Metal and Scales...

By KenzieKei

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Book 1 of series: You know the story of Grogu and Mando. But what if the bounty included someone else? As the... More

*Cue Mandalorian Theme Song*
Background Info
Season 1
The Beast
The Relization
The Jawas
The Sin: Pt 1
The Sin: Pt 2
The Sanctuary: Pt 2
The Sanctuary: Pt 3
The Gunslinger: Pt 1
The Gunslinger: Pt 2
The Prisoner
The Family: Pt 1
The Family: Pt 2
The Family: Pt 3
The Family: Pt 4
Season 2
I Dont Know What To Call This
The Marshal
The Target Practice
The Passenger: Pt 1
The Passenger: Pt 2
The Passager: Pt 3
The Heiress
The Heiress: Mando's pov
The Siege
The Jedi: Pt 1
The Jedi: Pt 2
The Pendent
The Tragedy
The Truth: Pt 1
The Truth: Pt 2
The Rescue: Pt 1
The Rescue: Pt 2
Book 2

The Sanctuary: Pt 1

333 8 32
By KenzieKei

I wasn't the type of girl to scare easy. But when I woke up on a cot, on an unknown ship. I started to freak out a little.

The sound of boots caught my attention. My head jerked to the door as it slid open. Standing in the threshold was The Mandalorian. I visibly relaxed, the memory of the rescue resurfacing. He set the Child he had his arms onto my lap.

"We've arrived at Sorgan." He told me. "Now listen, I'm going to go out there and look around. It shouldn't take too long."

He started to walk away but turned around to face us again. "Don't touch anything. I'll find us some lodging and be back for you too." He pointed at us. "You stay right here. You stay. Don't move, you understand?" We both just stared at him. "Great." Then he started walking to the ramp.

I look down at the Child as he looked up and tilted his head, gurgling softly. "My thoughts exactly." I stood and walked over to Mando.

He looked over at us as the ramp lowered. He sighed giving us a tilt of his head. I only shrugged. He mumbled something I couldn't hear before he started walking again. "Come on." I smiled a skipped after him.

My eyes wondered around the dense forest. It had been so long since I had seen trees. This planet was so green. I loved it!

'Stars! I wonder if Drong had trees like this?'

I wasn't born on my peoples home world. My mother had already fled the planet before I was born. All I had ever known was life on the run. But now I had the Child and Mando. The Child was definitely good company, but I still hadn't made my decision on Mando just yet.

Soon we came across a cantina. I stuck close to Mando's side as we entered, holding tighter to the Child.

We sat at an open table and a woman walked over. She greeted us and asked if we wanted anything.

"Two bone broths for the little ones." I tried not to scoff at his words.

"Well, you're in luck, I just took down a grinjer, so there's plenty. Can I interest you in a porringer of broth as well?" The lady asked.

"Just the two." He told the her.

"That one over there, when did she arrive?" He pointed to a well built woman sitting in a booth.

"I've seen her here for about a week or so." The lady answered.

"What's her business?" Mando asked.

"Business? Oh well there's no much business in Sorgan, so I can't say." She laughed. "She doesn't strike me as a log runner." Mando slid her some credits. "Well thank you sir, I'll get those broths out for you, and I'll throw it a flagon of Spotchka just for good measure."

After the lady had left Mando quickly stood and walked away. "Watch the kids." He flicked another credit to the lady.

She brought us our broths and the Child immediately went to follow after Mando. I sighed and followed him. The sound of fighting came as we rounded a corner. Mando and the woman from the booth were on the ground blasters pointed at each other.

The Child sipped his broth causing the both to turn their heads and look at us. I waved shyly.

"Want some soup?" Mando asked.

We all went back inside and Mando and the Woman, who I learned was named Cara, started talking. I ignore there conversation and ate with the Child.

'I really have to think of a name for him...'

"Well this has been a treat. But unless you want to go another round, one of us is going to have to leave and I was here first." Cara's voice got louder, which brought me out of my thoughts.

She finished her drink in one gulp and left. Mando then turned back to us. "Looks like this planets taken."

I sighed. "Looks like."


Mando let us finish our food before leading us back to the ship. The sun had set by now and I was sitting against a tree near by, watching the sky. I wanted to soak this up before we were back in the emptiness of space.

I twig snapped and I turned my head to see two men walking over to me. I jumped to my feet and sprinted to the ship, gripping my Crystal tightly. I heard one of the men call out but I didn't stop. Mando must of heard the commotion because he had a hand on his blaster and his body facing me. I ran behind him and gripped my Crystal tighter.

As the men came into view, I saw Mando relax a little. He motioned for me to go to the ship and I obliged. I peered around the side of the hull watching. I didn't want to shift unless absolutely necessary, I didn't need more people knowing my secret.

"Can I help you with something?" He asked them.

"Raiders!" The first one said.
"We have money!" The second one piped up after.

"So you think I'm some sort of mercenary?" Mando asked them turning back to the ship.

"You're a Mandalorian right? Or at least wearing Mandalorian armor. That is Mandalorian armor?"

"It is."

"Sir, I've read a lot about your people...uh, tribe. If half of what I read is true-"

"We have money." The second one interrupts.

"How much?" Mando asks.

I scoff. I know we will need all the credits we can get but still. These people seem desperate.

"Everything we have, sir. Our whole harvest was stolen. Krill, We're krill farmers. We brew spotchka, our whole village chipped in."

I feel a hand on my leg, I look down to see the child standing next to me watching the conversation. I settle down next to him and bring him into my lap. By the time I look up again Mando is walking up the ramp.

"I'm going to go find Cara. Stay here and watch them." He turns and walks out.

"Be careful!" I call after him with out thinking.

I see him stop and look over his shoulder at us. "I will."


I sit on the ramp with the Child in my lap watching the village men load some of Mando's stuff onto a cart. He told me to watch them so that's what I do.

Mando returns after a few long moments, Cara in tow. We all hop into the cart and settle in for the ride.

"So we're running off a group of raiders for lunch money." Cara scoffs.

"There offering us lodging in the middle of nowhere. Last I checked that's a square deal for someone on your position." Mando replies. "Worst case scenario, you tune up your blaster, best case, we're a deterrent. I can't imagine there's anything living in these trees that an Ex-shock trooper couldn't handle."

I curl up with the child, leaning on a crate. Mando sits on the other side, blocking the open back part of the cart. Cara sits on the opposite side of us.

After a few silent moments Cara speaks. "So how did you end up with bucket head?" She asks.

I stiffen. I can't exactly tell her the true reason.

Thankfully Mando wasn't asleep like we both thought and speaks. "I'm there guardian."

Cara raises an eyebrow and looks over at me. I nod in agreement.

It wasn't that far from the truth. He technically was our guard from the Empire, or whoever they send after us.

Cara settles down to sleep and I do as well.

After a few moments I sigh. The air is cold and the crate isn't exactly a cloud. I shut my eyes tighter.

Then a soft warmth is laid over my body. I open my eyes and look down to see Mando's cape draped over me. I look over to see him already settled to sleep again.

"Good night, kid." He whispers.

I smiled and pull the cape tighter around me. "Night Mando."

Could I have been able to see under the helmet, I would have seen the hint of a smile on Mando's face.


I woke to a hand on my shoulder, softly shaking me.
"Kid wake up, we're here."

I groan and sit up. My eyes widen at a beautiful village in front of me. The cart slows to a stop and I can't help the small smile that forms on my face.

"Everyone, they're here! Come on." Villagers young and old came running towards us.

"Looks like there happy to see us."

"Looks like." I voiced.

I step off the cart and pick up the Child. Some of the younger children run up to us. I hold him a little tighter as they giggled and fawned over him. A few started to ask me questions about him and my eyes. I guess they haven't seen many people with purple eyes.

Mando place his hand on the small of my back and gently pushed me forward away from them. We followed a kind looking woman to a building near the edge of the village.

"Please come in." The woman, Omera, motioned for us to go inside.

Mando went in first and I followed after.

"I hope this is comfortable for you. Sorry all we have is the barn."

"This will do fine." Mando replied, his voice the quietest I've ever heard.

"I've stacked some blankets over there for you and your Children."

My head snapped in her direction but before I could even open my mouth, Mando spoke.

"Thank you, that's very kind."

Suddenly Mando quickly turns around with a hand on his blaster and pushes me behind him. One of the children from earlier had entered through the door but she quickly hid behind the wall at Mando's movements.

Omera sighs and walks over to the girl. "This is my daughter Winta." I move out from behind Mando and he lifts his hand from his blaster. "She's not use to strangers." She holds the girl close in a motherly way. "This nice man is going to protect us from the bad ones."

"Thank you." The girl murmurs.

Mando nods in reply.

"Can I feed him?" Winta asks, looking over at the Child.

Mando looks over at me and I shrug. "Sure." He sighs.

She walks over to the Child who was placed in a crib earlier. She starts to feed him and giggles.

"Can I play with him?" She asks.

"Sure." Mando sighs again walking over to take the Child out of the crib.

Winta starts to run out of the barn and the Child follows.

"I don't think-" Mando is interrupted by Omera.

"They'll be fine." She smiles stepping in front of him.

"I don't-"

"They'll be fine."

I giggle an walk to the door. "I'll keep an eye on him Mando!" Then I run over to where the Child and Winta went.

As I walk over, Winta stands and grabs my hand dragging me over to the other kids. I introduce myself and they welcome me into the game.

I caught Mando looking at us from the window and waved with a bright smile on my face before going back to the game.

I haven't been this happy or carefree in a long time. It like I am a little girl again. I honestly don't know what this feeling is, but it's a good feeling.


After around an hour I spot Mando walking up to us. I ask Winta to watch the Child for a moment and run over to him. A braid from one of the other girls bouncing in my hair with each step.

"Hi!" I chirp as I come to a stop in front of him.

He nods at me before speaking. "I'm going to go with Cara to survey the area. I want you both to stay in the village, understand?"

"We will!" I bounce on the balls of my feet. Eager to head back over to the other kids.

He sighs and motions for me to go back. I beam and
hug him quickly. He stumbles back like he wasn't expecting it. Then I run back over to the other kids.

3rd Person Pov:
Mando watched Mara run back off to the other kids. He was still in shock from the sudden hug. Most people wouldn't even think twice about staying as far away from him as possible, but Mara hugged him.

Something stirred within him as he watched her and the Child play with the other kids. They didn't look like mysterious kids with weird powers. They looked normal. He would do everything in his power to make sure they stayed this way. To keep them both safe.

He took one last look before walking off to find Cara.

Mara watched him go with a hopeful look. She knew how strong and confident Mando was. She had faith he would be able to take down the Raiders on his own, no problem.

Oh how wrong she was.

AN: I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Metal and Scales is officially of Hiatus!
Wc: 2195
Thank you for reading!
K out!

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