
By 13aroness

249K 16.2K 1.7K

She decided to do the world a favor and kept to herself ever since she was turned into a demon. Always alone... More

Texas 1830
Volterra 1831
Volterra 1863
Texas 1935
Pennsylvania 1948
Ohio 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Volterra 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Not an Update
Texas 1951
Pennsylvania 1952
Alaska 1962
Alaska 1965
Montana 1966
Texas 1980
New York 1999
California 1999
Louisiana 1999
Washington 2003
Washington 2004
Not an Update
New York 2005
Massachusetts 2006
Not an Update
Texas 2006
Washington 2006

Washington 2005

1.9K 155 20
By 13aroness

Serafina and her siblings had gotten to school early as usual and were standing in the hallway near Serafina's first period. She was the flight risk, so they had all started escorting her. They thought she was less likely to leave during her first period if they did. They were somewhat correct. Her class was the furthest into the school, so she didn't like to turn around and leave after making it there.

Now, if they all stayed near Rosalie's and Jasper's class, that would be a different story. She would walk right out the door after that first warning bell since their class was close to the school's entrance.

Serafina wasn't feeling like class today, though. She looked at Edward, who rolled his eyes in annoyance, "I'm not doing it." He groaned.

"Why not? I'd do it for you if I could!" Serafina glared.

"Would you?" Edward asked, looking at her pointedly as he tried to read her mind.

'Maybe if you were being nice and not such a dick,' she thought.

Edward glared at her.

"No, wait! I wasn't ready!" Serafina stopped herself as she began to think 'Of course' repeatedly. Rosalie and their siblings giggled to themselves. They could imagine what she had thought before.

Edward sneered but shook his head, "No, there aren't going to be any quizzes or tests today in your first period. Just a review for your test on Friday." He finally uttered before turning around to head to his first period. Alice and Jasper were just behind him.

Alice turned around and gave Serafina an excited look as she clenched her fists and hopped a few times before rejoining the two while still looking back repeatedly at Serafina. Jasper gave her a look of confusion, but his small smile for her never left his face. Serafina looked at her with confusion, making Alice roll her eyes. She knew she would forget.

"What's today?" Edward asked suspiciously after hearing her excited yell in her mind.

"Nothing," Alice shrugged. Her grin was still on her face.

"What was that all about?" Emmett asked aloud.

"No idea," Serafina shrugged.

"Alice is keeping secrets again. We'll find out eventually," Rosalie said. She turned to her girlfriend, "You're ditching today, babe?" Rosalie asked Serafina. The three started walking toward Rosalie's class.

"Yes, I think I saw that there would be a small art show in the park. I want to take a look around," Serafina said.

"Well, be careful," Rosalie said.

"Of course," Serafina smiled. She placed a small kiss on Rosalie's cheek, "Te amo mi hermosa Rosa." She whispered.

"I love you too," Rosalie smiled back. She watched as Serafina turned the corner to head to the front doors.

"You guys are disgustingly cute," Emmett said beside Rosalie's face. He had bent down to say that to her.

Rosalie pushed his forehead back forcefully, "Go to class." She said with an annoyed tone. But she secretly loved what he said.

Serafina walked to the front of the school when a short brunette girl bumped into her carrying a piece of paper. Serafina stopped as she looked down at this girl who wasn't watching where she was going. A hyperactive male student speaking a mile a minute seemed to have been helping her. Serafina recognized Eric. She made him nervous, she could tell. When speaking to her, he tended to talk just as fast as he was now. But with her, it was out of fear and nervousness, but with this girl, it appeared to be excitement. He began chuckling in nervousness when he realized who the brunette had bumped into.

The girl looked up, an apology on her lips, but after seeing Serafina's perfect face, she faltered. She began to stutter as her face turned a slight rosy shade from embarrassment. Serafina raised her brow in question when she didn't say anything. Her normally stoic face turned into a frown. Eric knew the girl had frozen. Most people did when seeing a Cullen up close. They were too perfect, "Serafina!" Eric spoke up, his own fear spiking as his voice went up an octave, "We're so sorry, we weren't watching where we were going! This is the new girl! Isabella Swan, she's a little nervous, what with being new and all." He smiled.

Serafina relaxed her face after hearing his words, "The new blood, Chavela." Serafina said, eyeing this young girl as she turned redder under her gaze. Short, pale skin, brunette, she appeared very plain to Serafina, but she supposed she could be considered pretty. "Watch where you're going." Serafina said to the girl as she turned to Eric, "Bye, Eric."

"Oh my god, she knows my name," Eric mumbled in shock. Aside from his excitement at her knowing his name, he also had fear. He couldn't help it. He remembered what happened to Simon. He hoped she wasn't upset with him for letting Isabella walk into her. He told himself he would keep an eye out for Cullens when walking with her. If only to keep himself safe from Serafina's wrath.

Serafina continued on her way to the park, no longer able to hear what they were discussing the further she went. She walked along the stalls once she arrived. Those enjoying the miniature art show and the artists putting it on weren't surprised at her presence. She had become a regular to functions happening during school hours. But they were surprised to see Mrs. Cullen walking through the art show. They didn't know that she enjoyed getting pieces on occasion to help with her designs when working on home interiors for clients.

"Serafina," Esme called with a mothering tone from behind the young woman. She knew Serafina hadn't noticed her yet.

Serafina instinctively shrunk her neck at the tone. But she remembered they were in public, so her mother shouldn't resort to her common punishment. Her ears should be safe. Serafina quickly turned to look at her mother, "Amá, what a coincidence! What are you doing here?" she smiled as she quickly made her way to her mother and hugged her arm. She began walking the two through the art show.

"Did you forget that I love to visit art shows, no matter the size?" Esme asked as she eyed her daughter.

"Oh yeah," Serafina chuckled nervously. She remembered Eric's behavior earlier; she was behaving the same way. She didn't understand how she was so afraid of this little woman.

Esme looked at her, "Why aren't you in school?" she sighed.

"I was also interested in the art show," she said sweetly. She was slowly loosening her grip on her mother's arm. She was getting ready to make a break for it to wander around a different part of town.

"Alright, then you get to go along with me while I browse and see if I'd like any for the homes I'm currently redecorating," Esme said as she clamped back onto Serafina's arm that held onto hers.

Serafina attempted to pull her arm out but could see it wouldn't work, "That seems like fun. Of course, I'll help." She said in resignation.

The two wandered the miniature art show. Esme would consistently appraise every piece seriously. Not wanting the artist to feel rejected even if she wasn't interested in buying, she would compliment at least one thing from every artist. But only three artists caught her eye enough to make purchases.

Serafina, on the other hand, didn't even care to show that much consideration. She would look. If something looked interesting, she would look a little more. She immediately ignored many pieces because she didn't care for them. But she still had to go to every stall with her mother because her mother refused to let her go.

After Esme made her purchases and set up delivery for those purchases, the two made their way to Esme's car, "Now I'm taking you to school. You'll get to make it to lunch! How exciting!" Esme said happily.

"Yay," Serafina muttered as she got into the passenger seat.

Serafina approached the lunchroom after her mother dropped her off back at school. As soon as she neared, she was grabbed by a small blur that dragged her around a corner.

"Jesus, Alice! What is so important?" Serafina whined as she was pulled behind a pillar.

"This is it! The bet we have! It's going to happen today! One way or the other," Alice said excitedly.

"Is that why you're not in there?" Serafina asked.

"I can't stop thinking about it. It's true," Alice said, practically vibrating from her excitement. But she stopped her excited movements and added, "But I came outside because Jazz needs some time alone right now. That's the main reason I came out for a bit. We're going to have to feed tonight. He's a little edgy at the moment."

Serafina nodded in understanding. But patted her head, "he'll be fine. Don't think about his thirst right now. Go back to thinking about how you'll pay me for my win. If you want to pay me in gold and jewels, I would love that."

Alice immediately became excited again, "If you want to pay me in some custom jewelry, I would love that! I can design a new set of outfits just for the things you make me! They'll be amazing!" she winked.

"We'll see!" Serafina said with narrowed eyes at Alice. As she approached the cafeteria, "I need to see my baby. I'll see you later!" she smiled.

Alice waved her off, and Serafina entered the cafeteria. She could hear some whispers about her family. She listened to all of their names being mentioned. She guessed the new girl asked about who they were. She heard how odd it was that they lived under the same roof and were together. She heard them say how good-looking they were, how Emmett and Edward were too good for the girls there. But then she heard confusion.

"Wait, I thought you said they were all together? Why would you guys try to get their attention if they are all together?" Bella asked.

"Not Emmett and Edward, they're single," Jessica whispered. She could see the apparent confusion on Bella's face, "Jasper and Alice are together, and so are Rosalie and Serafina. They're total lesbos. It's so awkward having P.E. with them. I bet they look," she mumbled.

Serafina and Rosalie looked disgusted as Serafina approached her family's table. She leaned over to kiss Rosalie before taking her seat right next to her.

"Yes, they're gay. But have you seen them? I doubt they're interested in any of us when they are both supermodel gorgeous. Plus, they seem so devoted to each other. It's sweet when you see them together," Angela said with confusion.

"At least one in their group seems to have a brain," Serafina told her family. They chuckled as Serafina hugged Rosalie tightly.

"Whatever. Still weird," Jessica said as she glanced over at the Cullen table, and Serafina looked up at precisely the same time after hearing Edward's warning. He had a slight grin, knowing what Serafina was going to do. When Jessica looked over, she made eye contact with Serafina, who narrowed her eyes at her, "Oh shit, but no matter how weird they are, never make them mad. Especially Serafina! She beat up Simon Burke," she saw Bella's confusion, not recognizing the name, "he's captain of the football team. He's like twice her size, and she kicked his ass. She did it in front of everyone."

"It was amazing!" Eric exclaimed happily, but after receiving glares from their table. He lowered his voice, "Sorry, forgot to whisper. He deserved it, though. He's a big bully. Total tool." He mumbled.

Serafina heard them whisper more about their family. She heard Bella compliment their parent's generosity for taking all of them in. She also heard Jessica belittle their kindness by stating she didn't think their mother could have kids of her own. She was getting annoyed, so she focused on her beloved and siblings. She told them what happened when she ditched and how their mother made her look at every stall while never letting go of her. They did not pity her. They just laughed at her misfortune for getting caught.

"Shall we?" Rosalie asked as lunch neared its end. The group stood and began to make their way out.

"Is the new girl afraid of us like everyone else?" Emmett asked.

Edward shrugged. Serafina kept her mind blank but couldn't help looking at him. That was a different response from the usual. The others didn't notice, but Serafina had a bit more information than the rest of them. They separated as the seniors had different classes than Edward.

Serafina and Rosalie had the second half of the day together now, one class more than the year before. Serafina only ever ditched the first half of the day now. They had Emmett in the one right after lunch and Jasper for the last. Jasper always had a sibling in class with him, just in case. Their day was very dull, but Alice rounded them up to get to Edward's Volvo as soon as possible after school was over.

They saw him struggling to breathe as he placed himself in the driver's seat. Everyone immediately jumped in. They could all see something was wrong. Serafina didn't think it would be this bad for him. She was a little concerned as she eyed him. He quickly threw the car in reverse and began to leave the school parking lot.

"Edward?" Alice asked with concern.

No answer.

"You alright there, Ed?" Emmett asked hesitantly.

No answer.

They all looked over at Alice to see what was going on.

"You're leaving?" Alice asked in a whisper.

They watched as Alice and Edward had one of their mental conversations. It didn't seem pleasant as Edward looked a little more upset as their back and forth continued until he finally demanded she stop.

"We'll miss you!" Alice finally said, "No matter how long it takes for you to figure things out. We'll be here when you get back."

The other teens looked on with confusion but didn't say anything. Alice had Edward drop them off so Edward could explain to their parents on his own. And their group wandered into the woods to hear what was happening from Alice.

"The new girl, Bella, he almost killed her today. He was planning it out and everything. He's leaving to try and think things over. He doesn't want to kill her. He's going to stay with the Denali for a bit," Alice explained.

"What?" Rosalie practically yelled.

"Did he really?" Emmett gasped.

"That explains the self-loathing I was feeling off of him," Jasper said. He didn't appear as concerned as the others about it. He was worried, of course. But he also felt somewhat relieved. It was nice to know he wasn't the only one who had trouble controlling the monster within.

"So he's leaving?" Serafina was upset. But for totally different reasons than her siblings.

Serafina knew her girlfriend was upset that he was so close to getting their family found out. She knew Emmett was upset that Edward didn't ask him for help. She knew Jasper was upset because he was worried about his brother. And she knew Alice felt the same as Jasper. Serafina was upset because she didn't win her bet. They bet he would either kill her or fall in love with her. They didn't know he would run away.

"He'll be back! And then our bet is still good to go!" Alice said excitedly. Serafina shook her head to refuse her words. But it was too late.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what bet?" Emmett asked incredulously.

"You knew he would almost kill someone?" Rosalie asked. There was a hint of danger in her voice. Serafina glared at Alice but Rosalie saw her. "And you knew, and you didn't tell me?" she questioned.

"Oh, you're in trouble," Emmett mumbled.

Jasper also gave Alice a look. His was more hurt, which caused Alice to run up to him immediately to apologize.

"Oh, you're in trouble too," Emmett noted.

"Shut up, Emmett!" Serafina and Alice said simultaneously.

The teens began their return trip home to discuss things further as a family. They figured their parents would want to hear about what Serafina and Alice had been holding back from everyone. And the two didn't want to have to repeat themselves. All that could be heard during their walk back were the apologies from Serafina and Alice to their lovers and Emmett holding back laughs and comments about how he could only guess how much trouble the two would be in.

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