Veil of the Dusken Rose - #am...

De Zolatau

70.9K 4.2K 3K

Neeria, a foreign court lady, captivates Crown Prince Yi San in the restrictive world of the Joseon palace. D... Mais

1장 || Veil of Secrets
2장 || Echoes in Moonlight
3장 || Serenade of Shadows
4장 || In Hushed Tones
5장 || A Dance of Stars
6장 || Whispers of Dawn
7장 || Fragile Dreams
8장 || Threads of Destiny
9장 || Enchanted Reverie
10장 || Memoirs of Silence
11장 || The Hidden Garden
12장 || Melody of Whispers
13장 || Shrouded Desires
14장 || Of Roses and Thorns
15장 ||Echoes of Her Heartbeat
16장 || Resonance of Hearts
17장 || Mosaic of Memories
18장 || Lullaby of Shadows
19장 || The Painted Veil
21장 || Moonlit Confessions
22장 || Secrets in Ink
23장 || Whispers of Destiny
24장 || Echoes of ease
25장 || The Silence
26장 || Veil of sorrow
27장 || Portraits in Silence
28장 || Portraits in mountain tops
29장 || Prelude to Fate
30장 || Solitude's Symphony
31장 || Solitude's Revenge
32장 || Ephemeral Echoes
33장 || Veiled Desires
34장 || Tales of Moonlight
35장 || Reflections in Ink
36장 || The Velvet Twilight
37장 || Serenade of the Soul
38장 || Lullaby

20장 || A Distant Melancholy

1.4K 85 28
De Zolatau

Neeria's pov

The sight of the palace corridors seemed to shimmer and blur as memories of the previous night played like a sweet melody in my mind. I could still feel the ghost of his touch - the way his hand gently caressed my cheek, how his arm wrapped securely around my waist, pulling me close. Our bodies had seemed to naturally fit together, two puzzle pieces made for each other, even as my mind protested that it was wrong to think of such things.

His voice was still an enchanting whisper in my ear, urging me closer, making me forget propriety and responsibility. I got lost in his dark eyes, seeing the longing and affection that must have reflected my own. The rest of the world melted away and it was just us, locked in a passionate embrace under the calm....

I was jolted from this reverie by Uhn Yuhn's gentle elbow nudging my side, an impish grin on her face. "Unnie," she said, her voice dripping with playful accusation, "you really should stop daydreaming. It's so obvious who you're thinking about." She winked, clearly amused at my moony behavior.

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I realized I had been caught. I quickly smoothed my hanbok skirt, avoiding Uhn Yuhn's knowing gaze.

" I don't know what you're talking about." I scoffed silently.

" Sure you don't unnie." She smiled back in response.

As we neared the crown prince, his eyes met mine, capturing me with his eyes a heartbeat longer than proper. My heart fluttered at the intensity of his stare. His eyes then shifted to Uhn Yuhn and he gave her a polite nod.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence," he said smoothly, though I detected a hint of shyness the moment he glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

Uhn Yuhn's grin spread even wider as her gaze bounced between the crown prince and I, clearly amused.

The crown prince's cheeks flushed a deeper pink and he averted his eyes, clearing his throat awkwardly. He turned and strode over to the table, busying himself with shuffling and straightening the documents in an attempt to regain his composure.

I watched him, simultaneously endeared by his flustered state and exasperated that he was so affected by my presence.

Finally composed, the crown prince turned back to us. "So...there are certain pressing matters that require your attention," he began, his voice returning to a formal tone. His strong and elegant fingers spread out scrolls and bound parchment across the table. He beckoned me closer with an outstretched hand.

I slowly approached, hyperaware of his proximity. His earthy, scent mixed with subtle floral oils enveloped my senses, making it even harder to focus. I wasn't sure why of all our encounters, it was today I was feeling even more lost in his proximity. Regaining my composure , I watched the crown prince pointed to a specific document, his brow deeply furrowed with concern.

"Seongyeon has made some very troubling claims against you. These papers supposedly bear your sworn agreement to relocate to their lands indefinitely and foster trade relations."

I leaned in, examining the intricate calligraphy and official stamps. In the corner, a seal. My eyebrows knit in confusion as I stared at it.

The crown prince searched my face, gauging my reaction. "This stamp," he said gently, "is what they claim as yours. But I have doubts." His eyes were questioning yet understanding, waiting for my response.

I shook my head adamantly, then paused for a moment. I touched the emblem. It was eerily similar, but I knew I had never stamped such an agreement. "This isn't mine," I said firmly, looking up into the crown prince's eyes, searching for trust. "I have never agreed to this, nor have I ever seen this document." I paused for a moment analyzing everything. The familiar crest, the neat handwriting, and the official seals – everything appeared genuine. But it was that emblem, the mark that supposedly represented my agreement, that made my heart race. "I would never consent to such terms. My loyalty is to my people, and I would never betray them or myself in this manner."

Uhn Yuhn looked down at the forged document, her smile fading. "Unnie..." she began hesitantly. "I don't know if you remember, but one night I woke you from a were mumbling in your sleep, and said something about not telling the king."

I raised my brow, wracking my brain trying to recall any such dream. "I...I might have, but I can't remember..." I said uncertainly.

Uhn Yuhn gazed at me steadily, her eyes searching mine as if piecing together a puzzle. She opened her mouth as if to say more, but stopped herself. Taking a breath, she asked instead, "What do you think they wanted with your lands?"

I pondered her question, glancing between her and the crown prince's intent faces. My people were peaceful, thriving on trade, yet strategic in our border locations between territories.

"Control," I finally whispered. "Control over my lands, my people, and the trade routes."

Uhn Yuhn's eyes took on a faraway look, her mind clearly lost in troubled thoughts. The crown prince noticed it too. His gaze flicked to her, his voice gentle with concern as he asked, "Is everything alright?"

Caught off guard, Uhn Yuhn quickly composed herself, straightening her posture and arranging her face into a serene mask. "Ye, Jeoha," she replied politely with a graceful bow of her head.

But her eyes told a different story, haunted and conflicted. I wondered what she was thinking...what she knew that I did not.

Before I could further ponder the depth of Uhn Yuhn's thoughts, the subtle sound of silk against the wooden floor heralded the entrance of a servant. With a whispered urgency, he leaned in close to the crown prince, who then took a brief moment to consider. I felt his eyes on me, and then on Uhn Yuhn, as if measuring our reactions.

With a grace that always seemed to come naturally to him, he stood up. "I must attend to this," he told me, his voice filled with a quiet assurance. "We'll talk soon."

As he stepped out, Uhn Yuhn's cool fingers found my shoulder. "Unnie," she murmured, "Let's use this moment to visit Lady Jinsun." I nodded, the suggestion a welcome distraction from the chaos of my thoughts.

Leaving the room, the gentle sound of palace activity surrounded us. The once bright sun was now settling into a golden hue, casting longer shadows along the intricately designed hallways. I could hear the faint sound of water splashing from the nearby gardens, and the distant chatter of court ladies and palace guards, their voices mixing with the calls of birds perched on the tiled roofs.

We took a path leading us to Lady Jinsun's quarters. The gardens were beautiful this time of day, the golden morning hour making every flower and blade of grass shimmer. The scent of blooming flowers enveloped us, and for a moment, I felt relaxed.

We reached Lady Jinsun's quarters and
As we entered, Lady Jinsun looked up from where she was seated, her eyes widening in pleasant surprise. "Ah, Neeira, Uhn Yuhn! I wasn't expecting you both so soon."

Uhn Yuhn grinned, "We thought it a good time to visit, My Lady." She smiled.

I bowed slightly, feeling a warmth for this woman who had been so kind to me. "I hope we aren't intruding, Lady Jinsun."

She waved away the formality with a graceful hand gesture. "Nonsense. You're always welcome here. Please, sit... we were suppose to speak anyways." She smiled.

Uhn Yuhn and I settled onto silken cushions, making polite small talk as attendants served us tea. But behind her gentle smiles and nods, I sensed Lady Jinsun had something more substantial she wished to discuss.

A lull fell in the conversation. Lady Jinsun straightened, smoothing her hanbok over her knees. With delicate fingers, she reached beneath the layers of embroidered silk, retrieving a shimmering gold locket on a chain.

"I believe you may have dropped this when you moved to your new quarters," she said, holding it out to me ceremoniously in both hands.

Surprise painted my features as I took the locket, feeling the familiar weight of it settle into my palm. I quickly reached into my robes, feeling for the matching locket I always wore. My fingers found only one remaining. Lady Jinsun's words rang true.

"Thank you," I whispered, moved by her act of returning something so conflicting.

Lady Jinsun's eyes were curious, as if the lantern light were being caught in them. "It's beautiful," she remarked softly. "Wherever did you come upon such a thing?"

I rubbed my thumb over the intricate scrollwork. "One of them was gifted to me by General Yeongho, three years past," I admitted.

At this revelation, Lady Jinsun's poised expression faltered for the briefest moment. She leaned in subtly, re-examining the locket with new interest. "Is that so? How very interesting." Her voice remained light and on ease, but her gaze was intense. "And the other you mentioned? Where did it come from?"

I found my fingers tracing the patterns on the metal, still curious on how there were two. "I...I found it only recently," I replied evasively.

Just then, Uhn Yuhn murmured an excuse and slipped away. Lady Jinsun's eyes lingered on the locket in my hands, her mind clearly turning with unspoken thoughts. I wondered what she was piecing together about its history and importance.

"Is there something weighing on your mind?" I gently prodded.

Lady Jinsun nodded slowly, her movements deliberate as she rose gracefully from the cushions. I watched curiously as she glided over to a lacquered chest in the corner of the room. Lifting the lid with reverent hands, she retrieved a small silk-wrapped item.

Returning to her seat, Lady Jinsun carefully unveiled a delicate portrait painting of a woman with kind, serene features - the late queen. Seeing her image, the resemblance to the crown prince was unmistakable in the gentle eyes and soft smiles they shared.

Lady Jinsun held the painting delicately between her fingers as if it were precious treasure. "I thought the locket seemed familiar," she murmured, awe and nostalgia mingling in her voice. "The queen, may her soul rest in peace, had one very similar. I recall it clearly."

I inhaled sharply, my heart slowly rose, as I attempted to keep my gaze still. The connection she implied seemed implausible, yet monumental if true. The queen's locket...a twin to General Yeongho's gift? How could that be?

"She wore it often, before she was queen," Lady Jinsun continued, her gaze never leaving the locket I still held. "It was said to be a gift from someone she held most dear."

Her words hung heavy with implication. I turned the locket over in my hands, examining it with new eyes. However I kept my curiosity to myself.

Lady Jinsun studied my expression pensively.

"You seem surprised. I thought you knew of its origins and significance," she remarked. Her piercing eyes were searching, trying to unravel the locket's mysteries through me. " I wonder how the general got ahold of it." She began, she looked at me before giving me a subtle smile. " You're not uncomfortable are you?" She asked.

I shook my head mutely, still grappling with this revelation. Lady Jinsun clearly knew more than she let on.  The pieces of a puzzle I didn't know I was assembling began to click into place. I watched her for a moment as she sided and placed the locket back into my hands.

" You must be curious why I wanted to speak to you." She smiled, though her tone softened, yet her eyes held an urgency that beckoned my full attention. "You must stay close to the crown prince, Neeira. The king's illness has cast a shadow over the palace, and in that shadow, danger thrives."

She leaned forward, her voice dropping to a hushed, conspiratorial tone. "You must not find yourself alone with the king, not unless the crown prince is with you. There are whispers of plots, and the sickbed of a king is a stage for treachery."

I could feel the seriousness of her words weigh on me, a burden that was both frightening and clarifying.

" How would you..." I began but I sat quiet.

"And be wary of Lady Jeongsun," Lady Jinsun continued, her brows knitting together in concern. "She has not taken kindly to your presence. Should you be asked to bring anything to the king, you must refuse unless it comes directly from the crown prince."

Her advice sounded like the plot of a dark tale, not the life I was living. "How can you be sure of this?" I asked, the question barely above a whisper.

Lady Jinsun's gaze dropped to her hands, folded neatly in her lap. "Because I was approached with a request..." she began. She must've noticed my confusion as she remained silent.  " Let's just say I service the palace in many ways. And it's in many ways I've managed to secure myself. Her pause was bedded with meaning, Her eyes momentarily losing focus as if she could see past the walls that surrounded us to a time long gone.

She met my eyes again, and in them, I saw the conflict of loyalty and honor she must have felt.
" I was to ask you to deliver a sealed message to the king's chambers." She sighed.

" Wait... why would they..." I stared at her for a moment longer before becoming quiet.

"My escape was a twist of fate, but I learned that survival in these walls requires one to see beyond the masks people wear," she continued, her gaze returning to the present, focusing intently on me. "And sometimes, we must wear our own to protect what is dear." She continued to monitor.

" You and I weren't much different." She smiled at one point looking at outside as she spoke. " I know what it's like to want to be compensated for all that you've lost..." she looked as if she was going to get lost in a story before she paused.
"I am telling you this because, there is a greater play at work here, and you are an unwitting piece. Trust is a currency in short supply, and you must spend it wisely."

Her gaze drifted away, out toward the window where the sunlight played lazily on the floor, casting warm patches that seemed to mock the seriousness of our conversation. A ghost of a smile flickering on her lips as she lost herself in the waves of her own history.

She paused, and I saw sigh, the air lost in her throat, her nostalgia abruptly caged by the harshness of reality. "My family, God rest them, were accused of treason. I was about sixteen..." she drifted off for a second, and I could see the past flickering in her eyes, a tumultuous sea of memory that threatened to spill over.

"When I learned of their fate, I had already fled. The late queen was just a girl then... about eight, I believe." Her voice was now low, barely more than the rustle of silk against silk as she adjusted her garments absentmindedly, a subconscious self-comfort.

The weight of Lady Jinsun's gaze seemed to anchor her to a moment long passed, a silent testament to the haunted corridors of her memory. "The late queen," she continued, her voice taking on the tone of someone who recites a tale they have turned over in their mind a thousand times, "was the second of three children to a family whose name was as old as the kingdom itself."

The small, almost imperceptible smile continued to play on her lips as she recounted the day she met the queen as a child. "I remember cowering in the shadows of that old shed, my heart pounding as if trying to flee my chest," she said, her hands clasping and unclasping in her lap as if to release the tension of the memory. "And there she was, a tiny figure, dramatically speaking I'd say she had the heart of the kingdom's fiercest warrior, weeping not for herself, but for me, a stranger."

Her smile faded as quickly as it had come, and her eyes seemed to look through the walls of the room, to a day when the world shifted beneath her feet. "She despised the idea that anyone should owe her their life," Lady Jinsun's voice wavered slightly, conveying the depth of the impression the young girl had made on her. "She began smuggling food, blankets, anything a young runaway might need."

"And then," Lady Jinsun leaned forward slightly, as if the proximity could bridge the years between the events and our conversation, "she confided in me about a governess who was due to arrive to tend to her and her sister. A twist of fate intervened, and the woman never came. The young queen begged me to assume her place. So, I stepped into a role dictated by chance and necessity, a role that forever changed the course of my life."

Her hands settled in her lap once more, and she exhaled, as if releasing the ghosts of the past back into the shadows from whence they came. "And so, by a child's compassion and an absent stranger, I was granted a new beginning within these very walls." Her eyes found mine again, a silent accord that spoke of resilience, of lives rebuilt on the rubble of tragedy.

Lady Jinsun's eyes held mine, a steady gaze that conveyed the gravity of her confession. "You must be wondering why I've chosen to share this with you," she said, her voice low but clear.

I could only nod, shyly. She took a deep breath, the kind that seemed to brace her for the admission that followed. "When I discovered that the young girl who showed me kindness was none other than a member of the very family that had prospered from the ruin and alleged treason of my own... I was consumed by a desire for vengeance."

Her fingers gripped the fabric of her hanbok, as if she was trying to soothe her mind. "I could have tried to destroy everything she held dear, to mirror the loss my own heart had been burdened with."

She paused, the silence hanging between us growing dense, almost tangible. "But, the compassion she showed me..." she paused and looked up leaving her words unfinished.

Her confession was a window into the soul of a woman who had been both a victim and a survivor. "There were times I fought with the darkness of my thoughts, wrestling with the impulse to take her away from her family, as mine was taken from me. Even over the years, it wasn't an easy thing to deal with. Sometimes I wished I had and other times I regretted such."

Lady Jinsun chuckled, though there was no humor in it. It was the sound of resignation, of sorrow remembered and never quite released. She averted her gaze, brushing away a tear that had the audacity to escape. "Yet, every time I considered vengeance, I would see the late queen's kindness—how she sat with me after a long day or the way she shielded her loved ones. It felt only right to offer her my loyalty in return."

Her voice broke a little as she confessed, "I feel a weighty guilt for not being there to shield her in her final moments. But I made a promise to her, a vow to protect the crown prince with everything I have."

I leaned in, driven by a mix of curiosity and concern. "What happened to the queen?" I asked gently.

Lady Jinsun hesitated, the lines of her face tightening as if the very question summoned a storm within her. "To uncover that truth," she began, her voice a whisper, "I've had to become someone I am not, to wear masks that sometimes weigh heavy on my soul." She sighed, her gaze distant, reflecting a well of secrets not yet ready to spill over. "I cannot reveal more, not yet at least."

She locked eyes with me, her gaze earnest, insistent. "If ever I should send you to the king amidst the eyes of the court, disregard the command. If there are people watching, it's likely to save face. And, Neeria, you must promise me—promise that you will avoid finding yourself alone with the general at all costs."

Her plea, steeped in an urgency that pierced the discomfort of the room, resonated with a threat that felt as real as the air we breathed. The intensity in Lady Jinsun's eyes bore into mine, compelling me to grasp the severity of her words. I nodded, my gesture slow, deliberate, an unspoken oath forming in the silence between us.

She leaned forward, her voice a conspiratorial whisper, "And remember, the locket must not be left around carelessly. It's far more than a mere trinket."

Her emphasis on 'far more' rang heavily as I took time to observe her. I nodded again, feeling the solemnity of a sacred trust being placed upon my shoulders. My hands, though steady on the surface, betrayed a slight tremble, after being made aware of the locket's hidden import.

"I understand, Lady Jinsun. Its safety shall be my utmost priority," I replied, my voice a mirrored whisper, projecting a confidence I was beginning to weave within myself.

" Your safety must be priority. And the locket will follow along." She sighed.

She studied me for a moment, her gaze softening, searching for the sincerity in my eyes. Seemingly satisfied, she leaned back, allowing a brief respite to cross her features. "And one more thing," she added, a stern maternal undertone threading her next words, "Do remind the crown prince to stop by. He mustn't forget his letters."

"The crown prince will receive your message," I assured her, the formality of my tone a nod to the significance of her request. I could not fathom the contents of the letters that warranted such discretion, yet the very thought sent a ripple of curiosity through me.

" Well I'm sure you have work to attend to." She stated. With a graceful hand, she signaled the end of our clandestine meeting. "Enjoy the rest of the day," she urged, her hand's wave a painter's stroke in the air, dismissing me with a regal finality.

I bowed deeply, before I turned to leave. As I walked away, the silence of the air around me seemed to absorb the gravity of our conversation, the words echoing in my mind. Returning to the world before me once again... There, I found Uhn Yuhn, a solitary figure cloaked in contemplation.

Her posture spoke of fatigue, or perhaps a burden of thought she carried on her slender shoulders. At my approach, she lifted her head, her expression clearing as she offered me a wistful smile.

"Why did you wait out here?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued by her unusual demeanor.

Uhn Yuhn stretched her legs out before her and let out a soft sigh, the air carrying the faintest hint of the gardens beyond the palace walls. "I just needed a moment to breathe," she admitted. "And I thought you might appreciate some privacy during your meeting with Lady Jinsun."

Her thoughtfulness warmed me, and a smile found its way to my face, however I also questioned what might've been on her mind.

Soon enough Uhn Yuhn and I traced our steps back to the crown prince's quarters. Arriving at the entrance to the prince's sanctuary, we were met with the low, urgent timbre of his voice.

There he stood, his figure framed by the intricate panels that adorned the entryway, engaged in conversation with a figure obscured by the doorway.

I felt Uhn Yuhn's pace slow beside me, her breath catching in a silent signal of caution. Our approach had gone unnoticed, the men engrossed in their discourse, a bubble of intensity followed their words.

Uhn Yuhn and I exchanged a glance, wordlessly agreeing to pause and maintain a respectful distance, understanding the decorum that the situation demanded.

The crown prince's voice carried a resonant authority that commanded attention, even as the words themselves were lost in the vastness of the chamber. The other man's response was a hushed murmur, a counterpoint to the prince's commanding tone. It was clear that the matter at hand was of significant import, the air practically vibrating with the heat of their words.

Uhn Yuhn and I remained in our self-imposed exile just beyond the periphery of the prince's intense discussion. Her eyes occasionally met mine, filled with questions and a hint of concern that mirrored my own.

Then, quite abruptly, the conversation inside ceased. There was a shuffle of movement, and the stranger—a court official by the cut of his vibrant robe—stepped into view. His face was a carefully neutral mask, but his eyes were harried, darting quickly to us before bowing slightly in acknowledgement and briskly departing.

The crown prince turned toward us then, his expression softening as he caught sight of Uhn Yuhn and me.

"Forgive my preoccupation," he began, his voice carrying the warmth that court formality often stripped away.

With a measured stride, he closed the distance between us, his gaze lingering on me for a moment. "Everything alright?" He asked.

I nodded, understanding the unspoken need for discretion. "Very well," I replied with equal subtlety.

His gaze held mine for a moment longer, searching, perhaps, for signs of the unvoiced drama that had unfolded. But there was work to be done, and this was neither the time nor place for such revelations.

He then glanced towards Uhn Yuhn, offering a nod of thanks for her tactful discretion. "I trust you've both been well in my absence?"

"Yes, Jeoha," Uhn Yuhn responded, her voice a soft chime of loyalty.

The prince's gaze flickered back to me, a silent conversation passing through our exchange as he subtly gestured for us to follow. In the briefest of contacts, his fingers brushed against mine—intentional yet fleeting. It was a reassuring touch, accompanied by a small, almost imperceptible smile. He softly caressed before letting it go.


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