Fan Service | JenLisa

By scotchneat

30.5K 1K 343

The secrets that were supposedly served for the Blink, slowly became hers too, for real. The simple gestures... More

Welcome to Divorce Era
Shock and Denial
Pain and Guilt
Anger and Bargaining
Panic Raging
Before Depression
Emergency Way Out
Busted Up
The Upward Turn
Bad Dreams
Truce Talks
Here We Go Again
Thrown Under the Bus
Plot Holes
You're not invited
Who's the Top?
Time and Spices
Human Error
The Proposal
Calm Before The Storm
The Proposal II
Walking Away

How to Woo Your Lover 101

546 24 3
By scotchneat

Jisoo and Rosé were strapped in their seats, the hum of the airplane engine providing the only background noise. They had just departed Los Angeles, leaving Jennie and Lisa behind. The girls had just finished performing in LA the night before, but Lisa had decided to cancel her flight to Paris. She felt the need to be with her lover after the whole Hyunji thing. Chaesoo understood Lisa's desire for more time together. Both of them were busy with their schedules and needed to cherish every moment they had with each other.

"Can you believe it? We're at the end of the tour!" Jisoo exclaimed to Rosé, her excitement barely containable.

"I know, right? It's crazy how fast time flies. It feels like only yesterday we were gearing up for the tour, and now it's almost over. I can't wait for the finale!" Rosé replied, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Jisoo's expression suddenly turned serious. "Hold on, don't jinx it! We still have a long journey ahead of us, especially against the board—" She stopped abruptly, realizing that Rosé had already made her decision and had nothing else to worry about.

Rosé rolled her eyes playfully. "Just because I'm staying with them doesn't mean I won't put up a fight," she said, her determination evident in her voice.

Jisoo chuckled. "Of course, whatever makes you asleep at night, Chaeng."

Rosé's cheeks puffed out like a squirrel's as she pouted. "It's not like you guys really walked out of YG, right?" she asked hesitantly.

Jisoo raised an eyebrow. "What if we did?" she said, her tone teasing.

Rosé's eyes widened in terror. "Like...for real??" she gasped.

Jisoo just smiled, the mischievous glint in her eye saying it all.


"We'll always be together, that's for sure," Jisoo said as she held Rosé tight.

"Promise?" Rosé's voice trembled with fear.

Jisoo's smug face spoke volumes as she quipped, "Is this really how the so-called 'top' is supposed to behave?"

Rosé's face turned bright red. She was still awkward about the whole top-bottom thing because she knew Jisoo was new to it. They may not be in a relationship, but just thinking about it made Rosé feel uneasy.

Jennie stirred awake, her eyes flickering open as she turned towards Lisa's sleeping form beside her. A smile lit up her face as she gazed at the love of her life. But as much as she wanted to stay in bed with Lisa, she had a meeting with Vin to discuss her latest song. She needed to prepare early to make sure she was ready.

Jennie nudged Lisa gently, hoping to rouse her without startling her awake. "Come on, babe, you have a flight to catch," she said softly, rubbing Lisa's head in a soothing motion. Jennie still had no idea about Lisa's plan to stay with her in LA.

Lisa groaned lazily, shifting position but making no move to get up. Jennie knew how hard it was for Lisa to wake up, so she decided to take a shower first and then come back to wake her up again.

As Jennie finished getting ready and stepped out of the shower, she thought about the time when she was angry with Lisa for waking up late. They were still living in the dorm with Jisoo and Rosé and had planned to go to a sunflower garden that day. But because Lisa had trouble getting up, they missed the chance.

Jennie had been so mad that she didn't speak to Lisa for a week. Jisoo and Rosé had joined in, and Lisa ended up being their lackey for a whole month. While Lisa had apologized, Jennie still brought up the incident when they had small arguments.

"Lalisa!" Jennie exclaimed from the door. "Are you waking up right now or do I need to drag your ass?" Jennie's tone was like an angry single mom who was already late for work but her child didn't want to cooperate vibe.

"Five more minutes, Mom," Lisa responded lazily as she curled her body in the blanket like a fetus.

Jennie couldn't help but be overcome by Lisa's adorable charm. Despite her anger, she found herself sighing and giving in to the cuteness overload. With a smile on her face, she said, "Alright, just five minutes," Jennie tried to sound stern but couldn't help but let out a little chuckle.

Ten minutes had passed when Jennie came back into the room to wake Lisa again. "Come on, big girl. I gave you 10 minutes, and you better wake up now." Jennie deliberately whispered in Lisa's ear and made her shiver. This was Jennie's plan B if Lisa didn't wake up. Usually, this way, Lisa will immediately open her eyes. If this method still doesn't work, Jennie will move on to the third method.

"Wake up, hon..." Jennie used her seductive voice. "Don't you want to see me changing?" she added. By using this spell, Lisa would usually wake up immediately and give her a mischievous smile.

But Lisa didn't budge; she didn't move an inch.

Jennie's blood boiled as she watched Lisa struggling to wake up. "YAH!" she yelled, making Lisa flinch. "Why can't you just wake up like a normal person?!" Jennie snapped, her anger rising with each passing second.

"Gosh! Must you yell that loud?!" Lisa spat back, clearly annoyed at being startled awake.

Jennie's irritation only grew at Lisa's response. "I woke you up gently! AND THAT WAS AN HOUR AGO!" she replied, her voice rising. "What's your excuse now?!" she added.

Rolling her eyes, Lisa stood up and left the room, leaving Jennie behind.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me, you ungrateful bitc—" Jennie shouted after her, her voice echoing down the hall.

Lisa couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What did you just call me?" she demanded. "I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep for a few more minutes. Is that too much to ask? Can't you let me be in peace for a minute?" she snapped back.

Lisa's harsh words took Jennie aback. She just wanted to make sure Lisa didn't miss her flight, but hearing Lisa's response made her feel sick.

"I just didn't want you to be late for your flight," she said, her voice trembling now. "But if you're going to be like this, then fine. Do whatever you want." With that, Jennie stormed out of the room and headed straight to the studio. She was hurt and disappointed by Lisa's audacity, but she had a long day waiting for her.

At this moment, Jennie didn't even care if she didn't see her until next week. That's how furious she was.

Lisa was totally shocked by Jennie's tantrum. She stood there with her mouth wide open, watching Jennie storm out without even glancing her way. Lisa was puzzled by Jennie's comment about being worried that she'd miss her flight. Didn't I tell her I'm staying? Lisa thought to herself.

She almost called Jennie to ask her about it but decided against it. She didn't want to hurt her pride, and besides, Jennie had already slammed the door and left. Lisa turned around and saw Jake, Alice, and Alison looking at her awkwardly from the kitchen table where they were having breakfast.

"I don't remember witnessing domestic disputes being part of our job description," Jake said, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"Tell me about it," Alison chimed in. "I wouldn't have signed up for this job if I knew we'd have to deal with this drama every day," she added jokingly.

Alice ignored the jokes and turned to Lisa. "You didn't tell her you're staying, did you?" she asked.

"I... umm... did...not?" Lisa replied unsurely, making Jake and Alison laugh. "I am so exhausted, and my migraine is killing me!" Lisa grumbled as she walked over to the kitchen island to pour herself a glass of water.

"You've been complaining about your migraine since last night. Did you take your meds?" Jake asked, concerned.

"I did, but Jennie's loud shouting just triggered it," Lisa explained.

"It would have been a different story if Jennie shouted in a different context," Alison whispered to Alice, making sure Lisa could hear it too.

Lisa couldn't hold back her eyes from rolling as Alison cracked another one of her tiresome jokes. She quickly gulped down a glass of water before heading over to refill it. The excessive yelling had left her throat feeling sore.

"Seriously, why didn't you follow her?" she asked Alison, who was still enjoying her meal.

"Are you kidding me? You just managed to turn the kitten into a furious tiger. Why on earth would I want to risk my life by following her?" Alison retorted.

"But won't she get even angrier if you're not with her?" Lisa pressed.

"Nah, once Jennie enters the studio, she's in her own bubble. She probably won't even notice that I'm not there. Besides, she left me and went first, so I have a solid excuse," Alison explained.

"But you'll still catch up with her, right?" Lisa asked as she took another gulp of water.

"Of course, but don't even think about passing your message through me. It's not happening," Alison stated firmly, sensing Lisa was about to ask her to deliver a message to Jennie.

"But—" Lisa started, but Alison interrupted her, "No way, Lis. I told you she's acting like a crazy, mad tiger. You can tell her yourself."

Lisa let out a sigh of frustration. "Alright, fine. I'll just wait for her here," she murmured.

"Good call," Alison said, patting her on the back. "And don't worry, she'll cool down eventually."

Lisa hung out with them for a bit and decided to chow down on some pancakes that were laid out on the table. They all had a good time chatting about Rosé and Jisoo's relationship, which is still a mystery. During the conversation, Lisa mostly just hummed and nodded because she had a bad migraine that was really bothering her.

After finishing breakfast, Alison said goodbye to go catch up with the mad kitten, and Jake and Alice planned to explore LA. When everyone was gone, Lisa went straight to Jennie's room to take a quick nap.

She ended up sleeping for another 8 hours, and when she woke up, she felt a little better. She grabbed her phone to see if Jennie had sent her a message and was surprised to know that she had slept for so long. Lisa let out a sigh because Jennie hadn't sent her anything. She knew then that Jennie was distraught.

Lisa finally decided to give Jennie a call, hoping that she would answer, but unfortunately, she was sent straight to voicemail. Without hesitation, Lisa left her a message.

"Jennie... Honey, you still mad?" Lisa sounded hesitant. "I'm so sowwy, baby..." she tried to act cute but then she changed her mind.

"Wait, you probably got even angrier after hearing that... Let me start from the beginning..."

Lisa cleared her throat as she continued, "I know by saying sorry, I won't change a thing. I was wrong, I shouldn't have acted like that and summoned your inner tiger," Lisa chuckled at her own joke.

"I...uhm... Let's say I totally forgot to tell you that I canceled my flight and decided to stay here with you until you're done... I would like to spend our time together until the finale concert..." Lisa's voice gradually grew softer.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier... I'm sorry you had to deal with this ungrateful, ignorant human being who took forever to wake up, even though a beautiful angel like you had already tried to wake me up..." How to Woo Your Lover Lisa's Way.

"Look, I can't promise to wake up like normal people... you know it's my trademark," Lisa gave a playful wink, even though she knew Jennie couldn't see her.

"But I can promise you this: I will try my best to look even cuter when I sleep... So adorable you will give me a thousand kisses just to wake me up..." Another 101 from How to Woo Your Lover Lisa's Way.

"Are you smiling? No?" She paused briefly before offering, "What if you could do anything you wanted, and I agreed to every request?" Still no interest? "Well, then come home and you can yell at me all you want after listening to this message. I'm willing to be fed for the mad hungry tiger if that could make you back to being adorable puss- I mean kitten." Lisa was amused herself by her words.

"Look, you know I'm so bad at this, so please forgive me...okay? I love you so much, my Jennie Kim. Please come home to me, yes?"

With that, Lisa hung up the phone and decided to wait for Jennie.

Jennie left the studio at around 7 pm. As she stepped outside, she saw Alison and instantly remembered her argument with Lisa earlier that day. The thought of Lisa being in Paris made her sad because she wouldn't be able to see her until next week.

Feeling reluctant to go home and see an empty house, Jennie requested that the driver stop at her favorite restaurant.

"Are you sure about that?" Alison asked her suddenly.

"I'm hungry, and I wanted to eat. You have a problem with that?" Jennie snapped at Alison in annoyance.

"Whoa, easy there, tiger. I was just asking... Phew." Alison rubbed her forehead while shaking her head.

Jennie then checked her phone, which she hadn't used all day, hoping for a message from Lisa. However, there was only one notification, a voicemail that Lisa had sent two hours earlier.

Jennie listened lazily to the voicemail, displaying a variety of facial expressions. Her smile faded to disgust, then back to a smile again when she heard that Lisa was still at home waiting for her. She called out to the driver, asking him to take her home immediately.

"Aren't you hungry?" Alison teased her, to which she responded by rolling her eyes the next time.

Alison then grabbed her phone and acted like she was calling someone. "Hello? Jake? Is Alice with you? Yeah, about that, I just want to tell you guys that we need to pack our things and stay at the hotel for tonight unless y'all want to hear a loud nasty moan, I mean groan, from two heated tigers." Alison exclaimed, and Jennie laughed out loud.

Jennie finally arrived home after a long day, and her excitement was palpable. She couldn't wait to see Lisa and give her a piece of her mind for something she had done earlier. As Jennie got out of the car, her short legs propelled her swiftly towards the house. She was on a mission and nothing was going to stop her. When she entered the house, she was greeted by Jake and Alice, who had just arrived as well.

"Where is she?" Jennie asked impatiently.

"We just got here ourselves," Jake replied. Jennie was ready to go upstairs to find Lisa when she noticed something strange in the living room. She noticed Lisa sound asleep on the couch, wrapped in the bed cover she had taken from Jennie's room. It was a heartwarming sight, but it also made Jennie feel guilty because she had planned to scold Lisa.

"I think she's still struggling with a migraine," Alice whispered behind Jennie.

"Migraine? Since when? Why didn't she say anything?" Jennie asked, confused.

"She asked Jake for her meds last night," Alice explained.

Jennie felt even more guilty when she realized that Lisa hadn't wanted to wake up this morning because she was in pain. She cautiously approached Lisa, not wanting to wake her up.

As Jennie sat by Lisa's side, she tenderly ran her fingers through Lisa's hair. She couldn't help but hold back her tears and whisper softly, "I'm sorry." Jennie then leaned in to kiss Lisa's forehead gently, hoping to ease her pain and discomfort.

Jennie settled on the floor, her hand still gently rubbing Lisa's head, taking comfort in watching her sleep. The couch was big enough for Lisa to lie on, and Jennie felt relieved when she heard Lisa's steady breathing, indicating that she was comfortable sleeping there.

"I love you, Lisa," Jennie whispered quietly, careful not to wake her. Jennie's finger then moved to trace Lisa's mole, and the sleeping girl scrunched her nose, making Jennie giggle because it was too cute to handle.

Suddenly, Jennie heard Lisa snore a little, and this made Jennie shed tears while smiling. It had been a while since she had seen Lisa fast asleep like this. Every time the two of them met, they ended up falling asleep straight away due to exhaustion.

Jennie's crying made Lisa wake up, and she softly said, "You came..."

"You called," answered Jennie, who immediately hugged Lisa tightly.

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