Mafia's Innocent Angel ( unde...

By MelissaAlaura

93.9K 1.6K 62

Hello readers I have recently received an offer with wattpad so I have put this story back on here , I will t... More

First incounter
Getting to know her
Marissa snaps
Found Angel's father +
Angel confronts her father
Making her mine
The dark side of Angel
Angel's Past
Angel's biological parents
Tina's back
In a coma and pregnant
Need her to wake up
Angel's subconscious
Gabriella Cruz
Instant sister connection
Our wedding day
The reception p1
The reception p2
Honeymoon fun
Gabby learns the truth
Miguel's fuled with rage
Baby shower /gender reval
Under attack
Saving mama p1
Saving Mama p2
8 months pregnant, and mama won't wake up pregnant,
( Time skip ) Looking for a nanny
( Time skip ) Look who escaped
Marisha ( Who is the father )
Miguel's quality time with Junior
Painful wait
Let the torture begin
Big mess / Should I tell her the truth
Marisha final end
Family bonding time
Visiting Nathan
Babies baptism
Emiliana's truth
Caught the Doc
Labour and trauma
The twins
My Angel, My baby girl
Family time
Quality time
Christening time
Junior's surprise
Junior and Camila's first date
Italy p1
Italy p2
Junior secret mission
Who got shot
Miguel's funeral
Let the torture begin
Watching over you all
Ending Roberto
The real Matilda
My Miracle, My Principessa
Angel's own torture for Miguel
Miracle's surprise tea party
Goodbye Camila
Epilogue P1
Epilogue p2


278 3 0
By MelissaAlaura

Anothony- I am in my room just laying in bed drinking, thinking about what just went down and is it possible that I could be the father , Part of me will be happy if I am and the other part of me feels disgusted not about the baby no way but disgusted about how I could ever get to a point where i would fall so low to sleep with that puttana and if I am the father she will come with me as soon as she is born, I already know that crazy bitch is gunna die the only reason she is not dead now is because she is pregnant and Angel won't let an innocent baby be punished for what the mother is even Miguel as ruthless as he is even before he meet Angel he wouldn't do that.
One of the main things that are running in my head is will my baby be a addict baby she is 6 months pregnant thats 3 more months to go will the medication she is force to take help the baby will the baby have problems when she is born because of her poor excuse of a mother i know she blames Angel but no one forces her to do it and Me not even Miguel or any of the top guys where informed about her.
I shut my eyes and I pray to god that if she is my daughter let her be okay let her not be affected and if she has problems developmentally I will do everything in my power to help and provide and protect her with every breath I have.
I see the sun peeking through, I look over at my phone and see that it is 6.30am I decided to get up and head down stairs maybe hit the gym till I here the news Capo said I could take the day off so i get up wash my face brush my teeth and head down to the gym.
I start pumping the weights no stop my mind won't leave it alone that baby thats inside that disgusting woman could be mine
I look at myself in the mirror and the pain i feel is visible for every one to see thank god no one is here.

I have been going at it for hours I got here at 7.30am its now 1130 I put the weights down and head to the treadmill maybe going for a run will clear my head.
I've been running for about an hour when my phone buzzes and there a msg from Miguel telling me the results are in and to go to the meeting room I msg telling him I'm just gunna wash up and I'll be there in 30 minutes, I put my phone down and turn the treadmill off my hands are shaking I walk straight to the showers they have at the gym after a quick shower I get dress and run straight to the meeting round were i am greeted by Dr Domingo, Miguel and 30 of the other men and of course Angel who has been like A sister to me she runs straight to me and hugs me tightly I take a seat next to her and Miguel as Dr Domingo stands and begins to talk.
Dr Domingo- thank you for coming And agreeing to be tested I know its not easy for a couple of you as you are Married. Okay I have the test here in My hands and the test reads as followed with 99.9 percent reading the father is Anothony Juan Santos.
Angel pov- As Dr Domingo read the results the room filled with silence I looked to Anothony and he has gone completely pale, I then look to Miguel who looks at the other men and Dr Domingo and signals them to leave, I proceed to turn to Anothony and rap my arms around him.
Angel- Its gunna be okay we will be here to help you with any and everything you are family we my not be bounded my blood by we are bounded by the heart which is just as strong if not stronger.
Anothony- Thank you Belladonna you are truly a real life walking Angel, I will admit I am scared what am I gunna do with a little girl. I have no clue about girly things I won't know how to do her hair or other girl things when she gets older but what scares me more are boys that i will have to kill if they come her way.
Angel- lol calm down you don't have to worry about that for a long time hahaha and i will help you we have plenty of room here why don't you just live here you can have a room that's attached to other room and we can make the nursery and i will be happy to go shopping for a baby girl I got three boys and when it comes to the one i am carrying I don't know what where having yet so leg me help you.
Miguel- Angel is right, you are not alone and you don't have to do it alone my family was here when you lost yours and took you in you are like a brother to me. And since we will just call her the birth giver is now here you can check in with Dr Domingo to see how she is doing I know his been monitoring the baby because she has been doing drugs and if your here the nurses and Dr Domingo will be her to help to if she has been truly effected my the drugs she will be crying and going through withdrawals it will be good having them to help with that too so what do you say fratello (brother)
Anothony- si grazie ( yes thank you)
Are you sure I mean you have three son and another baby on the way I can take care of her baby a little help, classes on doing girls hair
Angel- stop Anothony we said we want to and we mean that how bout we look for another nanny to help out since i have one the way Matilda will need help and you pay for that nanny if it makes you feel better.
Anothony- okay okay deal sounds good
Angel- prefect now i can go shopping for a little baby girl she will be here in 3 months maybe sooner Dr Domingo said that because of the drugs her body is weak she might give birth earlier so he took precaution and order a incubator just in case and feeding tubes for the baby
Miguel- you are not going anywhere baby girl, you can shop online thats it you will not go you fainted yesterday, you are pregnant you need to rest so get you ass back upstairs baby girl and i will tell the maids to bring your lunch i have to go to a meeting at cruz inc I will be back before dinner i will get the kids and we will all eat in our room.
Angel-but i am fine now I had lots of rest and now i am all good (pouting)
Miguel- no know go upstairs NOW!! Baby
Angel- fine I will do it online
Anothony- thank you Angel oh and here my card get whatever she will need before she gets here you can order and decorate her nursery how ever you like but you are only to order people what to do and how you want it, you are not to lift a finger i agree with Miguel.
Angel- agrrr I swear all you men drive me crazy, I am going now ( pouting)
Angel pov - Just as i was about to leave and go to have a rest Matilda comes in with Mateo and Alejandro sweat and fear struck her eyes I instantly run to get my boys from her as i took them she was about to speak when Miguel cuts her off.
Miguel- Matilda what wrong why do you look like you ran a marathon and where in Junior
Matilda- sorry si.sir but young master Junior well he came to know that Young miss Camila returned to Spain with her parents he started screaming and throwing things around the room as you can see one of the things he through hit young master Mateo
Miguel pov- Shit was all i was thinking I new i should have told Junior and let him have his goodbyes I didn't think he would act like this and i see Mateo's head indeed has cut above his right eye I quickly msg Dr Domingo to come and look at it, I kiss Angel and both my boys and told her to take them to our room while i go deal with Junior this would've never happened if he was a normal one year old he probably would of forgotten her, look not saying having a genius for son is a bad thing but how am I gunna deal with this I get to the door of the playroom and i take a deep breath telling myself that no matter what it looks like or what he had done remember he is your son and he maybe a genius but he is still one years old so don't lose it , I kept chanting that over and over again I could already hear things breaking on the outside.

I opened the door and my jaw hit the floor it took everything in me not to scream at the destruction of this room he made, everything was broken these are not just his toys but also his brothers I know i have money and can easily replace everything but my son still needs to learn that he can't do this and this is where him been the little genius he is comes handy see if his brothers did this there is not much i can do cause they won't understand but Junior he understand and yeh i get it his upset about Camila going but she will come and visit soon.
I walk up to my son and cross my arms over my chest and stare at him he instantly stops what he is doing and faces me.
Junior- look at all this, I know your upset about Camila but this is not what you do when your upset, Do you even know what you did to your own brother Mateo while you were in the middle of tour tantrums whatever you where throwing hit him in the head Dr Domingo had to put a few stitches in your brothers head.
Junior- what , I didn't know, were is he , I'm sorry papa, why didn't you tell me, Why did you let them take Camila away she us mine, I am going to Mateo now where is he.
Miguel- Mateo is with your mama and Alejandro and I can't keep Camila here she doesn't live here she had to go back with her parents but they promise they will visit and you can face time but right now you are going now where, ahh Matilda, Damien your here.
Junior- why are they here and why can't I go I want to see Mateo
Miguel because I said so and what I say goes in this house I maybe your papa but remember I am also the Capo Matilda and Damien are going to watch you well Matilda will watch you and Damien will make sure she doesn't help you because you will clean this room i have sent for boxes up here you will pick everything up and throw them then when your done you can see your brothers and apologies to them both.
Junior- okay papa I will
Miguel pov- I could see my son is hurting, hurting Camila is not here, hurting that he hurt his brother, he didn't even realise Mateo got hurt. I walk over to Junior and pick him up and give him a little cuddle and a kiss on his forehead and tell him I come to get him soon.
I walk out and straight to me and Angel's room as soon as I open the door I hear a fit of giggles as soon as my sons see me they come running lifting there arms up for me carry them i pick them both up and spin them around they start to laugh even louder which makes me laugh too.
Angel- where is junior, why didn't you bring him
Miguel his with Matilda and Damien i am making him clean his mess up i said shrugging my shoulders
Move Miguel i am getting my son he maybe a genius but his still a baby, a baby that's hurting and my son will not clean up that mess and don't you dar fight me on this his my baby.
Angel pov - I walk straight out of our room to the kids play room I didn't look back at Miguel I didn't want to hear what he has to say right now making our one year old clean up i see my baby struggling to pick up some of the things cause there bigger then him i see Damien looking away and Matilda looking so sad at my son wanting help they both did but they know not to go against Miguel but i am not them I am his Belladonna I am his equal so when they see me they bow there heads I didn't say anything I didn't want to I just picked up Junior in my arms holding him tightly telling him its okay he doesn't have to do anything and i walk out and head straight to mine and Miguel's room.
As soon as we enter the room For the first time Junior wouldn't even look at Miguel and I could tell it hurt him these too are inseparable but when Junior looks up slightly and his Mateo he jumps out of my arms straight to his brother cuddling him saying sorry over and over again then he comes back to be again not looking at Miguel, now I really know Miguel was hurt by this cause he walked out of our room.


I was walking to the hospital wing Dr Domingo said he was doing a 3D ultrasound at first I said I didn't want to cause I don't want to see that crazy bitch Marisha he said be connected the footage to a tv in room so I could sit without see her and he will talk me through everything, I told him not to tell her I was the father because she doesn't need to know, I also wanted him to do C section but to sedate her and not do it while she is awake because I don't even want her to see my daughter I don't want her eyes to see her for even a second, which Dr Domingo agree he said he will do the C section at 38 weeks the baby will be still full term but it would be better to do it early so she doesn't go in to labour naturally and if she does before then they will sedate her right away so which ever way it goes she will never see her.
That bitch is stupid and clueless she still think she is going to keep and raise baby I told him not to tell her anything just play along with her delusional mind and when the baby comes out the only thing he can tell her is that the baby is with her papa.
As soon as the pictures came up I felt like my heart completely stopped she is not even born yet and I know she already has me wrapped I could feel the tears in my eyes coming out thats my baby girl my princess she will be my world and I promise thats what i will give you

He said these are the 3D but he will do the 4D next I couldn't help but laugh it looks like she is sticking her tongue out lol.

Thats my baby I touch the screen as if i was touching her .
Baby girl you are papa's princess zia Angel and zio Miguel are helping papa you will have everything I promise you i will be ready when you come and I can't wait for the moment I get to hold you in my arms I will never let you go princess you are papa's heart.
Even after Dr Domingo was done I just kept starring at the screen for a few more minutes until I left to go home to pack my things so i can move in with Miguel and Angel well at least for the first year or two, don't get me wrong I love that I have a princess on the way but it would of made it easy if it where i boy that i could do but Little girl might be a little hard but i will learn whatever I have to I made a promise to myself no more the 2 years then after that i will by a house a penthouse is no place for a child.

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