The Rogue Princess // Aemond...

Od Catherine4560

57.7K 1.3K 65

Read as Daelys Targaryen, daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen, fights for the life she always wanted. S... Více

◦•●◉✿The Princess✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Strong Boys✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Meeting Daemon✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Claiming Vhagar✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Faking Death✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Six Years Later✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Making Plans✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Talking to everyone✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Helping Aegon✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Duel✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Wedding✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Princess Daena✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Talk✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Death of Viserys✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Queen Rhaenyra✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Jacaerys Velaryon✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Aemma and Aemond✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Double Wedding✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Queen Regent✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Dyanna Lannister✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Daelys and Aemond✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Desired Queen✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Making Plans✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿The Queen of Commons✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Caron Cole✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Meeting Baela✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Criston Cole✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Daena and Jaehaerys✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Maelor Targaryen✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Rhaena and Rhaenyra✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Leanor Velaryon✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿War council✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Alyn and Addam✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿House Royce✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Blackwater Bay Battle✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Battle of Twins✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Highgarden Battle✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Viserys Targaryens✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Battle for Retaking Lannisport✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿One left✿◉●•◦
◦•●◉✿Queen Daelys✿◉●•◦

◦•●◉✿Battle Above the Gods Eye✿◉●•◦

317 10 0
Od Catherine4560

"Suddenly you are okay with Mother going to battle and not only that but the most dangerous battle till now?" Daena asks Aemond.

"Yes." Aemond answers.

Daena groans. "Why?"

"I doubt you will understand the reason." Aemond says.

"She will." Daelys says coming into the room. "She understands what is necessary just as I did once."

Daena smirks slightly at Aemond resulting in him rolling his eyes. "Can you explain to me then?"

"You know what Daemon is like, especially when he is left unchecked?" Daelys asks and Daena nods.

"And he has lost one person after other in a span of three moons. He is dangerous now." Aemond says.

"And you are going to get him under control?" Daena asks looking at Daelys. Daelys and Aemond are uncomfortable and neither know how to answer that particular question. "You are going to kill him." Daena says in a whisper.

"Only if we absolutely have to." Daelys immediately says.

But Daena is no fool and she knows the exact reason for their going to Harrenhal. "Who are you going to keep with me this time?" She asks instead of pressing the matter.

Daelys can tell Daena isn't fooled but decides not to say anything in front of Aemond. "Baela will stay with you until Jaehaerys can come here."

"He won't come until the battle is over." Daena says.

"No, he won't." Aemond agrees.

"Did she believe us?" Aemond asks Daelys once Daena leaves the room.

"She isn't a fool. She knows we intend to kill Daemon whatever happens." Daelys answers.

Aemond takes a deep breath. "She hates us now, doesn't she?"

"Give her time to get over the shock. We will talk to her before we leave. Even she cannot be angry at us then." Daelys sighs.

"She has to be mad to come here." Jaehaerys says when they receive the message of Daelys and Aemond meeting them outside Harrenhal.

"The two dragons are big. Bigger than ours combined. She will not be taking any chances." Daemon explains.

"What if something happens to her?" Jaehaerys asks.

"Then Jacaerys will burn more slowly and he will wish he had given the throne up when he had the chance." Daemon replies, his voice cold and eyes ablaze.

"The realm will burn with Jacaerys." Jaehaerys adds.

"It will." Daemon agrees.

Daelys knocks on Daena's door and enters. "We are leaving, Daena." Daelys tells her daughter.

Daena walks over to Daelys and pulls her in a hug. "Please come back safe."

"I will." Daelys plants a kiss on the top of Daena's head. "I will come back safely."

"Both of you." Daena says her eyes on the door where Aemond stands. Instead of answering, Aemond walks over and hugs both Daelys and Daena.

Soon they have to part. Daena watches as Daelys and Aemond depart. "I wish the war never happened." She tells Criston.

"We all do." Criston says. He glances at Daena once. "I cannot stop thinking about Caron."

"He loved Aegon truly." Daena says. "He will be devastated when he hears the news."

"And I cannot be with him." Criston says.

"Don't think about it." Daena advises. "Thinking about it will not help you. Just as worrying about Jaehaerys won't help me. It will only make us distracted."

As they had expected, Daelys and Aemond has to listen to Daemon about how Daelys can think that being present at the front lines would be a good idea.

"Can we discuss what we will do about those two dragon riders instead of shouting?" Daelys asks impatiently.

"What are we to do?" Jaehaerys asks quickly.

"You and Aemond are to engage Hugh Hammer who rides Vermithor." Daelys says. "Daemon and I will engage Ulf White who rides Silverwing."

"Are you certain about that?" Cregan asks. "It can go either way. Anyone can lose their lives."

"If we win this, we win the war." Aemond says. "We need to win this however necessary."

"And if the biggest dragons are here, then it will be easier." Daelys adds.

"When do we attack?" Jaehaerys asks.

"The moment your men are ready." Daelys answers looking at Cregan.

"Then we will get them ready immediately." Jonnel says leaving the room with Cregan.

Daemon after hesitating for one second leaves as well. Daelys gestures for Jaehaerys to leave as well. "How am I to do this?" Daelys asks Aemond in High Valyrian.

Aemond glances at the opening of the tent before answering. "Make White ride above the clouds. Don't protect Daemon much."

"That I can manage." Daelys says. "And it is the night. The moment word goes out that war has broken here, Joffrey and Jaehaera will join us too."

"Both of them are on your side, not Daemon's. If it gets too much, give me a signal, I will finish it." Aemond tells her.

"I do not doubt you will. I am just worried." Daelys says.

"Do not be. You can control fire. So can I but you have had practice. Use fire against your enemies." Aemond advises.

"Follow your own advice." Daelys moves around the table and stands next to Aemond. They share a small kiss before they have to leave to prepare.

"Anything else before we go to the final battle in this war?" Jaehaerys asks Daelys.

"When Joffrey and Jaehaera joins us, make sure they stay with you. Neither are experienced riders and between the two, White is more experienced." Daelys orders.

"Then you should have another with you." Cregan states.

Daelys looks at Daemon to see how he will react to that. "If it worries everyone so much, then Aemond can join us once they join us."

Both Daelys and Aemond are surprised by this but they quickly hide it. "Very well." Aemond says. "If the battle lasts that long then I will certainly join you."

"Alright." Daelys says. Daelys glances at Aemond something that Daemon notices.

Daelys and Daemon circle the battle field with Aemond and Jaehaerys as they all wait for some sign of White and Hammer. Jaehaerys and Aemond are on the other side of the field when Daemon finally decides to break the silence between them.

"What is your real reason for coming here?" Daemon asks Daelys.

She looks over at him as if confused. "I do not understand what you mean."

"You fucking know what I mean." Daemon says.

"I want to end this fucking war today. It has cost the lives of too many of our family members. I am not going to stand by and do nothing anymore." Daelys says angrily.

"What will you do about Viserys?" Daemon asks.

"He provided us with the information about White and Hammer and about Tyland taking Lannisport. I will let him choose between death and exile." Daelys responds.

"Exile him." Daemon advises. Daelys looks at him surprised. "He is my son and I do not want to lose the only son I have left."

Daelys looks away. "You won't." Daelys notices two dragons taking flight from Harrenhal's towers. "There!"

All four dragons immediately engage their respective enemies. Aemond and Jaehaerys separates Vermithor and Hugh Hammer from Silverwing and Ulf White. In the entire war, this is the first time that dragons truly fight against each other. From the ground, it almost looks as if the dragons are dancing with each other. And thus the war came to be known as The Dance of the Dragons.

Daelys and Daemon gives chase to Ulf who flees from them while dodging their fires simultaneously. While Hugh does the same thing only more clumsily than Ulf. With Aemond's skilled control of the fire, they are soon on top of Hugh. But even if Hugh is not skilled, Vermithor is. Getting angry, he turns and attacks Shrykos. Jaehaerys barely manages to get Shrykos out of the way.

At the precise moment, another dragon, Morghul, attacks Vermithor. Jaehaerys flies upto Aemond as Joffrey joins them as well. "Go to Daelys! She needs you more than I do!" He shouts over the wind. Giving a nod, Aemond turns and flies to the Gods Eye where he can see Daelys, Daemon and Ulf are.

Daelys and Daemon, the best dragon riders the Targaryens had seen, are both on top of Ulf. Silverwing turns and attacks Caraxes, afraid of Blaze just like every other dragon is. Daemon jumps onto Silverwing just as her claws rip through Caraxes' belly.

Caraxes screams and Daemon winces almost as if he is the one who has been attacked. Blaze aims at Silverwing's mouth and fires. Silverwing screams and using the confusion, Daemon advances on Ulf. Silverwing flies up towards the clouds even as Ulf shouts for her to stop. It is extremely clear that Ulf is no longer in control of Silverwing.

Aemond joins Daelys as they both chase after Silverwing with Caraxes slowly descending to the ground, too injured to keep fighting. Aemond looks at Daelys and notices the conflict on her face. Daelys looks over at Aemond. He gives a nod and Daelys' expression changes to determination.

Above the clouds, Daemon and Ulf are engaged in a sword fight on top of Silverwing. Flying close to them, Daelys jumps from Blaze to Silverwing as well. Trapped between the two best warriors in Westeros, Ulf doesn't stand a chance. Daelys soon pushes her sword through Ulf's eye causing him to lose balance and fall from Silverwing into Gods Eye below but not before Daelys has a chance to grab his sword.

"I can try to get Silverwing under control!" Daemon tells Daelys.

"That will not be necessary!" Daelys replies closing the distance between them. "Jaehaerys and Cregan have told me... some things, things which make it clear that it is only a matter of time before you turn on the common people!"

Daemon scoffs. "Is this what that cunt has been telling you?! Do you truly believe I will ever turn on you?!"

"You said it yourself! Power is dangerous! And that is what you have wanted for so long and yet you can never seem to get it!" Daelys replies.

"And what do you believe is more important to me?! You or power?!" Daemon asks.

"You cannot answer that question yourself!" Daelys replies. "But you are willing to get rid of Aemond if it gives you power! I believe the answer is both are important to you but you cannot tell the difference anymore! Just like my mother could not!"

Daemon looks at Daelys intently. The words are very true. He has forgotten where the line is. He is fighting to put Daelys and Aemond on the throne. But what will be stopping him from removing Aemond from Daelys? This time permanently.

Daelys slowly raises the sword in her hand and pushes it through Daemon's stomach. Daemon holds Daelys' hand and she is not willing to let go either.

"I love you, Daelys." Daemon says.

"I love you too... Father." Daelys whispers as she lets go of Daemon. The sword from Daemon's hand had fallen on Silverwing and grabbing that, Daelys jumps onto Blaze.

Aemond intercepts Silverwing before she can attack Blaze. Cannibal quickly defeats Silverwing, who without a rider is not as good as she was with one, even with one as inexperienced as Ulf.

Slowly Daelys and Aemond come back down where the fighting had stopped already. Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, Joffrey and Cregan are waiting for them with the rest of the men.

"Was that really Daemon?" Joffrey is the one who breaks the silence.

Daelys glances down at her hand which holds The Dark Sister, Daemon's sword. The answer is clear and nobody says another word as Aemond escorts Daelys to her tent.

The news shocks everyone including Jacaerys. No one had expected Daemon to die before the final battle.

Daemon Targaryen, the first King Consort in Targaryen history and one of the fiercest warriors the world had ever seen, died during the Battle Above the Gods Eye. Official records stated that Daemon was killed by Ulf White just before Daelys killed him. Daemon's body was never found, only Ulf White's sword was along with the body of Ulf White and carcass of Silverwing many years later.

The few who knew what had truly transpired over the clouds could never bring themselves to say it out loud. Daelys knows that she will carry the guilt of Daemon's death for as long as she lives. The only comfort she has is that Daemon is now reunited with Rhaenyra, atleast that is what Daelys hopes.

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