Abit of carnage and a helluva...

Bởi Theswankyseal

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During your life you went through stressful day after stressful day with your job and your bastard of a boss... Xem Thêm

Welcome to hell
The murder family
Loo loo land
new harem additions
Spring broken
Old Freinds new lovers
The sleepover
The harvest moon festival
Truth seekers
Queen bee
A lesson in love
Strike! PT 1
Strike PT2
The circus
Seeing stars
Exes and oohs
Western energy
Unhappy campers

A scream of agony

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Bởi Theswankyseal

The camera pans down into the streets of imp city where loona was walking to a music store her eyes staying focused on her phone. As everyone else from I.M.P was recovering from moxxies unwanted reunion with her father crimson loona was eager to buy a copy of "my world's burning around me" By "fuck you dad" Octavia personally recommended it to the hellhound. Loona walks down a narrow alley passing a trio of imps who grin and follow her into the alley. On the rooftops next to the alley a yellow symbiote slowly crawls on the roof and stops on the edge of the roof and looks down on the hellhound who was now surrounded by the imps and observes the scene.

Imp: Hey there gorgeous whatcha doing in a shady alley like this?

Imp: You looking for a fun time?

Imp: I think she is!

Loona: I think you should shove a pole up your ass and fuck off.

Imp: This one got a sharp mouth hasn't she?

Imp: A shame we ain't giving her a choice.

Imp: Ohoo I'm gonna enjoy this!

Now most people at this point would either scream for help or beg for mercy.

But no....not loona.

She isn't your everyday hellhound.

The symbiote watches as loona easily deals with the three imps. Snatching the knife of one imp and cutting his throat with then kicking another imp to the floor and stomping on his head and then snapping the neck of the last imp. The symbiote was impressed by loona's skills and slowly slivered down from the wall towards her.

Loona: Tch damn imps can't keep thier hands to themselves.

????: Such skill and combat prowess impressive.....very impressive.

Loona looked towards the unknown voice when the creature jumps onto loona's chest and slowly starts to cover her body.

Loona: W-WHAT THE-

????: Relax....it's only takes a few moments. Just getting to know you..... period.

Loona: Your....in my head.....your a symbiote!

????: Interesting I'm curious how you know of my kinds existence.

Loona: My boyfriend and his pal have thier own symbiotes.

????: Really now? You see loona was It? Me and an associate of mine is looking for a specific symbiote. One that is also in hell. Mind telling the names of these two symbiotes?

Loona: Uhhh yeah venom and.....carnage.

????: Carnage....yes he's the one we're looking for. Mind taking me to him? I have some unfinished business with my sweet little carnage.

Loona: Your not gonna hurt Y/N are you? Because if you do-

????: No harm will come to your beloved I can personally assure you.

Loona: And what about your associate? Where is she?

????: She is also in hell we split up a few hours ago but I'm sure she'll find a host I'm certain of it.

The symbiote covers loona's face and covers her entire body.

Loona: Alright fine let's roll but one more thing.....what do I call you?

????: Scream.

Scream: You can call me scream.

The scene then cuts to Octavia who was eating some toast with a warm cup of coffee on the side. At the other side of the table stola was talking to blitza on the phone discussing thier next monthly "Arrangement".

Stola: So my dear little imp have we come to an agreement?

Blitza: (Through the phone) (Groans) Yes stola I'll come round tomorrow and ravage your feather ass.

Stola: Excellent and do try to convince Y/N to come as well! I've missed my dear prince.

Blitza: (Through the phone) That upto Y/N so no promises.

Octavia groans and walks off the cup of coffee in her right hand. She keeps walking until she arrives at the palace gardens. She takes in the beautiful flowers and the sweet smell coming from them. She walks deeper into the garden and comes across a tree and smiles. She had many fond memories of her and her mother sitting underneath the tree looking at the stars in the night sky when she was only a child. She sits down underneath the tree sips her coffee and takes in the peace and serenity. As she does hiding in he leaves and branches of the tree a purple symbiote slowly slivers down silently as to not startle the princess. Octavia stands up and goes for another sips of her drink this is when the symbiote makes it's move. The symbiote pounces onto Octavia's back and quickly covers her body. The princess screams and drops her coffee with fear taking over.


????: Woah woah woah calm down girl. Your gonna wake up the dead with that type of screaming.

Octavia: W-what are you....h-how are you in my head!?

????: That's because I am you now! I am you and you are me! It's gonna be great! But even though I would love for introductions I'm a bit too busy for that right now. I need to find sweet old carnage and my partner scream.

Octavia: Wait carnage....the symbiote? The red one?

????: Oooooh you know carnage!?

Octavia: Y-yeah his host is my boyfriend.

????: Absolutely wonderful! This will make my search so much easier! I'm already starting to like you princess.

The symbiote jumps over the gates and runs into the streets with its newfound host.

????: You see Octavia me and scream? We have some unfinished business with carnage. Honestly when we wound up here I thought we'd never find him. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he eventually died....carnage was always a reckless idiot. Quick to anger too he always had such A fragile temper.

Octavia: But your not going to harm Y/N.....right?

????: Course not! He's not who we got beef with. Just relax and let me and scream handle things.

Octavia: Yeah okay sure. Hey what's your name? You know mine but I don't know yours.

????: Oh how rude of me! To not even tell you my name haha!

Agony: You can call me.... agony and you and me are gonna have one hell of a time!

Meanwhile at Y/N's house Y/N was busy cleaning his beloved car washing the dirt from the cars paint. He rubbed cars paint with a cloth making sure it was squeaky clean. The muscle cars black paint shined in the bright summers day and Y/N stood back and admired his car with pride.

Y/N: Ahhh there you go sweetheart you look brand new it's like you just came out of the factory.

Carnage: Uhhhh Y/N? Don't you think you like that car a bit too much?

Y/N: You don't understand carnage for me and other car junkies thier ride becomes apart of their soul. So when your ride it trashed it also shatters apart of your soul......just like my soul was when you wrecked my car.

Carnage: You not going to let me live that down will you?

Y/N: Nope.

Y/N gets a call from blitza and picks up the phone.

Y/N: Hey blitzy what's up?

Blitza: (through the phone) Okay first off please don't call me that and secondly I need you to come to I.M.P. loona and stola's daughter have this big announcement and they want everyone to be present.

Y/N: Oh okay I'll be thier in an hour.

Y/N hangs up and whistles for Collin.

Y/N: Collin come with me! We're needed at I.M.P.

Collin: Coming.

Collin takes the passenger seat and the car roars off. The scene turns to inside I.M.P with everyone present. Loona and Octavia look at everyone nervous and on edge.

Scream: So loona which one of these people is Y/N?

Loona: Him (Points at Y/N) the guy next to him is Eddie.

Agony: If I'm right this Eddie has venom and Y/N has our dear carnage.

Octavia: Yep.

Scream: Its finally time for a long awaited reunion.

Blitza: Okay loonie what is it you and your friend wanna say?

Moxxie: For all our sakes I hope it's important.

Loona: Okaaay so as we know Y/N and Eddie have.... symbiote attached to them.

Y/N: Yeah Carnage has been attached to me for god knows how long.

Octavia: And thiers a good chance that thier are other symbiotes in hell as well.

Collin: Thier are?

Carnage: (Hmmm something doesn't feel right. I sense the presence of other symbiotes nearby but....me and venom are the only symbiotes in this city.)

Millie: Are you tryna tell us something girls?

Eddie notices a strange yellow substance emerge from loona's claws. Eddie immediately realises what the substance is.

Loona: Yes because.....thier are more symbiotes now.

Y/N: What!? Thier are more symbiotes!?

Eddie: Yeah there are and Octavia and loona are thier hosts!

Venom: WHAT!?

Carnage: HUH!?

Eddie transforms into venom and loona and Octavia transform into scream and agony.

Blitza: Holy shit!

Moxxie: Thiers more of them!?

Agony: Venom.

Venom: Scream!? Agony!?


Venom: What the hell are you two doing here?

Agony: What do you think? We died of course. How do you think we got down here?

Y/N: Wait venom? Do you know these guys?

Venom: Yep we ran as a pack when we were on our home world. Me carnage scream and agony.

Scream: Speaking of carnage (looks at Y/N) from what your dearly beloved has told me that your carnage's host.

Y/N: Yeah I am.

Blitza: What's it to you?

Agony: Me and scream here have some unfinished business with carnage he's got a lot of explaining to do for just ditching us on our planet.

Y/N: Alright fine if you wanna see Carnage then that's alright with me. Just try not to get violent I don't want anyone to end up getting hurt. Alright carnage show yourself bud.

Carnage: No.

Y/N: W-what?

Carnage: I'm not coming out you can't make me.

Millie: Hun what's wrong?

Y/N: Carnage isn't coming out.

Moxxie: he isn't?

Y/N: Nope he's being stubborn.

Scream: And childish.

Y/N: Carnage stop being immature and just come out. Your being ridiculous.

Carnage: No screw off! I'm staying in here! Try to bring me out and I'll eat your liver.

Agony: Any luck?

Y/N: Nah but I've got more way of getting him out...... Carnage get out here you fucking parasite!

Venom: Ooooooooh.

Carnage sprouts out of Y/N's back angry and pissed off.


Scream: There you are.....Carnage.

Carnage looks at the two pissed off symbiotes and tries to return back into Y/N's body but Y/N grabs him preventing him from doing so.

Y/N: Alright carnage enough screwing around. Tell us why thier mad at you and why your scared of them.

Venom: Don't see the big deal we worked as a group all the time.

Agony: Its not that venom it's something else.... something more.

Scream: You want to tell them my sweet little symbiote?

Carnage: Fine FINE!.....(Sigh) Everyone this is scream and agony my....... girlfriends.

Moxxie: No.....way.

Millie: Shut up.

Collin: He's in a relationship?

Y/N: Wait....so you mean to tell me that you carnage-

Venom: Of alllll the people and symbiotes in the world-

Blitza: Is in bed with not one but TWO female symbiotes?

Carnage: Yep that's the truth.

Y/N blitza and venom slowly turn and face eachother and stay silent for a few moments.

Y/N venom and blitza:

The trio erupt into laughter believing that carnage was lying.

Blitza: Bahahaha oh my god that's...that's rich.

Y/N: Oh my chest I can't breathe! Oh my god!

Venom: Carnage in a relationship?! That's the funniest shit I've ever heard!

The three laugh for a few more seconds while carnage gives them a deadpan expression. It's only when they turn to the two female symbiote they pause thier laughing.

Agony: He's not lying to you. It's the gospel truth.

Venom: Hehe....w-wait so carnage is actually dating the both of you?

Agony: Yep.

Y/N: And this isn't just carnage lying to us?

Scream: Yep.

Millie: (Looks at carnage) Well look at you no wonder why you prattled on about a harem for Y/N you've got one yourself!

Carnage: We kinda became a thing just a few months before I ditched my planet.

Moxxie: What did you do together? What is a symbiote relationship like?

Agony: It was beautiful! We went everywhere together we explored new places slaughtered other symbiotes like dogs and eat the entrails of our victims together!

Moxxie: (Shudders) I wouldn't call that romantic.

Agony: Wherever we went we left behind a trail of blood and death it was glorious and carnage was so romantic! One time he ripped out the heart of a villager and gave to me!

Collin: (Mortified) What...the....fuck?

Agony: For our race being offered a heart is the most romantic gesture a symbiote can make. He had such bravado.

Venom: I think I'm gonna be sick.

Scream: But then he just left the planet! Didn't tell us no warnings no goodbyes NOTHING!

Carnage: I was going through some shit at the time! My head wasn't in the right place. I'm a better symbiote now!

Agony: Even so you can't just leave the planet without permission!

Scream: Do you realise how wreckless that was? What do you think the king in black will do to you when he arrives to earth and finds his way into hell!?

The mention of the king in black makes carnage flinch and venom walks up to scream and talks in a lowered tone.

Venom: We don't talk about HIM not infront of carnage and not infront of everyone else.

Scream looks at Carnage who was afraid of this "king in black" by a mere mention of his name. Y/N looks at Carnage shocked to see the symbiote show fear for the first time in his life.

Carnage: Look I know your pissed at me for fucking off like that and I can understand why. But I mean what I said about being a changed symbiote. Just give me one more chance and if you don't want to hang around with a guy like me that's fine.

Scream and agony walk up to Carnage who transforms and walks up to them who places thier hands on his chest.

Scream: Fine we'll give you ONE more shot. But if you run away like that again I'm tearing you apart ass first.

Carnage: (Grins) I missed how nasty you could be. Wanna hear the time me and Y/N fucked up a army of wannabe agents?

Agony: Tell us babe and make sure not to miss the most gruesome parts.

The three symbiote close the gap between thier mouths and we're about to kiss when they heard a snap. Carnage look to his left and saw venom and blitza taking photos of them in the middle of thier romantic moment. Collin gave the symbiote a thumbs up and moxxie and millie smiled at Carnage feeling happy for the symbiote.

Venom: This shits goooold.

Blitza: This is so gonna go viral.


Blitza and venom run out the room followed by carnage who chases them out of the room. Scream and agony revert into thier host who laugh at Carnage's temper.

Octavia: Wow you were right he does have a fragile temper!

Agony: Told you.

Loona: Was Carnage always like that?

Scream: Yeah and you want to know something? I wouldn't have him any other way.

Carnage: (Off-screen) I'm gonna mutilate the both of you pricks!

The scene changes to inside a bathroom where was busy drying his hair after having a shower.

Y/N: Gotta admit Carnage that reunion went better then I thought it would.

Carnage: Really?

Y/N: Yeah thought shit would get violent.

Carnage: Yeah me too I mean have you seen how brutal agony can be? Its in her name after all.

Y/N: You never told me you were a symbiote stud hah! I can see where you got the harem thing you sly dog! How come you never told me you had girlfriends?

Carnage: Ya never asked. Not about scream or agony or anything else about me or our race itself.

Y/N: True I never got round to asking about your past life.....thier is one thing I do want to know though.

Carnage: And that is?


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