Sword Art Online's Assassin

By tankiss01

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(y/n) was about to celebrate SAO day when suddenly he is put into the world of SAO itself. Now fighting for h... More

information (edited)
Welcome to a new world of life and death
Floor 1
New friend's
Welcome to the brotherhood
The Moonlit Black Cats
Legends never die
The Dragon Tamer
Thanksgiving Special
The Master Blacksmith
The Black Swordsman and Lightning Flash
The Blue-Eyed Demon
Welcome to The Knights of the Blood Oath
Girl of Morning Dew
Can We Go Back
The Battle To End All Battles (The end of the Aincrad arc)
Christmas Special
Welcome To The Dessert of The Real (The beginning of the Fairy Dance Arc)
Welcome to Alfheim Online
Thank You
New Allies And New Enemies
A Duelist's Opponent
Truth's Revealed
Truth's Revealed Part 2
You Reap What You Sow (The End of The Fairy Dance Arc)
Fun Facts
The World of Guns (Beginning of the Phantom Bullet Arc)
The Assassin Returns to Gun Gale
Death Gun
Welcome to The Warzone
Back In Black
Laughing Coffin and Past Trauma
The Assassin vs. Death (The End of The Phantom Bullet Arc)
Thank you 2
(y/n) vs
Excalibur ( The Calibur arc)
Duel of The Fates (The Beginning of the Mother's Rosario Arc)
The Sleeping Knights
The Absolute Sword's Resolve (The end of The Mother Rosario Arc)
Sachi's Return
The Assassin's and Their Skills
Welcome Back, Assassin (The beginning of the Ordinal Scale Arc)
Memories and Dreams
Walking Into the Vipers Den
"And I Count My Sins" (The End of The Ordinal Scale Arc)
Street Racing Online
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
There's Still A Job To Do (The Beginning of The Alicization Arc)
"You Got To Be So Cold, To Make It In This World"
Welcome To Another World Of Pain
Truth's Revealed Part 3
Time to Run the Gauntlet
Time to Run the Gauntlet Part 2
The Final Push
The Most Important Fight of Our Lives (the End of The Alicazation Arc)
Truth Or Dare
A Reunion With An Old Friend
Returns and Confusion
Introducing New and Old Friends
The Formation of a Brotherhood
Truth or Dare Part 2
Can't Help Falling In Love
Our Job Isn't Done Yet (The Beginning of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Character Profile
An Assassin's Playground
The Spirit of a Warrior
The Calm Before The Storm
The Return of A Hunter
Night Time Fun
An Animal is Always Most Dangerous When it's Cornered
Sī Vīs Pācem, Parābellum
(y/n) Vs. Part 2
History Is Written By The Victor
Choices Have Consequences
The Rules Have Changed
I Make My Own Luck
One Last Dance
Finale Part 1 (The End of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Boy's Night
Finale Part 2
The End

The Good Kind of Payback (Night Time Fun Part 2)

289 6 5
By tankiss01

Spicy warning again, just like last time, things are going beyond PG-13 so you have been warned. And before anyone panics, all characters are 16 and older

(y/n) POV

January 28th 2027

I was over at Sachi's place, hanging out with her. No one was in her house so it was just the 2 of us. We were in her room cuddling and watching movies. I was still planning to make up to Sachi, Rika, and Keiko for making out with Alice, Asada, Suguha, and Yuuki. It was peaceful as the both of us were watching John Wick. I felt Sachi moving a little. It wasn't much, just small little movements, but it felt like she was holding herself back about something. Her hands were twitching a little as we continued to watch it. Once the movie was over, she hopped up quickly.

Sachi: I'm going to get snacks.

She then bolted out of the room before I could even protest.

Sachi POV

I walked out of my room quickly and went to the bathroom. God this is so nerve-wracking. Suguha, Alice, Asada, and Yuuki told me, Rika, and Keiko about their makeout sessions with him and god did they make it seem incredible. Yuuki also said that he would probably do the same for us so we decided to invite him over, I went first. I changed into an outfit that would leave nothing to the imagination, Rika's idea. But this is still nerve-wracking. They said he wouldn't go further than making out which made sense after they explained what he said, but still, it's the first time I've ever experienced something like this, but I know (y/n) will still be the kind, caring guy he always is. I let out a small breath as I walked out of the bathroom and back towards my room, thank goodness no one was there. I took one last deep breath before I walked into my room.

(y/n) POV

I heard the door open.

(y/n): Hey Sachi-

As soon as I looked at her, I swear I died on the spot. She was in an outfit that left nothing to the imagination. I felt my cheeks heat up at the sight of her and I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was checking her out because she looked so good like god damn. She must have gotten some confidence because she sauntered over here and I audibly gulped. She then got on top of me and straddled me.

Sachi: (y/n)?

I snapped out of it and looked at her in her light blueish green eyes.

(y/n): Y-Yes.

Sachi: What do you think?

(y/n): You look good, very good.

Sachi: Thanks.

(y/n): I'm guessing they told you 3 about what happened in The Underworld.

Sachi: They did.

(y/n): So this is what you were so nervous about.

Sachi: Yeah. (quietly) I've never done this before.

(y/n): Ok. Did they also tell you that I'm not going to go further than making out?

Sachi: They did.

(y/n): Ok, do you want me to take the lead?

Sachi: Yes please, I have no clue what to do.

(y/n): Ok.

I then flipped us both over so that I was straddling her. She squeaked a little as I did the move and I looked at her with a soft smile.

(y/n): Sorry I had to do that so suddenly.

Sachi: *blushing* It's ok.

I then leaned closer to her so that I was hovering just above her lips.

(y/n): (softly) You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

Sachi POV

I felt my heart swell after he said that, how could he be so caring and kind, even though I initiated this? I slowly moved my arm behind his neck and pulled him a little closer to me.

Sachi: I want this.

(y/n) POV

I felt her arm snaking behind my neck and she pulled me a little closer.

Sachi: I want this.

I moved down the rest of the way and kissed her gently. She sighed into the kiss as we continued kissing. I slowly moved my tongue across her bottom lip, requesting access. She slowly opened her mouth and my tongue went inside as things started getting a little more heated. Sachi started tugging on my shirt. She disconnected our lips.

Sachi: *panting* Can you take off your shirt?

(y/n): Ok.

I took my shirt off and I swore Sachi fainted.

(y/n): You ok?

Sachi: *blushing badly* I'm ok. You look so good. The scars make you look even better.

(y/n): You look good too.

Sachi: *blushing* T-Thanks.

I start kissing her again and she instantly reciprocates. I gently swiped my tongue across her bottom lip, requesting access. She opened her mouth and our tongues started wrestling for dominance. I won and began exploring her mouth as she let out quiet moans. I continued kissing her for a while until I broke us apart, both of us panting with our cheeks flushed.

(y/n): Sachi.

Sachi: (y/n).

We started kissing again and I then started peppering kisses across her jaw. She giggled a little but then I hovered just above her neck.

Sachi: (whimpering) (y-y/n), please.

(y/n): (husky) What do you want Sachi?

Sachi: Kiss my neck, please!

I grinned and started kissing her neck. I nipped at her neck a little and she let out a small squeak.

(y/n): You ok?

Sachi: Y-Yeah.

(y/n): Ok. Do you want more?

Sachi: Yes.

(y/n): Ok.

I started kissing her neck again and she was letting out small whimpers and quiet moans. I bit down on her neck a little and she let out a moan.

(y/n): How was that?

Sachi: Very good.

(y/n): More?

Sachi: Please.

I started kissing her neck again and bit down a little harder. Sachi let out a loud moan and I just smiled against her neck.

(y/n): (husky) Enjoying yourself Sachi?

Sachi just let out a whimper and nodded. I started kissing and biting her neck and she started moaning loudly again as I did so. She had her eyes closed and her mouth was in an O shape. I continued for a few more minutes until I slowed down. I started kissing her neck softer and softer as she tried to catch her breath. I moved back up and kissed her softly and she kissed back.

(y/n): How did that feel?

Sachi: Incredible.

(y/n): It wasn't too much was it?

Sachi: No. It wasn't.

(y/n): Ok. You are so beautiful, Sachi.

Sachi: Thank you.

Sachi then flips us both over and I let out a gasp of surprise.

Sachi: (husky) Now enjoy yourself (y/n).

Fuck that sounded hot. She then kissed me hard and then moved her tongue into my mouth. I didn't resist and let her explore. She explored my mouth, leaving no part untouched. She then disconnected our lips and moved down to my neck. She kissed around my neck a little, trying to find the right spot. She kissed over one spot that hitched my breath. I felt her smirk as she kissed that spot again, harder, causing me to let out a small groan. She then bit down on my neck hard, like Alice did. I let out a low moan as she did that.

Sachi: (husky) How did that feel (y/n)?

Where did she get this confidence boost?! I don't know where she got it but it's hot as hell.

(y/n): Very Good.

Sachi: (husky) Good.

She then started attacking my neck again and I started letting out grunts, groans, and muttered a string of curses.

Sachi POV

Oh god, where did this confidence come from? I just flipped the single most dangerous player in all of SAO and managed to get him even to moan. Oh god, that sound will play in my head for a long time. I can't believe I just not only heard that but, caused it too. I hope my phone caught that. How can my voice do this? Is it because it's him? Did he inspire my confidence? I'm just going to go with this.

(y/n) POV

Sachi kept kissing my neck but she was starting to slow down. She then came back and kissed me again. She disconnected our lips but was still on top of me. I was panting, trying to catch my breath.

Sachi: How was that?

(y/n): Fucking incredible.

Sachi: I'm glad.

(y/n): Where did that confidence even come from?

Sachi: I think you inspired it.

(y/n): I know one thing, it was fucking hot.

Sachi: *blushes* Thanks.

(y/n): Want to cuddle and watch another movie?

Sachi: Yeah.

We go back to cuddling and we watch John Wick Chapter 2. (Big John Wick fan here.) Once the movie was over, I left and walked home.

Sachi POV

As soon as (y/n) left, I texted Alice, Suguha, Asada, and Yuuki. We planned and talked after he left so in about 5 minutes, I heard a knock on the door. I quickly changed back into my normal clothes and then opened the door.

Suguha: Hey Sachi.

Sachi: Hey guys.

I ushered them inside and we all started talking in my room.

Alice: So, how was it?

Sachi: Incredible.

Suguha: Did you-

Sachi: Already ahead of you.

I pulled out my phone and pulled up the video I took. I let it play and after it was over, I looked over to the others.

The 4 of them: Oh my god.

Sachi: I know.

Yuuki: He sounded like that?

Sachi and Alice: Yeah.

Suguha: Alice, you heard it too?!

Alice: I did.

Asada: How?

Alice: I guess I bit his neck hard enough to elicit that.

Suguha: Oh.

Yuuki: I still can't get over that sound though.

Sachi: I know. That's going to play like a broken record in my head.

The 4 of them: Yeah.

Sachi: So, what happened when you made out with him?

Suguha: He came to me first.

Sachi: So, what happened?

Suguha: Well, he came by to chat, he was busy with something and didn't have time for us because this was after he came back and we understood, but he still felt bad. He said he wanted to spend individual time with us so we talked for a bit. He kissed me normally and we broke apart. The second time was way rougher.

Sachi: Then what happened?

Suguha: Well, I kissed him back the same, and well, it escalated.

Sachi: Oh.

Suguha: He didn't go further than kissing my neck but it felt so good. He stopped after a few minutes and let me do it to him. So, I got a little payback and caused the other 3 to be more aggressive with him.

Asada: Your plan worked.

Suguha: After a few minutes, I slowed down and stopped and then we started talking about why he didn't go further.

Sachi: So why doesn't he want to go further?

Suguha: One of the worlds he might go to, if he were to die in there, turning him into a vampire would save him but he has to be a virgin and a vampire of the opposite sex has to turn him.

Sachi: Oh.

Asada: Hellsing?

Suguha: Yeah. However, when we went to the World Tree to save Asuna, he turned into Alucard. Anyway, the look of the Alucard he turned into probably means that he's a bigger fan of Hellsing Ultimate so that's where he might go.

Asada: Oh.

Suguha: So, how did my plan work Asada?

Asada: Well, he came to me next. We talked for a bit but I saw the hickey you left on him. Let's just say that I pinned him to the bed, straddled him, and started questioning him.

Sachi: What was running through your head when you got on top of him?

Asada: Just the questions. Why, what was running through your mind?

Sachi: *blushing* The fact that I was pinning the single most dangerous man in all of SAO, and the fact that I even got him to moan.

Asada: Huh.

Sachi: It's a different understanding if you were a part of SAO.

Asada: Oh. Well, me and (y/n) made out, nothing more. However, he said he had 2 reasons why he stopped, the reason that Suguha said and because he didn't want to trigger a flashback to what happened to me after BoB 3.

Suguha: With your friend?

Asada: Yeah.

Sachi: Alice?

Alice: Same as Suguha and Asada.

Sachi: Yuuki?

Yuuki: Oh boy. Well, I made out with (y/n) and Asuna.

The other 4: What?!

Yuuki: Yeah, (y/n) set it up before they both came in. Hell, he even got Kazuto in on it.

The other 4: HUH?!

Yuuki: While I was making out with Asuna, Kirito walked in and (y/n) got him to join.

Sachi: Wow.

Yuuki: So, I may have talked to Rika and Keiko personally and asked them to get some payback for me.

Alice: What do you mean?

Yuuki: Well, at one point, both of them were kissing my neck.

Asada: And how was that?

Yuuki: Oh god, I thought I was about to have a heart attack, it was that good.

Everyone: Huh.

Suguha: Well, this is fun.

Sachi: Yeah.

After that, we just decided to hang out since I hadn't hung out with them since before they went to The Underworld.

timeskip brought to you by (y/n) smiling fondly at his girlfriends

(y/n) POV

January 31st 2027

I was at Rika and Keiko at Rika's house and I already knew what they were planning. I was watching a movie with both of them and Keiko was the one acting nervous while Rika was calm. Both of Rika's parents were out so it was just the 3 of us. We were watching The Hunger Games together and the first one just ended.

Rika: Me and Keiko are going to get snacks.

Both of them got up and walked out and I just waited for them to return.

Rika POV

We both walked out and went to separate bathrooms to change. I walked out first but didn't see Keiko. I walked over to the bathroom and saw the door was still closed. I gently knocked on the door.

Rika: Keiko?

Keiko: Y-Yeah?

Rika: Can I come in?

I heard the door unlock and I opened it and then closed it. Keiko was in a revealing outfit just like I was and I felt my cheeks heat up a little.

Rika: You ok?

Keiko just shook her head a little since she was curled into a ball. I moved and sat down in front of her.

Rika: What's wrong?

Keiko: I-I'm nervous.

Rika: Why?

Keiko: I don't know what to do. I-I've never done this before.

Rika: Me neither.

Keiko: But everyone is so much more confident at this than I am. W-What if I do something wrong a-and you, or (y/n), or both of you break up with me? *crying a little*

I gently grabbed her hands and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Rika: Keiko, look at me.

She slowly looks up at me.

Rika: I'm not going to do that and (y/n) sure as hell is not going to do that to you. We both love you so, so much. It's ok to be nervous with something like this but you are not going to do anything wrong. I promise you.

I kissed her softly to reassure her.

Keiko: Thank you Rika, and I love you too.

Rika: Better?

Keiko: Yeah.

Rika: Ready?

Keiko: *nods* Yeah.

We both got up and walked over to my room.

(y/n) POV

Rika: Hey (y/n).

I looked up at both of them and I swear I nearly fainted. Both of them were in revealing outfits that looked good on them. Both of them nodded to each other and then pinned me to the bed as both of them were on top of me.

Rika: I think you know where this is going.

(y/n): Yeah.

Rika got off of me and it was Keiko that was straddling me.

Keiko: (husky) So enjoy yourself (y/n).

Keiko kissed me and my entire mind went blank as I kissed her back with only one thought running through my mind.

(y/n): (thoughts) Where in the hell did Keiko get this confidence from?!

I wasn't complaining though as I felt Keiko push her tongue inside and I wrestled her for a minute before letting her win. She started exploring as Rika started kissing my neck. I let out a quiet groan as I continued to kiss Keiko. Keiko stopped kissing me and both of us were panting, trying to catch our breaths.

Keiko: (husky) Enjoying yourself (y/n)?

(y/n): (out of breath) Yeah.

Rika then bit down on my neck and I let out a low groan as Keiko started kissing me again and Rika continued to kiss my neck. I let out multiple grunts and groans as they continued.

Keiko POV

Oh my god! How am I doing this!? My girlfriend is kissing my boyfriend's neck and I'm kissing him like this! How does this feel so good? And the sounds he's making! Oh gosh.

Rika POV

Wow. I'm surprised Keiko, but I knew you could do it. I smirk a little because we were just getting started. But damn the sounds (y/n) is making, they sound like heaven.

(y/n) POV

Both of them started slowing down as Rika stopped kissing my neck and Keiko eventually stopped kissing me.

(y/n): Fuck you 2.

Keiko: H-How was it?

(y/n): Perfect Keiko.

Keiko then got off of me and Rika got on top and straddled me.

(y/n): Hey there.

Rika: Hey.

She then started kissing me as Keiko started kissing my neck. Rika then slid her hands under my shirt.

(y/n): Rika?

Rika: Can I take this off (y/n)?

I just nod, not trusting my mouth. She took my shirt off and both Keiko and Rika gasped.

Rika: I still can't believe what you've been through (y/n) and then seeing these reminds me of all you've been through.

Keiko: Not to mention they make you look even hotter.

I blush bright red because I'd never expected innocent Keiko to say that.

Rika: She's right, they make you look incredibly hot.

Rika then kissed me hard as Keiko started kissing my neck. Rika moved her tongue inside my mouth and I let her win and she started exploring my mouth as Keiko nipped at my neck a little. Me and Rika kept making out for a couple of minutes until she disconnected our lips and then moved to my neck, both of them were hovering just above my neck.

(y/n): Yuuki told you 2 to do this together, didn't she?

Rika: Maybe.

Both of them then moved down and bit my neck hard. I let out a low moan as they did so because god it felt good.

Keiko POV

Oh. My. God! H-How c-can he sound like that! I know Alice said it sounded good but my god! P-Plus the fact that he's the most dangerous player in SAO too! I can't believe I just heard that! I started redoubling my efforts.

Rika POV

Oh my. I knew it was going to sound good but not that good. Me and my girlfriend just got our boyfriend, the most dangerous player in all of SAO, The Assassin, to just moan. I think Keiko is having similar thoughts to me, I can see it in her eyes. She redoubles her efforts and I do as well.

(y/n) POV

They continued their assault on my neck and I let out a series of grunts, groans, and a string of curses all the while. After a few minutes, both of them slowed down and Rika got off my neck and kissed me softly.

(y/n): (out of breath) Fuck you 2.

Rika: Enjoy yourself (y/n)?

(y/n): Very much. And Keiko getting that confidence boost was hot as fuck.

Keiko: Thank's (y/n).

Me and Keiko sat up while Rika sat on my lap. I got a smirk on my face as I looked at Rika.

(y/n): Keiko?

Keiko: Yeah?

(y/n): *gesutres to Rika* Wanna help?

Keiko's eyes lit up as she smirked and moved towards Rika. I kissed Rika and moved my tongue inside. I wrestled her tongue for a moment before winning as Keiko started kissing her neck. Rika let out a muffled moan as we continued. I stopped kissing her, moved down to her neck, and gave Keiko a wink. Both of us then bit down on Rika's neck and Rika let out a loud moan as we did so. Me and Keiko continued our assault on her neck, Rika had her eyes closed, and her mouth was in an O-shape as she kept letting out moans.

(y/n): (husky) Enjoying yourself Rika?

Keiko: (husky) Yeah Rika, are you?

Fuck that sounded hot. Rika just let out a small whimper as a yes and me and Keiko just smirked. We then attacked her neck again and didn't let up for a couple of minutes until both of us slowed down. I stopped kissing her neck and kissed her softly before breaking apart. Rika was breathing heavily and holding onto me so as to not float away. Keiko looked at me worried but I gave her a reassuring smile.

(y/n): So, Rika, did you enjoy yourself?

She took a moment to recover before answering.

Rika: Y-Yeah.

Keiko: Good.

Keiko then kissed Rika deeply and the 2 broke apart after a minute.

(y/n): So, I want to ask, did Yuuki suggest both of you do this with me at the same time?

Keiko: She did.

(y/n): *chuckles* Seems she got her payback on me.

Keiko: (Nervously) So, did you enjoy it?

(y/n): *kisses Keiko* I did. Rika, was she nervous?

Rika: She was.

Keiko: *blushes*

(y/n): Why were you nervous?

Keiko: I was worried that I would mess something up.

(y/n): Keiko. *gently cups her cheek* Why would you think that?

Keiko: I-I never done this before or even fell for someone before so I-

(y/n): Keiko. *kisses Keiko softly* You are literally the youngest out of all of us at 16 so of course you're not going to know what to do, but I understand that and I'm not going to hold any of you to any standards. It's ok. I love you and I'm not expecting you to be perfect or to know everything.

Rika: He's right.

Keiko: I love you both.

(y/n) and Rika: We love you too.

Rika kissed Keiko for a moment as Rika got off of my lap. The 2 broke apart with both of their faces flushed.

(y/n): You 2 are so cute together.

Both of them started blushing.

(y/n): I've been meaning to ask, when and how did you 2 get together?

Rika: We got together during the New Year's party.

(y/n): Oh.

Rika: Yeah. Well, I started liking Keiko a few months ago, after you and Kazuto got back from The Underworld and after you got Yuuki and Asuna together, I just thought screw it and confess to Keiko. So, during the party, I pulled Keiko out to talk.

(y/n): Was it at about 10 minutes before midnight?

Keiko: Yeah.

(y/n): I thought I couldn't find you 2.

Rika POV

(y/n): So, what happened?


Me and Keiko were talking while everyone else was celebrating. I watched (y/n) hanging out with everyone else and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to confess to Keiko. I've fully fallen for this girl, no doubt.

Rika: Hey Keiko? *blushing*

Keiko: Hmm?

Rika: *blushing* Can we talk privately, outside?

Keiko: Sure.

Both of us got up and walked outside.

Keiko: So, what do you want to talk about?

I started getting nervous as thoughts started running through my head. What if she didn't feel the same or didn't want to be my friend anymore? Keiko gently grabbed my hand and I felt that same warmth from when (y/n) held my hand in SAO.

Keiko: Rika? Are you ok?

Rika: Umm, Keiko.

Keiko: Yes?

Rika: *blushing* I-

Keiko smiles softly at me and my heart flutters.

Rika: Keiko, I-I love you.

Keiko: *blushing* Huh!?

Rika: I love you Keiko, the same way I love (y/n).

Keiko: R-Romantically?!

Rika: Yeah.

Keiko looked at me and I started to feel my heart break when she kissed me. It took me a moment to recover but I kissed her back.

Keiko: I love you too.

Rika: R-Really?

Keiko: Yeah.

Rika: *smiles brightly*

Keiko: So, will you be my girlfriend?

Rika: Yes!

I kissed Keiko as my heart exploded. I kissed Keiko for a minute until we broke apart.

Keiko: So, what made you confess now?

Rika: (y/n) getting Asuna and Yuuki together.

Keiko: Oh.

Rika: Him getting the 2 of them together gave me the confidence to do it because we're dating him and after how supportive he was about their relationship, I guess I just thought I'd try.

Keiko: Oh. So, when did you want to tell him?

Rika: Tomorrow, we're meeting back up here so we'll tell everyone then, (y/n) first to see how he reacts.

Keiko: Sounds perfect.

Both of us walked back inside and celebrated New Year's.

flashback end

(y/n) POV

(y/n): Aww, that was cute.

Rika: Thanks (y/n), I was so nervous during the whole thing.

(y/n): Well, I'm glad I inadvertently got you 2 together.

Rika: Yeah, thanks (y/n).

(y/n): No problem.

I then moved Keiko over and placed her on my lap.

Keiko: *blushing profusely* W-What are you doing?

(y/n): I'm doing the same thing to you that I just did to Rika.

Keiko: O-Oh.

(y/n): Nervous?

Keiko just nods.

(y/n): You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

Keiko POV

(y/n). I'm falling for him all over again. The way he's looking at me with those soft and vibrant (e/c) eyes just makes me melt. A-And the fact that he asked me just makes me want to melt even more.

Keiko: Yes.

(y/n) POV

Keiko: Yes.

I kissed her softly as Rika came over and started kissing her neck softly. Keiko let out a sigh as we did so. I moved my tongue across her bottom lip, requesting access. She opened her mouth and I moved my tongue inside. She didn't give me much of a fight so I explored her mouth as Rika started kissing Keiko's neck more aggressively. Keiko let out a soft moan as I was making out with her but wasn't nowhere near as aggressive as I was with Rika. Keiko being so shy is so cute and I was easing her into this since she is the youngest. We disconnected our lips panting.

Keiko: (y/n)?

(y/n): Yes?

Keiko: Why are you being less aggressive with me than you were with Rika?

(y/n): I was easing you into this.

Keiko: Oh.

(y/n): Do you want me to be that aggressive?

Keiko: Yes, please.

I looked over to Rika and nodded. Rika then bit down on Keiko's neck a little as I kissed her aggressively. I slipped my tongue inside and she got a little more confident as she wrestled my tongue. I won and explored her mouth as Rika was still on her neck and Keiko was letting out muffled moans. I disconnected our lips and Rika stopped kissing her neck. Keiko was panting.

(y/n): (husky) Was that what you wanted Keiko?

Keiko whimpered and nodded. I moved down and kissed her neck softly and I heard her quietly gasp. I nipped at her neck a little and she let out a small squeak.

(y/n): You ok?

Keiko: Yes.

(y/n): More?

Keiko: Please.

I bit her neck a little and she let out a whimper and a soft moan.

Keiko: H-Harder.

I winked at Rika and then we both bit down on her neck and she let out a very loud moan. We both started attacking her neck as she kept letting out loud moans. I looked up at her and her eyes were closed as her mouth was in an O shape while she was letting out moans. Me and Rika redoubled our efforts on her neck. After a few minutes, me and Rika started slowing down on her neck. Our kisses became softer and softer and I moved away from her neck and kissed her deeply. After a minute, both of us broke apart and then Rika left her neck and kissed Keiko deeply. The 2 broke apart after a minute and Keiko was breathing heavily.

(y/n): How was that?

Keiko: It was awesome.

(y/n): That's good. We didn't take it too far, did we?

Keiko: No, you didn't.

(y/n): Good. You 2 are so damn beautiful, you know that?

Rika: Thanks.

Keiko: *blushing* Thank you (y/n).

(y/n): Hey, wanna watch Catching Fire and cuddle?

Rika and Keiko: Yes.

We started watching Catching Fire after they changed back to their normal clothes and we cuddled together. After finishing the movie, I went back home and spent some time cuddling Suguha. I had a small nagging feeling in the back of my head telling me that I was going to go back home soon.

timeskip brought to you by Chibi (a/n) planning out the sequel

February 3rd 2027

I woke up this morning with a very nagging feeling in the back of my head telling me something. I took a moment to think and I realized what this feeling meant. Today was my last day here. I was sitting on my bed when Kazuto woke up.

Kazuto: Morning.

I was just silent, not even greeting him as I was deep in thought.

Kazuto: (y/n)?

I finally snap out of it.

(y/n): Sorry.

Kazuto: I know that face, what's wrong?

(y/n): I think today might be my last day here.

Well, that's the penultimate chapter of this entire book. I'll gush more on the final the end part but it's over. I'll keep this short and simple. Thank you for being here and supporting this entire thing with voting and commenting and hell, just reading the thing. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. It's been a wild ride and it's about to be over. Once again, thank you and I hope you have a good day or whenever you are reading this, bye guys.


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