Limits |Noah Sebastian/ Bad O...

By BadOmensStan

63K 2.2K 731

Faith is the youngest of the Folio family, she's grown up around her brother and his friends, supported him w... More

1: Home.
2: Little bit of truth.
3: Party
4: Bonding
5: Podcast.
6: Friday night.
7: Shift
8: Home alone.
9: Nightmare.
10: Date night.
11: Surprise guests.
12: The not Halloween party.
13: Next morning.
14: Those eyes like fire.
15: Feelings.
16: Opening up.
17: Day in bed.
18: Hushed date.
19: Busy
20: Third date (Part one)
21: Villa. (Part two)
22: The moment.
23: In this together.
24: Are you. . .
25: Emotions.
26: Canned wine.
27: I am yours.
28: Cared for
29: Headed for disaster
30: The storm is coming down
31: The wait.
32: Forty-eight hours.
33: Taking care.
34: I . . .
35: Are we good?
36: Limits. (END OF ACT-ONE)
2: Hangman vibes.
3: Play the game
4: Interview
5: Not so much alone.
6: Sinking in.
7: Jealousy
8: Remembering the past.
9: New kind of hell

1: Tour begins. (ACT-TWO)

749 36 17
By BadOmensStan

Author's note: Holy-smokes! Here we go starting our journey on ACT-TWO. Who Is excited? Thank you all for the tremendous amount of love and support. Your comments truly brighten my day when I see how excited you all become. I hope everyone loves ACT-TWO just as much as ACT-ONE and remember this isn't going to be an easy journey. So if you cannot read it with the triggers it DOES NOT make you weak at all, you are so incredibly strong for knowing your Limits and I am so proud of you.
Here we go, here we start ACT-TWO and please understand Faith's choices are also something for her, it may not always make sense but as always, we all handle trauma differently, she is a Folio after all! Enough rambling here we go. One more thing, the band name isn't real, I came up with it.

"Hey, Faith," turning at the sound of my name. I nearly dropped the bottle of water I held as my ex stood there. Ray smiled softly at me as his eyes glanced over me. Holding the bottle tighter, my hands threatened to tremble.

"Wh-what are you doing here" my voice wavered proving that he still held power over me.

His smile had me feeling sick to my stomach looking at him in the flesh. He was here, and all he had to do was reach out to touch me to prove he was here, and that I would crumble at the touch. My feelings were mixed, it wasn't easy, and the breakup was very messy—it was me basically escaping after it. His movement had me stepping back a step. My breathing threated to stagger as he licked his lips. "My band is playing."

I wanted to puke; he was here for the festival which meant I only needed to see him once. Breathing in, my heart stopped when Noah came up to where we stood clapping Ray on the shoulder with a broad smile on his face. "I see you've met Faith!" confusion swirled within me as his brown eyes swept over to me. "This is Ray, his band Joker King is joining us on the tour" now I really wanted to puke, the world felt like it was spinning.

"So excited, and again thank you for giving us a chance, you have no idea how excited we are" Ray smiled before turning to me, "can't wait to get to know you Faith, see you around soon" he patted Noah once more on the shoulder before heading back towards their bus I assumed.

Noah stepped in front of me, smile on his face as he glanced at my ex he had no idea about. "I think you're going to love them, I am so excited for this tour" he said his smile only growing wider "did you have fun, I looked over and only saw Jamie there, is everything okay?" he wrapped his arm around me.

I felt hollow, my mind didn't know what to think—Ray was on this tour, how he suckered his way into my life once more I had no idea, and he acted as if we didn't know one another.
Did he change?
Was he capable of changing?
"Yeah, sorry my mom was checking in on me. You guys did great, the energy was amazing" they were currently doing load out so we could head to our next destination which would begin the small headline tour the guys had.

"I am glad you liked it, how did interviewing go earlier? Meet any cool people?"

Freezing in spot when I heard Ray's laugh, Noah seemed to notice as he looked down at me. "Are you okay?"

There was no way I could tell him, they all worked so hard, and he was so excited for this tour I couldn't tell him who Ray was. I just needed to get through the next little while and hopefully we would never see him again. "Yeah sorry, I think the heat is just getting to me is all" gulping down the emotions I felt Noah looked me over once more—the sweat that coated my skin thankfully covered the lie I held onto.

"Let's get you on the bus cooling off then" he said leading us back to the bus—it was a lot cooler then outside.
Looking at the trash-bin that thankfully was empty, I couldn't hold it as what I had for dinner crept its way back up. "Shit, are you okay?" Noah asked rubbing my back as I heaved into the bin, "the heat really got to you didn't it?" he said running his hand along my spine.

Nodding my head, I couldn't form words as he led me over to the sofa letting me slump down onto it. Not even questioning me, or offering he went out of his way to clean the bin before putting back where it once sat. Grabbing a bottle of water from the mini fridge, he walked over to beside me taking a seat beside me, shifting me so I was leaning into his chest. "This will help" he said placing the cold bottle on my neck.

The door to the bus opened, "You good?" Nick asked leading the others onto the bus.

Jamie's brow rose in concern when she saw the bottle on me and Noah holding me. "She was sick, the heat got to her" my friends' eyes full of worry glanced me over, only managing a nod of my head it was as much energy as I had.

"Joker King is going to meet us tomorrow morning, we thought about all going to get breakfast together, they seem so sweet" Jolly said taking a seat at the small table the bus had, opening a water for himself.

They all began speaking about this tour, and the words of how excited they were had my stomach churning. They didn't know Ray was my ex. Even when I dated him, Nick never met him and once I moved he kept me so isolated. He was here, he was on this tour, I wasn't free anymore. I could feel myself sinking into that pit I worked so hard to get out of, but his words stuck with me from the night of me leaving.
Wherever you go, I will find you. We are meant to be.
Standing myself up, everyone looked at me. "You good?" Jamie asked, worriedness on her voice.

"Yeah—just need to go lie down, you guys have fun I will see you in a bit" Noah rubbed his hand on my side before I headed off. Crawling into the bunk, I closed the curtain off and felt my eyes stinging before the warmth of tears slid down my cheeks. This tour was just starting, and I already wanted to go home, if I left now Noah would know something was wrong and there was no way I was comfortable telling him Ray was the one who traumatized me. This wasn't easy for me, and now I was back in that hard-place.
Wiping my face with my hands, I turned onto my side facing the wall as the bus was in motion leaving myself to weep quietly to myself so no one else was disturbed, and the tears fell like my eyes were a waterfall. Some point I had cried enough to cast myself into slumber, where only the past haunted me. 

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