
13aroness द्वारा

249K 16.2K 1.7K

She decided to do the world a favor and kept to herself ever since she was turned into a demon. Always alone... अधिक

Texas 1830
Volterra 1831
Volterra 1863
Texas 1935
Pennsylvania 1948
Ohio 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Volterra 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Not an Update
Texas 1951
Pennsylvania 1952
Alaska 1962
Alaska 1965
Montana 1966
Texas 1980
New York 1999
California 1999
Louisiana 1999
Washington 2003
Washington 2004
Washington 2005
Not an Update
New York 2005
Not an Update
Texas 2006
Washington 2006

Massachusetts 2006

1.5K 146 21
13aroness द्वारा

Rosalie and Serafina spent their gifted week from Edward in Massachusetts at a luxurious ski resort. Serafina feigned excitement about skiing to make Rosalie happy, but Rosalie knew she was faking it. She was just grateful that she still accompanied herself for everything she wanted to do without complaining because that's how Serafina was. To her, at least.

Serafina didn't hate the trip. She kept herself entertained by paying extra attention to Rosalie. She loved seeing her happy. Rosalie was happy doing things she was good at or interested in. Skiing was something she was very good at it. When some men who claimed to be professionals had offered to teach her and Serafina, Rosalie scoffed at their attempt and pulled Serafina away, and then she showed them up on the slopes. That's how good she was.

Serafina was also skilled. She was a quick study and already enhanced due to what she was. But where Rosalie was a naturally competitive person, Serafina wasn't as much. Not unless money was involved. Skiing wasn't something she was too invested in, so she would watch Rosalie. While Rosalie challenged those 'professional' skiers down double black diamond runs, Serafina would casually glide down the blues or greens before meeting up at the finish line to congratulate her.

One day during their trip, Rosalie had beaten several young men down the most challenging slope and thought she might have beaten her own record. She thought so because she managed to beat Serafina. Usually, Serafina would wait for her, but she hadn't seen her yet. Instead of waiting, she decided to go over to her; sensing her direction, she figured she was on a green run that day.

When she arrived, she found her guess was correct. She saw Serafina slowly going down the hill with several small children while laughing. She didn't know what made her mate join this group, but she wouldn't complain. She smiled at the interaction.

Although vampires couldn't sleep, they often daydreamed. At least Rosalie did. Before she was changed, Rosalie would fantasize about her future. Her husband, child, and their happy life together. After she was turned, it turned into an unhappy marriage, but still a happy life because of her child. Even after meeting Serafina, she couldn't help herself. She would think about what she should have had.

But as time went by, her fantasies changed. The last one she had was of her horrible marriage with an elite businessman, her happy child, and her bohemian female neighbor, whom the other elites scolded behind her back for her strange lifestyle because she didn't need a man to be successful. She would, of course, have an illicit affair with said neighbor, and they would run away together with her child. Her fantasies always ended in similar ways now. She never missed her husband; they were only a sperm donor. But those fantasies always included Serafina and their child now.

She knew she needed to get those sad thoughts out of her head. She didn't want to hurt Serafina anymore. She was more than happy with just the two of them. But she would see scenes like this often because her mate loved children just as much as she did, and they would constantly bring up those old fantasies.

She wanted to tell Serafina how much she loved her and that they were enough as long as they were together. Serafina said things along those lines whenever they saw each other, but she didn't. She sometimes felt she didn't say it nearly enough.

Serafina felt a lingering gaze and looked up to see Rosalie lost in thought while watching her. She stood upright and waved toward her. Rosalie seemed to be taken out of her thoughts as she smiled softly and waved back.

Serafina was there because she had found a lost child. She assumed they had gotten separated from the children's introductory ski class and returned them there. But the child didn't want her to leave; they were afraid and trusted Serafina, so they wanted her to stay until they found their parents. Thankfully, it didn't take long for one of the children's parents to come over and thank Serafina profusely for caring for her child. Serafina said it wasn't a problem, waved goodbye to that child and the others she was playing with, and jogged over to Rosalie after taking off her skis. When she ran over to Rosalie, she apologized for not meeting her and explained what had happened.

Rosalie was still in a daze and hardly paying attention because she suddenly thought of something. She interrupted Serafina, "You know I love you, right?"

"Yes," Serafina looked at her suspiciously but couldn't help smiling, "But I still love hearing it. What's up, Rosa?"

"I just, I just want you to know I love you. I love being with you and being near you. I want to be with you forever," Rosalie said seriously.

"I do too, but mi amor, are you alright?" Serafina asked with concern. Serafina was worried and glared, "Did someone say something to you? I didn't sense any threat, but point out whoever bothered you, and I'll kill them." She growled with her eyes glowing.

Rosalie took that as proof that she didn't say it enough. Her mate thought something was wrong because she gave her words of love. She didn't like that, she frowned, "No, it's nothing like that. Baby, I just wanted you to know that I love you. And I think we should be together." Rosalie finally said her thoughts.

Now Serafina was confused, "We are together," she said hesitantly. She then smirked, "Oh, I get it." She raised her brow, "We can return to our room now. We'll start our night early." She smiled as she stepped toward Rosalie and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips.

"That's not what I mean," Rosalie chuckled. She saw Serafina's smile drop, and she couldn't help but tilt her chin up as she gave her a small peck, "I mean, yes, we can do that, but that's not what I mean." She stepped back and knelt on the ground, "I mean, I want to be with you forever. Although we can be as we are, this is different. It makes it official. I don't need a husband. I never did. I need you. Please be my wife?"

Serafina's eyes glistened as they went wide. Of course, she wanted to marry her. She had been holding off on asking because, at first, it wasn't feasible. But then, when it was finally within reach since it was finally legalized in one particular state, there was a lot of drama in the family because of Edward and the human. It brought up Rosalie's old heartaches; Serafina didn't want to remind her of them.

"Are you sure?" Serafina couldn't help but ask.

Rosalie heard the quiver in her voice and felt guilty, "Of course, I'm sure. I'm sorry this was so spontaneous. I don't even have a ring." She trailed off.

Serafina reached into her pocket and pulled out two rings. Rosalie couldn't see from her position. Serafina inspected the two and handed Rosalie the gold ring with a diamond. Rosalie looked at her questioningly, "Do it again." Serafina encouraged with a giant smile on her face.

Rosalie, who was initially nervous, giggled at her mate, "Do you just carry rings with you all the time or-" she tried to question.

"Shh, don't ruin the moment," Serafina whined, "Do it again!"

"I'm sorry," Rosalie smiled lovingly at her, "Serafina Hart, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Serafina said excitedly as she gave her hand to Rosalie to put the ring on her finger. Once Rosalie stood, the two hugged and kissed again.

"Now, back to the ring, do you just carry it around all the time?" Rosalie asked.

"Yes, two rings, actually. Now dame tu mano," she said. Rosalie gave her a questioning look but obliged. Serafina then put a gorgeous platinum ruby and diamond ring on her finger. Rosalie's jaw dropped at the extravagance. "You beat me to it, but I've always known I wanted to marry you and was waiting for the perfect time to ask," Serafina explained. It was Rosalie's turn for her eyes to glisten as she embraced her fiancée.

The two couldn't stop hugging for a while, and when they separated, they turned to head back to the resort to celebrate. They heard clapping from nearby. The greens the two were on weren't far from the resort, and the other guests and employees were watching them. Beautiful people naturally drew attention. Once their moment was done, an employee made their way over to them, "Congratulations! What is your room number? We'll have champagne sent up to the room on the house." He smiled.

When Serafina gave their suite number, the young man took note of sending chocolate-covered strawberries for such a prestigious guest to go with the champagne. After all, they had to make a good impression on the big spenders. He nodded as he stepped away to prepare. He didn't know the two wouldn't even take advantage of their hospitality.

The two celebrated in their room for the next two days of the trip and skipped the snowball fight event. As they lay in bed, side by side, they just looked at each other; Rosalie pushed some hair behind Serafina's ear, "You know we're in Massachusetts, right?" she asked.

"I thought that was why you asked," Serafina answered.

"Nope, I just realized at that moment how much I wanted to marry you," Rosalie honestly answered. She grinned, "It's perfect, we can just elope."

Serafina frowned, "You said before that when you used to dream of your wedding, it was a big one?"

"Yes, but I want us to be married as soon as possible. I don't need the big wedding, just you," Rosalie explained.

"I love that you keep saying that," Serafina said as she kissed Rosalie, "But I want you to get your big wedding. Plus, are you okay with the family not being there? I mean, I'm alright with that. But I didn't think you would be."

Rosalie's brows furrowed, "They haven't been checking in as much anymore. I don't even think Alice has been checking on our futures lately, either. They're more concerned about Edward and his human. I don't think we should hold ourselves back because of them. We'll tell them sorry." She shrugged, "We'll invite them to the next wedding." She grinned.

Serafina smiled, "I'm ready to get married as soon as possible. But I want to give you your big wedding."

"You can't get that put together so quickly. That's okay," Rosalie smiled.

Serafina scoffed now, "Oh ye of little faith," she said as she got up and dressed.

"No, where are you going?" Rosalie groaned.

"To give you your big wedding. I'll be back," she said as she kissed her on the cheek and left the room with her mobile phone.

Serafina called the closest law firm that originated in her town. It was in New York. She explained the situation. The people there didn't know her specific situation and only knew to appease her every wish as though she were a queen. She gave them a monetary limit, which was quite over the top, and orders on what she wanted. They agreed to have it ready by the date she requested.

Once done, she extended their stay in the suite, returned to her room with Rosalie, and entertained her until the day she selected. She only told Rosalie that they would be wed by the end of their trip and left it at that. It was going to be a surprise.

The following week, Rosalie heard a knock on the door and grinned. Her gift had arrived. She quickly dressed and opened the door while Serafina looked at her in confusion. She soon returned with her hands behind her back and made her way to Serafina on the bed, "Happy Valentine's Day!" she said, bringing the bouquet of roses she had ordered forward.

"Oh! Wow, thank you, mi amor!" she hesitated, and Rosalie's smile faltered, "I'm so sorry, I forgot. But I swear I'll make it up to you! Let's get ready and go out! We can go to that more upscale mall we passed earlier, and you can pick whatever you want!" Serafina tried to explain.

Rosalie smiled, "It's not a big deal. Yes! Let's get ready and go shopping!" She tried to bring her enthusiasm back up. Serafina never forgot. She always gave her a bouquet of her Middlemist Reds for every Valentine's Day, but she was busy. The couple had just gotten engaged the week before, and she knew Serafina had been very busy recently with speaking to her people to set everything up quickly. She couldn't get mad.

Serafina didn't drive unless Rosalie asked, or it was a special occasion. Serafina quickly jogged over in her heels and opened the passenger side door for Rosalie. Rosalie knew she was trying to make her happy and took her seat. Once Serafina closed the door for her, she jogged to the driver's seat and asked for the keys, which Rosalie readily handed over with a smile. She was still downcast but knew Serafina was trying to make up for it. But even when Serafina tried to make idle chit-chat, her heart wasn't in it. She tried not to show her unhappiness but couldn't help herself.

When they drove past the mall, Rosalie finally looked up. She looked over at Serafina, who had a smug grin. But she didn't say anything, so she didn't either. Now, there was an expectation that she couldn't shake. Rosalie couldn't help but smile. Did Serafina remember after all?

They soon drove up a private drive and to a large private estate. There were roses everywhere, and soon, they met a group of lawyers and others whom Rosalie recognized as the town's current council. The current mayor walked up to Rosalie and handed a wedding bouquet to her. It consisted of Middlemist Reds.

"Have I ever forgotten a Valentine's Day before?" Serafina asked with a smirk.

"No," Rosalie admitted with a smile.

Several stylists popped out from inside the estate and separated the two women to get ready for their day. Rosalie was in awe at the splendor of the wedding. It hit all of her wishes for her dream wedding. It was decked in white and silver. Aside from her bouquet's Middlemist Reds, all other flowers were red roses.

Rosalie wore a classic white lace mermaid dress, while Serafina wore a white lace sheath style. When Serafina entered first, she could hear the sharp inhalations from the witnesses. She couldn't help but smirk as she went forward to wait for her love. When the music played, Serafina heard the whispers of praise for her love's beauty. She couldn't help but well up with pride as her eyes glistened at the sight.

The ceremony was beautiful. The council, who knew the two, were only slightly surprised after hearing what would happen but never said anything to express it. They only wished them well. On the other hand, the lawyers were speechless when they found out that the wedding reception was left entirely for themselves, the witnesses, more so when they found that the money they saved from their employer's upper limit would be gifted to them in celebration of the wedding since Serafina was in such a good mood.

Texas 2006

After the wedding, the couple flew down to the private airport in Serafina's town by themselves, where two elderly men were at the airport awaiting them. They smiled excitedly at the two.

"I heard my grandbaby got hitched!" the darker-complected man said as he held his arms open for a hug.

"Congratulations, Little Hart!" the lighter man said happily as he waited for his turn.

"Actually," Serafina said as she left Walt's embrace to hug Clarence. She released them and saw them hugging Rosalie in turn as well. She stepped back and took her place beside Rosalie, who smiled lovingly at her, "That's going to be Mrs. Hale from now on." She smiled.

"Until the next wedding anyways," Rosalie mumbled quietly into Serafina's ear before kissing her cheek. She then grabbed Serafina's hand and began walking with her toward the exit.

As the four walked out of the airport, Serafina turned to the two older men, "How are you guys liking town?" she asked.

"We can see the sun here! It's amazing," Walt said excitedly, "We should have faked our deaths years ago! It was just hard to put together since we're old."

"You're old," Clarence muttered.

Walt ignored him, "So thanks again, Little Hale!" he said, raising his brows provocatively at the 'Hale.' The girls couldn't help but chuckle.

"The people here are nice. They treat us a lot better for knowing you. Making them think you're a descendant of their founder was a stroke of genius. I don't know how you came up with it," Clarence brought up, "Or are you actually a descendant?" he asked with suspicion.

"Nope, not a descendant," Serafina winked.

"We bow to your mastery of the con," Clarence said with a slight bow. Walt tilted his hat to her in a sign of respect of his own.

Rosalie grinned at their antics, but once they made it outside, there was a car waiting, "Well, I'm sorry, gentleman, but it's our honeymoon. She's going to be busy for a while." She said with a wink of her own.

Both men had raised brows as they nodded in appreciation and waved goodbye. The couple were then driven to their home, where they stayed for a week straight before they had to leave to hunt.

The photographer they had hired for the wedding was from town. He prioritized the two's wedding and provided them with all the photos and negatives. He had specially blown up a large picture onto a canvas with a custom frame of only the two women in their dresses, as requested by Serafina, who then had it hung on their wall at home. The two would admire the large photo while perusing their other wedding photos. They had been doing it daily since they had received them, usually after their trips to town.

In all the time since their trip to Massachusetts and the wedding, the two had only received two check-in calls from the family. But they were short and straightforward. They hadn't even asked if the girls had anything new happen to them, which hurt Rosalie quite a bit. So, she made it a point not to say anything at all.

But one particular day in March, Rosalie received a call from an upset Alice, who believed the human killed herself. She had seen the two giving Bella the necklace in the past. She hoped it meant the two were finally okay with the human and decided to tell them about her vision to see if they would help her. She wanted them to meet up with her while she checked in on Chief Swan because of the situation, but she was sorely mistaken.

"Huh, I didn't see that coming," Rosalie shrugged with a blasé attitude.

"Maybe now we can join up together again. We should tell the idiot so he can come back," Serafina suggested.

"What? No! He'll be heartbroken!" Alice said in shock, "I thought you guys liked her now. You gave her the necklace back! How can you say it like that? Like you don't care."

"We never said we liked her," Rosalie said with confusion.

"We just weren't going to let Edward take something we gave her. That's all. No big deal." Serafina explained. She then thought for a moment, "Shouldn't we tell him the girl died? Or are we going to pretend like nothing happened?"

Alice was upset. She hoped they would show sympathy. This wasn't how she thought they would react, but she didn't actually see. She probably should have checked beforehand so she wouldn't be so upset now. She told them not to say anything to Edward. They should wait until he came back to explain it to him. She thought it would be better to do with everyone present to help him cope. But she was already almost back to Forks, so she immediately disconnected.

"Rude," Serafina said.

"He hasn't been back in all of these months. I'm thinking he won't be back anyways," Rosalie said to Serafina.

"Maybe he'll come back for the funeral?" Serafina asked.

"That's true. We should tell him. He was right; he had managed to stay away from her all this time. I guess she wasn't his mate after all," Rosalie shrugged. She then dialed Edward up over the phone and told him about the girl's death. If the girl were gone, he'd probably be fine to rejoin them. But he disconnected from her almost immediately as well after she told him.

"Your siblings are rude," Serafina growled.

"Do you hate your in-laws?" Rosalie asked seductively as she dropped the phone and went to Serafina, where she sat in her lap, "Will you please be nice to them? For me?

"Anything for you." Serafina grinned as she kissed her slowly. The two didn't think anything of the situation and continued to enjoy their world of two. Neither knew what troubles they just caused for the rest of the family.

----- A.N.

It's a Christmas miracle! 

Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays!

Thanks for sticking with me. I'll keep putting chapters up as soon as I can. Still once a weekend but as you can see, if I get time, I'm totally down to do more, I just can't promise those.

 I'm kind of getting antsy myself but for a different reason. I keep getting ideas for the Marvel one I had mentioned I wanted to do before. But I keep refusing to put anything down because if I do, I'll totally stop doing this one. I know myself...

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