Veil of the Dusken Rose - #am...

By Zolatau

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Neeria, a foreign court lady, captivates Crown Prince Yi San in the restrictive world of the Joseon palace. D... More

1장 || Veil of Secrets
2장 || Echoes in Moonlight
3장 || Serenade of Shadows
4장 || In Hushed Tones
5장 || A Dance of Stars
6장 || Whispers of Dawn
7장 || Fragile Dreams
8장 || Threads of Destiny
9장 || Enchanted Reverie
10장 || Memoirs of Silence
11장 || The Hidden Garden
12장 || Melody of Whispers
13장 || Shrouded Desires
14장 || Of Roses and Thorns
15장 ||Echoes of Her Heartbeat
16장 || Resonance of Hearts
17장 || Mosaic of Memories
18장 || Lullaby of Shadows
19장 || The Painted Veil
20장 || A Distant Melancholy
21장 || Moonlit Confessions
22장 || Secrets in Ink
23장 || Whispers of Destiny
24장 || Echoes of ease
25장 || The Silence
26장 || Veil of sorrow
27장 || Portraits in Silence
28장 || Portraits in mountain tops
29장 || Prelude to Fate
30장 || Solitude's Symphony
32장 || Ephemeral Echoes
33장 || Veiled Desires
34장 || Tales of Moonlight
35장 || Reflections in Ink
36장 || The Velvet Twilight
37장 || Serenade of the Soul
38장 || Lullaby

31장 || Solitude's Revenge

1K 71 77
By Zolatau

Crown prince pov

Neeria's fingers fluttered to my chest as I leaned in, forestalling the kiss I intended. Despite welcoming the caress a moment before, her touch was now gentle yet firm in its halt.

Brows drawing together, I searched her suddenly too-bright eyes. "What troubles you, my love?"

Neeria glanced aside, teeth worrying at her lower lip. She blinked fiercely as if to banish welling tears. The gesture sent a pang through my chest. What burden was she carrying alone?

I reached to brush along her nose, and beneath her eyes. She shivered at the contact giving her a moment of calm. When at last her gaze met mine again, I read profound sorrow there alongside the edges of her eyes. Neeria sucked in a steadying breath.

"There is something...painful...I must tell you," she managed at last, voice strained. "I fear causing you grief, yet to withhold truth would be a greater betrayal."

I cradled her cheek. "Let me put it this way." i stated. "I would rather weep with open eyes than dwell deceived." Smoothing my thumb over her skin.

She searched my face before giving a tremulous nod. Taking my hands in her smaller ones, Neeria guided us to sit upon ornate cushions as she organized turbulent thoughts. I schooled my expression to careful neutrality, allowing her space.

After a lingering silence, Neeria found the words. "Lady Minyoung's hands are steeped in blood," she whispered.

I folded her rigid fingers between my own.

"Which is why she's, she's being held where she is..."

"Not just for the general, Jeoha..." she began.

I felt Neeria's hands tremble within my gentle grasp as she forced herself to continue.

"She... she also took the late queen's life," Neeria's voice broke over the words.

"..." I parted my lips to speak, however, I closed them again. I swayed where I knelt, her fragmented confession landing like physical blows.

Neeria's confession reverberated through me, the words searing into my psyche even as my mind struggled to comprehend them. Lady Minyoung - once beloved enough to be considered as a bride - had murdered my mother.

I couldn't control the violent trembling that overtook my body. Wordlessly, reflexively, I pulled my hands from Neeria's comforting grasp.

Her touch, though meant to soothe, scalded my skin which now felt too raw, too exposed. I couldn't bear comfort, sensory input, any outward stimulus. My entire world had collapsed inward, funneling down to one horrific truth.

Minyoung's poison had claimed my mother. I saw again my wild-eyed younger self fighting against the guards' firm grip as I screamed at the lifeless queen to wake up, pleaded with uncaring gods to give her back. While beyond that chamber door, just out of sight, a gloating viper dwelled.

Neeria's teary voice filtered through the roaring in my ears as she spoke again. But I could not reply. What words existed to encapsulate this cataclysmic pain, this ultimate violation of trust by one I had nearly placed beside me as co-ruler of Joseon?

I had known Minyoung's soul harbored darker impulses. But never had I conceived the depths of her cruelty, her capability for destroying innocent lives to grasp power.

In those reeling moments I was a young again - lost, betrayed, clinging to the last rags of a world I had understood while this newer, uglier truth stared me in the face. I had known loss before. But never duplicity so vile committed by so familiar a hand.

I should have known. I should have seen the malice lurking behind Lady Minyoung's simpering smiles. How often had my mother gently warned that Minyoung's sweet words cloaked darker ambitions?

I had failed the person who loved me most. That was what it felt like. My naive trust had allowed a viper into our home.

"Jeoha, I wa..." Neeria began but she paused. My palms grew warm as she recounted the story that Ji-hye had delivered.

There was silence. Then there was pacing. Then silence once more. I walked about the confines of my chamber, shame and fury leaving me trembling. I kept seeing her face. My mother's.

I halted my restless walk around the room and closed my eyes against the concerned questions in Neeria's tear-filled gaze. I could not bear her empathy when I deserved none.

Guilt and grief threatened to pull me under as I paced like a caged tiger. Minyoung would rue the day she sealed her ambitions with my mother's life.

"Crown prince Yi San..." I heard Neeria mumble, her voice tentative.

"Jeoha!!" she called more insistently when I did not respond, but I ignored her, lost in the swirling tempest of my thoughts.

Before I could gather my fragmented mind, my hand reached out in search of a weapon, anything to channel the rage and anguish tearing through me. My palm wrapped around the hilt of a sword displayed on the wall, the blade singing free with a metallic scrape.

Neeria rushed over, grabbing at my arm to loosen my grip. The sword's keen edge had softly sliced my palm, a thin line of red blossoming, but I barely felt the sting.

Muted voices and shuffling footsteps seeped under the chamber door. I recognized the heavy tread of guards approaching for their routine check-in.

Before they could knock, I whirled, the sword still clenched in my fist. "Could you all just give me a DAMN moment before arriving with something else?" My voice splintered like overstressed timber, edged with torment.

"There is always something more you all need from me! Just...just give me a moment to breathe!" I could not restrain the outpouring, weeks of strain finally cracking my composure. I stood trembling, chest heaving, as I stared at the sealed door. The guards had fallen silent outside, hesitating at the muffled sounds of their prince coming undone.

Beside me I felt a presence. I glanced to see Neeria flinched before quickly smoothing her features. I turned to her, ashamed of my outburst but unable to contain the roiling emotions inside.

"Please, I just...I need a moment alone..." I rasped, despising the ragged helplessness in my tone. My chest heaved as if I'd been drowning beneath churning realizations about the viper I had trusted. I braced one hand against my desk, head bowed beneath the crushing weight.

The door creaked and I remained lost in thought. The muted voices behind the door withdrew apologetically. I remained leaning heavily upon the desk, head hung down despairingly.

A gentle touch on my arm made me jerk back violently before I registered Neeria watching me with infinite compassion.

"Did I strike you?" I asked hurriedly.

" Stay still will you?" She said as she carefully tended to the cut on my hand, her gentle fingers working with a practiced ease, a concern suddenly gripped me.

"Neeria, Did I strike you?" I asked, again more urgently. The last thing I wanted was to have inadvertently hurt her in my own moment of pain.

She looked up, her eyes meeting mine with amusement and reassurance. A small smile played on her lips as she shook her head, dismissing my worry. "No, you didn't," she murmured softly. Holding my now bandaged hand in hers, she leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss into the palm, a gesture that spoke volumes of her care and understanding.

Relieved yet still cautious, I reached out with my free hand, gently brushing her arm, then her face, searching for any sign of injury. "Are you sure? No scratches or anything?" I asked, my eyes scanning her face for any hint of discomfort or hurt.

She only smiled wider, nodding in reassurance, her eyes twinkling with affection and mild exasperation at my overprotectiveness.

"You don't need to hide your grief from me, my love," she whispered, caressing my cheek.

"I know you want solitude, but I won't let you face such sorrow alone. If needing space is not due to embarrassment over vulnerability with me, I will withdraw. Otherwise please lean on me now as you've let me depend on your strength so often ..."

I clutched Neeria's hands, pressing them desperately to my cheeks as I stared into her gaze:"The thoughts flooding my mind right now are...are dark, my love," I confessed raggedly. "I have such frightening anger and violence that churns in me I can barely look upon you out of shame of what festers in my spirit."

I pulled away, raking hands violently through my loose hair until strands tangled around my fists. My hands twitched, imagining themselves crushing the breath from Minyoung's throat. A guttural sound of anguish tore from me unbidden.

"I want her dead, Neeria," I bit out. "A painful, slow ending for that serpent! I want her to beg for her life while looking in the face of my mother."

Neeria's fingers shifted to cradle my face as she shook her head firmly, her braids whispering.

"You could never imagine some desires I constrain myself daily from acting upon, after all the things that have occurred," she admitted bluntly.

Neeria stepped closer, eliminating any remaining space between us as she laid gentle fingers over my heart. Instantly her touch was at my back, her cheek pressing between my shoulder blades. "You are human as the rest of us. This rage storms through you because of how deeply you loved...and were betrayed." Her soft voice never wavered. "I would worry more if you did not crave vengeance."

After some time, the red haze clouding my mind began to lift. The desire to crush the life from Minyoung's scheming body still simmered hotly in my blood, but no longer overwhelmed rational thought. I stirred, lifting my head from the honey-scented sanctuary of Neeria's body.

She pulled back slightly to meet my gaze.
I opened my mouth, though I knew not what words could encapsulate my thoughts. Yet before I managed to force my  voice to function again, an apologetic cough sounded from the doorway.

We both turned to the sound of a timid palace attendant slowly open the door. Before they could say much there was a pound crash. The attendants words faded into background noise as new commotion erupted in the courtyard below.

Alarmed shouts and the unmistakable sounds of a scuffle rose to reach my ears. Exchanging startled glances with Neeria, I hurried to the window, looking down to see chaos unfolding.

There on the flagstones was Scholar Seok, usually so composed, with his hands twisted in the front of Minister Yoon's robe. To my shock, he had the cringing official pinned against the stone wall, landing repeated blows upon his bloated features. 

"Your Highness!" the captain of my guard called urgently from the fray. "How shall we proceed?"

I stared, momentarily stunned to stillness. Never had I witnessed such violence from mild-mannered Scholar Seok. A perverse thrill raced through me at seeing Yoon's panicked terror.

At last I wordlessly swept down the columned stairs onto the scene, my guard scattering hastily out of my path. Minister Yoon bucked against Scholar Seok's hold, fist swinging wildly only for Seok to slam his head brutally back into the wall with a sickening crack.

Striding forward, I dealt Yoon a harsh backhanded blow across the mouth, sending him reeling. "Have you taken leave of your senses, brawling like children?" I snarled down at his cringing form. Behind me, Seok stood panting but defiant.

When Yoon spluttered indignantly about unfair treatment, I rounded on him. "In all my years at court never has Scholar Seok lost composure without cause. Consider yourself fortunate he did not do worse!" 

I studied as he dabbed at his bloodied knuckles. Scholar Seok wiped blood from his split knuckles with detached calm. "Count this as warning, Minister," he bit out coldly. "Next time I will not put it to a stop."

I reached down and gripped Scholar Seok's shoulder warmly. "Come, let's get you cleaned up my friend," I said, beckoning him inside. Neeria followed close behind.

Soon Seok was seated, wincing as he dabbed blood from his split knuckles. I called for refreshments and fruit to ease tensions. Studying my old tutor's face, I gently probed, "Would you like to discuss what happened?"

When he scoffed dismissively, I persisted "Does this relate to Lady Uhn by chance?" At his startled glance upwards I allowed a thin smile. "I suspected a connection and pieced some things together over time. I paused a moment as I reached to grasp his shaking hand firmly.

"You owe no apologies. Were it my own flesh and blood so abused...." I paused thinking of the want of blood drained from Minyoung that I still felt. " Let's just say I understand."

I sighed before continuing conversationally. "Truthfully I considered allowing you to continue thrashing Minister Yoon." I watched emotions play across Seok's face. "But your age started to catch up to you. I thought it best to intervene."

To my surprise, Scholar Seok released a gruff half-chuckle, shaking his head ruefully. I smiled without warmth, my mind still tired from all that I found out about lady Minyoung. I gave a small smile to the scholar.

Neeria stepped closer as I stared blankly out the window, seeing nothing. Gently she took my hand and led me to a low cushion, urging me to sit. I sank down numbly, drained by the emotional tempest that had stormed through me.

Kneeling before me, Neeria lifted a pot of scented oil and soaked a soft cloth in its fragrant warmth. With infinite tenderness she began to massage my battered hands, from earlier kneading soothing circles into skin and sinew. I let out a low breath as Neeria tended to me, the tension slowly ebbing from my body under her soothing ministrations.

"Why even use your precious hands to strike that man..." she murmured, shaking her head slightly as she re-bound my injured palm. "Feels like you were imagining him to be someone else."

I rotated my wrist gingerly once she had finished, appreciating her caregiver's touch. "Yoon, Jeongsun, Minyoung, Yeongho...they are all the same," I bit out, naming the parasitic leeches.

Neeria made a soft sound of understanding as she moved to gather up sections of my hair. With practiced ease, her clever fingers began deftly plaiting the dark strands into a simple long braid, combing through snarls and tangles until every strand lay smooth. I felt myself relaxing into her touch, my ragged emotions calming.

" Fair enough." She stated. When she had finished, Neeria circled back around to face me. Without a word, she took my hands in hers once more, enveloping them in her steady warmth.

Meeting her eyes, I saw only love and steadfast loyalty shining there as she gazed at me.

"I'm not used to saying these kind of things," she admitted, biting her lip. "Though you often say them to me so eloquently..."

She trailed off for a moment before seeming to gather her confidence. Looking back to me, Neeria reached out and took my hands firmly in her own.

"We will get through this darkness together, Jeoha," she said, her voice soft but lathered with beautiful conviction. "I am here for you. I promise I will always be by your side, no matter how wild the storm ahead."

I felt an affectionate smile curve my lips at her earnest words. "Was that bitter leaving your lips?" I teased gently.

Neeria huffed, as she returned my smile. "Brutal," she confessed. Before I could respond, she leaned in swiftly and pressed her mouth to mine in a fierce, heartfelt kiss.

After we parted she looked at me: " But I care for you too much to let you question my alliance to you." She added.

I made a low sound of blissful surprise and pleasure, wrapping my arms tightly around her frame to pull her close as we lingered in the embrace.

I had no words to express the rush of gratitude I felt, so I simply pulled her close, tucking my face into her neck as she held me fast. We stayed wrapped in consoling silence as the last bitter dregs of anger seeped away, leaving me drained but comforted.

Neeria's fingers came up to cradle my face, her touch infinitely gentle. I leaned into her palm, drawing comfort from its warmth.

"I want you to allow your anger to express itself if it must," she said, her dark eyes searching mine with compassion. "But I don't want you to dirty your hands with her blood. Let her be the architect of her own demise - she does not deserve the honor of falling by your sword. Didn't you say something similar?"

I huffed a bitter laugh, the sound scraping raw in my throat. "Why, planning on doing it for me instead?" I asked, trying weakly for humor.

Neeria smiled then, a sad twist of her lips. She smoothed back an errant strand of my hair, tucking it behind my ear with a sisterly familiarity that made my heart ache.

"I'm just glad to see your spirits lifted, even if only briefly," she murmured hiding her smile. " I just might she said under her breath."

I sighed heavily, the ghosts creeping back as I pictured Minyoung's cunning face.

"For my sanity's sake, she will be brought before the court tomorrow," I bit out. "I cannot allow this wound to fester a moment longer."

I heard the rustle of Neeria's skirts as she moved. Her hand rested gently between my shoulder blades. Through the thin silk of my robe, drawing me back from the dark brink once more.

" I think that's an honorable choice." She stated before massaging my head to rest.

The following day I strode into the High Court, spine stiff and cautious. Wordlessly I ascended the dais and assumed my seat, I felt myself gaze flinty as I surveyed the gathering.

I noted with grim satisfaction that Minister Yoon's bruised countenance betrayed no trace of his usual oily smile.

I raised one hand sharply. "Bring in the accused," my voice rang out, they were somewhat detached. As if I was trying to center myself.

A rustling stir swept the nobles as armored guards ushered in Lady Minyoung. Gone were her fine silk hanboks, the jewels gleaming in artfully styled hair. Instead she stood trembling and diminished in a stained prisoner's shift, bedraggled strands escaping the stringy remnants of her topknot.

Yet defiance lingered in the set of her chin as her gaze briefly locked with mine before skittering away.

" You still hold audacity." I stated.

" loved me once...Jeoha..." she mumbled almost inaudibly, her voice thick with emotion as she raised her eyes to meet mine.

A guard wrenched her arm sharply. "Silence!" he barked. She flinched at his roughness, auburn hair falling across her face, but kept her gaze trained on me, perhaps seeking some faint remnants of warmth.

I felt nothing but coldness grip my chest. "And may none of my next lives make such a mistake again," I stated flatly. The contempt in my voice made her visibly recoil as if struck.

Her head had drooped under the weight of my scorn.

"The offenses with which you stand charged are of profound depravity," I began again, my voice relentless and biting as a winter wind. "Conspiracy against Joseon's throne. High treason. Regicide most foul..."

At murmurs from the crowded aisles I held up a hand for silence once more. My stare bore down into Lady Minyoung where she hunched between guards.

"Well do you know of what deeds I speak. By powers vested in me by heaven's divine rule, I declare you guilty of these heinous crimes."

My icy pronouncement of Lady Minyoung's guilt was met with a roar of reaction from the crowded court. I allowed the furor, drinking it in with grim satisfaction. Across the aisles Minister Yoon visibly recoiled, the candle flames dancing hypnotically in my peripheral vision.

Abruptly amidst the frenzy, Lady Minyoung's legs buckled. Her restraints rattled as she crumpled awkwardly to her knees, silken skirts pooling on the filthy stones beneath her. Mouth falling open, she clearly mouthed frantic protests but they emerged soundlessly, drowned beneath the cacophony.

I watched, unmoved by her distress. The embroidered trim of my state robes fluttered subtly with each breath I took. When the initial shock of my judgement began fading, I lifted one bejeweled hand languidly. The din tapered off expectantly under my quelling stare.

Without warning the heavy oak doors burst violently inward, banging against stone walls with echoing force. There stood a ragged messenger wearing Seongyeon kingdom's crest, chest heaving violently from exertion. My guards reacted on instinct, weapons bristling menacingly to block further entrance.

The messenger threw himself prostrate, pressing his forehead desperately into the grimy floor. His pleading words emerged muffled through arms outstretched before him.

"Jeoha, I beg you! Seongyeon humbly requests the return of Lady Minyoung into their custody!" He dared lift his gaze feverishly to meet my impassive one. "As you know she hails from a prominent family of high regard. Upon her arrival home she will face their justice..."

Annoyance flared, momentarily cracking my icy facade. Jaw clenched, I flicked my fingers in wordless command. At once guards hauled the sputtering herald back on his heels.

"Tomorrow at dawn you shall meet your fate." Inhaling the ensuing anticipatory hush I uttered her damning sentence. "Death by fire for be-–"

"Trade!" The messenger interrupted desperately. "Release her in trade for full control of commerce passages!"

Incensed, my guard stepped forward but I raised a hand, curious at this boldness. The slightest chuckle escaped me.

"To release a convicted traitor and regicide merely for transit taxes would be insulting, especially since I have no want to return working along side Seongyeon." I responded. I made to continue her condemnation when again that grating voice rang out.

"Lady Neeria!" he cried frantically. "Seongyeon hereby vows to cease all persecution of her and her people if Minyoung is freed!"

I froze, my pulse now thundering as I turned my stare upon the cringing herald. Around us courtiers tittered anxiously.

The man bit his lips, then delivered his final bargaining chip. "Her death risks internal conflict we cannot currently withstand. I implore your mercy, Jeoha!"

I tilted my head, regarding the herald where he abased himself on the tiles before my dais.

"Then why did you not lead with such a weighty offer from the start?" I asked pointedly. An uneasy ripple passed through the crowded room.

I paused my slow tread, staring down at the messenger, though he refused to meet my eyes. "Yet, never before have they interfered across borders to shield one of their own from another kingdom's justice."

The herald trembled, remaining wisely silent under my sharp regard. After an interminable moment, I crouched gracefully before him, my emblazoned sleeves whispering. Using one hand, I tilted his chin up firmly. His frightened gaze met mine.

"Look at me as I repeat your terms," I commanded, soft yet implacable. "Seongyeon will cease hounding Lady Neeria and her people... in exchange for this murderess's life?"

I searched the herald's face intently as he affirmed the terms in a rasping voice. Satisfied with his sincerity, I gave a curt nod.

"Very well. She will escape execution. However, Lady Minyoung will spend time imprisoned here before being returned to Seongyeon."

In truth, no public accusations had been made regarding the queen's death, only Minyoung's treachery against the kingdom and attempt on the general's life. I had chosen to restrain that damning piece of knowledge to avoid provoking all-out war. Still, she would not escape unpunished.

Death by fire or blade would have been a quick escape, a blessed relief for one such as her. Lingering behind bars in disgrace seemed a far more fitting fate. She would spend her days in darkness, unknown and unmourned by the nobles who once clamored for her influence.

I straightened to my full height, adjusted my embroidered sleeve cuffs fastidiously. The herald still abased himself on the floor, awaiting dismissal. With a subtle flick of my fingers I gestured for the guards to remove him from my sight.

I swept an impassive gaze across the throng of silent onlookers, their expressions ranging from shock to bloodthirsty anticipation.

After dismissing the court, I made my exit, Scholar Seok falling into step beside me.

"You should rest now Jeoha," he advised gently. "I will oversee transition details then take my leave. I shall begin working towards that matter you asked of me..."

I nodded wearily, clasping his shoulder in wordless gratitude before he bowed and departed. My feet carried me towards the library seemingly of their own accord.

There I was enveloped in memories as I gazed sightlessly across the room - my mother seated there through golden days, reading aloud as I listened raptly, unaware of the darkness looming.

A gentle touch stirred me from bittersweet reminiscing. I turned to see Neeria, her eyes brimming with empathy.

"What matter did Scholar Seok refer to?" she asked softly. I managed a small, cryptic smile.

"Merely a small task I assigned to him."

Silence fell between us once more and I felt lost staring at some long forgotten moment. Then Neeria was before me, extending her hands in invitation.

"Is there something you'd like?" I asked.

"Walk with me, Jeoha?" she implored gently.

I covered her hands with my own and raised them to brush my lips across her knuckles. "That sounds perfect, my love," I replied.

" Are we going somewhere?" I asked.

" You'll see." She smiled.

Eventually Neeria and I walked slowly through the moonlit gardens, eventually approaching Lady Hanbin's quarters. We paused at seeing her outside with a serene smile.

Before I could react, young Prince Janghyun came barreling around the corner and slammed directly into me in his excitement. I chuckled at my brother's energy and eagerly returned his grin. Behind him trotted Prince Chang, who bowed respectfully to us.

I nodded in return before Prince Chang's sister, darted out from behind him to pull at Neeria's dress. She offered a shy smile which Neeria warmly returned.

As Neeria made to follow the exuberant child, she paused, looking thoughtfully at me myself.

"Since losing her stole a piece of your heart, perhaps you can find that missing piece reflected when you gaze upon the other she left behind," Neeria suggested gently enough for only me to hear. She gestured towards my brother, indicating I should spend time with them before glancing back.

"I'll be right over there with Lady Hanbin should you need me, my love." With an encouraging caress of my arm, Neeria withdrew to give us space.

Neeria's words pierced through the haze of grief that had blinded me - Prince Janghyun was as much my mother's legacy as I. And in my awareness, I had accepted much like me, he was cheated of a lot. With him, he was cheated from even more. Maybe there was a reason why we were always so close, only assuring me I needed to not make him feel forgotten.

As my younger brother excitedly tried getting my attention, contrition flooded my heart. "Hyung-nim, look at this!" He then proceeded to ramble brightly about some childish matter.

I focused wholly on his demonstration, allowing emotions to flow freely in that moment rather than barricading them behind royal composure. Surprisingly, the darkness plaguing my mind retreated briefly, letting me simply enjoy my siblings' company.

As the evening wound down, I drew Lady Hanbin aside to quietly express my gratitude. "Thank you for caring for Janghyun and the others. I know they bring you joy as well." 

Lady Hanbin smiled gently. "Prince Janghyun has adjusted nicely here. His presence is a blessing to your siblings."

I felt a small hand tug my sleeve and looked down to see Janghyun peering up with those guileless eyes so like our mother's. "Hyung-nim, are you okay?" he asked innocently.

Unable to speak, I simply nodded and ruffled his hair. Then I noticed him glancing shyly at Neeria. He leaned in to whisper loudly, "She's really pretty!" Chuckling, I whispered back, "Isn't she?" Janghyun nodded eagerly.  

After warm goodbyes to the others, Neeria and I strolled slowly through the moonlit gardens. I shook my head in wonderment. "However did I become so fortunate as to earn your love?" 

Neeria bumped my shoulder playfully with her own. "It is I who am the lucky one, Jeoha." Spying a leaf skittering across the stones, she plucked it up pensively.

"I know too well what it is to be haunted by one's own mind," she remarked. Her eyes were distant before meeting mine. "You used to hold me when nightmares struck as I slept. Now let me keep the demons at bay for you."

We walked in thoughtful yet comfortable silence back to my chambers.

Throughout, I found my gaze lingering as Neeria hummed a nameless tune. She sat bowed over a small table, graceful fingers moving unhurriedly to loosen Jade pins from her braids. Strands of coils began to unwind and frame her face becomingly.

I listened as Neeria spoke soon after. " You know, Lady Hanbin is actually pretty good at cooking. She made these...."

Candle flames danced gently, washing her in a warm glow. She seemed to embody tranquility itself, a still pool in the chaos swirling outside our walls. I ached to join with her in that state of simply being.

Moved by tender impulse I approached, sliding down behind her. Tilting my head I replaced her busy fingers with my own. Carefully I worked loose each pin until dark coils of waves spilled freely over her shoulders, the faint scent of honey and blossom rising.

A comfortable silence enveloped us as I continued the unhurried ritual. When at last no pins remained, she tilted her face up to me. The sleeve of her hanbok adjusted as Neeria studied my gaze. "Is everything alright, Jeoha?" she asked.

Unable to resist, I bent slowly, meeting her upturned lips. For long moments, we became one.

I broke away and smiled down at her. "Everything is fine," I said.

"No words are needed right now. We can talk later," I added, looking at her lips as she looked at mine.

As if a switch had been flipped, my hands began to move across her body. I took the comb from her lap and adjusted her gaze to kiss her once more. The kiss deepened, and my hands began to roam; I felt a soft moan escape from her lips.

I could feel her breath on my skin as I moved my hand down to her neck, my fingers sliding along her skin. I could feel her breathing quicken. I moved my other hand to her shoulder.

Gently I lifted her, cradling her with a tenderness that spoke of reverence and deep connection. Our movements were unhurried, a dance choreographed by the heart's silent music.

As I carried her to the bedding area, her arms rested around my shoulder. While the soft rustle of the silk bedding whispered beneath us as I laid her down, the fabric caressing her skin like a lover's touch. The lanterns cast a golden hue over us, enveloping the room in a warm, comforting embrace.

Neeria's voice, usually so self-assured, quivered slightly as she replied. A endearing timid ness appeared she cast her eyes downward for a moment before meeting my gaze again. Her long lashes fluttered and she worries her bottom lip between pearly teeth in an uncharacteristic show of nerves.

"It's not shyness," she insisted in a hushed tone, the torchlight catching glints of mischief and boldness in her eyes despite her flustered countenance. "You're just very...alluring...and handsome, Jeoha." She stated, her hands extended to touch my hair.

A tiny hiccup punctuated her admission, and she lifted a graceful hand to her mouth in surprise, the barely audible sound belying her typical poise.

I arched an amused brow, delighting in this glimpse of the woman within the polished, perfect court lady exterior. "Did you just...hiccup, my lady Neeria?" I prodded playfully, rewarded by her eye rolling.

"You're looking too closely, again." Neeria accused without any real rancor, boldly holding my gaze with her expressive eyes. There was a tantalizing contradiction there - direct yet demure, confident yet hesitant in this vulnerable moment. It made my heart swell to see her so unguarded.

"Ah, but I cannot help but look closely at someone so lovely," I countered charmingly, giving her my full attention. "You're usually so self-assured, Neeria. I find your openness now rather...endearing."

I lifted her hand and pressed a feather-light kiss to her neck in a courtly gesture. When I glanced towards her eyes, Neeria was worrying her lower lip again but looked pleased rather than discomfited.

Gently I cupped her cheek in one hand, my thumb just barely grazing over the delicate skin there, tracing the curve of her lips. An intimacy lay in the simple caress, one that felt right, fated even. As it always did.

" Can I kiss you.. here?" I asked slowly untying her chima skirt. She opened her mouth to respond when an untimely voice interrupted from outside the room.

"Jeoha...the Queen Dowager and the King call for your audience," one of the attendants announced officiously. I suppressed a frustrated sigh, hesitating to let go of Neeria's hands nested comfortingly in my own larger ones.

"Do you think if I remain quiet he will disappear?" I stage-whispered to Neeria, my eyes alight with playful rebellion.

She covered her giggle with a graceful hand, eyes dancing mirthfully as she shook her head in wry amusement. Her lips curved into an enchanting, knowing smile that quickened my pulse.

Throwing propriety to the wind, I made a split-second decision. In one smooth motion I wrapped my arms around Neeria's waist and pulled her close, falling backwards onto the plush bedding and silken pillows with an audible oomph. Peals of breathless laughter escaped us both as we lay tangled together.

"Jeoha!" Neeria exclaimed, swatting at my chest even as her body shook with mirth. "You mustn't keep Their Majesties waiting..." But her melodious voice held a note of reluctance rather than true admonishment.

I tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear, tracing the petal-soft skin of her cheek. "Just a few stolen moments more..." I cajoled.

Heartbeats passed as we gazed at one another, the rest of the world fading away. Outside the attendant coughed discreetly. With no small amount of regret, I pressed one last fervent kiss to Neeria's lips as we helped each other up.

" I'll go check on Lady Yuhn." She smiled. I kissed her once more, and after reluctantly parting from my stolen moments with Neeria, I made my way to the grand audience hall. Upon entering,

I immediately saw my father sitting upright on his throne and my grandmother, the Queen Dowager, seated regally at his right side. It was surprise enough to see him doing so well, since Lady Jeongsun was no longer in the position to treat him.

I approached the dais and performed a deep bow. "I am gladdened to see you looking so well," I greeted my father respectfully.  He didn't say much, however he smiled.

My grandmother peered at me, her sharp eyes missing nothing. A knowing smile spread across her face before she chuckled in amusement.

"You two couldn't wait, could you?" she remarked wryly, gesturing at my still flushed complexion. I felt a twinge of embarrassment at having been caught and cleared my throat awkwardly.

"I was told you summoned me?" I prompted, hoping to divert the conversation.

My grandmother gave me an appraising look that said she was not fooled, then waved a hand toward the far side of the room. "We have some special guests who wished to meet you, my prince," she informed me. I turned to follow her gaze, wondering who had come that required my formal reception.

Upon figuring out who it was, I stifled a yawn, sitting upright on the uncomfortable wooden throne as she approached.

Lady Yoon swept into the audience chamber, hanbok sitting around her. Another young woman accompanied her, likely the lady's daughter judging by their shared looks. They halted before the dais, bowing in perfect sync.

I arched an eyebrow as my father met my gaze, the corners of his eyes crinkling in quiet amusement.

"Speak then, Lady Yoon," he prompted when it became clear the woman was content to simply kneel there. "What urgent matter brings you before the throne this evening?"

Lady Yoon jerked her gaze up from the polished floor, composure momentarily scattered. "P-Pehya....Jeoha, Your Grace," she stammered. I observed her cheeks flush darker with each failed attempt at address before she seemed to anchor herself with a fortifying breath.

"I wish to present my daughter as a new addition among your court, Your Highness. To have her warm your bed would bring great honor..."

I stared at Lady Yoon incredulously for a long beat after her brazen declaration. Then a surprised chuckle of laughter escaped me before I could restrain it.

"Come now Madame, what nonsense is this?" I chided, still chuckling. "I was not aware Minister Yoon had taken such a jester for a wife."
Lady Yoon flushed at my dismissive laughter, hands knotting before her.

..."Please, Your Highness, I speak earnestly - if you would but consider..." Lady Yoon pleads.

I raise a hand, bidding her pause. "You're right. I'm being rude. So speak freely, my lady. Always I welcome honesty at court." 

At my encouragement, hope flickers across her features. I lean forward, projecting engaged interest as she gathers herself to continue.

"Jeoha, she is...she is a woman of Joseon, through and through," Lady Yoon presses urgently. "While exotic blooms have their appeal..." Here she offers a deferent nod, acknowledging my affection for Neeria. "...still, every kingdom has its laws and customs."

I make a thoughtful sound. "Too true, and as a minister's wife you grasp such intricate matters." I bid her go on with a flick of my fingers. "Speak then your full concerns so I may judge fairly."

"Exactly so!" Lady Yoon exclaims. "A foreign bride may not understand our ways - but she was raised on Joeson virtue. She can warm your bed. She can groom the young princes as she did her siblings, serve as a pillar of our society."

Schooling my features, I lean forward intently.
"You show great wisdom looking to the future stability of our realm, dear Lady Yoon..."

Her eyes shine at my perceived praise. She does not mark my grandmother's gasp of disapproval behind us. Bowing fervently, Lady Yoon grasped my offered hand in gratitude.

"Return tomorrow ," I proclaimed. "I shall prepare a warm welcome for your devoted daughter..."

As Lady Yoon retreated, I noted her almost bubbly step, clearly buoyed by my support. The moment the heavy doors boomed shut, I spied Grandmother and Father turn towards one another across the vaulted space.

My grandmother's face had taken on an almost purplish hue beneath the white powder, she flushed so severely. The ornate fan in her knobby hands became nearly a blur with the speed of her agitated motions.  

"Jeoha..." she began, voice quavering. "Surely you do not mean to genuinely consider this brazen proposal? Taking that woman's child into the royal retinue..."

I lifted a hand, stemming my beloved Grandmother's tirade. Choosing my words with care, I soothed, "The Lady's concerns regarding Neeria's adjustment to palace life bear consideration. And it harms none to welcome another. Her daughter is innocent in this anyways."

At their doubtful expressions, I allowed a small smile to tease my lips. "Have some faith. The situation may prove more amusing than you anticipate."

From my left came the delicate sound of Father attempting to mask a sudden cough into his voluminous azure sleeve. I cocked one brow his direction in sly challenge. "Unless you two were wagering on my reaction when Lady Yoon appeared today?"

Father quickly schooled his features, though the tips of his ears flushed at being so transparent. I could not contain an amused bark of laughter, the sound echoing sharply in the nearly empty chamber. Still chuckling, I rose smoothly from the intricately carved throne. 

With a casual wave, I made my exit. "I shall leave you both to preparations for our newest lady-in-waiting..." 

Their audible sounds of dismay and confusion followed me out the doors, though I paid them no mind.

I retreated to my private chambers, thoughts swirling. There I discovered my beloved Neeria curled atop silken sheets, having dozed waiting up for my return. I murmured an apology, brushing inky coils from her serene face before settling in beside her. Welcoming warmth enveloped me as I pulled her soft frame close. My earlier amusement gave way to contentment and soon I joined Neeria in slumber.

I awoke to shafts of fragile dawn light filtering through the frost-etched windows. Lingering dreams still clung sweetly to my subconscious, filled with silken skin against mine and whispered affections.

As awareness filtered in, I felt the featherlight caress of fingers trailing down my jaw. Eyes still closed, my lips curved up unbidden. 

"Awake before me?" I murmured, rolling over to find my Neeria propped on one elbow, her hair grazed beautifully over her bare shoulders left exposed by the tangled blankets.

"How early did you rise this morning?"

Neeria tapped one digit against my nose teasingly, reluctance plain as she made to slip from beneath the quilts' warmth. "Early enough to take care of a few things before the day's duties descend, my prince." A coy smile played on her lips even as she evaded my seeking arms.

"Why? Did you miss me terribly in that time?" She asked.

I managed to snag her wrist, halting her long enough to brush a kiss below her ear. "Always..." Her answering laugh echoed sweetly around the bedchamber as she extricated herself, donning a light robe against the lingering chill. " I should go get dressed." She stated.

"The day's duties await us both it seems..." A touch of genuine regret colored Neeria's tone as she moved about.

" It sounds like you don't wish to be dressed." I stated as I rose to make myself presentable.

She rolled her eyes playfully as I smiled out the door.

By the time I returned to our sleeping quarters, Neeria had yet to fully dress. She sat working a comb through the beautifully heavy mass of her hair, intricate braids only half pinned into place.

Unable to resist, I moved behind her, hands coming to rest on her shoulders, that I slowly proceeded to massage "Shall I summon your ladies to help prepare you?" I murmured, eyes tracing the graceful column of her exposed neck. 

When she tilted her head to grant better access, a breathless laugh escaped me. I brushed soft kisses down the vulnerable skin presented so temptingly as I did the night before.

"Mm...if you continue like that you will be late to your meetings..." Neeria's half-hearted protest ended on a contented sigh as she leaned back into my loose embrace. Her heady honey scent threatened to short circuit all sensible thought.
" We need to stop getting interrupted." I mumbled to myself.

With monumental effort I pulled back, though kept her frame bracketed within my arms, our reflections intertwined. "You play dangerously..."

I chuckle under my breath, trailing kisses down her elegant throat. "Jeoha, you're trying to seduce me..." she stated.

Snuggling closer, her wandering hands threaten to chase all responsible thoughts from my head. With a superhuman show of restraint, I captured them, brushing my mouth over her wrists.

"You're the Temptress," I husk with regret. "If only skipping court were an option..."
Her answering pout was nearly my undoing.
With a groan I chuckled against her lips as she did mine.

She nodded in understanding, almost sending me away. After regrettably getting ready. I made my way to the formal throne room. Surprisingly Father already occupied his seat to my left despite persistent health troubles that often kept him confined. Though winter's bite reddened his rugged features, he appeared in fair spirits. I nodded in pleased greeting just as they announced the day's first visitors.

Lady Yoon swept in swathed in sable furs that failed to disguise her self-satisfaction. One gloved hand firmly steered her daughter forth. The young woman kept owl-eyed and trembling as they halted before the dais. I inclined my head, allowing a measured smile.

"Welcome back Lady Yoon...."


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I love hearing from you! Drop your thoughts after reading. It's not just about improving the book, but also the joy I get from reading your reactions and comments. This chapter was pretty long I think I'll do a version with the chapters broken up alittle more. Before I turn it into an ebook.

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Your engagement makes Wattpad worth it. Each comment, and share each interaction makes the long writing hours so worth it, as I'm not paid. So if you want to support me, please share and comment to get my book out there.

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