Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

By AshleyH713

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One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... More

Fly Away..
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Playing "Hero"
Nice To Meet You Princess
It's All Fake, It Has To Be..
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
Whatever It Takes
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
Pull and Push
The Test
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

Between The Black and White

310 13 3
By AshleyH713

Few Moments Prior

Shadow watched the small tiny feather work through the chains holding Geten onto the floor as the agent felt himself sigh in exasperation. So many things happened today and the man was honestly just plain exhausted.

Of course, that's what happens when you follow a psychopathic villain like Valkyrie.

Wanting to be done with the job as quickly as possible the man muttered. "How long is this gonna take? Someone could come back, you know. Or do you not care about that?"

All at once, the feather seemed to stop its work before flying over to the man in order to stab him in the hand with its sharp bristles, causing Shadow to jump in surprise. "Ow, stop that, will you?"

The feather stood still then, almost as if to say. You think you can do better?

And truthfully, Shadow knew he couldn't. "I'm just saying that this plan has way too many holes you didn't account for. That's why I wanna get out of here as fast as possible, before anything can go wrong."

It was something he was worried about the moment he agreed to this stupid plan. Sure, the basis was simple but the agent knew that any sort of curveball could destroy the entire thing if they weren't careful.

The feather remained still at that, seemingly soaking in the sentence before flying away in order to continue its work on the chains. Well, at least she knew logic. That was something.

A heavy silence appeared then, causing the agent to gaze upon the unconscious and half dead liberation member with a mix of emotions in his chest. But why did he feel like this? He shouldn't have any sympathy for villains.

No, he knew why. He knew it so painfully well that the man felt his chest tighten a moment later, practically begging to voice out his conflict into the air.

And a moment later he did, knowing that Hikari was probably far too busy with Shigaraki and fixing that lock to hear. "I hesitated, back at the casino. Right after I took his quirk, I saw Geten cry. Can you believe that, a villain crying? I couldn't. I hadn't seen that kind of humanity before."

Sure, he had been inside Hikari's memories and felt her pain but the whole time it didn't feel real, like he was trapped inside of a dream, watching like a passenger against his own will. But the moment he heard Geten's shrill voice and shaking body nothing could be denied, because he had witnessed it himself.

And that made everything all the more real and scary.

Looking down at his hand, Shadow then opened up his fist in order to stare at his palm in silence. He had even reached out to the kid before Toga stabbed him. What the hell was wrong with him? He was just mixing fantasy with reality, searching for something that wasn't really there.

But even so, Geten's tear soaked face haunted his memory, morphing and changing into someone else familiar. "He cried like a child, and at that moment I saw my brother. I saw just how broken and sad and lost he really was. Even now, I can't help but see Yuto in him."

Thinking back to Hikari and his conversation about an hour prior, the man couldn't help but recall her reason for keeping Alpha around. She said it was because of weakness, because she didn't want to create anymore Valkyrie's. Perhaps she saw herself in that boy, just like he saw Yuto in Geten.

Feeling an unexplainable grief course through him, flashes of Hikari's horrible childhood then reemerged only for Shadow to lower his eyes in heartbreak. "So much so, it can't help but make me think, make me question.."

Then the man lowered his voice, the cracks in the tone evident as he whispered. "Did my brother die just as broken as him?"

Closing his eyes at the horrible idea, the man paused, not noticing the red feather in front of him pause for a millisecond before a soft click was overheard, causing the agent to lean down and see the metal lock opened, finally detaching the young kid from the wall.

And although he didn't wanna admit it, Shadow was impressed. "Not bad."

Then he watched as the feather floated away from the chains as the agent put his hands up in defense, preparing for another assault or slap only for the soft feathery object to land in his palm gently with pure silence.

Shadow didn't understand the motion at first, slightly concerned for the strange reaction only to feel the soft bristles rub against his skin. And call him crazy, but it kinda felt like the feather was comforting him.

So much so, the agent felt a small smile of amusement cross his lips before speaking to the object lightly. "Yeah yeah, I got it from here. Go finish your stupid plan."

The feather answered immediately, leaping up from his palm before flying over to the kid in the corner and pulling his unconscious body towards the agent before disappearing under the door a second later.

Looking back down at his palm, Shadow then stared at the bare skin, still feeling the lingering touch of the feather before closing his hand with another sigh. No, he was imaging it. A villain didn't comfort people, especially not Valkyrie.

Just then, the agent felt his entire body tense with the scent of danger before automatically moving to the left in order to just barely miss a long bladed sword as it passed by his head and embedded into the ground beside him.

Turning his head back, the man then felt his soldier persona snap back into place as he eyed a very familiar lizard staring back at him, the villain's eyes filled with a mix of shock and surprise.

Well, shit. This wasn't good.

This was the kind of wildcard he was trying to avoid.


Feeling Hikari's already broken rib twist inside her stomach, the girl held back a groan as Shigaraki barrelled his fist into her weak spot, causing stars to appear in her vision as he mocked loudly. "Not so tough now, are you Valkyrie? Where's that smart mouth you love to give so much? Or have you finally realized just how screwed you are?"

The woman didn't speak though, causing his lips to curve upwards in victory in order to slam his hand into the top of the chair holding her hostage. "Boo hoo, you lost. And now, it's time for you to pay for running my team."

Moving his other hand up, Tomura then traced his fingers across her jaw in calculated intent as her entire body physically shivered. "And don't worry, I'll be sure to make your death extra slow and painful."

His fingers then moved further down, the tips dancing across her throat, and then her collarbone and finally stopping a couple inches above her heart, the villain enjoying the show in the process.

Although that's when a red flash appeared from under the doorway, tearing across the room only for Shigarki to grab onto the flimsy feather before it could reach her, his eyes scanning the wiggling object with sick delight.

So she did manage to sneak in a feather. Too bad it wasn't enough. "Nice try. Did you really think that one weak little feather is enough to stop me?"

To prove his point, the man then crushed his fingers over the object as the sharp bristles barely cut the surface. What a pointless little trick she tried to pull. This feather wasn't even strong enough for a papercut.

Growing tired of her games, the man then directed his attention back to her heart in order to lift his hand up with the full intent of killing her once and for all. "Think again birdie."

And as his hand flew down, the door to the room seemingly slammed open once again as Dabi watched his boss place all five fingers down onto Hikari's chest, a wave of panic coursing through him as he shouted. "Don't...!"

But it was too late as Shigarki managed to finish the job, a maniacal smile upon his lips as he waited to hear the decaying and screaming below him.

Yet, it never came.

Turning his eyes in confusion, the villain then turned towards the girl in question only to find his hand still firmly pressed against her heart, all five fingers laying upon the fabric just like he intended. But that wasn't right, she should have been shattered.

Not understanding, Tomura then lifted his hand quickly before slamming it back onto Hikari's heart to no avail. Wait, what the hell was happening?! His quirk, something was wrong with his quirk. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Although that's when he heard the girl's smug laugher, her head tilting upwards in order to speak to the crumbling man before her. "What's wrong, crusty? Something you drank?"

Then, all at once, something clicked inside Shigaraki's head, his hand moving away from her in shock. What did she just say? This was her fault? "What, what did you do to me?!"

Hikari seemed happy to explain though, her teeth grinning with bloody pride. "You're right, I can't beat you without a quirk, So I had to even the playing field somehow."

Then she gestured to the head of the league before finishing. "And lucky for me, I know your routine. The league sure does like to drink after a successful mission. All it took was a small dose of liquid from those quirk erasing bullets in the alcohol to bring you down to my level."

At that, Shigari felt his face fall. The alcohol, that kid's strange request to have a drink with them in exchange for Valkyrie, everything added up almost immediately. She had poisoned them, all of them simply because she knew that they would drink after a mission.

What a terrifying, shady woman.

Still trying to process her game, Shigaraki stood still as Hikari then glanced at the single red object still in between his fingers, the bristles wiggling around. "And suddenly, that tiny little feather looks a lot more threatening, doesn't it? Wanna see what else I can do with it?"

Then, before he could process it, the single feathers slipped from his fingers in order to stab the man right in the left eye, his hand immediately going for the area as the red then moved over to Hikari's chains ever so smoothly.

Hearing his own muttered curses, the villain raced forward, his vision blurred in order to reach his hands out blindly and grab the bird in front of him. "You bitch!!"

He was too late though, the chains holding Hikari falling away a moment later before she stood in order to throw the metal chair in his direction instead. "Come on crusty, you can do better than that. Where's the creativity in your insult? Give me something good."

Not liking her mocking tone, the villain then screamed before throwing the object aside as Hikari readied her fists with sickening glee. It almost seemed like she was enjoying his rage, like some sort of drug.

He swung first, but due to his quirkless nature, Hikari was faster, moving to the left before easily grabbing his arm with one hand in order to punch the villain clear across the face with as much power that blood spewed from his nose immediately.

Then the woman picked up the metal chair at her feet in order to slam the surface on his head, rendering the man unconscious with brutal force as Shigaraki crumbled to the ground without a second thought.

Looking down at her work, Hikari then rubbed her bloody knuckles onto her pants in order to turn to Dabi and find him staring blankly at the fight, almost like he hadn't processed her quick escape yet.

That is, until she looked down and smirked at the sight. "And there he is, right on time, running again. Careful Dabi, your body is betraying you. Did that really turn you on that much?"

And as much as he fucking hated it, Dabi knew she was right, already feeling his body twitch with lust at the sight of Hikari covered in his bosses blood. How she took him out like that, screwed him over so carefully, so violently. God, he was already hard just thinking about it.

Although that's when he realized that she was making fun of him. He had done what she had accused him of yet again, running to her side, calling out to her when he thought Shigaraki was going to kill her. She had heard it all.

Trying to cover himself mentally, the man scoffed. "I don't think you should be acting all cocky. You're still in the lion's den, and you must be stupid if you think I'm gonna help you get out."

Hikari only shook her head though, strolling up to the villain with a knowing look. "I know you won't, it's something I've come to terms with. All those years making me fight my own battles, you prepared me well for this."

Then she nodded her head, like she was confirming something unknown to herself. "So I better not disappoint, right? I better fight with everything I have. I know that now."

And though Dabi didn't fully understand her words, he felt the weight of them, like she was promising something important to him. But what could it have been? Did it mean she was finally backing out of his life, or something more?

Either way, he didn't get an answer, watching as the woman then took a step back before opening her arms in a challenge. "Now then, how about round 2, enemy?"

And just like that, his lust for attention and challenge took up any curiosity that plagued his mind. "Careful Princess, you got your ass kicked last time. Are you sure you want to recreate that?"

Hikari didn't back down though, her eyes never leaving Dabi's as the small bloody feather floated back into her palm. "Last time I wasn't myself, you were fighting half a woman. But you knew that. That's why you woke me up. Why you said all those things.."

Then she closed her fingers over the bristles before narrowing her eyes at the smoke escaping his palms. "But now it looks like we are both at a disadvantage. I wonder what kind of result that will make? Come on, I know you're dying to find out."

Following her gaze, Dabi then mimicked her movements, closing his hands as he felt his own quirk exhaustion take over. She was right. They were both spent from their previous fight, practically quirkless even.

See, he might have caused Hikari to use almost all her feathers but he has also used up his ability to strike a flame. Even now he could see the shaking of his fingers as his body refused to do anything but smoke and stutter.

And although that would've stopped a sane person, he knew that both Hikari and himself weren't that, and that sense of challenge and adrenaline already began to fill his throat as he stood a step closer in confirmation.

If Princess wanted a fight then so be it.

He would just have to drill that feeling of defeat all over again. Then perhaps she would finally give up with him completely.

"Don't cry when I break your pretty face again."


Dodging another hit, Shadow felt himself slide across the floor, beads of sweat clear upon his face as he silently cursed his partner for her flimsy loose plan.

See, this is why he was against this whole thing. He knew it would be shit show. Now he was stuck fighting this lizard freak all by myself.

Snapping out of his thoughts, the tattooed man just barely registered another swing of a sword as he slipped his entire body into the floorboard as Spinner shouted in frustration. "Ugh! Just stay still already, will you?"

The agent appeared behind the lizard a moment later, targeting a hit from behind as he sighed with exasperation. This was taking too long. That bird was probably already dead by now given her luck.

Suddenly, he saw Spinner push down his sword, not realizing that Shadow had disappeared yet only for the agent to notice the tied up liberation members, his body only a couple inches away from where the blade was supposed to hit.

This crazy villain, he didn't even realize that Geten was about to be collateral for their fight. Perhaps he didn't care though, given that the boy was supposed to be executed already.

He was still unconscious, the red blood coating his chest as his white hair covered his entire features. This boy, he was going to die without even a chance. He would never even know.

And Shadow knew he shouldn't care, he knew that the death of a simple villain shouldn't have shaken him so much, but the moment he saw Spinner's sword come down, he heard his little brother's voice, the memory of him almost suffocating.

"Brother! You're back!"

"Sorry, I just missed you"

Closing his eyes to will away the sound, the voice then changed as Geten's past pleas slammed against his mind, driving him insane as he recalled the shrill cries of the white haired kid.

"My quirk..what did you do?

"W-Why? You've already taken everything from me."

At the tone, Shadow felt his throat tighten up immediately, his eyes growing blurry as the kid in front of him flashed in and out, showing his brother and then Geten in the next moment.

Then before he knew it, the agent felt his feet move on their own, sinking back into the floor and appeared right in between Spinner's blade and the liberation kid as he shut his eyes.

Lifting his arms out, he then blocked the incoming hit and took a breath, not processing the movement as he willingly protected a villain without a second thought.

Although, that's when Shadow heard a loud clang, the man opening his eyes to see Spinner's sword fall to the ground as the lizard gasped in shock, his fingers already reaching for the object once again.

But try as he may, the villain could not lift the large blade, his muscles straining as he shouted towards the object immediately. "What? My strength, why can't I lift this?!"

Feeling himself let out a shaky breath of anxiety, Shadow's shoulders then slumped down in order to process the last couple of seconds. He was alive. Thank god. Why did he even put himself in the way of that blade in the first place?

Surely it couldn't have been to protect a villain.

Although before he could think about it, the man then gazed towards the struggling lizard before he felt his lips curve into a small smirk. Well what do you know, the bird's plan did seem to work after all.

That quirk erasing liquid in the booze really did seem to do the trick.

Realizing that he had the upper hand now, the agent got to work, leaping forward before easily landing a hit on the lizard, not once but twice before he fell down unconscious.

Then the man turned to the white haired kid before shaking away the lingering feelings from before in order to sling the boy over his shoulder.

No, that didn't happen.

There is no way I risked myself for this kid.


Hearing her own sickening laughter through her own bloody teeth, Hikari dodged under another one of Dabi's swings before jumping away in order not to hold her broken rib that was already throbbing in pain.

But that didn't matter, none of that mattered besides Dabi right now.

No, she needed to show him that he wasn't the one on top this time.

The man himself seemed to be enjoying their fight as well, his eyes hyper focused on every move as his own palms steamed with lingering restude of his quirk overuse.

But lucky for her, he was just as helpless as she was, evening the battle as Hikari pushed her bloody knuckles towards his face in an instant. "Come on Dabi, that's all you got? I am your "enemy" after all, right? Prove it."

At the phrase, the villain felt himself frown, knowing that she was still making fun of him still because of his foolish slip up when he was kidnapped. What a cocky little princess, she knew that he couldn't be mad at her like this.

Dodging her hit immediately, the man then spun around before barreling his fist towards her injury, knowing it would incapacitate her like last time. "Cute, but instead of talking maybe you should be paying more attention."

Hikari seemed to expect this though, dodging her head before wrapping her fingers around his belt and pulling the man forward until they were merely a couple inches from each other as she hummed. "Oh believe me, you're the only thing I've ever paid attention to."

The words were so sudden, so sensual that they caused Dabi to widen his eyes before immediately pushing his free hand into her ribs as Hikari crumbled to the ground a moment later, a loud groan escaping her throat in the process.

But even on the floor, she still mocked him, holding the pain before looking up at his startled form with another psychotic chuckle. "Ah, is that a blush I see?"

Dabi stood in the same place though, watching as Hikari stumbled back to her feet before casting his eyes away in order for him to not see her victory. Damn, that was out of left field. What's gotten into you, Princess?

But that moment of weakness was enough for her to strike again, the woman quickly balling her fists before ramming them into his stomach as her single tiny feather pulled him backwards and into the old chair that had once held her prisoner.

Then the small bristles immediately grabbed the discarded chains before locking them over the stitched man's hands and pinning him into place as Hikari shook out her throbbing knuckles. "What a scary villain, rendered defenseless by just a couple words."

Dabi only narrowed his eyes though, watching the woman stroll up to him as he refused to awkward the very true fact. Fuck, it seemed she had finally realized just what kind of effect she had on him, even when he tried to deny it.

And deny it he did as the man grumbled bitterly under his breath. "Shut up."

The only reason she won tonight was because he had already used his energy. Hikari was better at fighting with a disadvantage, considering her wings were already few and far between at full power. He didn't stand a chance.

That's where the two of them differed after all.

Dabi was dependent on his quirk, Hikari was not.

Hikari did not in fact, shut up though, moving even closer to the man before stopping right in front of her old friends, her legs brushing against his thigh as she spoke. "That's what you always say, isn't it? For me to shut up, to ignore you, to forget, just like everyone else in your life.."

Then the villain felt his eyes widen in shock as Hikari lazily straddled the man with her thighs, carefully placing herself on his lap and leaning down in order to whisper the one thing he wasn't ready to hear. "But the question is.."

Leaning over his ear, she finished knowingly. " Is what you say, truly what you want?"

The words coursed through him immediately, causing Dabi to open his mouth in surprise and snap his face to hers. What the fuck was she talking about? He already told her what he wanted. He wanted to die, to be forgotten.

That was the only thing left for him anymore, it was the only thing he could want.

Yet before he could finish, the woman was gone, moving away from his lap as his head began to spin. "Is your little pigeon brain that stupid? Of course that's what I want. I told you that.."

Hikari only lowered her head though, like she was confirming something for herself before a small chuckle escaped her lips without permission. "So you didn't forget either."

At that, Dabi stood still, realizing his fuck up. He had just mentioned their last night together, the one they promised would be erased, the one that they said they would forget.

Damn it, he was proving her point without even saying it.

Hikari seemed to already know that though, taking a few more moments of silence to herself before seemingly snapping back to reality in order to remember where she was.

Then turning to her first love, the woman spoke. "Just remember, whatever comes next is the real game."

The blonde haired bird then turned silent once more, allowing Dabi to soak in the ominous intent before she took a step back and added plainly. "Now, how about a parting gift, hmm? Seems like you're missing something to remember me by"

Hikari then leaned forward once more before running a single finger over his bare scarred flesh, stopping right in the center of his chest before mocking. "Careful now, Dabi. You know I'd much rather hear your moans than your screams.."

Knowing what she was going to do next, Dabi then watched as the woman slammed her heeled boots into his chest with so much force that a familiar crack appeared a moment later as all the air was pulled from his lungs.

And just like that, the two of them had matching injuries. Almost like some kind of fucked up memento or charm bracelet.

But that was just the way they liked it.

Holding in a groan at the pain, Dabi sucked in a heavy breath before shaking his head in amusement. God, he knew he was supposed to hate her, he knew he wasn't supposed to think about her right now, but he couldn't help it.

She was just so fucking hot.

If only he wasn't tied up right now, if only he had that freedom to say so. Then she'd surely be in trouble for that little sexy move.

So much so, he opened his mouth to speak only for the door to slam open a moment later as Shadow rushed in, sweat clearly upon his brow with Geten slung over his shoulder. "Oh good, you aren't dead yet. Come on, what are you waiting for, we gotta go."

At that, Dabi's smile began to drop as he turned his gaze towards the black haired commission agent before speaking low, like he was bothered by the new stranger. "The rat, so that's how you did it. I should've guessed."

Then he turned to Hikari before giving her a knowing look. "The company you keep is getting worse and worse, Princess."

Shadow then watched as the female villain's back began to stiffen before immediately turning around and gestured to the agent quickly. "Come on, emo boy. We're done here. Let's go."

The move was strange, like something had shifted in the room suddenly. But why? What did Dabi mean when he said that? What was this unsaid conversation they were talking about?

Hikari didn't give him time to answer though, reaching the doorway a moment later as Shadow sighed in order to give up. Maybe it was nothing.

Although that's when the stitched man said something that made both Shadow and Hikari stop in their tracks. And although one was in confusion, the other seemed to do it in fear. "I mean I didn't realize it until you said that name at the casino. What bad luck you have."

Then Dabi turned his gaze towards the tattooed agent with sick malice, knowing it would shake him immediately. "Does he even know?"

The room turned silent then as Shadow felt his entire body shiver at the sharp chill his words brought. What did that mean? What did he know?

Although that's when he couldn't help but think back to the last couple days with Valkyrie and her strange reactions towards him. Did it have something to do with that? Was he right, was the president right? She really was sparing him on purpose.

Feeling himself fall backwards, the man then snapped out of his thoughts as Hikari's tiny feather pulled him away from the scene, her eyes dark as she slammed the door to the question and Dabi a second later. "I said let's go. We are gonna get caught if we stand around like this."

The damage was done though, Shadow pausing at the closed door before turning to find the villain walking away from him. But this time, the man wasn't going to let her get away with it.

Running up to her, the agent grabbed onto the arm easily, his voice strained. "What did Dabi mean? What don't I know?"

Hikari only shrugged him off though, her eyes still not looking at him as she muttered back halfheartedly. "Just ignore him, he's insane. He doesn't know what he's talking about."

And normally he would've been fine with that, but that clearly wasn't the case. He wanted her to know that. "Then why did you react like that? Like you were scared?"

She stopped then as Shadow watched her push her lips together in annoyance before groaning at the uncomfortable conversation. It seemed like all government heroes were the same, always shoving themselves into people's business.

Balling her fists, the woman muttered. "God damn commission dogs and their profiling. First Kei and now you..."

This caused warning bells to go off in his head. She couldn't hide now, not when he so clearly could see her discomfort. "I'm right then, you were scared, those words Dabi said meant something, something big. Tell me, and don't give me any of that bullshit. I want the truth."

The room turned quiet then as Hikari's face fell, almost like she was having some sort of internal battle with herself before taking a step back as Shadow saw the utter exhaustion in her eyes.

Whatever it was, it was really weighing on her. "Please, just drop it."

Her voice was so small, so fragile that it caused the agent to pause. He had never heard that kind of raw vulnerability in her voice before. It wasn't villain like at all. In fact, it was rather human, twisting every part of him immediately.

So much so, he felt his next words fall from his lips unexpectedly. "Hikari, tell me."

At the sound of her real name, they both froze. He had never done that before, not once. So why did it slip out so easily? It's like he wasn't seeing her as a villain right now. But that wasn't possible, Valkyrie was Valkyrie."

Although before he could think, Shadow's gaze traveled to something shiny out of the corner of his eyes before audibly gasping at the object. It was a knife, and it was heading straight for Hikari.

Reaching his hands out, the man then grabbed onto Hikari's waist before pulling her out of the way in order to use his other hand to stop the incoming arm and hold it in place.

The move was sudden, causing the woman to widen her eyes as she was shoved against his chest just in time to see a seething Toga push against Shadow's hand as she shouted through tears. "You're dead!

Blinking in surprise, Hikari then turned to the commission agent before placing her hand on her chest in mocking gratitude, not knowing that he was capable of that kind of thing. "You just stopped me from being stabbed."

Shadow only shook his head though, not wanting to think about his moment of weakness, especially for a villain. Damn it, what was wrong with him today? "Don't talk about it, we have bigger problems."

The two then looked at the hysterical blonde before them as she tried to fight against Shadow's hold with everything she had, her eyes wild like an animal. "I'm not letting you out of here, not until you pay for hurting my best friend!"

Her voice was so shrill so full of pain that it brought an unpleasant feeling in the agent's throat. She was so far gone from sanity, it was obvious to tell. And he didn't know why but he hated seeing it, seeing this young teenager cry out for help and desperation before his eyes.

No, he couldn't fight her, he couldn't hurt this girl, even if he wanted to. Not when his brain was still going all screwy, not when he was confusing reality with fiction again.

Memories of his little brother and Geten's cries seemed to melt together with hers then, causing his hands to shake around Hikari's waist, something the woman noticed immediately.

And because of their previous conversion, it seemed she understood his fear perfectly.

Just then, he felt a hand touch his own, looking down to find Hikari pulling away from him with a knowing look of understanding on her face as she smiled reassuringly. "It's okay, emo boy. You don't have to fight her. Just go get ice bitch to Alpha. I'll take care of this."

At the move, Shadow went still. What the hell was she talking about? She was on death's doorstep right now. Hell, she could hardly walk without hunching over and yet she was offering to fight Toga on his behalf?

No, she couldn't do that. It was a suicide mission. She must have known that.

Then again though, this whole plan was a suicide mission from the start.

But maybe she was right, someone had to fight her, and it was almost impossible for him to do so in his condition. She must have known that. Huh. Now who was doing the profiling? Hypocrite.

Voicing his concerns, he felt Toga twist under his hold as he spoke. "How are you going to do that in your condition? Look at you, you can barely stand."

Although that's when Hikari's lips curved into something more sinister, her entire demeanor changed before using her hand to push away from him completely.

"Did you forget? I'm Valkyrie."

Then the woman raced forward in order to grab onto Toga's waist, pulling her down to the ground with Hikari as they slammed into the floor a moment later as Shadow's eyes widened in shock.

That girl, she was fucking insane. She really did that without hesitation.

But even still, the agent felt his feet refuse to move, watching as the two girls practrally tore each other apart at his feet. Valkyrie told him to leave but how could he do that when they were clearly disadvantaged? It didn't feel right.

Yet that's when the tiny red feather burst from her pocket before latching onto Shadow's clothes in order to push him through the nearby glass window and off the second story house as his eyes widened. What the hell?!

Before he could process it though, the man felt his body fall into the back of an old red pick up truck before gasping in surprise as a very familiar head of silver hair appeared above him. "You got the liberation kid. Where is the boss?"

Groaning in pain at the sudden hit, Shadow then turned on his side before pointing up at the shattered window in question. "She's fighting that knife villain. Pushed me out a window just to get me away from it."

Alpha frowned at that, reaching forward towards the agent only for the small feather to appear from the agent's pocket and wave its bristles in front of the boy silently. And although he hated it, Alpha got the warning immediately.

The boss really was serious about protecting him. How annoying. "Then we must get to the secondary meet up location. Boss will be expecting us."

Yet as he turned around, Shadow couldn't help but look back to the window in question as his chest full with uncertainty. "Hey kid.."

Alpha glanced behind him at that, watching as the commission agent began to shift uncomfortably before whispering out his question. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

At that, the boy couldn't help but close his eyes in reply, knowing the truth behind his words. Who knew a dog could be so worried about a villain?

It seemed he didn't even realize it himself.

How comical.

"Don't worry, boss is the strongest person I know. They'll come back."


Feeling Hikari's fingers dig into Toga's scalp, the blonde haired teen swung her knife down as she screamed into Hikari's face, tears upon her face as she did so. "I"m gonna kill you!!"

Another because she was a teenager and Hikari was an adult, the bird had the advantage, flipping the blonde over in order to press her into the floor as she wildly waved her knife around in a crazed fit.

Damn it, this kid had lost her mind. Great job Kei. "Back off, Toga. Trust me, you really don't wanna do this."

And that was the honest truth, knowing that fighting Dabi and this teenage girl were two different things. She didn't get the same joy and glee from fighting a kid, and the fact that she was in this position to begin with was already uncomfortable.

But then again, if it came down to it, Hikari also knew she could beat Toga up quite easily. She just didn't want to make that choice, not when it was so incredibly clear that she was emotionally distraught from losing her best friend Twice.

So Hikari gave her the choice, her arm deeper into the blonde's neck as she wiggled under her grasp before she shouted venomously. "I want you dead! I want you to suffer for killing my best friend!!"

Just then like that, Toga managed to move out of the woman's grasp, her knife waving in the air haphazardly as Hikari quickly turned and grabbed her arm. And with that, it seemed that the teen had made her choice.

Fuck it, looks like she was gonna have to kick this child's ass.

She's gonna regret not taking that offer.

Sighing in exasperation for the stupid decision, the woman was a bit too slow on her next move, causing Toga's hand to easily push against her broken ribs as Hikari widened her eyes in pain and jumped back.

Shadow was right in a sense. She was pretty fucked up right now, which meant that she would have to watch her moves carefully if she didn't wanna pass out from pain before this was over. Yeah, that would be embarrassing.

So instead, Hikari hovered her hand over her injury with a wince before realizing what she would have to do. Looks like it was time to use those little messed up tricks Riku taught her all those years ago.

Muttering to herself, she spoke. "Fine, you asked for it.."

Evening her breath, the woman then watched Toga race towards her as Hikari's mind flashed back to the past, remembering how it felt when Riku would break her bones over and over again and still scream at her to fight.

Feeling the numbness overtake her body immediately, the woman then exhaled, pushing all the nerves and pain out of her system in order to stand a little taller. That's right, Hikari didn't just learn how to dissociate to push the mental pressure from her body

She learned how to do it for physical pressure as well.

Almost like a light switch in her mind, Hikari allowed her instincts to take over immediately as Toga's hand came into view. But for her, she didn't see Toga, only Riku.

Hikari latched onto her hand a second later, dodging another knife attack before throwing herself into Toga once more, the two crashing onto the floor as the cruel Valkyrie reached her fingers into the villain's hair before slamming her into the ground.

Toga screamed in rage at the moment, pushing her hands up in order to slam her empty palm into Hikari's broken ribs, except this time Valkyrie didn't flitch, she didn't even acknowledge the attack in the slightest.

Lifting her knife up in a raging shout of frustration, Toga then rolled her body upwards, using all her strength until Hikari was the one beneath her, the woman screaming as the tears covered her vision. "This is for Twice-y!!"

Yet in her blind rage, she was careless, allowing Hikari to shove her heeled boot into Toga's chest and bluntly kick her backwards, the girl flying a couple feet away before slamming her back into the floor once again.

Then before she could process it, Hikari's foot stomped down on her knife wielding hand, causing the girl to cry and drop the weapon in order for the woman to learn down with a blank emotionless stare.

And from above, Toga could see the dull lifeless and terrifying eyes of Valkyrie, staring down at her, causing the girl to shiver in fear. Was this the same look she gave Twice before she killed him? It was like a monster, like she wasn't human.

Even still, the girl still fought, wiggling under Hikari's hold as her finger tried to reach for her knife with every bit of strength.

Yet that's when the tip of her blade appeared just a few inches from her face, Valkyrie's lifeless eyes never moving from her fearful expression as she spoke dark and slow. "Looking for this?"

The way she said those words, they brought another chill down Toga's spine as she gritted her teeth together in frustration. Dabi's ex-girlfriend, she had never heard her talk like that before. So dark, so calculating.

And now she was going to kill her, just like she did with her best friend.

Well then, so be it.

Feeling hot tears burn down her cheeks, Toga then accepted her fate, screaming at the grim reaper before her in order for her to say her right words. "Fine, do it!! Kill me, just like you did with Twice!! Let me be with him!! I don't care!!"

Valkyrie's hand went up then, Toga watching as Valkyrie reacted to her words immediately, the girl not faltering in the slightest. If she was going to die like this then she wasn't going to close her eyes. She was going to be brave, for Twice.

And as it came down, Toga felt herself hold her breath, waiting for the end only to watch the knife stop just inches from her heart, shaking in between Hikari's fingers as the dull void in her eyes disappeared a moment later.

Not understanding, the girl then looked up to find a different expression on Valkyrie's face, one that seemed conflicted and bothered by the situation they were in.

What was she doing?! Why wouldn't she just kill her?!

Voicing her frustration, toga spoke out again, her voice causing Hikari's body to jump in surprise. "What are you waiting for?! Just for it, kill me and get it over with!!!"

Yet just as she said that, Hikari's hand began to shake even more on the blade, the tip never touching her skin as the woman closed her eyes in some sort of defeat before throwing the knife away from them and freeing the girl below her.

Feeling her eyes twist in disbelief, Toga's muscles remained unmoving watching Hikari then take another step back before turning away from the blonde completely, and allowing her to live.

Crawling onto her knees in confusion, the blonde then watched her go, reaching down in order to grab the knife on the floor before gazing at it with confusion. She had the opening, she could've kill me. But why didn't she?

And why was her hand shaking on that knife?

This didn't make any sense.

Something wasn't adding up.

She sat there for what seemed like forever, staring at the surface until she finally heard herself voice her own thoughts, the girl choosing to speak into the void of silence. "She didn't kill me. It was almost like she..couldn't? But that doesn't make sense. She had no problem killing Twice. Unless.."

Yet that's when a very familiar voice answered back. "Unless she didn't kill him after all."

Widening her eyes at the idea, Toga then turned around only to find Dabi staring at her with a knowing look in his eyes. Wait, what did he just say? No, it couldn't be. He had to be lying, right?



Back at the bunker, Alpha watched from a distance as Shadow paced back and forth, looking at his phone every five minutes before quickly putting it away and repeating the process. It has been like that for the last hour and the agent couldn't help but feel the anxiety eating away at him bit by bit.

Alpha on the other hand didn't seem concerned at all, his head shaking at the sight. "How many times are you going to go back and forth in the same spot? I already told you, the boss will come back. They always do, so you shouldn't worry about them."

And his words though, the agent felt himself stop before giving a low mocking laugh. "I'm not worried about a villain. That's not why I'm doing this. I'm just..uhh...working on a new commission training routine. You wouldn't understand."

The boy only raised an eye though. "For a dog, you're a bad liar."

Shadow felt his mouth drop open with annoyance at that. Just who did this kid think he was? Like hell he was worried about Valkyrie. No, the nerves were from something else. He just didn't know what.

Sure, the mission was a success and sure they had gotten the liberation kid and sure things worked out better then expected but this man eating anxiety had to be because of something else. It just had to be.

Yet just as he said that, the door to the bunker swung open revealing Valkyrie herself, leaning against the wall as she gave a tired smile at the sight of the two boys. "Don't tell me you've decided to party without me."

Almost immediately Alpha raced forward, his eyes searching her injuries before reaching his hands out as if to catch her. "Boss, welcome back. Congratulations on another successful mission."

Hikari only shoo-ed his hands away, the woman holding her stomach with a groan before pushing herself off of the wall. "Come on, you didn't doubt me, did ya? Your boss always comes out on top."

Alpha only nodded though. "Of course, I would expect nothing less from you."

Rolling her eyes at his honestly, the villain then moved past him before muttering under her breath. "Alright alright, that's enough of the mushy stuff. You're gonna give me a cavity."

Then the woman stopped at Shadow before taking in the utter disbelief on his face. Well what do you know, she did that. Her stupid foolish plan had worked. They had all made it out alive. It was honestly kind of unbelievable.

Hiakri then smirked, giving him a cocky knowing look in his direction. "Ha, yeah that's the face i've been waiting for. Pretty impressive for a villain, huh?"

And although he would never admit it to her, Shadow was impressed. Impressed and a little scared of her talent. Now he understood why Valkyrie reigned on top for so many years. They were clearly one of the best.

Yet just as he thought that, Hikari seemed to cave in on herself, the woman clutching her chest before leaning over with a strained gasp. "Oh, and there goes the ribs. Fuck...probaly shouldn't have done all that fighting."

Alpha was there in a millisecond, his eyes turned in concern as Hikari pulled herself against the nearest wall in order to close her eyes and will away the pain. 'Do you want me to call the healer?"

The villain only waved her hand away though before turning in order to gesture to the door behind her "Yeah but you know how long they usually take to get here. I'll just lie down for a bit in the meantime."

The silver haired boy then reached into his back pocket for his phone only for Hikari's cold and serious voice to call back, almost like she knew what he was thinking. "Alpha. Remember my rules. Emo boy is my partner. He remains untouched."

Alpha's back turned rigid then, his fingers tightening over the phone before muttering back a reply, his voice filled with conflict. "Yes boss."

Hikari stood silent then, reading her lackey's body language before finally sighing in order to enter the small room next to them and shutting the door.

Although once she was gone, the silver haired boy immediately turned towards Shadow before glaring in his direction, just like he had done for the last hour of them together.

And honestly, the agent was sick of it. "Don't look at me like that. You heard your boss, I'm on your side right now."

Alpha only narrowed his eyes though. "That remains to be seen."

Shaking his head in exasperation, Shadow felt himself sigh. He didn't know what kind of stick this kid had up his ass but it seemed like no matter what he said, their relationship wasn't improving in the slightest.

And sure, the two were on opposite sides of society but he thought that the conversation they shared at the liberation mansion would've loosened the ice just a little bit. But it seems like this kid was even more guarded than before.

So much so, the agent decided to confront him about it, the man taking a step closer to the defensive boy. "Look kid, I don't know what kind of problem you have with me but.."

Alpha was quick with his answer though, speaking like it was obvious. 'I already told you when we first met. Boss doesn't trust commission dogs, and neither do I.'

Stopping slightly, Shadow felt his mind go back to their first conversation. That was true, Alpha had said he didn't trust commission members, and given his ties to Valkyrie it made sense. That was the way heroes and villains were supposed to be.

This was how it should've been.

But if that was the case, why was Valkyrie playing by different rules entirely?

Replying slowly, Shadow spoke. "But she said it herself, I'm an expectation."

And it seemed even Alpha didn't know how to reply to that, his lips closing in conflict before turning his eyes towards the direction of his boss with a sigh. "Yes, and I'm still unsure why."

It was something the kid didn't understand either. Usually Val was all for torturing and hurting commission agents. Yet he had seen a change in them when it came to this guy. It was new for his boss.

I mean, Val honestly couldn't be friends with this guy right? He was linked to the downfall of her big brother, he was part of the reason she had lost her quirk. What could possibly have been going through her mind?

Alpha didn't know, and that bothered him.

But because of that little mystery, the two guys finally had a common interest, Shadow speaking first, hoping for some answers finally. "I mean you hang around her. Does she normally make expectations like this?"

Alpha only shook his head though. "Not for commision dogs, well besides her brother."

Twisting his eyes in confusion, the boy continued. "Boss is complex. They rarely get emotional but it's different with you for some reason. They were adamant that you were unharmed. I don't understand it."

Shadow then watched as the boy shook his head, his teeth gritting in unmatched fury in order to slam his fists on the wall with a bitter finish. "I mean, you know what your people did right? What they did to the boss's quirk and to Hawks? How can you possibly allow such a thing to happen to innocent people? To me, you are the real villains, not the boss."

Closing his eyes in invisible pain, the boy then righted himself before glaring towards the agent with so much hatred it caused the man to shiver. "After all that, how can the boss allow you protection? I hate it."

And Shadow could feel it, he could feel the visceral rage seeping from the boy, he could sense every part of it even from a couple feet away. And quite honestly, the agent didn't blame him. What the president had done to Hikari was something he couldn't quite process yet.

How she knowingly kicked her out of Hawks' life and made sure she could never be associated as his sister, it was disgusting and cruel, nothing like the perfect fantasy the agency had projected on him for years.

Yet even still, Shadow felt himself forcibly detached from the situation. Yes, it was horrible but he wasn't the one that pulled all her feathers out. "I didn't know about her quirk until recently."

Alpha didn't give him an inch though, speaking through his heart. "But you know now, and what have you done in response? Nothing."

This caused Shadow to freeze in conflict. What was this boy even suggesting he do? He was just a number in the world, he didn't have any pull. Yes, it was sad what happened, but it was over, what happened had happened and it left a villain in its wake.

It's like this kid was suggesting to dismantle the system just for one singular girl. How ridiculous and unreasonable. "H-Hey, don't act like your boss is all innocent. Their list of crimes is extensive, enough to call her a villain by society. What do you expect me to do, turn against the heroes, become a lowly villain like you two and get my title stripped away because I don't agree with what the president did?"

And it hurt, it fucking hurt to be so powerless but the facts were there. Valkyrie had tortured and hurt thousands of people, she was a threat. The creation of her should have never happened, it should have been stopped by the people that were supposed to protect her.

But what could he do, change the past?

That was impossible.

No, he was just a wheel in the system, a character in a one note story, he meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. It was better if he learned his place. "Valkyrie has their side and I have mine, that's just how the world is. And if you know what's good for you then you would stop hanging around these lowlifes before it's too late and I end up hunting you next."

The room became silent then, hanging on the heaviness of the conversation until Alpha finally spoke up, his eyes filled with sadness for his ideals. "You speak as if the world is black and white, that there is a good side and a bad. What if I told you that wasn't the case? What if I told you that Valkyrie isn't the monster you've made up in your mind."

Twisting his face in confusion, the agent frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Alpha only turned around then, his hand raised up in order to leave the room completely. "Follow me."

Not understating but still curious, the agent followed slowly, the man keeping his distance in case this kid tried to jump him suddenly. With all the death glares he's been given, he wouldn't be surprised.

Yet he paused when the two entered a small room to the left, its walls filled with stacks of old dusty books waiting silently on the shelf.

But why the hell was he here? What was the purpose? "What are these?"

Although that's when Alpha carefully lifted his hand to the nearest book before pulling the spine off the shelf and handing it to the agent with silent explanation.

Looking down at the old spine, the man then brushed his fingers across the layer of dust only to read the title in big black bold letters. Advanced Algebra Volume 3

Shadow couldn't help but twist his eyes in confusion at the name. Wait, this was a school book? All these books on the shelf were learning textbooks? But why? Why did a gang leader have a stack of kids' books locked away in an underground bunker?

Yet as he was thinking that, Alpha gave him the answer. "Valkyrie got them for me when I first got here three years ago. They taught me everything from here. Said that I would need it when I finally woke up and left to "get a life". But I never had any desire to leave."

Widening his eyes at the information, Shadow froze. Was this kid really telling the truth? Did Val seriously spend three years stealing books and teaching just so this boy could have an education?

Although that's when his past conversation with Hikari flashed into his head. She told them that she never meant for Alpha to stay, and it seemed like the kid had just confirmed that fact.

And because he was stubborn, Valkyrie got him these books so he wouldn't miss out just in case he changed his mind down the road. It was honestly unbelievable to think about.

But even so, something didn't make sense. If he wanted an education, why didn't he just go to school like a normal kid? Why was he instead dedicating his life to the underground? It didn't seem logical.

"Why? I don't understand, why would you choose this?"

Alpha only smiled though. "I told you that they saved me but I didn't share my whole story. Valkyrie found me when I was at my lowest and gave me something to fight for, something I could call my own. They gave me the freedom to make my own decisions and I decided to stay, to work for them and only them."

Vaguely recalling his explanation, Shadow felt his shoulders slump. This kid said before that he was a part of a quirk auction before and that's how Valkyrie found him. It was awful to think about, this boy tied up in chains as he was beaten for disobeying day after day. What a horrible life to live.

Then the boy reached forward before touching the old bindings of another book before shaking his head with hidden emotion. "I know they aren't happy that I chose this life, but they never forced me out of it. They knew how important the freedom of choice was for me. And they let me stay regardless."

Alpha's words were like a slap in a face for the agent, connecting every unpleasant thing in his brain at once. He knew damn well why Hikari had given the kid the freedom of choice, why it was so important to her.

It was because she never got a choice in life.

Not when the president had taken her wings, not when those disgusting men and her father abused her mentally and physically. Not once had she been given the opposition and because of that she had given this kid what she couldn't.

It was incredibly sad that it brought an unwanted ball of emotion in his throat at the idea. Fuck, if only he didn't look into her memories. Then he would've never known why she did what she did. "The freedom of choice.."

Alpha seemed obvious to the horrors though, unable to read between the lines as he turned towards the agent with a sad smile of his own. "Don't you see, the boss isn't just some gang leader or powerful villain. They are my family, the only family that has ever cared about me."


It was such a heavy term, one that Shadow knew of very well. Suddenly it all made sense. This boy saw Hikari not just as a boss but as his family. That's why he was so dedicated, why he took that arrow for her. It was because she had given so much to him.

And try as he may, Shadow just couldn't hate Alpha nor Hikari for it. Hell, from the looks of it she had practically raised this kid by herself. She was his mother figure, his voice of reason. And all of that from a villain. He wouldn't never guess.

Although even the agent knew that Valkyrie wasn't all she seemed. He had learned over the last few days that such a simple title never fit her like that, even though he so desperately wished for that to be the case.

Because seeing in black and white was far easier then not.

Feeling his shoulders cave in at the idea, Shadow's hand tightened on the algebra book before whispering back brokenly. "You didn't have to show me this. I already knew that Val it's not like other villains. I just always tried to ignore it to fit my narrative. But actually seeing this, I really get it, kid. I really do."

Nodding at his confirmation, Alpha replied lightly. "They've done so much for me, I just wish I could help them more, I wish I could be stronger for them. But it seems I'm still a pathetic kid in their eyes."

And although Shadow knew that wasn't the case, he remained silent. Of course Val didn't see him as pathetic, she had told the agent herself. It seemed the woman was just overly protective, and rightfully so given the world they lived in.

She probably kept him at a distance in fear of the world corrupting him and Alpha becoming another Valkyrie.

Because of that, the agent felt his eyes sadden, knowing how much fighting meant to him after his horrible life. 'You really want to be stronger?"

Pushing his lips together, the boy answered softly. "More than anything."

And call it weakness but his pleas hit Shadow right in the heart, causing the man to ball his fists in response before giving a weighted sigh. There was no way Valkyrie was ever going to let this kid fight given her past trauma.

Hell, he had seen the way she was "trained" and it was inhumane and brutal. Of course she wouldn't want the same to happen to this boy. It was probably the only way she knew how.

Which meant someone else had to teach him if he wanted to be strong.

Lifting his fists up, the agent then finished plainly. '"Alrighty then, show me what you got kid."


Alpha widened his eyes immediately though, taking a step backward in fear before turning back to stare at the door that held a sleeping Hikari before replying in a hushed whisper

"What are you doing?"

Shadow only rolled his eyes though, gesturing to his fists. "Teaching you a few things. You said you wanted to learn, right?"

Gasping once again, the boy immediately shook his head, terrified of the very idea. "N-No, I can't. The boss doesn't let me fight.."

Unfortunately for him though, Shadow wasn't afraid of Valkyrie, his lips turning in a playful and instigating smirk. "I won't tell if you won't."

Still not convinced, the boy stuttered back. "B-but.."

Although that's when Shadow tried another approach, using his ideals to coax him into the idea. He knew this kid really wanted this, he just needed some justification. "What about if it's just for self defense? I'm sure your boss wouldn't mind if you learned that. It might help you avoid another arrow next time."

And that seemed to break through the boy, his fingers immediately reaching towards his bandaged chest before closing his eyes with fragile emotions. He did want to learn how to defend himself more than anything, and if the boss wasn't going to teach him then he needed to find out another way.

Even if it meant having to listen to the type of guy he hated most. Forgive me boss, if this is the only way to learn then I'll do it. I have to, for you.

Because of that, the boy felt himself cave, his response shaky and small. "You'll really teach me?"

Nodding in confirmation, Shadow then moved out into the hallway before gesturing for the silver haired kid to follow him back to the large room they had been before.

Alpha complied immediately, still unsure of the idea before shadow pointed to the shaking boy with a strange new seriousness. "The first thing you need is confidence. Just like how you act in front of the villains, you need to channel that energy into your fighting."

Shaking his hands in anxious wait, Alpha nodded to himself at that. "Confidence, right..okay I can do this.."

His words couldn't help but cause Shadow to smile at his goofy fake confidence before quickly shaking it away in order to go back to his commission personality. "Now, go at it kid. Try to get a hit on me."

Bringing his fists back in slight wait, the silver haired boy then narrowed his eyes in order to charge at the agent with as much power as he could muster, all while trying to channel the unraveled confidence of his boss Valkyrie. "Here I go!!"

This was his only shot after all, he had to give it everything he possibly had. That's right, be like Valkyrie, show him you aren't just some kinda od kid! Show that you are strong enough for his gang!

Then with a crying shout, the seventeen year old boy swung as hard as he could, using his entire body to punch only for the agent to seemingly disappear into his shadow and away from the area immediately.

But because Alpha didn't pace himself, he felt his own body still turn unbalanced at the power, the boy missing the target completely as his knuckles only hit empty air.

Widening his eyes, the poor boy's body then forced itself forward, causing him to trip over his own feet and land quite literally face first into the hard unfinished pavement in the most embarrassing way possible.

Shadow felt his eyes widen at the radius scene, watching the kid flop ungracefully on the ground before he felt a strange old feeling at the bottom of his chest, the man immediately putting his hand to his lips in order to suppress whatever threatened to release.

Yet a moment later, the commission agent burst free as a group of loud humorous chuckles escaped his lips without permission, the man having to hold his side and lean over at the sheer amount of them. "Wow, that was the worst attempt at a hit I've ever seen before."

And it really was. Oh my god just watching the kid fall over so ungracefully, it was like some kind of slapstick comedy routine. When he said for him to have confidence he didn't mean it like that.

Alpha on the other hand snapped his head up at the mockery, his cheeks turning embarrassed before quickly scrambling to his feet with a shout. 'D-Don't laugh at me! I've never done this before!"

Shadow couldn't help but shake his head at that though, forcing him to piece himself together before wiping a stray tear from his eyes as he spoke the truth. "Sorry sorry, it's just I haven't laughed like that in years. I forgot how it feels."

Although the moment he said it, the agent truly thought about that sentence. Hold on, was that really right? Had he truly never laughed since Yuto? Is that why the motion felt so foreign and strange?

He never even noticed until now.

Shaking the idea away, Shadow then cleared his throat before forcing the sad reality from his mind. "Alright, maybe I was being too vague. Let's simplify it down. Here, put your arms up. I'll show you how to block."

And because of his strange confession, Alpha was happy to move on as well, the boy putting his hands up sloppy with question. "Like this?"

Shadow then walked over and corrected the fragile stance, his fingers carefully moving the kids arms into a better angle. "Yeah, just like that. Spread your feet apart, balance your weight and ground yourself. That way no matter what kind of hit it is, your body will be able to redistribute it."

Moving around on the balls of his feet. The kid nodded to himself only for Shadow to nod before lifting his fists up in silent wait. "Alright, I'm gonna go for a hit and I wanted you to block it. Remember, focus, be confident."

Then without hesitation, the agent pushed his body forward, his fists aiming towards Alpha's chest only for the boy to gasp and quickly throw his arms up in order to mimic the move as fast as possible.

But because he was panicked, his stance was hardly strong, causing the boy's arms to ring with pain as Shadow's body weight pushed the poor boy off his feet and smack into the hard cement wall behind them with a bang.

Widening his eyes at the hit, Shadow immediately stepped forward, guilt in the back of his throat at the sight. Perhaps he shouldn't have offered to show him how to fight. Maybe the kid wasn't ready. "Ah shit! Kid, you okay?"

Although that's when he watched Alpha immediately dust himself off, rising to his feet before lifting his hands up in defense again, a strange seriousness in his eyes. "Again. I want to do it again, until I get it right. Don't stop."

And seeing his passion, his determination caused Shadow's heart to twist with an odd type of admiration. Ah, it seemed like Valkyrie was right. He wasn't weak at all.

Because of that, the agent granted his wish, racing forward towards the boy with his fists raised in a prideful shout. "I like your passion, kid. Use that!"

And Alpha did. Even after a dozen attempts the kid still didn't quit, standing up after every painful blow only for him to immediately put up his hands in an attempt to try again.

Because if Valkyrie could do it, if his boss could fight then he knew he could also.

After the eleventh try, Shadow then tried something different, the man running towards the boy before disappearing into the dark mass at his feet in order to lift his fist up behind him. Come on kid, sense me.

Bringing his fists down, the agent then watched as Alpha widened his eyes at the last second, the boy quickly turning on his feet before pushing his arm up in defense as the hit landed a moment later.

But this time, the power didn't cause the kid to falter, his stance finally firm as the familiar stringing of his forearms took the brunt of the attack. But even so, Alpha's defense didn't break, he didn't go flying.

Widening his eyes at the realization, Alpha then audibly gasped before racing forward to the commission agent and grabbing onto his arms with a shout of surprise. "I-I did it! I didn't go flying this time!! Shadow, did you see that?!"

The move was rather personal, not one of an enemy in the slightest but shadow didn't seem to mind, the man taking in the pure joy and disbelief in his eyes before a small prideful smile crossed his lips.

Then the man reached forward before rubbing the kid's silver hair with the acknowledgment he was looking for. "Not bad, kid. Not bad."

This caused Alpha to beam even brighter before looking down at his bruised arms with a smile of his own. "Is this how you felt when you first learned how to fight?"

Although that's when Shadow's smile began to fade as painful memories began to resurface, his hand falling from the kid's hair in the process. "Not exactly, kid. I didn't learn to fight in the best situation."

Twisting his head in confusion, Alpha paused. "What do you mean? Didn't you want to be a hero? That's why you joined the commission, right?"

The question was almost funny, Shadow knowing it wasn't as simple as he was making it out to be.

The man then sighed to himself before sinking to the floor with clear exhaustion, his voice now serious and small. "I never wanted to be a hero. My parents were but it never really interested me."

Alpha followed him immediately though, moving towards the floor in order to sit beside the strange mysterious man. He couldn't help it, he wanted to learn more about the man that had just helped him get closer to his goal. "Then why did you?"

Shadow was silent then, staring at his hands before a vivid image of his brother passed across his eyes without permission. "It was a deal to help my little brother."

At the new information, Alpha's eyes widened, scooting closer to the crumbling man in order to turn his head in confusion. "Brother? You have a brother?"

Nodding once, the agent felt his eyes close at the reality. "Had. I don't know if he's even alive anymore. Apparently he disappeared years ago and no one has been able to trace him."

Watching the kids face fall all at once, Alpha felt his heart twist in pain. He couldn't even imagine such a thing. "I'm sorry, that's awful."

And just like that, all the build up anxiety and frustration began to pour out of the man, his voice shaky as he opened himself up to his strange and random kid. "And now it's getting in the way of my job. Every kid I see, I somehow see my brother's face. That liberation guy Geten, that knife freak Toga and now even you. He's haunting me in everything I do."

Him? Alpha didn't understand the statement at all. Did he somehow remind this guy of his brother, was that why he had offered to help him get stronger? From the looks of it, it seemed like he was trying to fill some kind of void.

Shaking his head in self hate, the agent then pushed his fist towards the ground in frustration before adding sadly. "I couldn't even fight that teenage villain because of it. Valkyrie had to pull me out and take the hits herself. It's ridiculous, being protected by her. I feel so useless just thinking about it."

The boy only lowered his eyes though, a hard pain in his chest for the man's struggles. It was obvious that he was traumatized by his brother's death/disappearance. Was it really true? Could he not even look at another kid without seeing his family? How heartbreaking.

He would've never guessed that a commission agent would've had such a hard life. Hell, they were the poster child of perfection. That's always how the boy says them after all, above everyone else.

But although he still didn't forget his boss's horrible treatment with her wings, Shadows' words did bring a sense of humanity that Alpha had never seen before. Perhaps in his own way he was also only seeing the black and white. But maybe that wasn't the case, maybe commission agents like this guy were just as complex as the boss was.

Because of that, the boy felt himself scoot closer before speaking out into the silence all at once. "You wish to know the whereabouts of your brother?"

Giving a sad nod, Shadow replied a moment later, looking at his hands before closing the surface with defeat. "Yes, I would give anything to know what happened, but there is nothing I can do. I'll never know."

Alpha then looked away for a moment before deciding something in his head before answering back softly. "Maybe you can.."

Not understanding, the commission agent lifted his head up at that. Hold on, what did this kid just say? What was he even talking about?

Taking a deep breath, Alpha replied. "My quirk, it can find information and connections with people. If I'm lucky I can maybe find your brother's whereabouts, or at least someone that is near to him."

This caused Shadow's jaw to drop in surprise before a hundred different emotions coursed through him all at once. The first one reflected his commission side, immediately analyzing the sentence and reading between the lines.

His quirk, so that's how Valkyrie was able to find anyone, that's how she maintained the idea of being an ever watchful monster to her victims. It was because this kid could search them out, no matter where they hid.

He had always wondered how she did it, and now he knew.

But then something else hit inside him as the tattooed man felt his lips close together with apprehension. Could it be true, could this kid help him find his brother? No, impossible. He couldn't get his hopes up.

Yet even so, the man gave into the idea, the hope, his body immediately moving closer with clear desperation as he shoved it down. "Why would you do that? I'm a dog, remember?"

At the term, Alpha seemed to question himself as well, the boy turning his head in thought before finding his answer. "Yes, but you helped me learn to fight,you got me closer to my goal to help Valkyrie. The least I can do is pay you back for that."

And the boy thought that if he could help Shadow ease his mind about his brother then maybe it would make up for the lessons he had offered him just a few moments ago. It felt wrong to just take his advice and go. No, Alpha wanted to show him just how thankful he was.

Even if he was a commission dog.

Then the boy gave a small tiny smile before adding gently. 'I'm not sure if it will work, but it's worth a shot, right? Then you can be at ease."

And that was something Shadow craved for more than anything. He just wanted to know, he needed to know what happened to his little brother before it drove him insane.

Because of that, he agreed. "I guess you can try."

Nodding once at the approval, Alpha then began to roll up his sleeves before speaking plainly. "Okay, then. It works better if I have something that connects to him. Otherwise the process takes far longer without it. It doesn't have to be physical, just something that has a strong emotion to either of you."

Shadow then thought to himself before finding the answer immediately, his fingers reaching towards his own sleeves before stopping in apprehension with a mutter. "The only thing I have is my tattoo. I don't show it to people though. It's personal."

Alpha didn't seem to have a problem with it though, only lifting his hand out before closing his eyes in slight wait. "It's okay, I don't have to look at it. I just have to touch it."

Still slightly uncomfortable, Shadow hesitated for a couple seconds more before finally giving in and rolling up the rest of his sleeve in order to stick his arm out with an unpleasant breath.

And it seemed even the man couldn't stand to look at the black inked tattoo, his eyes turning away from the sight completely. No, it was too painful to see. "Fine whatever, just get it over with."

Alpha then narrowed his eyes before feeling his fingers touch the cool skin of Shadows arm, his body focusing in on the emotional attachment before he activated his quirk without a second thought.

The air was silent and still as Shadow waited with baited breath, his hands slightly shaking as the boy turned deathly still. There was no light or magic or anything that indicated that his quirk was working, only the very uncomfortable silence that suffocated all around them.

After a moment, the agent felt himself grow impatient, wondering if he was even doing anything. "Well, what do you see?"

Twisting his brow in concentration, the boy spoke. "It's cloudy, I can't see his face. The connection is weak. I am working on focusing deeper to find out more information. Give me a second."

And although Shadow didn't understand anything about what the kid said, he allowed him to continue, the agent's head spinning at the thought. "What do you mean weak?"

Alpha replied halfheartedly a moment later, the boys face contorting in focus. "It could be a multitude of things but I imagine it's because the last time you saw each other was a long time ago. Connections get harder to see the longer they are apart. It weakens the bond."

And although it made sense, the very sentiment made Shadows' heart fill with sadness. The last time he had seen his brother was the day he left forever. Was their bond really that weak? He hoped not.

Yuto was the reason he was forced into being a hero after all.

Just then, he felt Alpha's fingers tighten around the tattoo on his arm as he grew closer and closer to the truth. "Okay, I'm almost there. Just a little more.."

Although before Shadow could ask another question, Alpha's eyes flew open before withdrawing his hand and reeling backwards like he was on fire, the boy immediately standing on shaky legs as a quick choking breath stopped in his lungs.

The sight was unusual, the agent watching as the silver haired kid's gaze seemed to dart around wildly before his entire body began to shake and flitch with some kind of physical response.

And quite honestly, it scared him. "What? Did you find him?!"

He received no answer though, the boy forcing air into his lungs as he wheezed out another breath before turning towards the commission agent with a look Shadow had never seen before in his entire life.


But not just regular average fear. No, the fear that Alpha had was borderline insanity, coursing through his entire veins as he stared numbly towards the commission agent before him.

Desperate for answers, the man spoke, wondering just what this kid had seen that had gotten him so shaken up all of a sudden? "Alpha...?"

Then all at once, the boy seemed to register his name, coming back to reality before reaching forward and grabbing onto Shadow's tattooed arm without a second thought and ripping the sleeve off the surface.

What the fuck?

What was this kid doing?!

Alpha cared through, the boy pulling the skin upwards before his wild dilated eyes found the black ink that he had touched previously, his fingers sweaty and shaking as he read the words upon his skin.

Without a Shadow of Doubt,

Stick Bug

Ripping his arm away from the kid in a millisecond, Shadow then quickly covered up the quote before turning to shout at Alpha angrily. "What the fuck? I just told you that this was personal! Did you not hear?"

Yet the silver haired kid didn't seem to hear, his eyes hollowing at some kind of unknown reality before taking a step away from the agent, almost like he was poison. " it can't's not.."

His voice was so small, so fragile that it shattered Shadow's anger immediately, watching as the boy began to unravel himself at his feet. What the hell was going on? What was he missing?

Moving to his feet, Shadow then took a step closer, his arms outwards in question. "Kid? What did you see? What did you find out?"

Alpha only shook his head though, flinching at the sound of his voice before taking another shaky step back in absolute fear.

Then the boy pulled his arms around himself before forcing out a reply a moment later. "I'm sorry...I couldn't find him..."

Shaking his head, Alpha then added quickly. "I have to talk to the boss. Goodnight."

Then before Shadow could question it, Alpha practically scrambled out of the room, leaving the agent confused and concerned for the boy that was before him.

What was that all about? Shadow didn't know, but there was no way he could just forget.No, he was going to find out.

And because of that, the agent followed his footsteps, careful not to make any noise as he slipped into his shadow in order to move just outside Valkyrie's door.

Although nothing in the world could've prepared him for what he heard next.


Hearing the door practically tear from its hinges, Hikari's head rose in curiosity only to find Alpha standing in the entryway, his shadow practically black and ominous as the woman called back to him. "Damn Alpha, cool it with the aggression."

The boy didn't laugh though, his body remaining still as he spoke through the darkness and into her soul. "Boss, I need you to answer me.."

Still not understanding, the woman only tilted her head. How strange, she had never heard the boy demand anything before. "How forward of you."

She received her answer a moment later though, the boy stepping fully inside the room only for the villain to see the clear distress on his face. And that caused HIkari to pause immediately and her heart to drop in anxiety.

Why was he looking at her like that?

Then the boy lifted his arms before speaking mostly to himself then her. "I never understood it, it never made sense why you picked me.."

Hikari only rolled her eyes though, unable to hear the boy's constant muttering. If she had her feathers it would've been different but right now her hearing was quite average. "What are you rambling about, kid? I can't hear ya."

Although that's when he spoke, clear as day. "Why did you save me all those years ago? Why are you protecting that commission agent now?"

At that, the woman felt herself freeze before immediately composing herself in order to answer half heartedly. "For emo boy it's because he's my partner. I told you that."

The fact that she didn't even answer the first part of the question was not lost on the boy though. No, it's what he expected her to do. And although he had never noticed it before, it was simply obvious now.

What a liar she was.

Because of that, the boy pressed deeper, looking down at his hands before taking a step further into the room. No, she couldn't hide anymore, he wouldn't let her. "But you won't even let me touch him. You've always kept me at a distance since the first time we met. Why?"

Then lowering his voice, Alpha added slowly. "Were you afraid I would use my quirk?"

Hikari felt her eyes widen at that, the woman taking a step backwards from the boy in reaction before giving a forced chuckle through her teeth. "What are you talking about, kid?"

The boy only lowered his eyes in response. "Shadow was teaching me how to fight and then.."

Although the moment he started his story, Hikari's face turned livid, not thinking about anything else other than the fact that he had disregarded her rules. "Hold on, what do you mean you were fighting?!'

At the sound of her voice, Alpha paused for a moment before sucking in a heavy breath. He knew she'd be pissed, he knew she didn't approve but what's done was done. Now all he could do was explain. "It was the only way I could learn, since you refused to help."

His voice came out sharper than usual, causing Hikari's lips to twist with disbelief in order to point a finger at the boy. Just what had that idiot commission agent put in his head while she was gone?!

She never wanted him to fight, she never wanted him to get hurt by this fucked up world. He didn't need to know that kind of shit. "For good reason. How dare you go behind my back, you know how I feel about you fighting. I told you to leave it alone!"

And god, she wanted to kick his ass for it, she wanted to scream and yell and kick him out for the blatant disregard for her rules. Didn't he know it was for his own good?

Although that's when Alpha spoke out again, causing her heart to drop immediately.

"I used my quirk on him."

Sinking in the phrase, Hikari felt herself freeze, all of the anger and betrayal in her face draining away in a millisecond before pure horror took its place.

No, she heard that wrong. There was no way.

And when she replied, it was so incredibly tiny, like she was terrified of the idea. "......what?"

Alpha only narrowed his eyes though clarifying simply. "I used my quirk in return for his help."

Then all the once, the room grew silent as an unimaginable weight began to crush the two of them. Suddenly it was hard to breathe, to think, to hear. Everything was muttered and cloudy, causing HIkari's hands to shake.

And although she knew what was coming, the woman wasn't ready in the slightest.

With a voice like sandpaper, her eyes turned sad. "Alpha.."

The boy didn't want to hear it though, his own voice raising at the fallen look of his boss. "You knew, didn't you? All this time you knew. That's why you didn't want me to touch him, why you never wanted me to look into him, why you've protected him all this time. You knew and you hid it from me..."

Shaking her head in reply, Hikari muttered back. "It wasn't important for you to know."

Yet that's when the boy's voice grew to a rage shout, his entire body shaking with a mix of fear and rage as both HIkari and the silent hidden Shadow on the other side of the door heard his cries.

"Not important?! That guy is my big brother!!"

All at once, the room turned deathly calm as Shadow felt his eyes widen and his lungs malfunction completely, the man unable to move from his spot or process the information.

What did he just say?

But because the statement was too large, the man couldn't process it, his ears turning into every word as he heard Alpha's voice grow more and more shrill through the door as he listened back. "I never even told you about him, I never told you about my life before I was taken from those villains. How did you know?"

Although one look at Hikari's face seemed to seal the answer for the kid, causing his shoulders to fall with realization. All of those questions, all of those mysteries he could never answer about her saving him, was everything really tied to this?

Speaking the disbelief, the boy shook his head. "Wait, that's why you saved me, why you showed up randomly at that quirk auction. You knew that I was a commission kid, you knew that the president had thrown me away and left me to suffer. Since the beginning you always knew who I was, who my brother was and you never said anything!!"

It was absolutely insane to believe, Alpha putting the pieces together in his own mind. He always found it strange how Valkyrie found the quirk auction so randomly. Now he knew it wasn't an accident at all.

She had searched him out because of his family.

Hikari still remained silent though, her eyes casting away in confirmation only for Alpha to scream back in her face, his control completely snapped in half. "Why?!"

Yet that's when Hikari finally answered back, her eyes wild with anxiety as she lifted her hands up with a heartbreaking shout. "Cause I didn't want you to go through the same thing I did!!"

Then he watched as his boss ran her shaking fingers through her hair, before pacing in circles as she spoke back. "Don't you get it? You weren't supposed to stay, that wasn't the plan. I found out about another forgotten commission kid in the underground and went there as a one time thing. I never expected you to stick around, for you to want to stick around!!"

Shaking her head, Hikari then added bitterly. "Hell, I've been trying for years to get rid of you. To keep you far away from the truth, from the reality of everything. But you never listened, you never left."

Alpha couldn't believe what he was hearing though. He knew that she wanted him to leave but was that really the truth? He always thought it was because he wasn't good enough, not because she was trying to keep him from finding out about his family.

It was ridiculous, the fact that she would think such a crazy thing. "Why wouldn't I want to know the truth?!"

Hikari lifted her arms out though, crying back as heartbroken tears began to cover her own eyes. "Because I know how much it hurts!! I know that having a sibling in the commission is tortuous and cruel. It doesn't matter if they are a good person, it doesn't matter who they were before, once that woman gets her hands on them they will never take your side!!"

And in that moment everything about her looked so fragile, even Alpha couldn't help but pause. He had never seen his boss get this emotional before, it was certainly a shock.

For HIkari though, the woman only shook her head sadly, feeling herself unravel at the process before continuing "I spent years watching the world twist and manipulate my brother into something unrecognizable, someone completely different and in the end it destroyed me. It turned me into Valkyrie, it made me insane."

Shoving down a small hiccup, the woman then angrily lifted her hands up before shoving the tears from her eyes before finishing honesty. "So god forbid I wanted something different for you. Call me crazy for wanting you to have a better life than I did, for you to never experience the kind of heartbreak and disappointment I felt every goddamn day of my life."

And the woman truly believed that with her whole heart, knowing how much it broke her inside to see Keigo betray her time and time again, for him to be manipulated by the world. She no longer blamed him for it, but it was still sad to see.

So much so, Alpha felt his lips clench with a hundred different emotions. He was so upset with her, so angry but he also couldn't help but feel the raw power from her statement, the boy knowing that she was telling the truth.

Did she truly think she was saving him? That she was doing something good? He wasn't sure, he wasn't sure if it was that or just her own trauma changing the narrative. Either way, the boy was confused.

Shaking her head in disbelief, the boy whispered back. "But that's Hawks. How do you know my brother is the same? You never even checked."

Alpha found it hard to believe that Haruto would ever do such a thing after all. He only had good memories of his big brother from the past. How could he possibly betray him like Hawks had done?

Hikari only hung her head though, knowing the answer immediately. "I don't have to. All commision agents are the same. Don't delude yourself into thinking anything different, kid. It will only hurt you in the end."

And sure, she didn't know Shadow as well as Keigo but she had seen glimpses, cracks that showed the same kind of personality. That's why she called him out in her prison cell about her wings. He would never do anything to stop the abuse, which meant that he was just like all the others.

He would hurt Alpha as well, maybe not by his own decision but she knew he could. That was just the commission way after all.

It seemed the boy was in denial though, his head shaking in disbelief for such a horrible reality only for the kid to take a step away from his boss as Hikari lifted her hand out. "Alpha.."

The boy quickly cut her off in an instant though, not wanting to hear anymore. "Don't call me that."

Hikari felt herself flitch at that, her body recoiling immediately as she watched him leave. Fuck, she knew this was going to happen at some point. But she kept playing with fire, pushing the boundaries of the two boys until she got burned.

Calling back to the boy, she whispered. "Yuto."

And that caused Alpha to freeze, his real name bouncing against his skull in torment only for him to close his eyes. She knew his given name, of course she did. She had always known, didn't she?

That's when he heard her voice ring back. "I don't regret it."

Alpha's mind was still spinning though, unable to process such a statement before forcing himself out of the conversation completely. He still wasn't sure if he was angry or heartbroken by everything yet.

But whatever it was, Hikari had just confirmed that she didn't feel remorse for it.

Putting his hand on the doorframe, the boy then whispered back brokenly. "I need some time to think."

And just like that, he was gone, leaving Hikari alone as a silent tear of defeat crossed her cheeks without permission.

Just then, she heard a small rustle behind her, the woman not even bothering to turn around as Shadow appeared a second later, his entire body in shock from the conversation he had just witnessed.

Hikari seemed to know it was him though, her eyes falling to the floor before speaking to the man behind her and with it, confirming everything he had been trying to ignore.

"Told you to drop it."


AHHH big reveal! Some of you guessed it but Alpha is Shadow's lost brother Yuto! That's why she's been acting so weird about everything in the last couple of chapters.

Poor girl has her reasons for doing it but now she's in a sticky in a situation. What will Shadow do now that he knows a villain has protected his brother all this time? Will Hikari be right, will he betray them? Hmmmm I don't know.

This chapter is quite an insight to Hikari's character because he is more complex then just a simple black and white villain. Yes she's Valkyrie, she's brutal and cruel but she also has a heart and does things in terms to her moral compass.

Thanks for the comments friends! I love reading them. They really motivate me. :)

Next Chapter: Hawks grows some balls, finally. 

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