Love & Scars

By Chapter1991

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Izzie's long-standing friendship with Remus and Lily takes an unexpected turn in their sixth year when Sirius... More

Missed Again
Can I Help You?
Persisted Is One Word For It
The Brothers Black
Study Date
After A Full Moon
An Unexpected Kiss
I Don't Mind
Two Intrusive Boys
A Kiss At Midnight
Another Excuse
Under The Rainbow
An Unwanted Proposal
Snatched Away
It's bad, it's really bad
Not Safe
Massacring a Ukelele
How Did You Know?
A Snake In The Lion's Den
Don't Push Me Away
He Fucked Up
A Good Distraction
I Love You
The Ex Talk
Underneath the Stars
Looking In
Pure Evil
We Can't Tell Them
Where Are They?
Books and avoiding
Without a Touch
Draining Away
A Date Underneath The Stars
... Or Die
I Trust You
Time Is Running Out
A Sacrifice
A Long Night
What Now?
Igloo Fun
Well, now they know...
In A Mood
In Hiding
The Identity of the Unknown Man
House Hunting
Birthday Surprises
It Was Worth The Wait
The End of an Era
Living Together
A Piano
Mr & Mrs Potter
Cassandra Sable
Panic Attack
Malibu Barbie
I Lied

The Book

69 3 1
By Chapter1991

Later that night when they were on the plane back to London, Izzie's stomach started to clench together for several different reasons. She thought about Sirius, about how he wouldn't have liked how she acted around Luke or the other way around. Nothing happened between her and Luke, he just kissed her on the cheek and asked if he could write to her sometime and she agreed. She thought about leaving the comfort of Lily and her parents, about staying at the dark Grimmauld place.

She excused herself and went to the tiny lavatory on the plane before she wrote down a note.

Hey, Sirius.

We're on the plane headed back to London now, about 35000 ft in the air. Don't worry, it's relatively safe. ;-)

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for Grimmauld, if you can find the time, I would love to see you before I leave. I have a little surprise for you.
We went to the beach and the pier today; Lily took some pictures. I'm sure she will show them to you once they're developed. I hope you and James had some fun without us, I know that's almost impossible but I'm sure you've found a way. ;-)
And for the love of Godric, I hope you're not glued to your brooms when Remus is around, or I'll hex you both. And you know how creative I am with my hexes.

We'll be home at around eight tonight and I leave for Reggie's at eleven in the morning. I understand if you don't have the time, I wish I had more time to spare for you, but you know your parents, I can't risk arriving late.

I hope to see you soon.


With that she burned the note up. Once the last puffs of smoke were gone, she wrote another note for Remus and send its on his way too before going back to her seat next to Lily, who was submerged in a book.

When they arrived at Lily's house, she smiled wide as Remus was waiting for her on the doorstep. She ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her close against him.

"I missed you." She whispered in his neck.

"I missed you too." He squeezed her.

"Remus." Mrs Evans smiled. "Come in, come in. Let me make you a cup of tea."

"Thank you, Mrs Evans." He smiled over Izzie's shoulder, not wanting to let go just yet. "How was Spain?" He asked as they stepped into the house. Lily and Izzie began to tell him all about the past two weeks as they settled on the couch, Izzie tugged closely at his side.

"Isn't James coming?" Lily asked a little forlorn.

"He wanted to come, both of them but Mr Potter fell ill two days ago. He's been taken to St Mungo's a few hours ago."

"Oh, no." Lily gasped, holding a hand in front of her mouth. "I should go to him."

"No, Lily." Remus stopped her before she had a chance to jump up. "Mr Potter is going to fine, James said he'll come by tomorrow." He looked to Izzie. "So is Sirius. He was over the moon every time you've sent him a burning message."

"A fire message." She corrected with a small blush.

"Which you are fully going to explain to me." Remus grinned but then he frowned. "Did something happen between you two?"

"I've been wondering that too, since no guy could hold your attention, except one."


"What guy?" Remus interrupted. Izzie shot her a glare, but Lily just shrugged.

"Nothing happened with Luke, and nothing happened with Sirius. We're just getting to know each other."

"Hasn't he been doing that for the past year." Lily snickered.

She sighed and pushed her off from Remus so she could look at both of them properly. "Fine, you want to know the truth?"

"Finally, the good stuff." Lily rubbed her hands together while Remus scowled.

"I like Sirius, I really like him, but I don't trust him anymore. Not after..." She took in a deep breath. "I went to talk to him because I saw how your friendship with him was still strained, and because honestly, I just missed him. He said he was sorry, and he would do anything to make me trust him again."

"What made you decide to give him another chance?" Lily asked.

"Uhm - I -"

"He told you he loved you. That he's in love with you."

Izzie looked wide-eyed at Remus, her mouth slightly open and a blush on her cheeks. Lily looked like she was about to burst.

"How di-"

"I know Sirius. He didn't have to tell me for me to know and I knew he had to have said something drastic to make you give him another chance."

"Oh." She gasped softly. "Yeah, he said that, and he said he wanted to court me-" Remus snorted and Lily giggled. "My reaction too." She chuckled. "But he wants to court me to let me see how serious he is. And I get to decide the pace of our... relationship."

"So, you and Sirius." Remus said with a frown. "You're together."

"Not really, we just started talking again before school ended and it will depend on if I'll be able to trust him again."

"I can't believe Sirius kept that to himself. He must have been ready to burst." Lily laughed.

They talked into well in the evening and Lily's parents invited him to stay the night in the guest bedroom. But he didn't use it, he and Izzie fell asleep in each other's arms on the couch, the first night in weeks, she didn't need the sleeping draught. Lily went to her bedroom with a soft smile as he looked at the sleeping pair.

Izzie's stomach was clenching together as her eyes flittered to the grandfather clock. Sirius and James were really cutting it close. She only had a few minutes before she had to leave. She tried not to show how nervous and excited she was for seeing them again, seeing him again. Lily was talking to her parents, but her eyes kept flickering towards the door. Remus was pacing in front of her, agitated. When the pointer moved again, she stood up from the couch and walked over to Lily and her folks.

"I should be going. Thanks for everything." She hugged Mrs Evans first before moving on to Mr Evans.

"No problem, dear." Mrs Evans smiled. "And remember you're welcome here anytime."

"No matter what day, or what hour."

"I appreciate it." She smiled before turning to Lily.

Lily engulfed her in a tight hug, making it hard for her to breathe. "Izzie-"

"I know, but I can't wait any longer. I'll see you soon."

"Be careful."

She gave her a strained smile before walking over to Remus who was standing at the door. Remus had already opened the front door to see if they had arrived already. Remus gathered her up in his arms, a hug so tight it lifted her up from the ground.

"I'm going to be okay, Remus." She mumbled in his chest. "You know how to cast a fire message now. Just wait until I send a message first, then you'll know I'm alone or with Reg."

"I still don't like it. They're up to something." He grumbled.

"I'll let you know if something happens, I promise. And besides I have Reggie." She pulled back with a small smile, even though she felt nervous herself.

He sighed and pulled her back in a hug. She relished the feeling of the safety of his arms around her before she stepped back. She really had to go. She pulled out a wrapped package from her bag and handed it over.

"Can you give this to Sirius?"

"Yeah, sure." He kissed the top of her head before pulling out an envelope from his pocket. "If you can give this to Reggie."

"Of course." She chuckled and tucked the letter away. She grabbed her trunk from the floor. "I'll see you soon." She forced a smile to Remus and Lily before she waved her wand. Just before she disappeared her eyes locked with Sirius, who was panting as he leaned against the front door, arriving a second too late.

They were already late and since Sirius felt too nervous to apparate he asked if he could side along with James. But he must've been nervous to see Lily again, or he must have felt the stress from Sirius because they apparated a block away from Lily's house.

"Fuck, Prongs. The one time-" Sirius grumbled.

"I'm sorry-"

"'S okay. Let's go." Sirus glanced at his watch and started speed walking. James on his heels. He didn't have to look at his watch to know he was running out of time; he could feel it. He started to run. When he saw Lily's house, he began to run even faster. The door was open, and he screeched to a halt at the door, he was just about to smile when he saw that she was still there. But the moment his eyes locked with hers, she was gone.

"No." He breathed as the clock chimed 11.

"I'm sorry, Pads." James panted behind him.

"Where were you?" Moony snapped.

"The healer came in late to update us and then Potter apparated us a block from here."

"James." Lily came forward hesitantly. "I would like you to meet my parents." She grasped his hand in hers and let him to the kitchen.

"Moony, I-"

"Pads, can I talk to you?" He nudged his head towards the other end of the living room. Sirius followed him to a corner. But before he could open his mouth, Remus continued. "I'm not mad and neither is Izzie. But -"

"She's disappointed."

"I think she's more like hurt. She didn't say anything, but I know her, I know her looks."

"Yeah, I know them too." He hated that he knew that look. "Fuck! I can't believe I missed her. How was she?"

"You know her, she was holding up a front." He glanced around the room before turning back to Sirius. "She was nervous and... and afraid."

"I hate my parents, I hate her parents, I hate them all." Sirius growled, tugging on his hair angry.

"She told me she will message us when she gets the chance. She taught me the spell how to use the fire message. I can try to teach you." He held out the wrapped package. "She asked me to give you this."

"Thanks." He murmured. "I think I will go home." He glanced up from the package. "Come over tomorrow to teach he the spell?"

"Sure." He placed a hand on his shoulder. "She will be okay, Sirius."

Sirius didn't know if Remus was reassuring him or himself, he just nodded before he apparated out of the house. Sirius apparated right in his room at the Potter's estate. He didn't want to be bothered and locked his door immediately. He dropped down on his bed and let his head hang low.

"I'm sorry, Izzie." He whispered as he clutched the package in his hands.

He took in a few deep breaths before he opened his eyes on the mysterious package. His curiosity peaked and he tore the wrappings right off it. It was a brown leather-bound book with a leather cord tied around it.

What did you get me, little Charmer? Sirius mused with a little smile. He untied the cord before he flipped open the cover. There was a little note tucked into it.

Dear Sirius,

In case I didn't get to explain this to you in person, I added this little note.
Since sending a message through a Patronus isn't really subtle and summoning one isn't that easy for me, I thought of a way to communicate with you. My fire messages are brilliant, I know but you can't send one yet. And although they are more subtle than a Patronus, it still isn't the best way to communicate, especially when I'm at your parents' place. But enough chit-chat, now the amazing part.

This little book is part of a twin, I have the other one. We can write to each other in this book. The moment you write something, it will appear into mine and vice versa. Right now, this one is open to anyone to read, whereas mine can only be read by me, to others it will remain blank.

If you want to change it so only you can read it, there is a simple way to do that. Just cut your wrist, bleed on the cover for a whole minute while you chant, O cara auxilium vere credis hoc non, two times. Then state your full name and let the wound heal the muggle way. That will ensure nobody, but you can read this.

I really would've liked to have seen your face when you read that! No, just forget (almost) everything I said above. Just place your hand on the cover of the book and state your name. Don't panic when you feel a rush of magic, it's mine. I will know when you claimed the book.

I'll write to you soon.


Ever since Sirius had started to read the note, he began to smile and laugh as he heard the words and her tone of voice. Without hesitation, he placed his hand on the book.

"Sirius Orion Black."

The book started to glow, and a rush of magic almost made him topple over. But it felt amazing, he could feel, he could recognise her magic. It was breath-taking. Then he scribbled down the first of many messages. He laid down on his bed and flipped through the book, feeling the thin pages underneath his fingertips. He knew he wasn't going to get an answer soon, but he didn't let the book go. When he was at the end of the book, another piece of paper fell out, just a tiny one this time.

Oh, I forgot to mention that you don't need to keep an eye on the book the whole time. You're going to know when there is a new message.  

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