs of a giant spider one by one and impaling its head with the last leg.

Venom: Carnage had no trouble neither but of course Carnage being carnage-

Carnage grabs a giant by its arms rips them off and then slashes its stomach letting the entrails spill out as the giant dropped dead.

Venom: decided that this wasn't enough.

Carnage: Hah come on is that it? I haven't even broken a sweat! Give me something more challenging!

Everyone goes silent and looks towards their king who smirks at the arrogant symbiote.

Knull: Hehehe very well (Looks at a symbiote) Give him something with a bit more fire in it. Let's see if his actions can hold up his bravado.

Heavy metal starts to play as a gate opens up and heavy footsteps are heard as the ground rumbles. Then from the darkness behind the gate a large horned demon brandishing a a mace and shield steps out and roars earning an encore from the symbiotes thier cheers sounding like a heavy metal choir.

The gladiators shields eyes and mouth lights up and roars carnage steps back realising what he's gotten himself into.

Venom: Carnage you moron you just had to run your mouth!

The gladiator eyes flash green and it swings it's mace extending towards carnage. The symbiote tries to block but gets dragged to the gladiator who punches carnage into a wall. The king in black laughs as the fight begins while scream and agony looked on with worry.

Carnage groans and quickly ducks another swing from the mace and fires spikes at the gladiator. The beasts shield tanks the projectiles which shatter on impact the gladiator then charges at the symbiote who halts the charge by grabbing the shield. The shield roars and shoots fire from its mouth hitting carnage badly hurting him. The symbiote roars in pain before he's thrown across the arena. Carnage gets up and sees the gladiator ready itself for another attack. Carnage sees an opening when the gladiator raises it's mace and shoots a spike into it's exposed shoulder. He then rushes up to the gladiator climbs up to his face and delivers a haymaker knocking the beast to the floor. It raises it's shield but carnage turns his claw into a blade and shoves it through it's eyes the shield screams in pain before cracking open with fire and exploding into a thousand pieces.

Scream: Yes! Now that thing has lost it's means of defense!

Agony: Go Carnage fuck him up!

Carnage grins as the gladiator rises back up it then reaches for its back out another mace from its belt. It then slams both maces and roars and the symbiote crowd goes ballistic.

Carnage: Ah shit I ain't out the water yet!

Carnage fires more spikes but the gladiator spins it's left mace around so fast it deflects the projectiles right back at Carnage with one slamming into his leg. Carnage rips it's out of his leg then clashes his blade with one of the gladiators mace while blocking the 2nd mace with his claw. The two combatants enter a clash countering each others attack fighting blade for blade and mace for mace the sparks lit up the arena as the crowd kept on cheering eager to see who lives and who dies. Then as Carnage blocks a mace he uses his mass to crawl up the chain and onto the gladiators arm and yank it towards him taking the brute by surprise and off balance. Carnage uppercuts the gladiator on the face slicing off it's horn and knocking to the ground. He then grabs one of the monsters own maces with both hands jumps up and smacks the weapon onto the monsters head crushing it and splattering the floor with blood and brain matter.

Y/N: Carnage took down a monster like that?.....on his own?

Venom: Damn right he did and he made one hell of an impression even I was impressed.....I just didn't admit it.

The crowd cheers for the symbiote who sat down letting his wounds heal. Agony and scream had hearts in thier eyes and even the king in black gave him a round of applause most certainly impressed by the symbiotes skill.

Venom: After the fight we were all accepted into the kings army it was the greatest honour that a symbiote could have! To serve alongside our creator in his many conquests and massacres.

A montage plays showing carnage and his posses fighting alongside a symbiote army. The legion of killers break through a gate and swarm into a medieval style kingdom ran by elves.

Venom: By using his dark powers the king in black could open a portal to nearby planets and from thier all that we needed to do was to bring down hell on its inhabitants.

Inside the settlements castle the king in black is seen impaling the castles ruler with his sword and behind him was carnage who used his tendrils to massacre all of the guards with ease.

Venom: No one could stop us I mean look how much damage Y/N and carnage did in the living world before arriving to hell. Imagine what a million of us could do. The king was quite impressed with carnage and his ruthless behaviour. He was so impressed he decided to give him some of his power.

The scene cuts to outside the now decimated kingdom. Carnage bows before the king while everyone else watches as knull opens up his hand and transfers a small amount of his power to Carnage powering him up while also changing his appearance to a more frightening look.

Eddie: Sounds like carnage was in this guy's good books. So why doesn't he like talking about him?

Venom: I'm about to get to that.

The scene cuts to Carnage killing off a whole city of dwarves single handedly while laughing. His team had a look of concern while other symbiote showed a look of wonder and amazement.

Venom: With his new upgrade carnage got cocky.....TOO COCKY.

Carnage is swarmed by adoring symbiote who seemed to idolise him.

Venom: Some symbiote began to worship carnage because of his power and this got to Carnage's head. He thought that he was untouchable and he had a small army to boost his ego.

Y/N: He had an army? What did he do with it?

Venom: He decided to do the most stupidest thing any symbiote could have done.

The scene cuts to inside the king in blacks castle with carnage and his small army who marched up to thier king who sat on his throne with an unamused look.

Venom: He challenged the king in black for his throne and our kinds leadership.

Eddie: Ohhhh I don't like where this is going.

Knull stood up with his sword and approached carnage who charges at him.

Y/N: How did the fight end?


The scene cuts to Carnage being flung across the throne room beaten to a pulp while knull approached him without a scratch or bruise on him.

Venom: Shit wasn't a fight it was a beatdown. Carnage never stood a chance.

Knull grabs the treacherous symbiote by the neck and takes back the power he gave Carnage returning him back into his usual form.

Venom: And trust me the king in black doesn't take kindly to betrayal.....carnage was to learn this the hard way.

Knulls hands started to glow and carnage began to scream in pain. The camera turns to symbiote army who watches in silence and among them were venom scream and agony. Venom nods his head in shame scream gasps in horror and agony looks away unable to watch anymore.

Y/N: What did he do to him?

Knull throws the tortured symbiote to the floor and walks away and the rest of the symbiotes follow leaving  carnage to shake in fear and pain in the throne room alone.

Venom: He broke him.

The scene changes to a cliff side that overlooked the castle. Carnage looks down then walks away and heads towards the site of a large and active volcano.

Venom: After what knull did to him Carnage couldn't stand being on our home planet anymore and so he left. But even leaving our planet is dangerous.

Carnage climbs into the volcanos entrance bearing through the burning sensation covering his body. He found a large rock near a lava flown and as his body began to melt from the heat he slithered into the rock by a crack just as the volcano began to erupt.

Venom: To get into orbit we had to find a rock inside a volcano big enough for us to slide into and if you took too long our body would melt completely killing us. The volcano erupted on a daily basis because of our planets sensitive fault line and it is the only way off the planet....minus our kings magic of course.

Y/N: So that's why Carnage didn't have his body when I found him. He lost most of his body just to leave the planet.

Eddie: Just like you and the others had too! But to get launched into space by a volcano.....the eruption must have been big.

Venom: Trust me Eddie it was big.

Biiiig big!

The volcano erupts sending magma smoke and rocks sky high one of those rocks had carnage inside who was flung from his planets orbit and into outer space. The weakened symbiote takes one final look at his planet before closing his eyes and falls asleep. The scene cuts to image of the earth. Carnage wakes up and sees the planet growing bigger and bigger. The asteroid then enters the earth's orbit and crashes into a forest next to a house belonging to a certain H/C boy who is awoken by the impact.

Y/N: And then he arrived to earth.

Venom: mhmmm.

Carnage slivers out the crack and drops to the floor. Then he watches as Y/N walks slowly towards him ignoring the asteroid and focusing entirely on the alien.

Y/N: What....the......hell?

Y/N reaches his hand towards the symbiote who latches onto his harm and covers his body. Y/N screams but his human screams soon changes into Carnage's which rings out through the forest.

Venom: And then he found you.

The flashback ends and we're taken back to Eddie's living room. Y/N looks at Carnage who's finally come out he avoided the stare from Y/N who showed him a face of pity.

Y/N: So that's why you don't like the king in black.

Carnage: Uhu.

Y/N: Your scared of him..... aren't you?

Carnage:.......(nods) don't know what was going through my head. To challenge the king in black...
How fucking stupid was I?!

Venom: Do you really want me to answer that?

Y/N: Hey bud listen....don't beat yourself up about it. What happened happened ain't no changing that. Besides it's not like that punk can get you in hell.

Venom: I wouldn't be so sure of that.

Eddie: Huh? Venom w-what do you mean by that?

Venom: I mean that thiers a good chance that somehow someway he could find his way to earth and then to hell.

Carnage: S-so you think he can really find a way down here?

Venom: I don't think so....I know so.

Y/N: So it's not a case of IF he arrives-

The camera zooms out of hell then earth and towards klyntar where knull was sitting on his throne looking through a ball of dark energy which showed the earth and then hell before smiling at the camera.

Y/N: It's a matter of WHEN.

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