You are not alone

By CharlieGlambert

1.3K 219 2.6K

"I've a feeling mom is hiding something from me." I said. "You can't trust Olivia." replied Gladys *** Adam l... More

I'm so proud of you
He would be so proud of you
You know why we had to leave her away
You're safe now
No one can harm us here
It feels good to be back
We are meant for each other
She wanted to save you
I'm not a child anymore
I've missed you so much
Our beloved Emily
I won't let her hurt you or your family
I'm so happy to have my own family
I'm here for you
I want to join your gang
We'll always be a family
I'm too cool for school anyway
I thought I'd never see you again
Are we going to adopt a dog
But if you get yourself a bee sting first
You didn't do anything wrong
I'd love to be your friend
That's scary
She's still on the loose
The best babysitter ever
You never told me you had another daughter
You did the right thing
My beloved Esme
I'll protect her with my life
I'll tell you when you get older
I'm here honey
You don't want to make me mad
I'll have my revenge
I'm worried about Billy
We'll get our happy ending
I care about you
The new Captain
It's nice to meet you
We're safe here
I won't let that happen
New York is not safe anymore
I'll never leave your side
He's innocent
It's your special day today
I'm so proud of you
You'll get your justice
I'm not going anywhere without you
My wonderful family
Addy is so spoiled
They're our miracles
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
I've never given much thought to how I would die
Goodbye Tommy
I love Christmas markets
I'll always be here for you
It looks cozy
My beloved Snow
I'll protect her with my life
Stay away from him
The world is quiet here
You are not alone
Please wake up
I'll never leave you
I can't believe it
Happy Birthday
Can I give you a piece of advice
School dance
I can't wait to meet her
The most beautiful time
I really thought I could trust you

You have no idea what utter terror is

21 3 57
By CharlieGlambert

Adam's: POV

I was talking to Lorenzo about my past. "You have no idea what utter terror is. What pure and utter terror is. You know, they say that your heart beats faster, but that's not true. It doesn't. It stops. Everything stops.

You don't breathe because you're scared that it might upset her. And if you get a cramp in your foot, you tell yourself, "Just let it throb" because you'll live through that pain. And that's a hell of a lot better than what what she'll do to you.

And the pain is is so complete and it's so it's so overwhelming. You can go without food for... for three days and you don't close your eyes because you... because you're scared that you'll never open them again. You pray. You pray "Please, God "don't let her climb on top of me again." I said.

"Okay, Adam. I am so sorry." he replied. "No, you're not sorry." I said. He was quiet. "I want you to leave and never come back." I said. "As you wish." replied Lorenzo and left. Fin went up to me. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. "I've never liked him." replied Fin.


I walked to a bar and saw Olivia talking to a man. I went up to them.

"I'm done with you Olivia, I won't let you ruin my life again. You took away my childhood. I want the world to know what a disgusting person you are. I had to give up my daughter Michelle for adopting because I wanted to protect her.

This woman has been sexually assaulting me for years. She kidnapped me when I was little and raised me as her own son. Olivia took me away from my real parents. I grew up thinking her sister was my aunt. I won't let you hurt another child. I hope you get a hell in jail." said Adam.

"You're under arrest Olivia for child abuse and kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning.

If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time." replied Peter and put handcuffs on her. He lead her out of the bar.

I'm so proud of Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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