
By 13aroness

249K 16.2K 1.7K

She decided to do the world a favor and kept to herself ever since she was turned into a demon. Always alone... More

Texas 1830
Volterra 1831
Volterra 1863
Texas 1935
Pennsylvania 1948
Ohio 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Volterra 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Not an Update
Texas 1951
Pennsylvania 1952
Alaska 1962
Alaska 1965
Montana 1966
Texas 1980
New York 1999
California 1999
Louisiana 1999
Washington 2003
Washington 2004
Washington 2005
Not an Update
New York 2005
Massachusetts 2006
Not an Update
Texas 2006
Washington 2006


1.8K 164 15
By 13aroness

Serafina sat in her first-period class, watching the teacher write his name on the board. Mr. Varner for Trigonometry. He provided the syllabus, which clearly explained the grading standards. His grading was different. It was harsh in her classmate's opinions from the whispers she overheard. But it would work in her favor. Thirty percent for the semester final exam, which was going to be based on everything learned. Forty percent for quizzes, which apparently would be happening often. Once a week. Ten percent for attendance. And Twenty percent for homework.

She could work with this if things got tough. She stopped trying after her third run-through of high school. So, if this was how he graded things, she would still pass even if she happened to leave on occasion.

Mr. Varner told the class they would do a test to check everyone's levels. He threw a veiled threat: they could be thrown into the sophomore math class if they didn't perform adequately. Serafina looked at her test and began answering it. Nothing too difficult. She finished quickly and looked toward the front of the class. Emmett sat in the front of the class. The seats were set alphabetically. She was a row behind him. She saw him scribbling away on his test. She grinned at his appearance. He was such a nerd sometimes. He tried too hard.

"Ms. Hart, eyes on your own paper," Mr. Varner yelled. She looked in his direction. Smile gone. Several students looked over at her. Some whispered that she was looking at Emmett.

Emmett heard, looked back at her, and saw her sitting without movement on her test. She gave a glance to him. And he knew she probably was watching him before, like the whispers said. He narrowed his eyes at her, knowing she was more than likely mocking him in her mind. She trusted her instincts, answered on her first try, and was quick with her tests. He, on the other hand, just liked to be sure. He then turned back to his test to triple-check his work.

"Quiet! Everyone, back to your quizzes! You're wasting time!" He announced to the class. The reminder hit the students hard. All heads bowed down again to their work. He looked over toward Serafina, who sat with her eyes closed as though meditating. He made his way to her, "Hey! Ms. Hart, I recommend you take this more seriously. I will have no qualms about throwing you back a grade in math. Do your test." He said after obnoxiously patting her desk.

"I'm done," Serafina answered. She never opened her eyes.

The students were multitasking and eavesdropping while working. Many of the pencils scribbling on their tests faltered at her statement before continuing much slower. It was as though the new information was a blow to their test-taking abilities.

"I find that hard to believe," he stated as he snatched the paper and made his way to the front of the room. He sat at his desk and began grading her test, "Did you cheat?" he asked suddenly.

"No," she answered. Her eyes were still closed.

"This was completed way too quickly for you to have gotten this grade. You had to have cheated," he began mumbling. He stood and furiously wrote a question on the board, "Solve this."

"Why?" She asked. She finally opened her eyes to look at what he wrote.

"To prove you didn't cheat," he declared.

"I don't have to prove anything to you," she answered.

There were slight gasps and giggles from the students. But Emmett looked back at his sister with concern. This teacher appeared to be particularly annoying. He didn't think she would be able to contain her anger.

"Actually, you do," he said through gritted teeth.

Serafina sighed as she stood. The entire class watched with bated breath as she approached the board. They were curious if she was smart enough to answer.

She looked at the teacher, "I really don't." She said as she walked past him. She shoved Emmett's head to the side as she passed him, "If anyone asks, I went for a walk." She left the room with the teacher repeatedly calling for her to return. As she exited the school building, she could hear him on the phone with the principal to explain what happened with the unruly student.

Her wandering led her to the edge of what appeared to be a small orphanage for old people. She didn't know how else to describe it. That's what it reminded her of. As she neared, she saw a sign that some overgrown hedges had blocked. It was a retirement home. She saw some old people sitting in a decent-sized courtyard. Some had nurses or attendants assisting. Others sat playing board or card games.

She stayed in the shadows and watched two older men closely. One was short and darker, while the other was taller and fair. Both had to be in their sixties or seventies. There was something about them that caught her eye. They had been whispering to each other. From her distance, she couldn't hear. They separated, and the darker man called over a male nurse walking by to ask for assistance. He gestured over to a table where a deck of cards sat on the table.

It didn't take long for her to realize why these two had caught her eye. They were her kind of people. She crossed her arms and grinned as she watched them at work.

As the older man and nurse walked, the older man looked like he tripped and was going to fall. Considering his age, it wouldn't have been surprising, but she had seen that he moved perfectly fine before. But while the nurse was reaching over to ensure the older man's safety. The pale older gentleman from before walked just behind the nurse and picked his pocket while casually walking by. He then hustled to his darker buddies' other side and helped save him from face-planting. He and the nurse then assisted him to the card table.

They thanked him generously. Once the young man walked away, they turned to each other to congratulate each other on a job well done.

When the lighter man looked up, he saw a beautiful brunette approaching, "holy shit, Walt, I think I had a heart attack. I'm dead. This must be heaven." The pale man said to the other—a look of fear on his face.

"Are you having a stroke, Clarence? What the hell are you talking about?" the darker-skinned man asked with concern to his friend. He followed his line of sight and saw the brunette, too, "Oh shit, I think I done died with you." He groaned—obvious sadness in his voice.

Serafina laughed, "I know what you sneaky old timers were up to. Would you even get to go to heaven if you died?" she asked with a raised brow.

They shrugged in agreement, but then they looked at her suspiciously, "You a cop?" Walt asked.

She sat down next to Clarence and looked back at him, "do I look like a cop?" she asked with obvious offense. "I'm definitely not a narc. Not when I look this good. I actually have the same hobbies as you two." She lifted a card up between the two, "What's this card for?"

Clarence patted his pockets down. He looked at her dumbfounded, then turned to Walt, "I didn't feel a thing. She's good."

"Yeah, yeah," Walt said as he took the card from her and checked their surroundings to ensure no one had seen. He then turned back to Serafina with a severe look, "Now that, little missy," Walt explained, "is the card to the rec room. We are supposed to be in bed by eight, but that is too early. Everybody Loves Raymond is on at nine." He said as though it were a matter of fact. Serafina nodded in understanding.

"What about you, young lady? What are you doing here?" Clarence asked.

"Just wandering. I saw you two doing your hustle and thought I'd watch. Pretty impressive. My name is Serafina Hart," Serafina answered with a small smile.

"Well, since you're here, little Hart, you got any cash on you?" Walt asked as he grabbed the deck of cards from the table and began shuffling.

"I might have some cash on me, nothing crazy because I didn't know I'd find a good time like this before I left home. But enough to have some fun," she grinned.

"Three thieves playing cards? Hmm. Sounds like fun! Deal me in, Walt!" Clarence patted the table.

"Hold on! How do I know you guys have cash?" Serafina asked suspiciously.

"It's not like you'd win, little Hart!" Clarence answered challengingly.

"You won't win anything from us, but since you don't know us yet," Walt began, reaching into his pockets, pulling out some cash, and setting it on the table. He then gestured for Clarence to do the same. Clarence complied by putting his own cash in front of himself, "Now you, little Hart?" he finished.

Serafina grinned as she reached into her pocket and showed her cash. She then put her money on the table, too.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a game of poker. You know the rules. Don't get caught," Clarence laughed as he gestured for Walt to begin.

The three began playing but became rowdier as time passed. The two older gentlemen were regaling her with stories of their past crimes. It was enthralling. The laughter and shouts drew attention from the nurses questioning Serafina's identity. This community was gated. No one remembered signing her in or seeing her even entering the building to pass through to get to the back. They noticed her speaking with the older men with money on the table. They suspected she may have been scamming the two after breaking in.

Little did the three new friends know their fun brought the police to their table. The police officer stood with the head nurse, knocking on the table to get their attention. About five hundred dollars was sitting in the pot this round. The two needed clarification as to what was happening. The three stopped laughing as they looked up at the two.

"I smell bacon," Clarence muttered, glaring at the officer and bringing chuckles to the other two.

The officer rolled his eyes, "Very funny, Mr. Barker." He sighed, "Why am I not surprised that whatever commotion going on here was more than likely caused by you and Mr. Payne?"

"We didn't do a damn thing, Chief Swan," Walt said indignantly, "Whatever they're accusing us of is nothing but lies."

"Who are you?" the chief asked, turning to Serafina. He then gave her a once-over. Serafina frowned, thinking this police officer would be like the ones from the past, until she heard his words, "Young lady, where is your jacket? It's cold out here." He said and began muttering about how kids just liked to show their skin as he began to take his jacket off.

"Oh, officer, I'm alright," she said. Reaching for her jacket on the chair, she said, "No sweaters or long sleeves. It's a way to hinder cheating," she grinned. She put her jacket back on to appease him.

"Well, good, now answer my first question. According to Nurse Dix, you didn't sign in or anything. Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Chief Swan asked.

"Oh, so now it's illegal for my granddaughter to come and visit me? Well, now we know. No family allowed," Walt said while shaking his head.

Serafina and Clarence both looked at each other. It would've been more believable for Clarence to be related to her with her pale skin. But they didn't question it and stuck to his story.

"You all won't even let me see my grandniece. Such a shame," Clarence shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. It looks like I won't be able to visit you much anymore," she said, looking over sadly at Walt. She continued, "It was nice seeing you and Uncle Clare while we still have the chance." She hugged Clarence.

"Who knows, this might just be my last day on this Earth. At least I got to see my granddaughter one last time," Walt muttered.

The head nurse rolled her eyes. She sighed, "Mr. Payne, you don't have any relatives." She then looked at the officer, "Neither does Mr. Barker. Chief Swan, you know how these two get." She was used to these two's antics. They would 'break out' occasionally, and Chief Swan would have to bring them back. The two were trouble.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing. Tell me the truth," Chief Swan said.

"Wait, aren't you one of the new Cullens?" The head nurse asked curiously. She began looking Serafina over, too.

"One of Dr. Cullen's adopted kids?" Chief Swan asked.

Serafina grinned, "Maybe."

He frowned at her answer, "I thought all of his kids were in high school?" he checked his watch, "Why aren't you at school?"

"Teacher accused me of cheating because I'm smart. Demanded I prove my innocence." She said, looking at the police chief with a bored expression, "I didn't have to prove anything. So I left." She shrugged.

"Did you cheat?" he asked with a raised brow.

"No," she answered. She was looking him directly in the eye.

Chief Swan looked into her eyes as she answered. He then nodded, "I get it. But you shouldn't walk out of school like this. You're new. You could get lost. I'll call the school and tell them I'll take you back in."

Now, it was Serafina's turn to be suspicious. Her anger, suspicion, and distrust were briefly expressed on her face, but she hid it quickly. But the two con men sitting with her noticed.

"Hey, little Hart, this pig is alright," Walt said.

"He'll send you straight to school like he said. If there's ever any trouble involving the coppers, he's the honest one of the bunch," Clarence added.

"That means never try to bribe this one," Walt whispered.

Serafina smiled at the two as she stood.

"Hold on now, before you go. We were just about to show our hands," Clarence called, waving for her to stop.

"Ya know you can't be out here gambling for cash with a minor with a cop looking right at you, right?" Chief Swan asked with furrowed brows.

"Then shut your damn eyes," Walt grumbled as he revealed his hand to the other two. Chief Swan rolled his eyes and waited for them to finish.

Walt's hand was a full house of 10's and 2's. Clarence then showed his hand, four of a kind of 10's. Serafina then revealed her hand, which was a royal flush.

Chief Swan's confusion was visible. "How is that possible?" Chief Swan asked, looking at the hands on the table.

The three laughed at their hands. All three had cheated to get those hands, but the grown men nodded with appreciation to Serafina as they nodded at the pot for her to collect. Yes, they all cheated. But her cheat was the better hand. They already knew they would cheat someone with their game and prepared in advance. She was new off the street, unprepared, and still managed to get the best of them. They were impressed.

Serafina wasn't polite. She accepted the pot and thanked them with a giant smile, "Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure." She winked.

The two laughed again, "Don't be a stranger, little Hart!" Walt called out.

"Yeah, we gotta win our money back!" Clarence added.

"Don't think we'll go easy on you next time just because you're my granddaughter and all," Walt continued.

The two kept laughing as Serafina and Chief Swan walked away. She smiled to herself. She figured she'd probably be back in the future to visit.

"Mr. Barker and Mr. Payne seemed to have taken a shine to you. Pretty impressive. They don't really like people. The nurses usually complain that they're grumpy and sometimes mean." Chief Swan acknowledged.

"Oh, they're just misunderstood," she smiled. She didn't clarify anything.

Chief Swan had phoned ahead to advise the administration of his returning of a student. It was almost lunch when they pulled up, and he got down with her to speak to the principal about where he found her. The principal and vice principal were waiting up front for him. The two thanked him for his help just as the bell for lunch rang. Several seniors rushed toward the parking lot, planning to rush off campus for lunch. But they all slowed when they noticed the police chief, principal, vice principal, and one of the mysterious new Cullens.

Chief Swan turned and looked down at Serafina, "I'm not going to catch you wandering around during school hours again, right?"

"I can make sure you don't catch me if you like," she answered innocently.

Chief Swan cracked a small smile, "I think I know why Mr. Barker and Mr. Payne like you now," He said, referencing the old men from the retirement home, "Nothing but trouble." He mumbled as he gave her a nod and left.

The principal and vice principal looked at Serafina with exasperation but still tried to be patient, "We got Mr. Varner's side of what happened and asked a few students what happened, too. What happened?" Principal Greene asked.

She explained what happened, which did match what the other students said. It was vastly different from what Mr. Varner noted, though. But they weren't surprised. He was a difficult teacher in general. They had asked him to be more understanding but knew it wouldn't work just from looking at his face after their faculty meeting. After losing their student on her first day, they spoke about placing her in an advanced math class, which would have a different math teacher. They asked her if she would be alright doing that, and she agreed. The two sighed in relief and excused her. They informed her it was lunch and walked her into the cafeteria.

Serafina walked into the cafeteria alone with a smirk and saw her family sitting at a corner table, looking right at her. All had grins of their own except for one. Her beautiful blond. She grew concerned as she quickly went over.

"Mi amor, what's wrong?" Serafina asked as she neared.

"Of course, you haven't heard the rumors. You're a big ditcher," Edward laughed.

"You should hear some of the things that have been going around, lover," Emmett growled, giving her his smoldering eyes and blowing her kisses.

Rosalie glared at him. This made all the others laugh. But Serafina only looked with confusion. She couldn't even sit beside Rosalie because Emmett was sitting right beside her. Usually, he'd move over automatically, knowing that beside her girlfriend was her spot, but he didn't budge today. He cleared space on his other side, wanting her to sit there. She just looked at him with disgust.

Rosalie cheered up at her reaction. But she was still upset, "Rumor around school is you're with Emmett." She said as though it were nothing. But she couldn't help glaring at the table.

"Gross," Serafina gagged. She then looked over at Emmett, "Move."

"Come on, babe, go ahead and sit here," he said, gesturing to the empty seat.

Serafina had enough. She grabbed onto his ear as their mother typically did. He hunched and began to stand up while apologizing repeatedly in between his utterances from pain. Once he was removed from her seat, Serafina let go of his ear. She immediately took her seat and repeatedly kissed Rosalie on her face until she laughed and tried to push her away. Serafina only stopped once Rosalie gave her a proper kiss on her lips.

"I'm sorry, Baby," Serafina said as she hugged her tightly, "You're my one and only."

Rosalie was finally appeased after the apology. She felt even happier after hearing the shocked gasps and gossip about the gay Cullens, "We heard about what happened," she said, looking at her girlfriend, "where have you been all day? See anything exciting?" she asked with a grin.

Serafina explained her day. She gave them all the ins and outs about her new friends and her first meeting with the town's police chief. They would ask her questions on occasion. But they weren't surprised by this. Serafina was pretty good at finding trouble. They laughed it off and continued their day listening to the school gossip about lesbians.

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