Veil of the Dusken Rose - #am...

By Zolatau

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Neeria, a foreign court lady, captivates Crown Prince Yi San in the restrictive world of the Joseon palace. D... More

1장 || Veil of Secrets
2장 || Echoes in Moonlight
3장 || Serenade of Shadows
4장 || In Hushed Tones
5장 || A Dance of Stars
6장 || Whispers of Dawn
7장 || Fragile Dreams
8장 || Threads of Destiny
9장 || Enchanted Reverie
10장 || Memoirs of Silence
11장 || The Hidden Garden
12장 || Melody of Whispers
13장 || Shrouded Desires
14장 || Of Roses and Thorns
15장 ||Echoes of Her Heartbeat
16장 || Resonance of Hearts
17장 || Mosaic of Memories
18장 || Lullaby of Shadows
19장 || The Painted Veil
20장 || A Distant Melancholy
21장 || Moonlit Confessions
22장 || Secrets in Ink
23장 || Whispers of Destiny
24장 || Echoes of ease
25장 || The Silence
26장 || Veil of sorrow
27장 || Portraits in Silence
28장 || Portraits in mountain tops
29장 || Prelude to Fate
30장 || Solitude's Symphony
31장 || Solitude's Revenge
32장 || Ephemeral Echoes
33장 || Veiled Desires
34장 || Tales of Moonlight
35장 || Reflections in Ink
37장 || Serenade of the Soul
38장 || Lullaby

36장 || The Velvet Twilight

885 56 70
By Zolatau

Authors pov

As snow gathered softly outside the palace walls the morning after the lavish wedding, remaining guests from farther territories gathered gratefully indoors to take tea with the Queen Dowager.

Attendants rushed to settle the group in a tea house known for its magnificent seasonal views, its carved walls lined with steaming braziers to ward off winter's chill.

Lady Jinsun directed the seating arrangements per decorum's intricate rules, with honored relatives and advisors sorted carefully by pedigree and age. The Dowager observed each new arrival shrewdly as conversing nobles filled the chamber in a susurration of silk robes and scholarly vestments.

Many she knew only by distant reputation from their isolated provinces beyond the capital and palace rules. But recognition kindled at several faces - familial elders and advisors whose conservative sway had held influence at court previously.

They had chosen to remain longer after the Crown Prince's controversial wedding rather than rushing back to their entrenched roles of maintaining order.

As one elder, Kim, was ushered to a seat of honor near her with solicitous courtesy, the Dowager's gaze narrowed thoughtfully.

What had motivated such extended interest from those so tied to former conventions, now shaken at their core by her grandson's unprecedented match?

The Queen Dowager maintained her gentle smile over tea as the conversation turned unsubtly toward the new foreign Princess. Insults cloaked loosely as concern for tradition did not escape her shrewd notice.

"Did you witness that tribal dance performance?" tittered one lesser noblewoman to her companion. "Well, I suppose customs must be allowed for assimilation..."

"I thought it was rather amazing," Lady Jinsun stated as she walked by.

The guest coughed a bit before turning around to continue her whispering. "Indeed, those Eweh predecessors certainly dressed in flamboyant fashion," remarked an elder lord in scholarly robes. "Still, we must make allowances for their princess's...exotic pedigree."

The Dowager took a delicate sip to disguise her mounting ire as excuses masquerading as tolerance persisted. However, a muttered comment from another elder statesman ratcheted her tenuous restraint.

"I was not aware Her Majesty was in her sunset years. How fortunate the new bride has found such an open advocate..." His sly words drew nods and thoughtful frowns around the room.

The Dowager took a slow, deliberate sip of her cooling tea as the nobleman's thinly veiled critique of her "sudden progressiveness" echoed subtly around the room. In her "sunset years," she might be, but neither blind nor weak-willed enough to overlook such ungracious commentary.

She leveled a stare that instantly quelled the self-satisfied murmurs rising. "You find an issue with my judgment then, regarding Princess Neeria's capability?" The Dowager allowed frost to line her tone. "Speak plainly, I'm too well in my sunset years for child's play." As she spoke, she rotated her teacup slightly, the remaining liquid swirling gently.

"Princess Neeria conducts herself with more dignity currently than most so-called nobles in this room," Lady Jinsun quickly added. The Queen Dowager simply patted her hand, gesturing for her to softly pause, clearly aware of her rightful anger.

As mutters began stirring anew against Princess Neeria's propriety and worthiness, a nasal lord posed aloud in a mocking tone, "I had understood Lady Neeria to be merely a passing dalliance?"

His wife craned forward with feigned concern, "Indeed, rumor holds she was originally brought to court for the Prince's casual enjoyment. Who is to say this marriage and heir were not secured simply through...womanly manipulation?"

Before the Queen Dowager could unleash a vicious rebuttal, another lean lord added slyly, "Mark me, within the fortnight Her Highness will use our wealth to feed her own. And will cite some excuses to avoid social calls... Simply to evade facing why a common foreign merchant's daughter has been elevated beyond noble daughters here for generations..."

The audible outrage simmering in her aged yet formidable frame as these slights persisted caused even the most artful gossipers to lean slowly back from proximity.

However, it was the Dowager's next actions that truly silenced the room. Rather than a verbal explosion, instead, she straightened to her full seated height with painstaking regality. She began laughing, amused until her crinkled smile held no warmth.

With slow ceremonial grace, she inclined her head in a clear gesture of dismissal toward her speechless guests.

Another elder coughed slightly and peered down his beak of a nose, clearly delighted by the impending confrontation after their patience had worn thin. "We mean no true offense, Your Grace. Merely concern that one of...unorthodox upbringing adjusts properly to court life."

The Dowager arched one silver brow cuttingly. "Unorthodox...much like carrying on publicly with another lord's wife for years? Did you know this about your husband,

Lady Shin?" The painted woman's lips snapped shut as the Queen continued. "Or you, Lord Yuu, defrauding struggling tenants to fund your gambling vice? Shall we truly debate propriety?"

The Queen Dowager eyed the suddenly mute guests severely over the piercing rim of her tea. "Rather than insult my grandson's capable wife, you would be wise to hope the Crown Prince shows your shamed kinsmen mercy...or have you all forgotten many uncles and sons only recently condemned for treason yet live now at his pardon?"

That reminder drained the color from scowling noble faces. Yet one lord still scoffed aloud, "The Crown Prince risks uprising, elevating some random foreign woman so highly out of mere passion!"

The Dowager cut him off. "I suggest you counsel your loose-tongued wife instead, Lord Jung." He gazed at her, unsure how to respond, as she jerked her chin sharply at Lady Park still muttering ungraciously to her companion.

"Temper your insults towards my grandchildren, my lady, especially with House Park next up to face consequences." The Dowager's stare was sharp as an executioner's blade. "You're getting too comfortable. Or have you forgotten your abhorrent waterworks theatrics that insulted me after the late queen's death?"

Lady Park blanched beneath her painted cosmetics. "Y-your Majesty misremembers, I was quite devastated by the late Queen's tragic..."

The Dowager sniffed rudely. "Spare me. Your family has always scraped greedily for ties to power. I merely prevent your expulsion because I pity you." Setting down her cup, she pinned the quailing woman directly.

"But take care, Lady Park. One day the Crown may call for the return of all your showy gifts and properties." Murmurs broke out as other nobles subtly distanced themselves from the thoroughly chastened Lady Park.

The Dowager merely dusted invisible lint from her embroidered sleeve, her message clearly delivered.

"More tea, Lady Jinsun," she then prompted amiably, nodding at the spread of delicacies before them. "You have outdone yourself with today's refreshments."

As she benignly redirected the conversation to safer trifles, the Queen Mother hid a small satisfied smile.

Meanwhile, the Crown Prince himself strode the sunlit corridors with his father, reviewing various ministerial documents. However, raised voices echoed from one chamber just ahead.

The Crown Prince felt his stride hitch as Minister Park's disapproving words filtered through the screen. "Not even Joseon blood! Of what use upholding our honored laws with a foreign interloper installed by a Prince flouting propriety?"

"The Queen Dowager herself loses all sense, openly approving such a match..." another voice murmured in assent.

Prince Yisan gritted his teeth, prepared to make an incensed entrance when Scholar Hyun Seok's protest gave him a brief pause. "Would it not be wise to avoid insulting the new Princess so freely? She is a kind soul and has committed no wrong—"

Park scoffed loudly, cutting off the timid objection. "Do you truly fear the Crown Prince so much you dare not critique? We are not children to be cowed so easily. If no one else will critique the overindulgence of this..."

The Prince had heard quite enough. With a terse glance at his silent father, Yisan threw open the chamber doors, taking savage satisfaction as the room's occupants startled violently at his sudden appearance. Behind icy composure, indignation churned at such blithe disrespect.

He skewered the frozen ministers one by one with a frigid stare. When at last he deigned to break the uneasy silence, his soft tone belied the temper simmering just underneath.

The cluster of high-ranking ministers' faces continued to pale as if they had tasted curdled milk. Behind their artificial smiles, panic stirred, wondering how much he had overheard.

Prince Yisan halted, pinning the tense group with an arctic stare. "By all means, do not let my arrival hamper this rousing discussion regarding my wife. Your future queen, mind you." He gestured towards them. "Please, elucidate further on what faults you perceive the new Princess to have."

His calmly delivered words belied the trace of steel underneath. Minister Park gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing. "N-no faults at all, Your Highness. We were merely debating how much, ah, leeway to grant in light of Her Highness's foreign upbringing..."

"Were you indeed?" The Crown Prince's gaze bored into each minister in turn, gathering the loose threads of their prejudiced dialogue.

He stepped nearer, hands clasped loosely behind his back.

"Let me make my position abundantly clear," the Crown Prince repeated, glacial eyes sweeping the room. "I do not recall soliciting your council regarding my marriage, anything I mentioned was out of kindness, much less permitting disparaging gossip behind screened doors."

He moved closer, causing the cluster of ostentatiously robed men to shuffle back instinctively. Minister Park opened his mouth to sputter something placating, but the Prince stopped him.

"Princess Neeria may have been born overseas, but she is now your princess nonetheless." The Crown Prince stated, his lip twitching slightly as he tried to control himself.

"She is as wise and capable as any native lady of this court. And soon..." Here he allowed himself a thin smile. "Soon Her Highness shall present the next royal heir, thanks to Heaven's blessings. Do you wish to continue challenging Heaven's authority or verify whether salvation or damnation awaits?"

Cowed heads bowed low in contrition under his blistering warning. After a taut pause, Elder Shin found his voice first. "Your Highness, please accept our most sincere apologies."

The Crown Prince's icy gaze bored into each minister in turn, his lip faintly curling. "Save your sputtered apologies. I am simply glad you are all gathered here - the very men I was seeking."

One began, "Your Highness, if we may—"

The Crown Prince scoffed, lifting a hand to silence him. "Did you assume I forgot those here who secretly conspired with Seongyeon against my family?" His stare remained hardened and severe, brooking no defiance from the men before him.

The previously vocal men turned ashen, shrinking beneath his scathing reminder. The Crown Prince unfurled a scroll with a flourish, the list of names and offenses detailed making them quail.

"I explicitly warned that future dissent toward my bride would not be tolerated, much less outright treason." His resonant voice rang off the carved wooden beams overhead as he paced before them, boots striking the stone floor.

"Therefore your estates and assets are hereby forfeit to the throne." At the Crown Prince's sharp clap, an entire complement of soldiers entered the hall, encircling the group of trembling ministers. Behind Prince Yisan's icy facade, frosty satisfaction kindled at their cowed postures.

"You will remove all official robes and adornments gifted by the palace." His biting words snapped like the crack of a whip, the expectation of immediate obedience implicit.

The disgraced nobles exchanged desperate glances, hands visibly shaking as they disrobed with no choice but compliance under the silent soldiers' watch. Fine-dyed silk and damask outer robes pooled to the floor, soon joined by jade and ivory pendants thudding dully atop the pile.

As the opulent markers of status and favor heaped higher, the Crown Prince observed each man shrivel further under his cutting stare. Yet still he was not satisfied. Heartlessness had festered too long amongst these elite halls. He would excise it wholly, starting now.

When the group stood shivering in thin underlayers against winter's creeping chill, Prince Yisan scoffed. "Did I not pronounce everything granted by the palace forfeit? You wear more still."

The implication made them blanch in unison. "B-but Your Highness!" one protested through clacking teeth. "We shall freeze in nothing but skin!"

The Prince speared him with blistering eyes. "You forfeited all rights to comfort when you turned against my house and rule. Now obey the crown command! Take it off or my men shall assist personally."

He stopped before now-humble Minister Park who first voiced his complaints against Princess Neeria. "You will publicly recant every slight and beg forgiveness from your rightful future queen. Then spend the remainder of your days confined, considering more prudent uses for idle tongues."

The Crown Prince swept his piercing gaze across the room of disgraced men. "Justice comes for all eventually. Pray you have not strayed beyond redemption when it finds you." At his sharp nod, soldiers advanced to escort the prisoners away for sentencing.

As the shuffle of footsteps echoed down the corridor, Prince Yisan checked their retreat. He turned with a storm brewing behind his eyes as Elder Kim's reedy voice reached him on their way out, muttering, "...that foreign wench shall spell ruin for this kingdom..."

In three long strides, the Crown Prince pinned the old man by the throat to the blood-red pillar beside them. Elder Kim's rheumy eyes bulged in shock, hands scrabbling frantically at the viselike grip cutting off his breath.

Prince Yisan tightened his hold, the man's face purpling. "My wife is the reason your wretched bones don't now molder in a traitor's grave."

He squeezed harder, lips barely moving against Elder Kim's ear as the old man's struggles weakened. "Speak my wife's name again with your ill tongue, and death shall be a mercy," he threatened in a low, dangerous tone.

The Prince opened his hand, and the minister collapsed, ragged gasps echoing off the stone walls. Yisan towered over his cringing form. Disgust carved harsh lines across his face as he stared down at the recalcitrant minister.

"Have you wizened fools learned nothing?" Prince Yisan gave him a forceful shake. "No one 'allowed' my marriage. It was going to happen regardless of your wants!"

With scorn, Prince Yisan flung the man violently aside. Elder Kim skidded across the polished floor as the incensed Crown Prince indicated the doors. "Remove this sniveling lot from my court at once! They shall reside in the very cells they once condemned others to until I decide their fates."

The subdued group offered no resistance as soldiers came to march them forcibly away. The Crown Prince watched with merciless eyes as the chastened ministers were marched away under guard, the heavy doors slamming shut behind them. Quiet fury still emanated from his taut frame at their ongoing audacity in questioning Princess Neeria's legitimacy and capability.

The King stood observing his incensed son, remaining characteristically silent and unmoved by the recent fraught confrontation. As the disgraced noblemen were escorted past, he waved away their sputtered pleas for mercy or sympathy.

"Were it not for my son's rule left in your stewardship, I would have expired long ago thanks to your corrupt failings," the King pronounced coldly. The ministers quailed further under such impassive disdain from their monarch who once relied upon their guidance.

Before anything further could transpire, a messenger arrived to discreetly inform the Crown Prince his wife had returned to their private chambers after visiting Lady Han Bin. Prince Yisan visibly brightened at these happy tidings, tension easing from his frame.

He quickly offered apologies to take his leave; state matters could wait briefly. His father merely shook his head at the vast change overcoming his serious son whenever Princess Neeria entered the equation. Still, a hint of pride glinted seeing Yisan take fierce command of the court just now.

The Crown Prince swiftly made his way back to Neeria's, eager to lay eyes on his wife's beloved face after handling difficult ministers. Striding through the doors, his gaze immediately landed on Neeria nestled comfortably amongst cushions near the windows.

She glanced up from her book, lighting up at his entry. "And to what do I owe this wonderful surprise?" Setting her scroll aside, Neeria patted the space beside her invitingly. "I thought state affairs would claim you late into the evening."

Yisan waved a hand breezily even as he sank, enfolding her frame happily into his arms. "Think nothing of it. Merely missed my better half and had to steal away briefly." He nuzzled into her fragrant hair with a contented sigh, the very picture of casual relaxation.

His wife eyed him knowingly even as she leaned indulgently into his loose embrace. "Hmm, I the court was perfectly amenable and meetings quite peaceful then?" Her gently teasing tone made him chuckle ruefully.

"Can I not wish to admire my wife whenever I please?" Yisan teased, eliciting ticklish laughter from Neeria as she relaxed into his embrace. The musical sound never failed to lift his spirits. He simply held her close, breathing in profound contentment.

In the glowing days that followed, change swept Joseon's royal court. Allies returned home across gentle seas as condemned traitors faced exile's harsh shadow. The seasons slowly settled to warmer days as the winter departed.

When the late afternoon sunlight of spring filtered into the bedchamber, it found Yisan gently kneading scented oil into Neeria's bare feet as she reclined contentedly. Now at the end of her first term carrying the future heir, his wife's frame had grown round and maternal.

"Does this help ease the soreness?" he asked softly so as not to shatter the peaceful aura enveloping them.

She sighed blissfully at her husband's ministrations, a small smile playing on her lips. "Very much so, my love. Our little one seems to siphon all energy straight from my feet some days."

His responding chuckle was low and tender as deft fingers worked to untangle tension from delicate arches and heels. After gently slipping embroidered slippers onto her feet to ward off the chill, he shifted up beside her, one palm automatically straying to caress the precious stomach where their child was nurtured safely.

"And is your stomach settling as well today?" The Prince kept his tone hushed, committed to nourishing the serene haven they were building.

Neeria nodded against his shoulder as her breathing deepened. She could feel the weight of sleep settling in, dragging at her eyelids and making them increasingly harder to keep open.

"You know, it feels like it is becoming harder to resist you," she mumbled to herself, the words almost slurring together in her drowsy state.

He chuckled slightly, his hand still stroking soothingly across her back. "Was it ever easy? Surely I assumed it was just as hard for you as it was for me."

Neeria rolled her eyes and turned away from Yisan, pretending to be offended. "Fair enough, but it's not that I can't control myself around you, I think it's more the changes causing it." she huffed playfully.

Yisan laughed again and gently tickled her sides, causing Neeria to squirm and giggle. She couldn't stay mad at him for long though, especially as charming as he was.

Giving in with a smile that Yisan was unable to resist, Neeria turned back towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He trailed whisper-soft kisses first along her forehead, then down the bridge of her nose before finally capturing her mouth with profound reverence, slowly savoring the taste of her mouth that still tasted like honey tea from earlier. The smell of fresh flowers from the garden mixed with the subtle scent of peony oil in her hair filled his senses, making him feel like he was home regardless of where they were.

They sat there in comfortable silence for what seemed like hours, just enjoying each other's company and presence. His fingers trailed up and down her arm playfully as he kissed his wife's parted lips softly, again. She melted into him entirely, responding with a sigh that made him smile against her mouth.

His hands continued up her thighs, spreading them apart until he could feel the warmth between them. She moaned softly against his lips when he began stroking two fingers inside of her. He groaned into the kiss, feeling how responsive she was to his touch. Her hips bucked against his hand slightly, her body dancing into his touch.

Their mouths moved in time, their tongues dancing in a slow, sensual rhythm. Her soft breaths mingled with Yisan's as his fingers continued to move inside Neeria, his thumb brushing against her sensitivity with each stroke. Her moans became more pronounced, each one echoing through the chamber.

He felt her muscles tighten around his fingers, her walls gripping him as she slowly released, her body trembling against him. He felt her softly spill down his fingers, and he couldn't help but groan into the kiss, feeling how much she was enjoying this. Her slow breathing was majestic, as she let go of any restraint to control herself, not by choice but the pure enjoyment of his tease, he continued.

"Ahh... Je-...," she whimpered his name in a whisper-soft plea. His mouth quirked into a devilish grin at her reaction, making his presence clear between her spread thighs. He reveled in the sight of her – all dewy and glistening under the muted afternoon light.

His hand moved languidly as his fingers went to work once more - two dipping into the molten heat of her core while his thumb found purchase against her swollen pearl. The rhythmic stroking elicited a chorus of sighs from Neeria's lips, each one progressively louder than the last as he stoked the fires within her.

The husky moans reverberating through their chambers were music to Yisan's ears. His fingers moved inside of her with practiced precision, hitting all the right spots and driving her onto new peaks of pleasure. Each groan and gasp from Neeria spurred him on further; feeding into his own mounting desires.

He watched as waves of orgasm crashed through her body, rendering her speechless and shaking beneath his touch. Feeling her tremble beneath him sent ripples of satisfaction coursing through Yisan's veins. He reveled in the feeling of her slick essence trickling down his fingers, proof of just how much she enjoyed their intimate dance.

Pulling away from their heated kiss, he looked deeply into her eyes as he slowly withdrew his fingers from within her folds.

" Hopefully that eases some pressure, my love." He stated before taking in her lips again. Neeria smiled at him, her eyes shining with affection, before they closed once more. Their bodies still tangled together on the bed, their breathing slowly returning to normal.

" Alot...thank you," she breathed, her voice filled with gratitude, despite her sarcastic attempt. "Do you want me to say...Your touch... it's like nothing else in the world."

Yisan smiled back at her, "I mean isn't it?" He smiled.

All she could do was nod softly, as he teased.

" As it should be, my love," he murmured, "As it should be."

He paused for a moment, his eyes taking in the sight of her, so relaxed and still clutching the sheets beneath her.

Elsewhere, Scholar Hyun Seok happened upon Lady Jinsun and Uhn Yuhn observing the disgraced ministers laboring:

Scholar Hyun Seok shuffled down a covered walkway overlooking the south gardens, arms overflowing with scrolls needing translation. The old academic's shuffling gait faltered when his path intersected unexpectedly with two ladies gazing out at the vista below.

Hurriedly adjusting his grip on the precariously tilting manuscripts, Seok opened his mouth to offer a polite apology when recognition dawned. "Ah, Lady Jinsun! And the young prodigy herself, Lady Uhn Yuhn?" He bobbed his head respectfully to both.

Following their gaze downward, Seok noted rows of once powerful ministers now stripped of ostentatious robes and set to tending soil under watchful guards. Shock registered briefly before Jinsun's low approving laughter regained his attention.

"Our Prince does not hesitate when offended, it seems! Though I admit some satisfaction seeing the hubris sweat out under such labor..." Mirth crinkled her eyes before she turned them politely to Seok. "You're one of the only one of the original court still standing, it seems. Are the new ones coming in nicely?"

Uhn Yuhn spoke before he could respond, smirking as Lady Yoon stumbled past, weighted down by soiled garments.

"What can we say? Evil isn't rewarded in this life or the next. Some of them should've been even more mindful!" She said as she dumped an armful of pants into the disgraced woman's arms blithely. "Here you are - mind you wash these well!"

Seok bit back his own amusement as he offered Jinsun a simple bow between their shared mirth. "I believe Prince Yisan has things well in hand..." Taking his leave, he paused before turning back with uncharacteristic hesitation. " Lady Yuhn...might I trouble you for a private word?"

Uhn Yuhn blinked, then nodded graciously, following him down a secluded covered walkway. Their sandals echoed in an awkward rhythm on the stone-tiled path.

Just as Uhn Yuhn drew breath to gently break the tense silence, Seok inhaled a shuddering breath. His age-stooped shoulders shook subtly as he kept pained eyes averted.

Uhn Yuhn felt her own vision grow warm on her face as she looked away to wipe them. Scholar Seok continued to lead Uhn Yuhn down a quiet palace walkway, without any destination, hesitation slowing his normally brisk scholarly strides. Throat working soundlessly, he wrung his hands within billowing sleeves, avoiding the young woman's curiosity.

After several false starts, Uhn Yuhn gently interjected. "Forgive me, have I caused some offense, sir?"

"No!" Seok nearly shouted before collecting himself with a pained grimace. "Apologies, I merely..." He risked a peek at her polite concern. "I wished to make amends for...past negligence as, well, as..."

Uhn Yuhn's eyes widened, words dying as realization dawned. An awkward pause of amusement found itself on the corner of her lip.

"The, er, weather has been fair, has it not?" Scholar Seok ventured weakly. He cringed at his own wooden remark. "I only mean life carries...storms and gladdens this old man to see you endured..."

Mortification colored his wrinkled cheeks at such graceless floundering. But to his astonishment, a stillness settled across Uhn Yuhn's face before her mouth quirked gently.

"The skies seem all the brighter lately, yes..." She tilted her head, joy and sorrow both shading her smile as a fragile connection sparked. They were both silent for a bit in between conversations.

Uhn Yuhn trailed one hand lazily across the lush garden foliage. "As a small girl, I often imagined riding high on my father's back..." She glanced coyly sideways. "Think you up for such play now, old scholar?"

Seok took a moment before reacting, which slowly turned into a scoff, though his eyes crinkled good-naturedly. "This weathered frame boasts some strength!" He theatrically flexed one thin arm.

Uhn Yuhn's burst of guffawing laughter made Seok halt in surprise before he too dissolved into hearty chuckles.

Wiping tears of mirth away daintily, Uhn Yuhn managed, "Perhaps we ought not to risk toppling your priceless learning should I prove too heavy a burden..."

She bumped his shoulder gently with her own. "Let us simply enjoy this stroll together for now - that provides joy enough for me today."

Seok patted her hand, gratitude welling up. How easily she offered forgiveness he hardly deserved. He guided his daughter further down the fragrant tree-lined paths.

Much later, a rosy sunset spilled across palace spires, when Prince Yisan found Uhn Yuhn strolling alone, lost in thought. Falling into step beside her, he cleared his throat.

Turning to find Crown Prince Yisan approaching purposefully, she gave a respectful bow.

"No need for such formality," Yisan admonished with easy familiarity. Falling into step beside her, he gestured vaguely over one shoulder. "I wanted your thoughts on utilizing General Yeongho's skills going forward... though he's lost title. He is still rather skilled."

Uhn Yuhn angled him a quizzical look while politely maintaining his leisurely pace. "With all respect, Jeoha, what does that have to do with me?"

The Crown Prince scoffed. "Surely you didn't think the role of Neeria's sister only comes with luxury, right? As a member of the court, it's your job to also manage some things. In good judgment, of course." Seeing her begin to protest, he steered their path unhurriedly toward the open-air soldiers' mess instead while waving aside her questions.

Once amongst the noisy apprentice guards at mealtime, Yisan drew Uhn Yuhn discreetly forward until they stood by a particular athletic trainee she noted at the wedding. The Prince expertly maneuvered the young man over as an introduction.

The athletic young guard bowed low before the Crown Prince and Lady Uhn Yuhn once he was waved over. "Your Highness honors me. How may this humble servant aid you?"

Yisan laid an avuncular hand on the still awkwardly bent man's shoulder. "First - take ease. I just thought I'd make an introduction." Yisan subtly angled the guard to face Uhn Yuhn more fully, ignoring her puzzled look.

"This is the new overseer, to monitor General Yeongho's training of recruits, Uhn Yuhn," Yisan announced without preamble. Behind the soldier's back, he shot Uhn Yuhn a challenging glance to play along. "Uhn Yuhn is someone I trust. She may not look it, but she's very much one for order, even General Yeongho is fearful of her."

Oblivious, the guard bowed again. "I shall endure all necessary to prove worthy, then under your eyes, Lady Uhn Yuhn."

Uhn Yuhn's eyebrows rose, though she kept her tone smooth. "Oh yes, the honor is mine..." She risked the guard a timid smile.

Just then the mess hall bell clanged, signaling the end of the meal break. The soldier hastily saluted both royals before marching off with his still-astonished peers.

As soon as he moved out of earshot, Uhn Yuhn rounded on Prince Yisan, irritation creeping into her hushed tone.

"A word about this mysterious new post you've invented?" She kept irritation from her voice with effort. "I know nothing about this stuff."

Yisan waved airily. "Consider it utilizing resources wisely..." His knowing look brought the heat to her cheeks before he ushered her briskly back towards the central palace, grin belying further meddling intent.

After leaving Uhn Yuhn in her confusion, Prince Yisan left to finish some work where he proceeded to review military documents in the shadowy library, with Lady Neeria's head resting in his lap as she dozed gracefully, her face toward him.

Hearing the creak of the heavy doors, Yisan lifted his gaze as a solitary figure entered hesitantly.

"I confess I am uncertain how to introduce myself properly now..." Former General Yeongho attempted an ironic jest regarding his disgraced status, but the quip landed hollowly in the ensuing silence.

Studying his once esteemed commander, Yisan slowly set his scroll aside, though his face remained impassive. "Dishonor arrives through one's own trespasses, does it not?" Neither absolution nor condemnation colored his words.

In Yisan's lap, Neeria tensed subtly at the familiar voice that still haunted dreams before forcing herself to remain feigning sleep. Noticing the nearly imperceptible reaction, Yisan absently stroked Neeria's hair, hoping to aid her in returning to her nap.

Prince Yisan idly turned a page in his military journal, his features betraying nothing. "You boasted impressive leadership once. However, arrogance became your doom."

His glance fell to his resting wife, equal parts protective and rueful. "Through gross mishandling of her trust, you brought Neeria unjust hardship. And granted me a priceless fortune in return..." Yisan raised piercing eyes back to the dishonored general. "So I suppose bitterness holds little room to take root ultimately since your foolishness was part of our fate."

Former General Yeongho shifted in discomfort. "I owe deepest apologies to you and Lady Neeria, Highness..."

Prince Yisan raised one hand, halting the words short. "I remain satisfied with your foolishness." His gaze fell on his slumbering wife. "I would be a hypocrite to tell you I wish you were a better man."

Yisan looked back up firmly. "As for my wife - she's resting, and quite tired. The day Neeria desires your contrition and apologies shall reveal itself in time on her terms. For now, at least, I'd like to not disturb her peace."

As he said those words, one tear slipped through Yisan's hanbok, on his lap, followed by the subtle tightening of Neeria's hand twisting softly into his robes. Barely noticed by anyone other than the crown prince, he softly caressed her shoulder.

Inhaling deeply in the heavy stillness, Yisan then prompted bluntly, "Did you require something further this night? Or may my family take peace in our sanctum once more?"

Properly dismissed, Yeongho wordlessly handed military documents to the crown prince and departed without fanfare into the echoing darkness.

The crown prince didn't say much; he simply continued massaging her hair until she eventually truly fell asleep.

The next evening, as if nothing had occurred the previous night, whispered tickles and trots of rain pranced merrily outside as leaves frolicked in the frisky wind. Neeria peeked out the window, admiring the rainfall's melodic pitter-patter as it drummed gently on the rooftop. She inhaled the sweet scent of petrichor, which skipped in through the slightly ajar doors like a sprightly deer.

Assuming her distraction, Crown Prince Yisan set aside his calligraphy, where the ink stroked and swirled into intricate shapes, and joined Neeria by the window.

"Shouldn't you be resting, my love?" he asked gently, caressing her cheek.

Neeria leaned into his tender touch. "Rest will come. I'd much rather enjoy this," she sighed dreamily. In many ways, her nonchalance was a seduction in itself. He didn't debate; rather, he enjoyed her smile for a moment longer.

He was undoubtedly captivated by her beauty, his heart stirred by her words, light as they were.

"Fair enough, my dear," the Crown Prince chuckled indulgently, his rich voice like warmed honey.

Neeria's eyes twinkled with pure joy as she snuggled into the solid muscle of his shoulder, finding solace in his comforting presence.

As they gazed out at the rainfall pattering against the paned windows, the Crown Prince took her small hands within his larger ones, gently caressing. Neeria leaned back against his broad chest with a contented sigh, the strands of her unbound hair spilling over him like a braided cloak.

"Make a wish, my love," he murmured against her ear.

Neeria gave a wistful smile. "I wish I could run out in this looks ever so refreshing," she confessed. "Yet I fear catching a chill while carrying our child."

The Crown Prince tenderly swept aside wayward wisps of hair from her elegant neck. "Is that something you truly desire right now?"

Neeria nodded, still looking out at the shimmering sheets of rain. "Yes...I feel it would set my spirit at ease."

"Then stand up, my love," the Crown Prince gently bid her. An indulgent smile crept over his lips as an idea took shape.

Intrigued, Neeria turned to face her husband, searching his expression. But his smile held only tender devotion tinged with playfulness.

He bade her to wait as he strode away to retrieve a cloak. With great care, he bundled Neeria into its oversized folds until she was thoroughly swaddled against any errant raindrops.

Chuckling at her mystified yet trusting face peering out from the cloak, he gathered her up securely in his arms.

"Keep the hood raised, my love," he instructed, stealing a swift kiss on her nose. Then he was striding out into the hushed palace corridors, Neeria cradled close to his chest.

Soon Neeria detected the earthy scent of rain-washed gardens. The Crown Prince ducked through a narrow side gate, and they were outside at last. Beyond the sheltering eaves, fat droplets pattered steadily on leaves and stone.

The Crown Prince called over two nearby guards and had them hastily set up a jiusan canopy on the rain-misted path, its wide circular roof propped on stout posts.

Taking his wife in his arms, the Prince positioned them under the carved eaves, the oil-paper dome perfectly shielding Neeria from precipitation.

"There now, extend your hands if you wish, my love," he bid her warmly, pulling her close against him.

Smiling joyously, Neeria eased one slim hand from her billowing silk sleeve, letting the cool raindrops kiss her fingertips.

"Just say when you wish to return in," her husband murmured, slowly spinning her in a graceful circle as the rain pattered all around. Safe in his embrace, Neeria's lilting laughter rose sweet and clear, her smile glowing.

Around them, the rain continued its merry dance past panes. But within their haven, the blissfully secluded couple shared silence and tender connection, needing no further elaborate profession.

As if performing a duet, the rain tapped out a rhythm on the roof as the leaves rustled in harmony.


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This story will be coming to an end soon ❤️ thank you all that read and enjoyed it with me!  Make sure you check out my newest novel. " My songbird's dream." ❤️

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