Veil of the Dusken Rose - #am...

By Zolatau

71K 4.2K 3K

Neeria, a foreign court lady, captivates Crown Prince Yi San in the restrictive world of the Joseon palace. D... More

1장 || Veil of Secrets
2장 || Echoes in Moonlight
3장 || Serenade of Shadows
4장 || In Hushed Tones
5장 || A Dance of Stars
6장 || Whispers of Dawn
7장 || Fragile Dreams
8장 || Threads of Destiny
9장 || Enchanted Reverie
10장 || Memoirs of Silence
11장 || The Hidden Garden
12장 || Melody of Whispers
13장 || Shrouded Desires
14장 || Of Roses and Thorns
15장 ||Echoes of Her Heartbeat
16장 || Resonance of Hearts
17장 || Mosaic of Memories
18장 || Lullaby of Shadows
19장 || The Painted Veil
20장 || A Distant Melancholy
21장 || Moonlit Confessions
22장 || Secrets in Ink
23장 || Whispers of Destiny
25장 || The Silence
26장 || Veil of sorrow
27장 || Portraits in Silence
28장 || Portraits in mountain tops
29장 || Prelude to Fate
30장 || Solitude's Symphony
31장 || Solitude's Revenge
32장 || Ephemeral Echoes
33장 || Veiled Desires
34장 || Tales of Moonlight
35장 || Reflections in Ink
36장 || The Velvet Twilight
37장 || Serenade of the Soul
38장 || Lullaby

24장 || Echoes of ease

1.1K 79 99
By Zolatau

Author's pov

The setting sun sang with an orange glow across Neeria's bedchamber as she slept fitfully, her face creased with unease even in slumber. Uhn Yuhn sat vigilantly by her friend's bedside, her own countenance etched with worry. She clasped Neeria's hand in her own.

Uhn Yuhn sat beside the bed, gazing worriedly at her friend's resting form. Neeria lay curled on her side, features softened by sleep yet still creased with remnants of pain.

Faint tremors occasionally coursed through Neeria's body, involuntary aftershocks of the anguish she had endured.

As Uhn Yuhn watched Neeria, diminished and vulnerable on the bed, a deep, slow-burning anger took root within her. The sight of one of the palace servants gently helping to change Neeria, while necessary, only heightened her sense of protectiveness. She watched as the physician concluded his examination, stepping out into the corridor to instruct a servant on further medicinal aids. She followed him outside, but almost immediately, he was summoned back into the room, urgency evident in the servant's hurried gestures.

Outside, Uhn Yuhn paced the corridor, her movements reflecting her inner turmoil. Her hands wrung together, intertwining in a nervous ballet as she walked back and forth. The sconces on the walls cast a dim light, stretching her shadow across the floor and walls, an eerie mirror to her growing anxiety. She occasionally paused, her ear tilted toward the door, straining to catch any sound from within that might give her a clue as to Neeria's condition.

When the physician finally emerged, his face was a canvas of worry and concern. Uhn Yuhn, her heart hammering in her chest, wasted no time. She approached him swiftly, her eyes demanding an explanation. "How is she?" she asked, her voice quivering with what was fear and hope.

The physician exhaled heavily, his eyes reflecting the weight of his professional duties. "Physically, Lady Neeria seems to be recovering," he began, his voice low and serious. But then his expression changed, signaling more troubling news. "However..." he trailed off, hesitating as if grappling with how to continue.

Uhn Yuhn's heart skipped a beat, bracing herself for the worst. "What complications?" she pressed, her voice barely more than a whisper.

The physician looked at her with a blend of detachment necessary for his role and a hint of personal concern. "I'm not sure if she told you, but it appears she may have been with child," he said, pausing as he glanced down, clearly troubled by the news. "And possibly lost it. Last we spoke, she was insistent on making sure the child is safe..." His voice faded, leaving a heavy silence between them.

Uhn Yuhn's reaction was subtle. She sat silent for a moment and then sighed, "You must be certain she is okay, you must be certain they both are okay. You are not here for uncertainties!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in a mixture of fear and anger.

Before the physician could respond, the sound of footsteps approached.

The Crown Prince was making his way down the silent palace corridor, a tray of food cradled carefully in his hands. A small, contented smile played on his lips as he pictured sharing this meal with Neeria, hoping to bring her some comfort and joy.

Rounding the corner, his smile faltered. Ahead, he caught sight of Uhn Yuhn hovering anxiously outside Neeria's chamber, her face etched with worry as she spoke with the palace physician. She looked distressed and uncomfortable.

Their grave expressions struck an ominous chord, marring the tranquility he had felt just moments before. His pace slowed as his eyes tracked a palace maid hurrying by, clutching a basin of water as she made for Neeria's room.

Then he noticed another servant emerging, arms full with a blood-stained hanbok. At the sight, foreboding seized the Crown Prince's heart in an icy grip.

In that instant, the tray slipped from his hands, clattering unceremoniously to the floor and scattering its contents. But the sound barely registered in his ears as dread overwhelmed his senses. He hadn't noticed the shattered porcelain that had slightly grazed at his hand, leading small droplets of his blood down the hall. His feet were already carrying him towards Neeria's room, driven by an inexorable need to know what had befallen her.

He didn't take a moment, he just looked around.

"What's happened?" he demanded, looking between Uhn Yuhn and the physician with unconcealed fear shining in his eyes. "Is Neeria alright?"

Uhn Yuhn turned to him, her own face creased with worry. "Jeoha, it's Neeria..." Her voice broke off, unsteady.

" Where is she actually," he began. He pointed " In there?" He barely waited for confirmation as he began to turn around.

The physician stepped forward, expression grim. "I'm afraid Lady Neeria has fallen gravely ill, Jeoha. We are doing all we can for her."

He paused for a moment, looking at the arm that was latched into his, from the physician. Who quickly removed it upon meeting his crown prince's gaze.

"I need to see her. Now."

" Jeoha there is something you should know." The psychical began.

The crown prince turned and stared at the man. " What is it."

Uhn Yuhn hesitated, aware of the servants lingering nearby. "It's... it's delicate, Your Highness," she replied cautiously. "May we speak in private?"

Nodding in agreement, the Crown Prince gestured for the servants to leave. Once they were alone, Uhn Yuhn drew a deep breath, steeling herself to deliver the news. "The physician suspects that Neeria was with child... and that she may have lost it."

There was a silence that danced around them. Though his voice was silent his face showed how taken back he was. Soon enough, the revelation hit the Crown Prince like a physical blow. His face drained of color, and he staggered slightly, reaching out to the wall for support. "With child? Lost it? What are...?" His voice hitched in the middle of his throat, ridding him of abilities to put into words the emotions he felt.

Uhn Yuhn's eyes glistened with unshed tears. " We found herbs earlier, we suspected an impersonator... it was after that that she... passed out and..."

" Neither of you... You're not... you're not making sense. Uhn Yuhn" he said trying to control his emotion. The crown prince's face sat blank. His eyes dull, brushing past them both he swiftly crossed the threshold into Neeria's bedchamber.

As he entered the room he paused. There she lay. The sight of her lying prone and diminished tore at his heart. Her bronzed skin had lost its healthy glow, now dulled and wan. Still, she was breathing.

The physician sighed as he began to speak. "The child is..." he began. The Crown Prince shook his head, holding his breath as if fighting an internal battle. It wasn't that he didn't care about the child, or that he wasn't wondering. However, it felt as though, among all of them, Neeria was hurting the most. She had been leaving hints he hadn't noticed, and there was some guilt in that for him. Something that would have otherwise been joyous now felt wrong. This sadness wasn't simply because of the child he may or may not meet, as much as he wanted to. His priority was Neeria; he was aware of how easily she felt guilt despite her strong presence. He didn't want her holding onto the child at the expense of herself if it meant losing her life. The best present she could give their child was to be alive to be called mother by them. He calmed himself as he looked at her.

"What of her... her health?" he asked. The physician looked at him, his head bowed down. "We could give her some herbs; however, she asked me to ensure that I should do all I can to help with the child. Though there's bleeding, there's no certainty that she might've lost it, so we are waiting for the fever to—"

The Crown Prince's glare cut through the air, sharp as a sword's edge, directed at the physician. "You're telling me you're just watching her in pain?" he thundered.

The physician, maintaining a respectful demeanor despite the prince's anger, bowed slightly. "Your Highness, I assure you, every possible remedy within our knowledge is being administered. Lady Neeria's condition is precarious, and haste could prove more harmful than beneficial," he explained, his voice a calm river flowing against the tide of the prince's wrath.

The physician's words faded into silence as the Crown Prince's gaze fixated on Neeria's motionless form. Though he longed for news of the child, his foremost thoughts were bent toward her.

He moved slowly to her bedside, gently taking her slender hand in his. She looked so small and fragile against the expansive bed, her bronze skin dimmed to a pallid, sickly hue. His heart constricted at seeing her vibrant spirit so diminished.

The physician hovered awkwardly, awaiting a response. But the Crown Prince remained silent, focused only on the gentle rise and fall of Neeria's chest as she clung tenuously to life.

In truth, he was afraid to hear the physician confirm the loss they had suspected. As long as it was unspoken, a shred of hope remained that both mother and child would emerge unscathed. But beneath this hope simmered a deeper fear – that Neeria would sacrifice her well-being to preserve the child, especially now in her weakened state. She would see it as her duty, even if it cost her greatly.

The Crown Prince understood the heart-rending choice before them, but at this moment, his own heart had already decided. Gently caressing her cheek, he still didn't want to make such a choice without even her voice or nod.

The Crown Prince, battling the storm within him, took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling like the tumultuous sea. "This... this helplessness is intolerable," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Uhn Yuhn stepped forward, her head low. "Jeoha, I agree with you, still. We must place our faith in the physician's wisdom. Our emotions, though valid, will not hasten her recovery." As she said those words, she pressed her hands tightly before her as if trying to control herself and her emotions.

Yisan looked at Uhn Yuhn, his fury barely dissolving into a rain of silent sorrow. "Yes, you speak rightly, Uhn Yuhn," he conceded, sighing for a moment. "Forgive my outburst. It is just that... to see her thusly afflicted wounds my heart deeply."

The physician bowed again, his expression one of solemn understanding. "I share your pain, Your Highness, and your wish for Lady Neeria's swift recovery. Rest assured, we are vigilant and shall act at the slightest change in her condition."

Approaching Neeria's bedside, the Crown Prince tenderly brushed a lock of hair from her forehead.

Turning back to the physician, his voice more composed, he requested, "Inform me immediately of any change, however small it may be. I have some things I should attend to. If she doesn't make progress, or if things get worse. Do what you can to save her."

"Understood, Jeoha," the physician replied, bowing deeply in respect. He watched as the Crown Prince, with one last lingering look at Neeria, reluctantly prepared to leave the chamber.

As the Crown Prince reached the doorway, Uhn Yuhn spoke up, her voice gentle yet firm. "Jeoha, if I may," she began, drawing his attention. "Your concern for Lady Neeria is evident. It's clear she holds a special place in your heart. Thank you for being kind to her."

The Crown Prince paused, turning to face Uhn Yuhn. " She's lucky to have such a good friend."

Uhn Yuhn nodded, her expression understanding. "Then, Jeoha, please take care of yourself as well. Unnie would not wish to see you neglect your health for her sake. No offense to you. I fear her more than I do you at times." She said lightly.

The Crown Prince sighed and gave a small smile a weight seemingly lifting from his shoulders at her words. "You are wise, Uhn Yuhn. I shall heed your counsel." With a final glance at Neeria, he stepped out of the room.

Left alone with Neeria, Uhn Yuhn moved closer to the bedside, taking a seat where the Crown Prince had stood moments before. She reached out, taking Neeria's hand gently in hers.

Uhn Yuhn's eyes misted as she gazed down at Neeria's wan face. "I feel like such a hypocrite, asking him to leave you be when you suffer because of my people's plotting," she whispered unsteadily.

She lightly squeezed Neeria's limp fingers, wishing she could transfer her strength. "Unnie, I am so so sorry." She stated.

Time passed, and with them came soft footfalls at the door announcing Lady Jinsun's arrival. With no response, she slowly opened the door for entrance.

Her keen eyes took in the scene - Uhn Yuhn slumped beside the bedding, exhaustion etched in every line of her body.

Neeria was still as death but for the shallow rise and fall of her chest. With a melancholy sigh, Lady Jinsun stepped forward and gently squeezed Uhn Yuhn's shoulder. "You need rest," she implored, noting the dark circles beneath the girl's eyes. "I will sit with our lady until you wake."

Too weary to argue, Uhn Yuhn acquiesced. Lady Jinsun briskly called for bedding to be brought, then helped Uhn Yuhn settle as comfortably as possible. Throughout, her movements were efficient yet kind, offering aid while also preserving Uhn Yuhn's dignity.

Ensuring her young woman was settled, Lady Jinsun then took up the vigil at Neeria's bedside. Through the long night, she maintained her patient watch, hands folded calmly in her lap.

Meanwhile, the Crown Prince, his heart heavy with concern and frustration, had embarked on a mission of his own. With a contingent of guards, he stormed through the night, his determination fueling their hurried steps.

They reached Minister Yoon's residence, where the loud banging on the gates shattered the night's tranquility, rousing the minister and his house aids from his sleep.

The minister, groggy and disoriented, emerged to find the Crown Prince standing at his doorstep, an unmistakable fury in his eyes. "Have you finalized any proceedings to ensure Neeria's protection?" the Crown Prince demanded without preamble.

Caught off guard, the minister stuttered, "Your Highness, it's so late at night..."

The Crown Prince's anger flared. "Do not dance around my request," he snapped. "This is a matter of urgency."

The minister, trying to regain his composure, ventured cautiously, "Why the rush, Jeoha? Is she with child or something?"

The prince's eyes narrowed, sensing an underlying implication in the minister's words. "And why would you ask that?"

The minister hesitated before revealing, "I heard from Lady Minyoung that you may be having an heir soon. She inquired about Neeria's health and sent her physician to check on her. The poor man was probably compelled to divulge her condition."

The words struck the Crown Prince. He mulled over this new information, as he continued to find the implications unsettling.

"But Jeoha, if she really is ill... though not ideal... You need an heir—"

Before the minister could finish, the Crown Prince's hand whipped out, striking him across the face, then pointed accusingly. "You will not sacrifice her life for my sake," he hissed, his voice venomous. "I refuse to exploit someone else's beloved daughter for the sake of an heir. I will not sacrifice my partner for my throne. Consider yourself fortunate I allowed you to speak as long as I did."

In the calm of the moonlight, the minister stood frozen, his hand cupping his cheek, still reeling from the Crown Prince's unexpected strike. The shock was evident in his wide, unblinking eyes and the slight tremble of his lips. "This is the last time you will say such things," the Crown Prince warned.

As the other members of Minister Yoon's household emerged, drawn by the commotion, the minister's eyes darted around, seeking some semblance of support or understanding. His gaze held a desperate plea, one that bordered on assertiveness but fell short in the presence of the prince's imposing figure. " Surely we can have a respectable conversation... Jeo—."

The Crown Prince's response was swift and intimidating. Raising his hands, he gripped the minister's neck, his fingers applying a firm yet controlled pressure, preventing him from finishing his sentence. "Are you embarrassed Minister Yoon?" He asked. " You're in no position to be handled any differently than how I've been handling you," he said, his upper lip twitching slightly in a display of restrained anger.

The minister's face reddened, a stamp of fear and humiliation coloring his features as he struggled to maintain composure. His eyes, wide with a dawning realization of his precarious position, conveyed a silent plea for mercy.

"It's a mercy you've been enjoying that I've yet to make your wife a widow and your children fatherless. Don't ever disgrace me again," the Crown Prince continued, his grip tightening just enough to emphasize his words. "Am I clear?"

The minister nodded softly, his movements cautious to avoid provoking further ire. His breaths were shallow, his eyes flickering between defiance and resignation.

"I'm beginning to think you enjoy humiliation," the Crown Prince remarked, a cold chuckle escaping his lips. He then disdainfully used the minister's hanbok to wipe his hands, as if to cleanse himself of the distasteful encounter.

"Anyway, inform me when Lady Minyoung visits again," he commanded, his tone dismissing any further discussion.

The minister, released from the prince's hold, gasped for air, his hand instinctively going to soothe his neck. His wife, who had stood behind him throughout the ordeal, looked on in confused alarm, her eyes darting between her husband and the prince, trying to piece together the events that had unfolded.

The Minister shook his head. " We will not be associated with Lady Minyoung any longer." He stated to her.

" You lied to him." She began.

The Minister's shoulders tensed as his wife's accusation echoed through the chamber. Slowly, he turned to face her, brows lowered and jaw clenched.

"We will not be associating with Lady Minyoung or her ilk any longer," he reiterated firmly. One hand anxiously adjusted his hanbok while the other waved dismissively.

His wife's eyes narrowed, lips pressed thin. "You told him it was Lady Minyoung who came to you about that physician," she hissed. "Yet I know it was Lady Jeongsun who made those inquiries!"

She took a step forward, glare sharpening. "Do you take me for a fool? Pretending to not be helping Lady Jeongsun? Are you not labeling her wrongdoings the work of Lady Minyoung out of protection?"

The Minister bristled, a muttered oath escaping through gritted teeth. "I don't care which viper it was," he snapped. "Their petty schemes are beneath me. Neither will find any more aid from this house!"

His wife's rolled her eyes and scoffed at his words. " You fear him that much?" He asked.

"Do you want your husband killed? If you desire to maintain what little we have, you will cease this talk and be grateful for our position. I refuse to live in fear, pandering to your ambitions at the cost of my life. Your parents are no longer here; why should their desires dictate our actions?" His words were sharp, cutting through the air.

Her eyes flashed with indignation. "How dare speak to me like that! I've watched you flirt with Lady Jeongsun, keeping her secrets for your sake. You promised me a life of luxury, a place for our daughter among the potential suitors for the Crown Prince!"

Her husband froze, his face a mask of shock and realization. "Lady Minyoung is not even a viable suitor to the prince. The Crown Prince is not seeking another. I cannot—and will not—embarrass myself by suggesting her. He does not desire a concubine, and such talk is nonsense."

His wife stood motionless as stone, refusing to back down. " I did not sit here being promised falsehood for you to wince at the threat of the prince! You've suggested it once! Do it again." she challenged. "Or shall I explain how you assisted Lady Jeongsun in claiming her sister's child as her own?"

At this, the blood drained from the Minister's face. He darted his gaze nervously as he tugged at his collar. For a long, taut moment their eyes remained locked in silent battle.

Finally, the Minister looked away, jaw flexing. "You are trying to play a dangerous game," he muttered. "I act only in service of this family's interests."

When she made no reply, he stepped closer, expression hardening. "I have secured all I can for us. Do not overreach and destroy it with reckless ambition!"

His wife held her tongue, but defiance simmered in her eyes. With a disgusted noise, the Minister turned away. Pausing in the doorway, he added darkly, "Speak no more of this. Remember where your loyalties lie."

The door slid shut, leaving the Minister's wife alone with the bitter taste of regret. She had thought their aspirations were still aligned. Now she wondered whether she even recognized the man her husband had become. With an uneasy sigh, she banished the Crown Prince from her thoughts.

Elsewhere The evening air was lathered in strain as General Yeongho arrived at his residence, only to find the messenger from Seongyeon casually leaning against his gate, an insolent smirk on his face. The dim light of the lanterns cast long shadows, adding a sense of foreboding to the scene.

The messenger's eyes immediately flicked to the reddened imprint on the General's cheek.

"Oh, that's a pretty print," he commented mockingly, pointing at the slap mark.

Fury boiled within General Yeongho as he lunged towards the messenger, his hands balled into fists. "You bastard! You are turning this on me?" He yelled. " I'm going to kill you for this," he hissed. "You must've sent that letter!"

The messenger stepped back, a look of feigned surprise on his face. He scoffed, shaking his head. "I didn't do a thing," he replied, his tone dripping with derision. "Why would I bother with such petty games?"

The General paused, his rage momentarily giving way to confusion. The certainty he had felt was now replaced with doubt. " You're a serpent." He stated. However after some silence and watching the messenger nonchalantly chuckle he bit the bait."

"Then who did?" the General demanded, his voice a dangerous low. "Who else would have reason to stir up such trouble?"

The messenger shrugged nonchalantly, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Maybe someone closer to home, General. Sometimes the enemy lies within," he suggested cryptically before pushing off the wall.

Footsteps sounded beside him, and the general turned to see the messenger approaching once more, an oily smile on his face. 

General Yeongho's gaze hardened, his mind racing to piece together the implications. The messenger's words were like a dagger, each syllable cutting deeper into his suspicions and doubts. " Your guilt won't rid you of responsibility anyway." He chuckled.

"I did not suggest that center! One of the guards claimed it was the king's directive, and you know it because YOU orchestrated it. It's sickening how you've manipulated me for your schemes," the general spat out, his voice sounding with resentment and betrayal.

As if summoned by the discomfort in the air, the messenger stepped closer, his smile widening, slick and untrustworthy. "Did we ask for your help?" he mocked.

The general's face flushed with anger. "You begged for it!" he shot back, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Even so," the messenger drawled, his tone dripping with disdain, "you were the one desperate to avenge your family, to carve out your place in this world." He chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "You're too grown to be letting childhood family issues cloud your judgment, General," the man sneered. "Don't forget, you only got here by the skin of your teeth, on the back of the reputation we created for you. Everyone knew who your mother was except you. She did a number on you. What did she tell you? That you were the son of a king?"

" What are you talking about?" The general asked as his hands clenched into fists, old wounds stinging at the crude insinuation. "What are you implying?" he demanded through gritted teeth. "Speak plainly."

General Yeongho, his frustration at a boiling point, declared, "I can no longer tolerate being treated as if I'm unimportant!" His voice was a blend of anger and everything in his vulnerability asked him to hold back, singing of his discomfort through the still night air.

Just then, the messenger, with a knowing smirk, nodded behind the general. "Perhaps there's someone else you should be discussing this with," he said, his tone laced with insinuation.

As General Yeongho turned around, his eyes widened in shock at the sight of Lady Minyoung rushing toward him, her expression one of urgency and apology. "General, please, let me explain—"

"What did you do? What were you thinking?!" The general's voice was a thunderous roar, filled with betrayal and disbelief.

Lady Minyoung reached out, attempting to calm him, her hands gently seeking his. But the general recoiled, pushing her hands away in disgust, his eyes flashing with fury.

In a swift motion driven by his tumultuous emotions, he unsheathed his sword, pointing it menacingly at both Lady Minyoung and the messenger. The cold steel glinted ominously under the moonlight, casting a threatening shadow.

"You both need to leave," he commanded, his voice now cold and steady, belying the turmoil within.

Lady Minyoung's eyes widened with fear, but she held her ground. "Please, let me explain. There's more to this than you know," she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation.

The messenger scoffed, shaking his head in disdain. "He's losing it already. I thought he'd hold out longer than this," he remarked sardonically, his words dripping with mockery.

General Yeongho, his sword still raised, glared fiercely at Lady Minyoung. "You wrote that letter, didn't you? You made me the villain!" he accused, his voice seething with anger.

The messenger, with a dismissive wave of his hand, retorted, "Maybe you shouldn't have told her anything in the first place." He clicked his tongue in annoyance and gestured towards the exit. "Anyway, I should be on my way. I can't stand around watching this melodrama unfold."

As the messenger sauntered away into the night, Lady Minyoung hurried after General Yeongho, who was visibly shaken and conflicted.

"You're disgusting," he spat out, unable to contain his revulsion.

Lady Minyoung, undeterred, shot back, "You're not entirely innocent in all this either."

The general shook his head vehemently. "I am trying to fix what I've broken, but you and others are making it impossible! I did not set those children up, I did not exploit her infertility!"

"It's not like it mattered. You said that," Lady Minyoung interjected sharply, her tone accusatory.

The general paused, confusion and suspicion etched on his face. "What do you mean?" he demanded.

Lady Minyoung took a deep breath before revealing, "Neeria is pregnant, or so I've heard."

The general's expression froze, and disbelief washed over him. "What are you talking about?" he asked, the sword lowering slightly as he processed her words.

Lady Minyoung met his gaze. "It seems...Neeria's condition changes everything, she's not infertile and —"

"Leave her be," he stated firmly cutting in. " What's done is done. I'm weary.  The repercussions of your actions will catch up to you, mark my words."

Lady Minyoung's eyes flashed with a combination of surprise and defiance. "She's pregnant with the Crown Prince's child, and you expect me to remain silent? With an heir, Seongyeon's attempts to claim her will be futile!" Her voice rose with passion, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

"The Crown Prince wouldn't stand for it. He would protect his own," she asserted, with conviction.

The general shook his head, a grim acceptance in his eyes. "Perhaps, but meddling further will only entangle us more in this. The Crown Prince is not one to be trifled with, especially now."

Lady Minyoung's expression softened slightly, though the calculating glint in her eyes remained. "Then we must tread carefully," she conceded. "Our moves must be strategic."

The general sighed, the weight of the night's revelations bearing heavily upon him. "Strategy or not, I intend to right my wrongs. I cannot undo the past, but I can try to mitigate its damage. As for you, Lady Minyoung, be wary. The Crown Prince's wrath is not something to be taken lightly."

With a final, lingering look at Lady Minyoung, the general turned to begin walking away.

Lady Minyoung's voice was piercing, her words pointed with manipulative intent. "Then that's all the more reason to continue. When the Crown Prince discovers the extent of your mother's involvement, are you prepared to lose her again? Are you willing to risk both your parents?"

The general whirled around, his face contorted with disbelief. "What are you talking about?" he demanded, his voice rising in both volume and pitch.

"Lady Jeongsun... your mother? Scholar Hyun Seok... your father? If the Crown Prince learns of any involvement they might have in this, do you think they will be spared?" she began.

His body began to tremble, a physical manifestation of the turmoil that had gripped him. The revelation was too much to process, each word from Lady Minyoung echoing like a thunder cut in his mind.

"Do you hear yourself?!" he roared, his voice cracking under the strain. "Do you realize the absurdity of what you're suggesting? I embarked on this path to avenge them, and now you tell me they are alive? Does that even make sense to you?!"

Lady Minyoung's expression remained unreadable, her eyes still cold and calculating unlike the one from earlier as she was pleading for remorse.

"Whether it makes sense to you or not, General, the truth has a way of coming out. And when it does, you'll need to decide where your loyalties lie." She stated.

He was torn between disbelief, anger, and a sliver of hope. His entire reason for his actions, his drive for vengeance, hinged on the belief that his parents were wronged and gone. The possibility that they were alive and involved in the very plots he fought against was a betrayal too deep to fathom.

He staggered back, his mind racing with questions and doubts. If what Lady Minyoung suggested was true, his world had been turned upside down.

Lady Minyoung tilted her head, regarding the General with hooded eyes. When she spoke, her voice was low and smooth as silk.

"Come now, there's no need for this charade between us. We both know the truth of your parents' fate' If you stop now."

The General froze, feeling as though the floor had dropped from beneath his feet. Lady Minyoung pressed on, tone lilting.

"Such a tragedy, losing them so unexpectedly. Though perhaps not so unexpected to some." A sly smile played about her lips. "After all, accidents do happen in times of war."

The General's hands curled into fists, knuckles whitening. " Your riddles and vagueness, are drawn out" he bit out. "If you have something to say, then speak."

Lady Minyoung blinked slowly, unruffled by his brusque manner. "Very well, I shall be direct," she acquiesced. "It is no coincidence your parents perished just as the former king's health declined. If you choose to end this you have to accept the fact that. They chose this, Rather your mother... she left you. She abandoned you. Fortuitous timing for rivals hoping to gain influence." Her words hung in the air between them like poison. The General shook his head in sharp denial.

"No. My parents were honorable and devoted to the kingdom. Their deaths were a senseless tragedy, nothing more." Even to his own ears, his words sounded hollow. Trying to remember the words of the palace woman. The woman that spoke... about his parents.

Lady Minyoung's smile turned pitying. "A comforting fiction, perhaps. But we both know the truth runs much deeper down in these fetid waters."

The General turned away, unable to meet the knowing look in her eyes. His shoulders were hunched, his breath coming harsh and ragged. This could not be real. And yet...

Lady Minyoung's final words drifted after him as he retreated. "Loyalties make liars of us all in the end, General Yeongho. Want of power make our lies truths."

The General paused, Lady Minyoung's words sinking like barbs under his skin. He turned back slowly, expression shadowed.

"Why do you say such things? What possible proof have you of these wild allegations?" His voice was low, trembling with tightly leashed emotion.

Lady Minyoung arched one delicately painted brow. "Proof? Well, your existence is truth enough, you being here?" She gestured airily around them. "Rumors that tend to contain kernels of truth, if one listens closely enough."

The General's hands clenched and unclenched at his sides, yearning to wrap around the slender column of her throat.

"You dishonor two innocent lives with your lies."
He stated.

Lady Minyoung tsked, unfolding her arms from their folded position with fluid grace. "Believe what you wish, General. But you cannot silence the echoes of history."

She drew closer, never breaking eye contact. "Even if your parents were blameless, others may not see it that way. Are you prepared for all their secrets to be exhumed?"

The General stood paralyzed, Lady Minyoung's flowery perfume cloying in his nostrils. She leaned in, lips nearly brushing his ear.

"Ask yourself - would they have wanted you to stop now, when you are so close to vengeance?" she whispered. "Or would they tell you to see this through, no matter the cost?"

Drawing back, her eyes searched his, probing for any glimmer of doubt. Finding none, she smiled in satisfaction.

"I thought as much. We will speak again soon."
In a swirl of silks, she turned and glided away, leaving the General alone in the shadows. He stared after her."


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