Love & Scars

By Chapter1991

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Izzie's long-standing friendship with Remus and Lily takes an unexpected turn in their sixth year when Sirius... More

Missed Again
Can I Help You?
Persisted Is One Word For It
The Brothers Black
Study Date
After A Full Moon
An Unexpected Kiss
I Don't Mind
Two Intrusive Boys
A Kiss At Midnight
Another Excuse
Under The Rainbow
An Unwanted Proposal
Snatched Away
It's bad, it's really bad
Not Safe
Massacring a Ukelele
How Did You Know?
A Snake In The Lion's Den
Don't Push Me Away
He Fucked Up
A Good Distraction
I Love You
The Ex Talk
The Book
Underneath the Stars
Looking In
Pure Evil
We Can't Tell Them
Where Are They?
Books and avoiding
Without a Touch
Draining Away
A Date Underneath The Stars
... Or Die
I Trust You
Time Is Running Out
A Sacrifice
A Long Night
What Now?
Igloo Fun
Well, now they know...
In A Mood
In Hiding
The Identity of the Unknown Man
House Hunting
Birthday Surprises
It Was Worth The Wait
The End of an Era
Living Together
A Piano
Mr & Mrs Potter
Cassandra Sable
Panic Attack
Malibu Barbie
I Lied


40 4 1
By Chapter1991

Izzie had been apparated to St Mungo's by her manager. Leaving Sirius, Harry and a whole lot confused and worried fans alone in the room. Sirius grabbed Harry's arm, and before he could say anything he apparated them to the hospital.

"Uncle Siri-" Harry started when they landed in the waiting room.

"Hold on, Harry." He thought about the moment he saw her again on the stage before he said. His whole body was still trembling. "Expecto Patronum!" Sirius's dog Patronus appeared in front of them. "Remus, come to St. Mungo's now!"

It took Remus only a couple of seconds to apparate right next to them, still in his pyjamas. The full moon was yesterday, and he still looked a little pale. "Sirius! Is Harry okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine." - "Harry's fine." They said at the same time.

Remus shoulders slumped in relieve but then turned to Sirius, his back still stiff. Harry saw tears well into Sirius eyes before he choked out. "Izzie is alive."

"Wh-what?" Harry saw Remus knees buckle and he fell down on one of the seats.

"YOU!" Cor, Cassie's or was it Izzie's, manager called. Harry had no idea what the hell was going on. "What did you do to Cassie? What spell or potion did you use?!" He screamed.

"I didn't do anything." Sirius snapped back. "Where is she?"

"You won't come near her." Cor stepped closer and towered over Sirius. "You stay away from my fiancé."

It felt like Sirius was slapped in the face as he stepped back. "No." He whispered in shock.

"Stay away from her." He said through gritted teeth before he turned and walked away.

"Sirius, explain now!" Remus's hands shook. Sirius and Harry sat down in front of him. Harry saw Sirius reach into his back pocket and took out his wallet.

"Harry, I don't know if your parents ever told you about Izzie?"

"Uhm." Harry frowned, trying to remember if they did. "I was named after her, Harry Isa Potter. Wasn't she mum's best friend?"

"She was, but even more so Remus's. They were friends since they were six years old. And Izzie, Izzie was my fiancé."

"Your fiancé? I've never seen you with a woman longer than a month."

"Izzie was different. She was – is – the love of my life. We started dating at the end of our sixth year. It wasn't without any hardships, but I'll explain everything another time. But James, Lily, Remus and I lived together in a big house in Cambridge, together with Izzie and my brother Regulus." A small and sad smile tugged on his lips when he said. "She asked me to marry her, the night of your parents' wedding. Two weeks later, she was abducted, another two weeks and my brother was gone. We never saw them again." He opened his wallet and held took out a worn picture. Harry took it in his hands, it was Cassie, or Izzie but younger, she stuck out her tongue at the one who took the picture before laughing. Then Sirius came into the picture and smiled at her. It was a smile he had never seen on him before, the look he gave her was the one his parents gave each other. A look of pure love.

"Cassie is Izzie." Harry breathed out in disbelief.

"Cassie Sable is Izzie?" Remus asked confused. "How is that possible?"

"I don't know, but it's her, Remus. She didn't remember who I was, that was until I kissed her."

"You kissed Cassie Sable, who's engaged to that bloke?" Remus waved in the direction the manager disappeared to.

"Yes and no." Sirius groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. "She is Izzie, once you see her, you'll know."

"That's going to be hard if we aren't allowed in there." Remus grunted; his hands were still shaking. "Why did you kiss her in front of her fiancé?"

"Stop saying fiancé." Sirius snapped before he fell back in the chair. "I didn't know, and I couldn't let her walk away, Moony. I needed her, I needed her to remember!"

"And she did remember after you kissed her?"

"Yes." Sirius smiled, then his face turned grim. "She told me she remembered everything before she passed out."

Remus head was going to explode.

"You love her music, Moony. But have you ever really listened to the lyrics? She might not have remembered us, but subconsciously she did, or she had dreams about her past or something. Because her lyrics are about us. About you and her, about Lily, about me and her. But one thing that puzzles me is who her brother is." He glanced to Harry. "You said Cassie has a brother. She never had a brother."

"But she did." Remus said softly. Sirius and Harry looked to him. "Do - do you think it may be Regulus?" Remus voice trembled as he spoke his name. Just like Sirius, Remus never got over the love of his life. He had two serious boyfriends over the past fifteen years, but it never worked out. His heart belonged to someone else.

"I asked her if she knew Regulus, but she didn't, at least not before she remem-" Sirius stopped talking as Remus looked behind him, his eyes wide before he jumped up.

"IZZIE!" He screamed, leaping over the chair next to Sirius.

"Remus." She whispered softly as tears formed in her eyes. Remus was in front of her in two seconds and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her from the ground as he hugged her against his chest.

"I thought I lost you." His voice trembled and tears started to fall from both of them. "I thought -"

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry I didn't remember." She mumbled in his chest. She was wearing a hospital gown, her feet were bare.

"It's okay, we'll talk about it later." He pulled back a little. "Do you need to stay here? Sirius said you passed out."

At the sound of Sirius name, she stiffened in his arms and avoided his gaze. "I'm okay, I think it was just an effect of the spell wearing off."

"I don't want to lose you again, will you come with us to my place? Or does your fiancé-" She stiffened again. "Want to take you home?"

"He did, but I said I wanted to talk to you. And he needed to do some damage control over what happened tonight. I told him I would be home in a few hours."

Remus looked over his shoulder, his arms still around her. Sirius and Harry were standing there, watching them. "Sirius told me about – about the kiss. Is he okay with you going?"

"Not really." She bit her lower lip. "Can I explain when we're in private?" She glanced around. "I'm rather famous now -" She chuckled. "And I don't want the headlines tomorrow to be, Cassie Sable and her three lovers." She rolled her eyes.

"Right." He nodded. She said she was going to change into her clothes and when she came back, he held her close to him as they walked to Sirius and Harry. He noticed Izzie avoiding Sirius eyes as she looked down, while Sirius tried everything in his power to catch her gaze. "Alright, let's go to my place, so we can catch up." He gave Sirius a pointed look when he opened his mouth and simply nodded. Remus apparated with Izzie and Sirius with Harry from the hospital.

Remus's place was scattered with books, an old worn-out couch was in front of the fireplace, and you could see an old, cobbled street from the window. Remus led her to the kitchen, when Sirius and Harry appeared. She didn't turn to look at them as she followed Remus. The kitchen was clean but even here you could find a book on every surface. The silence was deafening as the four of them were in the kitchen. She could feel Sirius's eyes on her, it burned on the back of her head. Just as the tea kettle whistled it dawned on her, she whirled around to face Harry.

"Harry Potter!" The boy looked startled. "Oh, my word. You're Lily and James's kid!"

"Uhm, yeah." He rubbed his neck.

"Too bad you got your father's looks." She joked and Sirius barked out a laugh. Her eyes involuntarily went to his and felt her heartbeat fasten. She quickly looked back to Harry. "I'm just kidding, you're a very handsome young boy. How old are you?"

"Just turned fourteen." He blushed. "I'm sorry, it's just weird that the famous Cassie Sable is talking to me in my uncle's kitchen."

"Her name is Izzie." Sirius grunted.

"Uhm -" She twirled her wand between her fingers nervously. "It is and it isn't. I mean Cassie's my name too, at least for the past fifteen years, almost half my life really." She said that not looking up.

"Tea's done, why don't we go to the living room." Remus gestured them to his book filled living room. Izzie and Remus took a seat on the couch while Harry and Sirius took a chair from the kitchen. They all drank a bit of tea as silence filled the room. After ten minutes of silence, Remus cleared his throat. "So, maybe start at the beginning. Do you know what happened after you were taken?"

"It's all still a little fuzzy." She frowned, looking into her teacup. "My father and my uncle, they abducted me?" She asked looking at Remus and to Sirius, but kept her eyes on his shoulder, rather than meet his eyes.

"Yes, you and I were just coming back from uhm -" cake tasting. " - shopping when they ambushed us. I – I couldn't stop them. They apparated away when they got a hold on you. I never saw you again."

She glanced up to his eyes when she heard his voice shake. His fingers were trembling, and he didn't meet her eye. She set her cup down when her own hands started to tremble.

"They took me to a house I never been to. They -" She glanced at Harry. "They weren't inviting." She said as she knew that Sirius and Remus would understand what that meant. "I don't know how much time had passed, when they -" She suddenly jumped up. "Roan!"

"What?" Sirius and Remus jumped in surprise.

"Remus! What is your address?"

"What, why?

"Remus." She said urgently and Remus quickly said his exact address. Then she popped out of there.

"Izzie!" They called out. Sirius and Remus had jumped up from their seats and started pacing the room. It was twenty minutes later when they heard a ruckus from outside the front door.

"Roan, trust me alright."

"Cassandra, where are we? And what are we doing here?"

"Reggie." Remus was running towards the door with Sirius right behind him. He pulled open the door and saw them both standing there. Izzie was holding on to his shoulders, trying to reason with him. Remus breath got caught in his throat as he saw Regulus. His hair flowed over his shoulders, and it was tied halfway up in a bun. He wore a black leather jacket and ripped jeans with big combat boots. He didn't look like the boy he was fifteen years ago, always wearing tight neat wizarding robes. But damn didn't he look good. Remus wasn't sure if he was visibly drooling.

"Oh." Regulus saw the two of them in the doorway. "Hello." He gave them a little wave and he eyed Remus lustfully. "Sorry, my sister dragged me here and we're having a little argument."

"Regulus." Sirius took a careful step forward.

"Who? I'm Roan." He turned to Izzie. "Where did you bring me?" He demanded again. She sighed and rolled her eyes before looking at Remus.

"Can you try to see if it works for him?"

Even thirty-four-year-old Remus blushed but he took a step towards Reg.

"What are you doing?" Regulus frowned as he took a step back. Remus took another step and another, until Reg was back up against the wall. "Normally, I wouldn't mind a man invading my personal space like this but now -"

Remus scrunched up his nose, not wanting to think of what he had been doing the past fifteen years before he took his head in his hands and kissed him. Just like Izzie, he started to push away from him but then something clicked.

"Remus." He murmured against his lips before he dived into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around his neck and Remus came flush against him. His legs trembled but stayed conscious. When he pulled back, Reg's eyes were wide and sought out Izzie instantly. "Cassandra - Isabelle." He shook his head. "What's going on?"

"Let's - let's just head inside." She said tiredly.

Reg nodded and then his eyes swept past Remus and found his brother. "Sirius." He gasped a little.

"Little brother." He smiled and they fell into each other's arms.

Five minutes later, they were sitting back in the living room. Regulus and Izzie were sitting on the couch while the others sat in front of them.

"Roan - Reg." Izzie sighed. "I don't know what to call you."

"I don't know either." He admitted. "Half my life I was called Regulus, the other..."

"That's exactly what I said." She said softly. The others watched their exchange in silence.

"Regulus is my given name, but Roan is my chosen name, and it doesn't have the history that comes with it."

"I'll call you Roan for now. Tell me if it gets weird, alright?" He nodded. "So, this is Harry Potter. He's the son of Lily and James."

"I thought he looked familiar." He said with a smile. An easy smile that the previous Regulus wouldn't have had. "Too bad you got your father's looks."

Izzie laughed wholeheartedly as she leaned her head against Regulus shoulder. "I had just said the same thing half an hour ago." She wheezed between her laughing. Sirius and Remus looked amused yet feeling left out. Harry just grinned at the both of them. When her laughter died down, she straightened up and glanced to Roar/Reg. "So, like I said, I don't know how much time had passed when they threw Reg in the basement with me."

"Two weeks." The others said, except Harry.

"Two weeks then." She nodded grim. "Well, they weren't inviting of him either. We tried to keep up with the days, but it's hard when you don't get any sunlight. At least three months had passed before we lost track. Then suddenly, my uncle stopped coming and my father grew anxious."

"That might be Sirius doing." Remus said, glancing from them to Sirius. His face grim.

"We looked for you, the both of you for months before I spotted your uncle in Knockturn Alley. I attacked him, I demanded he tell me where you were, but he just started laughing, telling me I would never see you again, that he enjoys having you." He said through gritted teeth. He looked to the ground; he didn't dare to look in their faces. "I – I killed him."

"Not long after, your father was arrested. He's still in Azkaban." Remus said when the silence stretched out too long.

Izzie felt relieved knowing he was locked up and that they couldn't hurt anyone anymore. She nodded her head slowly. "After my father was – apparently locked up – we went days without food. Then -"

"Mother showed up." Reg said, glancing at Sirius. "After a few curses, she hit us with something that made us pass out. The next thing we knew is that we woke up in a muggle hospital in New York. We didn't know who we were or how we got there. We only knew we had each other and felt a bond between us." He grasped her hand in his. "Like a brother and sister. The muggle doctors didn't know how to regain our memories, so after we got a clean bill of health we went to the healers. They couldn't find out what curse or spell was used, so they couldn't lift it."

"So, we started making a life for ourselves in New York. I was working as a lounge singer in a high-end club when I was 'discovered'."

"1983. You're first hit, Together Alone." Harry said blushing.

"I think you have a fan." Reg winked.

"Oh, hush you." She nudged him as Harry turned even more red. "Yes, Harry. Together Alone was my first single and send me right into fame. Roan here, rose with me. But he didn't want to be in the spotlight as much, so he stayed my guitar and piano player, occasionally my back up singer. I begged him for years to record a duet, but he always refused." She pouted.

"Weren't you a little young to know about her early songs?" Regulus/Roan asked.

"Mum was addicted to her music, said it always calmed her."

"Now we know why." Remus said quietly. "We recognised your voice somehow."

"Is it true you dated Johnny Depp?" Harry asked, eyeing Sirius. "Apparently, he's Uncle Remus's celebrity crush."

"Oh, is he really?" Regulus raised an eyebrow as Remus turned crimson.

"I - well, you see – he's extremely handsome, alright." He threw his hands in the air frustrated.

"Can't argue with that." He said. "Nice bloke too."

"So, you did date?" Sirius asked, looking her in the eye.

"Not for that long." She shrugged. "A year or so? It wasn't anything serious."

Before Sirius could ask about Cor, Remus spoke up. "What about you?"

"I did the casual dating for a while. It's hard to date someone if you don't know who you are." Izzie was nodding in agreement next to him. "Five years after we arrived, I had my first real relationship. It lasted for about two years." He looked away from Remus. "You?"

"I have two failed relationships. Nobody could match up to you."

"Oh." Regulus blushed. Izzie eyed him for a moment, he hasn't seen him blushing in years. Roan was always confident and popular with men and women. He had them for the picking and he got a bit cocky about it too. Now that she had all her memories back, it reminded her of when Sirius was young. Fuck, Sirius. She didn't want to know about the girls he had when she was gone or if there was still someone in his life. Not like she could judge him, she was engaged to another man after all. Everything that's happening now is so unfair to Sirius or to Cor and she began to feel sick.

"Excuse me." She stood up and ran to the bathroom. She had to open two doors before she found the right one. She kneeled over the toilet and threw up. Once she flushed, she leaned against the bathtub, her head between her knees.

"Hey, are you alright?" Reg asked, sitting down next to her.

"Not really." She leaned into him when his arm went around her.

"I know what you mean, but it's even worse for you. With Cor and Sirius. Does it feel like it was just yesterday that we saw them?"

"Yes. My head is on the verge of exploding. All my feelings and my memories are mixed up and I don't know what to do."

"Nobody said you need to do anything right now." He squeezed her gently. "It may seem like a day for us, but to them it's been fifteen years, who knows how they feel about us now. Isabelle – Can I call you that?"

"Yes, I kind of missed it."

"Isabelle." He said with a smile. "Maybe you should cancel your next concert."

"No." She shook her head. "It's not until next week, and they have been waiting years for me to come here. I won't cancel."

"Alright, alright. That's what I thought, but I had to ask." He rubbed her arm. "We're going to get through this, Isabelle." He kissed the top of her head. "I love you."

"I love you too."  

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