Veil of the Dusken Rose - #am...

Od Zolatau

70.7K 4.2K 3K

Neeria, a foreign court lady, captivates Crown Prince Yi San in the restrictive world of the Joseon palace. D... Více

1장 || Veil of Secrets
2장 || Echoes in Moonlight
3장 || Serenade of Shadows
4장 || In Hushed Tones
5장 || A Dance of Stars
6장 || Whispers of Dawn
7장 || Fragile Dreams
8장 || Threads of Destiny
9장 || Enchanted Reverie
10장 || Memoirs of Silence
11장 || The Hidden Garden
12장 || Melody of Whispers
13장 || Shrouded Desires
15장 ||Echoes of Her Heartbeat
16장 || Resonance of Hearts
17장 || Mosaic of Memories
18장 || Lullaby of Shadows
19장 || The Painted Veil
20장 || A Distant Melancholy
21장 || Moonlit Confessions
22장 || Secrets in Ink
23장 || Whispers of Destiny
24장 || Echoes of ease
25장 || The Silence
26장 || Veil of sorrow
27장 || Portraits in Silence
28장 || Portraits in mountain tops
29장 || Prelude to Fate
30장 || Solitude's Symphony
31장 || Solitude's Revenge
32장 || Ephemeral Echoes
33장 || Veiled Desires
34장 || Tales of Moonlight
35장 || Reflections in Ink
36장 || The Velvet Twilight
37장 || Serenade of the Soul
38장 || Lullaby

14장 || Of Roses and Thorns

1.8K 141 228
Od Zolatau

Author's pov

In the heart of the palace, the only sound was the gentle rustle of fabric and the muted footsteps of two people walking side by side.

The weight of the last few moments danced between them, a delicate balance of words and emotions that neither could easily shake off.

Arriving outside her chambers, Neeria turned to face the prince, gratitude evident in her eyes.

"Thank you for your help," she began, taking a deep breath to steady herself, "and for your concern."

Before he could respond, a flurry of movement caught their attention. Uhn Yuhn came running, her robes billowing behind her, with exaggerated relief painted on her face. The urgency in her steps was mirrored by her exaggerated gasp of relief. "Unnie! Oh, the spirits be thanked, you're safe!" she cried, nearly out of breath.

Neeria, taken aback by Uhn Yuhn's sudden appearance, squinted at her younger friend.

With a knowing smile and a slight shake of her head, she whispered, "You sure are an actress."

Uhn Yuhn ignored Neeria's comment, reaching out to take Neeria's arm and pulling her into a gentle embrace. Pulling back, she addressed the crown prince with a slight bow. "Your Highness, thank you for ensuring her safety." With grace, she took the fallen accessories from him.

He simply nodded, his gaze lingering on Neeria for a moment longer.

"It was my duty," he finally replied, his tone formal but with an underlying warmth. He didn't miss the playful roll of Neeria's eyes at his words or the hint of a smile she tried to suppress.

As Uhn Yuhn began to lead Neeria away, Neeria turned back, her eyes locking with the prince's one last time. "Thank you," she whispered, the unspoken words between them evident.

The prince watched them leave. With a final nod, he turned and began to make his way down the corridor.

The following day, the palace grounds were alive with festivity. A riot of colors decorated the halls and courtyards as lanterns fluttered in the gentle breeze. Noble families from various regions had gathered.

In the midst of this celebration, Neeria stood in the main courtyard, her heart racing. Her hanbok, meticulously chosen for this occasion, shimmered under the sun, accentuating her elegant frame. The folds of her dress swished gently as she shifted her weight, her eyes fixed on the stage where she was set to perform.

With the first haunting strains of the music, Neeria took a deep breath and let the rhythm guide her. Each twirl, step, and arch of her back wove a letter of emotions. The very ground seemed to come alive with her dance, resonating with the story she told through her movements. The audience, a sea of faces from every corner of the kingdom, sat mesmerized, drawn into her tale.

Sitting amongst the high-ranking officials was the crown prince. Though surrounded by whispering courtiers, his focus remained undisturbed, eyes unwaveringly set on Neeria. His admiration was evident in the way his fingers tapped in rhythm with her dance, and the faint smile that played on his lips.

Yet, a little away from the prince, General Yeongho stood. His sharp military uniform contrasted with the festive colors around, making him stand out. His expression was one of studied neutrality, but his eyes, dark and intent, revealed a world of emotions as they followed Neeria's every move.

As the final notes of the music faded, and the courtyard erupted in thunderous applause, Neeria's breath slightly ragged, made her way to the sidelines. She felt the prince's gaze on her, warm and approving, and for a split second, everything else blurred. However, the intensity of the general's stare soon caught her attention, causing her heart to skip a beat.

General Yeongho didn't waste a moment. Striding over, he stopped in front of her, offering a respectful nod. "Your performance was breathtaking," he began, his deep voice carrying a hint of something more personal. "It was truly amazing."

Neeria smiled, as she began to speak.

" Thank you... I'm glad you—" However her words paused. Just as the atmosphere was reaching its peak, a sudden hush fell over the gathering. Several palace officials, with stern expressions, made their way to the front, each holding a box. They bowed deeply, presenting the boxes as offerings to the crown prince.

Following them was Lady Minyoung. Adorned in a stunning hanbok that shimmered with each step, she walked with a grace that commanded attention, her piercing gaze fixed intently on the prince.

Uhn Yuhn, with a swish of her robe, quickly closed the distance between herself and Neeria. Casting a fleeting glance of mild annoyance at the general, she turned to her friend, her eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. "You were mesmerizing out there, unnie," she beamed, reaching out to give Neeria's hand an excited squeeze.

Neeria's eyes crinkled in delight. "Really? I was so nervous!" she admitted, her hand unconsciously rising to touch the pendant at her neck. But her gaze, drawn like a magnet, found its way back to Lady Minyoung.

Catching the direction of Neeria's attention, Uhn Yuhn leaned in closer, her voice a conspiratorial whisper, "Honestly, you outshined everyone, especially her. You look far better, unnie."

Neeria chuckled softly, her cheeks warming with the compliment, though she quickly turned her gaze to the ground, hoping to avoid the general's eyes, which she felt on her.

General Yeongho, standing a short distance away, seemed lost in thought. While he might have appeared aloof to the casual observer, the minute tightening of his jaw and the brief flicker in his eyes revealed that he had caught Uhn Yuhn's words.

The implications, hinting at the intricate web of feelings involving Lady Minyoung, Neeria, and the crown prince, were not lost on him. He took a deep breath, and with great effort, relaxed his clenched jaw, determined not to give away his emotions.

He looked at Neeria, who was lost in thought as she watched Lady Minyoung.

While onlookers remained entertained, the crown prince's expression turned from one of surprise to puzzlement. He turned to the king, his father, questioning the sudden turn of events. "Jeonha, what is the meaning of this? This isn't customary."

The king, equally taken aback, looked toward the palace minister for an explanation.

The palace minister cleared his throat, bowing his head slightly. "Your Highness, it is believed that the crown prince has been overdue to wed. Lady Minyoung, with all due respect, is presented as a potential match. It is only fitting for the future king to consider taking a queen."

The announcement sent murmurs rippling through the crowd. The king looked perturbed, and the prince's face was a mask of shock and disbelief. Neeria, standing at a distance, felt a weight pressing down on her heart. The festivity had taken a turn none had foreseen, and the palace was abuzz with whispers and speculations.

The king's voice boomed across the courtyard, drawing the attention of every attendee. "Wasn't it Lady Minyoung who broke any alliance of marriage just last year?"

The palace minister, looking slightly uncomfortable, replied, "Indeed, Your Majesty. However, after much consideration and reflection, Lady Minyoung has expressed her wish to stand by the side of the crown prince and serve the kingdom. Presenting her now, in front of everyone, is a gesture to showcase her sincere commitment."

The crown prince's eyes darted between the palace ministers and Lady Minyoung, trying to decipher the sudden turn of events. He massaged his temple as he shook his head.

A deep frown etched on the king's face, his voice filled with indignation. "Such matters are discussed in the privacy of meeting chambers, not made into a spectacle at the heart of our celebration!"

Lady Minyoung, for her part, tried to maintain her composure, but the blush creeping up her cheeks betrayed her unease.

The crowd spoke among themselves, exchanging whispers and glances. The festive mood had been shattered, replaced by a thick discomfort that hung in the air.

Neeria, standing at a distance, felt her heart pounding loudly. Her eyes were fixed on the crown prince, trying to gauge his reaction. However, his face remained inscrutable, the depth of his feelings hidden behind a royal facade.

The palace minister, realizing the gravity of his misstep, bowed deeply. "I apologize for the indiscretion, Your Majesty. It was a decision made with the kingdom's best interests in mind."

The king sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. "Let us continue with the festivities. We shall address this matter later."

Lady Minyoung, with as much dignity as she could muster, bowed to the king and the crown prince before retreating from the center stage.

As the celebration resumed, the underlying tension remained. Neeria eventually found herself alone with her thought. When a familiar face approached.

Ji-hye sauntered over, a malicious glint in her eyes. "Well, Neeria," she drawled, her voice dripping with fake sweetness, "it seems our dear crown prince is finally getting married."

Neeria looked in her direction, choosing to ignore the evident spite in Ji-hye's tone. Her voice steady, she responded, "It's his royal duty, isn't it? To ensure the continuity of the royal lineage."

Ji-hye's lips curled into a smirk, clearly enjoying the situation. "Indeed, but aren't you even the slightest bit... disappointed?"

Neeria's eyes held Ji-hye's gaze, her expression unreadable. "Why would I be? The prince's decisions are for the welfare of the kingdom. Personal feelings have no place in such matters."

Ji-hye leaned in, her voice a whisper. "Maybe, but we both know feelings can be pesky little things, don't we?"

Before Neeria could reply, Ji-hye flounced away, her chuckle trailing behind her, leaving Neeria to grapple with the maelstrom of emotions threatening to spill over.

As Ji-hye disappeared into the throng of the festivity, Neeria took a deep breath, centering herself. She was acutely aware of the weight of the stares from the courtiers and palace officials around, especially following the unexpected announcement and the king's ensuing outburst.

Across the courtyard, the crown prince, caught in the epicenter of the commotion, seemed to be doing his best to mask his own surprise and displeasure. He remained regal and poised, but Neeria, having spent considerable time around him recently, could detect the slight stiffness in his posture, the almost imperceptible narrowing of his eyes.

Just then, a soft hand touched Neeria's elbow. She turned to see Uhn Yuhn, her eyes filled with concern. "Unnie," she murmured, leaning close so only Neeria could hear, "this is a mess, isn't it?"

Neeria gave a weak smile, nodding slightly. "Certainly not what I expected from the festival."

Uhn Yuhn glanced toward the prince and Lady Minyoung, who was now standing by his side, her demeanor demure yet unmistakably triumphant. "Do you think he knew about this?"

Neeria sighed. "It's hard to say, but from his reaction, I doubt it."

She looked around momentarily, and unknowingly turned to see the general.

Recognizing her gaze on him, the corners of his lips turned up in a small, reserved smile.

Uhn Yuhn, noticing the exchange, clicked her tongue in mild annoyance. "Why won't he just go away?" She huffed, lightly tapping Neeria's chin with her finger, playfully steering her friend's attention back toward the crown prince.

Neeria chuckled softly but, unable to resist, allowed her eyes to drift back to the general once more. This time, however, his look was afar, it had shifted. His brows were slightly furrowed, his jaw tense. His expression was a mix of emotions - concern, unmistakable hints of jealousy, and another emotion, deeper and more profound, that she couldn't quite discern.

The evening proceeded, the courtiers and nobles danced, laughed, and feasted, but their movements were cautious, their laughter forced.

As for the crown prince, to those who observed closely could see his attention wandering, often resting on Neeria, who was doing her best to blend into the background and avoid any further attention.

Hours seemed to drag on, but eventually, the festival began to wind down. As guests began to depart, and the courtyard emptied, Neeria found herself near one of the palace's grand pavilions, looking out at the night sky, lost in thought.

She was so engrossed that she barely heard the soft footsteps approaching her. It was only when a familiar voice spoke that she turned, startled.

"You seemed lost in thought," remarked the crown prince, his tone gentle, the earlier tension from the announcement now replaced by weariness.

Neeria hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's been an... eventful evening."

He looked into her eyes, the moonlight illuminating his features. "Indeed. And I must apologize for that... It wasn't my intention."

"No need to apologize to me," she replied, her fingers subconsciously playing with the delicate fabric of her hanbok.

Their conversation was interrupted by the distant sound of music, reminding them both of the festival's lingering presence.

Sensing the deepening night and the need for privacy, the prince signaled one of the palace maids nearby. "Inform Lady Jinsun," he instructed with authority, "that I will require Neeria's assistance this evening."

Neeria's eyebrows knit in confusion. "Your Highness, what do you mean by 'assistance'?"

He paused, taking a deep breath, as he responded, "There's much we haven't discussed, and we can't continue like this." He stated, calmly. "I need to talk to you."

With that, he gently took her hand, leading her towards his chambers.

The palace corridors, which had earlier been busy with activity, were now quiet, the distant echoes of the festival the only reminder of the evening's events.

The soft glow from the wall sconces cast elongated shadows, bathing the hallways in a warm amber light.

As they walked side by side, the rhythmic tapping of their shoes once again against the cold marble floors was the only sound breaking the silence. Neeria's thoughts raced, trying to decipher the prince's intentions and mentally preparing herself for the conversation ahead.

Without looking her way, the crown prince finally spoke, his voice soft but deliberate. "I understand if tonight's events might have made you feel uncomfortable, especially given our recent interactions."

Neeria glanced over at him, noting the uncharacteristic vulnerability in his voice. "What was all that about, exactly?" she asked, genuinely curious.

He sighed,"Lady Minyoung's family has long sought an alliance with the royal family. While there were talks in the past, it was concluded. I never imagined they'd be so... bold as to announce it publicly."

Neeria nodded, piecing things together. "I figured it was as much a surprise to you as it was to everyone else."

"Very much so," he confirmed, a hint of frustration evident in his tone.

Upon reaching the entrance of his chambers. His hand, elegantly gestured for her to enter before him.

Neeria, taken aback by the unexpected intimacy and openness of his gesture, slowly stepped inside. The cool silk of her hanbok rustled as she made a deep bow, her twists cascading over her shoulders. "I'm honored, Jeoha ," she remarked with a trace of uncertainty. She then looked up, her eyes searching his. "Yet, I still remain in the dark about the reason behind this audience."

The chamber, bathed in a soft glow, seemed almost ethereal. A few candles flickered on ornate stands, casting ever-shifting shadows that danced gracefully across the walls. The room's constant centerpiece, a vast window, framed the palace grounds, the serene gardens bathed in silvery moonlight, giving it a dreamlike quality.

Moving to a low seating area, the prince, lowered himself onto a plush cushion. He motioned for Neeria to sit on the one opposite him. As she took her seat, the fabric of her gown spread around her like petals of a flower.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he met her gaze. "Neeria," he began, his voice soft, "I seek nothing but honesty this evening. What are your thoughts, truly, about today's unexpected developments?"

Neeria inhaled deeply, the room's familiar scent – a blend of floral incense and aged wood – grounding her momentarily.

"Why, Jeoha," she began, her hand unconsciously moving to her collarbone, fingers lightly tracing the delicate embroidery of her dress, "would you wish to know the thoughts of someone like me? I'm not of royal lineage in this kingdom, and I certainly don't find myself enmeshed in the palace's political web." Her voice, though gentle, carried an undercurrent of frustration.

His eyes remained locked on hers. In response, the crown prince merely raised a hand, signaling for a servant to bring tea. The room's ambiance felt heightened as the candles' golden glow danced. Their flickering light imbued the prince with an ethereal glow, making him seem even more distant and unreachable than usual.

As the servant hurriedly set the tea service down, the steam from the freshly brewed pot curled up in delicate tendrils, carrying the fragrant aroma of chrysanthemum and jasmine. The prince delicately took a sip, his eyes never leaving hers, as if trying to decode the waves of emotions swirling within them.

With a soft but firm voice, he requested, "Let there be no disturbances for the rest of the evening unless we summon. We have important matters to discuss."

The servant nodded, their eyes downcast in a display of utmost respect, before swiftly making their exit. The heavy door closed behind them with a soft thud, sealing the two of them in a world of their own.

Neeria, attempting to gather her thoughts, paused to collect herself. The rustle of her gown's fabric was the only sound in the room for a fleeting moment. "Your Highness," she finally said, her tone toned with a touch of urgency and false indifference. "you have a duty to your kingdom. Sometimes personal feelings and desires have to be set aside for the greater good."

He placed his teacup on the carved wooden table next to him, its porcelain surface gave a softly musical clink, against the saucer. His fingers briefly lingered on the handle before he withdrew, his attention now wholly on Neeria.

Gracefully motioning for her to draw nearer with a slight tilt of his head and a soft curl of his fingers. " Come here...please."

Neeria took a tentative step forward. The prince, his gaze stayed with her. Despite his calm exterior, there was an intensity to his eyes, something she glimpsed only on rare occasions.

Neeria's voice wavered slightly, "Your Highness..."

He interrupted her with a soft, gesture of removing a pin from the back of her hair, and setting it aside. She sat silent once again.

"Neeria," he began, rolling her name off his tongue like a cherished secret. The depth and roughness of his voice sent a cascade of emotions though her, causing her to momentarily lose her train of thought.

With a boldness that surprised even him, he reached out, his fingers finding the soft fabric of her dress. He pulled her closer, gently but firmly, until she stood directly in front of him.

Feeling his strong hands encircle her waist, he guided her gently, settling her down on the cushion before him. The intimate positioning, with her seated so closely, the difference in their heights diminished, sent a jolt of uncertainty through her.

The weight of his gaze, combined with the heat of his touch, made her heart race once more. The air between them crackled with strain and longing. "Tell me," he whispered, his breath warm against her face, his eyes searching hers for the truth, "where does your heart truly lie?" The gravity of his words, filled with both a challenge and an invitation, stood heavily between them, awaiting her response.

The nearness of him was overwhelming; the heat radiating from his body felt like a physical force that threatened to draw her in. She parted her lips but soon closed them.

"Neeria," he breathed, his fingers tightening around her waist, drawing her impossibly closer. The sensation of his thumb caressing her skin, even through the layers of fabric. "Why is it so difficult for you to be honest with me?" His voice was low, gravelly.

He sighed as one of his thumbs continued to trace small circles on her side. The chamber's soft lighting cast a serene glow on the prince's face, emphasizing the strong planes and contours, making him appear even more striking. "I'll be direct," he began. With a confident yet gentle motion, he cradled her face with his free hand, compelling her to look up.

"I desire you, Neeria." His thumb brushed against the curve of her cheek, the warmth of his touch making her skin tingle. "Not just the allure of your beauty, but the very essence of you – your tenacity, your spirit. Every stolen moment we share leaves me craving for more."

As she felt the warmth of his touch against her cheek. His breath against her skin felt like the brush of velvet, every exhale sending ripples of heat across her skin. Her pulse quickened, more and she took a sharp intake of breath only providing shaky whispers as she tried to form the words.

She averted her gaze,"Jeoha," she began, her voice trembling, betraying the turmoil inside her. "My heart has found its solace... with the General."

He paused, studying her. And then, in a movement that caught her off guard, his thumb gently grazed her bottom lip, caressing it softly, making her heart race even more. The intense look he gave her next was one of deep understanding and a hint of sadness. " I know." He said softly.

Neeria's eyes widened, taken aback. "then why? Why are you still trying to pursue me?"

The prince leaned forward, closing the distance between them even more. His voice was low, almost a whisper, "For the very reason you haven't distanced yourself, and haven't turned away from me, even when your heart sways in another direction."

Their gazes locked, a silent understanding passing between them. His fingers began tracing the curve of her cheekbone, then resting below her chin, urging her face upward to meet his gaze.

The prince's voice deepened, taking on a determined edge, "I can be patient, Neeria."  he declared, his thumb tracing the outline of her lips. "I can wait for your heart to come to a decision. As for mine? It has already made its choice, and every beat of it resonates with your name. Therefore it won't let any moment slip away."

The silence in the room deepened after the prince's confession. Neeria's breath caught as she looked into his eyes, seeing the honesty they held.

" You shouldn't fall for me." She began. As she spoke, her gaze drifted from his intense eyes down to his lips. He noticed this, resulting in his lips giving away a small smile.

"And if I tell you, I don't mind?" His voice was a low murmur, carrying an allure that drew her irresistibly closer. His every word seemed to wrap around her, unknowingly she was leaning closer into the warmth she didn't know she was seeking.

" But you shouldn't." She said however in a fluid motion, he shifted her from the seat, pulling her effortlessly into his lap, cradling her like a bride. She nestled against him, her fingers clutching the rich fabric of his royal robe out of surprise.

"Are you certain that's what you truly desire?" he asked.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she whispered, her throat tightening with emotion, her eyes misting over. "I don't want to... I can't fall for you."

His fingers traced the wet path of a tear that had betrayed her, sliding down her cheek. "Would it be so wrong if you did?" he smiled warmly.

"It would be wrong... He saved my life, you know?" She blurted out, as though mentioning the General might anchor her swaying emotions, giving her a reason to pull away.

" Fair enough." The prince's gaze softened, catching her eyes "If it's about saving lives..." he smiled. " So, here I am," he whispered, his voice cracking with vulnerability, "begging you to choose me, so that you might save mine in return." His smile played between light heartedness and unmasked.

Her head hung low and he tilted her chin up to meet his gaze."It's not that simple," she replied, her voice soft. " When he and I..."

The prince's dark eyes stared softly into hers and Neeira felt her pulse quicken in response. He gently brushed her chin with his fingertips, tilting it up before speaking.

"Where have you let him touch you?" he asked, gently. She tried to take a breath, her chest rising and falling from the effort. "Jeoha...," she began, trying to find the words to explain.

"You won't tell me?" He said as he inched closer, his breath teasing her skin. He leaned in, his lips grazing her neck, "Is it here?" Each word was a gentle challenge. Moving lower, he pressed another soft kiss just below her collarbone. "Here?"

Neeira desperately sought out control, gripping his robe as she looked away. Another kiss, this time lower still, just above the swell of her breast.

His hand moved to caress her, squeezing gently. She moaned softly before trying to ground herself.

"No, not there." Her voice came out weak, while he smiled.

"guess I'll have to —"

"He didn't touch me.... He just kissed me," she confessed, the admission coming out in a rush.

Neeria felt her breath hitch as the prince's lips moved against her neck, then paused upon hearing her confession.

He met her eyes, then her lips with his gaze. He used his thumb to cares them, softly parting them. His gaze searched hers as he looked back up at her and whispered, "Then would you allow me to set things right?"

Neeria unable to answer, felt herself leaning into him, needing his warmth and the comfort of being in his arms.

Taking the lead, his lips took hers in, he supported the back of her neck, as he laid her down, before closing his lips over hers for a second time, igniting an inferno within her that she had never thought possible for a second time.

His tongue brushed against her lips, parting them and seeking entrance. Neeria opened her mouth to him, allowing him access, feeling him slide inside. She felt his hands on her hips as he pulled her closer to him, pressing his hard body against hers. His lips parted hers, his tongue sweeping inside, tasting her, exploring her mouth.

They kissed hungrily, as if their lives depended on it. Neeria felt herself melting into his arms, his warmth and strength enveloping her as they continued. Her hands explored him, taking off any barrier.

His hands much more delicate, roamed her body, exploring every inch of her curves with a hunger that left her trembling in soft and measured pleasures. His touch was gentle yet demanding, igniting sparks of ease throughout her body.

She gasped into his mouth as he pulled her closer to him. He undid her hanbok jacket he leaned forward, capturing her lips once more, his tongue invading her mouth, tasting her. Neeria's mind went blank as she surrendered herself to him.

She softly gasped when he lifted her leg and placed it over his shoulder, sliding his hand under her thigh, lifting it, he brought her closer to him. He pulled her leg higher, opening her wider to him. His fingers found the knot of her skirt sash and undid it, releasing the tie as he ran his free hand over her stomach, as her legs remained on his shoulders.

He lowered his head and nuzzled her through the fabric of her undergarment. Neeria felt her body responding to his touch, her breath quickening and her heart racing. The cloth of her undergarments had been soaked through by her arousal. He crawled up between her legs to hover over her, as her breathing became ragged as she arched her back to meet his lips. While they kissed he slipped his hand beneath her undergarment, running his fingers over her skin, feeling her warm flesh beneath his fingertips Neeria moaned into his mouth as he stroked her skin, her eyes closing as she felt herself becoming lost in the sensations.

"Open your eyes," he whispered against her lips. She obliged, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal hazy pools of emotion. He held her gaze, searching for something deep within. "Are you still conflicted?" he questioned, the intensity of his gaze making her momentarily breathless.

"Jeoha..." she began, her voice barely a quiver, "That's not fai—". But her words were interrupted as he deftly untied her undergarments, revealing her to him in her most vulnerable state.

He knelt between her legs and pulled her undergarment away from her body. Neeria gasped as she felt him lean forward and kiss her. He ran his tongue along her, tasting her.

Neeria moaned as her hands found their way to his head, holding him close to her as she arched her hips towards his mouth. She felt him run his tongue across her as she cried out in pleasure. She felt his large hands, gently but tightly hold onto her thighs, pulling her open wider as he began to tease her.

The prince's movements became bolder, two fingers delving into her, mimicking the rhythm of his mouth, sliding slowly. Neeria's back arched, her body responding to him with an eagerness she hadn't anticipated. The room echoed with her muffled cries, their sounds interspersed with his low moans.

But then, he halted his actions, moving her onto the mat properly, before looking up with a devilish smirk. "Are you still confused?" he teased, his voice dripping with mischief and confidence.

"You said you were patient. This isn't fair," she panted out, her voice laced with playful annoyance. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms securely around her. "I changed my mind," he responded cheekily, capturing her gaze.

Struggling to form coherent words, Neeria asked, "Why... are you... doing this?" His face hovered inches from hers.

"Because you deserve it. You've been so cruel to me." Without another word, he leaned in, capturing her lips with his in a searing kiss.

Neeria's protest was barely a heard against the prince's lips, a tender admission hidden amidst their fervent kisses. "Then... I don't want to be yours," her voice unconvincing as she pretended to be mad.

Her eyes fluttering gave her away, as they turned into deep pools of emotion, flustered at how much she was enjoying herself.

He smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes, thoroughly relishing the taste of her flustered gasps and the battle of emotions playing out on her face. His fingers traced the curve of her cheek, then slowly moved down to her lips, silencing them momentarily. "You sound uncertain, Neeria," he murmured, his voice dripping with playfulness, yet thick with desire.

She looked away, " Why? Are you mad at me?" He teased, the weight of his gaze pinned on her, making her heart race.

Before she could muster a response, before her defenses could form words, he moved with a decisiveness only he possessed, with deliberate care, connected with Neeria, their bodies becoming one.

" Should I stop?" He asked. Between her moans he felt her head shake no again his chest, as her fingers were digging into his back as he filled her, each inch making her moan in heightened pleasure. The sensation was overwhelming, and she felt every part of her being focused on the intense connection between them.

She held him close, as he did her. Her nails tracing the defined muscles of his back as he moved in a rhythm that was both powerful and attentive. Each deliberate thrust sent a shockwave of sensation through her, eliciting unrestrained cries of passion.

The prince's gaze remained fixed on her face, soaking in every reaction, every expression. He leaned forward, his lips finding the curve of her breast. The sensation of his mouth, warm and wet against her skin, made her move in delight. As he lavished attention on her sensitive peak, Neeria felt an indescribable pleasure that only heightened her excitement.

He leaned down, his lips grazing her ear, his voice a deep growl that sent shivers down her spine. "You feel amazing" he whispered, his voice as low as it was only encouraged her climax as each word punctuated with another slow, deliberate thrust, making her moan in response.

"J....." she words got lost, as she returned to her moans, her voice breaking in between as his pace quickened, his movements growing more assertive. The world around them faded, their universe reduced to the silks they shared and the profound connection they were experiencing.

Feeling him push deeper, Neeria's body responded with an eagerness she hadn't known was possible. "Please...Don't stop," she whispered, her voice desperate and urging him on.

She felt the familiar sensation building up, consuming her entire being. The crescendo of their actions brought her to the brink and she cried out, overwhelmed by the intensity of her climax. Her body trembled beneath him, every nerve ending tingling with pleasure.

The prince's movements became more erratic, his breaths ragged. Neeria could feel the heat and tension building within him, his thrusts becoming more desperate and passionate.

"Jeoha," she whimpered, her nails grazing his shoulders, leaving trails of passion in their wake. Every movement, every touch seemed magnified tenfold, their bond deepening with every second.

He pressed his forehead to hers, locking eyes with her. The intensity of his gaze was as if he was trying to delve into the very depths of her soul. "Tell me how you feel," he panted, each thrust echoing his words.

She gasped, struggling to form words amidst the overwhelming sensations. " You feel amazing, Jeoha," she managed, her voice shaking. A triumphant smirk played on his lips. She arched her back, leaning into him, surrendering to the overwhelming emotions and sensations.

With one final deep thrust, he moaned, releasing himself. They clung to each other, their combined warmth and the rhythm of their heartbeats witness to the moment.

Suddenly self-conscious under his explorations, she looked away. " You're so cute." The prince said as he captured her wandering hand, pausing to feel the soft thrum of her pulse against his thumb. He then reverently brought her fingers to his lips, kissing them.

The silence lingered for a moment as she hid herself from his gaze.

"Jeoha," she whispered, "What does this mean for us? This... moment we've shared?"

He shifted, propping himself up on an elbow, and took a moment to take her in, from the tousled hair framing her face to the vulnerability evident in her eyes. His thumb grazed her cheek in a soft caress. "Do you regret it?" he asked gently, looking for signs of regret or hesitation.

Neeria hesitated, caught in the complexity of her feelings. "No...I don't know," she admitted.
Her eyes settled on the broad expanse of his chest. "The first time, I could've convinced myself it was just duty, a part of my role. But now..." She trailed off.

The prince, ever so patient, cradled her face in his hands, encouraging her to meet his gaze once more.

"Hey, hey..Neeria," he began, his voice low and resonant, "I won't make demands or give you ultimatums. I will never wanted you to feel bound by duty or obligation with me. You feeling forced to be with me, won't result in your happiness and your happiness is what I want."

There was a brief moment of silence between them, punctuated only by their shared breaths. Breaking it, he slowly reached to his side, retrieving a delicately carved box. He carefully opened the lid, revealing a jade hairpin, its design shimmering in the candlelight.

He then leaned in, his fingers deftly placing the hairpin amidst her coily tresses, securing a section away from her face. With this simple act, they found themselves drawn even closer.

Neeria looked up at him, her eyes searching his for any hint of insincerity. "And if I don't come to you?" she challenged. Her fingers tracing his lips, absentmindedly.

The prince, quirked an eyebrow and let out a soft, confident chuckle. "I'm confident enough to know you will." He said hugging her tightly.

His voice held a playful edge, but his eyes, those dark glances that seemed to see right through her, held unwavering certainty.

Neeria huffed, her lips curving into a begrudging smile, "You're so..." With an exaggerated roll of her eyes, she nestled her head onto his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart beneath her ear. "You're impossible," she mumbled onto his chest, the vibrations of her voice causing him to chuckle softly.

His hand came up to stroke her hair, his fingers tangling in the soft coils of tresses. Drawing her closer, he leaned down, pressing a gentle, kiss to her forehead. The warmth of his lips against her skin sealing his earlier words with a gesture that spoke louder than any promise could.

The depth of feeling in that simple act left Neeria drenched in a flood of emotions, feeling cherished, protected, overwhelmed yet somehow undeniably connected to the man beside her.


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