Veil of the Dusken Rose - #am...

By Zolatau

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Neeria, a foreign court lady, captivates Crown Prince Yi San in the restrictive world of the Joseon palace. D... More

1장 || Veil of Secrets
2장 || Echoes in Moonlight
3장 || Serenade of Shadows
4장 || In Hushed Tones
5장 || A Dance of Stars
6장 || Whispers of Dawn
7장 || Fragile Dreams
8장 || Threads of Destiny
9장 || Enchanted Reverie
10장 || Memoirs of Silence
11장 || The Hidden Garden
12장 || Melody of Whispers
13장 || Shrouded Desires
14장 || Of Roses and Thorns
15장 ||Echoes of Her Heartbeat
16장 || Resonance of Hearts
17장 || Mosaic of Memories
18장 || Lullaby of Shadows
19장 || The Painted Veil
20장 || A Distant Melancholy
21장 || Moonlit Confessions
22장 || Secrets in Ink
23장 || Whispers of Destiny
24장 || Echoes of ease
25장 || The Silence
26장 || Veil of sorrow
27장 || Portraits in Silence
28장 || Portraits in mountain tops
29장 || Prelude to Fate
30장 || Solitude's Symphony
31장 || Solitude's Revenge
32장 || Ephemeral Echoes
33장 || Veiled Desires
34장 || Tales of Moonlight
35장 || Reflections in Ink
36장 || The Velvet Twilight
38장 || Lullaby

37장 || Serenade of the Soul

748 55 35
By Zolatau

Neeria's pov

"I don't know, you seem rather grateful about acquiring an official 'overseer' title thanks to the crown prince," I teased Uhn Yuhn lightly as she sorted through the pile of soft fabrics my mother had left for the baby's room. She shook her head, the ornamental binyeo pin in her hair glinting in the sunlight.

"I was embarrassed! He could have warned me," she scoffed, though a small smile played about her lips. I watched as she set aside a length of delicate green silk embroidered with white cranes before moving on to examine a tiny hanbok robe.

I bit into another sticky section of sweet Ewehn confection, letting the rich coconut coating slowly melt and dissolve over my tongue. The sugary taste lingered as I watched Uhn Yuhn smooth her fingers over her own sleeve, fussing with the intricate faconnage that rustled softly with her movements. It was a familiar, nostalgic sound, a distraction as I only half-listened to her melodramatic complaints about the surprise appointment. Despite her exaggerated protests, fondness for the Crown Prince was evident in her voice and the warmth in her eyes.

"You were very happy about it though, weren't you?" I stated, watching as a faint flush rose on Uhn Yuhn's cheeks. "I saw you smiling to yourself all week after the appointment was announced. Every second near that young man has you absolutely flustered."

My companion rolled her eyes before reaching to snag her own honey and coconut glazed sweet from the table. She took a delicate bite. "Please, as if you two aren't constantly conspiring together now you're married!" she exclaimed through her mouthful. "What happened to prioritizing sisterhood before scholars and all that? Seems you've forgotten sistershood in favor of your husband."

Despite her dramatic sigh, Uhn Yuhn's eyes glinted with suppressed gladness. I hid my smile, seeing through her exaggerated complaints.

"Lucky for me my husband is a Crown Prince," I teased.

At that, Uhn Yuhn made a dramatic show of pretending to vomit, choking exaggeratedly on her confection. "Oh gross," she exclaimed with a laugh. Still, her giddiness over my romantic fortune was evident, shining through the snark and sarcasm.

I leaned over to gently prod her arm. "Oh hush, wasn't this so-called 'conspiracy' exactly according to your orchestration? I seem to recall someone 'accidentally' leaving us alone every possible moment to spark this romance..."

Uhn Yuhn lifted both hands innocently even as she finished chewing with obvious relish. "And are you not deliriously happy now with the lovesick Prince? You're both quite welcome for my helpful push—"

Her playful retort was interrupted then by light pattering footsteps heralding the approach of one of my junior attendants.

The girl skidded to a halt, cheeks flushed and chest heaving from exertion as she managed a quick bow.

"P-Princess...Wangsejabin!" she gasped out. "Deepest apologies...the Queen Grandmother...on her way call upon you!" The child swayed slightly even as she smiled proudly through labored breaths at completing her important task.

I fought to contain an instinctive bubble of laughter so as not to undermine her valiant effort. "Gently now, no need to suffocate on my account!" I soothed. "Though I do thank you sincerely for the advance notice, little one."

I gestured for her to approach the low table where Uhn Yuhn was already discreetly bundling up our shared indulgences out of sight. No need to trouble my grandmother-in-law over something so minor as sweets when her remedies of herbs, as disgusting as they were might I add...came from care.

As the snacks disappeared from view, I had a small stroke of inspiration. Turning to the beaming junior attendant I suggested kindly, "As reward for your speed, why not share some of these with the other palace girls?"

Her eyes grew huge at the honor bestowed as I motioned her over. Uhn Yuhn covered her grin poorly with one billowing sleeve when I sighed in exaggerated remorse to see the treats depart just before there was an announcement of the Queen Dowager.

I hastily rearranged my features into a pleasant smile as the doors swept open to admit the Queen Dowager herself a moment later. Both Uhn Yuhn and I moved to stand respectfully but she waved us back down, clucking goodnaturedly.

"None of that silly formality - sit, sit!" As I resettled amidst the plush cushions, I noticed Uhn Yuhn discreetly miming wiping one's mouth out of the Queen Dowager's sight. I smoothed a palm self-consciously over my own lips though I tasted nothing amiss.

Oblivious to our silent exchange, the Elder Queen waved over several attendant maidens bearing an assortment of gilded boxes and trays which they arranged neatly on the low table. My grandmother-in-law favored me with an impish smile quite at odds with her normally severe countenance.

"My grandson said he has been rather, shall we say, strict concerning sweets and indulgences for his beloved pregnant wife." She shot me a sly look askance. " You know well, it's unlike me to undermine the Prince's wishes but these little treats can be our secret, mm?"

I ducked my head, struggling to contain a grin at the Dowager's stealthy interference. If only she knew my dear husband himself had already been plying me with snacks against her recommended diet! I smoothed my expression so that my happiness didn't give everything away. 

"Such a rebellious scheme, Majesty," I replied, injecting mock gravity into my tone. I closed my eyes and shook my head with put-upon resignation. "I would never undermine my prince's strict rules by sampling these delicacies....I should... be strict, and mindful."

Unable to maintain the facade, I cracked one eyelid impishly. The Dowager brandished a palm-sized cake before me, one snowy brow lifting in challenge to my feeble protests. "Come now child, I wasn't born yesterday! One small indulgence between us ladies..."

I had to laugh then, accepting the treat as she pressed it insistently into my hands, devotion for this unconventional grandmother.

My gaze promised secrecy over our covert rebellion. After all, what harm when I already enjoyed the Prince's hidden largesse of Ewehn confections on occasion?

" It would be rude to refuse time honoring grandmotherly wisdom..." I pronounced, as Uhn Yuhn watched me. With a slow sweet smile just for this formidable woman who held my heart utterly, I bit into crumbling pastry bursting with honey.

I took another blissful bite, catching Uhn Yuhn's poorly smothered scoff at my utter inability to refuse the Dowager. I ignored her with playful hauteur - she would do no different were our positions reversed.

Dabbing her lips genteelly, my grandmother-in-law eyed the subtle swell beneath my hanbok with soft satisfaction. "And how is the little Prince or Princess today?" One weathered hand gently covered my own.

I placed our joined hands against the spot where tiny movements fluttered. "Quite boisterous, in fact! I foresee stubbornness from this one."

We smiled together over the subtle flutter of new life nestled safely within. "Well now, such persistent activity already! This little warrior soul must be most eager to rejoin us."

I nodded. "Indeed they seem rather insistent about grasping their chance this time. Much like their formidable great-grandmother!" We shared softly amused agreement that this child would enter the world with fighting spirit plenty. 

"Ah, but you must be missing your family across gentle oceans already..." The Dowager patted my cheek in concern, to which I covered her aged hand with my own.

"I do miss them always. But I have faith - Ewehn women bear sacred familial ties beyond distance through our dreams." I gazed outward with bittersweet longing upon saying it. My next words emerged steady with certainty however..."And I trust they shall know the instant this child arrives, just as they knew my heart found its true home here."

I leaned into the queen dowager's palm, soaking up the unconditional support swathing me.

I made my peace. The sea could not sever such bonds nor diminish the love anchoring me in two lands now blessing my journey. I would see Mother again one day. But for now love surrounded me through pregnancy's joys and unknowns alike.

I relaxed as she brushed a stray wisp of hair back, pride glowing from her aged but bright eyes. "You speak true as ever, child... you speak truth."

Satisfied I was reassured, her gaze turned then to Uhn Yuhn who was sipping her cooled tea.

A knowing glint sparked as the Dowager remarked casually, "Incidentally my dear, enlighten me about this guard who seems to have caught your eye...?"

Uhn Yuhn abruptly inhaled her mouthful, coughing and spluttering at this unexpected call-out. Dabbing ineffectually at the dots marring her hanbok front, she avoided meeting the keen stare following her fumbling.

"W-whatever can you mean, Your Majesty?" My sister-in-law attempted an airy tone and failed, color rising. "I assure you I harbor no particular man in mind..."

The Dowager merely tapped one nail against her lips sagely. "Is that so? During the ceremony, and dinner I noted your attention quite...arrested in one direction whenever a certain young man entered the hall to relay messages..."

Mortified, Uhn Yuhn buried her flushed face in my shoulder to escape further scrutiny. I bit my inner cheek struggling not to laugh aloud in sympathy. Our beloved grandmother merely sipped her cooling tea, missing nothing with her eyes.

The Queen Dowager graced us with her company a while longer, benignly observing as we sampled more of the assorted delicacies she had covertly delivered. I savored her gift - both the literal sweetness on my palette and the affection behind each treat.

At last she patted my hand lightly in departure and fixed me with a stern but loving look. "Now, enjoy it while it lasts. I'm aware my grandson has somewhat, shall we say, spoiled his doting eye where your 'strict' diet for herbs is concerned, child."

I opened my mouth to protest but she waved it aside. "No matter, what is done is done. I'm no fool, I know a man in love. However, I shall personally assume responsibility for your herbal supplementation from here on to set matters aright." She allowed me a slow wink even as attendants fluttered close to assist her exit.

I pressed my lips tight, swallowing rebuttal knowing she knew all along. Beside me Uhn Yuhn showed no such restraint, collapsing amongst the cushions in peals of dramatic laughter at my expense. 

I swatted ineffectually at her shaking shoulders to no avail. "Oh do contain yourself! You are most unhelpful..." But secretly I nurtured hope the Prince and Dowager's joint overprotectiveness produced one hale and hearty royal heir ready to lead Joseon down a bright path.

Once Uhn Yuhn's giggles finally subsided, she reached to engulf me in a contrite hug. I endured it with exaggerated forbearance before suggesting we take advantage of the fine weather.

Arm in arm, we meandered down a sunlit gallery where distant waters sparkled. My thoughts turned inward with bittersweet longing for family across gentle seas.

Just then movement caught my eye and I spotted a young guard hastily bowing respectfully to us from his station up ahead. I glimpsed Uhn Yuhn stiffen, a rosy blush climbing her throat as we neared and she recognized the sharp featured, athletic man.

Unable to resist gentle mischief, I lifted a hand bidding him to rise and approach. "Hello there, please remind me of your name?" Beside me Uhn Yuhn made strangled noises of embarrassment, plucking insistently at my sleeve.

The guard seemed equally flustered by sudden direct address from the Crown Princess but quickly gathered himself with another bow. "Lee Seonghwa, Your Highness. Newly assigned to palace duty." His gaze cut briefly to Uhn Yuhn, a shy smile teasing his lips. 

Unable to restrain my delight at having intuited the shy attraction arcing between this pair, I gently bid the flustered guard come closer. Captain Lee blenched at such direct address from the Crown Princess but bowed low once more.

"Tell me young captain, do you currently have a lady in love awaiting a proposal?" My genteel query elicited a reactive choke from poor Uhn Yuhn, though the guard himself seemed to stand taller.

"I do not as yet, Your Highness. My duties allow little occasion to court." Was that a trace of wistful regret dimming his eyes briefly? I smiled as my eyes glided his form.

I tilted my head as though struck by some new thought. "But if opportunity did arise, might there be a special maiden you would wish to woo?" I ignored another strangled objection from my companion behind me.

The guard shifted on his feet, color rising along his neck tellingingly. "There is someone I hold in highest esteem, Highness," he admitted at length, daring the swiftest of glances to the lady in question. I watched in undisguised delight as manly composure slipped subtly across the guard's face. One hand rose as if of its own accord to rub at his neck self-consciously.

I could no longer restrain my delighted laugh." Who is the young maiden, and why is it lady Uhn Yuhn?" I asked.

" Unnie!" Uhn Yuhn nearly shouted while hiding herself behind me. The young man fell into a momentary smile at her flustered state. His eyes similar to the gaze I saw in the crown prince many times.

My soft laughter rang out even as Uhn Yuhn shoved at me ineffectually for my transparent meddling. Face aflame, she stammered a few weak rebukes my way - though the shy pleasure kindling behind her eyes belied any true irritation at my maneuverings.

Meanwhile the earnest young guard was bowing low once more in apparent nervous rapture. "Your wisdom and generosity of spirit do credit to our kingdom, Princess." He lifted his gaze then beseechingly to my companion.

"If the lady permits...I should wish only a chance for us to become better acquainted away from prescribed roles." A glimmer of vulnerability crossed his face. "My efforts to elicit her advice through feigned archery mistakes in training proved rather fruitless at securing personal conversation thus far..."

I couldn't help but notice Uhn Yuhn's sharp inhale at his bald admission. She was clearly taken aback. I gently patted her arm, wordlessly offering privacy for whatever response she needed to formulate. But rather than pull away, she gripped my sleeve a bit tighter, as if steadying herself.

"Then...when you can directly ask me, I'll give you my answer then," she finally stated, the words coming out in a rush under her breath. Her eyes dropped as she fussed with her hanbok, straightening folds that weren't there.

A soft smirk pulled at my lips as I watched Uhn Yuhn's trademark personality reemerge. I gave an affectionate roll of my eyes.

"She's not wrong," I remarked lightly.

The young man nodded slowly, handsomeness shifting subtly across his features as he considered her words. He shuffled his feet, once more for a moment his eyes never leaving Uhn Yuhn's face as he seemed to gather his courage.

"Then, lady Uhn Yuhn..." he began, "I find you captivating. Would you do me the honor of allowing me the time to get to know you better?"

As he spoke the last word, his voice cracked ever so slightly. I watched as a rosy hue blossomed on his cheeks, while he coughed.

Uhn Yuhn studied him for a long moment, the silence between them growing. I could see the quick rise and fall of her chest as she contemplated his sudden question. Her eyes flickered with an emotion I couldn't quite place.

Sensing the growing tension, I slowly stepped back to give them space, letting my footfalls fade into the background. This was a private conversation after all.

"Ask me again in two days and I'll give you my answer then," Uhn Yuhn finally responded, holding his gaze levelly.

I saw the young man's shoulders fall a bit at her words, but he quickly recovered, standing up straighter and nodding in understanding. More attraction even at her demeanor.

Uhn Yuhn turned to me then, slipping her arm through mine. "Come along unnie, we should go."

As we walked away, I heard a soft scoff come from behind us - a chuckle of amusement at Uhn Yuhn's signature boldness in not immediately saying yes. She squeezed my arm knowingly, the hint of a smile playing at the corner of her lips.

"Oh you sly—" I started to tease.

But Uhn Yuhn cut me off, slyness glinting in her own eyes.

"A teacher insulting her student is a crime unnie," she stated, her voice lilting with barely contained laughter. "You created this."

I opened my mouth to respond but found myself at a loss for words. She was right after all. I had helped nurture that boldness as she did mine. And now here she was, wrapping hopeful young men around her finger with it.

I shook my head, smiling ruefully. "Just...don't play with his feelings too much," I finally replied.

"I should be telling you that unnie. Your prince barely survives a moment without you!" She declared dramatically. Her gaze grew distant for a moment as she heaved a wistful sigh.

"I want a love like that - to be chased, embraced and twirled about like I'm the most beautiful person on this earth."

I looked over at her, my smile softening. "I'd twirl you about and call you the most beautiful in the world if I wasn't with child," I said ruefully, my free hand drifting to rest on my swollen belly.

At that, Uhn Yuhn scoffed, still smiling. On impulse, I drew her closer, attempting a clumsy twirl with one arm.

"Give yourself the chance," I encouraged warmly as we came to a stop. "He seems worth the shot. And if he isn't, I'll treat him accordingly." I raised one eyebrow meaningfully. 

Uhn Yuhn dissolved into giggles again. Her eyes scrunched up adorably, youthful joy lighting up her features. Linking her arm through mine once more, she gifted me with an affectionate glance.

"Only if you let me help chase away unwanted suitors when you're too round to run yourself, unnie," she teased. But there was sincerity beneath the gentle ribbing. I pulled her close again in a one-armed hug.

Later that evening, I was in the palace kitchens assisting Lady Han measure out rare imported spices when a pair of familiar hands suddenly obscured my vision from behind.

I breathed in the beloved sandalwood scent a split second before Yisan's warm query sounded low and intimate in my ear.

"And how is my lovely wife this evening?" The proprietary weight of his palm came to rest at the curve of my back as Lady Han executed a flawless bow in the periphery despite her occupied.

"Greetings, Jeoha," Lady Han replied, unruffled by the Prince's sudden arrival. "The Princess was quite insistent on aiding me recreate a dish from your ceremonies to satisfy her cravings."

My still unseen husband merely hummed, unrepentant as always. I felt Yisan's lean frame settle shamelessly close as he peered over my shoulder. "In other words, you have my wife working?" the Crown Prince replied. His lightly sarcastic tone held an undercurrent of deep amusement. Reaching around me, he stole a slice of fruit, utterly unrepentant under Lady Han's wry headshake at his antics.

"I see the honeymoon has not curbed your sweet tooth nor odd humor any, my Prince." Lady Han rapped his knuckles lightly with her spoon as he purloined another sample. "At least pretend to remember you are Joseon's future sovereign now with a child on the way."

Lady Han resumed grinding spice powders, darting discreet glances at Yisan nuzzling shamelessly into the crook of my neck. "I've endured the bitterest torture deprived of you all day, my bride..." he pronounced on a theatrical sigh.

I lost my battle against laughter, swatting at persistent arms snaking around my waist incorrigibly. Out of the corner of my eye Lady Han's shoulders shook helplessly.

After Lady Han shooed him from filching more ingredients, Yisan drew me subtly closer against his side. His gaze searched my face in concern beneath the irreverent humor.

"She has not worked you too intensely I hope, my love? In your condition you must not overexert..." The protective note underlying his playful complaint only made me smile more.

I raised a teasing brow even as I relaxed into his loose embrace. "To what precisely do I owe this great honor then? Have you come to critique our cooking techniques after all, Husband?"

Yisan chuckled low in his throat, as his fingertip traced absent patterns over my back that belied his casual pose.

"I would never presume to critique your mastery in the kitchen, my love." His eyes caught and held mine.

I hummed, basking in his attention. The stresses of my day melted away as I lost myself in his, loving eyes.

Lady Han-bin clicked her tongue, though there was laughter in her eyes. "All that sweet talk - that's how you got in this position in the first place," she remarked wryly, nodding towards my swollen stomach.

The Crown Prince had the grace to look slightly abashed, though his hand didn't leave my back. "And how did you end up with them?" he shot back teasingly, jerking his chin over to where his young half-siblings played across the room.

Lady Han-bin opened her mouth, mirth dancing in her gaze. "Well, actually your father—"

"On that note, Lady Han-bin, I believe I will take my bride away for the evening!" my husband interjected hastily.

As I laughed, Lady Han sighed, waving a hand towards the door in permission. "Very well, very well. Do try to actually rest tonight instead of - well, nevermind that. Good evening, highnesses."

The Crown Prince stood, pulling me gently to my feet. "Good evening, Lady Han-bin," he farewelled.

Avoiding further teasing, he ushered me swiftly from the room as I struggled to contain my grin.

As we exited into the corridor, my husband suddenly crouched down. Understanding his intent, I clambered onto his back, wrapping my arms around his strong neck as he hooked his hands under my knees and stood up.

We set off slowly, his gait smooth so as not to jostle me. "I heard you got caught today," he remarked, amusement coloring his voice once more.

I scoffed, gently flicking the back of his head. "Why did you tell her that you were making sure I ate healthy?" I accused without any real ire. "She didn't believe you a bit. You know her blends are awful."

He just laughed, the sound rumbling through his back and into my chest. "Don't worry, it won't be that bad," he cajoled.

I huffed, propping my chin on his shoulder. "You should try them then," I challenged as we passed through the palace gates and out into the royal gardens. The first evening stars were just barely visible overhead.

"Maybe I will," he scoffed. "Just to ensure they meet my standards for the mother of the future heir." He turned his head, brushing an affectionate kiss to my cheek.

I wrinkled my nose at him, even as I snuggled closer. "You say that now. But you wouldn't last a day on her 'health blends'," I proclaimed.

His ringing laughter echoed while, I rested my head comfortably on my husband's broad shoulders as he carried me slowly along the garden path. The sweet floral scents of the night flowers surrounded us.

"Do you have a secret hope for a little prince or princess?" I asked idly, tracing the intricate embroidered crest adorning the front of his courtly robes as he carried me.

Yisan was thoughtfully quiet a long moment, footfalls steady. "I wish only for a healthy, happy child and your safety above all," he replied at length. "Either a son or daughter would be equally beloved."

Still, tradition carried weight I knew had influenced him since birth. I nudged playfully. "Yet only a male heir furthers the royal lineage..." 

My husband paused in step, angling to meet my eyes sincerely, creased hanbok rustling. "Son or daughter fate bestows, I will be grateful they inherit even a fraction of their mother's beauty and spirit." His smile held worlds.Resuming course, Yisan gazed up at gently drifting clouds. "Regardless. None can predict what future glories or troubles may come for kingdoms." His hand cradled my body protectively.   "But any child from our union shall prove strong and clever enough to meet them. Traditions be damned." He chuckled.

I nestled into the security of his open admiration, tradition's constraints seeming but cobwebs with Yisan's staunch devotion holding me aloft.

As progressive as the thought was, the lingering expectations of the court stayed heavy in my mind. Producing a male heir remained vital, no matter his desire to relieve me of that pressure. It only made me more determined to fulfill my duty.

"I want to give you a son, this time." I admitted. "But...eventually a daughter as well. I very much want a daughter too." 

A gentle, contemplative smile crossed his face - the kind that made him look even more handsome. "Then I shall gladly give you both," he vowed, his voice a soothing promise.

I couldn't help but smile, laying my head against him once more. "You're not very subtle," I teased.

He chuckled, a playful chuckle. "On the other hand. Perhaps in service of our kingly duty, we should aim for...oh...half a dozen children at minimum?"

I swatted his shoulder as he shot me an impish grin.

"Why stop at six? For national stability, twelve little heirs seems a fine number!" 

"Jeoha!" I exclaimed, though he breezily ignored my protest. 

"Maybe thirty-two heirs would be better. Do you think that's too little?" I could hear the grin in his voice as I continued to protest his outrageous escalation. 

"Yah!" I gave him another light smack on the arm. "Don't even joke about such things!" Though I struggled to contain my own laughter at his exaggerated suggestions.

I shook my head, still chuckling. "You seem to have this all planned out already," I teased lightly. "Shall we discuss names next for our platoon of little princes and princesses?"

"Hmm, perhaps. Though nothing too old-fashioned," he mused.

"Well we wouldn't want them confused for ancestors past. How about...Song-Hwa for a girl and Yoon-Ho for a boy?"

He made a show of considering my suggestions, before scoffing dramatically. "Too boring. Now Beom-Pal and Sook-Ja have much better rings to them."

"Beom-Pal sounds like a scholar's name," I contested with a laugh.

He made a soft sound of approval. "Well they only deserve, fine names with beautiful meanings..." His voice trailed off in thought. "Do you have any names in mind from Eweh?"

I chuckled lightly. "Oh, I'm not sure Joseon is ready for traditional Eweh names just yet. They tend to be more...vibrant than is common here."

He glanced back with curiosity as we continued our leisurely walk. "Surprise me," he challenged playfully. "Surely they cannot be that different."

"Well..." I pondered for a moment. "For a girl there is Alata, meaning 'one who comes with joy.' And Temi is 'one who progresses.'" I bit my lip gauging his reaction. "The boy names are equally colorful...Usen means 'first of many' and Foluwa is 'honored child.'"
I wrinkled my nose sheepishly. "They may be a bit avant-garde by Joseon's standards."

He laughed warmly. "They certainly have vibrancy as you said. We shall add them to our list of options, avant-garde or not." I grinned and hugged him tighter for his openness of mind and spirit.

As we neared his quarters, he glanced back with a thoughtful look. "I certainly love that I've never met another Neeira in my life," he remarked warmly. "This child is as much yours as mine. I want them to know the great land that shaped their amazing mother."

As we entered his bedchamber, he gently set me down onto the silken sheets, his hands lingering affectionately on my waist. He leaned in playfully, leaving a trail of kisses along my neck.

"Now, shall we get started on the next little prince or princess?" he teased, eyes dancing with laughter and adoration.

I swatted at his chest, a giggle bubbling out. "So impatient!" I exclaimed, shaking my head even as I failed to contain my delighted smile.

He flopped down next to me, propping his head up on one hand. "We have important duties to fulfill," he declared with faux seriousness, though his eyes sparkled.

"Oh yes, such arduous work ahead of us," I laughed. I leaned over to kiss the tip of his nose. "You know...they do say practice makes perfect."

"Is that so?" His grin turned wolfish. "Well then..."

In one smooth motion he rolled over, pinning me beneath him, his long hair falling like a silken curtain around us.

As his lips found mine, all giggles dissolved into sighs of pleasure and formalities of royal obligations of course.

Author's pov

After peppering the royal physician endlessly about Princess Neeria's progressing pregnancy and the health of their future child, the Crown Prince adopted an air of faux solemnity.

"So what you're saying, Doctor Heo," he deadpanned, though humor glinted behind his gaze, "Is that intimacy during pregnancy is medically necessary?"

Physician Heo, who had just finished his examination of the reclining Princess, blinked and gave a flustered little cough. The Princess herself suddently seemed utterly engrossed in examining an adjacent woodcraft.

"Well," the Doctor hesitated, dabbing his glistening forehead with a handkerchief. "I would not explicitly term it a necessity exactly, your Highness. More...beneficial, shall we say."

The Crown Prince raised an incredulous brow. "But surely benefits to one's health are by definition necessary matters to pursue?" He posited innocently as the Doctor fumbled for a diplomatic response.

The physician opened his mouth, then closed it before finally inclining his head in concession, though a twinkle remained in the old man's eyes. "I suppose one could view it in that light, your Highness."

The royal physician, smiled benevolently at Neeria and her husband as he packed away his examination tools.

"Physically, you are progressing very well, your Highness," he said. "And on that is perfectly natural and even beneficial if you remain intimate during this fertile time."

Heo Jun's eyes crinkled with avuncular amusement. "Only certain positions may need adjustment to keep pressure off the womb," he advised matter-of-factly. "Just exercise a bit of creative caution."

The Crown Prince nodded, though his gaze was drawn to his wife's endearing embarrassment.

After Heo Jun made his departure, the Prince turned and clasped his wife's nervously twisting hands. "So it seems you require my care more regularly now's counsel," he murmured, touching his forehead tenderly to hers.

Neeria rolled her eyes at her husband's gentle teasing over the color of swaddling to procure, though pleased warmth kindled within at his open delight over their coming child. As the Crown Prince studied his list with studious care, Neeria wandered the solar, one hand trailing over vibrant bolts of silk her mother had gifted before departing overseas again. Bittersweet longing momentarily distracted her thoughts.

"You know..." She turned back, meeting Yisan's attentive gaze as he set documents aside. Neeria hesitated only a breath, then confessed softly, "...I cried that night. After you last spoke to the General..."

The Crown Prince rose in a whisper of silk robes to stand before her, thumb gently catching one shimmering tear as it escaped despite her attempt to keep it hidden.

"I know, beloved," Yisan soothed, enveloping Neeria comfortingly against his silk-clad chest as more tears escaped her in bittersweet release. From the open windows a soft song of rain swelled, cocooning them in peaceful stillness.

One large hand came to rest gently across her middle, thumb tracing instinctively over where their child sheltered. Tilting his head, the Crown Prince listened for the second precious heartbeat not yet audible but felt soul-deep already.

After long moments he glanced up to see Neeria studying him with large luminous eyes. "Should I tell you the reason behind those long ago tears?" she asked softly.

He reached up to cradle her cheek, smile crinkling the corners of his own eyes. "Only if you wish it, my love."

Whatever words hovered between them then dispersed like mist as Yisan drew her down to nestle against him once more.

"I realized that night you had become my first true love..." Neeria's voice trembled with the force of long-buried emotion as she leaned into his tender brushing of tears from her cheeks.

Yisan's breath caught, joy and sorrow equally threading his voice. "Oh my Neeria..." He trailed off, shaking his head in wonder that her long unspoken turmoil originated from profound devotion blossoming for him alone.

Neeria gives a watery half-smile, laying her smaller hand over his where it rested against her belly swollen with new life. "Listening to you confront the General forced me to reflect deeply and admit what my spirit already understood..." She took a slightly shuddering breath, eyes shining.

"I accepted mere fleeting affection in the past as the pinnacle of possible connection for my isolated heart. But that was before knowing you." Her hand shifted to cover his heart fluttering against silk robes. "You showed me the miraculous potential when souls truly unite. I love you now beyond any prior innocent conception of the word."

Overcome, Yisan drew her fiercely close, hand anchoring Neeria's head to his shoulder. Still cradling her damp face, Yisan leaned in to rest his forehead tenderly to hers, noses just brushing.

Lady Neeria gazed up at her beloved prince, relief welling as she found only warmth and acceptance shining in Yisan's patient eyes. No judgment or disappointment awaited over past naivety - only compassion.

"Even were I not your first love, I remain reassured of your abiding care, my own," Yisan demurred gently. He lifted her delicate hands to brush tender kisses across curled knuckles.

But Neeria shook her head, shifting closer until she could cradle his beloved face firmly between gentle palms searching his eyes.

" I'm so heavily in love with you. And I'm even more grateful that I've come to understand love enough."

"You awakened glorious wonders within my heart, Jeoha..." she continued. "I can't even start to convey the gift granted by your commitment through such trials here..."

Neeria slid trembling palms up to cradle Yisan's beloved face near hers in intimate space built to shelter two. "Except to say thank you eternally for never letting me go..." she whispered fervently.

" Because I know love like yours, I hope my future lives remember it well." " Neeria stated.

Yisan covered her hand with his own, gently pressing it harder over the heartbeat that had entwined with his. He gazed deeply into her shimmering eyes.

"It is I who should be thanking you," he murmured.

"For teaching me the true meaning of devotion...for showing me the splendor found in fighting for love." He brushed a stray tear from her cheek. "Whatever future lives may come, I swear - I will always find you again."

" May our souls forever be bounded by this love." Neeria smiled, as she got lost in his embrace.


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This story will be coming to an end soon ❤️ thank you all that read and enjoyed it with me! Make sure you check out my newest novel. " My songbird's dream." ❤️ there's some overlapping in this book and that one have y'all noticed? 👀

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