By blopfan

24.5K 1.3K 222

A compilation of YinWar love stories. *Disclaimer* The stories aren't related unless it stated in the titles More

Until We Meet Again
The One Who Melted The Ice Prince
Stuck With You
In The Club
We Belong Together
THE 'V' CARD Part 1/2
THE 'V' CARD Part 2/2


390 30 13
By blopfan

Yin smiled as he read the details Boom has gathered about War. Apparently the latter was 4 years older than him, he came from middle class family, and he's the owner of the designing firm that quite famous in the industry.

'It's fascinating to see you looking like this...' Prom said, shaking his head looking at his friend.

'Like what?'

'Hopelessly in love...'

'Hey, the guy is attractive...and he's just my type...' Yin justified.

'I guess you're gonna hit on him then?'

'I'm still thinking about it to be honest...'

'Something wrong? Is he taken?' Prom asked.

'No...he's definitely single...it's just...do you think he would go out with someone like me?' Yin stared at Prom, frowning.

'What do you mean?'

'Look at me Prom...with my line of work...the illegal stuff and shit...'

'Did he really need to know about it?'

'I don't want to let him in the dark...but then again, exposing him to this side could be dangerous for him and the people around him...don't you think?'

'True...but are you willing to let him slip through your finger?'

Yin never faced with such difficult question in his life.


'My dad really love the work you did on his gallery so I'm here on his behalf to deliver his token of appreciation...' Mos said looking at fruit basket and other gifts on War's office coffee table.

'Thank you...it's my honour that he trusted me with such huge project...' War smiled.

'He wanted the best and you're definitely one of the best designers...so, what's your latest work?'

'A three-storey maisonette at Central Plaza...very tight dateline but luckily the owner wasn't a picky client...'

'Who is it?'

'Yin Anan Wong...'

'Yin Anan Wong?' Mos' eyes widened. 'Are you sure?'

'Yeah of course...why? You know him?' War raised an eyebrow.

'You know how my dad has underground business?'

War nodded. Mos Romsaithong came from a family that involved with illegal businesses. They're pretty well known in the city and many feared the clan.

'Yin Anan Wong is the crown prince of Wong Family, they owned few shipping ports, construction company, few buildings, clubs, casinos and one of my dad's close business partners...very influential...'


'Yeah...pretty scary too...he's younger than us but sometimes I got scared whenever we have to deal something together...intimidating...'

'But he looked so nice...a little serious but still pretty decent...'

'He can be nice when he wanted to but ruthless when it comes to his enemies...I know that because I've witnessed that one time they caught a mole that leaked our info to our rivals...you don't wanna know how that guy turn out...'

This new revelation from Mos somehow put Yin on different spectrum to War. So that guy was basically a mafia...and very powerful one too.


The grand opening of Romsaithong-Wattanagitiphat Gallery of Vintage Art is going smoothly and the place are packed with celebrities, politician and businessmen and women from across the country.

'Sorry I'm late...I got held up with work...' War said as he arrived.

'I'm just glad that you've made it...c'mon...my dads are waiting for you...'

War saw Mos' parents were talking to a few men as they walked inside.

'Sawadee krub...' War waied. Both Mos' dads smiled.

'Man of the hour is here...I'm very happy how the gallery turned out to be...' Mile said, side hugging War's smaller frame.

'He's indeed the best as Mos said...' Apo added, pushing his husband aside so he can hug War.

'Thank you Pa, Por...' War looked over and saw Yin, smiling at him. 'Yin?'

'You two know each other?' Mile asked looking at the two.

'Yeah...phi War is working on my place at Central Plaza...I didn't know he's the one behind your gallery
Uncle...' Yin said.

*He called me phi...*

'I want the best so rightfully War is the one I trust the most and he truly deliver...' Mile praised.

'You're too nice Por...I'm just doing my job...'

A while later...

'I see that you're close with the Romsaithong family...' Yin said as he approached War by the bar area.

'Mos and I knew each other since high school...so I'm kinda close with his parents and younger brothers...' War replied.

'P' War...'

'How did you know I'm older than you? I never tell you my age...'

'Well...I kinda...ask my men to do some research on you.' *I might as well came clean then...*

'By your men you mean those guys that has been following you around?'

'You've been checking me out all night huh?' Yin smirked.

'No...I don't...' War denied. But the truth is his eyes always went towards Yin everytime the man in his sight.

'If you say so...'

Talking to the older guy, Yin found out the man was funny, had a wicked sense of humor and when he laughed, those cute little dimples appeared. The walked together around the gallery looking at art with Yin had his arm protectively at War's lower back, sending signals to those that had their eyes on War to back off.

'So you don't mind the fact that your close friend were basically a mafia?' Yin asked.

'Um...not really...Mos has been a great friend...it's not like I can't defend myself but having him made me feel kinda secured in a way...the referal he made to my company helped me to get my firm to it's status now...'


'We're here sir...' Boom said as the car stopped.

Yin got out of the car and looked at the building in front of him...WR DESIGN, the firm that War owned were at the 15th floor. After their meeting a few days ago at the gallery opening, Yin has decided to pursue the older one.

'P'Jen, I need the details for Khun Apiwat's house...' War said to his employee.

'Yes sir...' She nodded. 'And quotation for Mr. Jones restaurant is ready for you to confirm...should I give it to you too?'



The whole office went silent as Yin and his entourage of men arrived at their floor.


'Yin...what are you doing here?' War asked, obviously surprised by the sudden visit.

'I'm here to see you...'

*Who is that?*
*Did boss owe money from someone?*
*Are they thugs?*

War pulled Yin by the arm. 'Can you tell your men to leave? I don't want any bad rumour going around here...'

'But I can talk to you?'

'Of course...now, tell them to leave...' War said.

Yin turned towards his men. 'Wait for me outside.'

'Yes sir!' They answered in unison.

'What brings you here?' War said as they walked into War's private office.

'Nice office you got here...killer view...' Yin went to the floor-to-ceiling glass wall and looked outside, trying to hide his nervousness.

'You didn't answer my question Yin...'

'Um...I'm trying to find the words...' Yin never felt this anxious before. He made business deals across the country with countless of people from different background and status without fear but here he is, being a nervous wreck in front of a man.

'Mr. Anan Wong...' War walked up towards Yin.

'Let's date!' Yin blurted the words.

'What?' War's eyes widened. 'Can you repeat that? I don't think I heard you correctly...'

'Let's date...you and me...'


'I've never been the one that beat around the bush so I'm going to tell you as it is...I'm interested in you ever since the day you confronted your ex in that restaurant...I tried to find you but failed...when we met again at my place at Central Plaza, I had my men find out more about you...'

'Like a background check? I thought you were kidding...'

'I had to make sure I don't cross any boundaries...that night at the gallery made me more sure to pursue you...' Yin pulled War by the waist, smashing their chest together. 'I had a talk with P'Mos and I'm sure you already knew who I am...'

'A little bit of course...'

'And glad to tell you more if you give me a chance...' Yin leaned over...their faces inches away from one another. 'What do you say?'

'What did Mos tell you?'

'He said if I hurt you in any way, the Romsaithong brothers gonna break my limbs in several pieces...'

'That sounds like Mos...' War chuckled. 'He's kinda protective...'

'Should I be jealous?' Yin raised an eyebrow.

'He's like my brother...besides, he's practically married to Banky since college...'

'Is that mean we can date?'

'I dunno...' War smirked. 'What do you think?'

'P' War!' Yin pulled War tighter in his embrace.

'Fine...let's date...' War said, earning big smiles on Yin's face. To be honest, he was kinda smitten with Yin. The younger one was polite, nice and very attentive.


Yin was about to kiss War when the door suddenly opened.

'Boss...the documents you...requested...' P'Jen eyes widened at the sight. 'Um...I'll just leave it on your desk then...' She quickly put the documents on War's table and hurried to the door.

'I guess the office just got another juicy gossip...' War sighed.

'Maybe I should make my presence more known here...' Yin said.

A kiss landed on War's cheek.

'Next time, it's gonna be on your lips...' Yin winked.


A/n : what do you guys think? I hope no one got dissapointed with the chapter. I'm thinking about writing another chapter under DANGEROUS LOVE...should I do it?

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