A Blaze In My Heart

By PinkFruityFabGirl

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[BOOK 3/3 of the MY HEART series] Book 1: Key To My Heart Book 2: King of My Heart [NOTE: this book contains... More

1. "You can't read?"
2. "You are two minutes late."
3. "This is an office, Miss Woods, not a concert."
4. "This is your hell and I'm the devil."
5. "You really are the devil."
6. "Come!"
7. "Your words were infused with sarcasm."
8. "Please keep your un-showered self away from me."
9. "One against five. How wonderful."
10. "I shall not discuss my decisions with you."
11. "True, because my taste isn't that mediocre."
12. "Well, you don't own my mouth."
13. "You're right. You look miserable."
14. "I'll put you over my shoulder."
15. "I warned you."
16. "For the record, your ass is small."
17. "S-stop taking off your clothes!"
18. "Would you dump me for him?"
19. "Want me to carry you?"
20. "Did you just call me feral? You're a beast!"
21. "Not that kind of sleeping."
22. "Did you borrow this swimsuit from your grandma?"
23. "Miss Woods, get out of there. Now."
24. "Make me."
25. "Don't come after me!"
26. "...more than just charm and looks."
27. "I might be addicted to her smart mouth."
28. "And his stamina... it's like through the roof."
29. "Look into my eyes and say it."
30. "Don't lie, Miss Woods. I can smell the purity on you."
31. "Are you daft? I didn't write this."
32. "Are you saying I can call you anytime?"
33. "Be assured that I would rip him apart."
34. "Open your legs for me, angel." 🌢
35. "I'm sorry for having an insane libido?"
36. "My dessert is between your legs." 🌢🌢
37. "Don't go, okay? Otherwise I'll be cold and lonely."
38. "Awww is the big, bad devil obsessed with me?"
39. "I always knew you were a witch."
40. "Then don't keep your hands to yourself." 🌢🌢🌢🌢
41. "The lady I give mind blowing orgasms to."
42. "I do believe I've lost the ability to walk." 🌢🌢🌢🌢
43. "Hell with you sounds like heaven to me."
44. "You can have one bite. It won't ruin your six pack, don't worry."
45. "Have you ever been kissed in the rain?"
46. "I'm certain you'll scare the creepiest of demons away."
47. "I'm thinking of having you for breakfast." 🌢️
48. "You don't need clothes when you're with me." 🌢️
49. "It smells horrible in there and there's a lizard!"
50. "Think you can say that in a voice note?"
51. "I'm more passionate about you." 🌢️🌢️🌢️🌢️
52. "You can look, sunshine. There's nothing you haven't already seen." 🌢️
53. "You're still seeing other women, aren't you?"
54. "Why are you torturing me these days, Miss Woods? Or are you bored of me?"
55. "I have a life, Blayze! I have work to do, places to be."
57. "Please don't ever hurt yourself again."
58. "Don't you feel anything for me?"
59. "Her last location shows your house."
60. "Go on. Kill me. Now's the perfect chance."
61. "Hold my hand. Let's get out of here."
62. "I can feel her heart beating out there somewhere."
63. "And I swear, I will torture you until you beg me for death."
64. "Hang in there, please."
65. "Me nearly dying came to be of use after all."
66. "You can coax me into selling my soul to the devil."
67. "I care more about Mihrimah, if I'm being honest."
68. "Not the first time you're seeing me naked."
69. "Any day we spend together is special."
70. "Don't look at him, and don't even think about touching him."
71. "I made him pay the price for hurting my husband-to-be."
72. "Bold of you to assume I would let my wife pay for anything."
73. "You can scream at me, you can even hit me. I'll still be there for you."
Forever, The Blaze In My Heart

56. "And if you were so brave, you wouldn't hide your face."

359 90 16
By PinkFruityFabGirl

(1790 words)

My tyre had been shot. I could no longer be in my car. I could feel the blood on my forehead from when I hit my head on the steering wheel. I didn't have the time to tend to it or to stay in the car waiting for my impending doom.

I grabbed my phone and dashed out of the car into the woods. The call with Blayze had disconnected, and I could only hope that he would find me before I sustained any serious harm.

I could hear the person running behind me, and began to sprint even faster— as fast as my legs would allow me. I ran and ran without looking back, without stopping for even a second, until my legs started to give out.

Stumbling over a rock, I fell to the ground. Removing the strands of my hair from my face, I dared to look around. I was surrounded by darkness and plenty of trees. No one could be seen. I hoped with all my heart that I had managed to lose whoever was following me.

I crawled up to the nearest tree, resting my back against it. The first thing I did was put my phone on silent before it decided to ring and echo through the woods, giving my location away.

Then I opened it to text Blayze, only to find out that there were no signals. Shit. I wondered if Blayze would still be able to find me. I was in the middle of the forest. Even I didn't know how to find my way back to the main road. Would he be able to find me? Would anyone be able to find me?

I slowly stood up from the ground, cautiously moving forward. I was almost shaking with fear and could not even bear the thought of a jump scare. If that person suddenly showed up, he wouldn't have to kill me, I would die of a heart attack.

I wanted to cry. I felt feeble and helpless, and I absolutely despised those feelings. How the hell did my seemingly perfect life take such a u-turn? A few months ago, I was living comfortably, and now my life had turned into a scary thriller, with death and danger looming at every corner.

My phone picked up a weak signal, lifting my hope up. I could hear my heart in my ears.

Blayze had sent me multiple messages.

I quickly typed in a reply.

Me: I'm in the middle of the forest on the right side of the road. My tyre got shot. I don't even know where exactly I am. Please get me out of here.

He replied instantly.

Him: I'm in the area, and I think I see your car. Where is the person who was following you?

Me: I don't know. He was running after me, then I lost him. I don't even know if he's still here.

Him: don't worry. I'll find you.

Me: please be quick.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. It's okay. You're going to be fine. This will all be over very—

"Found you." A sinister male voice spoke from behind.


It didn't sound like Ezra though.

I turned around to face him. As expected, his face was covered with a mask. "Who are you? One of Ezra's huntsmen?" I asked in a straight tone, not giving away my fear.

I could almost see him smirking behind the mask. "You aren't as brave as you let on. If you were, you wouldn't have run off the way you did."

I scowled at him. "And if you were so brave, you wouldn't hide your face."

He snickered, before whipping out a gun, pointing it at me.

Can this please be the moment where Blayze appears as my knight in shining armour and finishes this guy off before he finishes me?

"Any last words?" He asked pathetically.

I looked straight into his eyes. "Tell Ezra he's an absolute, fucking retard, just like his father."

"Goodbye." He said, pulling the trigger.

But the bullet never came through. I stood there blinking in shock, and he too stood stunned. Then he pulled the trigger again, yet nothing happened.

God, I love you. Thank you so much.

"I think I'll just tell Ezra myself." I said, pushing that idiot to the ground and sprinting off yet again.

He didn't know to back down either. He caught up to me very soon, making me increase my speed.

Blayze, where the fuck are you? I'm tired of runn-

I tripped over something, falling into a small lake.

I sank and sank, until I steadied myself and rose above the water, gasping for air. That guy was once again nowhere to be seen. If he shows up out of nowhere again, I—

"Mihrimah!" My heart instantly swelled with hope and relief as I heard Blayze calling out my name.

"Blayze!" I called back on the top of my lungs, hoping he would figure out where I was. "I'm in the wate—"

A hand latched onto my neck, roughly pulling me underwater. I struggled with the man whom Ezra had sent to finish me off. I managed to resurface for only a few seconds before he pulled me underwater again.

I almost blacked out as he strangled my throat with his hands, my arms and legs flailing in vain. My vision started to become darker and darker until...

The pressure on my neck suddenly disappeared. My body, however, was too weak to remain afloat. I could feel myself sinking and sinking, until a pair of arms wrapped around me.

All I remember is feeling too cold, and then so perfectly warm. I could no longer feel the water around me or the constricting feeling. I couldn't feel alive either.

A few minutes later, I began coughing and gasping for air. My lungs felt as if they hadn't breathed in forever. A hand rubbed my back, while another pulled me to a warm, firm chest.

"Mihrimah," I could hear the fear in his voice. As if he truly was afraid of losing me. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I took so long." He kissed my forehead. I was too weak to speak, to tell him that it wasn't his fault, and that I was grateful to him for saving my life once again.

He carried me bridal style off the ground. "I'm going to take care of you. You're going to be fine." I heard him say before I passed out.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a room with a white ceiling. I blinked to adjust my eyes to the lights. Someone was sitting beside me, holding my hand.

I looked around slowly, realising I was in a hospital room. The person next to me was Blayze, holding his head in his other hand. His white dress shirt was wet, with mud stains all over it.

"Blayze?" I muttered, wincing afterwards. My throat hurt like hell.

He immediately lifted his head, his eyes widening and relief seemingly washing over his distressed face. He pressed a kiss to my hand. "How are you feeling?" He asked, leaning toward me.

"My throat hurts so bad," I whispered, wincing again. "My head too."

"I'll call the nurse, okay?" He said, standing up.

"Don't go." I implored.

"I'm not going anywhere. Just give me a minute." He said, giving my hand another reassuring kiss before leaving the room.

He was back a couple minutes later with the nurse. "I've already infused painkillers. She should be good in a bit. I'll just check her vitals."

"When can I take her home?" Blayze asked, as she worked on checking my vitals.

"If her vitals are fine, we can start the discharge process." She replied.

I closed my eyes, working on my breathing.

"Okay, great. Her vitals are normal now. I'll speak to the doctor to have her discharged." She said, after she was done.

"Great, thanks," Blayze replied, caressing my head. "You're going to be fine." He assured me.

"I'm so tired of all of this." I said lowly.

"I know. I promise we'll dig Ezra out of the hole he's hiding in and make him pay for each and everything he has dared to do to you." He affirmed.

"I can't go home like this." I muttered.

"I wouldn't have let you go anyway. Here. Text your parents and let them know you won't be coming home tonight." He said, handing me my phone, and I obliged.


Back at Blayze's place, he tucked me in bed where I rested my back against a pillow. Then he brought me green tea. "Have this. Then let's talk about what you want to eat."

I sipped on the hot drink that soothed my throat. "I can't even imagine eating." I mumbled, my voice sounding gritty.

"You have to eat." He said sternly.

"Maybe some bread and butter then." I croaked.

"Bread and butter?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not hungry, Blayze. And if I'm bound to eat, then that's all I'm going to eat." I asserted.

He sighed in defeat. "Fine. As long as you're eating something. I'll go get it."

As he left, I thought back to the events from earlier. That was the closest I had been to death. I was angry that someone had the audacity to treat me like that. To put their hands on me. I wanted to find Ezra, defenceless, and throttle him the same way he had his stupid, pathetic huntsman do. Which reminded me, what happened to that guy? Did he manage to escape?

Blayze returned just in time, placing a plate of bread and butter before me. I instantly questioned him. "What happened to that guy?"

His eyes pierced through mine. "You think someone will have the audacity to put their hands on you and I will let them make it out alive?" He deadpanned, a deadly, furious look residing in his darkened eyes.

I swallowed. "Thank you." I whispered.

"Eat." He said softly, pushing the plate closer to me.

"I owe you my life yet again." I said as I picked up the slice of bread.

"You don't owe me anything, Mihrimah. I was so afraid that something would happen to you. So terrified of losing you. I can't imagine life without you anymore..." the vulnerability in his voice melted my heart.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you." I whispered.

"I'm okay with whatever I receive from you. Just don't abandon me." His voice was a gentle, vulnerable tone.

I bit into the bread, chewing while we maintained eye contact. "I don't plan on it." I murmured once I had swallowed.



I passed my exams and started a new year of med school which is super tough as I have clinical rotations along with lectures that continue till the evening. I'll try my best to write with all of that going on. As you guys know, this book is nearing its end, so my goal is to still be able to give you guys weekly updates.

Don't forget to vote and comment, and thank you so much for reading.

See you guys next Sunday with chapter 57 ❤️

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