Through Ash and Dust (ROTB)

By LuvMiddleEarth

25.1K 1.6K 298

Based upon the Rise of the Beasts A nineteen year old girl who has gone through her life as an unwanted perso... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 24

527 28 8
By LuvMiddleEarth

Optimus stood staring at the sunrise while he kept guard as Arcee tended to the injuries Mirage and Bumblebee had been inflicted by Transit. He had helped as much as he could, but his hands were too large for the smaller injuries that needed to be repaired, so Optimus stood guard. He was feeling a great sense of worry as they had not been able to locate Saphira since Mirage and Bumblebee had last seen her fleeing from Transit from the alley. They all were hoping that she was able to get away, and they would be able to find her sometime today. Especially as they knew that she would be cold with winter setting in, and after the light dusting of snow the previous night.

Though while they were worried about her, Optimus could not help but consider that Saphira could have taken the opportunity to leave them. But given that her important documents were with him, it was unlikely that she would do that. But a part of him did feel that way as he did not know if there were actual thoughts in her mind of wanting to leave. She might not have written it down in her diary, but that could be some of her true thoughts that she has.

"Ugh...he banged me up good..." Mirage groaned as he leaned against the wall as Arcee worked mending his injuries. "It's too bad Ratchet ain't here. We could really use a real doc to help repair us when we need it. No offense, Arcee...OW" He grimaced and glared at Arcee when she deliberately pulled at an exposed joint. "Sheesh, it was just a joke!"

"So was that," The femme responding with a slight smirk before she resumed fixing his injuries. "Just remember the next time you make a comment like that, you might have the wrong bot fixing you and you won't like what they might do to you."

Mirage rolled his optics at her. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just want to be fixed as soon as possible to go find Saphira and bring her here. I am certain she is quite lost right now. As well as hungry and cold...I deep awful that we cannot just drive through the city like this. Why don't you go, Prime?"

"Because someone has to stand guard while you and Bumblebee are getting mended," The leader responded without looking at him. "I am worried too, Mirage. But I am also not sure if we will see her again. She could have taken this opportunity to run."

"Pfft, and why would you think that?" Mirage barked in irritation, making Optimus turn to look at him with a frown. "Saphira has shown zero interest in wanting to run from us. Her important documents are also here, so I highly doubt she would run, unless she really wants to commit a crime." Optimus turned his head to look back over the water. "You should grab out the canvases she has been working on recently. You will see that I am right when you look at them."

Optimus frowned and looked at him in surprise. "But she said they were a surprise. She didn't want me to see it. When did she show you?"

"She told me about them before she started to sketch them. She only wanted to keep the paintings as a surprise for you, because they were meant to be gifts to you." Optimus seemed unsure, though he ran his hand over his chassis thoughtfully as that did make him wonder about the canvases "I know she will be upset that you saw them, but you need to stop doubting that she will come back. She cares about you, and all of us. You have absolutely no idea what she feels, even though she goes out of her way to spend the most time with you."

Optimus still did not know if he should trust Mirage, but seeing him seemingly serious about it made Optimus think deeper about it. He figured he should trust Mirage and he opened his chassis to reach inside and grab the two canvases Saphira had been painting. Mirage and Bumblebee watched as they knew that Optimus would like them. When he saw the paintings, Optimus widened his optics in surprise as he held each one in each hand. She had created one painting of all the animatronics with her sitting on Optimus's shoulder. He had not expected that one. The painting was not finished, but he could tell what she had sketched and painted already.

But the second painting was of him. A painting of himself looking up at the sky at night, with a ghostly figure of another planet as a representation of Cybertron. Optimus had not expected that at all. But he did not realize that Saphira might have seen him looking up at the sky with longing in his optics. And the fact she seemed to have captured that so well, even in an unfinished painting, Optimus really did not expect this at all. This made him realize how much she understood his longing to go home, and that she probably wished for him to get home as well.

Optimus immediately felt guilty for assuming that Saphira would flee from them. Now that he knew that it was unlikely that she would run from them, he hoped she was okay. "You are right, Mirage. These pictures have captured how she is very nice that she sees us this way." The young autobot smiled as he was glad that Optimus saw what Saphira had made. "I guess...I guess I was rash to think she would leave. But if she wants to come back, this city is huge, and winter is setting in. While there is not a huge blanket of snow, the air is still cool and she needs somewhere warm."

"If she keeps moving, she will be fine," Arcee said as she worked on Mirage without looking up at Optimus. "Humans need to in order to stay warm. Saphira's smart enough to know that, I am sure."

Optimus hummed as he looked out the door of the warehouse, gazing towards the city in concern. "And yet, a part of me also worries about something else." He looked back down at the paintings before placing them back within his chassis. "I worry that Transit has got his hands on her. It would not surprise me that he would go looking for her. He seems intent on doing so."

"You know, maybe you calling her a liability wasn't too much of a stretch in that regard." Arcee looked at Mirage in surprise when he said that. Mirage wasn't being mean about it though. "That's just what a decepticon would think, anyway. He will be wondering why we keep her around honestly." Mirage flinched and looked at Arcee with a frown. "Can you stop with the pinching, Arcee? Just fix me up enough so I can go back into the city to look for Saphira."

Arcee just smirked at him with a shrug. "I just think you're being a bit ridiculous, Mirage. You were the one who said we shouldn't call Saphira a liability, and yet you are calling her one. Talk about being a hypocrite."

Mirage scoffed and rolled his optics. "You should know I was talking in a different perspective. That is how Transit will view Saphira. I don't see her that way. But if Transit happens to have makes me wonder what exactly he believes. I mean, whether you admit or not, Optimus..." Optimus glanced at Mirage with a slight frown of curiosity. "You have softened a lot with Saphira. And Saphira is showing she cares deeply for you. He may believe something is happening, and I know that it might be impossible."

Optimus frowned a little as he was not following. "I am not sure I understand what you are trying to say, Mirage. What exactly would Transit believe about myself and Saphira? As far as he should know, we are close friends now. I don't think there would be anything further."

"I don't know. But, you have to admit, for a human, Saphira is quite beautiful." Optimus rolled his optics and looked away from Mirage. The autobot smirked as he shrugged while raising his hands defensively as Arcee glared at him. "Hey, I am just saying, if I noticed that about her, I am sure Transit could. And maybe he thinks you see that with Saphira. Though I know you have had hard feelings towards humans, so I don't really know if you think that."

Bumblebee frowned at Mirage as he didn't think Mirage would say something like that. "It's weird you even notice that."

The young autobot just shrugged. "Personally, I don't see that as a problem. It would be like if a human looked at Arcee and see that she has a fine set of wheels. Does that mean that we are attracted in that way? Nah, of course not. I see Saphira as a sister. Just because I think she's beautiful doesn't mean I feel anything more than friendship towards her. I think that is fine."

Arcee shrugged as she stepped back as she assessed more of his body. "I guess that makes sense. But you do seem to be suggesting that Transit might think Optimus feels something for Saphira." Optimus huffed and looked away from him as he too did not like that. "Hmm...I suppose that could be a reason why Transit..." Arcee paused for a moment and became more worried. "Oh...that actually would be very bad. If Transit thinks that, he might...does something extremely bad to her."

Optimus also realized that as a bad thing too. If Transit believed there were such feelings to exist, he will use that as a form of leverage, or try to, in order to bargain with them. Optimus did not want to be put in that awkward position. "I had not considered that. It is a good thing you did, Mirage. However, I do not see that as a good thing at all. But we must not believe that he has her. Saphira is out there in the city somewhere." Optimus looked back at the city with a concerned expression. "Oh, I have been such a fool with how I treated her."

"Now you admit it." Arcee glared at Mirage who had a smug expression, and she yanked as his arm. "OW! Can you please stop that, Arcee?! You're honestly making me feel like I'm being beaten up again. Sheesh, calm down!" He shook his head as Arcee walked away to tend to Bumblebee instead. "Pfft...femmes..."

Arcee glared at Mirage as she heard him before she looked at Optimus, softening her expression. "Optimus, we need to also be worried that other humans may harm Saphira while she wanders the city. Her appearance could unintentionally...well...I know you hear the news reports a lot. I listen to the radio about female humans being assaulted. I worry that will happen to her as well. It is not just Transit we should be concerned about."

Optimus slowly clenched his fists at the very thought. He was silently thinking over everything. Optimus knew that in recent weeks he has been happy with Saphira. He has felt a sense of...he wasn't actually sure how to describe it. Regardless, there was a feeling he had noticed whenever she spent time with him. And the fact now she has literally painted a complete understanding of how she sees him, and the longing he has to go home, really hit his spark quite hard. It made him feel awful about how he treated her when they first met. And now, it showed how deeply she cared.

Optimus could not help but think that maybe Transit isn't wrong in the fact that Optimus and Saphira care about each other. But as for deeper feelings, Optimus did not know if that was true. He has observed different reactions from Saphira that she has whenever he makes a compliment, but he did not think much of it. Though Optimus did think that maybe there was more to those reactions. Maybe they both were denial, but he could not be sure.

And hearing Arcee tell him that she is also worried about other humans harming Saphira, that made him feel extra protective right now. "I had not thought of that either...but now that you have planted those thoughts into my mind, I..." Optimus rubbed his forehead and turned to them with a worried expression. "It makes me want to go right now. But someone has to stand guard while you finish fixing Bumblebee and Mirage, Arcee. I cannot just leave you."

"Do you really think Transit will even show up here?" Arcee asked bluntly as she knelt by Bumblebee to begin repairing his body. "He might know where we hide out to speak when we need to, but I highly doubt he has any reason to come here. He will either be out looking for Saphira, or he has her and intends on taunting us with her. Those are the two things I believe will be the case right now. If you want to go looking for her, you can."

She was not wrong about that. Optimus intakes heavily as he was feeling conflicted about what he should do. He wanted to stay as it was his duty to protect his autobots when down, but Transit probably won't show up, as Arcee believes. He felt the same way too, but he still felt a sense of duty to protect them. "I guess not. Even so...I do believe I should remain..."

"Optimus, we will alert you if he shows up," Mirage interrupts the autobot with a smile. "You don't need to worry about a thing, man. You can trust us to do the right thing." Optimus relaxed a little as he knew that they would alert him. He turned and walked towards the entrance, and Mirage tilts his head slightly. "And are you sure that you wouldn't perhaps be feeling affection towards our little human?" Optimus immediately stopped and glared at Mirage, making the bot chuckle. "Alright, alright, I've said enough. I was just teasing. Go and look for her, big man."

Optimus shook his head as some of the words Mirage chose to say was irritating at times. But he knew that his spark was in the right place. Optimus transformed and rolled out of the warehouse to begin his search through the streets. New York was a huge city, but he knew she would not be out in any of the suburbs, unless she was forced. Optimus at least now knew that Saphira cared deeply about them, and she would want to come back to them.

But there was a deeper question he had. He did show affection towards her a few times, and Optimus knows it. But they were simple compliments, and when she stood at the edge, overlooking the water, he saw just how much pain she had. And it made him feel awful about how he treated her at the beginning. It was after that he began to look at her differently. And Mirage was right. He did think she was beautiful for a human. He actually found himself fascinated when she slept within his chassis. He did not know why, but the fact she felt safe within him was actually a good feeling to have. Maybe the fact he felt good keeping her safe and protected was another sign of a deeper feeling. He did not know that for a fact though.

Optimus just hoped that they would be able to find her soon. Knowing she was out in the city alone, cold and terrified did pull at his spark. Optimus wanted nothing more than to bring her back and keep her safe. All Optimus knew was that Transit had better be prepared for what Optimus will do when he does find him. Optimus knew that Transit may not give the location of his ship, that may or may not be hidden on this planet, but if Saphira was with him, he will know it.


"Wake up, little human." Saphira groaned as she heard the echo of a deep voice speaking to her. "Wake up! It is morning! It is time for me to get to work, so you need to wake up now." Saphira opened her eyes a little and grimaced as the light of the sun hit her eyes painfully. " takes so long for you to wake up. I did a nice thing by getting you some coffee, at least."

Saphira grumbled a little as she sniffed and the scent of hot coffee filled her nostrils. She opened one eye and shrieked in surprise when she saw Transit's holoform standing in front of her. And she noticed she was not restrained currently, as she looked down at herself and looked back up to see he was holding a cup of coffee, and a brown bag that might have something like a bagel or donut inside. She did not want to know how he got these.

Saphira rubbed her eyes and stared at him. "And why in the world would you bother getting me coffee? And I don't know why you need me to be awake..."

"I don't need to be whinging and whining to me when I am working." Transit threw the bag at her, making her flinch as she caught it and looked inside. "I don't care if you don't like it, but that's your breakfast. And you won't get anything until tonight. Do you understand?" Saphira saw that there was a croissant, a bagel, chocolate covered donut and a danish. All of this wasn't necessarily healthy. "If you save some, I don't care."

Saphira closed the top of the bag and looked at the coffee cup with a curious expression. "Do I want to know how you got all of this?" He narrowed his optics at her and she sighed, reaching out to take the coffee cup. "Fine...whatever...I just thought it curious, that is all." Saphira knew that he would not care. She sipped the coffee and grimaced as it was a bit too strong for her, but she did not say anything. "But why do you need me to be awake?" She glanced out the window and looked back at him. "It's early."

"I don't care. I need you awake. Look out the window, and see where I am parked." She looked out the window again and she spotted a public bathroom with showers. She was surprised as she thought she would be using the bus bathroom. But that might not be why he brought her here. He threw something else and she jumped as it landed by her. She saw shampoo and body lotion, and then it clicked. "I believe humans take regular showers, am I right?" Now she understood. He wanted her to be clean. "And don't think this will be an opportunity to run, little human." She flinched as she glanced at him fearfully. "I'll be watching the whole time."

Watching the whole time? He doesn't mean...literally the whole time...though I suppose since his vehicle mode has a toilet, that's just weirder to think about.

Saphira pressed her lips together as she thought about it. "When you say...the whole don't mean you will be watching me in the stall, right?" Transit's lips curl into a smirk. "Please tell won't be...right? You won't be watching me while I shower...right?" His smirk widened and she was instantly shuddering at the thought. "Um...I am not sure if that will be necessary...y-you could just stand at the door, but not inside...I-I promise that will be more than enough. I don't need to see me naked or anything..." She sipped some more coffee as she was nervous about the very idea about it. "Um...that is okay...right?"

Transit just leaned down, making her tense and turn her legs into the seat as she stared back at him fearfully with wide eyes. He was angry, and she could see that. "You have no position to be negotiating what you can, and can't do." She trembled as she looked away from him, already feeling a great sense of shame filling her mind. "Finish that coffee, or I will tip it out and make you get into that building. I have a towel for you to use, so I don't care if you use that to cover yourself. But I hope you can live with the current clothes you have. I am not interested in getting you new clothes."

Saphira did not make any further comment. It was clear that he intended on keeping a close eye on her, even when she needed to shower. She personally would not have cared if he let her shower or not, so long as she got food and be able to use the toilet. They were the only things she cared about. But she could not help but think that him making her use the shower with him watching was a way of seeing her. He might think Optimus has, and Saphira knew that he has not.

Transit just chuckled as she sipped the coffee silently as he saw her trembling. He did not care that she was scared, only that he had something that belonged to Optimus. "And just so you know, once you get back from the shower..." She turned her head as she head the sound of something shifting, and saw the back of the bus open a small compartment. "You will be there. I don't need daily passengers to see you. And I'll make sure you stay quiet too. I hope you understand, little human."

Saphira stared at the space, and it was small. She would be able to sit in it, but there were no windows or light of any kind. It looked like a dark prison in a way. She shivered as she stared at it as she remembered her past and she tugged at her collar nervously. "Does it have to be dark?" Transit narrowed his optics sharply at her and she sighed. "Alright...I won't say anything...I just, HEY!" She gasped as Transit snatched the cover from her and she heard a window roll down before he threw it out, hitting it on the public bathroom wall. "Oh..."

"I do not care if you hate dark, closed spaces. But you will be warm and dry. And if you need to use the toilet, make sure you go before I get to work." Saphira nodded as she understood. She yelped as he hauled her to her feet. "Let's walk. Time to get to the shower, and you will get yourself clean. I bet the autobots don't let you shower that much, so you should be thanking me!" He shoved her down the aisle of the bus, making her stumble and she grabbed the chairs to stop herself from falling. He grabbed the bag with the shampoo and body lotion before walking towards her angrily. "Walk."

"Okay, okay!" Saphira raised her hands defensively as she walked towards the door. "I'm walking!"

Saphira could feel how fast her heart was beating as she was extremely nervous. He was walking behind her closely and she was scared. Transit meant business, and she knew she wouldn't be able to run from him. Not without some help. She could only hope that Optimus and the other autobots would find her as quickly as possible. She did not know if they will, but she knew they would be looking for Transit anyway, so anything could happen.

As she walked down the stairs, she shrieked as she was shoved from behind and she landed hard on the concrete by the bus. She was lucky that nothing broke, but she felt pain shooting up her arms as she managed to catch herself with her hands when she fell. She groaned and pushed herself back onto her feet, looking back at Transit's holoform as he smirked at her. He did not care that he could have almost seriously injured her, which would result in him needing to help her, and that was a terrifying thought that crossed her mind.

"Keep moving." Transit points to the door of the bathroom and she walked towards it. "This block happens to be the quietest. So you are welcome, human." She rolled her eyes as she knew that did not matter. "Make sure you do not take forever. I will be counting closely the length of time it will take for you to wash yourself. Make sure you do not take more than thirty minutes in the shower. Or expect consequences that you will not like."

Saphira did not respond as she did not want to say something he would dislike. She was more nervous about having to undress in front of the decepticon. Her legs felt like jello as she walked into the bathroom, and she folded her arms as she trembled. Even though it was cold inside the building, she was not paying attention to the temperature. She glanced at the stalls nervously, not knowing if she should just pick randomly or not.

But before she could guess, she was shoved into one of the stalls and she stared as Transit stepped into the stall, closing the door behind him and locking it. She stared at him nervously as he placed the bag down, grabbing out the towel to place on the stall seat and he looked at her with a glare. "We don't have all day, get those off now!" She flinched as he spoke to her harshly. "Or I'll do it myself."

Saphira immediately raised her hands defensively as tears fill her eyes. "No, no, no! I-I'll do it." She unzipped her jacket and took it off slowly. " don't have to worry."

"Good." Transit was extremely pleased with himself as he watched Saphira remove her clothes slowly. He didn't care that she was scared and humiliated right now, as he eyed off this human curiously to see just how attractive she might be. "But don't take too long getting them off, do you hear me? Remember, the time is ticking."

Saphira nodded as she removed her undershirt and pants before she took her underwear off. She trembled as she covered her breasts and crotched, stepping into the shower and turning on the water. She gasped as the icy water hit her skin like a knife, but she kept her back towards Transit right now, while also trying to stay next the wall to hide. She let her tears fall as she was extremely afraid right now, and she felt humiliated as well.

Transit stepped forward to place the shampoo and body lotion onto the rack, and she saw a loofah place by the bottles as well. She waited until the water turned hot, which did not take long and Saphira quickly began to wash her hair. She felt a little awkward with how she was standing in the shower, but she did not want the decepticon to see her whole body, even though she was certain that he might have. And he did not seem to care much, since he did not say anything about her keeping her back to him.

Transit himself had a very smug expression as he watched the human stand under the shower. He could now see everything about her, and his mind was thinking that Optimus had found a rare human. After all, her eye colour was not common, nor was the shade of her skin, which made her a rare specimen. He could not help but feel utter joy knowing that he had this girl in his clutches. And she would be useful to him. He knew that Optimus will find him eventually, and he was going to have a lot of fun toying with the Prime as he would use Saphira as a tool, a tool to mock Optimus Prime and see just how far he would go to save this little human. As Transit will have absolutely not care if he were to snap her body in half if he wanted to.

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